Dark bloody discharge. Why does a woman have brown discharge: physiological and pathological reasons. When specific discharge is normal

Brown discharge in women, what is it, should it be regarded as menstruation or a symptom of a disease? There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of this symptom. If this happens repeatedly, you need to be examined by a gynecologist, who will not only refer you for an ultrasound, but also examine the walls of the vagina and cervix, and collect an anamnesis. In this way, the causes of brown discharge are clarified and the issue of treatment is decided.


With this disease, endometrial cells (this is the upper layer in the uterine cavity, which is renewed with each menstruation) grow deep into the uterus, into its muscular layer - the myometrium. Adenomyosis is one of the main causes of infertility. A very common disease. Causes pain in the lower abdomen, heavy menstruation, dark brown discharge in women at the end of menstruation.

This diagnosis is made preliminary using ultrasound. Adenomyosis, as well as the prevalence of the process in the uterus, can be accurately determined using hysteroscopy - examination of the uterine cavity with a special optical device.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure adenomyosis. Only if the uterus is removed. But this is done extremely rarely, and if adenomyosis is combined with another pathology, for example, multiple uterine fibroids, a very large node, endometrial hyperplasia, large blood losses during menstruation and intermenstrual bleeding.

Adenomyosis is a hormone-dependent disease. That is, you can wait until menopause and its symptoms will disappear. Also, brown discharge during pregnancy cannot be a consequence of adenomyosis. Pregnancy serves as a kind of treatment.
If you are far from menopause, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs according to different regimens. If the symptoms are not too pronounced, and if pregnancy is not planned in the near future, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed in the form of tablets or an intrauterine system. Brown intermenstrual discharge in women disappears. My periods come regularly and are painless. Blood loss with them is insignificant.

Chronic endometritis

This disease causes damage to the endometrium by any infectious pathogens. They can enter the uterus as a result of various gynecological procedures that require penetration into the cavity of this organ. For example, collection of material for endometrial biopsy, abortion, hysteroscopy, etc.

Symptoms of the disease are low-grade fever, irregular menstrual cycle, light brown discharge, prolonged, heavy and painful menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding. Sometimes menstruation disappears altogether. Pelvic pain appears.

The causative agents of the inflammatory process can be a variety of microorganisms, including those that provoke bacterial vaginosis. Brown discharge with an odor in women is evidence of this. However, viruses can also be to blame for chronic endometritis. For example, cytomegalovirus and herpes infections. It is necessary to undergo treatment, otherwise the inflammation will spread to the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Antibacterial agents are usually prescribed - antibiotics.

Trauma to the vagina and cervix

In case of injury received during sexual intercourse, the woman feels pain and bleeding is short-lived. Does not require treatment. Only short-term sexual abstinence and further exclusion of actions that led to injury.

In case of injury to the cervix, erosion occurs on it. It is called true. Goes away on its own within 10 days. Some women use sea buckthorn suppositories and other folk remedies to speed up healing. But they are optional.

It may bleed after gynecological manipulation - for example, taking material from the cervix for analysis.


Taking hormonal contraceptives can cause intermenstrual bleeding. The likelihood of this side effect is especially high in the first three cycles of taking it. But this is considered normal if the discharge is light. Everything goes away without treatment. The body “gets used” to the drug.

When an intrauterine system (IUD) is installed, all women bleed for several days. But for some, intermenstrual bleeding occurs several months after the installation of the IUD. In this case, doctors recommend changing the method of contraception.

Oncological diseases of the uterus

Namely, endometrial and cervical cancer. The fact that brown discharge may be a sign is a reason not to delay the examination. And if endometrial cancer is a more “age-related” disease, then problems with the cervix also occur in young women. Especially often in those who began sexual activity early and had several sexual partners. After all, it has already been proven that the cause of cervical cancer is certain types of human papillomavirus, those that affect the genitals. The virus is transmitted sexually. That is why all women who have HPV detected in tests or during examination by gynecologists, rashes are visible on the cervix - are at risk for oncology.

And these are by no means all the reasons why women may experience bloody (brown) vaginal discharge. It is not possible to figure it out on your own, much less cure it. You need to consult a gynecologist.

When reddish-brown discharge appears, it is often difficult to determine a clear cause for its occurrence.

First of all, every young woman should know that normal physiological vaginal discharge, as a rule, is creamy or light yellow in color; usually, such discharge may have a natural odor specific to each woman. The quantitative volume of vaginal secretion may vary depending on the day of the menstrual cycle.

From the vagina are a fairly common occurrence. Brown discharge at any time of the menstrual cycle is most often the result of incomplete emptying of the uterus for one reason or another. Dark blood is “old”, the color change is associated with its oxidation.

Red color indicates the presence of fresh blood in them (menstruation, postpartum condition, possible reaction to hormonal treatment, trauma to the uterus or vagina, etc.).
Reddish-brown vaginal discharge indicates the presence of old and fresh blood. The reasons for the appearance of such discharge may be different.

Reddish-brown discharge - causes

Reddish-brown discharge may appear during the ovulatory period, in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The hormonal peak that occurs immediately before ovulation can provoke an endometrial reaction in the form of bleeding. In this case, a mixture of old and fresh blood may occur, and as a result, the appearance of reddish-brown discharge from the genital tract. Ovulatory bleeding is short-lived and stops within a few hours, without outside intervention.

If, instead of normal menstrual bleeding, a woman observes small amounts of reddish-brown discharge after having unprotected sexual intercourse in a given month, it is necessary to check a pregnancy test.
Sometimes, early in pregnancy, you may experience reddish-brown or bloody discharge instead of your expected period. In the early stages of pregnancy, due to hormonal changes in the body, such discharge is possible and does not pose a threat, however, if the reddish-brown discharge continues for 4-6 days, it is better to consult a doctor and rule out the possibility of miscarriage.

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

Inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs are the result of a previous and, most often, untreated infection of the upper genital tract (uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries). Most cases of PID are caused by sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea and chlamydia. Having PID can cause reddish-brown vaginal discharge.

Menopause is a natural stage in a woman's life that marks the cessation of menstruation - the time when women's reproductive function ends. Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. During this period, hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body, which may result in the appearance of reddish-brown discharge.

Sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, chlamydia, papillomavirus)
This kind of disease can take on an ascending nature, in which case damage to the internal mucous membrane of the uterus is possible. One of the symptoms of an affected endometrium is reddish-brown vaginal discharge, which can appear at any time during the menstrual cycle. After treatment for the STD, the reddish-brown discharge stops.

Early stage cervical cancer is usually asymptomatic. As the process progresses, reddish-brown vaginal discharge may appear. An annual cervical examination (PAP test) allows you to detect cervical cancer at an early stage and provide timely treatment without harm to your health.

Using some types of contraception may cause reddish-brown vaginal discharge. Basically, this kind of discharge can occur in some women when using an intrauterine device (IUD) or oral contraceptives (OC).
The action of all hormonal methods of contraception is based on the suppression of the cyclic production of natural sex hormones of the body. The appearance of reddish-brown vaginal discharge when taking OCs can usually be observed in some women in the first months of taking the drugs. Then the woman’s body adapts to the new hormonal levels, and the unpleasant discharge stops.
When using an intrauterine device (IUD), some women may also experience reddish-brown discharge in the first months. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the uterus regards the presence of the IUD as a foreign body and tries to get rid of it. Within a month, the body adapts and the discharge disappears. In any case, the method of contraception should be selected individually, based on the woman’s preferences, taking into account the individual characteristics of her body.

Many women who are serious about their health are concerned about the phenomenon of dark brown discharge. Sometimes they appear suddenly, between periods, and sometimes during or immediately after them. What do these discharges mean? Could they be a sign of a pathological process in the female body? Let's look at this in more detail.

Is dark discharge always a sign of illness?

It is probably clear that blood gives the brown color to vaginal discharge. Sometimes this occurs in completely healthy women. For example:

  • dark brown discharge is natural before menstruation, several hours or days before the onset (this is the first sign of its approach);
  • Discharge is also normal after menstruation for several days;
  • when taking hormonal-based contraceptives, they can “decorate” the middle of the menstrual cycle;
  • after violent sex, dark discharge is usually caused by injury to the vaginal mucosa;
  • the same can happen if there is insufficient lubrication during sexual intercourse;
  • at the very beginning of sexual life, spotting appears not only at the moment of deflowering, but also during several subsequent acts;
  • In teenage girls, before the onset of their first menstruation, dark discharge may also be observed for some time, which signals the girl’s transition to a new rank - “girl”.

In what cases should diseases be suspected?

But dark brown discharge can also be signs of a disease. If they are not associated with taking hormonal drugs and appear in the middle of the cycle or occur every time after sexual intercourse, this is a reason to be wary. If the discharge is accompanied by an increase in temperature, aching pain in the abdomen (its lower part), itching in the vagina, dryness and pain during emptying the bladder or sexual intercourse, and also if a woman over 45 years old has not had menstruation for a year, a woman should suspect something is wrong and contact a gynecologist. Next, we will consider pathological processes, signs of which may be the indicated discharge.

Cervical erosion

This disease is one of the most common diagnoses in gynecology. It is a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix, which is caused by various reasons: frequent and rough sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted infections, injuries during childbirth or abortion, etc. In most cases, this pathology is asymptomatic and is discovered only during an examination by a gynecologist. But sometimes the disease is accompanied by dark brown discharge after sexual intercourse, and sometimes without obvious reasons. Often such discharge has an unpleasant odor, which, by the way, indicates the presence of inflammation. There are congenital, true erosion and ectopia (pseudo-erosion). Depending on the size of the pathology and concomitant infections, therapeutic tactics will be different, but in any case, this disease requires regular monitoring by a specialist.

Ectopic pregnancy

When dark brown discharge instead of menstruation is accompanied by severe pain and a repulsive odor, this phenomenon may signal an ectopic pregnancy. By the way, if pain of any strength appears and it is localized in the genital organs, accompanied by atypical discharge, then you should immediately consult a gynecologist! The diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy can be made only after examination by a specialist and ultrasound, and to ensure its timely termination, you need to seek medical help as early as possible.

Vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina) and cervicitis (inflammation of the cervix)

Regardless of whether a woman is sexually active or not, her genital tract can be affected by inflammatory processes. For example, candidiasis (thrush) causes an inflammatory process in women of any age, and in menopausal women, dark brown discharge also appears. In women, in this case, they are associated with thinning (atrophy) of the vaginal mucosa, due to which even minor damage can provoke discharge of varying intensity. Active sexual life with unprotected sex can lead to sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis). They are accompanied by itching, burning and dryness in the perineum, as well as brown, yellow or green discharge. These diseases can cause inflammation not only of the vagina, but also of the cervix. They definitely need to be treated!


A pathological growth of the mucous layer lining the uterus or its cervix, which has the form of a protrusion, is defined in medicine as a polyp. The exact reasons for the appearance of this pathology are still unknown. These include infectious diseases, inflammatory processes, and hormonal disorders. As a rule, polyps are benign formations, but some of them show precancerous changes. If the appearance of the polyp is accompanied by dark brown discharge, it is large, and biopsy and cytology tests indicate a risk of developing cancer cells, then the polyp is removed.


The endometrium is the mucous tissue lining the inside of the uterus. Violation of its integrity, coupled with a decrease in local immunity, leads to an inflammatory process. It is often accompanied by an increase in temperature and the appearance of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, to this are added purulent or brown discharge instead of menstruation, and all this is a serious sign of pathology, which requires immediate contact with a specialist. If acute endometritis is not diagnosed in time, it becomes chronic, which can affect a woman’s reproductive function.

What is endometrial hyperplasia?

Hyperplasia in medicine is called tissue proliferation. That is, endometrial hyperplasia is an increase in the volume of the inner layer of the uterus, which is benign in nature. This condition is caused by the increased proliferation of stromal and glandular elements of this layer. Most often, such changes occur during hormonal changes in the body (during the premenstrual period in girls and premenopausal in women). One of the main signs of hyperplasia is bloody dark brown discharge, which can appear both during the intermenstrual period and after a short delay in menstruation. As a rule, this discharge is moderate and spotting. True, with hyperplasia that occurs in adolescence, breakthrough heavy bleeding with blood clots is also possible. If they become prolonged, they can lead to anemia.

Cervical cancer

This diagnosis ranks third in the world among cancer diseases in women. What causes this pathology is unknown. Although it was recently discovered that almost 100% of patients with this diagnosis have the human papillomavirus (HPV), not all those infected with this virus develop cancer. It occurs at any age, but the highest risk group is women over forty years of age. One of the main symptoms of this pathology is bleeding. By the way, why brown discharge in such cancer patients appears after sex or in the middle of the cycle is also not yet clear. If they are also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, then this sign is classified as symptoms of cancer that has spread to neighboring organs.

Why does brown discharge appear during menstruation?

During menstruation, brown discharge can be either a symptom of one of the gynecological diseases listed above, or a consequence of stress, acclimatization, or the result of taking hormonal contraceptives. But it often happens that such a phenomenon is a sign of a future addition to the family, since some women continue to have periods during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, although becoming very scanty and short. Be sure to take a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist!

Is discharge dangerous during pregnancy?

During the menstrual cycle, in every woman, the level of progesterone drops to almost zero, and the endometrium begins to detach, which leads to the appearance of menstrual flow. In the expectant mother, the body sometimes does not abandon old “habits” and, despite successful fertilization, the level of progesterone, which preserves the fetus, decreases on the days when menstruation should occur. This is how brown discharge appears, which signals that the endometrium is still partially exfoliated. There is no need to panic, but this sign may also be a symptom of an existing threat of interruption of fetal development or, as mentioned above, its ectopic location. Consult a doctor!

What to do if brown discharge appears?

As you have probably already seen from the above, the appearance of discharge of an unusual color, especially accompanied by pain, weakness or fever, requires a mandatory visit to the gynecologist. You should not wait for the unpleasant phenomenon to go away on its own - it may disappear periodically, but later develop into a serious pathology! You should not try to diagnose yourself - you are not an expert! Don’t take risks, don’t be lazy and consult a doctor urgently: it is possible that your worries will be in vain, and the discharge will be only temporary, but if you detect the disease in time and begin its treatment, then there will be a risk of remaining childless or getting a serious chronic disease minimal. Be healthy!

Ideally, women should not have any bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract outside of menstruation. But often girls notice spotting before or after menstruation, as well as after sexual intercourse. It is necessary to pay attention to this; often such minor manifestations hide serious diseases. When should you sound the alarm and run to the doctor? In what cases can brown discharge between periods be normal?

Read in this article

Discharge is normal

Discharge from a girl's genital tract can change throughout the menstrual cycle. It depends on age, hormonal levels, the presence of various diseases and some other reasons.

During puberty, when puberty just begins, the body, saturated with estrogen, begins to stimulate the formation of mucus in the vagina. It can be transparent and whitish in color. Most often it has a viscous consistency, sometimes like “lumps”. All this indicates a favorable development of puberty, the girl’s complete health and the fact that her menstrual function will soon improve.

After sexual intercourse

Stormy intimate relationships, especially under the influence of alcohol or drugs, often lead to injuries to the genital organs. Moreover, their nature varies from small cracks to serious ruptures. In the first case, you don’t have to worry too much; a slight smear will go away in a day or two. But with heavy discharge, surgical intervention is often indispensable; you should seek medical help.

During the first sexual experience, bloody discharge may also be detected, usually a few drops or a light spotting. They can be repeated up to 3 - 4 sexual contacts.

While taking oral contraceptives

In the first month of taking hormonal drugs, including for the purpose of contraception, various types of bleeding from the genital tract are often observed. This can be a short-term daub, or sometimes more abundant and long-lasting regulation.

Similar disruptions to the menstrual cycle are allowed during the first month. If symptoms persist, you should consult a doctor for examination. This may indicate an inadequate dose of the hormone in the drug or that it is not suitable for this girl.

This pathology occurs more often in premenopausal women, after numerous abortions and other interventions in the uterine cavity. But there are also cases of the disease in young nulliparous girls.

Most often, brown discharge occurs between periods without pain. Sometimes they can be mistaken for ovulation, but their constant nature forces us to look for a more serious cause.

Endometrial hyperplasia and polyps, in addition to intermenstrual discharge, are the cause of heavy, clotted periods.

Malignant neoplasms

The oncological process also manifests itself with irregular bleeding. Their nature can be different - from smearing to abundant. Their appearance is often noted, including after sexual intercourse.

Bloody discharge during menopause in 30% of cases indicates endometrial cancer.

Pathology of the cervix

In the presence of cervical erosion or a polyp of the cervical canal, periodic brown bleeding may appear between menstruation. They are provoked by sexual intercourse, physical activity, etc.

A characteristic feature of endometriosis is the appearance of spotting brown discharge on the eve of menstruation and after it. Usually their duration is more than 2 - 3 days. In this case, pain and discomfort may appear, including during sexual intercourse.

Pathology of the thyroid gland and other endocrine organs

The thyroid gland, to a greater extent than other internal secretion organs, affects the functioning of the genital organs and the regularity of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, with its pathology, disorders more often occur, including intermenstrual discharge.

Availability of an IUD

The intrauterine device can cause spotting on the eve of menstruation and after it. Moreover, sometimes they last up to 3 - 5 days, which brings considerable discomfort to the woman. All this can be accompanied by and. This is how the body reacts to such a foreign body. Only by removing the IUD will it be possible to get rid of the symptoms.

What does color tell you?

Bloody discharge may vary in color. But it is impossible to say based on this alone what the cause of the violations is.

So, we can highlight the following:

  • brown,
  • very dark, almost
  • bright scarlet, bloody.

If greenish tints are added to this, purulent in nature, as well as with an unpleasant, putrefactive odor, which indicates that the infection is attached to the underlying disease. In this case, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

Spotting after intercourse

“Contact” spotting that appears in a woman immediately or several hours after sex always alarms doctors. This is one of the most common and first signs of cervical cancer. That is why, in the event of such complaints, it is necessary to undergo a full examination in order to identify the pathology in an unadvanced form.

But not only with cancer of the cervix and vagina, brown discharge appears between menstruation; the causes may be hidden in a polyp of the cervical canal or uterine cavity, erosion, an inflammatory process and some others. Only a doctor can finally figure it out after an examination.

Diagnosis of the presence of pathology

What does brown discharge after menstruation mean? Dark discharge after menstruation is often a reason... Blood-streaked discharge after menstruation... Brown discharge between menstruation: causes...
  • Menstruation is brown. Menstrual bleeding is one of the signs of a healthy female body, ready for childbearing. ... Brown discharge between periods: causes...

  • Hello! You describe the complaints a little chaotically, at least it’s not entirely clear to me)). So, it would be good if you answered the following questions:
    1. Before or after menstruation, or regardless of it at all
    2. Every month?
    3. Height and weight, have there been episodes of elevated blood sugar levels?
    4. Have you ever been examined for sexually transmitted infections using PCR or culture.
    After this, you will be able to judge what is happening to you.

    Regarding Metrogyl, do not worry, if pregnancy is ruled out, the drug will not cause harm. Another question is how much it will help). If you are very worried, try making an appointment, for example, at a private clinic, there is no queue. All the best!


    I’m 14 years old and haven’t had my period yet, but I’ve had light brown and dark brown discharge for the last 4 days, what could this mean?

    Daria Shirochina (obstetrician-gynecologist)

    Hello! Bloody or brown discharge from the genital tract is either a sign of the onset of menstruation or other diseases. First of all, you should tell someone close to you - your mother, sister, etc. Adults familiar with menstruation can help you figure out if it's them). Also, pregnancy should not be ruled out, but only if you are sexually active. If the discharge continues to be spotty, or you cannot rule out pregnancy, you should consult a doctor. If they “transition” into normal heavy bleeding, this means the beginning of menstrual function. All the best!

    Photo: imagepointfr/depositphotos.com

    Vaginal discharge is normal. Their frequency and density depends on the day of the woman’s cycle. After ovulation, the body produces much less mucus than before. Aging tissue inside the uterus leads to brown discharge. If there is a delay in the cycle, they will most likely be dark. This shouldn't be scary.

    But it can also be a symptom of a serious illness. Proper treatment depends on timely consultation with a doctor.

    Causes of brown discharge

    Dark mucus can signal cervical cancer or pelvic inflammatory disease, perimenopause, menopause. This is also typical for diseases of the genital area, for example, chlamydia, gonorrhea, papilloma virus, endometriosis, polyposis.

    If the reason is that the aging of the intrauterine tissue has begun, then the main symptom is a slight delay in the cycle. In this case, the doctor will advise you to drink more water, change your lifestyle, diet, and exercise.

    In another case, complex treatment will be prescribed, which may include medications, surgery, colposcopy, pelvic ultrasound, and chemotherapy. You may need to undergo a cervical smear and other tests.

    If dark-colored discharge in women or girls occurs outside the menstrual cycle, then this should immediately alert you. Some doctors don't see anything serious in this. This may be related to hormonal fluctuations during ovulation.

    Beginning of the menstrual cycle

    Brownish clots of mucus at the beginning of menstruation are normal. If your period is due, but the discharge is scanty, light brown in color and lasts for several days, you can suspect pregnancy.

    Mid-menstrual cycle

    During this period, brownish discharge, especially on days 17–20 of ovulation, can also signal that pregnancy has occurred. Visiting a doctor and getting tested for hCG will help dispel doubts or confirm them.

    Sometimes the cause of discharge in the middle of the cycle is serious diseases, for example, a tumor of the uterus, adenomyosis and others.

    End of the menstrual cycle

    At the end of the menstrual cycle, the presence of brown discharge is considered normal. But if they last more than two days, you need to go to the doctor.

    Endometritis or endometriosis

    These diseases indicate an inflammatory process in the uterus. The ichor is secreted both in the middle of the cycle and before menstruation, sometimes, if the course of the disease is advanced, it is in no way tied to the menstrual cycle.

    • Endometritis- this is an inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus, caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses, and also occurs as a result of termination of pregnancy or due to complications after childbirth. Treatment is prescribed by a gynecologist; in addition to hormonal medications that stabilize the rhythm, sedatives, multivitamins, and immunostimulants are recommended.
    • Endometriosis- a more serious disease that can lead to the loss of internal organs. Detecting it at an early stage will help to completely cure the disease without sad consequences. Timely consultation with a doctor is the key to a complete recovery.

    Discharge during pregnancy

    If bloody or dark-colored discharge occurs during pregnancy, you should immediately be alarmed. It is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. If the discharge is dark during this period, we can conclude that premature placental abruption has occurred.

    The first few weeks of pregnancy are a time of hormonal changes throughout the body, and discharge occurs when the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus.

    There are a number of reasons why discharge may be dark during pregnancy, but this does not lead to fetal loss. In the first trimester every 4 weeks, that is, in accordance with the menstrual cycle, they do not pose any danger.

    This may occur due to cervical erosion. Increased blood flow to the uterus causes it to bleed.

    The cause may also be a decidual polyp. This is a type of tumor that grows on the cervix or in the uterus itself. Treatment and curettage are not required here, but in some cases it will require removal.

    Other reasons for discharge during pregnancy may be an ectopic pregnancy, a frozen pregnancy, the development of cervical pathology or even cancer.

    The causes of bleeding in women during pregnancy can be vaginal infections or varicose veins of the genital organs.

    Bleeding during miscarriage

    Bleeding in this case is insignificant and painless, but over time it increases along with pain. There is no pain syndrome, the uterus is unchanged, and if you seek help in a timely manner, the pregnancy can be saved.

    With an incomplete miscarriage, dark red bleeding with clots is accompanied by cramping pain in the lower abdomen. Help in this case consists of scraping out the fertilized egg and restoring the woman’s blood loss.

    In a complete miscarriage, there is no bleeding because the egg is completely removed from the uterus, the doctor must scrape it out so that there is no excess tissue left.

    With an ectopic pregnancy, the discharge may be dark, bloody, brown, or tarry in appearance. The difference between an ectopic pregnancy and appendicitis or inflammation of the appendages: dark spotting bleeding and periodic attacks of pain are characteristic. Tests will give an accurate result.

    Bleeding after abortion

    If a woman decides to take such a step, then she should be aware of the negative consequences. In addition to the hormonal shock that this procedure will cause to the body, inflammatory processes in the uterus and even infertility may occur.

    Bleeding after an abortion may include brown discharge. This suggests that blood, released from the uterine cavity, upon contact with oxygen, oxidizes and changes color. This is considered normal and women should not worry.

    Bleeding after a medical abortion is a planned phenomenon; during the procedure, the fetus is separated along with the amniotic parts. Excessive bleeding should alert you: perhaps the remains of the fetus interfere with the contraction of the vessels, and they bleed heavily. In this case, hospitalization is necessary.

    Cervical or vaginal cancer

    The least common cause of bloody vaginal discharge is vaginal cancer (a malignant tumor of the mucous membrane). The course of the disease is characterized by a yellow discharge mixed with blood.

    Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that arises in the myometrium (muscular layer of the uterus) with the assistance of sex hormones. It usually develops before menopause. Since during menopause the level of sex hormones is quite low, fibroids after menopause also decrease significantly in size. During menopause, fibroids become the cause of bleeding when taking plant estrogens (herbal medicine) or hormonal therapy.

    Other reasons

    At the beginning of sexual activity, after breaking the integrity of the hymen and subsequent several sexual acts.

    Due to minor damage to the vaginal mucosa after violent sexual intercourse.

    Another reason for the appearance of light brown discharge may be a simple neglect of personal hygiene. Lack of hygiene procedures can lead to changes in the acid-base composition of the vagina and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. To eliminate the problem, you just need to pay more attention to water procedures, and all the symptoms will go away on their own.

    The culprit for the appearance of brown discharge can be sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Additional symptoms for this cause of discharge may include pain when urinating, itching, burning and vaginal dryness. If you notice these symptoms, you should definitely visit a gynecologist.

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