Use of badger fat. Medicinal properties of badger fat. Composition, application. drug intolerance, allergy

Compositions based on badger fat have long been used for prevention and restoration of health. Its medicinal properties strengthen the immune system and help with diseases of the lungs, joints, and digestive system. This useful product is used in folk and traditional medicine recipes. Before hibernation, the animal’s body accumulates a lot of useful substances and vitamins.

Polyunsaturated acids (linoleic, linolenic, oleic) are not produced in the human body. They promote the formation of “good” cholesterol, reduce inflammation, prevent the destruction of healthy cells, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, atherosclerosis, and blood clots.

Retinol (vitamin A) improves visual acuity, condition of the skin, hair, nails, and the skin looks younger. Therefore, badger fat is used in cosmetics.

B vitamins help cope with chronic fatigue syndrome, eliminate depression, anxiety, headaches, and help with migraines.

Vitamin E prevents intense oxidation, helps enrich the blood with oxygen, which helps to quickly relieve fatigue and restore strength. Improves cell nutrition, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, promotes the resorption of blood clots. In chronic bronchitis, it reduces the intensity of the infectious-inflammatory process and has a sputum-thinning effect.

The healthy product is also a source of vitamins PP, K, folic acid, trace elements and organic acids, and is completely digestible.

What does badger fat help with?

Badger fat is used to treat diseases of the lungs, bronchi, upper respiratory tract, asthma, pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsillitis, colds, coughs, and acute respiratory infections. It helps in case of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This useful product has a beneficial effect on men, helps strengthen potency, and tones. Natural badger fat, used in capsules or after reheating, strengthens the body's defenses and stimulates blood circulation.

It is especially useful in the postoperative period or after illness, when the body needs an additional source of nutrition. It is taken to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. Helps in the treatment of skin diseases; it is used for external rubbing or compresses.

The healing properties of badger fat help in case of frequent colds, physical or nervous exhaustion of the body, including in the case of chronic bronchitis associated with smoking. They treat gastritis, peptic ulcers, colitis, ulcers and wounds on the mucous membranes, bedsores, psoriasis, eczema.

Badger fat is used in the case of heart and vascular diseases, for the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure (arterial hypertension), stroke, angina pectoris, thrombophlebitis, and to normalize hemoglobin levels. In cosmetology, masks are prepared from it for the skin and to improve the condition and growth of hair.

Treatment of cough, runny nose, colds. Badger fat is taken orally after gargling to treat the throat, as well as for coughs and sore throats. In case of a runny nose, mix in equal parts with aloe juice and drop into each nostril. The healing properties of badger fat and honey (mix in equal parts) are used for colds, sore throat, flu, and bronchitis. Take a healthy product 1 tbsp. several times a day. In case of a cold at a not very high temperature, rub the shoulder blades with fat overnight and rub into the feet.

Pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis. In case of chronic pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, take 1-3 tbsp. an hour before meals three times a day for a month. After a break of 2-3 weeks, repeat the course 2-3 times until recovery occurs. In case of a complicated form of pneumonia or tuberculosis, the course should be more intense and longer.

Folk recipe for treating bronchitis: Mix 100g of badger fat and lard, melt the mixture, let cool to +30C. Get 100g of juice from aloe leaves, finely grate 100g of chocolate. Mix melted fat, aloe juice and chocolate with 200g of honey. Keep refrigerated. Take 1 tbsp. half an hour before meals three times a day.

Folk recipe for the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis: Add to 2 tablespoons. badger fat 2 drops of birch tar, mix thoroughly. Take with warm milk three times a day before meals for three months. After a week's break, continue treatment.

Diseases of the digestive system. The medicinal properties of badger fat are used in the following recipe: Mix 200 g of badger fat, honey, unsalted butter, 50 ml of aloe juice (the plant must be at least three years old), 2 tbsp. cocoa or finely grated chocolate. Melt the fat over low heat, add honey, butter, aloe juice and cocoa, mix thoroughly. Use by stirring or drinking 1 tsp. of the finished product with a glass of hot milk half an hour before meals. The duration of treatment is 10 days. After two to three weeks, repeat the intake of badger fat.

During treatment, warm teas made from coltsfoot, oregano, and thyme are useful. You should avoid eating sour, bitter, and salty foods.

Rubbing children with badger fat. Externally, the medicinal properties of badger fat are used to eliminate lingering coughs in children and adults. The procedure has a warming effect, so it should not be used at high temperatures and at the beginning of the disease, so as not to aggravate the active inflammatory process (for example, in the bronchi). Rubbing is indicated during the recovery stage. It is better to rub badger fat into a small area so as not to disturb skin respiration. At the beginning of treatment, you should make sure that there is no allergy. Rub the fat overnight into the shoulder blades or chest area, into the feet.

Diseases of joints, muscles, nerves. Badger fat is used to treat osteochondrosis, arthritis, and rheumatism. They rub it on joints or use it as compresses. To enhance the beneficial effects, visit a sauna or take a hot bath before the procedure.

Recipe for treating joint and muscle pain: Melt 100g of badger fat, add 30ml of wheat germ oil, 10 drops of rosemary and lavender essential oils, 5 drops of mint essential oil, mix. Apply the composition to sore muscles and joints, preferably after a bath or hot bath.

Recipe for treating radiculitis: Warm up in a bathhouse, rub badger fat into the joints, massage, wrap in a terry towel and lie on the bottom shelf. It is advisable to rub in the fat every day.

Recipe for treatment of sciatica, neuritis: Cool 40 g of propolis, chop, pour into cold water, mix well so that wax and other light particles float to the surface and remove. Melt 100g of badger fat in an enamel bowl, heat until it boils, let cool to +60C, add propolis, heat until it boils, stir continuously for 10 minutes. While hot, strain the mixture into a glass container. Store unopened in a cool, dark place. Use to rub the affected areas, then warm them with a blue lamp.

Use of badger fat for cosmetic purposes. Badger fat is used to treat the initial stage of psoriasis, baldness, as well as eczema, dermatitis, trophic ulcers, rashes, purulent focal inflammation, and skin itching associated with allergies. It softens and nourishes the skin, helps smooth out wrinkles, and has a rejuvenating effect. Before using this or that mask, you should check for the absence of an allergic reaction by applying a little fat to the crook of your elbow. Store the composition in the refrigerator.

The healing properties of badger fat help against hair loss, baldness, and nourish the scalp: To 1 tsp. add 1 tsp of melted badger fat. honey, burdock oil, onion juice, 10 drops each of mint and clove essential oils, mix. Apply to hair roots twice a week for 2 hours. Wash off with shampoo with warm water.

Mask for dry skin: 1 tsp. melted fat add a drop of fish oil. Apply to hands, face, neck and décolleté for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Mask for the skin around the eyes: Stir 1.2 tsp. warm melted badger fat, two raw chicken egg yolks, 2 tbsp. almond oil, 1 tsp. honey, 50 ml distilled water. Apply the composition with a swab for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Badger fat contraindications. Despite the numerous medicinal properties of badger fat, in some cases it can be harmful. It should not be used in case of individual intolerance, during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Contraindications for treatment are cholelithiasis, inflammation of the biliary tract and gallbladder (especially if there are stones), diseases of the liver and pancreas. Before treating children of any age, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary. Children under three years of age should not take fat orally.

In animals that spend the winter hibernating, all the substances necessary to maintain life accumulate in adipose tissue. Due to the high concentration of components beneficial to human health, the fat of such animals has always been popular in folk medicine. One of the most valuable is badger fat, the healing power of which is recognized even by official medicine. Today we will look at the medicinal properties and contraindications of badger fat, ways to use it for medicinal purposes, and also how to distinguish a natural product from a fake. But, before considering the use of badger fat and what it helps with, it is necessary to turn to its chemical composition.

What it contains

The benefits of badger fat for the human body are based on the content of a whole complex of valuable chemicals in the product.

Worth mentioning first unsaturated fatty acids. The product contains Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9. All these substances are essential and can only be obtained through food. They are necessary for a healthy heart, high immunity and normal hormonal levels. Acids will also help in gaining harmony, as they reduce appetite and speed up metabolism. This should reassure those who are worried about whether consuming the product will make them fat.

In terms of the content of unsaturated fatty acids, badger fat is close to the more popular fish oil. However, unlike the latter, it can not only be taken orally, but also used for medicinal purposes as an external agent, since it is perfectly absorbed into the skin. In addition, the product is environmentally friendly, which is why it compares favorably with fish oil, which often contains petroleum products.

What else is valuable about the product is its extensive a set of vitamins. These are vitamins A, E, PP, K, almost the entire group B, including folic acid (B9), necessary for the normal functioning of the central nervous system. It also contains many minerals, the diversity of which is explained by the badger’s omnivorous nature.

Product contains lecithin. This substance helps improve brain activity and enhance memory, which makes it indispensable for people with mental work.

The composition of badger lard largely depends on the time of its preparation. The maximum concentration of nutrients is achieved in the product obtained before the start of winter, that is, just before the animal goes to bed. It is this kind of lard that has medicinal properties, and its use is effective for a wide variety of diseases.

The benefits and harms of badger fat

The popularity and widespread use of badger fat in folk medicine is due to its following medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • antiseptic;
  • regenerating;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antioxidant;
  • enveloping;
  • antitumor.

Depending on the method of use, the characteristics of badger fat and the list of what it helps with when applied externally may change.


The list of external uses includes:

  • burns;
  • frostbite;
  • animal and insect bites;
  • psoriasis, eczema, acne and other skin diseases;
  • sprains;
  • arthritis, arthrosis and other joint problems;
  • radiculitis;
  • cough (in the form of rubbing).


How and why badger fat helps if taken orally:

  1. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, it helps to overcome pulmonary and respiratory diseases.
  2. Thanks to its enveloping properties, it alleviates the condition for gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  3. Eliminates inflammation and fights with infections of the genitourinary system.
  4. Increases hemoglobin and improves blood composition with anemia.
  5. Renders restorative effect on the nervous system with constant stress or excessive physical exertion.
  6. Promotes cleansing the respiratory system, which is effective for asthma and during the period of smoking cessation.
  7. Due to the presence of unsaturated fatty acids in the composition, it has healing effect on the heart and blood vessels, including helping with thrombosis and varicose veins.
  8. Vitamin K present in the composition helps to normalize the process of bile secretion, which good for the liver.

The product is capable of exhibiting different properties when used by people of different genders and ages. Depending on how badger fat is consumed, it can benefit both men and women.

What are the benefits of badger fat for men?

Badger lard has been used in folk medicine for centuries. for the treatment of male infertility. The effect is achieved due to the complex effect of the components included in the product. B vitamins stimulate the production of testosterone, vitamins A and E are good for potency, and folic acid helps improve sperm composition, increasing the chances of conception. You will have to drink for a long time, 1 tbsp. spoon per day, from 3 months to six months, taking breaks of 2-3 days after a two-week course.

What else is badger fat useful for men is its ability prevent early baldness. Using hair masks based on the product, you can not only strengthen your hair, but also make it thicker and healthier. The fat is slightly heated and rubbed into the scalp overnight.

The use of badger fat by women: what does it help with?

With the help of badger fat, you can normalize not only male, but also female hormonal background. The presence of unsaturated fatty acids in the product has a beneficial effect on a woman’s hormonal system. Healthy fats are necessary for the production of the female sex hormone estrogen in sufficient quantities.

Badger lard will also help in solving cosmetic problems. It is used to produce many skin and hair care products. Its use in cosmetology at home is no less widespread.

The product is used as one of the components of masks for the face, neck, hands, and also for hair. It helps nourish and protect the skin, improve its color and increase elasticity. And dry and depleted hair can be made more hydrated and shiny.

For use, add 1-2 tbsp. l. product into any store-bought or homemade hair mask. For the face and décolleté, the cream or mask is mixed with fat immediately before use (3:1).

Medicinal properties and contraindications of badger fat for children

The main benefit of badger fat for children is the ability to cope with colds and coughs without the use of chemicals. It is used both for internal use and for external rubbing, which has a warming effect.

At a temperature

As for whether it is possible to rub a child with fat at a temperature, everything will depend on its values. If the increase is insignificant and amounts to 0.5-1 degrees, then rubbing will only be beneficial. At higher temperatures, the warming properties of the product may worsen the baby's condition.

The procedure is carried out at night, and the heated fat is applied to the neck and chest area, as well as to the feet, on which warm socks are then put on, and the child himself is wrapped in a blanket so that he sweats well. There is no need to worry about how to wash off fat from the body, since by the morning most of it will be absorbed, and the remnants can be easily removed with warm water and soap.

Traditional healers have been using badger fat for centuries.

In the Far East it was highly valued for its ability to retain heat.

Hunters lubricated the skin with badger fat in extreme cold, and it remained healthy and unharmed, healed wounds and saved themselves from frostbite.

Beneficial features

The action of substances contained in fat helps:

  • strengthen the immune system (how to take echinacea tincture for immunity is written),
  • fight cold symptoms (),
  • improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system (the beneficial properties of dried barberry are described in the article).

During wartime, badger fat was used in field hospitals: applied to burns and wounds.

This component was always present in the soldiers’ diet - it gave strength and set them up for recovery.

Badger fat contains many nutrients and beneficial vitamins, due to which the badger itself sleeps soundly and without harm to health for five months in a row.

This natural medicine has a more than positive effect on human health.

If you render badger fat in accordance with all the rules, it will be a white or cream-colored mixture with a slight odor.

Fat that is yellow or has a rotten/acid smell indicates that it has expired.

In the refrigerator, where the temperature does not rise above -40 degrees, the mass does not lose its thickness. In the room it acquires a liquid consistency.

Chemical composition

Badger fat is saturated with retinol and tocopherol, essential for human life. It also contains a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, citamines, macroelements, and microelements.

The action of vitamins E and A is aimed at:

  • removing toxins from the body,
  • prevention of cancer and heart diseases,
  • regeneration of injured tissue.

Thanks to their properties:

Unsaturated fatty acids have a beneficial effect on:

  • skin condition,
  • normalize blood sugar levels (the benefits and harms of apricots for diabetes are written on the page),
  • relieve inflammation,
  • calm the nervous system.

Organic acids prevent salts from accumulating in joints and prevent harmful bacteria from entering the body.

A sufficient amount of B vitamins in the body is ensured by consuming badger fat. He:

  • restores water-salt metabolism,
  • increases visual acuity (),
  • makes nails and hair () strong and healthy.

Treatment and prevention of diseases

Badger fat taken orally has a whole range of beneficial properties. He:

  • fights inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • normalizes protein metabolism;
  • eliminates disruptions in the production of enzymes if a person is not eating well;
  • increases hemoglobin levels;
  • prevents the development of infection in the body;
  • helps in the treatment of skin diseases, heals erosion;
  • envelops the gastrointestinal mucosa;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • prevents the threat of thrombosis and atherosclerosis;
  • dilates blood vessels.

For men, badger fat provides invaluable assistance:

Badger fat protects the female egg and male sperm () from negative external influences.

Badger fat is used for preventive purposes.

It does not give cancerous tumors the opportunity to develop and infect the body.

Thanks to the properties of fat, the skin remains young for a long time, and hair and nails remain strong and strong.

Constant use guarantees the effect. If you do not violate the regularity of your intake, you can quickly cope with the following serious problems:

1. Diseases of the digestive system:

  • duodenal ulcer,
  • stomach ulcer,
  • gastritis with high acidity,
  • colitis,
  • gastroduodenitis.

2. Heart diseases:

  • varicose veins,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • thrombosis,
  • ischemia.

3. Skin diseases:

  • trophic ulcer,
  • fistula and boil,
  • acne,
  • eczema,
  • psoriasis,
  • dermatitis.

Badger fat is used to treat:

  • places of frostbite and burns,
  • eliminate abrasions,
  • lacerations,
  • remove lichen,
  • tighten anal fissures.

4. Respiratory diseases:

  • laryngitis,
  • asthma,
  • tonsillitis,
  • pharyngitis ().

Badger fat helps get rid of advanced coughs and can even cure tuberculosis.

5. Limb injuries, joint diseases:

To eliminate problems of the musculoskeletal system, in addition to taking badger fat internally, it is also useful to rub yourself with it.

Diseases of the urinary system

Problems related to the genitals:

  • prostatitis (written about fireweed),
  • cervical erosion.

Men and women diagnosed with infertility, Badger fat, when used correctly and regularly, helps solve reproductive problems.

For patients who have suffered serious illnesses and need high-quality and long-term rehabilitation, badger fat:

  • gives strength,
  • restores performance.

With its help, people recover from anorexia and drug poisoning.

One of the valuable properties of badger fat consists of restoring lost or weakened vocal cords.


Today you can often find badger fat in cosmetics. And for good reason: this component has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, making it more elastic and youthful.

If the skin peels, turns red, and early wrinkles appear, then badger fat is simply irreplaceable. Thanks to the content of elements such as Omega-3 and Omega-6, the product moisturizes and softens the skin.

Rules of application

To cope with the diseases mentioned above and for preventive purposes, badger fat is taken orally, twice or thrice a day.

The best time to use is an hour before breakfast (lunch, dinner).

The course of treatment/prevention is 30 days.

After this, the body needs to rest for 2-4 weeks, and only then can you start a new one.

In total, 2-3 such courses are possible in a year.

Immediately before use, the fat must be allowed to melt. To do this, it is placed in a container and left in the room.

It will become liquid on its own. Do not heat the product, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties.

The optimal dosage for children 3-6 years old is a third of a teaspoon;
6-12 years – the second part of the spoon;
12-16 years old – one spoon.

To make badger fat less disgusting, its taste can be slightly sweetened.

To do this, fat is mixed with a glass of heated milk or combined with jam/honey in the calculation:

  • 1 serving of sweet + 3 servings of fat.

If badger fat is not accepted by the body in its pure form, it is spread on a crust of rye bread and washed down with not hot tea.

How it helps fight cough

If a cough occurs, adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take badger fat orally.

Adult dose:

  • a tablespoon before meals, three times a day.

At the same time, before going to bed, you need to rub your legs, chest and back with fat.

Children will only need one small spoon. per day, half an hour before meals.

Simultaneously with internal treatment, rubbing should be done at night. After lubricating the back, legs and chest with fat, it is necessary to wrap the patient in a warm blanket as best as possible.

The effect occurs within three days:

  • the patient coughs less often and not as painfully as before.

However, it is not advisable to interrupt treatment:

  • The course lasts at least 7 days.

Who should not take it and why?

Children under three years of age should not take badger fat orally. External use is permitted:

  • You can rub the product on the back and chest of a child suffering from bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma or other diseases of the lower respiratory tract.

Admission to women expecting a child is strictly prohibited., and mothers who are breastfeeding.

In case of individual intolerance, it is also impossible to use the product.

When interacting with certain medications, taking badger fat is incompatible.

Watch the video in which the author talks about the beneficial properties of badger fat for human health.

The benefits and harms of badger fat have been well known since it began to be used in folk medicine. A product with a lot of useful properties, containing biologically active substances and a complex of vitamins, has a positive effect on the body.

What does badger fat look like?

The product has a yellowish or white color and a specific odor. At low temperatures it has a solid consistency, at room temperature it has a soft, ointment-like consistency.

Composition of badger fat

The benefits of badger fat for the body are determined by its unique composition. This product can be used not only for preventive purposes, but also for the treatment of many diseases.

The composition of the natural elixir is presented:

  • minerals involved in the normalization of the metabolic process;
  • polyunsaturated acids that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects;
  • B vitamins, which strengthen the immune system and take part in the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, hematopoiesis;
  • vitamins A and E, which contribute to the restoration of the skin and are involved in the activity of the reproductive system.

Thus, the medicinal product obtained from the subcutaneous fat of the badger is an excellent general strengthening product, endowed with beneficial properties and used in the complex treatment of a number of diseases, along with traditional therapy.

The benefits of badger fat

The beneficial properties of the product are expressed in:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • maintaining the hematopoietic system;
  • providing anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect;
  • increased hemoglobin content in the blood;
  • increased sexual activity;
  • normalization of hormonal balance.

A unique remedy can restore the functioning of internal organs to normal.

What are the benefits of badger fat for men?

For men, this fatty product is a real storehouse of essential elements.

B vitamins promote the production of testosterone, the main male hormone responsible for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. Folic acid affects sperm quality.

The benefits of badger fat for potency are obvious - potency increases.

Is badger fat good for pregnant women?

During pregnancy, badger fat is indispensable for strengthening the immune system.

Important! Pregnant and lactating women should use this healthy product internally only after consulting a doctor.

The use of badger fat externally is possible if there is no allergic reaction to its components. The positive effect of using the product affects the condition of the skin of the hands and nail plates: they are actively nourished, the skin softens, the nails become smooth and take on a healthy appearance.

Badger fat for children: benefits and harms

The medicinal properties of badger fat for children are expressed in its use for the prevention and treatment of colds. To ensure that your child takes this tasteless medicine, it is recommended to mix it with other products, such as honey.

What does badger fat help with and what does it cure?

Badger fat is used internally as a therapeutic agent in the treatment of a number of diseases. In particular:

  • to solve problems with the digestive system;
  • in complex therapy of heart diseases;
  • badger fat for joints is used as a relaxing, pain-relieving agent;
  • it is used as a product that fights varicose veins;
  • helps in the fight against inflammatory processes that occur in the urinary tract;
  • successfully copes with ulcers, eczema, acne, stretch marks and various injuries that damage the skin;
  • in restoring the human immune system;
  • preparations with this ingredient help fight prostatitis and cervical erosion;
  • Badger fat can also be used as an adjuvant in the treatment of oncology.

In addition to the above, this is a unique remedy endowed with beneficial properties that can eliminate intoxication of the body that develops as a result of the use of a number of medications.

To enhance the positive effect, it is recommended to consume badger fat with milk, honey or aloe.

Badger fat in folk medicine

Due to its beneficial properties, it is actively used in folk medicine.

For disease prevention

The product obtained from badger subcutaneous fat strengthens the immune system, which, in turn, is an excellent prevention of colds.

The healing elixir of health is prepared according to the following recipe:

90-100 grams of honey and fat are mixed with 50 grams of raisins and dried apricots, with 150 grams of walnuts, which are crushed in advance. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator and consumed once a day, 25 grams, for a month.

For cough and bronchitis

The beneficial ingredients in the product thin and remove mucus from the bronchi.

Badger fat for cough is taken by adults as a healing drink. To do this, add honey, milk, rosehip syrup, alcohol tincture of echinacea or licorice root. It is necessary to take 1 tablespoon of the drink in the morning and evening hours on an empty stomach.

Badger cough oil for children helps to cope with the disease in the form of a rubbing ointment applied to the child’s back.

Important! It is prohibited to use this type of treatment at elevated body temperature.

For ulcers and gastritis

The following composition will help in the treatment of gastritis: rendered badger lard and milk, taken in equal quantities, are brought to a boil. After cooling, honey is added, all ingredients are mixed well until smooth. It is recommended to drink the resulting drink before meals, on an empty stomach.

Treatment of otitis media

Otitis is a disease that occurs in the inner part of the auricle. To relieve or alleviate painful symptoms, you can use a composition prepared using the following technology: mix badger and chicken fat in equal proportions, add freshly squeezed onion juice. Place the mixture in the ear a few drops throughout the day.

For tuberculosis

Badger fat is used as an auxiliary medicine for the prevention and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. It helps renew lung tissue and strengthen the body as a whole.

To prepare the medicine, you will need a fat product - 3 tablespoons, aloe leaves minced through a meat grinder - 2 pcs., cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon and cognac - 1 teaspoon. Mix all components until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Take the resulting medicine daily on an empty stomach in the morning or before lunch.

For pneumonia

Badger fat for pneumonia is used in two ways: internally and externally. The useful composition is a natural stimulant of the immune system, suppresses negative microflora, and nourishes the body.

Internal administration is carried out half an hour before meals, three times a day. It is allowed to consume the animal product in its pure form, or in composition with jam, honey, black currants, and raspberries.

For hemorrhoids

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, badger fat is used as an additional prophylactic agent that strengthens the immune system and fights secondary infections. It is recommended to take it one tablespoon 2-3 times a day an hour before meals. You can use ready-made dosage forms of badger fat in capsules. In this case, it is recommended to take 2-4 capsules in the morning, at lunch and in the evening.

You can make or use ready-made candles based on a natural elixir. It is better to use them before bedtime.

For asthma

The effect of the beneficial components of the product is reduced to the general strengthening of the body and improvement of the functioning of the bronchi.

For asthma, it is better to use badger fat for rubbing. Rub your chest and wrap yourself in a warm blanket for several hours.

Treatment of varicose veins

The healing substance can stop the development of pathology and significantly improve well-being. It is applied externally in the form of an ointment. To prepare it, 75 g of the melted product is mixed with vegetable oil, taken in the same quantity, and 100 ml. herbal decoction prepared from St. John's wort, chicory, meadowsweet flowers, chamomile, calendula, coltsfoot leaves. The resulting elixir is rubbed into the skin of the problem area.

For various skin diseases

Badger fat is used for burns, for healing wounds, abrasions, and frostbite. The action of the beneficial composition is based on providing an antiseptic effect. Using badger fat for burns, you need to lubricate the problem area with a useful elixir.

And they also use it to combat dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and trophic ulcers. Badger fat is used for bedsores. To prevent problems, you need to periodically lubricate the damaged areas.

How badger fat is used in cosmetology

The beneficial properties of the drug allow the active use of animal products in cosmetology. Badger fat has undeniable benefits for facial skin. Masks prepared on its basis rejuvenate and moisturize the skin and prevent the formation of wrinkles.

Face masks

  1. Anti-acne mask. A tablespoon of this natural product is mixed with the same amount of dark chocolate. The mixture is applied to the face and washed off with warm water after 10-12 minutes.
  2. Vitamin night cream. 50 grams of fatty product is mixed with 50 grams. cocoa butter Add a teaspoon of jojoba oil. You can add a few drops of scented oil for a pleasant aroma. The cream is stored in the refrigerator.

Body cream

You can prepare a useful product for caring for the skin of your hands and feet. It nourishes and moisturizes, helps solve the problem of cracked heels.

  1. 50 g of badger fat, a tablespoon of almond oil and a teaspoon of beeswax are mixed and heated in a water bath. Add a teaspoon of glycerin and 7-9 drops of essential oil to the cooled mixture.
  2. In cold weather, you can lubricate your lips with a unique product, which effectively prevents their peeling and cracking.

Badger fat is good for hair. Rubbing the product into the scalp will help solve the problem of hair loss and slow growth.

Harm of badger fat and contraindications

Despite the undeniable benefits, the components of the natural elixir, in some cases, can cause discomfort in use:

  • Its use is not recommended for children under 3 years of age;
  • The product is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance;
  • patients with diseases of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder, intestinal obstruction and excess body weight should use it with extreme caution.

Badger fat should not be used at elevated body temperatures. This is explained by the fact that the healing elixir has an additional warming effect.

Which fat is better: bear or badger?

Badger fat is very similar in composition and healing effect to bear fat.

Both products are widely used in the treatment of many diseases. However, bearskin has a less pronounced odor. In addition, it contains more useful components.

The use of badger fat to treat the lungs is preferable, while with the help of bear fat, diseases of the throat and nose are more effectively cured.

How to render badger fat at home

Place the animal product cut into pieces into a container and put on fire. The melted substance is filtered, rolled into jars and stored in a cool, dark place.

How to choose the right badger fat

It is important to be able to choose the right product.

When choosing a quality product, it is important to pay attention to the following points:

  • fresh product is pale yellow in color;
  • in a warm place, it quickly melts; in a cold place, on the contrary, it freezes;
  • a bright yellow tint of the product warns that the substance is of poor quality. The unpleasant smell and taste of the product also indicate its low quality.

A correctly selected product is the key to maximum application effect.

How and for how long you can store badger fat


The benefits and harms of badger fat depend on many factors. Endowed with beneficial properties, the product is an excellent general strengthening composition that can have anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

Over its centuries-old history, traditional medicine has accumulated more than hundreds of thousands of recipes using products of plant and animal origin. Since time immemorial, when there were no antibiotics and other drugs, Mother Nature has been a source of energy and vitality for people, which helped them survive in difficult conditions. Traditional healers and healers constantly discovered new means to treat this or that disease, and passed on their experience to the next generation, improving the science of healing.

Unfortunately, today it is rare to meet an absolutely healthy person; often, from birth, a person is diagnosed with disorders or diseases - the reasons are obvious: heredity, lifestyle, poor ecology and other factors. Treatment is usually carried out with pharmaceutical drugs that are created chemically, the quality of which leaves much to be desired. People forget about the colossal and centuries-old experience of treatment with traditional medicine, which, when used correctly, gives amazing results for the prevention or treatment of many diseases.

Among the huge number of remedies used in alternative medicine, badger fat occupies special attention, which has been widely used for more than 200 years to treat a huge number of diseases. This product is recognized by official medicine as a high-quality and effective therapeutic and prophylactic drug.

Badger fat is obtained at the beginning of winter, when this wonderful animal is preparing for hibernation. During this period, animal fat has the most medicinal and unique properties. The process of preparing natural medicine is lengthy and consists of several stages, after which we receive a high-quality product of a yellowish or white color with a specific smell and taste.

Composition of badger fat

The main secret of badger fat lies in its composition, which contains irreplaceable biologically active substances, vitamins, and minerals for the full functioning of the body. Badger fat is so rich in nutrients that it can support the animal throughout hibernation and spring (6 months). Badger fat contains:

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids)– improve metabolic processes, nourish tissues, have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties, are not synthesized by the body and should be supplied with food. These substances improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous, and reproductive systems, improve the condition of the skin, strengthen the immune system, and prevent the development of cancer. A deficiency of semisaturated fatty acids leads to high cholesterol in the blood, decreased immunity and other disorders.

    Minerals– take an active part in metabolic processes;

    Vitamins A and E- enhance the effect of unsaturated fatty acids, have high antioxidant activity, activate skin regeneration, increase immunity, participate in the process of growth and development, and play an important role in the reproductive system of men and women.

    B vitamins- play an important role in protein, fat, carbon and water-salt metabolism, form immunity, hematopoietic processes, improve vision, normalize the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.

In addition, badger fat also contains other vitamins (PP, K, tocopherol, folic acid, carotenoids), macroelements and organic acids, which are essential for the full functioning of the body. Badger fat is used as a general tonic in a complex addition to traditional treatment. Considering the possible severity of the disease, stage, localization, it is clear that there is no need to give up antibiotics or other drugs prescribed by the doctor, but using badger fat, proven over centuries, will be useful and reasonable, while many doctors of official medicine themselves recommend using this product.

Medicinal properties of badger fat

Badger fat is widely used in folk and traditional medicine; it often becomes an alternative to many drugs and has the following properties:

    improves protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism;

    increases immunity;

    regulates the hematopoietic system;

    has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant effects;

    normalizes the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract;

    compensates for impaired enzyme formation due to poor nutrition;

    increases emotional tone;

    increases hemoglobin;

    normalizes hormonal balance;

    increases sexual activity;

    reduces the risk of developing cancer;

    normalizes the functioning of internal organs and systems;

    improves skin regeneration after injuries, burns;

    necessary during the period of growth and development;

    prevents aging of the body, improves the condition of skin, hair, nails.

In addition to the above properties of badger fat, it has other benefits for the treatment or prevention of various diseases and is considered a panacea for almost all diseases or disorders. After taking badger fat, all organic acids, minerals, and vitamins quickly enter the bloodstream and are absorbed 100%.

With the help of badger fat you can get rid of many diseases

How to take badger fat?

Badger fat is considered a completely affordable product that can be purchased at pharmacies or places selling traditional medicine. For safety and to avoid counterfeit products, it is better to buy this product in pharmacy chains, where each drug has a quality certificate and is completely safe for use. Badger fat is sold in the form of capsules or liquid form, in bottles. Sometimes preparations made from badger fat may contain additives from medicinal plants or beekeeping products, so before purchasing you should familiarize yourself with the composition of the drug.

Badger fat can be used to rub the chest, feet, back for colds, also lubricate purulent wounds, treat gunshot or knife wounds, insect and animal bites. Widely used for diseases of the joints or spine in the form of rubbing the sore areas of the skin. The substances found in this unique product clean wounds, draw out pus, relieve inflammation, and promote healing.

For oral administration, badger fat is recommended to be taken 3 times a day, for two weeks, one tablespoon, 30-40 minutes before meals with a small amount of liquid. Then you can reduce the intake to 2 times a day. Badger fat can be taken by children from 3 years old and adults. Before consuming badger fat, it must be softened and mixed with honey or syrup. Children drink this product with warm milk. Internal consumption of badger fat is not recommended for children under 3 years of age; rubbing and compresses can be used. If the drug is taken in capsules, the instructions for use should be followed.

Indications for use of badger fat

Healing badger fat is used as a dietary supplement or a source of essential fatty acids in complex therapy for the treatment or prevention of the following diseases:

    to increase immunity in case of frequent colds;

    the recovery period after an illness or the postoperative period - to restore strength;

    bronchopulmonary diseases: bronchitis, pleurisy, pulmonary tuberculosis;

    purulent infections: furunculosis, eczema, pustular rash;

    long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, bedsores;

    skin injuries: burns, frostbite;

    exhaustion of the body: anorexia, dystrophy;

    inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract;

    diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum;

    diseases of the cardiovascular system: coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, cerebrovascular accident;

    vein diseases: thrombophlebitis;

    diseases of the musculoskeletal system: radiculitis, osteochondrosis, arthritis;

    dermatological diseases: psoriasis, dermatitis of various etiologies;

    providing the body with useful substances during the period of growth;

    sexual dysfunctions;

    drug intoxication of the body.

For treatment or prevention, badger fat is taken orally or externally in the form of rubbing, compresses, and treating wounds after injury.

Badger fat is used in cosmetology; it improves complexion, gives skin firmness and elasticity, prevents aging and restores epidermal cells. At home, creams and masks are prepared from it. This healing product protects the skin from environmental influences, especially during frostbite and chapping.

Badger fat is used in both medicine and cosmetology.

Contraindications to the use of badger fat

Badger fat is usually well tolerated; only in some cases, side effects may occur in the form of nausea, vomiting, bowel problems, itchy skin, and rash.

    individual intolerance to the drug;

    pancreatic diseases;

    diseases of the liver and biliary tract;

    children under 5 years of age without consulting a doctor.

Badger fat in folk medicine

Badger fat is one of the effective animal products used in traditional medicine. There are a huge number of recipes with this healing product. Let's look at several of the most effective and affordable recipes using badger fat, which are used to treat and prevent a number of diseases.

Prevention and treatment of colds

It is recommended to take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of badger fat 3 times a day 40 minutes before meals for 2 weeks. This product can be mixed with honey or sweet syrup, this will help eliminate the specific smell and taste.

Severe respiratory tract diseases (tuberculosis, pneumonia, pleurisy)

Take 1-3 tbsp. spoons of fat 3 times a day for 1 month. After which they take a break for 2–3 weeks and repeat the course until complete recovery.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, gastritis

Eat 1 tbsp daily on an empty stomach. a spoonful of badger fat, after which you need to refrain from eating for 2 hours.

General strengthening agent

To prepare, you will need 100 g of badger fat, honey and cocoa powder (in equal portions), 50 g of butter and aloe, 5 g of mumiyo and alcohol tincture of propolis. Mix all ingredients until smooth and take 1 tablespoon once a day.

Badger fat in cosmetology

Nourishing cream for dry skin

For preparation you will need 50 ml of cocoa butter, jojoba, 50 ml of badger fat. Melt the badger fat, stirring constantly, add 8 drops of each oil, mix well and store in a glass jar.

Treatment of cracked hands and feet

Mix 30 ml of vodka and 1 teaspoon of lecithin and leave overnight. The next day, add 50 ml of badger fat, 10 g of beeswax, 25 ml of almond oil to this tincture. Mix everything thoroughly and add 20 drops of tea or lavender oil. Apply to the skin of the hands or feet 1 – 2 times a day until cracks are eliminated.

In the human body, badger fat is easily absorbed, improves blood composition, normalizes the functioning of internal organs and systems, strengthens the immune system and provides the body with all the necessary nutrients. It should be noted that you should not give up traditional treatment; only complex therapy, after consulting a doctor, can achieve the desired results.

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