Rating antiviral agent is inexpensive and effective. Cheap cold remedies. Cheap analogues of expensive cold medicines. The best flu remedies

Updated: 09.24.2018 16:07:07

Expert: Boris Kaganovich

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

When a person comes to a pharmacy and asks for something “for a cold,” an experienced pharmacist will not be taken by surprise by such a question. In any pharmacy there will always be interferon inducers, antipyretic drugs, sputum thinners and other medications that are necessary for a person with a respiratory viral infection and a cold. But even in such a situation, the pharmacy employee will definitely ask what symptoms are observed and advise you to choose a drug based on the patient’s complaints, although, by law, pharmacy employees should not provide advice, this should be done by a doctor. And that's why.

Typically, the most common cold, which occurs due to hypothermia or lack of immunity, is caused by viruses that are tropic to the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. For example, these are adenoviruses and similar reoviruses and rhinoviruses, respiratory syncytial virus. But in some cases, it may be ARVI, and the debut of influenza in an unfavorable epidemiological situation.

If the patient, even with a common cold, has been sick for several days, then the bacterial flora joins the viruses, and then in typical cases the temperature rises again, a wet cough appears, and mucopurulent or even purulent sputum begins to drain. In this case, it is already necessary to prescribe antibiotics, call a doctor, and treat the bacterial complication of the cold. In order not to lead the situation to complications, it is recommended to treat ARVI starting from the first day. What cold medications can help with this, and what products are currently produced to fight viruses, high fevers, and can be used in adults and children? This rating contains the most popular and effective means for these purposes. And the first of them will be considered etiotropic drugs, or drugs aimed at combating infectious agents.

Rating of the best cold and flu remedies

Nomination place Name of product price
The best antivirals for colds 1 1,073 RUR
2 285 RUR
3 380 ₽
4 166 RUR
5 173 RUR
The best antipyretics for colds 1 94 RUR
2 155 RUR
3 49 RUR
The Best Cold Symptom Relievers for Adults 1 179 ₽
2 216
3 372 RUR
The Best Cold Symptom Relievers for Children 1 89 RUR
2 149 RUR
3 306 RUR

The best antivirals for colds

Currently, there are several groups of antiviral drugs. First of all, these are vaccines, but they are not suitable for the treatment of acute diseases, but only for their prevention and prevention.

Medicines are also used to prevent the development of a viral infection, blocking specific enzymes of the pathogen, preventing its penetration into cells, or the reproduction or replication of viral particles. There are drugs on sale that stimulate the immune system and promote the production of interferons by the patient’s body, which have antiviral activity, reducing the symptoms of colds and acute respiratory viral infections. It is the last two groups of funds that are presented in the rating. And since influenza is one of the most dangerous and severe diseases, which begins very similar to ARVI, the first remedy presented in the rating will be the highly effective antiviral drug Tamiflu.

Tamiflu (Influcein, Tamides)

Tamiflu is a monodrug, that is, a product with a single, but very effective component. This is oseltamivir. Its mechanism of action is based on blocking one of the enzymes of influenza virus aggression, called neuraminidase. The task of this enzyme is to facilitate the release of newly created viral particles in the human body from affected cells. Therefore, Tamiflu can be considered a means of pathogenetic treatment, but not for any acute respiratory viral infection or cold, but only for “suspicious” flu. Indications for use as an exception will be the treatment of acute respiratory viral infection occurring during the epidemic influenza season, which is more severe than the common cold.

This is a situation when the patient immediately and clearly manifests on the first or second day not only fever and catarrhal manifestations in the nasopharynx, but at the same time there is pronounced weakness and loss of strength, there is a headache, and diffuse myalgia, or muscle pain.

The second indication for this drug is the specific prevention of influenza. If there is an outbreak of influenza in a school or community, then everyone else needs to use this drug to avoid illness.

Tamiflu is used regardless of food intake. The course of treatment for adults, as well as children over 12 years of age, is one tablet 2 times a day, the course of treatment is 5 days. Treatment must be started no later than the second day after the onset of typical symptoms. You should not increase the dose even in severe cases of the disease, as this will not lead to an increase in the expected effect.

For prevention, take this remedy one tablet once a day for a week. The conditions for taking it are exactly the same: no more than 2 days should pass after possible dangerous contact, otherwise the effectiveness of the drug will sharply decrease. This wonderful and very effective drug is produced by the Hoffmann la Roche company from Switzerland, and its cost will be the highest in our rating. The average price of one package of 10 capsules, just calculated for a course of administration for 5 days, is 1,170 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Tamiflu is its high efficiency, recognized by the international clinical community, which can significantly reduce the duration and severity of the infection, and also dramatically increases the patient’s chances of not getting the flu. But such effectiveness is rarely accompanied by side effects. Most often this is nausea and one-time vomiting. They appear on the first day and then disappear without any additional changes in the use or discontinuation of the drug.

Unfortunately, in most cases, in the first two days after the onset of symptoms, people are not inclined to immediately spend more than 1000 rubles on a highly effective drug, and this can only be done by someone who is initially sure that they have the flu, or immediately, on the first day, called a doctor for house. Therefore, if there is no epidemic situation in the area, and it is not the “season,” then this drug should not be taken. To accept it there must be a reasoned decision.

Grippferon refers to immune drugs that contain a highly effective protective interferon, alfa-2b. Interferon is considered a highly effective antiviral therapy; it is produced in the human body. If endogenous interferon is not enough, then it is introduced from the outside, being a means of passive immune treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and colds.

Grippferon is indicated for various acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and also for prevention. For example, during the epidemic season and the height of influenza and ARVI, the prophylactic use of Grippferon as a means of prevention in public places in combination with a disposable mask can reliably protect any person from ARVI, influenza, and other “cold” diseases. It is produced in the form of a nasal spray and drops; Grippferon is used in three dosages in each nasal passage no more than 6 times a day for adults. For preventive purposes, this drug is prescribed one dose in each nasal passage 2 times a day.

Grippferon is produced in the form of a nasal spray by the domestic company Firn, and the average cost of one 10 ml package is 340 rubles. In addition, Grippferon is also available in the form of nasal drops, and the cost of one bottle of the same volume is 260 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using Grippferon include great convenience, low price and no overdose. This remedy can also be used for colds and ARVI, starting from birth, with dose adjustment. The disadvantages of this drug include the recommendation not to combine it with vasoconstrictor drops, as this can cause drying of the nasal mucosa. Also, there are no large or international studies that would clearly speak about its effectiveness; all studies were conducted in Russia and on a small number of subjects.

Ingavirin is considered a single drug; it contains imidazolylethanamide pentanedioic acid. A substance with such a complex name helps to increase the production of interferon receptors, which increases the sensitivity of cells to signals that stimulate the immune response. As a result, interferon has a more complete effect, viruses are more quickly eliminated from the body, the symptoms of ARVI and colds and the duration of the disease are reduced. Taking Ingavirin reduces the risk of complications. Viruses such as influenza and parainfluenza pathogens, enteroviruses, rhinoviruses, Coxsackie viruses and their other representatives are sensitive to Ingavirin.

This drug is indicated for both the treatment and prevention of respiratory infections caused by viruses in adults and children over 13 years of age. Ingavirin should be used for treatment once, 90 mg per day, for a week. For prevention, the dosage is exactly the same, it does not change. It is produced by the domestic company Valenta, and the cost of a package of 7 capsules, designed for a course of weekly intake, is on average 500 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of Ingavirin include convenient administration, since most drugs with antiviral activity must be used several times a day, convenient packaging designed for a course of both treatment and prevention, and a mild physiological effect. It does not introduce any chemical substance into the body, but simply increases the activity of hereditary mechanisms, activates genes and increases the production of certain cellular structures - receptors. Also, Ingavirin is not metabolized in the body and does not affect chronic diseases. However, there are some contraindications to it - it is not used for ARVI in pregnant women, nursing mothers, or children under 13 years of age.

The antiviral drug Arbidol, from the point of view of pharmaceutical chemistry, is called umifenovir, and it is indicated for influenza, ARVI, as well as for symptoms of rotavirus diarrhea, and for creating immunity against influenza. The product produces, in addition to antiviral, an immunostimulating effect. Arbidol is available in capsules, tablets and powder for suspension. It is necessary to use Arbidol for the prevention of ARVI and colds - one capsule twice a week for a month, and for treatment - one capsule every 6 hours for 5 days. Arbidol is produced by the domestic company Pharmstandard, and the cost of 10 capsules of 50 mg, or 10 single doses, averages 160 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most pronounced advantages of Arbidol are in the prevention of ARVI. It then needs to be taken only twice a week, for example on Tuesday and Thursday. For treatment, it is used, of course, much more often, but even then one package of the drug will be enough for two and a half days of treatment. And two packages will be enough for the entire course, and its cost will not exceed 320 rubles. Sufficient effectiveness and reasonable price enable this drug to participate in the ranking of antiviral drugs for ARVI.

Finally, in conclusion, we will consider a drug that, at first glance, has nothing to do with the pathogens of ARVI. This is acyclovir, also known as Zovirax. Yes, this remedy acts exclusively on herpes viruses. But it very often happens that a respiratory viral infection that occurs against the background of reduced immunity leads to the activation of a herpes infection, which immediately “breaks out” on the patient’s lips. If measures are not taken, then such rashes against the background of reduced immunity can appear in the area of ​​the external auditory canal, and cause an extremely unpleasant neurological complication - Bell's palsy, or facial nerve paresis. Therefore, herpes during a cold must be dealt with immediately after its slightest occurrence.

This is what acyclovir cream, or Zovirax, is for. After the first appearance of burning, discomfort and the appearance of blistering rashes, it is necessary to immediately, every 4 hours, or 5 times a day, apply this cream to the affected area, as well as to the surrounding intact skin. The course of treatment is at least 4 days. Zovirax cream is inexpensive, one small 5-gram tube costs about 180 rubles on average. It is produced by the English pharmaceutical company Glaxosmithkline.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of using Zovirax in local forms include their rapid action, blocking the spread of herpetic infection to other areas of the skin, “spreading” of the rash in the projection of nerve fibers, as well as good tolerability. The disadvantages include the impossibility of prevention when using local forms of medicines, such as ointments and creams. But, nevertheless, antiherpes drugs should always be in the same medicine cabinet with drugs for the treatment of respiratory viral infections. After all, as practice shows, in 10-15% of cases, herpes is activated during ARVI, and you need to be prepared for this.

The best antipyretics for colds

There are some restrictions, or rather suggestions, to the use of antipyretics. Everyone knows that it is necessary to reduce the temperature only when it reaches at least 38.5 degrees. In some recommendations you can read that only a temperature of about 39 degrees and above should require treatment with antipyretic drugs, and this is correct. If a person is basically healthy and does not have chronic damage to the heart or blood vessels, does not have arterial hypertension, and does not suffer from epilepsy, then one can and should try to follow these recommendations. If the patient has diseases, increased convulsive activity, or intolerance to high temperatures, then he needs to start taking antipyretic drugs, starting with a temperature of 38 degrees, and even lower. But, even against the backdrop of an increase in fever, it is necessary to drink as much warm and vitamin-rich liquid as possible, and in some cases, use physical methods, such as rubbing. Currently, there are many effective antipyretic drugs based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The most effective and popular ones are listed below.

The drug Ibuklin, produced by the Indian pharmaceutical company Dr. Reddis, is considered a highly effective combination of ibuprofen and paracetamol. Each of them by itself is already capable of having an antipyretic effect, and in combination they work even better. Blood antipyretic effect, this drug also helps relieve pain, for example, with diffuse muscle pain during the flu, with headaches, which often accompanies ARVI. Ibuklin should be taken 2 hours after meals, one tablet three times a day, but not more than 3 tablets. You can be treated for no more than 3 days without a doctor’s prescription, and then only after consulting a doctor. The cost of the drug Ibuklin, containing 10 tablets in one package, designed for 3 days of use, is, on average, 130 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this product include high activity, ease of use and inexpensive price. But each of the components has side effects and contraindications. Most often they manifest themselves in patients with stomach ulcers and erosive gastritis, in the form of nausea, heartburn and vomiting. There may be headache, skin rash, sweating, and other side effects. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting treatment, and if this is not possible, then you should not use Ibuklin on your own for more than 3 days.

Efferalgan – effervescent tablets

Efferalgan contains paracetamol, and is perhaps the leader in the ratings of antipyretic drugs in terms of its safety. It is no wonder that so many different commercial forms of paracetamol are available for use in children. Efferalgan contains 500 mg of paracetamol and is available in capsules and effervescent tablets for use in adults. In addition to lowering the temperature, Efferalgan also has an analgesic effect, so at the same time it is good for treating diffuse muscle pain during influenza, reduces sore throat, and reduces the severity of headaches. All of these symptoms are also often present with respiratory viral infections.

It is necessary to use Efferalgan by dissolving one effervescent tablet in a glass of warm water, and the daily dose should not exceed 6 tablets for an adult, and the maximum single dose should not be more than two tablets. But usually, in uncomplicated cases, a daily dose of 3 g works very well for the patient. It is not recommended to use this drug for more than 3 days as an antipyretic without a doctor's prescription. Efferalgan is produced by the pharmaceutical company Upsa, a derivative of Bristol-Myers Squibb, France. The average cost of one package of 16 effervescent tablets, designed for more than five days of use, does not exceed 150 rubles in a retail pharmacy chain in September 2018 prices.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big advantage of Efferalgan is its good tolerability, mild action, wide therapeutic range, as well as the ability to use it in children, for whom it is available in the form of rectal suppositories, oral solution and powder. Also, low cost is a fairly effective argument in favor of choosing this drug. However, symptoms of overdose are possible, especially if the patient has liver pathology. This is manifested primarily by nausea and discomfort in the right hypochondrium. The drug can also cause side effects such as allergic reactions and dizziness. But these symptoms are dose dependent, and if the patient does not exceed the recommended dosage of 3 g per day, then these conditions occur very rarely.

Cefekon-N is a special antipyretic agent, since it is produced in rectal suppositories, but is used not in children, but in adults. Cefekon-N contains the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug naproxen, which is relatively rarely used in clinical practice. In addition, the suppositories contain caffeine and salicylamide. Together, these suppositories relieve pain, reduce fever, and have an anti-inflammatory effect. The presence of caffeine invigorates, reduces drowsiness, has an antispasmodic effect on the smooth muscles of internal organs, and reduces the symptoms of a primary allergic reaction during ARVI. This drug is indicated as a common antipyretic for common colds. It is necessary to use Cefekon-N after a morning bowel movement, inserting one suppository deeply into the rectum one to three times a day, and after this manipulation it is necessary to lie quietly for half an hour. You can use this remedy yourself, but not longer than 3 days. Tsefekon-N in suppositories is produced by the domestic pharmaceutical concern Nizhpharm, and the average cost of one package of 10 suppositories is about 120 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

Cefekon-N is a drug that is indicated, albeit with caution, for patients with erosive-ulcerative gastritis and gastric ulcers, since it is administered rectally and does not irritate the gastric mucosa. In addition, the product, due to the caffeine it contains, reduces daytime sleepiness and the feeling of weakness that often occurs in the first days of both influenza and ARVI. This product is also widely used and has a low price. But it must be remembered that the drug is contraindicated in patients with high blood pressure, renal failure, insomnia and angle-closure glaucoma. That is why it is advisable to consult a specialist before starting treatment.

Symptomatic therapy

Moving on to symptomatic treatment, we can say that the antipyretic drugs described above also belong to this group of drugs, but they were highlighted separately because of their particular popularity. Symptoms of ARVI, and, above all, dangerous flu, consist of high fever, a feeling of weakness and headache, nasal congestion, or, on the contrary, dryness. Sometimes viral infections cause rhinorrhea, or the well-known “snot.” The patient is bothered by a dry cough and general weakness.

Therefore, to combat these unpleasant symptoms of a cold, such groups of drugs as antipyretics and analgesics to combat fever and symptoms of intoxication, sprays and solutions to moisturize the nasal mucosa and anticongestants to eliminate rhinorrhea, sputum thinners, as well as drugs for effective its removal. Medicines belonging to these categories will be discussed in this section. Most of them can be used in both adults and children. But still, the rating of drugs for the treatment of cold symptoms in children includes those drugs that are indicated for use in childhood, and the dosage of which is selected in a special way for use in pediatric practice.

The Best Cold Symptom Relievers for Adults

To treat cold symptoms in adults, the entire arsenal of modern drugs is used, but this rating includes those drugs that do not have an antipyretic effect, since these drugs were discussed above. But the list will still include a drug that reduces, among other things, the symptoms of fever. And let's start the review with just such a tool. This is a well-known effective anti-cold drug, Theraflu.

Theraflu for colds and flu contains 4 effective ingredients. This is paracetamol from the NSAID group, which has antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects, the alpha-adrenergic agonist phenylephrine, the histamine receptor blocker pheniramine, and vitamin C, or ascorbic acid. This unique combination of constituent components allows, in addition to the antipyretic and analgesic effect, Theraflu to have an antiallergic and decongestant effect. As a result, the remedy will be indicated not only for respiratory viral infections, with symptoms of fever, intoxication, and aches throughout the body. Theraflu successfully fights nasal congestion, sneezing and runny nose. Therefore, if you have a full range of such symptoms, you can save on medications, since Theraflu for flu and colds is a whole “small pharmacy”.

Theraflu is used by dissolving 1 packet in a glass of hot boiled water, and it should also be taken hot. You can take no more than three packets during the day. Taking the drug will be most comfortable if you take it at night, since the antihistamine contained in Theraflu has a sedative effect. Theraflu for colds and flu is produced by the French company Farmat, and the average cost of one package of 10 bags, designed for 3 days of use, is about 290 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

A big benefit from purchasing this drug will be the fact that for less than 300 rubles you can purchase a whole range of medications. This is an analgesic, antipyretic, a substitute for nasal drops, and a medicine to combat allergies (itching in the nose and sneezing). However, the disadvantage of this good cold medicine may be side effects such as drowsiness, allergic rash, dry mouth, abdominal discomfort, reflex urinary retention, and other unpleasant symptoms associated with the side effects of histamine receptor blockers. But on the other hand, if you do not exceed the recommended dosage and use just one sachet at night, this can significantly ease the course of colds and acute respiratory viral infections.

Otrivin complex is a modern and highly effective combined anticongestant. In simple terms, these are nasal drops in the form of a nasal spray. The drug contains ipratropium bromide and xylometazoline. As a result, the drug has not only a vasoconstrictor effect, but also an anticholinergic effect. The action of xylometazoline causes a narrowing of the capillaries of the nasal mucosa, which reduces swelling and hyperemia, and facilitates nasal breathing. And ipratropium bromide reduces the severity of the secretion of the sebaceous glands, and as a result, rhinorrhea stops. The product takes effect within 5 minutes, the effect of a single use lasts at least 6 hours.

Otrivin complex is usually indicated on the 2nd and 3rd days of the disease, when catarrhal phenomena join the symptoms of malaise and colds. Sometimes it happens the other way around: at the beginning a person begins to experience nasal congestion and only then does general malaise arise, so there is no single recipe for use. For adults, the product is injected into each nostril 3 times a day. Otrivin complex should not be reused more often than after 6 hours, and the specified number of intranasal instillations should not be exceeded more than 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment is no more than 7 days without a doctor’s recommendation. Otrivin complex is produced by the Swiss company Novartis, and one package of 10 ml spray will cost 225 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of this highly effective drug is its speed of action and duration, therefore, despite the relatively high price for intranasal drops, they are used very economically. However, in order to avoid the development of adverse reactions, you should not exceed the recommended dosage, otherwise unpleasant symptoms such as tachycardia, dry nasal mucosa or a burning sensation up to nosebleeds, dry mouth, and difficulty urinating may appear. This is all a consequence of the side effects of both adrenergic agonists and anticholinergics in high dosages. Therefore, if the patient initially has chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels, or other diseases, for example, chronic renal failure, then a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

Flutidec (carbocysteine)

In the typical course of ARVI, patients begin to cough after a few days, and then it is necessary to take measures to evacuate accumulated sputum from the lungs, as well as increase its formation in order to avoid stagnation and infection of the mucous membrane not with viruses, but with microbes. Therefore, mucolytics and expectorants are used to prevent bacterial bronchitis. And such drugs include a highly effective drug - carbocysteine ​​under the commercial name Fluditec. It comes in syrup form and is produced by the French company Innotek.

Its task is to activate a special bronchial enzyme called sialic transferase. As a result, the fluidity of bronchial secretions improves and its discharge to the outside is facilitated. Along the way, this drug increases the secretion of class A immunoglobulins, which help in the fight against microbial infection.

Fluditec is indicated for bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, as well as for the treatment of various diseases of the sinuses of the skull, such as sinusitis, and pathology of the middle ear. Adults should take the drug 15 ml of syrup 3 times a day, the best dose would be one hour before meals, or 2 hours after meals. Without consulting a doctor, you can take the drug on your own for no more than 10 days. The cost of 125 ml of syrup containing 5% carbocisteine ​​is, on average, 380 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantage of this drug is its combined effect not only on bronchial secretions, which manifests itself in an increase in its fluidity, but also in enhancing local protection of the surface of the bronchial mucosa by increasing the concentration of secretory immunoglobulin A. Therefore, it is carbocysteine ​​(Flutidec) that is best able to prevent the transition bronchitis and cough during ARVI to microbial colonization of the disturbed structures of the bronchial tree, preventing the development of secondary bronchitis.

The Best Cold Symptom Relievers for Children

As you know, there are no special medications for children that adults would not use, since both the child’s body and the adult’s body are based on the same physiological and biochemical principles. It’s just that children’s medications have no contraindications for use in childhood, and their dosages are specially selected so that the drug is absorbed by the child’s body without exceeding the dose. Finally, a convenient dosage form can be considered a feature of the children's product: either in suppositories, or in the form of a suspension, or in the form of a delicious fruit syrup. The most popular and favorite cold remedy for all parents will be children's Nurofen. This is where the review begins.

Children's Nurofen contains a mildly active and relatively safe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen, and it is indicated for children with pain, fever with chills, catarrhal symptoms in the throat, muscle pain and acute respiratory tract infections, not to mention influenza and ARVI . The suspension is available with an orange or strawberry scent, and it must be used depending on the age of the baby. The earliest period of a child's life when this can be done is three months of age. But, no matter what the age and body weight of the child, more than 30 mg of the drug per kilogram of weight should not be given per day. Thus, children aged 1 year who weigh about 9 kg should not be given more than 10 ml of suspension per day, and a single dose should be 2.5 ml, three or four times a day. Detailed instructions are included with the drug. Nurofen for children is produced by the well-known pharmaceutical company Rackitt Benzikker, UK, and the average cost of one bottle of suspension with a volume of 150 ml will be 180 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of Nurofen can be considered high safety, and a mild antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, but only if parents do not exceed the recommended dosage. In addition, there are clear contraindications, one of which is a child’s combination of bronchial asthma with aspirin intolerance, renal failure, or congenital bleeding disorders. Therefore, it is advisable to obtain recommendations from your treating pediatrician before using the product for the first time. Also, the drug should not be given to a child whose body weight is less than 5 kg.

Viferon in suppositories is a popular remedy for increasing immunity in a child. The main active ingredient of Viferon is recombinant interferon Alpha-2b in combination with vitamins: alpha-tocopherol and ascorbic acid. Viferon is used for complex therapy of various infectious diseases, starting from the first days of a baby’s life, and for both treatment and prevention. Viferon is used not only for acute respiratory viral infections, but also for other infections, including childhood infections: measles, whooping cough, mumps and others.

Viferon rectal suppositories should be used one suppository twice a day, that is, every 12 hours. The course of treatment is at least 5 days, and the suppositories have different dosages, from 150 thousand units to 3 million. Therefore, the initial recommendation for the use of this drug in a child should be given by a doctor, choosing an individual dosage. Viferon in candles is produced by the domestic company Feron. The cost of one package of candles (10 pieces) in a minimum dosage of 150,000 units is, on average, 250 rubles. Viferon candles must be stored in the refrigerator.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantage of these combined immune suppositories is the ability to use them in children for a wide variety of diseases, starting from the period of prematurity. They help not only with ARVI, but also with manifestations of herpes infection, with childhood viral diseases such as chickenpox and measles, they can be used for prevention. The disadvantage of this drug may be the insufficiently large number of randomized studies and the lack of experience in using this drug abroad.

In children, as in adults, one of the first symptoms of respiratory viral infections and colds is nasal congestion and swelling, rhinorrhea. But in children, the water content in the body is greater, the mucous membrane becomes looser than in adults, and the symptoms of congestion are more pronounced.

The most popular and safest of all means that are indicated for irrigating the nasal mucosa for colds in children is pure sea water. It contains all the necessary salts, iodine for disinfection, and the most typical representative of such natural medicines is the drug Aqua Maris Baby. It is intended for washing and irrigating the nasal cavity in children. Aqua Maris Baby is used for all acute respiratory viral infections, bacterial infections, sore throats, sinusitis, allergic lesions, simply dry mucous membranes, dusty air, and for another wide range of indications.

It is necessary to use Aqua Maris baby for rinsing each stroke, on average 5 times a day daily when treating colds, and for prevention - 3 times a day. If the child has not yet reached the age of two, then the instructions include a special explanation of how to properly rinse the child’s nose.

Sea water is produced in a special metal bottle, which is under pressure, and the volume of the bottle is 50 ml. It is produced by the French company Yadran, and the average cost of this spray is 290 rubles.

Advantages and disadvantages

This spray would be good for everyone if it were not for its very high price. As the producers say, “the water is taken from an ecologically clean area of ​​the Adriatic Sea, from a depth of more than 10 m.” But in any case, the cost of 50 ml of even the purest sea water should not be 5 times higher than the cost of a liter of milk, even taking into account retail sales laws. This fact is a significant psychological barrier for many categories of parents. And at the same time, they will not spare any money on medicines for the baby’s health, but they are not going to spend on water. But if this barrier is avoided, then this remedy will be an excellent substitute for anticongestants containing adrenergic agonists and other substances that have side effects.

About mucolytics for children

In the rating of cold medications for adults, the mucolytic carbocisteine ​​was named. According to modern international studies, it has been proven that mucolytics should not be used in children. These include acylcysteine, Ambroxol, Bromhexine and many others. It turned out that many children experienced severe complications after regular use, and since April 2010, mucolytics for children have been banned in some countries, in particular in France. According to modern and indisputable data, such simple measures as drinking plenty of warm vitamin drinks, rinsing the nasal passages, and regularly humidifying the air in the room can get rid of phlegm with the same effectiveness, but without any risk.

Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Antiviral drugs for colds are the main remedy in the fight against this category of ailments.

As you know, during the period of intensification of colds, it is better to prevent them, and not to bring them to a state where treatment is already necessary. Activating your immune system during the cold season is the most effective measure to protect yourself from colds. Then the disease will not develop, or at least the situation will not become severe.

If the disease is of a viral nature - acute respiratory viral disease (ARVI) - then treatment is indispensable. And the best way to deal with the problem in this case is antiviral drugs. The essence of their action is their impact on the virus itself, which is the etiological factor.

Antiviral drugs are used to treat ARVI and influenza. These medications affect the replication of the virus in such a way as to stop it from multiplying. Antiviral drugs have a synthetic or natural base. They are used both in the fight against the disease and for its prevention. Different stages of a cold may be affected by antiviral drugs. Today, modern science knows about five hundred causative agents of different types of colds. There are few antiviral drugs to combat them.

Basically, viral diseases are treated with three types of drugs:

  • broad spectrum flu medications;
  • drugs to treat herpes infections.
  • means to combat cytomegalovirus.

In case of a severe form of the disease, antiviral drugs are taken; in case of a mild form, the use of interferons is permissible. Within a day and a half after the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently start taking an antiviral drug. If the virus is allowed to multiply to such a scale that it colonizes the entire body, then it can be reached to the point that taking medications will not have any effect.

Effect of antiviral drugs for colds

With the help of antiviral drugs, the causes of the occurrence and development of acute respiratory disease are eliminated. The results of this action are:

  • reducing the risks of exacerbations of chronic diseases (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • reducing the duration of a cold by several days, alleviating its symptoms;
  • reducing the risk that severe complications will develop after suffering an acute respiratory illness.

Antiviral drugs for colds are also used as emergency prevention when one of the family members is sick and the risk of infection to healthy people needs to be reduced.

Antiviral tablets for colds

In the class of synthetic antiviral drugs that work well against the influenza virus, there are two groups of effective drugs. The essence of the action of M-channel blockers is to block the virus so that it cannot penetrate cells and multiply. Some of the proven drugs against viruses in this category are “Amantadine” (“Midantan”), as well as “Rimantadine” (“Remantadine”). For the desired effect, they must be taken as soon as the disease begins to manifest itself. Another drawback is that it is not always possible to understand what kind of virus a person has fallen ill with. And these antiviral drugs are indicated during an epidemic against the influenza A virus. In addition, bird and swine flu are resistant to them. It is important to remember that taking an antiviral drug for a cold should be done not only by the sick person himself, but also by all members of his family.

An effective antiviral remedy for colds

But neuraminidase inhibitors act on influenza A and B viruses. The essence of their action is to suppress the enzyme that is responsible for the reproduction of the virus. Representatives of this group of drugs are Oseltamivir (Tamiflu) and Zanamivir (Relenza). You can start taking them within two days from the initial manifestations of the disease.

List of antiviral drugs for colds

  • "Tamiflu";
  • "Relenza";
  • "Grippferon";
  • "Anaferon";
  • "Amiksin";
  • "Kagocel";
  • "Remantadine";
  • "Viferon";
  • "Arbidol";
  • "Ribavirin";
  • "Amizon";
  • "Cycloferon".

Antiviral drug for colds "Zanamivir"

Zanamivir is prescribed for influenza in adults and children over 5 years of age, 5 mg inhalation twice a day for 5 days. The total daily dose reaches 10 mg. The drug is not combined with other inhaled drugs (including bronchodilators), due to the fact that exacerbations are possible in patients with bronchial asthma and other nonspecific lung diseases. A number of people without pulmonary pathology may experience signs of irritation of the nasopharynx, which in rare cases reaches the appearance of bronchospasm.

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Antiviral drug for colds "Ozeltamivir"

For influenza for adults and children over 12 years of age, the recommended dose of Oseltamivir is 75 mg 2 times a day for at least 5 days. Oseltamivir is prescribed to children over 1 year old - with body weight less than 15 kg - 30 mg, from 15 to 23 kg - 45 mg, from 23 to 40 kg - 60 mg, over 40 kg - 75 mg twice a day for five days.

The drug is prescribed with caution in case of renal failure; it may cause nausea and vomiting when taken.

Antiviral drugs for colds with a wider spectrum of action are “Ribavirin” (“Ribarin”) and “Inosin Pranobex” (“Groprinosin”).

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Antiviral drug for colds "Ribavirin"

"Ribavirin" acts on influenza A and B viruses, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, coronaviruses, rhinoviruses. A special feature of the drug is its high toxicity, so it is used only if respiratory syncytial infection is confirmed, which often leads to bronchiolitis in children.

Ribavirin is used to treat influenza in adults over 18 years of age (200 mg 3-4 times a day with meals for 5-7 days) in the absence of pregnancy, renal failure and hemolytic anemia.

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Antiviral drug for colds "Inosine pranobex"

"Inosine pranobex" fights influenza viruses, parainfluenza, rhinoviruses, adenoviruses. This antiviral drug for colds stimulates the human body's defenses. For the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, it is recommended to take it: adults, 2 tablets 3-4 times a day at regular intervals for 5-7 days; For children, the daily dose is 50 mg per kilogram of body weight.

Take the daily dose in 3-4 doses at equal intervals. The duration of treatment is 5–7 days.

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Interferons and interferon inducers

Another large group of antiviral drugs for colds are interferons and interferon inducers. Interferons are protein substances that the body synthesizes as a response to infection, making the body more resistant to viruses. They have a wide spectrum of action, which sets them apart from many other synthetic drugs. But some experts argue that they are not very effective for ARVI. In case of colds, they are prescribed as nasal drops and rectal suppositories. Native leukocyte interferon is instilled four to six times a day, Reaferon (interferon alfa-2a) two drops two to four times a day. Viferon (alpha-2b interferon) usually comes as suppositories; adults usually use Viferon 3 and 4.

There are also interferon inducers. These are drugs that stimulate the body to produce its own interferons. Colds are treated with Tiloron (Amiksin), Meglumina acridone acetate (Cycloferon) and a number of other antiviral drugs for colds.

Antiviral drug for colds "Amiksin"

For the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections, Amiksin is prescribed orally after meals, two tablets of 0.125 g for adults and 0.06 g for children over 7 years of age on the first day of illness and then 1 tablet every other day.

For a course of treatment - up to 6 tablets. Contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 7 years of age.

Antiviral drug for colds "Cycloferon"

"Cycloferon" is used for the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory infections in the form of intramuscular injections at a dose of 250 mg (12.5% ​​2 ml) two days in a row, then every other day or 1 tablet 0.15 g every other day for 20 days.

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Antiviral drug for colds "Kagocel"

Antiviral drug for colds "Arbidol"

An antiviral drug such as Arbidol is effective in treating colds. It acts against viruses A, B, and also treats parainfluenza, syncytial infections, and adenoviruses. The essence of the drug’s action is to stimulate the production of endogenous interferon; it has an antioxidant effect and strengthens the immune system.

Arbidol for colds without complications is prescribed: children from 3 to 6 years old - 50 mg, from 6 to 12 years old - 100 mg, over 12 years old and adults - 200 mg 4 times a day (every 6 hours) for 5 days. With the development of complications (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.), children from 3 to 6 years old take Arbidol 50 mg, from 6 to 12 years old - 100 mg, over 12 years old, adults - 200 mg 4 times a day (every 6 hours ) for 5 days, then a single dose once a week for a month.

Antiviral drug for colds "Amizon"

The antiviral drug for colds "Amizon" is an inducer of endogenous interferon and has antiviral, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effects.

Adults take Amizon 2–4 times a day after meals for moderate influenza and acute respiratory infections, 0.25 g, for severe cases, 0.5 g for 5–7 days; The course dose of treatment is 3–6.5 g. Children aged 6–12 years drink 0.125 g 2–3 times a day for 5–7 days.

Antiviral drug for colds "Anaferon"

"Anaferon" refers to homeopathic remedies with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. It is also used to treat colds and flu. Directions for use for adults: 1 tablet, sublingually from three to six times a day, depending on the severity of the disease.

Treatment begins at the first respiratory symptoms. After improvement of the condition, it is recommended to switch to taking the drug once a day for 8-10 days. For children from six months to three years old, dissolve one tablet in 15 ml of water and give it to drink. For prophylaxis, Anaferon is prescribed one tablet once a day for one to three months.

Antiviral drug for colds "Grippferon"

"Grippferon" is an immunomodulatory, antiviral and anti-inflammatory drug for intranasal use. The duration of the course of use and dose of the drug "Grippferon" is usually determined by the attending physician.


Herbal antiviral drugs for colds

Some medicinal herbs also have antiviral effects. The action of many herbal preparations is directed against viruses belonging to the herpes family. Colds are often accompanied by herpetic rashes, in addition, the course of cytomegalovirus infection also often occurs with the same symptoms as ARVI. Alpizarin belongs to this category of drugs. The active ingredient in it is an extract of plants such as alpine kopek, yellow kopek, and mango leaves. The antiviral drug "Flacozide" contains an active substance that is obtained from Amur velvet and Laval velvet. For external use, use the ointments “Megozin” (cottonseed oil), “Helepin” (aerial part of Lespedeza kopecky), “Gossypol” (obtained when cotton seeds or cotton roots are processed).

Antiviral drugs that are used for colds also include Altabor. It is based on an extract of gray and black (sticky) alder fruits.

Turf pike and ground reed grass give life to the drug “Proteflazid”; it is also used in the treatment of colds, flu and for their prevention. The German drug “Imupret” has an antiviral and immunomodulatory effect. It contains horsetail, walnut leaves and oak bark.

Price of antiviral drugs for colds

The price range for antiviral drugs for colds is quite wide - from 20 to 200 hryvnia (of course, it still depends on the packaging and the number of tablets). In any case, it is better to consult with your doctor, who will prescribe the drug that will be most effective in a particular case.

If we name the approximate prices for the main antiviral drugs used to treat colds, in Ukrainian pharmacies they are: “Amizon” - from 20 UAH, “Arbidol” - from 50 UAH, “Amiksin” - from 30 UAH, “Anaferon” - from 40 UAH, "Remantadine" - from 11 UAH, "Kagocel" from 70 UAH, "Viferon" - from 70 UAH - from 110 UAH.

Inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds

Inexpensive antiviral drugs for colds, which are often prescribed by doctors and are widely used - “Amizon”, “Amiksin”, “Anaferon”. For 20-40 hryvnia you can buy 10 tablets. But once again, please note: before deciding to purchase an antiviral drug for a cold, you should consult with your doctor.

With the help of antiviral drugs, it is not the consequence, but the cause of the cold that is eliminated. This is a great advantage of antiviral drugs in the treatment of colds, and this also explains their effectiveness. Antiviral drugs shorten the duration of a cold by two to three days and make it easier. Due to the use of antiviral drugs for colds, the risk that other chronic diseases will worsen (exacerbation of bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis and other diseases) is reduced, and various complications will not arise, as often happens with other drugs. In addition, antiviral drugs for colds have an excellent effect in the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, including among healthy family members when a sick person is at home.

Antiviral drugs are drugs used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of viral etiology.

The mechanism of their action can be divided into two different principles: Some medications directly affect the virus itself, inhibiting the reproduction and division of microorganisms, while others cause increased secretion of immune hormones, due to which the body itself fights the pathogenic “invader.”

The former are more effective for severe viral infections, pulmonary, intestinal, papillomavirus, smallpox lesions, and have more contraindications, the latter are more often prescribed for colds, mild flu and throat lesions (laryngitis, tonsillitis) and are safer.

Antiviral drugs for children are classified depending on the chemical nature of the active substance:

  • interferons;
  • abnormal nucleosides;
  • adamantane and its derivatives, or M2 channel blockers;
  • neuraminidase inhibitors;
  • inducers of interferon production;
  • hemagglutinin inhibitors;
  • of plant origin;
  • homeopathic remedies.

Among the indicated list of drugs, neuraminidase inhibitors and M2 channel blockers, which are distinguished by their targeted antiviral effect, have proven effectiveness. The clinical effectiveness of the rest is considered unproven.

Indications and features of use

It is most advisable to take an antiviral drug after receiving the results of laboratory diagnostics with determining the exact strain of the virus that provoked the disease.

Since many drugs in this group also exhibit immunomodulatory activity, it is recommended to do an immunogram to determine the type of immunodeficiency.

According to the mechanism of action, almost all drugs act exclusively on viruses in the reproduction stage.

Therefore, if the viral genome is integrated into cellular DNA or RNA, the medicine will be ineffective. In this regard, the antiviral drug should not be taken in the first 1-2 days after the onset of symptoms, that is, during the period of active reproduction of microorganisms.

When using such medications, it is extremely important to take them in the indicated dosage, observing the frequency of administration and duration of therapy. Children's forms of antiviral drugs are selected taking into account the child's age and weight.


Interferon drugs should be taken within the first 24 hours, only then will they be effective. At this stage, the immune response is just forming, so the introduction of interferon will help to quickly respond to the introduction of the virus. In addition, the most targeted action is achieved by drugs whose interferon enters the body bypassing the gastrointestinal tract.

For children under 1 year of age

All medications for children under one year of age must be prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

At this age, antiviral drugs from the interferon subgroup are most often prescribed:

  • Viferon, supp. rectal 150 thousand IU No. 10 - 275 rubles;
  • Grippferon, cap. nasal, fl. — 270 rub;
  • Human leukocyte interferon, amp. 1000 IU, No. 10 - 102 rub.


Contains recombinant interferon, vitamin C and E. The mechanism of action is to suppress viral replication, enhance the phagocytic activity of macrophages, increase their own immune response to the penetration of pathogens, increase the IgA titer, and normalize the IgE content.

The drug has antiviral, immunomodulatory, antiproliferative effects. Due to the content of vitamins C and E, anti-inflammatory and membrane-stabilizing activity is manifested.

Prescribed in the complex therapy of ARVI and bacterial infections, 1 suppository 2 times a day every 12 hours for 5 days. According to indications, therapy can be continued, but the break should be at least 5 days.

Viferon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to interferon, autoimmune pathologies. Allergic reactions in the form of itching and skin rashes occur extremely rarely.

Grippferon - nasal drops

Prescribed in therapy and as a prophylactic agent for acute respiratory viral infections, including influenza. Positioned as the safest antiviral drug for infants.

Influenza is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to interferons, severe forms of allergies, and autoimmune diseases.

Human leukocyte interferon

It is a mixture of several subclasses of interferon obtained from leukocytes. It exhibits antiviral, antiproliferative, antitumor, immunomodulatory effects.

Recommended by a doctor for the preparation of a solution for intranasal use in children under 1 month gauze flagella are moistened with 3 drops of the drug and inserted into the nasal passage 3-5 times a day, for children under 12 months - a drop 4-5 times a day.

Contraindicated in autoimmune pathologies and interferon intolerance. As an adverse reaction, rashes, attacks of nausea and vomiting, drowsiness, and fever may occur.

For children over 1 year old

The following list is most often prescribed as antiviral drugs for children over 1 year of age:

  • thymogen, nasal spray - 350 rubles;
  • Immunal, drops for oral administration - 340 rubles;
  • orvirem, syrup 0.2% - 325 rubles;
  • cytovir-3 syrup, 50 ml - 400 rub.


The list opens with a good antiviral agent for children, the main advantage of which is local use. Thus, the list of contraindications and possible side effects is reduced.

The active component of the drug is sodium glutamyl-tryptophan. Thymogen exhibits immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, desensitizing, antioxidant, and reparative effects.

The main substance interacts with T-lymphocytes, macrophages, mast cells, which helps normalize their activity.

Thymogen is contraindicated in case of autoimmune pathologies or intolerance to the main component.

It is prescribed in the complex treatment of diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature with an acute and chronic course, which is accompanied by a significant decrease in cellular immunity.

Also used in the prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. For children over 1 year old, it is recommended to spray 1 spray into one nasal passage once. The course of treatment is 10 days.


In pediatric practice it is used in the form of drops. This medicine contains grass juice Echinçea purpurea. Recommended for strengthening immune defense in mild to moderate ARVI.

Children over 1 year of age are prescribed 1 ml three times a day, 7 days in a row.

Immunal is contraindicated in case of autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity to plants from the Asteraceae family. Side effects manifest themselves in the form of skin rash, dizziness, bronchospasm, shortness of breath, anaphylactic shock.


Contains rimantadine hydrochloride, that is, it is a good targeted antiviral drug, used for the treatment and prevention of influenza types A and B.

It should be taken according to the following scheme:

  • Day 1: 2 tsp. syrup three times a day;
  • 2nd and 3rd: 2 tsp. twice during the day;
  • 4th: 2 tsp. once a day.

It is considered the most optimal antiviral drug for children 2 years old, since the bottle is enough for a course of treatment, and the therapeutic effect appears 4 hours after the first dose.

Contraindications for use are hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary substances, kidney and/or liver pathologies of any origin, confirmed epilepsy. Side effects develop in the form of skin rash, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, flatulence, dizziness, and insomnia.


Contains thymogen, ascorbic acid, bendazole hydrochloride (dibazole). The last component belongs to the class of immunostimulating agents that exhibit antiviral activity, which is realized by stimulating the production of its own interferon.

This compound also increases the nonspecific immune response. Thymogen activates T-cell immunity and enhances the antiviral effect of dibazole. Vitamin C activates humoral immunity.

This effective drug is prescribed for the treatment of ARVI (colds) and flu. For children over 1 year of age, the recommended dose is 2 ml of syrup, which should be taken three times a day for 4 days.

For children from 3 years old

For children over 3 years old, the choice of antiviral agents is much wider. Pediatricians prescribe the following names:

  • Arbidol, tab. 50 mg No. 10 – 170 rubles;
  • Hyporamine, tab. 20 mg No. 20 – 160 rubles;
  • Groprinosin, tab. 500 mg No. 20 – 620 rubles;
  • Kagocel, tab. 12 mg No. 10 – 245 rub.


For patients of this age category, it is available in tablet form with a dose of 50 mg. The drug contains umifenovir, which exhibits immunomodulatory and antiviral activity.

It enhances the production of interferon, activates humoral and cellular immune defense, and stimulates macrophages. Arbidol has a particularly strong effect against influenza A and B viruses.

The drug is used in the complex treatment of influenza, rotavirus infection, ARVI 4 times a day, the dose is selected taking into account the age of the patient:

  • children 3-6 years old – 50 mg;
  • 6-12 years – 100 mg;
  • from 12 years – 200 mg.

For prevention purposes, take a single dose once a day for a 2-week course.
Arbidol is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to umifenovir, the child is less than 2 years old. The side effect manifests itself in the form of allergic rashes.


A cheap antiviral drug containing sea buckthorn leaf extract.

It is used in the treatment and prevention of acute respiratory viral infections, adenovirus, influenza A and B virus, CMV, chickenpox, and herpes infection.

It is prescribed to children over 3 years old, one tablet three times a day, over 12 years old – one tablet 4 times a day.

The main contraindication is hypersensitivity to drug components.


Contains inosine pranobex as the main active ingredient. It has an immunomodulatory and broad antiviral effect.

Normalizes the dysfunction of cellular immunity, stimulating the maturation and division of T-lymphocytes. Inosine promotes the production of endogenous interferon and inhibits the synthesis of interleukin-4.

Prescribed in complex treatment and for the prevention of ARVI, influenza virus, chickenpox, measles, herpes infection, papillomavirus, CMV, molluscum contagiosum.

The daily dose depends on the severity of the disease, the weight and age of the child. As a rule, 50 mg per 1 kg of weight, divided into 4 doses, is recommended.

Groprinosin is contraindicated in case of urolithiasis, arrhythmia, renal failure, as well as with body weight less than 15 kg. Side effects most often include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, itching, and insomnia.


Contains the active ingredient of the same name. The drug has an immunomodulatory and antiviral effect.

In pediatric practice, it is prescribed to children from 3 years of age in the complex treatment of viral infections, including influenza and herpes.

The dose and frequency of administration depend on the age of the child:

  • from 3 to 6 years: In the first 2 days, a tablet twice a day, the next 2 days - a tablet once a day;
  • over 6 years: first, a tablet three times a day for 2 days, then a tablet twice a day for another 2 days.

For children from 6 years old

As a rule, the following list of remedies is recommended for the prevention and treatment of viral infections:

  • Amiksin, tab. 60 mg each No. 10 – 585 rubles;
  • Relenza, por. with inhaler – 1020 rubles;
  • Rimantadine, tab. 50 mg No. 20 – 77 rubles;
  • Cycloferon, tab. 150 mg No. 20 – 370 rub.


The drug contains tilorone, which exhibits more of an immunomodulatory effect than an antiviral one.

Allowed for children over 7 years of age and used for the treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI.

The advantage of the drug is its ease of administration: just 1 tablet once a day for 3 days in a row.

However, side effects often develop in the form of dyspeptic disorders, chills, and allergic reactions.


Available in powder form for inhalation. The main active ingredient is zanamivir, which belongs to the group of neuraminidase inhibitors.

A distinctive feature of this modern drug is its targeted antiviral effect and proven effectiveness. Approved for use by children over 5 years old, 2 inhalations twice a day for 5 days.

This powerful inhaler is contraindicated in patients with hypersensitivity to zanamivir or a history of bronchospasm.


The cheapest anti-influenza drug, the price of which starts from 77 rubles. Prescribed to children over 7 years of age in tablet form.

Also used to treat influenza A, tick-borne encephalitis virus, and acute herpes infection.

For children aged 12 years and older

For this category of growing patients, medications intended for adults are often suitable. However, only if the teenager is of normal weight and does not have chronic diseases.


The medicine contains vitaglutam, which exhibits antiviral, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory effects.

The drug is prescribed in the complex treatment of influenza A and B, parainfluenza, and adenovirus. It is recommended for children over 13 years of age to take 1 capsule once a day for a course of 5-7 days, depending on the severity of the condition.

The maximum therapeutic effect is observed if therapy is started no later than 36 hours after the onset of symptoms.

The medicine is contraindicated only in case of hypersensitivity to the components.


It contains enisamium iodide, which, upon penetration into the body, activates the production of interferon. Thus, further reproduction and division of the virus is indirectly inhibited.

The drug is effective against the influenza virus and other acute respiratory viral infections. Approved for use by children over 12 years of age.

Homeopathic antiviral remedies

Homeopathic medicines include plant, animal and mineral extracts, as well as other biologically active substances.

However, when using such medications in childhood, it should be borne in mind that none of those presented on the pharmaceutical market has an evidence base.

Of this subgroup of antiviral drugs, the following are most often prescribed in pediatric practice:

  • Anaferon for children (Table No. 20, 235 rubles);
  • Aflubin (table No. 12 - 310 rubles, drops for oral administration, 20 ml - 355 rubles);
  • Viburkol (supp. Rectal No. 12 - 395 rubles);
  • Oscillococcinum (granules in a pencil case, No. 6 - 395 rubles).

Anaferon for children

Contains carefully purified antibodies to interferon. It is used in therapy and for the prevention of viral infections, including herpes, rhinovirus and adenovirus.

For the treatment of ARVI, you should take 1 tablet in the first 2 hours. every half hour, then during this day - another 3 tablets. at equal time intervals.

Thus, a total of 8 tablets are taken on day 1. Starting from the 2nd day, one tablet three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of Anaferon are hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and lactase deficiency.

Side effects include allergic reactions, skin itching and rashes, local swelling of soft tissues.


A relatively inexpensive antiviral drug containing extracts of gentian, aconite, and Bryonia dioica.

A single dose depends on the age of the child:

  • up to 1 year – 1 drop;
  • from 1 to 4 years – from 2 to 4 drops;
  • from 4 to 12 years – from 5 to 9 caps.

As part of the treatment of viral infections, it is recommended to take the drug every half hour, but not more than 8 times a day.

Starting from the 3rd day, the frequency of administration is reduced to 3 times half an hour before or an hour after meals.

Contraindications for use are hypersensitivity to individual components of the tincture; sensitization reactions may occur as a side effect.


The main ingredients are extracts of chamomile, belladonna, plantain, dulcamara and other medicinal plants.

Viburkol is prescribed in pediatric practice as part of the therapy and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and painful teething.

From 6 months, when the temperature rises from 37.5, give 1 supp. 4 times a day, that is, every 6 hours, with febrile temperature (above 38) - 1 supp. up to 6 times throughout the day, or every 4 hours.

After the temperature returns to normal, you need to continue treatment for 4 days with a suppository once.

Viburkol is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Also, in the first days of treatment, the child’s well-being may worsen., and sometimes there is an exacerbation of allergies.


Indicated for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza that occur with mild to moderate symptoms in early childhood.

For babies up to one year old, the granules of the 1st pencil case should be dissolved in boiled water and given twice a day for 3 days.

For a child over 1 year old, the granules can be dissolved in the mouth twice a day.

Contraindications for use are increased sensitization (sensitivity) to the components of the drug; among the side effects, allergic reactions most often occur.

Features of the combined use of antibacterial and antiviral drugs

The combined use of antibacterial and antiviral drugs is possible only as prescribed by a doctor.

Antibiotics only affect bacteria by destroying them or inhibiting growth and reproduction, and this group of drugs does not affect viruses at all.

Antiviral drugs affect only viruses, but are powerless against bacterial pathogens.

However, drugs that have an immunomodulatory effect are often prescribed in the complex treatment of bacterial infections along with antibiotics. This is due to the fact that they contribute to the activation of nonspecific immunity.

Also, both groups of drugs are used in combination for the development "superinfections" or with severe bacterial complications against the background of a viral disease.

When prescribing such a therapeutic model to children, the nature of the disease and the patient’s immune status are always taken into account.

Antiviral Medicines – School of Doctor Komarovskog

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Three days ago, our regular reader Natalya asked me to write an article with a complete list of the most effective antiviral remedies for colds.

We first wanted to find a good article on the Internet and give it a link so as not to waste our time, but after searching the Internet for information, we did not find a single article that would answer this question completely. Thus, this material appeared, which collected more than 30 of the most effective and inexpensive antiviral drugs.


The human body is surrounded every day by hundreds of pathogenic microorganisms, which at any time can undermine the immune system and cause colds or viral diseases. Infections caused by viral agents cause up to 5 million deaths annually - this is, unfortunately, a sad statistic from the World Health Organization.

Despite the danger of viruses, people often ignore a cold and go to work or other public places with symptoms of the disease, thereby endangering others.

Such negligence towards health sometimes leads to serious complications, including disability and death. Therefore, every person, especially during epidemics, must be on alert and meet the virus with all weapons.

Viruses enter the human body through the upper respiratory system. With strong immune defense, they die in barrier zones - the mucous membrane of the nose and oropharynx and do not reach the lower parts of the respiratory system. Even if the disease begins, it will be mild and will go away in a week at most.

With a weakened immune status, unpleasant symptoms develop that are caused by viruses: runny nose, cough, pain and sore throat, fever, general malaise. They last more than seven days, and in some cases the full period of recovery occurs only after several weeks.

Not so long ago, therapeutic therapy for acute respiratory viral infections was carried out with the aim of alleviating symptoms. The modern approach to treatment is aimed at preventing complications by prescribing the necessary antiviral drugs that can stop the rapid progression of a cold and quickly relieve all symptoms of the disease.

When taking antiviral drugs in prophylactic doses a healthy person has an increased chance of not “catching” a respiratory infection in epidemiologically difficult times.

Should you be afraid of a cold?

In the understanding of many people, a cold is a harmless condition that is caused by hypothermia, draft, wet feet, etc. Indeed, about 20% of all “wet” noses have precisely these causes, but it is difficult to determine exactly what caused the disease. Therefore, the general name has taken root among the people - the common cold, which includes acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and conditions associated with hypothermia.

The remaining 80% of viral infections require antiviral drugs, because Antibacterial drugs are not helpful in this case. To effectively treat colds, antiviral drugs are used that can cover a wide range of viral agents.

You shouldn’t be afraid of a cold; you need to deal with it wisely. A good antiviral remedy for a cold can only be selected by a doctor who knows what virus is currently “walking” around the city.

You can read more about the dangers and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections in this article.

The following types of viruses are the culprits of respiratory infections:

To suppress all these microorganisms, the pharmacological market provides antiviral agents, and your doctor will definitely tell you which one is best to choose.

What effective antiviral agents can be used for colds?

Antiviral drugs for adults and children differ in their group relationship (interferons, etiotropic drugs, others) and in their effect on the body. We will not dwell in detail on complex medical terminology, but will immediately move on to an introduction to antiviral drugs and their brief characteristics.

List of commonly purchased (best) antiviral drugs for colds:

Let's look at some of them.

Remantadine is an old, proven antiviral agent, inexpensive, and suppresses even swine flu strains. The drug is approved for use in children from one year of age. Most reviews about the drug are positive, but there are patients who report a number of side effects: dry mouth, nausea, dizziness, gastralgia, tachycardia, apathy, nervousness, and others.

The drug is prescribed in the first days of the disease when only signs of the disease appear.

Proven If Remantadine exhibits resistance to some mutating viruses, then the drug must be replaced with more modern antiviral agents. Not used for epilepsy, severe liver and kidney diseases.

The price for 100 mg capsules No. 10 ranges from 174 to 300 rubles. Tablets in a dosage of 50 mg No. 20 cost an average of 50 – 150 rubles.

Tamiflu is a drug that is highly active against influenza A and B strains. It is used in the first days of illness. Tamiflu may cause the following side effects: diarrhea, headache, nausea, insomnia, hallucinations, depression, anxiety and others.

Due to the high toxicity of the drug, some international experts consider Tamiflu a dangerous drug advertised by the manufacturer.

If you look at the official instructions for Tamiflu, then probably any patient will not read it to the end. There is a lot of research data and special instructions, which naturally suggests the complexity of the drug. One gets the impression that Tamiflu has not been studied enough, although it is recommended for patients from 12 months of age.

The price of the drug is high, the minimum cost in pharmacies is approximately 1,150 rubles per package (75 mg of oseltamivir No. 10). Therefore, we wrote a material where we reviewed cheap analogues of Tamiflu and instructions for using the drug.

Arbidol is a low-toxic antiviral drug used for influenza, ARVI, acute severe respiratory syndrome, immunodeficiency, as well as complex therapy for bronchopulmonary diseases, rotavirus and herp infections. The drug is used from the age of three, both for treatment and prevention.

Side effects are associated only with individual intolerance to the product, which makes it popular and safe to use. Arbidol is widely used in Russia and is included in standard treatment regimens for viral infections.

The average price of Arbidol is 220 rubles for 100 mg capsules No. 10, which is quite expensive. We looked at cheap analogues of Arbidol.

Ingavirin is an antiviral drug used for acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial infection, and adenoviruses. The drug is prescribed only for the treatment of adult patients. Ingavirin has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antitoxic effect, and has established itself as a highly effective immunomodulatory drug for colds of various origins.

The drug is non-toxic and rarely causes allergic reactions. A number of studies have shown that Russian Ingavirin has higher antiviral activity than Tamiflu (Switzerland).

The price for 60 mg capsules No. 7 averages 350 rubles.

Ribavirin is a fast-acting antiviral medicine used only after 18 years of age. The remedy is indicated for respiratory syncytial virus, adenoviruses, influenza, herpes, oncogenic viruses and other diseases caused by rare forms of viruses, for example, smallpox viruses.

Ribavirin will be relevant when traveling in Africa and South America, where there is a high probability of catching something “exotic” for your health.

The drug has toxicity and is contraindicated in heart failure, myocardial infarction, severe anemia, severe renal and hepatic pathology, autoimmune processes, and the patient's suicidal tendencies.

The price in pharmacies for domestically produced Ribavirin 200 mg No. 30 averages 160 rubles.

Amiksin has antiviral and immunomodulating effects. It is non-toxic, and in therapeutic doses, as a rule, has no side effects. At higher dosages, allergic reactions, chills, and gastrointestinal complaints were observed.

The drug is used from the age of seven, main indications: ARVI, influenza, herpes, hepatitis of viral origin, cytomegalovirus infection. Amiksin is used in the complex treatment of tuberculosis, urogenital infections and other pathologies.

Cycloferon is an immunomodulating agent used in patients over 4 years of age. The drug induces interferon, thereby forcing the immune system to exhibit antiviral, anti-inflammatory and immune protection against influenza, ARVI, papillomavirus, herpes, and other viruses.

Cycloferon is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance or severe liver diseases. There are also relative contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases and allergies in the past.

The price of Cycloferon tablets 150 mg No. 10 is approximately 165 rubles.

Tips for treating a cold

In the article, we reviewed the most popular drugs with antiviral effects for colds. Based on the information presented, you can make a list of inexpensive drugs:

  • Leukocyte interferon – 95 rubles;
  • Grippferon – 250 rub. (analogue of Derinat);
  • Cycloferon – 165 rubles;
  • Remantadine – 100 rubles;
  • Viferon – 250 rubles;
  • Anaferon – 220 rubles;
  • Arbidol – 220 rubles;
  • Ribavirin – 160 rub.

Naturally, the patient faces a dilemma: “Which is the best antiviral tablet to choose?” You should not select these drugs on your own, and cheap drugs will not always help replace an expensive drug.

That's why only the doctor decides question about the prescription of an antiviral drug, its dose and course of administration. In exceptional cases (independent use), it is recommended to use the drug following the clearly attached instructions for use.

An article on the topic - antiviral nasal drops - inexpensive but effective.

What immunomodulatory drugs can be used with antiviral drugs?

These medications include:

  • IRS-19 (nasal spray 20 ml) – 420 rubles;
  • Polyoxidonium (12 mg tablets No. 10) – 700 rubles;
  • Lykopid (tablets 10 mg No. 10) – 1400 rubles;
  • Ribomunil (0.75 mg tablets No. 4) – 300 rubles;
  • Broncho-munal (capsules 7 mg No. 10) – 470 rubles.

These funds help the body increase its adaptive properties and strengthen the resistance of cells against viruses and bacteria.

During the cold season, colds lurk everywhere. Influenza, rhinoviruses and enteroviruses, herpes and respiratory syncytial virus - antiviral tablets will help you cope with them. Their use will reduce symptoms and prevent the virus from multiplying, eliminating the disease in a matter of days.

Available tablets are effective in treating viral diseases

Benefits of antiviral drugs in tablets

The tablet form of antiviral drugs has several important advantages over injections, suppositories, powders and mixtures.

  1. Ease of use: tablets can be carried with you and taken on a schedule.
  2. No pain or local reactions – redness, burning, swelling.
  3. Efficacy: Tablets and capsules take a little longer to be absorbed, but have a stronger effect and last longer than powders and syrups.
  4. Cost: Tablet medications are inexpensive and do not require supplies or nurse fees.

Classification of antiviral agents

All antiviral drugs can be divided into 5 large groups:

  • anti-influenza drugs, which include M2 ​​channel blockers and viral neuraminidase inhibitors;
  • antiretroviral drugs used for HIV infection;
  • tablets with an extended spectrum of activity;
  • antiherpetic and anticytomegalovirus drugs.
The last 2 groups are often combined: the drugs in them have a similar spectrum of activity and indications, and therefore can be used to treat both infections.

List of anti-flu tablets

Antiviral drugs used against influenza and acute respiratory viral infections are divided into M2 channel blockers and neuraminidase inhibitors.

  1. Group I blocks the ion channels of viral particles, preventing the viral DNA from bifurcating and preventing it from multiplying.
  2. Group II blocks the synthesis of neuraminidase, which helps remove the virus from infected cells and prevents its further reproduction.

There are only 4 active substances with proven effectiveness used for influenza - the M2 channel blockers amantadine and rimantadine, as well as the neuraminidase inhibitors oseltamivir and zanamivir. The latter drug is produced in Russia only in powder form, so it will not be considered.

Amantadine derivative, M2 channel blocker. 1 tablet contains 50 or 100 mg of rimantadine. Treatment occurs by inhibiting viral DNA before initial RNA transcription. It is used in the treatment and prevention of influenza, as well as tick-borne encephalitis.

Appearance of the box in the photo:

Packaging of Remantadine tablets

Contraindications: liver and kidney diseases, pregnancy, thyrotoxicosis.

Release form: 10 tablets or capsules in a blister, 1 or 2 blisters in a pack.

Price: 70-230 rubles.

A product based on oseltamivir, one capsule contains 75 mg of active substance. Neuroamindase inhibitor blocks and inhibits the growth of the virus in the body. It is used for influenza types A and B, when typical symptoms appear: cough, runny nose, headache, fever.

The drug Tamiflu blocks the action of the virus in the body

Contraindications: renal failure, intolerance to oseltamivir.

Release form: 10 tablets in a blister, 1 blister in a pack.

Price: 1200-1250 rubles.

Cheap Russian-made tablets that block M2 channels. Active ingredient: amantadine, 100 mg in 1 tablet. A viral DNA inhibitor used to treat influenza and ARVI, as well as Parkinson's disease.

Midantan - affordable Russian tablets

Contraindications: glaucoma, hypotension, pregnancy, epilepsy, psychosis.

Release form: 100 tablets in a dark glass jar.

Price: 120-125 rubles.

Review of antiherpetic and anticytomegalovirus drugs

Antiherpetic, or “anti-cold”, drugs include nucleoside analogues. These agents block the synthesis of viral DNA and prevent it from doubling. Thus, the herpes virus cannot reproduce and dies. Anticytomegalovirus drugs act on the same principle.

The cost of these drugs depends on the active substance: more modern and powerful drugs cost 4-5 times more than their outdated analogues, but their use is only advisable for a resistant strain of the virus.

A drug with the same active ingredient, one tablet contains 200 or 400 mg of acyclovir. Inhibits DNA synthesis, disrupting the reproduction of the virus in the body. The medicine is used for herpes, incl. genital, with herpes zoster, chicken pox and immunodeficiency conditions.

The drug Famvir contains the substance famciclovir.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug and penciclovir.

Release form: 10 tablets with a dosage of 125 mg, 21 tablets with a dosage of 250 mg.

Price: 1540-4230 rubles.

Zovirax is based on the substance acyclovir

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the active substance, age under 3 years.

Release form: 25 tablets in a cardboard package.

Price: 490-540 rubles.

Good and strong antiherpetic tablets. The active ingredient is valacyclovir, 1 tablet contains a dose of 500 mg. Blocks viral DNA synthesis, preventing viruses from spreading. It is used for herpes zoster, cytomegalovirus infection, and recurrent diseases of the skin and mucous membranes caused by the herpes virus.

Valtrex helps in the treatment of herpes and lichen

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.

Release form: 10 or 42 tablets per package.

Price: 1200-3250 rubles.

List of pills for HIV

Antiretroviral drugs are immunomodulatory drugs used for the prevention and treatment of HIV. They are not able to cure the infection, but they reduce the symptoms of its manifestation and protect the immune system of the infected person.

ARVs are divided into nucleoside and non-nucleoside HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease and integrase inhibitors, receptor and fusion inhibitors. The drugs of these groups act differently, but they all prevent the virus from mutating and modifying RNA.

HIV protease inhibitor, 1 tablet contains 100 mg of ritonavir. Selectively inhibits viral DNA. Suitable for adults and children over 4 years of age with HIV infection; to achieve the effect, you must take 600 mg of the substance once.

Ritonavir is used for HIV infection

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components.

Release form: 60 tablets in a plastic jar.

Price: 1300-2250 rubles.


Nucleoside HIV reverse transcriptase inhibitor, guanine analogue. 1 tablet contains 300 mg of the active ingredient of the same name. Causes RNA chain termination, stopping viral replication. It is used during combination therapy and for prophylaxis against human immunodeficiency virus.

Contraindications: liver disease, age under 3 months, lactation period.

Release form: 10 capsules in a blister, 6 blisters in a cardboard box.

Price: 980-2100 rubles.

The first antiretroviral drug, a thymidine analogue. 1 capsule contains 100 mg of zidovudine. Inhibits HIV reverse transcriptase, destroying the virus and preventing it from multiplying. It is used in the complex treatment of HIV infection, as well as as a method of protecting the fetus from HIV infection if the mother is infected.

Zidovudine is an effective antiviral drug

Contraindications: anemia, leukopenia, hypersensitivity.

Release form: 10 capsules in a blister, 1 blister in a pack.

Price: 685-1800 rubles.

Broad spectrum tablets

Drugs with an extended spectrum of activity include early and late interferons, which stimulate the immune system, as well as synthetic nucleoside analogues, which are used in the fight against hepatitis and various types of fevers.

Sometimes this group includes antiviral drugs of plant origin, such as Anaferon, Giporamin and Ergoferon lozenges. Official medicine does not recognize these remedies: homeopathic medicines have not confirmed their effectiveness in any study.

The best tablets for colds, a broad-spectrum drug. 1 tablet contains 12 mg of the active ingredient of the same name. Synthesizes the so-called in the body. “late interferon”, which fights the infection over the next 4-5 days. Used for influenza and ARVI in adults and children, treats herpes.

Kagocel is a broad-spectrum drug

Contraindications: age under 6 years, pregnancy.

Release form: 10 tablets in a blister. 1 blister per package.

Price: 210-260 rubles.


A fast-acting drug from Russian manufacturers, used for herpes and acute forms of influenza. The active ingredient is meglumine acridone acetate, 1 tablet contains 150 mg. Synthesizes interferon, suppresses virus replication in the early stages of infection, improves immunity. Suitable for adults and children over 4 years old. Early age may make it difficult to swallow pills.

Release form: 10 tablets in a blister, from 1 to 5 blisters per package.

Price: 180-210 rubles.

Modern and safe tablets, the active ingredient is pentanedioic acid imidazolylethanamide. Children's tablets contain 60 mg, adults - 90 mg in each tablet. Suppresses virus reproduction during the nuclear phase and is used to treat influenza and acute respiratory viral infections.

Ingavirin is a modern antiviral drug

Contraindications: individual intolerance to the drug.

Release form: 7 tablets per package.

Price: 420-510 rubles.

Effective Soviet immunoboosting tablets. The active ingredient is hydroxyethylammonium methylphenoxyacetate, contained in an amount of 200 mg in one tablet. Stimulates the production of interferons, strengthening the immune system. It is used for reduced immunity, to increase physical and mental performance, for hypoxia and hypothermia, and alcoholism.

Trekrezan - immunoboosting tablets

Contraindications: age under 12 years, lactose intolerance.

Release form: 10 tablets in a blister, 1 or 2 blisters in a pack. It can also be produced in a glass jar, containing 50 tablets.

Price: 250-520 rubles.

A product with a wide spectrum of activity that fights viruses that affect DNA and RNA. The active ingredient is ribavirin, 200 mg in 1 tablet. Used for hepatitis C, Lassa fever and hemorrhagic fever. The pharmacological action has not yet been fully established.

Ribavirin is a broad-spectrum agent

Contraindications: pregnancy, anemia, renal failure.

Release form: 10 tablets in a blister, 3 or 6 blisters in a package.

Price: 210-390 rubles.

Any viral infection can greatly harm your health and leave you bedridden for a long time. Taking appropriate antiviral drugs will not only speed up recovery, but will also help avoid complications of ARVI, herpes, influenza, and also prevent HIV or help strengthen the immune system.

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