Medicinal herbs hemlock. Hemlock - medicinal properties and contraindications. Hemlock - side effects

Hemlock is a flower with a very dubious reputation: this is evidenced by the nicknames that the savvy Russian people bestowed on the medicinal herb. Pig louse, tar, stinking grass, gorigol - tenderness and admiration for the plant in these words is clearly not enough. Hemlock has had a bad reputation since ancient times - they allegedly poisoned the philosopher Socrates with it. But already from the Middle Ages, tar began to be used to treat severe venereal diseases and tumors, and modern herbal oncologists are developing entire treatment courses based on it. What is it, hemlock - a deadly herb or one that gives new life?

Villain with kind eyes

This is exactly how Simferopol oncologist Valery Tishchenko, who has long and successfully treated cancer patients with tincture of tar, christened hemlocks - romantically and with gratitude. But not everyone knows how to look into the eyes of hemlock weed - the photo and description of the plant strongly resemble parsley, and lovers of the fragrant spice have been poisoned more than once when they discovered a pretty weed in their garden...

Another dangerous twin of hemlock is hemlock, or poisonous hemlock. It grows closer to the swamps and has an enticing smell of sweet carrots, unlike the usual tar, which loves dry soil, and its smell is... mousey and rather disgusting. Some historians even claim that it was hemlock that killed Socrates, and hemlock was the culprit.

But inquisitive healers who knew how to recognize hemlock among other forest herbs were rewarded handsomely: in Europe, medieval monks used tar to treat tumors, and the ancient Russian “Collection of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich” recommended hemlock as a remedy for venereal diseases and malignant neoplasms. And in 1866, the strongest painkiller hemlock was included in the Russian State Pharmacopoeia - an official document! - and stayed there until 1902.

Medicinal properties of tar grass

The main secret of stinky grass is its chemical composition. Hemlock contains 5 powerful alkaloids, the main one of which is the nerve poison coniine - comparable in strength to the deadly Indian poison curare.

Official medicine and herbal medicine are afraid and do not recognize hemlock - only traditional medicine actively uses it for its medicinal properties and contraindications, at its own peril and risk. For therapy, tincture, powder and juice from the above-ground parts of the tar are used - stems, leaves and flowers.

Hemlock is not used for ordinary “everyday” illnesses - it is a truly powerful medicine, dangerous in inexperienced hands. Tar is a powerful immunomodulator, sedative and analgesic, anticonvulsant and cardiac drug, effectively resolves polyps, cysts and tumors.

Traditional healers advise using hemlock for the following diseases:

  • Benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • Atherosclerosis and varicose veins;
  • Prostatitis and prostate adenoma;
  • Migraines and tinnitus;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Gynecological problems (ovarian cyst, polyps in the uterus, etc.);
  • Polyps in the bladder;
  • In the form of patches, lotions and baths - for skin cancer, external organs, eye diseases, etc.

Contraindications and signs of poisoning

It is no coincidence that official medicine still does not use hemlock in its recipes - its medicinal properties are unique, but there are no less contraindications. The plant must be used under the close supervision of a doctor, but there are categories for which “tar therapy” is clearly prohibited. These are small children, pregnant women, hypotensive patients and people with chronic kidney pathologies.

In the process of preparing medicines from stinking grass, you also need to be more careful: the slightest overdose can cause poisoning, and if fresh hemlock juice gets on the skin, dermatitis is guaranteed. It is also important to know the symptoms of pork louse poisoning: if you have dripped yourself some extra tincture or accidentally picked a sprig of hemlock along with it in the garden, you will be able to recognize the cause of the problem and get to the doctor in time.

The main signs of “tar poisoning” are a burning sensation in the mouth and a scratching sensation in the throat, heaviness in the head, severe salivation, vomiting, dizziness, suspicious drowsiness, dilated pupils and even convulsions.

How to use hemlock correctly and safely?

Hemlock has one interesting quality - its use for a variety of ailments is practically the same: the main options are tincture and ointment. You can find tincture of tar in online stores or make it yourself - from freshly harvested herbs or ready-made dry raw materials.

A tincture of fresh summer hemlock is prepared as follows: loosely place the herb along with the seeds in a jar, filling 2/3 of the entire volume, pour in vodka (a couple of glasses of alcohol per glass of tar) and hide in a dark closet. In 10-14 days the super medicine will be ready. To make a dried tincture of stinking herb, you need to pour 50 grams of dried stems and leaves with 0.5 vodka and leave for 21 days.

Taking hemlock tincture is very simple - dilute a drop of the medicine in 100 ml of water and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. The next day - already 2 drops. When it reaches 20-30 drops, you need to start moving in the opposite direction. The break between such treatment courses is 1-2 weeks.

For herbal tar ointment you will need 50 grams of chopped fresh hemlock grass and half a liter. Pour oil over the weed, seal the container well and leave for three weeks, removing and shaking occasionally. Then strain through triple gauze and make healing compresses. This method is better than the first, as it does not use alcohol, which cripples instead of cures.

Forest doctor for cancer

Oncology is considered one of the most terrible threats of the 21st century - no one is immune from deadly tumors, so doctors and desperate patients are looking for more and more new cures for the terrible disease. But hemlock against cancer is not a modern invention: the “fragrant” herb against tumors was used by medieval healers, and today certified doctors and herbalists from all over the country offer their own courses of hemlock against cancer.

Remember: hemlock is not a universal drug against all types of cancer: tar tincture most successfully fights cancer of the prostate, breast, uterus, as well as throat, stomach, liver and thyroid. The medicine should be used according to the traditional regimen, increasing the dosage to 30, maximum 40 drops, and then gradually reducing.

It is important to use hemlock in oncology fresh; it is best to prepare a tincture with chopped young leaves. And most importantly, you should not rely on tar as your only and last salvation! Hemlock works only in combination, and not only with special medications, but also with other non-poisonous medicinal herbs.

Hemlock for cancer: what reviews say

When used against cancer, there is a lot of controversy hemlock –

Cancer is a serious illness, usually leading to death. Healthy people fear him like fire. And those who have already encountered it, sparing nothing, go to great lengths to save themselves. Official medicine offers a standard set: surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. The unofficial one doesn’t offer anything! Of course, even a straw seems like a log to a drowning person, but still it is hardly worth believing all healers indiscriminately. Sometimes their means are pure scams for personal gain. A completely different matter is hemlock tincture. She really saved many people, and saved those who did not survive from excruciating pain. This miracle potion was invented not by healers, but by scientists. They tested the effect of the drug on both animals and humans. You may ask: why then do people still die from cancer? Why is hemlock tincture not used in oncology clinics? Let's not look for answers to these not at all medical questions, but try to figure out what the healing secret of this amazing plant is.

Description of the plant

Hemlock, the tincture of which is considered a panacea, is an unassuming herb with discreet white flowers. Externally, the plant looks a little like overgrown parsley, and its seeds look like dill or anise. Hemlock grows like a weed. You can see it in the forest, in meadows, on mountain slopes, wastelands, landfills, near fences - in general, anywhere. In Russia, spotted hemlock is found almost everywhere, the tincture of which has truly magical healing properties. Its tall (up to 2.2 meters) branched stem is covered with brown spots. It's hollow inside. The root of the plant is similar to a carrot. The leaves are strongly feathery. Flowers are white “umbrella” inflorescences. The seeds are small, ribbed, gray-brown. One seed splits into two smaller ones called mericarp. 1000 pieces weigh just under 1.5 grams. Hemlock blooms almost all summer. In August-September, mature seeds appear. An important distinguishing feature is that the plant smells “pleasant” of mice if any part of it is kneaded with your fingers.

Carefully! Deadly poison!

Despite the fact that hemlock tincture is an invaluable medicine, the plant itself is very poisonous. Ancient Greek executioners even used hemlock as a murder weapon. This is exactly how Socrates was executed, by allowing him to drink a deadly infusion (according to another version, he took the poison himself). Some people mistake hemlock for garden greens, which is why they are easily poisoned. Its toxicity is caused by alkaloids, with which all parts of the plant are filled. The most “serious” of them is coniine. It often poisons not only people, but also livestock and poultry, and dried hemlock does not lose its properties. So, scientists have a version that it is coniine that kills cancer cells.

Standardized treatment with hemlock tincture is safe, but just in case, here are the symptoms of poisoning:

  • deterioration of vision and speech;
  • nausea;
  • pale skin;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • excessive salivation;
  • diarrhea;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • at the first stage there is strong excitement, later paralysis.

Numbness of the body begins with the feet and rises to the head. When the toxins reach the lungs, the victim dies from respiratory failure. The antidote is milk with potassium permanganate. It should be pink. In severe cases, urgent resuscitation measures are necessary.

When used externally, hemlock can also cause negative reactions in the form of redness and dermatitis.


Hemlock tincture is almost never found in pharmacies. Sometimes you need to “travel” the entire Internet to find it. But it doesn’t matter, you can prepare the drug yourself. Where to begin? From the procurement of raw materials. The ground part is suitable for medicinal purposes. Hemlocks are cut in June-July, and it is advisable to do this with gloves. The seeds can be picked immature (along with the umbels), but measures must be taken so that when they dry out they do not spill onto the ground. Hemlocks are dried in the shade, in places far from the homes of domestic animals and, of course, from children’s games. The finished raw materials are crushed and placed in an airtight, tightly closed container. Glass jars with lids are ideal.

Sometimes there is a need to use raw materials. In such cases, the grass is crushed and consumed immediately, according to the recipe.

Making medicine

Making a hemlock tincture is a little confusing. The Internet is full of instructions that say that to do this you need to go to a field or forest (and strictly in the morning), taking containers and alcohol with you, because after 20 minutes the grass loses its properties. However, it has been scientifically proven that the composition of dried hemlock remains virtually unchanged. In any case, the poisons do not disappear from it. There is a periodical called “Messenger of Hope,” which provides detailed information from issue to issue about the benefits and harms of this plant. Its pages contain recipes for hemlock tincture from fresh and dry raw materials. It is done only with medical alcohol (vodka) diluted in a 1:2 ratio, but not with water. So, what do you need to make an effective hemlock tincture? How to prepare it from a raw and dry plant?

1. Fill a third of the container of any container with chopped young shoots and fill it up to the neck with vodka. Let's close. We place it in the cellar for 10 days (you can use a refrigerator).

2. Fill the jar to the top with inflorescences (you can add leaves), but do not compact them. The mass should be loose. Fill with vodka, close, leave for 10 days.

3. Place the unripe (green) seeds together with the umbrellas loosely in a jar. Fill with alcohol (at least 70 degrees). Then the process is the same.

4. Grind the dry raw materials (all parts, even the roots), measure out 300 grams, place in a 3-liter container and fill to the top with vodka. We insist for two weeks.

The different amounts of raw materials are due to the fact that all parts of hemlock contain different percentages of alkaloids. There are 2% in seeds, 0.24% in flowers, 0.1% in leaves and stems.

There is another recipe. In the field, the above-ground part of the hemlock is cut into pieces, immediately, without leaving the bush, placed in a container about 2/3 full, filled with vodka or alcohol diluted in a ratio of 1:2 and left for 3 weeks, shaking occasionally.

There are many recipes. It is difficult to say which one is more effective. But each of them contains hemlock and alcohol.

With any method of production, the finished tincture must be filtered and placed in the refrigerator.

Treatment. Tishchenko's technique

So, you already have a hemlock tincture ready. Use in cancer is carried out using many methods. It is impossible to consider all of them in one article. Here are the most popular ones, according to the reviews of healed former patients.

Tishchenko’s methods are recognized as the most gentle. They are based on the so-called “slides”, that is, gradually increasing and then decreasing the dose. Shall we begin?


This technique in the rarest cases causes side effects, since treatment begins with minimal doses, and subsequently the body gradually gets used to it and no longer reacts so sharply to “feeding” it with poison.

So, day 1. 1 drop of tincture per glass of water. 2nd day - 2 drops, 3rd - 3 and so on up to 13 drops. Next, the amount of water is increased by 50 ml. The process is repeated up to 26 drops. And again add 50 ml of water. Thus, gradually reach 40 drops per dose. Drink the tincture once a day on an empty stomach, about an hour before meals. Having reached 40 drops, you need to start reducing the dose. Do the same as when increasing, only in reverse. Usually, several such “slides” are required for complete healing.

Note that this is the method most often used to drink hemlock tincture (use for cancer). Feedback from people is very favorable. According to the recollections of relatives, even those whom hemlock could not save found it much easier to endure the pain.

For very weak patients, you can not take it up to 40 drops, but stop at the amount at which the body begins to reject the medicine, for example, 15.

If, while climbing the “hill”, the patient suddenly feels disgusted with the medicine, it is necessary to reduce it to 1 drop and then climb again.

If the patient feels a noticeable improvement at some stage of the ascent, you can remain at this level and not increase the number of drops.

Ermolchik's technique

Some believe that hemlock tincture is much more effective in decoctions of other herbs. The application proposed by Ermolchik involves adding drops of tincture to decoctions of licorice, dried apricots, oregano, oats, and Kuril tea. This requires 50 ml of liquid.

In severe forms of the disease (metastases, late stages), it is recommended to drink the tincture 6 times a day. From 6 am to 6 pm every 3 hours, plus the last time at 8 pm. For the initial 4 days, drop 1 drop into water each time, the next 4 days - 2, then 3, 4, and 5. Stop there. Drink 5 drops until recovery.

For fibroids, Ermolchik advises douching with hemlock. Tinctures take 5 drops per 50 ml of herbal decoction (blackhead, wintergreen, boron uterus).

In fact, with any method, together with hemlock tincture or after finishing the “slide”, it is advisable to drink decoctions of other herbs. Most of all, healers and scientists recommend a decoction of oregano. This herb “knows how” to restore the blood formula. Preparation: for 0.5 liters of water, 2.5 tbsp. spoons of dry collection. Boil, leave overnight in a thermos, strain. Drink a glass (50-100 g) three times a day, with honey.

A decoction of rose hips with pine needles (pine or spruce) is also recommended. This remedy can remove poisons and restore blood vessels. Preparation: 5 tbsp. spoons of pine needles and 3 tbsp. pour spoons of berries with water (700 ml). Boil for 10 minutes and leave in a thermos overnight. Strain. Drink up to 1.5 liters per day. Kidney people can add onion peels (2 tablespoons) to the ingredients.


Cancer is such a cunning infection that, at the beginning of its development, sits quietly and unnoticed in the body. The disease can only be detected by chance during some kind of examination during this period. The tumor begins to manifest itself when it has already managed to strengthen and grow. So smart heads think that to destroy the disease in the bud, hemlock tincture is also suitable. How to take it healthy? Many people advise using Tishchenko’s royal method because it is the most harmless. Those who have tried it note an increase in body tone, improvement in the functioning of all systems, pain that has been tormenting for years goes away, skin problems (psoriasis plaques) disappear. It is recommended to conduct such preventive courses every year.

Hippocrates also used hemlock for treatment. Now traditional healers use it for epilepsy, whooping cough, and migraines (the drug relieves spasms and soothes pain). Healers prepare an alcohol tincture as an anesthetic at the rate of 1 part of the raw material to 10 parts of vodka.

Hemlock tincture. Use for other diseases

In addition to cancer, hemlock helps with:

1. Hypertension. Anyone planning to be treated with hemlock tincture should take into account that it “knows how” to lower blood pressure. Hypertensive patients drink 2 drops of the medicine four times a day for 2 to 3 months.

2. Constipation. 10 drops per glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach, the same in the evening.

3. Wet dreams. 2 drops in 1/4 glass of water four times a day, duration of therapy - up to 2 months.

4. Menstrual irregularities.

Before using the tincture, it is advisable to cleanse your body (especially for those who have undergone chemotherapy). A decoction of flaxseed gives a good result. Preparation: a glass of raw material is poured with hot water (boiling water), placed in a water bath and boiled for 2 hours. The finished broth is allowed to cool (so that it can be drunk) and consumed without restrictions.

External use

By the way, it should be noted that not only hemlock tincture is used for medicinal purposes. Reviews from patients show that an ointment based on this plant has also worked well. Cooking method:

1. Take 100 ml of sunflower (unrefined) or better good olive oil, add 2 tablespoons of dry hemlock, shake well and refrigerate for 2 weeks. After the expiration date, strain thoroughly (the gauze must be folded several times and surgical cotton must be inserted into it).

2. Take 100 ml of the same oil, pour into a metal container and place on low heat (it should not boil or foam, just heat up). Add small pieces of wax (from a candle) little by little and stir with something until it dissolves. Carry out this procedure until the composition turns white. Once the desired color is reached, remove the oil from the heat and let cool (it should become warm, not hot).

Add the first ingredient to the second and mix thoroughly.

This ointment has been used successfully against cancer, as has hemlock tincture. The use (reviews are evidence of this) is advisable for external types of cancer and for internal ones, only in such cases the ointment should be applied externally to the place that is affected by the disease. they say that this remedy helps with stages I and II, but with stages III and IV, trials have not yet been completed. Important! The ointment should not be applied to the neck and head for more than 2 hours.

Among other things, the drug is used for cuts, burns, hemorrhoids (heals cracks).

Freshly picked or dried hemlock leaves are used externally for gout, rheumatism of the joints, and thrombophlebitis. The raw materials are wrapped in a rag, poured with boiling water and applied to problem areas up to 4 times a day.

Hemlock tincture: use for cancer. Reviews from those who were cured

On thematic forums you can find articles whose authors scare you with hemlock. Their arguments are based on the extreme toxicity of the plant. They also claim that hemlock can kill only cancer cells, but is powerless during relapses. However, patient reviews say the opposite. People talk about how hemlock tincture helped them or their relatives. There are stories about the cure of patients whom doctors already considered hopeless (late-stage cancer, metastases) and discharged them home to die. There are often comments that talk about complete cure of lung, stomach, intestinal, and prostate cancer with this remedy.

There are, however, those for whom hemlock tincture did not help. People's reviews boil down to the fact that when taking it, the pain only decreased, but the patient still died. Well, let's not argue. Cancer is an insidious disease. And the body of each of us is unique. What suits one person may be rejected by another, and the final result depends on the degree of organ damage by the tumor at the time of treatment. But if not a single doctor in the world gives good prognosis for cancer of the third, much less stage IV, and even with extensive metastases, why not try hemlock? It certainly won't get any worse. Among those who were cured, there were many people who, together with hemlock tincture or in between “slides,” took ASD2 - another medical know-how. This drug, developed by the brilliant Dorogov, is able to penetrate cells without being rejected by them and restore their normal functioning. The drug ASD2 is unique, and the price is cheap (in pharmacies it costs less than a travel ticket). So why shouldn’t people who have no chance of being cured with the help of official medicine try to save themselves with the same means that have helped others?


Many serious illnesses can be treated with medicinal herbs. Hemlock belongs to this category - the medicinal properties and contraindications of this plant were known to the ancient Greek healer Hippocrates. The plant is poisonous, but you can harvest it yourself after studying the safety rules.

Hemlock - where it grows and what it looks like

The spotted or speckled hemlock plant belongs to the biennial herbs of the Apiaceae family. Grows in Africa, Asia and Europe. In our country it is found in almost all areas. He chooses well-lit, open places. You can find it on the edges of forests, roadsides, limestone slopes, fields, and vegetable gardens.

Grows up to 1.8 meters. The central stem is thick and covered with red speckles; these markings give the plant its name. Numerous branches with large leaves and inflorescences extend from the stem. The white flowers resemble umbrellas. In late summer in the second year, fruits are formed, they are eliminated and a new plant cycle begins.

Hemlock is classified as a poisonous herb and is highly dangerous. Our ancestors prepared terrible poisons from it. It was then that the beneficial properties of the plant were discovered. It contains the following substances:

  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids – quercetin, kaempferol;
  • acylglycerols;
  • fixed oils;
  • organic acids;
  • caffeic acid.

Don’t forget about the toxic components of hemlock – alkaloids. The most dangerous of them is coniine. According to herbalists, it kills cancer cells, acting like chemotherapy. In addition, hemlock contains:

  • methylkoniine;
  • coniceine;
  • pseudoconhydrin;
  • conhydrin.

Hemlock - medicinal properties

Traditional medicine has recognized the medicinal properties of hemlock since ancient times. Now doctors recommend combining the drug with other medications. Main advantages of the plant:

  • antitumor effect;
  • anticonvulsant effect;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • wound healing;
  • removal of excess fluid, like a diuretic;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • produces a calming effect;
  • impact on cancer cells;
  • relieving skin irritation;
  • antispasmodic effect.

Hemlock - application

For treatment, an alcohol tincture, oil or water infusion made from the leaves and flowers of the plant is used. The following diseases are indicated for the use of hemlock:

  • tuberculosis;
  • gout;
  • benign tumors;
  • rheumatism;
  • inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • diseases of the respiratory system and thyroid gland;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • ulcers;
  • varicose veins;
  • constipation;
  • systemic lupus erythematosus;
  • eczema;
  • diseases of the genitourinary, lymphatic and nervous systems;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • polyps of all types;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • joint diseases;
  • erysipelas;
  • arthrosis;
  • adenoma;
  • low blood pressure;
  • atherosclerotic plaques.

Hemlock is successfully used in oncology. There are many types of malignant tumors: breast cancer, ovarian cancer, stomach cancer, intestinal cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer, brain cancer, prostate cancer, adrenal cancer, thyroid cancer. Everyone has their own treatment method. However, when using hemlock for cancer, you need to follow the dosage. Otherwise, the beneficial properties will turn against the patient.

Hemlock tincture

An alcoholic tincture of hemlock, which is taken orally, is more effective against cancer. You can buy it or brew it yourself. Plant collection begins in May and continues until August. Leaves, inflorescences, seeds, fruits, both fresh and dried, are used for preparation. You need to use rubber gloves to collect them, as hemlock juice causes skin rashes.

The raw materials are placed loosely in a container and filled with vodka. The grass is completely covered with liquid so that the volatile substances do not evaporate. Place the bottle in a dark place, cover with a lid and leave for 2-4 weeks. This period is enough for the alkaloids to pass into vodka. The finished tincture needs to be strained. Store in a cool place out of reach of children.

Hemlock oil - application

If you combine internal and external treatment and a special diet, recovery will come sooner. The use of hemlock oil relieves swelling and relieves pain. It is well absorbed by the skin and has fewer side effects. The substance is applied to cotton swabs and placed vaginally or rectally. For prostatitis, it is recommended to rub oil into the perineum.

To make hemlock oil at home you need:

  1. Collect seeds and flowers in a container, filling it 2/3 full.
  2. Fill to the neck with any vegetable oil, preferably olive or linseed.
  3. Instead of a lid, cover with a plastic bag, which is secured with an elastic band.
  4. Leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain before use.

Hemlock treatment

All hemlock treatment methods are divided into intensive and gentle. The first group includes methods when, according to the instructions, several drops are taken at once, with an increase in dosage throughout the day. These techniques cannot be carried out independently; it is necessary for someone close to you to always be with the patient in order to provide timely assistance in case of an overdose.

Gentle methods allow the body to get used to the poison; they do not bring quick results, but are not so dangerous. A doctor who practices the use of folk remedies for cancer can tell you which method to choose and how to take hemlock correctly. It is not recommended to self-medicate, relying only on reviews on the Internet.

Treatment with hemlock using the Tishchenko method

Start taking the tincture as planned: one drop per 100 ml of water per day. You should add 1 drop daily until the number reaches 40. Then the intake continues, but the number of drops decreases every day from 40 to 1. An important rule: when increasing the number of drops, you need to add water - 50 ml per 10 drops, per 40 drops you will need 300 ml of liquid.

The method of using hemlock in this way was popularly called “royal” due to its high efficiency. Its main advantage is that the dosage is increased gradually and the body has time to get used to the poison. Treatment of cancer with hemlock according to Tishchenko’s method is used not only in folk medicine; doctors with many years of experience confirm the effectiveness of this method.

Hemlock tincture use in gynecology

The medicinal properties of the plant are also used for women's health. The use of hemlock tincture in gynecology helps treat:

  • fibroids;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • endometriosis;
  • uterine cancer;
  • mastopathy;
  • polyps in the uterine cavity and cervix.

External methods have proven themselves well in the treatment of tumors in women. These include douching and tampons. To avoid side effects, use diluted hemlock oil and tincture. To do this, the oil is diluted with vegetable oil, and the tincture with water. If the description of the method says to do tampons 3-4 times a day, at first 2 times will be enough.

Hemlock - side effects

For any treatment method, the dose should not exceed 90 drops; after this amount, an overdose is inevitable. The following side effects of hemlock are known:

  • blurred vision;
  • headache;
  • burning in the throat;
  • chills;
  • diarrhea;
  • salivation;
  • dizziness;
  • lethargy;
  • vomit;
  • nausea.

Then comes ascending paralysis, which begins with numbness of the limbs and rises to the head. If any of the symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately stop treatment and take the patient to a doctor, indicating the cause of poisoning. Without urgent medical attention, death is likely; it is not for nothing that hemlock grass is on the list of poisonous ones.

Hemlock contraindications

Before starting treatment, a medical consultation is required. It helps to identify other diseases for which the use of the plant is prohibited. Hemlock contraindications:

  • renal failure;
  • exhaustion of the body;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • liver diseases;
  • epilepsy.

After surgery to remove a cancerous tumor, treatment begins only after 2 weeks. It is forbidden to drink a tincture of the plant during pregnancy - this leads to fetal malformations or miscarriage. Be sure to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. The poison coniine leads to the fact that in combination with nicotine and ethanol, hemlock poisoning occurs.

Alexey Tatarinov

Analyzing the medicinal properties and contraindications of hemlock, one can understand that if the dosage is observed correctly and restrictions on use are taken into account, preparations from this plant have a good therapeutic effect even in cases of serious diseases.

Description and composition

Undemanding to soil, spotted hemlock (Conium maculatum) has a wide growing range - Asia, North Africa, Europe. Belongs to the Umbrella family (Apiaceae). This two-year-old herb has a number of other names - headwort, wild parsley, angelica. You can also find such names as whistler, stinkhorn.

The stem of hemlock mottled (spotted) is tall with numerous spots. It has a spindle-shaped root with a whitish tint. The leaves are alternate, shaped like parsley. Small white flowers are collected in an inflorescence - an umbrella, which, after the seeds ripen, becomes similar to dill or anise. The flowering period occurs in June – July. Seed ripening occurs at the end of summer.

Possessing many medicinal qualities known since ancient times, the hemlock plant requires caution in handling, as it is a highly poisonous representative of the flora. The following substances are identified in its composition.

  • A fatty oil containing in its structural formula glycerides of two acids – petroselidinic and petroselinic;
  • Alkaloids that determine the toxic qualities of hemlock. Coniine has the most powerful toxic properties. Also presented are pseudoconhydrin, methylkoniine, coniceine, and conhydrin. The largest amount of alkaloids is found in fruits and seeds (about 2%). They are found in leaves (≈ 0.1%) and flowers (about 0.24%).
  • Caffeic acid.
  • Quercetin found in flowers. Has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Essential oil.
  • Kaempferol, which is part of the flowers. It has a strengthening effect on blood vessels and...

Hemlock grass is harvested during the flowering season. When collecting, be sure to wear rubber gloves to protect yourself from poisoning. The entire aerial part is used for drying and further use in the preparation of medicinal compositions.

What does hemlock cure?

The numerous medicinal properties of hemlock are based on its ability to provide anti-inflammatory, analgesic, immune-strengthening, and anticonvulsant effects.

In the early stages, hemlock is used against cancer due to its antitumor activity. Preparations created from its aerial parts have gained popularity due to a whole range of useful healing qualities:

  • allow wounds to heal faster because they have antiseptic properties;
  • are effective diuretics;
  • relieve nervousness, have a calming effect;
  • have a rapid antispasmodic effect.

Among the medicinal properties of hemlock, one should also note its ability to lower blood pressure.

What diseases does it help with?

Treatment with hemlock used in folk medicine allows one to obtain positive results in the following pathological conditions:

  • development of benign tumors - fibroids, epithelioma, adenoma, endometriosis, fibroma, mastopathy, etc.;
  • epilepsy;
  • the occurrence of polyps in the gastrointestinal tract, bladder;
  • syphilis;
  • dysfunction of the menstrual cycle;
  • constipation;
  • high blood pressure;
  • vascular pathologies – varicose veins, thrombophlebitis;
  • migraine;
  • tuberculosis.

The benefits of hemlock are especially pronounced in situations where it is necessary to reduce pain and eliminate inflammatory processes in osteochondrosis, gout, arthritis, and arthrosis. Preparations based on it can effectively combat many skin lesions.

The use of hemlock has become particularly famous in the development of cancer. This is due to the effect of substances contained in the plant directly on the rapidly growing tumor. Cancer cells are destroyed, the immune system is strengthened, which simultaneously prevents the occurrence of concomitant pathologies.

Folk recipes

Despite the beneficial properties of hemlock, you should not self-medicate. Any preparations using such raw materials should be an integral part of the general therapeutic complex prescribed by a doctor. Without the permission of a specialist, there is a danger of serious negative consequences.

Alcohol tincture

An alcohol tincture of hemlock is prepared from dry or independently collected fresh above-ground parts of the plant. The raw materials are placed in a glass bottle without compaction almost to the very top, and then vodka is poured. It should completely cover all the grass. The container is kept under a cork for about a month in an unlit place, and then filtered. The container with the finished tincture must be labeled and stored in a cool place, out of the reach of children.

Hemlock oil

To obtain healing oil, place hemlock flowers and seeds in a glass jar so that there is empty space on top, constituting a third of the total volume. Pour in vegetable oil up to the neck. Preference is given to olive oil. Place a plastic bag on top and secure it to the neck with an elastic band. After 2 weeks of aging in dark conditions, the oil is filtered.

Hemlock ointment

An ointment is prepared from dry hemlock grass in several stages. First, the raw materials (2 tablespoons) are infused in olive oil (100 ml) and kept in cool conditions for 2 weeks. Strain thoroughly using several layers (7 – 9) of gauze. For the second part of the ointment, take vegetable oil (100 ml) separately and heat it on low heat until it becomes hot.

At this point, small fragments of a wax candle are gradually added while stirring. Continue this action until the oil acquires a uniform white color. After cooling to room temperature, pour in the oil mixture with hemlock, mix and place in the refrigerator.

Water infusion

Hemlock herb (a teaspoon) poured with boiling water (250 ml) is placed in a thermos for 6 hours. The strained infusion can stand for 5 days in the refrigerator.

Treatment methods for certain diseases

When starting treatment for any disease, you should follow the recommendations and first conduct test checks on a small area of ​​skin to exclude the possibility of allergies.

Compresses and applications for joint and skin diseases

Hemlock leaves are placed in a gauze napkin. Roll up the gauze and pour boiling water over it. After some time, after waiting for a temperature that is tolerable for the skin, it is placed on the affected area and fixed. It is advisable to change the compress every 6 hours per day. This treatment is continued for an average of 2 months.

Soak cotton wool in the evening with an aqueous infusion of hemlock and distribute it over the area requiring treatment. Cover with cellophane and a warm scarf. Remove the compress in the morning. In addition to the infusion, hemlock oil, which is used to soak a gauze or cotton pad, has a good effect.

Hemlock infusion or ointment is used for applications. They are especially effective in treating poorly healing wounds and blisters. Apply a sterile cloth soaked with these drugs every day for 2 hours.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

To relieve pain and gradually eliminate inflammation, apply cotton wool soaked in hemlock tincture to the hemorrhoids for 3 minutes. If bleeding is a concern, then tampons with hemlock oil are inserted into the anus at night. You can soak them in an aqueous infusion of this plant.


It is important to know how to take hemlock in the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis or thrombophlebitis. Use the tincture by diluting 2 drops in water (a tablespoon). Drink three times a day on an empty stomach. The course duration is 3 months.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle

If the cause of the menstrual cycle is not menopause or pregnancy, then drink the tincture three times a day for a month. To do this, the product (2 drops) is diluted in water (a tablespoon).

Relief from pain

To get an analgesic effect, drink 2 drops of tincture, dissolved in a tablespoon of water, before meals 5 times a day. To relieve severe attacks of pain, dilute 10 drops of tincture in 50 ml of purified water.

Cancer treatment

The most famous is Tishchenko’s method, which prescribes how to drink hemlock with gradual addiction to it. Take the tincture an hour before meals, in the morning on an empty stomach. The scheme is simple and does not require effort to remember.

When practicing the treatment of cancer with hemlock, on the first day they use just a drop of the remedy, dissolved in water (100 ml). Daily increase the dose of tincture by 1 drop until you reach 40 drops. This is then followed by a daily reduction in dosage according to the same principle from 40 to 1.

When taking hemlock for oncology, the amount of water is increased and then decreased. In this case, 14 drops of tincture require 250 ml. water, with 26 drops (maximum value) - 300 ml. For complete recovery, 2–3 treatment courses are necessary.

Contraindications and side effects

When starting treatment, you should take into account the contraindications of hemlock so as not to cause serious harm to your body:

  • arterial hypertension;
  • weakened, exhausted body;
  • epilepsy attacks;
  • renal failure;
  • liver diseases.

Pregnant and lactating women should not consume poisonous hemlock. If there was an operation to remove a malignant tumor, treatment measures focused on taking the tincture should begin after 2 weeks. You should not continue to smoke or drink alcohol at the same time as hemlock, as they enhance the effects of the poison coniine.

If the dosage is exceeded, adverse side effects of hemlock caused by poisoning appear. If the amount has been increased slightly, blood pressure rises and heart rate increases. Dizziness, nausea, and speech impairment appear. With a significant overdose, hemlock poisoning is expressed in the onset of excitement, followed by cessation of breathing. What to do in case of poisoning.

It should be noted that reviews of hemlock treatment are ambiguous. There are many positive reviews confirming the effectiveness of drugs based on it in the treatment of even advanced and complex diseases, including oncological types.

However, there are many people who do not accept the use of poisonous drugs obtained from hemlock, believing that the harm from them outweighs the possible benefits. Official medicine also does not recognize them as medicinal drugs.

Hemlock is a tall-stemmed plant of the Apiaceae family. It blooms with small white flowers, from which small round grains appear when ripe. The distribution area is everywhere, in any climate, but southern varieties are more biologically active.

  • essential oil;
  • caffeic acid;
  • carotene;
  • provitamin A, vitamin C.

The main poisonous part of hemlock is coniine. The poison is distributed among plant parts as follows:

  • seeds – 2%;
  • flowers – 0.24%;
  • stems, leaves, rhizomes – 0.1%.

The leaves are especially poisonous during the flowering period. Then some of the poison passes into the seeds. A strong toxin is characterized by:

  • pronounced paralytic effect;
  • the ability to sharply increase blood pressure;
  • increase contraction of the heart muscle.

Important! When manipulating a plant, it is important to follow the rules:

  • When finished, wash your hands thoroughly.
  • Store in a safe place, out of reach of children, and be sure to label the container with the drug.
  • Strictly observe the dosage.

Beneficial features

The effectiveness of hemlock is well known to official medicine and is actively promoted by traditional healers. The plant’s amazing ability to stop cell division without affecting their healthy relatives makes this natural medicine an important aid in the fight against a fatal disease.

The immunostimulating abilities of hemlock have led to the emergence of a version about the need to use a tincture from this poisonous plant for the prevention of cancer. However, the medicinal properties of hemlock tincture in this case will have the opposite effect - not by healing, but by developing a strong immunity against drug exposure in malignant cells. Taking constant doses of poison, the body can react in unpredictable ways.

The following possibilities of the tincture’s effects on humans have been reliably established. The extract has the following effect:

  • fights tumors;
  • calms;
  • heals wounds;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • relieves cramps and spasms;
  • has an antiseptic effect.

However, the main advantage of the plant is the targeted fight against oncology, especially with the spread of metastases or diagnosed leukemia.

What diseases does it help with?

Hemlock is widely used in official medicine. Plant-based preparations are recommended if:

  • anemia was diagnosed;
  • epilepsy attacks are observed;
  • lymph nodes are inflamed;
  • pain in the stomach appears;
  • chronic infections have been identified;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • suffer from severe coughing attacks;
  • prostatitis progresses, there are signs of other “male” diseases;
  • there is a constant feeling of fear, anxiety, sleep is disturbed.

The plant provides effective assistance in gynecology. Hemlock can normalize the monthly cycle and is useful for uterine fibroids and endometriosis.

Hemlock tincture is very popular for oncological pathologies. The ability of a natural medicine to effectively attack damaged cells and relieve pain conditions has been officially recognized.

Cooking recipes and rules of administration

How to prepare raw materials for tincture

The plant is harvested in the summer, during flowering. Medicines are made from leaves, fruits, and flowers of hemlock. The most valuable raw material is the inflorescences that have reached full color. It is advisable to place hemlocks immediately after cutting in a container pre-filled with an alcohol composition so that the ester in the coniine oil does not have time to evaporate.

It is recommended to carry out the harvesting with gloves so that the skin comes into contact with the hemlock as little as possible, however, after collecting and harvesting, you can simply wash your hands thoroughly several times. The raw materials are dried in a non-residential area with good air circulation, where access to animals and children is prohibited.

Dry hemlock is stored in a labeled iron jar, under a tight lid. It is safer to store the workpiece in a secluded place, closed to public access.

Alcohol tinctures

An alcohol-infused potion is made from 2 parts herbs and 1 part medical alcohol or high-quality vodka. The method of using hemlock infusion depends on the type of disease. Renal colic, intestinal spasms, menstrual pain are relieved by drinking 1 glass with 2 drops of tincture five times 0.5 hours before meals.

Other pains can be relieved externally - by simply lubricating the skin in the painful area. For serious chronic diseases (oncology, tuberculosis, benign tumors), a special treatment regimen is being developed.

Every day, the number of drops dissolved in 0.5 glasses of water per dose increases by 1 drop, bringing the amount to 13. On the 14th day, the drops are dissolved in 2/3 glasses, reaching 24 drops per dose.

The next stage is from day 25 to dissolve the droplets, take 1 glass, gradually increasing the dosage. When 40 drops are reached, the dosage is gradually reduced in the reverse order, returning to 1 drop.

The shelf life depends on the type of raw material and the type of disease.

Tincture for cramps (spasms)

For renal colic, epilepsy, whooping cough, stomach cramps - 30 g of the dry source is poured with 0.5 liters of vodka, tightly closed with a lid, and left for a week.

Directions for use: 5 times a day, 2 drops diluted with water in a tablespoon, consumed before meals.

Hemlock oil

The remedy is obtained from freshly cut hemlock umbels by dousing the grass with olive oil. After three weeks in the cold, the oil is filtered and used externally. The healing composition helps in cases of:

  • formation of cysts, fibromas in the breast;
  • severe joint pain;
  • in the treatment of hemorrhoids.

Before use, you need to add 2 more parts of oil to the finished medicine per 1 serving.

According to another recipe, using 2 cups of crushed seeds and inflorescences in 0.5 liters of oil (olive, vegetable), a significant improvement in the condition is achieved by lubricating the skin or applying a warming bandage to the sore joint, for diseases:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • gout;
  • radiculitis;
  • ulcers, wounds.

Attention! If the joint is inflamed or the temperature is elevated, the warming method is not used.

From fungus

The external remedy is used for skin problems: inflammation, burns, fungus. The oil relieves pain and accelerates tissue healing.

Have to take:

  • hemlock in different types and proportions (seed part - 5 g, fresh grass - 20 g);
  • oil (olive, vegetable) – ¼ liter.

Treatment regimen: daily, twice, oil hemlock is applied for 0.5 hours, after which it is washed off with plain water.

Water tincture

A water infusion contributes to the successful treatment of asthma, acting as an effective pain reliever and relieving coughing attacks. The tincture requires two components: water (300 ml), hemlock leaves (10 g). Preparation:

    Pour boiling water over dry leaves.
    Leave in a thermos for 12 hours.
    Strain the finished drug and store in the cold.

Method of administration: 1 tsp. before meals.

Tincture according to Tishchenko

Methodology V.V. Tishchenko is considered one of the most gentle, easy ways to fight cancer.

Gentle method of administration according to Tishchenko

The dosage regimen describes in detail how to take hemlock tincture for oncology:

  • 1 day - before meals, 1 drop dissolved in 0.5 tbsp. water;
  • Day 2 – 2 drops;
  • Day 3 – 3 drops.

In subsequent days, add 1 drop, bringing the intake to 40 drops per day. Then daily the amount is reduced by 1 drop, returning to taking 1 drop per day.

Traditional healers recommend 2 or 3 courses in a row. If there are obstacles to long-term treatment, you can take a break for 7 days, then resume. Non-traditional treatment is carried out twice a year, or three courses are distributed over two years.

The second option is a complicated technique

The number of droplets increases 3 times:

  • 1 day – 3;
  • Day 2 – 6;
  • Day 3 – 9 drops.

No more than 3 courses are required per year. If necessary, treatment is resumed, distributing 3-4 courses over 2 years.

Seed tincture

The seeds are poured into a jar, filling it to the top, then medical alcohol is poured in so that it completely covers the seeds and left for 15 days to infuse.

How to take it correctly

Intensive course methodology

It is used for progressive oncology when intensive therapy is required. Treatment regimen by number of drops:

  • 1 day: in the morning – 1, in the afternoon – 2, in the evening – 3;
  • Day 2: in the morning – 4, in the afternoon – 5, in the evening – 6;
  • Day 3: in the morning – 7, in the afternoon – 8, in the evening – 9.

The number of drops is added until 40 drops are consumed per day. Upon reaching the upper “bar,” the body is allowed to rest for 4-5 days, then the process is resumed.

If your condition worsens, you can switch to more gentle methods.

Aggressive hemlock treatment

The scheme is almost similar to Tishchenko’s method. The only difference is that there is no limit on the amount of medication. The amount of the drug is increased until side effects are recorded.

Then the dosage is stopped increasing, waiting for the condition to stabilize. After normalization, the dose begins to be increased again. Having reached the maximum number, they drink the drug for 10 days without changing the dosage, then switch to a reduction regimen.

Attention! The technique is used only under the supervision of an oncologist with an accurate recording of the patient’s well-being.

Ermolchik method

There is another well-known method of using hemlock for oncology, the author of which is A.M. Yermolchik. This scheme is used in the treatment of oncology. Simultaneously with the hemlock infusion, a decoction is taken, in which the following raw materials are used:

  • oats;
  • licorice;
  • oregano;
  • caragana

The herbal medicine is prepared by pouring 1 liter. dry raw materials 240 ml boiling water, leave for 20 minutes.

Reception regimen:

  • 4 days, 1 drop, 6 times during the day. There are equal intervals between doses.
  • The following days: every 4 days add 1 drop, bringing the daily intake to 5 drops.

Oats for decoction are prepared in a different way: 200 g of grains are poured with water overnight to swell. In the morning, add water, put it on fire, and cook for 1.5 hours. As cooking progresses, you need to periodically add water. The resulting mixture is filtered.

For the treatment of cancer in late stages, with rapid spread of metastases, the following scheme is used:

  • 5 times a day, from 06:00 to 18:00, every 3 hours, + last dose - at 20:00 - take a drop dissolved in water for the first 4 days.
  • From 5 to 8 days - two drops per dose, etc., bringing up to 5 drops. At this figure, the dose increase is stopped and consumed until recovery.

At the end of treatment, it is recommended to reinforce the condition with a decoction of oregano. The herb has been proven to help in blood restoration processes. It must be remembered that any instructions for using hemlock tincture are not universal. The regimen and dosage are developed strictly individually.

The effectiveness of hemlock in oncology

Those who have had to deal with this terrible disease have heard most about the miraculous ability of hemlock to help with cancer. However, doctors warn that hemlock cannot be considered an absolute panacea for cancer.

Each drug only helps the body in treatment, mobilizing its own strength to resist the disease. The immune system must actively respond to the invasion of the poison, otherwise the tumor will continue its destructive effect.

When diagnosed with oncology, you cannot completely rely on the help of natural natural remedies. It is important to correctly combine all possible means of treatment, guided by the prescriptions of the attending physician and consultations with a herbalist.

One should not think that hemlock is the only remedy for malignant tumors. In addition to this plant, other inhabitants of the flora help in the fight against this terrible disease, for example, celandine or Djungarian aconite.

Merging aggressive (medical) and gentle (folk) treatment into one process makes it possible to enhance the effectiveness of the course, support the immune system, and alleviate pain.

Pharmacy analogues

Mastopol. The medicine was developed on the basis of hemlock, is used in the treatment of neoplasms in the mammary glands, and has a positive effect on the female body, coupled with homeopathy. The therapeutic effect is proven by medical statistics: in 60% of women, after taking Mastopol for 2 months, lumps in the breast disappeared, in 40% of cases there was a steady positive trend.

Conium. The homeopathic remedy contains microscopic doses of hemlock and is used to treat:

  • tumor processes in the lymph nodes;
  • bronchial asthma
  • convulsive state.

The drug can be taken without fear - a small amount of hemlock does not cause side effects or other undesirable consequences.

Hemlock tincture from Russian producers. The infusion is declared as a medicine of natural origin for the treatment of many serious diseases, including oncology, atherosclerosis, and various joint pathologies.

Side effects

Compliance with the exact dosage guarantees the absence of undesirable effects from the use of hemlock in the treatment course. A confirmed side effect of hemlock tincture on the body is increased cardiac activity and increased blood pressure.

Violation of the dosage and taking medicinal drinks at “Olympic pace” cause poisoning. Its signs:

  • saliva production increases;
  • convulsions occur;
  • the skin loses sensitivity;
  • dizziness and severe nausea are observed;
  • paralysis forms and quickly spreads throughout the body from bottom to top.

As poisoning develops, it causes an attack of suffocation followed by respiratory arrest. If there are signs of a sharp deterioration in the condition, you need to rinse the stomach, or dilute potassium permanganate crystals in milk and drink - the composition is a good antidote.

Who is not recommended for use?

Allergies and individual intolerance to the plant practically do not occur. However, medications based on hemlock are contraindicated:

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children;
  • elderly people in a weakened state, severely exhausted;
  • recently operated patients.

Those people who have liver problems should pay special attention to preparations with hemlock. If you have hepatitis, cirrhosis or chronic alcoholism, you cannot take medications.

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