Why is it impossible to get pregnant within a year. I can’t get pregnant: what to do and what reasons. advanced chlamydial infection

It is with this phrase that our dialogue most often begins with a patient who came to me with the problem of pregnancy. What follows is a fairly clear and simple examination algorithm that can reveal the obvious cause of the problem (tube obstruction, poor spermogram, no ovulation, etc.), but often, as a result, not a single clue can be found - everything is normal, but pregnancy, alas , No. And then another question comes to the fore: what exactly do you want? How what? Get pregnant! - most often answers the patient surprised by the question. In fact, this simple and obvious desire is not so unambiguous, and if you look into it, you can identify many forms of this desire.

  1. I am ripe to become a mother and I want to give birth to a child from my beloved husband, raise him, I have the desire, time, opportunities and emotional readiness for this. I am not afraid of difficulties. Gender is not important to me, we will love anyone.
  2. I am already many years old, but I have not yet given birth, everyone around has already given birth, I need to hurry, otherwise it will be too late. Who will bring a glass of water in old age? Of course, now it’s a bit off, there’s a lot of work and there are problems with housing, but we need to hurry, hurry. What if I was already late ... and it has not been working for 5 months now. Is it because I'm no longer able to get pregnant? Doctor, examine me for everything you can, I need to give birth.
  3. My husband says that he really wants a son, he constantly discusses this with me ... in every telephone conversation, my mother asks when we will finally give birth to grandchildren, she wants to have time to babysit ... girlfriends flooded all social networks with photos of their children ... sometimes it’s sickening to look directly ... and more I get asked all the time, when? What are you pulling? Stories were told about infertility and early menopause .... oh ... I need to get pregnant, I need to ... but to be honest, I would certainly give birth, but a little later, in 2-3 years, now somehow I don’t really want and I’m not ready, but can anyone say this ... pecked and accused of all mortal sins .... No, I'll go to the doctors. Here’s something else, of course, I’m very worried about - my husband dreams of a boy, and if I give birth to a girl, he won’t stop, he will demand to give birth more ... and if I don’t succeed in having a boy, why should I give birth to a whole platoon? I would be able to cope with one, but I haven’t tried it yet, all of a sudden there’s no mother out of me .... Yes, it's a problem…
  4. I need to get pregnant, I myself understand, my husband asks, my parents, in general, of course, I’m ready and even very much for it, but how will I survive this birth ... I’m afraid, I’m very afraid to give birth. Will it hurt or suddenly something goes wrong and the child becomes disabled? And if a sick child is born at all, will I be able to find the strength in myself to take care of him all my life ... I have seen many times how such children are carried in a wheelchair ... brrr ... I probably won’t be able to devote my whole life to this alone .... but I won’t be able to pass it to an orphanage either ... or I can ... I don’t know ... but I’m very afraid and worried. I’m still afraid of responsibility ... what will I do with the child, I don’t know how to do anything, my husband ... maybe he will help, or maybe even withdraw himself and will only squeeze him in the evening after work for 5 minutes and then everything ... Will I pull it all alone ... how much I saw just like friends and acquaintances suffer, their whole life revolves around their children, they don’t give a damn about themselves for a long time, they look terrible, they don’t go anywhere, everything is only in clinics and playgrounds, I wouldn’t want to either, but will I succeed to another? I'm afraid, I'm afraid to give birth, I'm afraid of pain, pregnancy, responsibility, I'm afraid of everything ...
  5. I don't want to get pregnant... I don’t want to… but only I know this and no one else should know this…. no one ... My husband says that he doesn’t have enough children, he needs more, but the other two, they are on me, not on him .... He doesn’t even realize how hard it is for me with them, and then another third ... insists ... here says the Petrovs at his work bring up four and nothing, they cope, but we only have two. Many acquaintances have many children, children are wonderful - the husband says, of course I agree, but now I have not been to the sea for three years, I look, well, not at all as I would like, health is not to hell, how can I pull this pregnancy, not I know. I am a good mother, I know, and not wanting to get pregnant is not appropriate for me, but .... I don’t want to, I can’t do anything with myself ....
  6. It is necessary to get pregnant, and at the same time urgently ... only this can save the relationship ... we have a complete impasse, we are at the end, but if children appear, everything will be fixed, I know, they unite children ... and he will not leave me with his child, this is strong ties him .... but I don’t need to lose him ... Where can I find this now ... I’m already used to him, in general he is positive, position and money - everything is with him, and generous ... he definitely won’t leave in poverty, even if he decides to run away, God forbid, of course ... I can handle the child, it doesn’t matter, you just need to get pregnant faster, but then, damn it, it doesn’t work. He has already begun to ask unpleasant questions ... what if he decides that I am infertile and then he will definitely leave ... and he will have a reason ... doctor, what else can I do to understand why I am not pregnant?
  7. Well, everything happened just like that, as the doctor told me then, 10 years ago - there will be difficulties with pregnancy, it is. I remember that then I was very scared of her words, they cut me to the quick, but then I was small, stupid, scared, but didn’t do anything, it wasn’t before, and now, six months after the wedding, relatives and friends ask when, when, what will I do? It doesn’t work ... So, the main thing now is to find a doctor who would cure me and help me get pregnant - this is my main goal - two strips on the test and I am happy. Isn't all lost yet? I will do everything as a diligent student and I will definitely succeed, definitely ... it always worked, the main thing is diligently! Ovulation tests, sex life on a strict schedule, no bad habits, vitamins, proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle, examination tests - I will do everything the doctor says! And to be treated, treated, treated ... and the husband must also be involved in this. The main thing is to get pregnant, that's my goal.
  8. I want to get pregnant, I want to give birth .... but here again a miscarriage ... but I really want to give birth to a child, a healthy child, and not the one I saw with relatives ... he is just a “plant” and for so many years they have been caring for him, but there are no hopes .... it’s scary, terrible, I can’t stand it if this happens to me ... yes, what kind of panic seizes me all the time when I suddenly become pregnant, and what if vices are already developing there .... no, I'm afraid it's better not to get pregnant at all than to give birth to such a child ... but I really want to be a mother ... what should I do?

I have described in fairly general terms the most common internal monologues that I have been able to extract from my patients, under careful questioning. As you can see, a simple “I want to get pregnant” often hides a more complex structure of fears, desires and reluctances, substitution of concepts, etc. This is how the female reproductive system works - it reacts to the work of the subconscious more strongly than it might seem. Fear and unwillingness to become pregnant can affect reproductive function and block it. The reverse side of the coin is a sudden pregnancy after just one sexual intercourse, but in conditions where a woman or a young girl lost control and went, as they say, “into a gap”. Every woman has friends who “didn’t get pregnant for some reason” in marriage or a couple, and then a week in Turkey or a corporate party, and here they are, the cherished two stripes, only in completely unnecessary co-authorship. It is important to remember that if pregnancy in your couple did not come to you as easily as you would like and the examination shows that in general everything is fine, you should first of all start a dialogue with yourself, but it is better to contact a reproductive psychologist who will help you figure it out. yourself.

The desire to have a baby is very correct and organic for the family. But there are times when efforts to get pregnant are in vain. This situation affects the psychological state of both husband and wife. In this regard, the desire for pregnancy sometimes becomes an obsession for spouses or even a cause of disagreement in the family. Therefore, it is very important to determine the reason why a woman cannot become pregnant and act depending on the result. Of course, the factors that cause infertility will help to determine, but let's try to highlight some of them.

According to experts, the probability of becoming pregnant in women gradually decreases over the years. So, at the age of 20-25 years, 95% of the beautiful half of humanity manage to get pregnant, but in the period of 25-35 years, the number of those who manage to conceive a child is reduced by 15%. After 35 years, there is a sharp drop in the rate to 60%. At the same time, not all girls in the prime of life manage to get pregnant right away. Therefore, doctors do not recommend too panic. It is worth asking for help only after two years if you are under thirty, after a year in the period from 30 to 35 years and at a late age after six months of trying to conceive a child. In men, the “fertile” function may not be dulled until old age.

All actions for the occurrence of pregnancy, of course, must be accompanied by the right mindset for a positive result. This will create a favorable climate for conception.

Obviously, both the husband and the wife can be “guilty” of infertility. Among the "female" factors are gynecological, hormonal problems, or both together, stress, hypertension. The problem with weight can also have a negative effect (both its excess and lack of it are harmful), bad habits (smoking, consumption, drug addiction).

In men, these are hormonal or genetic causes, lack of active spermatozoa or the presence of antibodies against their own spermatozoa, poor patency of the vas deferens, surgical or traumatic effects on the genitals, the same bad habits.

It is also possible that a woman who has already given birth cannot become pregnant. This is extremely surprising for her, especially when the first pregnancy and childbirth went without complications, and her health is normal. In this case, think about the fact that, despite the pleasant sensations, the appearance of a child in the family caused difficulties and changed the usual rhythm of your life. Sleepless nights spent at the crib, constant care for him and fatigue caused some stress in your body. Namely, as previously indicated, it can cause infertility. At the same time, unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant further deepen depression and increase stress. After all, it happens that after futile attempts to conceive a baby, a couple comes to terms with the situation, decides to adopt a child, and suddenly the woman becomes pregnant. This is an excellent proof of how important morale and a calm state of mind are.

To restore psychological balance, relieve tension and eliminate depression, depression associated with the inability to become pregnant, contact a specialist, for example, a family psychologist.

But more serious causes of infertility are also possible. To exclude or detect them, contact the antenatal clinic. After the examination, it will become clear what is preventing you from becoming a mother. A number of tests performed will show the state of the body and tell you what treatment you need.

Doctors recommend constantly monitoring the ovulation schedule, especially for older women. After all, conception occurs most often in the period two days before and after it. For most, ovulation occurs on the 12-14th day of the cycle, but it is possible a little earlier. You can determine it with the help of tests or on your own. To do this, carefully monitor the changes in mucous secretions.

Also keep track of the regularity of menstruation. Variations from month to month may indicate that you are not ovulating. This is easily fixed, so seek advice. A regular cycle is an important indicator of the normal functioning of the ovaries and their performance.

Keep track of your basal temperature as well. It will help you learn a lot about the possibility of conception, namely, whether ovulation occurs. If so, the graph will show the temperature increase. He will also determine the level of progesterone. In order for a woman to become pregnant, it is important that he be quite tall. This is evidenced by an increased temperature level after ovulation.

At the appointment, the doctor will offer you to undergo a series of examinations, to pass tests. Do not be surprised if the doctor asks about your "feminine" past. Tell us about whether there were operations, infectious diseases, serious dependence on alcohol, drugs. Past pregnancies are also important, how the process of maturation of the fetus and the birth itself proceeded. Feel free to be honest about your sex life - how often you have sex, how you do it. It is extremely important that the physician get a complete, and most importantly, truthful picture of you and your partner.

You will also be sent for tests to check if your body has enough progesterone, which is responsible for conception and pregnancy.

In addition, the examination includes a postcoital test. It is carried out 6-10 hours after sexual intercourse. The vaginal mucus is examined to find out if it contains antibodies that kill sperm.

If simple tests are not enough, you will have to undergo a more thorough examination in a hospital.

Among the procedures that are needed are a blood test for coagulation, a thyroid gland examination (ultrasound and blood tests, an examination by an endocrinologist), and a karyotype analysis. The latter will help determine possible abnormalities at the chromosomal level.

Undergo an immunological study to exclude individual incompatibility (the presence of antibodies in a woman to her husband's sperm). It is also worth excluding adhesions in the fallopian tubes by passing.

A man is recommended to appear to an andrologist, to undergo a spermogram. It is this analysis that will help to find out if there are any violations in sperm motility, their number, morphology. In addition, too many spermatozoa (polyspermy) are also considered a pathology.

If you have eliminated all the factors that interfere with conception, then seek the advice of another doctor. Let him examine you with fresh eyes. But choose a specialist who has successfully established himself in the field of gynecology.

If you and your husband have no serious problems, then your chances are huge. Practice natural family planning methods. This will bring you closer to achieving your goal. Watch your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Include foods high in zinc in your diet. Get rid of bad habits. Also ask your partner not to wear tight underpants and not to overheat, as this reduces the number of active sperm.

Let lovemaking become regular not only in. It has been noticed that there is a direct relationship: an increase in the amount of sex leads to an improvement in the quality of your partner's sperm.

Most importantly, don't lose hope! Less stress and more positive!

Especially for- Maria Bilykovskaya

For many women, both the second and third pregnancy are easy, even if they are already over 35, or even more. But there remains a fairly large percentage of women who cannot give birth to a child, although, at first glance, their health is all right. If you belong to this category of women, then perhaps you simply do not know the true reason for unsuccessful attempts to conceive a baby. Perhaps this is a petty problem, which will not be difficult to fix, and you do not even know about it. Here is a list of little-known reasons why you can't get pregnant.


1. Problems with the process of sex itself

Make sure that during sex you and your partner do everything right and do not make any obvious mistakes. Due to this, even a marriage can collapse, and I am sure that you definitely do not want this. So what does this mean?

  • Lack of sexual desire.
  • Lack of basic knowledge about how vaginal sex should take place.
  • Sexual orientation mismatch.
  • Erection problems.
  • Pain during intercourse.
  • Premature ejaculation.
  • Incorrect tightness of the foreskin.
  • Peyronie's disease.
  • Problems in women such as vaginismus, pain during intercourse, narrow or continuous hymen, narrow opening into the vagina.

If you don’t have any of the listed problems with sex, then you need to analyze your partner’s sperm, perhaps there is a clue in it.

2. Wrong regularity

I hope you understand how the fertilization process works. Now, this happens only when the sperm interacts with the egg, which, in turn, matures once a month and is available for fertilization for only 24 to 48 hours. Ovulation occurs within 14 days before the next first day of menstruation. You are most likely to get pregnant within five days before and five days after, and on the very day of ovulation. Therefore, if you have sex very rarely, there is a chance that you are simply missing “that very” happy day.

3. Artificial lubricant

Artificial lubricants with various pleasant aromas that we buy in pharmacies usually trap sperm and prevent it from moving towards the egg. It turns out that they serve as a kind of contraceptive, which in this case you do not need at all.

4. Damage to the uterine mucosa

When the inner lining of the uterus is damaged, it prevents pregnancy, because for her the condition of the endometrium should be ideal. The main causes of damage can be infections, including sexually transmitted infections, and even tuberculosis.

5. "Blocked" Fallopian Tubes

The egg travels from the ovary to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. If there is no passage through them, respectively, the sperm will not get to it. Again, the most common reasons why this happens are various infections and tuberculosis.

6. No opportunity for fetal development

Sometimes it happens that it seems that the spermatozoa got into the egg, and conception occurred, but the uterus is not able to hold the fetus, and a miscarriage occurs. For some women, this phenomenon often recurs. You need to see a doctor for treatment.

7. Incompatibility of partners

And it also happens that both partners are healthy, but do not fit each other in terms of having a baby. They cannot carry out the process of fertilization on their own, and medical intervention will help them in this. The culprits of this situation are the immunological and genetic characteristics of the partners.

8. Unexplained cause of infertility

Unfortunately, sometimes it is impossible to find any specific reason why a woman cannot get pregnant, and such an unpleasant diagnosis is made. It is present in about 26% of couples. In such cases, of course, there is some logical explanation for everything, but the anomaly is so incomprehensible or invisible that it is impossible to find out the cause. And here even the most experienced specialist is powerless.

Maybe you have something to add to this list? Leave your comments below!

Almost everyone strives to feel the joy of motherhood. When planning a pregnancy, many women are increasingly interested in such a thing as ovulation. And for good reason, as understanding the process will help speed up the conception of a child. But it also happens thatthere is ovulation, but pregnancy does not occur, the causes of the phenomenon in this case are not so easy to establish.

The process of ovulation occurs when a mature egg leaves the ovary, which as a result confirms the body's readiness for pregnancy.

From the moment of birth, a woman's ovaries contain more than a million eggs. Each of them has its own shell - the follicle, where they "live" until the girl's puberty, and then wait for their time to exit. Many of them do not mature and eventually die. During the period of the reproductive function in the life of a woman, only 400 - 500 mature eggs remain, ready for ovulation.

Ovulation can be observed approximately on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. The time of ovulation does not last long, only a few minutes. An egg free from the follicle can be fertilized throughout the day, and if during this time it meets spermatozoa on the way, then the conception of the child will take place.

If fertilization has occurred, then the cell is sent through the fallopian tube to the uterus and attaches to its wall near the ovary where it grew. Thus, pregnancy occurs. If the fertilized egg, which after division will turn into an embryo, fails to enter the uterus, menstruation will occur and it will be released from the body.

Sometimes multiple eggs ovulate, which can lead to the birth of fraternal twins.

What are the reasons for not being able to conceive during ovulation

To increase the likelihood of conception, some couples are advised to concentrate their attention and efforts even before the onset of ovulation. If a woman has an ovulation process, and the spouses regularly have sex, then most often a long-awaited child is born. But many are often tormented by the question: why does pregnancy not occur if there is ovulation?

To begin with, both spouses need to undergo a qualitative examination by a good specialist. As a result, it is possible to determine the female and male factors influencing this.

Female Factors:

  • . It can occur due to nervous exhaustion or a small cold. Or there are problems with e women.
  • . A negative reaction of the female body to male sperm, resulting in rejection and failure.
  • Inflammatory or chronic diseases of the female genital organs, improper douching are the reasons why pregnancy does not occur.
  • Lack of regular menses.
  • Inflammation and. Defective and untimely maturation of the follicle, which takes part in ovulation. This can be determined by ultrasound examination.
  • or infection of the uterus. The cause of the occurrence can be inflammatory processes, ectopic pregnancy, surgery and others. Most often, in the initial stage of these diseases, a woman may not assume that there is a problem. A special procedure, hysterosalpingography (HSG), will detect the lumen in the fallopian tubes and determine how freely a mature egg can move.
  • Endometriosis of the uterus. A disease in which tissue similar to the endometrium spreads around the lining of the uterus, where adhesions and can form over time. The presence of inflammatory processes and scars will also cause infertility.

Male Factors

  1. Insufficient percentage of strong and mobile spermatozoa. This indicator is determined by and must be at least 50%. The reason for the insufficient number of motile spermatozoa can be: age, infectious diseases, overeating of very spicy foods, and others.
  2. Diagnosis. It manifests itself in the form of an expansion of the seminal canal or venous vessels of the testicles. Spermatozoa are very susceptible to elevated temperature and overheating of the testicles, which adversely affects the ability of fertilization.
  3. Various diseases. The cause of male dysfunction is his past. Promiscuous sexual intercourse entails the presence of an infection in the body, which can be transmitted to a woman. The most common among them are gonorrhea, syphilis, trichomoniasis.

Even one of these factors can be the reason that affects the lack of pregnancy even in the presence of ovulation.

How to correctly determine ovulation

A few days before the ovulatory period, the composition of vaginal discharge changes: they turn into more mucous, abundant and transparent. Under the influence of estrogen hormones, the cervix prepares for the meeting of spermatozoa and secretes a mucous plug. Due to the increased content of the hormone estrogen in the blood, a woman may feel increased sexual desire and emotional uplift. These are the days favorable for conception.

The presence of estrogen also affects, which is measured in the morning without getting out of bed, inserting a thermometer into the colon. Under the influence of the hormone, the temperature before ovulation drops by several degrees.

As a result, we can highlight the symptoms that will be noticeable to a woman:

  • copious, translucent vaginal discharge;
  • pain in the ovaries;
  • decrease in basal temperature;
  • increased sexual activity.

There are several basic methods that will help you learn how to determine ovulation:

  • calendar method. It will be relevant with a regular menstrual cycle. If the cycle length is 28 days, then ovulation will begin on the 13-16th day. If the cycle is 30 days, then on the 14th - 17th day.
  • Carrying out ultrasound diagnostics. It will allow you to observe how the follicle matures in the ovary, from where the egg will later come out. It is necessary to undergo at least three ultrasounds for this procedure.
  • Filling in the basal temperature calendar. It is measured every morning by inserting a thermometer into the anus and noting the results. At the end of the cycle, the temperature is 36.6–36.9°, before ovulation it decreases slightly, and then jumps sharply and remains in the range of 37.0–37.3° until the start of the next cycle.
  • Usage . They are able to determine the amount of luteinizing hormone that is contained in the urine.

An important question for many remains the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant before ovulation. If sexual intercourse was performed before the egg left the follicle, then pregnancy is possible, but conception itself occurs after. If there is an alkaline environment in the vagina, then it will have a positive effect on the fact that the spermatozoa can live in it as long as possible and wait for the egg to be released. To increase the chances of conception, it is necessary to lie down with raised buttocks after making love and not douche.

What Sex Positions Will Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

After repeated attempts, many couples do not have the desired conception of a child. The problem may not be related to health at all. If you follow simple techniques and recommendations, then in the near future it will be possible to enjoy a long-awaited pregnancy.

Regular intercourse

To increase the chances of conception, you need to have sex 3 times a week. Often a married couple has sexual intercourse only during the period of ovulation, but we must not forget about the "normal" days. Many women ovulate "out of schedule", so there is always a chance of getting pregnant.

Having intercourse before ovulation

During the period of the entire cycle, there is a period of time when conception can occur. Within a day after the moment of ovulation, fertilization of the egg can occur.

Making love 2 to 3 days before ovulation increases the chances of pregnancy. The reason for this is the life span of spermatozoa, which can live in the body for several days. You can not expect the onset of ovulation, but have sex a little earlier, since the sperm will still function in the body for several days, and conception may occur.

Don't Forget the Pleasure

With frequent unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, sex between partners becomes more familiar and mechanical. You must not forget about the preliminary games and try to diversify your sex life.

A romantic evening or a sex toy will help with this. Strong excitement also has a good effect on the completion of conception. Joint orgasm with partners plays an important role. During it, the cervix rises and does not interfere with the path of spermatozoa. The brighter the male orgasm, the better the quality of sperm.

Use correct postures

The optimal position for conception is missionary, when a man is on top, and its various options. For the best effect, you can put a pillow under your buttocks during sex so that they are slightly raised.

It is better not to experiment with the “woman on top” position, since the sperm in this case easily flows out.

Do not engage in oral sex

The results of many studies show that the action of saliva can adversely affect the quality of sperm. Therefore, it is better to refrain from oral pleasures so as not to leave saliva on the genitals.

How to increase your chances of becoming parents

Many factors, such as living conditions, nutrition, social problems, and the abundance of chemicals, can influence the possibility of a desired conception. But there are certain actions that will help increase the body's ability to get pregnant:

  • refusal to accept;
  • determining the exact period of ovulation;
  • regular sex;
  • strengthening physical health;
  • the use of products that promote conception;
  • abstinence from antidepressants;
  • refusal of alcoholic beverages and nicotine addiction;
  • artificial insemination. Before moving on to drastic measures, you can try folk methods. For example, you can learn from our article, which has been known for decades for its magical properties. In addition, the article describes the most relevant recipes for its preparation, and also indicates to whom it is not recommended for use for health reasons.

    To achieve the desired result, and attempts to conceive were successful, you should never give up and give up. The main thing is to try to change your habitual behavior and lifestyle, especially sexual. And fate will definitely give you a chance to become happy parents. It’s a paradox, but for many couples the cherished two stripes on the test appeared exactly when they didn’t expect them at all!

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