How to prepare an analogue of rehydron at home. How to prepare rehydron at home - the composition of the product. Features of taking rehydron by newborns

Food poisoning is often accompanied by severe vomiting and loose stools. The consequence of this is a significant dehydration of the body, a violation of the pH balance. In turn, this leads to malfunctions in the work of internal organs. The main goal is to restore health, for which the drug rehydron is used. Thanks to its extremely simple composition, you can make it yourself.

Composition of rehydron

The advantage of the drug is that it is made from simple components that can be found in every home.

Home cooking includes:

  • table salt;
  • boiled water;
  • baking soda;
  • granulated sugar.

Also, to mix Regidron at home, you will need a glass container of a liter volume or more and a spoon. A strict requirement is the observance of sterility: "tools" and hands must be cleanly washed, the table must be wiped. Remember that the body is weakened after poisoning, especially sensitive to negative external influences.

How to prepare the drug rehydron at home?

Here are some simple recipes for a rehydrating solution:

  1. Sugar and salt are dissolved in a glass of water at room temperature (a teaspoon of both). It is necessary to use the prepared medicine for a maximum of a day. Storage of the finished solution in the refrigerator is allowed.
  2. Two cans of different preparations are being prepared. In one, warm water and a tablespoon of sugar are mixed, in the other - water and the same amount of salt. Banks are filled to the top. You need to take the solutions alternately, every 10 minutes.
  3. Half a liter of boiled water is mixed with two tablespoons of sugar and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda and salt. The rest of the solution can be stored in a cool place.

Remember that it is required to store the solution no more than a day. Long-term storage deprives rehydron of its healing properties.

Rules for taking the drug

To restore the water-salt balance and normalize the functioning of the body, it is necessary to take an amount of rehydron that is twice the amount lost. For example, if a patient has lost 200 g during the illness, 400 ml of a rehydrating solution should be taken in the first ten hours of recovery. It is forbidden to take other liquids at the same time, especially those that can worsen the condition of the gastrointestinal tract: strong tea, coffee, soda, alcohol.

The duration of admission is three to four days. You can gradually introduce other liquids, starting with clean boiled water. The ratio of rehydron and other drinks should be 4/1.

You need to take the remedy gradually, in small sips. In serious cases, a tube infusion may be performed, but in most situations, standard administration, including at home, is sufficient.

Rehydron for children

The advantage of the solution is that it can be prepared for the child. Taking the drug for babies is mandatory, as children suffer food poisoning more seriously than adults. For small children, rehydron is given from a pipette or from a spoon. An older child can drink the solution on their own.

The dosage of the remedy for home rehydration for children is determined differently than for the older generation: 25-60 ml of solution is needed per kilogram of body weight. The dose is determined according to the severity of the condition of the small patient.

The duration of the reception is 10 hours. Further therapy depends on the patient's well-being: with improvement, the dosage can be reduced to 10 ml per kilogram. Before planning therapy, it is recommended to consult with a pediatrician. Remember that failure to follow the rules for taking a rehydrating solution is fraught with overdose and side effects.

Powder "Regidron" is an obligatory component of a children's first aid kit at any time of the year. It is used for prolonged diarrhea, acute intestinal and rotavirus infections, and other conditions accompanied by fluid loss in the body. In order for the drug to work as efficiently as possible, it is important to know how many months to give it, how to dose and apply it correctly. This is described in detail in the instructions.

Regidron is an indispensable assistant for diarrhea or intestinal infection in a child

"Regidron": composition and features of the action

"Regidron" - a powdered mixture of trace elements, in which the body is in dire need of dehydration and acute intoxication. Such conditions are dangerous for the child's body, since the well-being of the baby with diarrhea, vomiting, high acetone worsens in minutes. The child becomes lethargic, dizzy and weak. It is extremely important for parents to prevent fluid loss and mineral imbalances that lead to inhibition of bodily functions.

As part of "Regidron" there are:

  1. Sodium chloride. An essential component for detoxification, compensates for the lack of sodium.
  2. Potassium chloride. It restores the acid-base balance, regulates the osmotic pressure in the blood plasma and restores the potassium rate.
  3. Dextrose. A monosaccharide that provides the necessary energy for metabolism and has an antitoxic effect.
  4. sodium citrate. Regulates osmotic reactions, reduces acidity.

During diarrhea and vomiting, important electrolytes leave the body with water. "Regidron" for children replenishes the balance of salts and corrects the acid-base balance. Dextrose in its composition maintains the necessary level of potassium and sodium citrates, which maintains the proper functioning of body cells. The drug neutralizes toxins and products of activity of pathogenic pathogens, accelerates recovery.

For preparation, Regidron is simply dissolved in the required amount of water.

Release form and storage features

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The drug "Regidron" produces "Orion Corporation" (Finland). It is sold dosed in sachets of 18.9 g. Each of them contains a powder that must be diluted in a liter of water. The cost of one bag is about 20 rubles, a cardboard pack of 20 pieces is 400 rubles. The drug can be purchased individually or as a whole package. In the home first aid kit should be a few on-duty sachets of funds.

Shelf life of sachets is 36 months at room temperature. The use time of the diluted powder is 24 hours. It should be poured into a closed container and stored at a temperature of +0-6 degrees (on the balcony, in the refrigerator). When frozen, the product does not lose its medicinal properties.

Indications for use

"Regidron" should be given to the child at the first manifestations of intoxication. The more severe the condition of the crumbs, the more effective the timely intake of the solution and other therapeutic measures. Indications for admission - acute intestinal and rotavirus infections associated with rapid fluid loss (see also:). It is prescribed for an increase in ketone bodies, electrolyte deficiency as a result of thermal injury and severe physical exertion.

It is important for the child to drink the drug on time at regular intervals

Oral rehydration therapy for children is called "drinking". This is not always easy for the mother, because if the child feels unwell, it becomes lethargic and sleeps more.

You should strictly observe the regularity of taking each portion of the solution and wake the child to give the drug. For any symptoms of dehydration, you need to show the baby to the doctor and determine the cause of poor health.

It is equally important to consult a pediatrician if, while taking Regidron and other timely therapy, the following conditions persist for three days:

  • indomitable vomiting;
  • frequent diarrhea, bloody stools;
  • acute pain in the abdomen after the end of diarrhea;
  • convulsions, hallucinations;
  • rare urination, their absence;
  • weight loss over 10%;
  • lethargy, inhibition of reactions.

Contraindications and overdose

The drug is contraindicated in case of problems in the work of the kidneys, high levels of potassium in the blood, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and intestinal obstruction.

If the dosage is observed, no side effects were found, however, allergic reactions are possible in the form of urticaria, redness of the skin, rashes on the face, buttocks and legs of the child.

With the introduction of "Rehydron" in excess, hypernatremia is likely. Excess sodium in the body is expressed in drowsiness, confusion, muscle weakness or increased tone. Respiratory arrest and coma are possible, so the dose recommended by the doctor and the frequency of taking the solution should not be exceeded.

The use of "Regidron" by patients with impaired renal function can cause metabolic alkalosis. It is manifested by convulsions, muscle tone, deterioration of lung function. Any overdose requires medical supervision. Specialists prescribe an electrolyte balance correction based on laboratory tests.

At what age should you take Regidron?

The reaction of children to Regidron is individual, so it is important to consult a pediatrician before taking it. Previously, it was believed that the solution of this drug can be taken by newborns, infants, pregnant women. However, at present, pediatricians prescribe the drug and its analogues with caution to children of one year of age and infants.

The reason is the high content of sodium, an excess of which is dangerous for a fragile organism. However, the drug is still the favorite in terms of efficiency and speed of restoring electrolyte balance in dehydration. In critical situations, its use is justified from birth, from 10 months to a year. Additionally, with Regidron, the doctor prescribes other drugs aimed at eliminating the cause that caused diarrhea and vomiting.

For infants, the drug is used only after approval by the pediatrician

Instructions for use

The preparation of the Regidron solution will take a couple of minutes. The contents of the sachet should be diluted in a liter of cold boiled or special baby water. Additionally, no components should be administered so as not to disturb the balance of substances in the preparation.

Before starting therapy, it is advisable to weigh the child in order to assess how much fluid he lost during the illness. This will help determine the effectiveness of the solution.

During treatment, it is recommended to avoid fatty foods and foods rich in simple carbohydrates. Breastfeeding and nutrition of the child can not be interrupted if the condition is not associated with an acetone crisis, poisoning, intestinal and rotavirus infection, where a special diet is needed.

The basic principles of taking Regidron:

  • the drug is soldered for 3-4 days;
  • the solution is offered from a spoon or syringe in small doses (5 ml each);
  • the frequency of drinking - every 10-15 minutes;
  • for the first 10 hours, the child should take twice as much solution as the fluid lost;
  • the child should be watered even at night, the baby should receive a portion of liquid every 15 minutes;
  • subject to severe vomiting, children can be offered a frozen solution of "Rehydron" in the form of ice cubes (see also:);
  • infants should drink a teaspoon of the solution every 10 minutes for 4 hours.

It is important to prevent dehydration of the child, as this is fraught with serious consequences for his body.

If, after correction by "Rehydron", vomiting and diarrhea do not stop within 4-10 hours, other liquids (alkaline water, weak tea) are administered according to the following scheme:

Child weight (kg)Total fluid volume required (dL)The volume of "Rehydron" (dl)Water volume (dl)Volume of other liquids (dl)
5 8,2 3,5 2,1 2,7
6 10 4,2 2,4 3,3
7 10,5 4,4 2,6 3,5
8 11 4,6 2,8 3,6
9 11,5 4,8 2,9 3,9
10 12 5,0 3,0 4
12 13 5,4 3,2 4,4
14 14 5,8 3,5 4,8
16 15 6,2 3,7 5,1
18 16 6,6 4,0 5,5
20 17 7,0 4,2 5,8
25 18 7,5 4,5 6,0
30 19 8,0 4,8 6,3
40 21 9,0 5,4 6,6

Similar drugs

"Regidron" with intolerance to the components should be replaced with such drugs: "Polifepan", "Regidron Bio", "Hydrovit", "Hydrovit Forte", "Enterodez". In terms of composition and mode of action, Hydrovit is similar to Regidron, but it includes a number of flavorings and is stored in finished form for no more than 1 hour. Reactions to its components are possible.

If necessary, the drug can be replaced by analogues, for example, Regidron Bio

The use of Enterodez is indicated for poisoning. It copes well with intoxication against the background of viral and acute intestinal infections, enterocolitis, and radiation exposure. As an absorbent, "Polifepan" of plant origin is also used. It removes toxins, allergens, heavy metal salts, excess bilirubin, urea and other metabolic products. "Rehydron Bio" contains more salts than the traditional "Rehydron", and also includes bifidobacteria that are beneficial for the intestines.

How to make an analogue of "Rehydron" at home?

Oral rehydration salt solutions are a mixture of water, sugar and salt. Therefore, they can be bred with your own hands. When the drug is unexpectedly over, you can make its analogue at home, and then buy the powder at the pharmacy. The classic composition of the "home" mixture is as follows: a liter of boiled water cooled to room temperature, 20-30 gr. sugar, 3 gr. table salt, 2 gr. soda. After three years, half of the water is replaced with a decoction of carrots and raisins (to replenish the balance of potassium).

Almost the same recipe is given by Dr. Komarovsky in his reference book "Emergency Care":

  • boiled water - liter;
  • baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • table salt - 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tsp

The first day after poisoning, you should only drink the baby "Rehydron" and give another liquid. When vomiting stops, the child can be offered to eat crackers, drink diluted apple juice or dried fruit compote. Later it is worth preparing rice water, liquid porridge on the water, offer half a banana. It is not necessary to give spicy, fatty, smoked foods, dairy products for the first 5-7 days after the illness. If you feel better, the doctor's control is necessary after two days.

Water in the human body is necessary for the normal course of metabolic processes in cells., the formation of physiological fluids, maintaining the desired consistency of blood, the work of internal organs. Water helps to remove decay products and toxic substances from the body. With pathological processes, a fluid deficiency occurs. To make up for it, a procedure is prescribed - oral rehydration. It is aimed at combating dehydration and replenishing salts (electrolytes).

Why dehydration is dangerous for the body, indications for rehydration

Hydration is the correct balance of fluids in the body.. When it is broken, dehydration occurs. The loss of fluid leads to a failure of metabolic processes, in severe cases, to the stoppage of vital internal organs (kidneys, heart, lungs) and death. With the loss of water from 15 to 20% of the total body weight, serious changes occur in organs and tissues. If a person has lost more than 20% of the fluid, this condition is not compatible with life.

The degree of dehydration is determined by clinical symptoms:

  1. 1st degree of severity - mild. Signs: diarrhea from 2 to 5 times a day, vomiting occurs in rare cases. The mucous membranes of the nose, mouth, eyes remain moist. The total loss of fluid relative to body weight does not exceed 5%.
  2. 2nd degree of severity - medium. Symptoms: develops in the first two days after the disease, diarrhea up to 10 times a day, frequent vomiting. Patients have dry mucous membranes, palpitations, unstable pulse. The skin becomes dry, the folds are not smoothed out. Increases intracellular pressure.
  3. 3rd degree of severity - severe dehydration. Signs of hypovolemic shock develop - dry skin and mucous membranes, eyelids close with difficulty, eyeballs sink. The skin turns blue, then becomes marbled, the limbs become cold. The heart rate increases, blood pressure falls, there is no reaction to external stimuli. The production of urine decreases, then the kidneys stop.

The severity of dehydration depends on the general condition of the victim, the reasons that caused the loss of fluid. The risk group includes children under 15, especially the first 3 years, the elderly, weakened by chronic diseases, pregnant women.

Indications for oral rehydration:

  • acute intestinal infections;
  • viral diseases that cause high intoxication of the body;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • drug overdose;
  • thermal burns of the 2nd and 3rd degree;
  • poisoning with poisonous mushrooms, low-quality products.

Reception of rehydration agents inside is prescribed for moderate dehydration. In case of a large loss of fluid in severe forms of dehydration, the development of infectious-toxic or hypovolemic shock, parenteral rehydration is prescribed (intravenous administration of solutions).

Oral Rehydration Solutions

Rehydration agents are drugs that are produced in the form of tablets or powder for the preparation of solutions. There are also ready-to-use products that come in vials or bottles. The preparations contain salts necessary for the body - magnesium, chlorine, sodium, potassium.. In addition to trace elements, the composition of the products includes glucose and extracts of medicinal herbs (chamomile, wheat germ, rice).

Any oral rehydration solution is available from pharmacies and is sold without a doctor's prescription. The tool quickly replenishes the loss of fluid in the body.

A Brief Overview of Oral Rehydration Agents

Regidron. Quickly restores acid-base balance
. Contains more potassium than sodium, which avoids hypernatremia. Regidron is a solution for rehydration for children. Pediatricians prefer to prescribe it for acute intestinal infections, heat stroke during prolonged exposure to the sun, with increased sweating. The drug is safe for pregnant women, does not affect the development of the fetus.

Hydrovit - powder for children with strawberry flavor. Assign to babies from birth to replenish the water and electrolyte balance in case of fluid loss during heat, heat stroke, diarrhea. The drug is prescribed for both children and adults.

Gastrolit is an oral rehydration agent that is available in the form of powder or tablets for solution. Eliminates diarrhea, restores salt balance, has an astringent effect, prevents the development of acidosis (high acidity in the body). The composition of the drug includes chamomile, which relieves inflammation, spastic pain in the abdomen, normalizes intestinal motility and peristalsis, and prevents the development of flatulence. Assign from the first days of life.

Orasan - prescribed for diarrhea after each act of defecation. The tool replenishes the loss of salts and water, improves absorption processes in the small intestine, corrects the acidity of the body. In children, the drug may cause nausea.

Orsol - granular powder, salt mixture. Assign for acute diarrhea, heat stroke, physical overload of the body. The drug contains potassium, so it is prescribed with caution with reduced daily diuresis, patients with high blood pressure and heart pathologies. Reception of orsoli in children should be carried out under the supervision of a physician.

Reosolan - powder for oral solution preparation. It is indicated for severe thirst, acidosis, dehydration, intestinal infections, cholera, convulsions caused by heat stroke. Restores water-salt balance, removes toxins from the body.

Maratonic is a granular preparation for the preparation of solutions. Indications - hard physical labor, sports loads, high body temperature, sunstroke.

Citraglucosolan is a white, odorless powder. It is prescribed for dehydration of the 1st and 2nd degree caused by infectious diseases, during physical exertion. The drug is prescribed from the first days of life. Children take the solution every 15 minutes for 4-6 hours until the diarrhea stops.

If there are no drugs, rehydration therapy at home can be carried out using a solution that you can prepare yourself.

  • 1 liter of boiled water;
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp baking soda.

General recommendations for the use of rehydration drugs, contraindications

Any of the oral rehydration products must be dissolved in water before use.
. The exact dosage and proportional amount of components according to the age of the patient and his condition are indicated in the instructions for use. Things to consider when preparing a solution:

  • the amount of water per sachet or tablet;
  • liquid temperature during powder dissolution;
  • term and conditions of storage of the prepared solution.

You can not independently add additional components to the solution to improve the taste (sugar, honey, jam). It is also not recommended to take it simultaneously with other drugs that are taken orally (tablets, syrups, suspensions, capsules).

For the effect to come as quickly as possible, you need to drink a warm solution, the temperature of which is close to body temperature. So the medicine is instantly absorbed into the blood.

The volume for ingestion is determined by the severity of the symptoms. If a person is thirsty, weak, there is a slight increase in body temperature, you can drink 0.5-0.8 liters of solution for 3-4 hours. If the patient has more severe symptoms of dehydration - rare urination, rich yellow urine, dry skin and mucous membranes, the minimum amount of solution should be at least 1.5-2 liters. per day (for adults). To determine the amount of rehydration therapy in children, a doctor prescribes.

Oral rehydration for dehydration is carried out in two stages. The first 6-8 hours it is necessary to compensate for the loss of fluid in relation to the deficit of the total body weight. The second stage is maintenance therapy, where the daily volume is equal to the body's total fluid requirements, plus water lost through vomiting or diarrhea.

Contraindications for oral rehydration:

  • extremely severe degree of dehydration - repeated vomiting and diarrhea, impaired kidney function, shock, unconsciousness, coma;
  • type 1 diabetes mellitus (insulin-dependent) due to the content of glucose in the solution;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • kidney dysfunction, chronic and acute renal failure;
  • severe hypertension, hypertensive crisis;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Oral rehydration can be carried out not only in a hospital, but also at home. You need to drink liquid often and in small sips so as not to provoke vomiting. Infants can enter the solution through a nasogastric tube (through the nose). If vomiting occurs after drinking, the solution should be taken again no earlier than 10-15 minutes later. Oral rehydration medications should be taken between meals. Signs of the effectiveness of therapy - the disappearance of symptoms of dehydration, stopping vomiting and diarrhea.

Regidron is a drug used to correct the water and electrolyte balance in children and adults.

The indication for use is mild to moderate dehydration with diarrhea, as well as for the prevention of dehydration during intense physical exertion.

Regidron's solution includes several components:

  • Sodium chloride;
  • sodium citrate;
  • Potassium chloride;
  • glucose;
  • Water.

Contraindications to the use of the drug are the following pathological conditions:

  • Acute renal failure;
  • Insulin-dependent or non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • Intestinal obstruction;
  • Coma (in the presence of a nasogastric tube is not a contraindication);
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the remedy.

Several important practical aspects about Regidron:

  • The calculation of the dose of rehydrating drugs is carried out in accordance with the patient's body weight;
  • The drug is produced in the form of a powder, from which the dosage form is subsequently made;
  • The prepared solution must be consumed within 1 day.

Important! A rehydrating drug can also be made independently - the effectiveness of such a remedy will be close to that of pharmaceutical preparations, but not equivalent to it.

So, how to cook Regidron at home?

Components and cooking conditions

For self-preparation of a rehydrating solution, the following components will be required:

  • Salt;
  • Granulated sugar;
  • Boiled drinking water;
  • Baking soda;
  • A vessel with a volume of 0.5 to 1 liter;
  • Tea spoon.

The recipe for homemade Regidron does not require sterility. However, cleanliness at the place of preparation of the medicinal product must be observed. The table on which manipulations are performed should not be dusty - you should first wipe it with a clean cloth. Hands must also be clean.

If these rules are not followed, pathogenic microorganisms may enter the solution and the patient's condition may be aggravated due to the attached bacterial microflora.

cooking recipes

The composition and method of making Regidron at home may have some differences, since there are three prescriptions for the drug:

  • In a glass of boiled water, mix 1 teaspoon of sugar and salt;
  • ¼ tsp is added to 500 ml of boiled water. baking soda, ¼ tsp. salt and 2 table. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon is added to one liter jar. sugar, in another - 1 table. a spoonful of salt. After both banks are filled with warm water to the top. The composition is taken every 10 minutes, in turn from both cans.

After thoroughly mixing the components and obtaining a homogeneous mixture (for the first two recipes), the finished solution must be removed in the refrigerator and consumed within a day.

Long-term storage of home-cooked Regidron leads to precipitation of salts, which makes the drug unsuitable for use.

How and in what quantity to drink the solution

Normal is the consumption of such an amount of Regidron, which is twice the weight loss. So, if during the illness the patient lost 200 grams, then the dose of the solution for the first 10 hours of treatment will be 400 grams of an aqueous solution. In this case, the patient should not drink other fluids.

If necessary, Regidron therapy is continued for up to 3-4 days, while the patient is allowed to use other liquids. The ratio of ordinary liquid to the solution of the drug should be 4:1, respectively.

The rehydrating solution should be taken in small sips. With severe vomiting in a child, Regidron is given frozen or administered through a nasogastric tube.

Symptoms and causes of overdose

Excessive use of Regidron can lead to an overdose. The latter is characterized by the appearance of symptoms of hypernatremia:

  • weakness;
  • Nervous excitement;
  • drowsiness;
  • Confusion of consciousness;
  • Convulsions.

Children with an overdose may fall into a coma with respiratory failure and convulsions.

Important! Hypernatremia with the use of Regidron is possible only with the introduction of the drug through a nasogastric tube or with prolonged multi-day use of high doses of saline. A single dose of even a large volume of saline does not lead to an overdose.

Help with hypernatremia is to maintain the vital functions of the body and remove excess mineral salts. The latter is realized by active stimulation of urinary excretion using diuretics that remove potassium and sodium (Furosemide, Lasix). Assistance is provided by qualified specialists in a hospital setting.

Which solution is better - pharmacy or homemade?

In general, both pharmacy and homemade Regidron achieve the goal of restoring the water and electrolyte balance in the body in diseases accompanied by fluid loss. But there are also differences:

  • a drug obtained industrially has a more pronounced effect in terms of the qualitative composition of the replenished salts. The composition of the pharmaceutical preparation includes potassium salts and sodium citrate, which are not added to the home preparation (due to their banal absence);
  • the pharmaceutical preparation has a more precise dosage and salt ratio. It is not recommended to add foreign substances to the pharmacy Regidron to improve the taste;
  • Home rehydration solution allows you to add auxiliary components that make it easier for children to take the drug (honey, fruit concentrates).

We hope that you have received an exhaustive answer to the questions of how to make and use Regidron at home. But it is important to understand that a homemade drug can only be used with a mild degree of dehydration. Severe dehydration requires not only the use of professional recovery solutions, but also treatment aimed at addressing the root cause of fluid loss.

Dr. Komarovsky on how to make rehydron for children at home

With vomiting, prolonged diarrhea, especially if the infection is accompanied by a high temperature, the child has a very dangerous prospect - dehydration may begin. Therefore, Dr. Komarovsky, each time talking about such conditions, emphasizes the need to use oral rehydration agents, such as Regidron, Humana Electrolyte, etc. They allow you to quickly restore the water-salt balance in the baby’s body, and avoid problems. the most severe effects of dehydration.

But it is not always possible in an emergency to visit a pharmacy or it is not possible to stock such medicines in a home first aid kit. Then you can prepare the solution with your own hands, and in terms of properties it will not be inferior to the pharmaceutical preparation. Evgeny Komarovsky, a pediatrician, tells how to do this and how to properly apply the resulting solution.

Means of oral rehydration Yevgeny Komarovsky calls the most important in the family first aid kit of sane parents. Since the vast majority of childhood ailments are infectious in nature, pathological fluid loss by the child's body is not uncommon. And with intestinal infections, and with viral diseases that are accompanied by high fever, intoxication, vomiting or diarrhea, and food poisoning, rehydration agents will be the main treatment for the baby.

They are a mixture of salts, which, when dissolved with ordinary boiled water, gives a liquid that, when drunk, not only compensates for the loss of water. It also makes it possible to restore the deficiency of salts and minerals lost with vomit, frequent loose stools, with sweat, which are very important for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.

The most famous oral rehydration products in Russia:

  • "Rehydron";
  • "Hydrovit";
  • "Marathonic";
  • "Normohydron";
  • "Orasan";
  • "Reosolan";
  • Humana Electrolyte.

During illness, the child eats less, and this is quite natural, but it is with food that small children receive a large amount of liquid, since they eat cereals, soups, kefirs. Lack of appetite, although physiologically determined, has an additional effect on the dehydration process.

The method in which the treatment is aimed at replenishing fluid and salt balance is called rehydration therapy. If necessary, you can introduce the necessary substances into the child's body in two ways:

  • through the mouth, if he drinks, assimilates and removes the solution;
  • intravenously - through a dropper, if he refuses to drink or vomits so often that everything he drinks immediately comes out.

The second method is not practiced at home, this is the task of the ambulance doctors and specialists of infectious diseases hospitals.

In most cases, parents are perfectly able to cope with the problem in the first way - oral. If there are ready-made pharmaceutical bags of Regidron or another drug from the list above, it is enough to dilute them with the right amount of water, as it is written on the package. The drug is not a prescription and is available to everyone.

If for some reason there are no ready-made bags, and it is not possible to get them in the next half hour, then you can prepare the solution yourself. It does not include any special ingredients that would not be in the kitchen of any hostess.

The World Health Organization considers it correct if in a solution for drinking with intoxication a volume of 1 liter of water will be:

  • sodium chloride (3.5 g);
  • sodium bicarbonate (2.5 g);
  • potassium chloride (1.5 g);
  • glucose (20 gr).

When treating children from severe intestinal infections accompanied by severe diarrhea or vomiting, it is recommended to add trisodium citrate to the solution instead of sodium bicarbonate in an amount of 2.9 g, and reduce the salt content (sodium chloride) to 2.6 g.

Home cooking has nothing to do with the chemical laboratory, and therefore Komarovsky gives the above recommendations solely for general familiarization with the composition of the rehydration solution. At home, the preparation of the remedy will look like this:

  • 1 liter of boiled warm water;
  • table salt (you can take iodized, but better - the most ordinary) - 3 grams (this is 1 teaspoon without top);
  • sugar 18 grams (or sucrose for those who cannot tolerate sugar in the same amount). It's a little less than a tablespoon.

This prescription is approved by the World Health Organization as fully compliant with the requirements for a drug with rehydration properties.

The prepared solution must be thoroughly mixed until all crystals and salt and sugar are completely dissolved in water. The taste of the mixture is not the most pleasant, and therefore it is not worth counting on the child to drink it with delight, says Yevgeny Komarovsky.

The resulting solution should be given warm. It is desirable that the temperature of the liquid be equal to the temperature of the baby's body - subject to this condition, the liquid will be absorbed and absorbed faster.

There is no specific dosage, but there is an important rule: the more the child drinks, the better. Therefore, you need to drink as much and as often as possible. If there are no symptoms of dehydration, it is enough to solder the prepared liter of solution to the child in three to four hours.

If there are alarming symptoms of dehydration, the dosage should be increased. These signs include:

  • dry skin, crying without tears, dry tongue, feeling of constant thirst in the baby;
  • infrequent urination (for three hours he never comes down for a "little need");
  • urine has a bright saturated color, and sometimes a pungent odor;
  • antipyretics do not give any pronounced effect;
  • sharpening of facial features, the appearance of dark circles under the eyes.

If the vomiting is very intense, and it is not possible to drink the child in a normal way, you need to drink it drip from a disposable syringe without a needle, a baby drinker, a teaspoon - whatever, as long as he drinks. If even such a small amount is not absorbed, an ambulance should be called for the child to undergo intravenous rehydration. It is not worth keeping the home solution for too long: if not all the diluted amount has been drunk in 3-4 hours, it is advisable to prepare a new portion.

Dr. Komarovsky will tell you more about dehydration of the child's body and how to prepare a rehydron solution at home in the next video.

Rehydron recipes at home

Regidron is a drug that allows you to quickly restore fluid in the body, replenish the balance of essential electrolytes and substances. It is used for severe dehydration in case of poisoning, frequent and heavy physical exertion, sports. Such a drug should be in every home first aid kit. Also, the remedy is recommended for regular use with frequent and high physical exertion, overheating, hyperhidrosis. Regidron has practically no contraindications, therefore it can be prescribed to everyone without exception - adults, children, pregnant and lactating women.

Home rehydron

Cases of poisoning and diarrhea occur quite often, especially in the spring and summer. If it wasn’t at hand, it doesn’t matter, it’s just important to know a few simple recipes on how to make rehydration preparations at home. If there is no rehydron at hand, its composition for cooking at home is simple and affordable for everyone. Even in field conditions, you can easily find all the components, the main thing is to know exactly how to prepare the product, its composition and proportions, and how you can replace rehydron.

For cooking, you will need the simplest ingredients - salt, sugar, soda. Such components are at hand almost always and in every home.

The composition of a conventional preparation for restoring the water-salt balance is quite simple - sodium and calcium chloride, and in a simple way - salt and soda, citrate, glucose. Do not eat foods with a large amount of sucrose while taking the drug. This can reduce the positive impact to zero.

The solution for dehydration must be taken correctly, it can not be combined with other similar medications and some foods.

Nothing should be added to improve the taste of the rehydration solution, even if the child refuses to take the drug.

Home rehydron, as well as pharmacy, must be taken correctly. Immediately after poisoning or at the first unpleasant symptoms, it is recommended to drink at least 500-700 ml of the solution. Ideally, the calculation is carried out according to the scheme - 10 ml of the drug is drunk per 1 kg of weight (used within the first hour).

After the dose is halved, it is necessary to continue drinking the drug until the condition normalizes. For children, slightly different calculations - per 1 kg of weight from 25 to 60 ml. As health improves, the amount of the drug decreases to 5 ml per kilogram.


There are not so many recipes for preparing a solution to replenish the electrolyte balance, because, in fact, only four components can be included in such a remedy - salt, soda, sugar and water. Only the dosage of the components and the methods of using the resulting medicine can be different.

This is a recipe by which you can prepare a useful solution even in emergency conditions. Take 200 ml of pure water, preferably boiled and purified, dissolve in it 5 grams of salt and the same amount of sugar. Take in the same dosages as the usual pharmacy drug.

Recipe #2

For half a liter of water, you need to take two tablespoons of sugar, a quarter teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt. Mix well and drink as directed. This saline solution will have a much better and faster effect on the body due to the content of soda.

Recipe #3

Not much different from the first. You just need to separately dilute salt and sugar, one tablespoon per liter of water. Take the solutions in turn every ten minutes. You can also make two separate jars - in one soda solution, and in the other saline. If you want to make rehydron yourself at home for a child, then simply mix 1 tablespoon of sugar, half of salt and soda in a glass of water.

Salt solution on raisins

If you have time, you can prepare a saline solution based on a decoction of raisins. To do this, dried grapes in the amount of 100 g are boiled in water for half an hour, the broth is filtered and all the same components are added to it - salt, sugar and soda.

The resulting mixture is boiled for another three minutes and cooled to room temperature, now it can be used for treatment.

If you need help urgently, prepare homemade rehydron without raisins. You can store any solution for no more than a day at a cool temperature and in an unlit place.

Dehydration is very dangerous for the body, especially for children, so the symptoms of poisoning, vomiting, should not be left to chance. It is best to call an ambulance immediately if you have diarrhea or vomiting. It is advisable to start taking all the necessary drugs immediately, since in the process of vomiting and diarrhea, dehydration and loss of nutrients by the body occur quite quickly.

Home preparation and pharmacy are not the main means of treatment, remember this! If poisoning and unpleasant accompanying symptoms occur, then it is necessary to look for the cause and eliminate it.

Regidron is used exclusively to restore electrolyte balance, but does not cure poisoning and does not remove toxic substances from the body, so taking additional medications is necessary, but in between taking a saline solution.

Regidron is not such an already harmless drug, if the dose is exceeded or if the solution is incorrectly prepared, significant harm can be done to the body, in addition, there are certain contraindications in which the drug is limited or completely prohibited. It should not be given to patients in an unconscious state, with high blood pressure, as well as with severe and incessant vomiting. Also contraindications are diabetes mellitus, renal colic, intestinal obstruction. Children are advised to take a drip rather than drink the solution in sips. It is the intake of the solution in small portions that will prevent the next attack of vomiting and restore the lack of all necessary substances in the body as quickly as possible.

In addition to rehydron, you can buy at the pharmacy and other preparations similar in composition, which practically do not differ from the original:

  • "Normohydron";
  • "Orsol";
  • "Rehydron Optim";
  • "Re-Sol";
  • "Electral".

Regidron should be constantly in the first-aid kit, so that in case of unpredictable situations, you can quickly and easily use the powder and prepare the solution. If there is no remedy at home, in case of emergency, use prescriptions and be sure to consult a doctor.

Regidron at home - it's easy

Dehydration of the body is a serious danger to human life. Therefore, with intestinal infections that are accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, it is important to take urgent measures to solve this problem.

The loss of the 10th part of the fluid contained in the body leads to the development of irreversible consequences, and the loss of the 4th part leads to death.

General characteristics

Dosage form

The dosage form of Regidron is a white powder with a fairly pronounced crystalline consistency. It is intended for the preparation of a water remedy that replenishes the water, alkaline and salt balance in the body.

Composition of Regidron:

  • sodium chloride (common table salt);
  • dextrose (a kind of sugar);
  • potassium chloride (regulator of acid-base balance);
  • sodium citrate (acidity regulator).

It is recommended to take the remedy to restore the water, salt and alkaline balance of the body. Experts prescribe this remedy for sudden loss of electrolytes (fluid). Among the traditional conditions requiring rehydration therapy are acute intestinal infections, excessive exercise, and thermal damage to the body. It is equally important for an adult and a child to monitor the body's water balance and, if provoking factors occur, take measures to eliminate them together with “drinking”.

In order to get a better idea of ​​the importance of restorative therapy, you can watch the video. Professor Komarovsky recommends treating an adult or a child for dehydration with the help of a rehydration agent, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently at home. After watching the video, you will get a lot of useful information about the importance of this tool and find out the most optimal recipe for its preparation.

Effectiveness of rehydration therapy

Dr. Komarovsky

The solution helps to restore electrolytes washed out during vomiting and severe diarrhea from the body. This tool replenishes the required level of salts. With it, you can correct the acid and alkaline balance, bringing the body back to normal. Children and adults also need sugar (dextrose), which is contained in Regidron. With its help, the balance of citrates, which are responsible for the functioning of internal organs and the acid balance of the body, is normalized.

Regidron solution has a simultaneous effect on the exhausted body of a child or adult, acting as an antidote and rehydrant. You can replace the Regidron purchased at the pharmacy with a solution of your own preparation.

How to prepare Regidron?

Regidron solution and its analogues, such as Disol, Sorbilact or Ringer, can be made independently. At the same time, it is important to observe the recommended proportions in order to achieve the required concentration of the substances that make up the preparations.

Home rehydron

There are several ways to prepare a solution for rehydration therapy:

  • The first way is to take 1 tsp for 200 ml of warm boiled water. sugar and salt.
  • The second way - for 500 ml of cooled boiled water, take 2 tbsp. l. sugar and salt, add soda a quarter of a teaspoon.
  • The third way is to add 1 tbsp to one liter jar. l. salt, and in another - 1 tbsp. l. soda, then pour boiled warm water to the top. Take alternately every 10 minutes.

Everyone can prepare a solution at home. It is recommended that you discuss this issue with your doctor first.

Making a solution is not difficult, the main thing is to observe the proportions. The preparation of a rehydration agent for a child is no different from a solution intended for an adult.

Children should take it in smaller quantities: the initial dose is no more than 5-10 ml.

Pour the finished product into the child's mouth carefully 1 tsp. every 10 min. The total volume of the solution can be calculated at the rate of 30-50 ml per 1 kg of body weight.

Drinking from a spoon

In the presence of profuse vomiting, a drip infusion can be performed. It is possible to replace the rehydration agent with sweet tea or compote. If even a spoonful of liquid does not linger in the child's stomach, the solution should be frozen. Regidron should be given to children in this form in small pieces and with extreme caution. In this way, it is possible to replenish the body's water balance and suppress gag reflexes by acting on the tongue receptors with cold.

Before you start cooking, watch a video about the benefits of this product, which contains useful information and rules for making a rehydration product. Children and adults should not take this drug as the main treatment. Such therapy is supportive and can only be used in combination with medications aimed at eliminating the cause of dehydration.

Children should take the solution in small dosages, which will prevent the occurrence of repeated vomiting and replenish the body with the missing elements. It is important to remember that this remedy should not be taken in the presence of kidney failure, with an excess of potassium and diabetes.

Your mark.

In case of fluid loss, which develops against the background of prolonged vomiting, diarrhea and other painful conditions, Regidron is prescribed. The pharmaceutical product, produced in the form of a powder composition soluble in water, helps to restore the water balance. With its help, the balance of electrolytes is also restored. In accordance with the instructions for use, Regidron is prescribed for both adults and minors.

Composition and form of release

This tool looks like a white or slightly yellowish powder. Before taking it, you need to carefully dissolve it in plain water. It is better to do this filtered or cooled boiled. Drink the resulting solution preferably in small sips.

Powder "Regidron" includes:

  • Dextrose - about 10 g.
  • Sodium chloride - in the amount of 3.5 g.
  • Sodium citrate - 2.9 g.
  • Potassium chloride, its weight in one sachet is 2.5 g.

Pharmacological properties and pharmacokinetics

Due to the components of the composition, the drug has hydrating properties. The tool helps to correct the balance of fluid lost due to poisoning along with feces or vomit. It helps with rehydration.

Glucose present in the composition of the drug helps to maintain metabolic acidosis, absorbs salts and citrates.

Features of the component composition of "Regidron":

  • Reduced osmolarity compared to other WHO recommended hydrating solutions.
  • Reduced sodium content.
  • Slightly increased amount of potassium.

A similar combination of components that are part of Regidron helps prevent the development of hypernatremia and restore the optimal level of potassium. The pharmacokinetics of this drug is characterized by the identity of the combination of glucose, water and electrolytes at a natural level for a healthy body.

What is the drug prescribed for?

Understanding what Regidron helps from, it is best to refer to the instructions attached to it.

In accordance with it, the drug is effective:

  • With diarrhea. Indicated for mild to moderate dehydration. It is characterized by a general loss of body weight, which is fixed at a level of 3–10%.
  • With desalting of the body, with urine chlorides from 2 g / l.
  • In correcting any violations in which the VEB is skewed.

Instructions for use Regidron for adults and children

The drug belongs to the list of drugs with minimal contraindications. But even in such a situation, the use should be carried out in accordance with the instructions and prescribed by the attending physician. Methods of using the remedy differ depending on the disease and the age group of the patient.

How to dilute the powder and how to drink Regidron solution for adults

Adult patients use this drug depending on the reason for use:

  • For allergies, one dose dissolves in about 400 ml of water. The daily dose of the drug is determined in accordance with body weight.
  • For the treatment of intestinal disorders, the drug is taken immediately, dissolving one sachet in a liter of liquid.
  • Reception for food poisoning is based on the use of a product prepared from a bag of 750 ml of water. The daily volume of the suspension is determined at the rate of 0.01 ml per kilogram of body weight.
  • Dilution of the dose per 1 liter of water can be used to eliminate the effects of alcohol poisoning, called a hangover in folk tradition. In such a situation, 2-3 doses are enough within a day after the onset of alcohol intoxication.

During the intake, it is required to exclude from the diet fats and foods that include a significant amount of carbohydrates. They can reduce the level of action of the agent on the body.

How to breed and take Regidron for children

A drug, which includes drugs that have a minimum number of contraindications with high efficiency, is prescribed not only for adults. It is recommended in the treatment of gastric infections and poisoning in the youngest patients.

The calculation of the optimal dosage is carried out by a pediatrician. In most situations, the dosage recommended for children by the instructions for use is determined by the formula: one dose of powder per 1 liter of water. Only boiled liquid is used. It is important to refrigerate it before use.

The child is offered to drink the suspension in small sips. It is important not to rush - the baby may have a gag reflex. In this case, the reception is suspended.

The remedy is prescribed even for breast crumbs.

The instruction says that the amount is determined in direct proportion to body weight:

  • 350 ml is assigned to a child whose weight does not yet exceed 5 kilograms.
  • If body weight ranges from 6 to 10 kg, the serving volume per day is about 500 ml.
  • When the weight is 11 - 20 kg, up to 700 ml is prescribed.
  • For every 5 kg over 20, add 50 ml of suspension.

Indications for admission by a child are determined only after examination by a specialist.

Any pain in the abdomen, accompanied by vomiting or diarrhea, requires a mandatory visit to the clinic. To exclude inflammatory processes, an ambulance can be called.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

A feature of "Rehydron" is the ability to use it in the months of waiting for the birth of a child and further breastfeeding. The drug is not transmitted to the fetus and is completely eliminated from the mother's body.

Special instructions for taking the drug

Despite the components that are actually safe to use, the drug has certain features.

First of all, the appointment of this agent alone is not recommended in situations where a high degree of dehydration is eliminated. In cases where the patient loses more than 10% of body weight as a result of dehydration, first of all, intravenous infusions of solutions are required to normalize the electrolyte balance. Only after the suppression of the acute manifestations of the processes leading to dehydration, the use of Regidron in powder is introduced.

This remedy may be used in the treatment of dehydration in patients with the following conditions:

  • Confirmed variants of diabetes mellitus.
  • Situations of diagnosing renal failure.
  • Other diseases with a chronic course of the course that violate the water balance.

But in such situations, admission to the hospital becomes a prerequisite. Changes in the patient's condition are controlled by the attending physician. He also develops an individual course of taking funds.

Suspension intake does not affect the driving of vehicles. You can take food at the same time as the medicine or immediately after taking it. The healing effect in this situation is not reduced.

Drug interactions with other drugs

A certain interaction is noted when used simultaneously with drugs, the therapeutic effect of which is based on absorption into the walls of the stomach and intestines. Such a reaction is explained by the slightly alkaline reaction of the drug solution.

Contraindications, side effects, overdose

Despite the prevalence of use by children and adults, this drug has a list of contraindications.

It is not recommended even with severe diarrhea and poisoning in cases of:

  • diagnosing an increase in the level of potassium in the body;
  • situations of detection of kidney dysfunction;
  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • individual rejection of components.

In case of violation of the order of use, certain complications can occur:

  • Rapid fatigue is noted.
  • Patients complain of increased fatigue and cases of drowsiness.
  • In some cases, speech disorders and disorientation are noted.
  • The development of hyperkalemia and hypernatremia.
  • Respiratory dysfunction has been reported.
  • Bloody discharge may appear in the feces, flatulence may develop.
  • Sometimes the temperature rises.

The appearance of adverse reactions requires contacting a specialist to make adjustments to the individual treatment program.

Cases of overdose with this drug are practically not observed. Excess suspension can in rare situations lead to a feeling of nausea. Only in exceptional cases, with a significant overdose, medical intervention may be required to correct the electrolyte balance. Adjustment is carried out on the basis of laboratory tests in a hospital.

Analogues of the drug Regidron

This drug has practically no analogues in terms of the level of impact on the human body.

Among the drugs with a similar principle of action are:

  • Released by the Russian manufacturer replacement "Trigidron". The composition of this remedy is characterized by a halving of the concentration of potassium and sodium.
  • Virtually identical in terms of components, the drug "Hydrovit". Its difference is the addition of components to improve the taste, which will come in handy when treating children. The powder dissolves in a smaller volume of water and is characterized by a lower concentration of components.
  • "Trisol", produced in the form of a ready-made solution. Differs in the most favorable price.

At the same time, it is easy to make Regidron at home. For this purpose, salt and granulated sugar are taken, soda is added. The mixture is poured with a liter of water. The proportions of dry ingredients are selected in equal proportions - approximately, a tablespoon.

The drug belongs to the category used in the treatment of patients of different ages. It is highly effective, but the doctor should prescribe it and explain how to take Regidron, focusing on the patient's condition.

Greetings, dear readers! With vomiting and diarrhea in children, there is a strong loss of fluid, and this condition is dangerous by dehydration, especially for the smallest. It would seem that in order to make up for the loss of fluid, it is enough to drink water, but not everything is so simple, along with the fluid, the necessary trace elements leave the body. To replenish the water-salt balance, a special powder is used - Regidron, instructions for use for children of which will be discussed in today's article.

Regidron is a white crystalline powder, which contains glucose and salts:

  • Sodium chloride. Compensates for the lack of sodium salts and detoxifies.
  • potassium chloride. Restores the lack of potassium salts, normalizes the osmotic pressure in the plasma.
  • Dextrose. A monosaccharide compound essential for metabolic recovery and detoxification.
  • sodium citrate. Reduces acidity and restores osmotic pressure.

The drug does not contain the main active ingredient: all components are equally necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems.

The drug is produced by the Finnish company Orion Corporation. The powder is packaged in sachets weighing 18.9 g. One sachet costs about 20 rubles, in one pack there are up to 20 pieces. One sachet is enough to prepare 1 liter of solution.

The shelf life of the sachet is 3 years. The prepared solution should be stored in the refrigerator and preferably used within the first 24 hours after preparation.

Varieties of the drug

Regidron as a drug has varieties:


The main indication for use is dehydration and intoxication caused by various reasons. The medication is prescribed:

  • with an infectious lesion of the intestine;
  • when accompanied by profuse sweating;
  • with symptoms of intoxication;
  • with diarrhea with mild to moderate fluid loss;
  • in case of increased physical exertion with profuse sweating;
  • with dysbacteriosis.

You should urgently show the child to the doctor if the following symptoms persist while taking the drug:

  • frequent vomiting;
  • diarrhea with blood;
  • weight loss over 10%;
  • lack of urination;
  • acute pain in the abdomen;
  • convulsions;
  • convulsions;
  • delayed reaction.

With profuse vomiting or diarrhea, when the child's condition deteriorates sharply, only taking the powder is indispensable. You will have to call an ambulance and carry out treatment in a hospital.

When can it be used in children?

The question of at what age to take the medicine is decided in different ways. Previously, it was believed that the medicine is suitable even for children up to a year. But now children under 10 months old should be given the drug only with the permission of a doctor in exceptional cases, since the reaction of the child's body can be unpredictable.

This is due to the possibility of an excess of sodium. Babies after 2 years can be given Regidron on their own according to the dosage indicated in the instructions.


The use of Regidron is contraindicated in such conditions:

  • diabetes;
  • unconscious state;
  • low pressure;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • increased levels of potassium in the blood;
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys.

Side effects

The main side effect of Regidron is an excess of sodium in the blood. It is accompanied by drowsiness, increased tone, muscle weakness and confusion. In severe cases, breathing may stop and coma may occur.

In children prone to allergies, a rash, redness on the skin may occur. If the patient has kidney disease, he may develop metabolic alkalosis, manifested by convulsions, muscle tone and impaired respiratory function.

How to take Regidron for children?

There are several basic principles for taking the medication:

  • it is necessary to use the medicine for no more than 4 days;
  • babies up to a year are soldered from a teaspoon or with a syringe;
  • it is necessary to drink every five minutes or after each vomiting or diarrhea;
  • in the first ten hours of illness, the baby should take twice as much liquid as he lost;
  • you need to drink even at night every quarter of an hour;
  • with severe vomiting, you can freeze the cubes with the solution and offer the child frozen;
  • infants are given a solution of 1 teaspoon every ten minutes for four hours.

In order not to make a mistake in the dosage, take into account: in the first 10 hours, no more than 50 ml of solution per 1 kg of the baby's body weight should enter the body. That is, if the weight of the child is 10 kg, in the first 10 hours he must drink half a liter of the solution.

special instructions

Special instructions for admission exist for certain causes of dehydration:

  • Nausea. Dilute the powder in the standard dosage (1 sachet per 1 liter of water) and give the child a tablespoon every quarter of an hour. If symptoms disappear, stop taking the medication. But most often with nausea, vomiting develops.
  • Vomit. Drinking continues every quarter of an hour until the symptoms disappear. If the condition of the crumbs worsens, you are not dealing with food poisoning, but with an intestinal infection, and you cannot do without the help of a doctor.
  • Diarrhea. In the first two hours, you need to give the child twice as much fluid as he loses. To do this, you need to regularly weigh the baby, no matter what age he is. In severe diarrhea, you can increase the daily dosage of the solution per 1 kg of body weight up to 100 ml.

Remember: Regidron does not help stop diarrhea, it only eliminates dehydration. To prevent diarrhea, doctors prescribe sorbents (Enterosgel, Enterol), diet, rice decoction.

How to prepare a solution of Regidron?

In order for the medicine to bring maximum benefit, you need to know how to prepare the solution:

  • In 1 liter of chilled (room temperature or slightly higher) boiled water, pour a bag of powder and mix well until completely dissolved.
  • The solution is ready for use.

Do not pour powder with hot water!

How to make rehydron at home

The price of Regidron is relatively small. But if it is impossible to get the medicine at the moment, and the baby's condition is deteriorating sharply, every mother should know how to prepare Regidron at home. The resulting solution will not be a complete analogue of the finished drug, but it will help to hold out until the doctor arrives or you can buy the finished medicine:

  • Option 1: Take a glass of boiled water at room temperature and dissolve 1 teaspoon of sugar and salt in it.
  • Option 2: In half a liter of boiled water, dilute two teaspoons of salt and sugar and a quarter teaspoon of soda.
  • Option 3: Take two liter jars and fill them to the top with water. In the first dilute 1 tablespoon of salt, in the second - a tablespoon of soda. Take alternately every ten minutes.

Humana Elektrolit (Humana Electrolyte) can be safely attributed to the analogues of the drug. This is also a powder with a set of salts to restore the water-salt balance in the body.

In a hospital (in hospitals), doctors prefer more effective and faster methods, they put droppers with such solutions:

  • Trisol;
  • Neohemodes;
  • Ringer's solution.

They also help to restore the water-salt balance during dehydration.

However, according to reviews, Regidron remains the best drug for this purpose. It is the most convenient to use, and is easily absorbed by children. Most parents have this medicine in their first aid kit in case of overheating, food poisoning, etc.

If the article contains useful information for you, share a link to it. The information was given for information. See you soon on the blog!

Indigestion and damage to the body by an intestinal infection, accompanied by frequent loose stools, is fraught with dehydration. To prevent violations of water-salt metabolism, oral rehydrating agents should be used. These include Regidron, which can be made at home if the industrial powder is not available.

Components and cooking conditions

Rehydration drugs are considered the most important remedies for problems in the digestive system. They do an excellent job with severe symptoms of impaired water and electrolyte balance, acidosis that develops with diarrhea, heat stroke, threatening dehydration. The pharmacy remedy, which is used to compensate for lost fluid with repeated watery stools, vomiting and increased sweating, contains:

  • Potassium and sodium chloride are intracellular ions that regulate the most important functions of the body.
  • Glucose - enhances energy cellular metabolism.
  • Sodium citrate, which increases alkaline reserves in the blood, reduces its coagulability.

The instructions for the powder clearly say how to make a solution of Regidron. One sachet is enough to dissolve in a liter of plain boiled chilled water. You can replace Regidron industrial production with a home analogue. He, like a pharmacy, will not taste too pleasant, but will help the patient prevent the development of unpleasant consequences.

To use a home solution, you must have edible salt, soda, sugar, boiled water. It is not necessary to observe sterility in the preparation of the medicinal composition, but the dishes in which it will be prepared must be clean. You should also remember about the cleanliness of the table and hands so that pathogenic microbes do not get into the Regidron solution prepared at home and do not aggravate the patient's condition.

cooking recipes

When it is necessary to prepare a salt drink, having all the ingredients, certain proportions must be observed. Many people are well aware of how to quickly prepare Regidron at home. The method of its manufacture is simple: add a teaspoon of salt and sugar to a liter of boiled chilled water. The ingredients are then thoroughly mixed. There is another popular recipe: a liter of water, half a teaspoon of soda and salt, 4 tablespoons of sugar are mixed and stored in the cold for no longer than a day.

You can prepare a solution for children according to this recipe: in a glass of drinking water, mix a tablespoon of granulated sugar and half a teaspoon of salt and soda. This remedy before the arrival of the doctor can be given to the baby every 3-5 minutes. You can also make your own solution using raisins. 100 g of dried grape berries are boiled for 30 minutes. After straining, sugar, salt and soda are added to the broth in the usual amount.

You can make Regidron at home for both a child and an adult in this way: 18-20 g of salt is stirred in one liter jar of boiled water. In another jar, stir the same amount of sugar. It is necessary to take the finished product every 10 minutes, first from one, then from another can.

Important! With prolonged storage, salts precipitate, so the drug becomes unsuitable for treatment.

How to use

The optimal amount of consumption of a pharmacy or home preparation that normalizes the water and salt balance in the body is considered to be twice the amount of fluid that was lost during the illness. Before taking the solution, each person should correctly calculate the dosage. For example, for a child who has lost weight by 200 g, the dose of Regidron should be 400 g. Therapy, if necessary, is extended by 3-4 days, while the patient should also consume another liquid.

For rehydration, the finished product is taken warm, in small sips. So the useful composition can be absorbed faster. With mild vomiting in a child, a salt drink is offered in frozen ice cubes.

Important! It is necessary to take solutions from dehydration correctly. You can not combine them with similar medications. It should be noted that salt compositions are not the main method of treatment. They restore electrolyte metabolism, but do not remove toxic substances and pathogens from the body.

Overdose and special instructions

Regidron, which we make ourselves, like any drug, must be consumed in accordance with the dosage. Excessive use may result in:

  • Weakness, lethargy, drowsiness.
  • Neuromuscular excitation.
  • Confusion, loss of consciousness.
  • Seizures.

An overdose of the development of hyperkalemia and hypernatremia in children is especially dangerous. Such a condition can result in a convulsive attack, respiratory arrest, falling into a coma. An increased content of potassium and sodium chloride in the blood plasma is most often observed with prolonged use of a rehydration solution. A single use of the drug, even in a large volume, does not provoke alarming overdose symptoms.

It is possible to help the patient in this situation by carrying out therapeutic measures. They are based on the removal of excess minerals by stimulating the urinary system. For this, diuretics are used in a hospital setting.

Regidron industrial or home harmless means can not be considered. It has some contraindications, for example:

  • Renal pathologies.
  • Indomitable vomiting.
  • Diabetes.
  • Hypertension in severe form.

If the patient does not have frequent vomiting, then it is necessary to give him the drug ten minutes after vomiting.

You should contact your doctor immediately if:

  • Diarrhea with bloody discharge.
  • Severe pain in the abdomen.
  • Cessation of urine output.
  • Diarrhea lasting longer than 5 days.
  • High body temperature.

Which to choose?

Both an industrial medication and homemade Regidron act in the same way. They provide indispensable assistance in case of poisoning, allowing you to quickly restore the water-salt balance. But there are still differences:

  • Pharmaceutical Regidron has a pronounced effect in restoring lost salts, which cannot be achieved with a home remedy.
  • The industrial solution has clear instructions and dosage, which makes it possible to accurately calculate the volume of the drug and avoid overdose.
  • You can make Regidron at home by adding citrus juice or other fruit concentrates, which makes it easier for the child to treat. When preparing a pharmacy solution, it is forbidden to add extra ingredients.

Better pharmacy or homemade salt drink - it's up to the patient. But keep in mind that experts recommend using a home-made remedy for a mild degree of dehydration. In severe cases, the patient needs the help of specialists and the use of effective proven medicines that eliminate not only the pronounced symptoms of poisoning, but also the causes of fluid loss.

Powder "Regidron" is an indispensable component of a children's first aid kit at any time of the year. It is used for prolonged diarrhea, acute intestinal and rotavirus infections, and other conditions accompanied by fluid loss in the body. In order for the drug to work as efficiently as possible, it is important to know how many months to give it, how to dose and apply it correctly. This is described in detail in the instructions.

Regidron is an indispensable assistant for diarrhea or intestinal infection in a child

"Regidron": composition and features of the action

"Regidron" is a powdered mixture of trace elements, in which the body is in dire need of dehydration and acute intoxication. Such conditions are dangerous for the child's body, since the well-being of the baby with diarrhea, vomiting, high acetone worsens in minutes. The child becomes lethargic, dizzy and weak. It is extremely important for parents to prevent fluid loss and mineral imbalances that lead to inhibition of bodily functions.

As part of "Regidron" there are:

  1. Sodium chloride. An essential component for detoxification, compensates for the lack of sodium.
  2. Potassium chloride. It restores the acid-base balance, regulates the osmotic pressure in the blood plasma and restores the potassium rate.
  3. Dextrose. A monosaccharide that provides the necessary energy for metabolism and has an antitoxic effect.
  4. sodium citrate. Regulates osmotic reactions, reduces acidity.

During diarrhea and vomiting, important electrolytes leave the body with water. "Regidron" for children replenishes the balance of salts and corrects the acid-base balance. Dextrose in its composition maintains the necessary level of potassium and sodium citrates, which maintains the proper functioning of body cells. The drug neutralizes toxins and products of activity of pathogenic pathogens, accelerates recovery.

For preparation, Regidron is simply dissolved in the required amount of water.

Release form and storage features

The drug "Regidron" produces "Orion Corporation" (Finland). It is sold dosed in sachets of 18.9 g. Each of them contains a powder that must be diluted in a liter of water. The cost of one bag is about 20 rubles, a cardboard pack of 20 pieces is 400 rubles. The drug can be purchased individually or as a whole package. In the home first aid kit should be a few on-duty sachets of funds.

Shelf life of sachets is 36 months at room temperature. The use time of the diluted powder is 24 hours. It should be poured into a closed container and stored at a temperature of +0-6 degrees (on the balcony, in the refrigerator). When frozen, the product does not lose its medicinal properties.

Indications for use

"Regidron" should be given to the child at the first manifestations of intoxication. The more severe the condition of the crumbs, the more effective the timely intake of the solution and other therapeutic measures. Indications for admission - acute intestinal and rotavirus infections associated with rapid fluid loss (see also:). It is prescribed for an increase in ketone bodies, electrolyte deficiency as a result of thermal injury and severe physical exertion.

It is important for the child to drink the drug on time at regular intervals

Oral rehydration therapy for children is called "drinking". This is not always easy for the mother, because if the child feels unwell, it becomes lethargic and sleeps more.

You should strictly observe the regularity of taking each portion of the solution and wake the child to give the drug. For any symptoms of dehydration, you need to show the baby to the doctor and determine the cause of poor health.

It is equally important to consult a pediatrician if, while taking Regidron and other timely therapy, the following conditions persist for three days:

  • indomitable vomiting;
  • frequent diarrhea, bloody stools;
  • acute pain in the abdomen after the end of diarrhea;
  • convulsions, hallucinations;
  • rare urination, their absence;
  • weight loss over 10%;
  • lethargy, inhibition of reactions.

Contraindications and overdose

The drug is contraindicated in case of problems in the work of the kidneys, high levels of potassium in the blood, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus and intestinal obstruction.

If the dosage is observed, no side effects were found, however, allergic reactions are possible in the form of urticaria, redness of the skin, rashes on the face, buttocks and legs of the child.

With the introduction of "Rehydron" in excess, hypernatremia is likely. Excess sodium in the body is expressed in drowsiness, confusion, muscle weakness or increased tone. Respiratory arrest and coma are possible, so the dose recommended by the doctor and the frequency of taking the solution should not be exceeded.

The use of "Regidron" by patients with impaired renal function can cause metabolic alkalosis. It is manifested by convulsions, muscle tone, deterioration of lung function. Any overdose requires medical supervision. Specialists prescribe an electrolyte balance correction based on laboratory tests.

At what age should you take Regidron?

The reaction of children to Regidron is individual, so it is important to consult a pediatrician before taking it. Previously, it was believed that the solution of this drug can be taken by newborns, infants, pregnant women. However, at present, pediatricians prescribe the drug and its analogues with caution to children of one year of age and infants.

The reason is the high content of sodium, an excess of which is dangerous for a fragile organism. However, the drug is still the favorite in terms of efficiency and speed of restoring electrolyte balance in dehydration. In critical situations, its use is justified from birth, from 10 months to a year. Additionally, with Regidron, the doctor prescribes other drugs aimed at eliminating the cause that caused diarrhea and vomiting.

For infants, the drug is used only after approval by the pediatrician

Instructions for use

The preparation of the Regidron solution will take a couple of minutes. The contents of the sachet should be diluted in a liter of cold boiled or special baby water. Additionally, no components should be administered so as not to disturb the balance of substances in the preparation.

Before starting therapy, it is advisable to weigh the child in order to assess how much fluid he lost during the illness. This will help determine the effectiveness of the solution.

During treatment, it is recommended to avoid fatty foods and foods rich in simple carbohydrates. Breastfeeding and nutrition of the child can not be interrupted if the condition is not associated with an acetone crisis, poisoning, intestinal and rotavirus infection, where a special diet is needed.

The basic principles of taking Regidron:

  • the drug is soldered for 3-4 days;
  • the solution is offered from a spoon or syringe in small doses (5 ml each);
  • the frequency of drinking - every 10-15 minutes;
  • for the first 10 hours, the child should take twice as much solution as the fluid lost;
  • the child should be watered even at night, the baby should receive a portion of liquid every 15 minutes;
  • subject to severe vomiting, children can be offered a frozen solution of Regidron in the form of ice cubes (see also:);
  • infants should drink a teaspoon of the solution every 10 minutes for 4 hours.

It is important to prevent dehydration of the child, as this is fraught with serious consequences for his body.

If, after correction by "Rehydron", vomiting and diarrhea do not stop within 4-10 hours, other liquids (alkaline water, weak tea) are administered according to the following scheme:

Child weight (kg)Total fluid volume required (dL)The volume of "Rehydron" (dl)Water volume (dl)Volume of other liquids (dl)
5 8,2 3,5 2,1 2,7
6 10 4,2 2,4 3,3
7 10,5 4,4 2,6 3,5
8 11 4,6 2,8 3,6
9 11,5 4,8 2,9 3,9
10 12 5,0 3,0 4
12 13 5,4 3,2 4,4
14 14 5,8 3,5 4,8
16 15 6,2 3,7 5,1
18 16 6,6 4,0 5,5
20 17 7,0 4,2 5,8
25 18 7,5 4,5 6,0
30 19 8,0 4,8 6,3
40 21 9,0 5,4 6,6

Similar drugs

"Regidron" with intolerance to the components should be replaced with such drugs: "Polifepan", "Regidron Bio", "Hydrovit", "Hydrovit Forte", "Enterodez". In terms of composition and mode of action, Hydrovit is similar to Regidron, but it includes a number of flavorings and is stored in finished form for no more than 1 hour. Reactions to its components are possible.

If necessary, the drug can be replaced by analogues, for example, Regidron Bio

The use of Enterodez is indicated for poisoning. It copes well with intoxication against the background of viral and acute intestinal infections, enterocolitis, and radiation exposure. As an absorbent, "Polifepan" of plant origin is also used. It removes toxins, allergens, heavy metal salts, excess bilirubin, urea and other metabolic products. "Rehydron Bio" contains more salts than the traditional "Rehydron", and also includes bifidobacteria that are beneficial for the intestines.

How to make an analogue of "Rehydron" at home?

Oral rehydration salt solutions are a mixture of water, sugar and salt. Therefore, they can be bred with your own hands. When the drug is unexpectedly over, you can make its analogue at home, and then buy the powder at the pharmacy. The classic composition of the "home" mixture is as follows: a liter of boiled water cooled to room temperature, 20-30 gr. sugar, 3 gr. table salt, 2 gr. soda. After three years, half of the water is replaced with a decoction of carrots and raisins (to replenish the balance of potassium).

Almost the same recipe is given by Dr. Komarovsky in his reference book "Emergency Care":

  • boiled water - liter;
  • baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • table salt - 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tsp

The first day after poisoning, you should only drink the baby "Rehydron" and give another liquid. When vomiting stops, the child can be offered to eat crackers, drink diluted apple juice or dried fruit compote. Later it is worth preparing rice water, liquid porridge on the water, offer half a banana. It is not necessary to give spicy, fatty, smoked foods, dairy products for the first 5-7 days after the illness. If you feel better, the doctor's control is necessary after two days.

When we come into this world, water makes up almost ninety percent of our weight. Physiologists have determined that age and fluid content in the body are related: the older a person becomes, the less life-giving moisture in him. And dehydration leads not only to dry skin and wrinkles: blood thickens, hypoxia occurs, the threat of thrombosis and many other pathological changes.

There are situations when a healthy body insistently demands to drink. Such a state of thirst may arise due to alimentary reasons that disrupted the water-salt balance: you overate sweets or salty. I want to drink even after fluid loss as a result of sweating and rapid breathing during physical exertion, due to the high ambient temperature. These are physiological causes of moisture loss, which can be replenished by drinking water, kvass, whey.

When illness comes, the picture changes. The body in a short period of time runs the risk of losing such volumes of fluid that will put an edge on the question of the patient's life. Vomiting and diarrhea are the most dangerous. But even those losses that occur at high temperatures and increased sweating can also provoke severe disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism. Dehydration poses a serious threat to babies.

Warning signs of dehydration

Thirst, stool disorder (defecation occurs up to five times a day), even in the absence of vomiting - this is already a reason to take rehydration measures, since the process of dehydration has begun. In the first degree, the tissues have not yet lost their elasticity, the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth are still wet.

Pronounced signs of dehydration can appear very quickly - the very next day after the onset of the disease. In the second degree, medical attention is required, and as soon as possible.

  • Dry skin and mucous membranes.
  • A sunken spring.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Arrhythmia.
  • Lack of tears while crying.
  • Defecation up to ten times, feces are watery.
  • Repeated vomiting.

The final, third stage is characterized by extremely severe manifestations, indicating the loss of serious volumes of fluid.

  • Pale, dry skin and mucous, sunken eyeballs, barely covered by eyelids.
  • Pronounced cyanosis.
  • A patient with pointed facial features, non-contact, cold extremities.
  • There is no response to external stimuli.
  • Heart contractions are rapid and irregular, blood pressure decreases.
  • Defecation and urination occur less frequently.
  • Due to increasing dehydration, circles under the eyes appear more clearly, the skin resembles marble.
  • The work of the kidneys stops, defecation is not observed.
  • Convulsive attacks.
  • Death.

Restoration of water-salt balance

When dehydrated, the patient's body loses not only fluid, but also electrolytes. Therefore, it is necessary to use special tools. Among the many drugs on pharmacy windows, you can choose from Gastrolit, Orasan, Orsol, Maratonic, Reosolan and others. For kids, they get Hydrovit with strawberry flavor, Citraglucosolan. Any of them can be purchased without a prescription.

The most popular remedy for rehydration and detoxification is "". The dosed powder contains:

  • 2.5 g potassium chloride;
  • 2.9 g sodium citrate dihydrate;
  • 3.5 g sodium chloride;
  • 10 g dextrose.

This indispensable powder replenishes the content of potassium, sodium in the body, normalizes acidity and regulates osmotic processes. The acid-base balance is restored, and the monosaccharide supplies energy for metabolic reactions, which is necessary for detoxification.

Homemade mortar recipes

If there was no Regidron in the home medicine cabinet or pharmacy, you can cook it yourself at home.

In the remedy for restoring the water-salt balance, you need to include salt, soda and sugar (we will replace dextrose with them).

Now it is necessary to decide according to which recipe the healing solution will be prepared. There are several.

All saline solutions are not the most delicious drinks, and the child does not always agree to take them. Dr. Komarovsky advises that in such a case, with mild dehydration, it is permissible to use a decoction of raisins or other drinks with a small amount of glucose in the composition, with the exception of carbonated drinks with a high sugar content such as Fanta or Cola. Water is needed, but exclusively boiled.

Rehydration Rules

You can take a pharmacy drug on your own or instead of it "Regidron", made at home, only with a mild degree of dehydration. An analogue may well replace a purchased product, but it will have a slightly smaller effect.

At the beginning of rehydration, the patient should drink enough to double the loss of fluid.

In the future, the dosage is easy to calculate: while diarrhea is pronounced, ten milliliters of the drug solution is taken for each kilogram of weight. When the acts of defecation become less frequent, the dose taken is halved. When vomiting, you need to drink a medicinal drug in addition and also ten milliliters per kilogram of the patient's weight.

The baby can be given one, maximum, two teaspoons of the solution at a time. This must be done in ten minutes. If vomiting occurs frequently, between each of its manifestations, it is necessary to drink rehydrated saline from a pipette. The daily dose for a small child should be determined by a doctor. This is done by multiplying the body weight of the crumbs by a volume of 30 to 50 ml.

The frequency of admission depends on the clinical manifestations: after each act of defecation with liquid masses and vomiting. Typically, saline rehydration solutions are applied for up to five days.

Important. The temperature of the composition should help its absorption as soon as possible - it is heated (up to 37 degrees). But in the case when vomiting does not allow the child to absorb the drug, you can try to give him pieces of the frozen solution.

Who is contraindicated "Regidron"

Even such an affordable drug cannot be taken by any person suffering from dehydration. Diseases of the liver and kidneys, hypertension, diabetes mellitus, excessive potassium in the body, intestinal obstruction, loss of consciousness are contraindications for the use of Regidron. The use of the drug in the treatment of infants creates an additional burden on the kidneys.

Repeated use of the mixture is prohibited if, after the first dose, an allergic reaction develops: the temperature rises, traces of blood appear in the feces, speech becomes incoherent and fuzzy. Medical assistance with such a development of clinical manifestations is required immediately.

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