Whether it would be a technical error to indicate a different copyright holder. About the procedure for correcting a registry error. Typical cases: jurisprudence

1C Data Conversion Tutorial (Edition 2)

Generally, not all infobase objects participate in the process of data exchange, but only a certain subset - objects that have been changed since the last data exchange. This is made possible by the operation of the change registration service. Very often it is necessary to support such a scenario of data exchange, in which objects migrate not over all infobases involved in the exchange, but only over selected ones. To do this, you must set up data migration restrictions.
For a declarative description of data migration restrictions, . In the rules for registering objects, the conditions for filtering data on nodes of exchange plans are interactively set. An example of restrictions can be restrictions on organizations, warehouses, etc.
Registration rules are created only for a given configuration and one exchange plan. Registration rules fall into two categories:

  • PROB- registration rules by object properties
  • PROP- registration rules by exchange plan properties

At the time of object registration, these rules are executed sequentially, first they are executed PROB, then PROP. If the object does not pass the selection established PROB, That PROP are not performed and the object is not registered for unloading.
PROB describe the comparison of object attributes with arbitrary values.
PROP describe the comparison of the exchange plan attributes with the object attributes and the comparison of the exchange plan attributes with the values ​​of primitive type constants*. In fact, these rules determine the set of exchange plan nodes on which the object will be registered for unloading, or, in other words, the list information bases, to which the object will be migrated.

There are three ways to set up a data migration restriction or three types of filter elements:

  • mapping object properties to arbitrary values
  • mapping object properties to exchange plan properties
  • mapping of exchange plan properties to primitive type constants*

To set up registration rules, the header details and details of the tabular parts of the exchange plan can be used as properties of the exchange plan. To set registration rules, only the attributes of the object's header can be used as object properties.
For exchange plan properties and object properties, dereferencing of reference fields is supported, i.e. it is possible to get nested properties, for example, DocumentReason.Counterparty.TIN.

In the registration rules, the selection elements are combined into groups. In this case, all elements within the same group will be matched according to the condition AND, or according to the condition OR. The elements of the selection of the root group are matched by condition AND.
An arbitrary number of selection elements grouped in an arbitrary way can be specified in the registration rules.

The figure shows the registration rule for the document "Advance report". In the registration rule, the properties of the document are compared with the properties of the exchange plan. Document header properties date And Organization map to the exchange plan header property DateUploadStartDocuments and property Organization tabular part Organizations exchange plan. The document will be registered on the exchange plan node only if the date of the document is greater than or equal to the date specified in the node, and the organization of the document is included in the subset of organizations specified in the tabular section of the node when filtering by organizations in the node is set (= True). If filtering by organizations is not set in the node ( UseSelectionByOrganizations= Lie), then only the document date constraint will be used.

On the “Selection by exchange plan properties” tab, you can configure PROP, and on the “Selection by object properties” tab you can set PROB.

* The following types are used as primitive types: Date, Number, String, Boolean.

Sincerely, Vladimir Milkin(teacher and developer

The Unified State Register of Real Estate (EGRN) contains a large amount of information about both real estate and land plots. Sometimes this information contains errors. They can be different: from an incorrectly written name of the owner to an incorrectly indicated area of ​​​​the land plot. But we can fix it all. The first thing to do is to figure out at what stage this error was reproduced. Depending on the stage at which the information was distorted, inconsistencies, errors may be technical or registry.

A technical error (typo, misprint, grammatical or arithmetic error, or similar error) made by the rights registration authority in the course of state cadastral registration and (or) state registration of rights and led to a discrepancy between the information contained in the Unified State Register of Real Estate and the information contained in the documents, on the basis of which information was entered into the USRN. The most common technical errors are found in terms of the address of the object, the area of ​​the land plot or the object capital construction, the year of completion of construction or the material of the walls of the building may be erroneously indicated.

being corrected given error by decision of the state registrar of rights within three working days from the date of discovery of a technical error in the records or receipt from any interested person of an application to correct a technical error in the records or on the basis of a court decision that has entered into force to correct a technical error in the records. The body for registration of rights, within three working days from the date of correction of a technical error in the records, notifies the relevant participants in the relations arising during the state registration of rights of the correction of a technical error in the records.

To correct a technical error in declarative procedure, you must contact the nearest MFC, whose specialist will prepare an application for correcting a technical error. To this application, a citizen must attach documents justifying the presence of a technical error (contract of sale, donation, other documents containing correct information). There is no legal fee for correcting a technical error!

At the same time, the registration authority may refuse to correct a technical error if the correction of the error entails the termination, emergence, transfer of the registered right to the real estate object, or may result in harm or violation of the legitimate interests of copyright holders or other persons who relied on USRN information. In these cases, the technical error is corrected on the basis of a court decision.

Registry error - an error reproduced in the Unified State Register of Real Estate Registers, contained in the land survey plan, technical plan, map-plan of the territory or survey act, resulting from an error made by the person who performed the cadastral work, or an error contained in documents sent or submitted to the registration authority by others persons and (or) bodies in the order of information interaction. A registry error can be made by a cadastral engineer when surveying a land plot or when determining the area of ​​a building, as a result of which the boundaries of a land plot may intersect the boundaries of another land plot, and the building area does not correspond to the actual area.

This error is subject to correction by decision of the state registrar of rights within five working days from the date of receipt of documents, including in the order of information interaction, indicating the presence of registry errors and containing the information necessary for their correction, or on the basis of a court decision that has entered into force fixing a registry error. Correction of a registry error is carried out if such correction does not entail the termination, occurrence, transfer of the registered right to the property. Charging a fee for correcting a registry error is not provided for by law!

In cases where there is reason to believe that the correction of a technical or registry error may cause harm or violate the legitimate interests of copyright holders or third parties who relied on the relevant entries contained in the USRN, such correction is made only by a court decision. The body of registration of rights may also apply to the court with an application for the correction of a technical error in the records and a registry error.

How is a technical error in the USRN corrected? What should the owner do if he discovers inaccuracies?

Correcting a technical error in the USRN is not an easy task. Especially if you don't know how to implement it. Where to start taking action? How to make changes to the information of the State Register?

What are the errors in the USRN

Errors in the USRN are not so common, but they cannot be ruled out. Any document may contain inaccuracies. And this leads to the invalidity of the paper.

What are the errors from the register of rights? Thanks to Federal Law 218 "On the procedure for registering real estate", citizens may encounter:

technical errors;

cadastral inaccuracies.

What it is? Each type of "blot" has its own characteristics. And every owner should know about them.

Types of USRN errors - description

The first and most common is a technical error. E it is an inaccuracy that occurred through the fault of Rosreestr employees. That is, when entering information about the object into the database. It is not the fault of the state or the owner.

Most often, the EGRN technical error is expressed by typos. They are easy to admit when driving information into the electronic database of the cadastre. Arithmetic or any other types of typos also occur.

Less often there is a registry error. This is an inaccuracy that was made before the information about real estate was entered into the State Register database. The initial source of such a "blot" is the documents on the basis of which the object was registered in Rosreestr.

How to fix an error in the extract from the USRN

How to correct an error in the extract from the USRN of one type or another? The answer depends on the situation.

Technical error in the USRN or registry "blot"

The thing is that today you can cope with the task:


By submitting a request to the registration authority (cadastral chamber, Rosreestr, MFC);

Due to the correction of the detected error by the employees of the State Register on their own.

The last option is almost never found in practice. Therefore, we will consider an independent appeal to Rosreestr, as well as a judicial procedure for correcting information.

Technical error in the USRN - what should the owner do

Let's start with a peaceful reception. If citizens are found in documents from Rosreestr, they are advised to contact the registration authority on their own to solve the task. Correcting a technical error in the USRN will take a minimum of time. In the case of cadastral inaccuracies, such an alignment is also possible.

The algorithm of actions will be as follows:

1. Prepare a number of documents - an identity card, an extract from the register, title papers for property, an application for correcting a technical error in the USRN.

2. Apply with a request to the registration authority.

3. Wait for a response from the State Register.

4. Pick up the corrected statement of the established form.

Usually, a technical error does not cause any problems. Found a registry error? 218-FZ of the Russian Federation allows you to enter information about real estate and correct them in court. This approach is more common with registry errors than with technical errors.

How to correct an error in the USRN statement through the court

It's not too hard to do this either. Especially if done preliminary training to the process.

The owner will have to:

1. Collect evidence on the basis of which it will be accepted judgment. For example, to conduct a cadastral valuation or examination.

2. Prepare - a passport, an application for correcting a technical error in the USRN (or cadastral), title papers, an extract from the State Register.

3. Apply to the court with a claim. The statement of claim describes in detail the essence of the problem, and also indicates the characteristics of the property and information about the owners.

4. Participate in the trial. In the course of proceedings, various works and examinations may be assigned. This is normal.

5. Get a court order.

6. Apply with the available papers on the property to the registration authority to make adjustments.

Due to the fact that when new information about a property is entered, the old information on it is “pulled up” from the database, while the rest of the information (new) is entered “roughly speaking” - manually. And in the chain of passage of documents, several links can be involved - a notary, a registrar, etc. - from time to time we may find errors made when registering data about a property.

Naturally, the only way to find out if the information is correctly registered in Rosreestr is to get an Extract from the USRN.

Errors in the Extract from the USRN Rosreestr. What to do and how to fix?

Referring directly to the error in the Extract from the USRN, we can note several types. Depending on what kind of error in the Statement, for the property owner with such a problem, there will be their own instructions for correcting them.

  • Technical error in the USRN Statement (Misprint in the name, surname, street name, etc.)
  • Registry errors in USRN

Important! Employees who are engaged in registration (entering data into the USRN) are fully responsible for the mistakes made! According to the new current legislation, the injured person (the owner of real estate who has errors in the USRN) can go to court to compensate for material and / or moral damage!

Technical error in the Extract from the Unified State Register.

If technical error in the extract from the USRN(a minor typo in the name, surname, name of the street or city), at first glance it seems to be a “minor oversight”, then from the point of view of the law, such an error in the USRN for the owner can result in big trouble.

For example, if your last name is St. E panenko", and in the registration data it is entered as "St AND panenko" - then legally, this is a different person, not you. And based on this, if you need to make any transaction on this property, you will be denied! After all, you will have, for example, a sales contract drawn up by a person with a “different” surname.

The same, and with a technical error in the name, patronymic, street names, etc.

Such technical errors in the USRN Statement can be detected by the registrar himself, and corrected by him independently without notifying the owner.

Registry errors in USRN. Inaccurate information in the provided documents.

A registry error in the Extract from the USRN can lead to complex consequences for the owner of their correction, especially if it entails the termination, emergence or transfer of registered ownership. In this case, the registry error is corrected exclusively in court.

By registry errors, we can include any inaccuracies in the characteristics of the object or other data that were provided by the documents for registering the object in the USRN.

  • Errors in numerical values ​​- area, cadastral value, number of storeys, etc.
  • Errors within the boundaries of the property, with their displacement to neighboring properties (overlapping boundaries), etc.
  • And so on.

How to correct an error in the extract from the USRN? Where to go for help.

No matter what kind of mistake was made when registering your property, it must be corrected as soon as possible! We do not recommend postponing this process on the back burner and waiting until there is a clear need!

We emphasize once again that no matter what type of error was made during the registration of data, if it entails the termination, emergence or transfer of the registered ownership right - such an error is corrected only through the court!

Portal "Registers of Russia" is not a registration authority! Therefore, it is not possible to correct errors that you can identify in the USRN Statement received on our service. You need to strictly follow the instructions given by Rosreestr!

Correction of a technical error in the USRN Statement. What are the deadlines?

If a technical error was discovered by the property owner on their own, then in order to correct errors in the USRN statement, you just need to follow the instructions given by Rosreestr.

You need to contact the nearest MFC at your place of residence or directly to the registration authority for “problematic real estate”. You must send a simple statement with a description of the error found. After receiving your application, the registrar will correct the error in the USRN within 3 working days. About this, you will be sent a corresponding notice.

Also, to apply, if you have an account verified state record on the official website of Rosreestr, then you can send it through " Personal Area copyright owner".

After correcting errors in Rosreestr, we strongly recommend ordering a second Extract from the USRN to make sure the information entered is correct. This is necessary in order not to worry about the correctness of registration of your real estate in the future!

Correction of registry errors in the extract from the USRN.

Process fixes errors in USRN registry type may be delayed for the owner. Because the matter concerns the initial reliability of the submitted documents, then to correct the data you need to collect a certain package of documents and submit it to the MFC, the offices of the Cadastral Chamber or send it to Rosreestr by mail. The list of documents includes:

  • cadastral plan
  • boundary plan
  • examination report

After submitting the application and the necessary documents, the process will be launched - "Introducing changes to the USRN information in connection with the correction of the registry error." This procedure must be completed within 5 working days.

Also, such a procedure can be launched without the participation of the right holder, in the order of interdepartmental information interaction of the registration authorities, if a registry error was made in this way.

A cadastral error can be a source of problems for the land owner. How to make changes to the Rosreestr database after the amendments to land legislation come into force can be found in the article.

Dear readers! The article talks about typical solutions legal issues but each case is individual. If you want to know how solve exactly your problem- contact a consultant:


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Errors may occur in the documentation stored in the Unified State Register of Real Estate, abbreviated as USRN. An inaccuracy is obtained when the real information about the apartment, land ownership or premises is not identical to that recorded in the cadastral passport or the Rosreestr database.

What it is?

Definition and features

The Law “On State Registration of Real Estate”, which entered into force with all amendments on January 2, 2019, defines a registry (cadastral) error as a distortion of factual information in information about an object of property, reproduced in the registry.

Erroneous facts are divided into:

  • resulting from the error of the cadastral engineer;
  • inaccuracies and distortions in papers sent to the CCO (cadastral registration authority) by other persons or enterprises, including notifications.

Normative base

Information on the rules for accounting for real estate and making adjustments to the database of the State Property Committee (from 2019 - USRN) is reflected in the law FZ-221 "On the state real estate cadastre", in the law "On state registration of real estate".

Types, differences and classification

Cadastral errors can be very different, since the relevant documentation contains a large amount of information in textual and numerical form.

There are two main types of such inaccuracies:

  • A technical error. It arises due to the discrepancy between the information in the electronic register and the papers stored in the file. Such a discrepancy is the result of the inattention of the cadastral officer or the incorrect functioning of the software product.
  • Cadastral error. It happens due to the fact that initially the characteristics of the object, described in the papers sent for inclusion in the database, did not coincide with the real ones. Distinctive feature in that it is done in the process of paperwork. The OCU itself cannot detect it.

In addition, all errors can be classified according to different criteria:

  • According to the origin. This includes inaccuracies made through the fault of state authorities; operator rooms; arising from the conversion of data, when entering information into the documentation, database; appeared due to poor-quality processing of the initial data.
  • By type of inventory data. This includes inaccuracies that were made when determining and entering the value, land category, area, boundaries and their turn, type of land use, etc.
  • By type of responsibility for correcting inaccuracies. This includes errors that have already caused harm to copyright holders and third parties due to their actual application, as well as errors that have already been made, but have not yet gone into further work.

Typical Cases

Usually, the papers incorrectly indicate the address at which the object is located, the number of storeys, and the size of the land allotment.

A cadastral error in the design of a multi-contour land plot is most often due to an incorrect indication of its boundaries, which are a set of contours. Often they are separated by other objects and are at a decent distance from each other.

In addition, the engineer making measurements may make a mistake in the coordinates of the turning points or indicate the wrong year of commissioning of the facility under construction.

Possible causes

As a rule, a cadastral error takes place in one of the following situations:

  • the use of obsolete equipment by specialists;
  • carrying out work in a coordinate system different from the unified state system, as a result of which it becomes impossible to determine the exact location of the site relative to others;
  • entering data based on approximate coordinates and maps without leaving the area;
  • calculation errors and careless handling of measuring equipment;
  • inattention;
  • measurement equipment failure.

Beneficial for the owner

It happens that the owner of a plot or apartment may submit deliberately false information or may not rush to contact the State Property Committee when it finds out that there is an inaccuracy in the data.

If the cadastral specialist incorrectly indicated the category of land by entering "industrial" purpose instead of "administrative", the owner of the allotment bears a lower tax burden and may not be interested in eliminating the discrepancy.

An error can also be in the indication of the boundaries of the site.

Cadastral engineer's mistake

Due to the inattention of the employee who made the measurements, the site can not only decrease in area, but also increase.

Methods of detection

The owner, the tenant, the owner of the neighboring plot, as well as the CMO, can detect the unreliability of the information.

Often, the fact of entering inaccurate data is found out at or from it, when making changes, as well as during familiarization with an extract from the cadastre or a notification from the tax inspectorate.

It is also possible to identify an error when another interested party, for example, the owner of a neighboring territory, turns to the owner for information thinning.

This often happens to those whose land was included in the cadastre before March 1, 2008, that is, it is the so-called previously recorded object.

If this is the case, it is better not to wait for the neighbor to arrive, but to independently check the accuracy of the data and make changes to avoid problems in the future.


Since the preparation of the boundary and technical plan, which serve as a justification for the information in the state cadastre, is carried out by certified engineers, it is they who are responsible for the occurrence of inaccuracies in the papers.

If the cadastral specialist, when preparing plans, introduces deliberately false information into them, then he is threatened with punishment in the form of an administrative fine or disqualification for several years.

Detailed information on the responsibility of specialists is contained in article 14.35 of the administrative code.

If the intentional actions of an engineer caused large or especially large damage to the owner of the facility or the state, then, according to Article 170.2 of the Criminal Code, the specialist may be fined from one hundred to five hundred thousand rubles, or deprived of the right to engage in certain work and hold certain positions for three years .

Correction of a cadastral error from 2019

In 2019, legislative acts relating to the legal regulation of land issues underwent a number of changes.

So, in 2019, the Cadastral Chamber merged with the Registrar. For this reason, a cadastral error is now referred to as a registry error.

What is it for?

If the owner of the property found out that the information about his property does not correspond to the real state of affairs, then it is necessary to correct the error as soon as possible.

After all, if the same land plot is registered incorrectly, this one can affect the size land tax. There is a risk of both overpaying and paying less. But in the second case, this is not to the benefit of the taxpayer: when the truth turns out, you will have to not only make all outstanding contributions, but also pay a penalty.

In addition, the fact that there are errors in the registry may become clear at the most inopportune moment - for example, when the owner decides to sell the land. This will prevent the paperwork from being processed promptly, and possibly completely upset the deal.

How to prove?

To make changes in the register of real estate, one desire is not enough. You will need to provide evidence to the Registrar along with the application that the information is erroneous.

If the location of the boundaries of the site has changed due to the fault of the cadastral engineer, then in order to make adjustments, it is necessary to prepare a new package of documents, including a boundary plan with valid boundaries.

When the elimination of violations in the characteristics of a land allotment infringes on the interests of the owners of neighboring lands, then changes to the register can only be made by decision of the court.

You can read about the procedure for agreeing on changes and the timing of their entry into the real estate register in Article 61 of the 7th Chapter of the Law "On State Registration of Real Estate" dated 07/13/2015.

At whose expense to correct?

To date, the question of who pays for the correction of errors in the state register of real estate is not covered by the legislation.

For this reason, even if the error arose due to the fault of the cadastral engineer, and there is someone to ask, the burden of paying all the costs associated with its elimination still falls on the one who is more interested in the correct display of data in the database.

Amendment Methods

There are three options for making changes to the USRN:

  • if a package of documents with incorrect information about the CMO was received from the owner during the registration of the site, then the data is corrected in the manner prescribed by law No. 218-FZ;
  • if the CMO was notified of an error in the Register in the manner of information exchange, then the inaccuracy is also eliminated in the manner of information exchange;
  • if the changes to be made to the Register affect the interests of third parties, or in other disputable situations, then the changes are made by a court decision.

Pre-trial procedure and necessary documents

An administrative solution to the issue is possible if the owners, whose boundaries of plots intersect, have peacefully agreed on the issue among themselves.

Cadastral engineers can only make changes to the information about the boundaries, provided that they do not change the area of ​​the plots.

Also, the correction of a cadastral error of a previously recorded land plot, that is, a plot, the rights to which arose and were not terminated before March 1, 2008, is possible on the basis of the conclusion of a cadastral engineer.

Registry errors

By application without trial

Since most often the imposition of a plan of one land plot on another is associated with a registry (cadastral) error, the omission can be corrected in the order in which changes are taken into account.

To do this, you should draw up a correct boundary plan and send an application for amendments to the CMO.

At the initiative of the cadastral authority

If the fact of erroneous entry of data was established by the Registrar in the course of information interaction, then the CMO can independently make changes to the register and notify the owners of those plots affected by the corrections.


Corrections based on the decision of the state registrar are carried out within 5 business days from the receipt of all necessary information about the nature of the error and how to eliminate it.

Technical errors

Correction of a technical error in the cadastral information is carried out by the registration authority within three days from the moment it is discovered or the interested person applies with a corresponding application.

Then, within three working days, the Registrar notifies all owners of the fact of making changes.

If the correction of an error implies a change in the owner of the site, then such an amendment can only be made by a court decision.


Rationale for error

If during the cadastral work to clarify the location of the boundaries of the site, the specialist revealed the fact of a cadastral error, then this information can serve as a justification for making changes to the USRN database.

The fact can be recorded in the conclusion of a specialist.

The conclusion of the cadastral engineer:


An application with a request to make changes due to a technical or registry error is drawn up in accordance with Order No. 920 of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.

The application form is provided below:

Approval act

This document confirms in writing the consent of the parties (for example, neighbors) to the actual change in data on the boundaries of the site.

It looks like this:

Boundary plan

This comprehensive document captures new data (for example, information about changing or clarifying the boundaries of the site), which will need to be reported to the regulatory authority to correct the error.

The form of the document is presented below:

Is an appeal to Rosreestr required after making corrections to the State Property Committee?

Since January 1, 2019, new corrections have appeared in the land legislation: the State Property Committee and the USRR are merged into a single State Register, in connection with which there is no longer a need to notify one instance of changes in documents to another, now everything happens centrally.

How to eliminate the error through the court?

If the parties whose interests are affected when making changes regarding the land plot in the USRN cannot reach a voluntary agreement, then the amendment is made on the basis of a court decision.


The reasons for correcting a cadastral error through the court are:

  • the absence of an application for the correction of a cadastral error from the owner of the plot in respect of which it is required to correct the inaccuracy;
  • the inability to agree on corrections amicably due to the refusal of the second interested party to make changes.


An application with a request to amend the real estate cadastre in a judicial proceeding is sent to the district (city) court.

It should contain a requirement to establish the boundaries of the site and amend the USRN. If there is no certificate of ownership of the land, then the application must also indicate the requirement to recognize the right to land. It is important to mention in the application the contact details of the cadastral engineer who compiled the documentation.

The owner of the site with which the borders are imposed is indicated as the defendant.

In the text of the statement of claim, it should be said that a cadastral error prevents the owner of the site from exercising his legitimate interests, explain when and under what circumstances the distortion of the characteristics of the site was allowed.

In addition to the application, all documents confirming the information contained in it are submitted to the court, including the conclusion of the cadastral engineer, as well as a certificate of ownership.

Complaint for acknowledgment of error (sample):

Complaint for correction (sample):

How to behave in court?

It is important to prepare everything Required documents, proving the fact of the assumption of a cadastral error. Do not forget that according to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the plaintiff must independently prove the validity of his claims against the defendant at the court session.

Limitation periods

For statements of claim on the elimination of technical and cadastral errors in the State Property Code does not exist.

According to Article 208 of the Civil Code, the limitation period cannot extend to the requirement to eliminate violations of the right of ownership, even if this violation does not imply deprivation of possession.

Court decision received. Where to go?

When the court decision is received in hand, it is necessary to draw up a new boundary plan during the survey, which will take into account all the changes made in accordance with the court order.

Then, with a ready-made boundary plan for his site and the site, the boundaries of which are being adjusted, as well as with a copy of the court decision, the owner applies to the CMO to make the appropriate changes to the register.

Is it possible to make a settlement agreement?

If both owners of adjacent plots agree that a cadastral error has been made and have no claims against each other regarding the boundaries of their territories, then an amicable agreement can be drawn up, on the basis of which changes will then be made to the USRN.

Special cases

Let's get acquainted with a typical example of correcting a registry error by a court decision:

The Oktyabrsky District Court of the city of Rostov-on-Don, by its decision of March 17, 2015, recognized the presence of a cadastral error in the State Property Committee and decided to correct it. The plaintiff filed a demand to amend the State Real Estate Cadastre due to the fact that the boundaries of the common land plot are displayed incorrectly and cause overlap with the boundaries of his plot, as well as lead to a decrease in the area of ​​his possessions and the inability to use all the rights of the owner.

The court found that the coordinates of the points of the public land plot directly bordering the plaintiff's plot do not correspond to the actual border between the territories.

Thus, there was an imposition of common land on the applicant's plot, which violates the rights of the owners of this plot. The court, with the help of specialists, established the correct coordinates of the plots and made the appropriate changes, which corrected the cadastral error.

Another example from jurisprudence:

The district court filed a lawsuit demanding the removal of obstacles to the use of land plot, namely, the inability to move the fence. As evidence, an act of clearing out the boundaries of the site is presented.

The court appoints an examination, which confirms the fact of an error in the location of the adjacent plot. The question of the existence of a cadastral error was not raised at the court session. There is also a counterclaim from the owner of an adjacent plot about the presence of a cadastral error with the attached conclusion of a cadastral engineer.

The Cadastral Chamber was involved in the consideration of the case as a third party, there are no requirements for the subject of the dispute. The representative of the Cadastral Chamber recommends that the parties come to an amicable agreement.

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