If not scheduled, you can apply for alimony. How to file a claim for alimony in court. How to collect alimony while married

Every child born into the world should receive financial and moral support from their parents. If a man and woman are not married, but they have a child together, then the parent who is responsible for the upbringing and maintenance of the child can apply to the court to file an application for alimony.

The basis for paying alimony for a child born out of wedlock can be either voluntary recognition of paternity or genetic testing. This leads to two possible directions for the development of events.

When a man voluntarily agrees to have a child and recognizes him as his own, both parents need to go to the registry office and there register the fact of paternity in the deed book and on the birth certificate.

If a man refuses to recognize himself as the father of a child, the woman can go to court to conduct a genetic examination and recover payments in favor of the child.

This process takes place in several stages:

  • Drawing up a statement of claim. This statement must contain information about the relationship between a man and a woman outside of marriage. There should be information about living together or running a household together. Reason and date of end of the relationship. The reason why a man refuses a child and does not want to help support him. Sample applications can be easily found on specialized portals on the Internet or asked at the court secretariat. You can also download a sample statement of claim to establish paternity;
  • Submitting a claim for consideration. The woman must apply with the requirements set out in the application to the court at her actual place of residence or the man’s. If an examination is required, this is indicated in the application;
  • Genetic examination. In case of refusal to recognize the child, an examination is carried out. To do this, a smear sample is taken from inside cheeks of the child and the putative father, after which laboratory tests are carried out to identify similar genes;
  • Trial. This is an open meeting at which both sides of the process can speak out and put forward their demands and evidence. The court considers all the circumstances of the case, listens to both sides, the testimony of witnesses, gets acquainted with the evidence and makes a decision. The main details in in this case the results of the examination will serve;
  • Registration of paternity. After the court decision is made, the woman can contact the registry office to enter data in the book of acts and birth certificate;
  • Collection of alimony voluntarily or compulsorily. A man and a woman can voluntarily come to a compromise on the issue of financial support for a child. In this case, an alimony agreement is concluded and certified by a notary. It describes all the conditions for paying child support: the amount of payments, the frequency and regularity of alimony payments, the transfer process Money(through third parties, on a card or in hand). A certified document is an analogue judicial act, and, if the child’s father fails to comply with the requirements of the agreement, the mother can contact him federal service bailiffs. A sample voluntary agreement for alimony can be downloaded.

Documents for filing for alimony outside of marriage

To apply for alimony payments in favor of a child who was born out of wedlock, you need a package of documents, namely:

  • a copy of the plaintiff’s identity document;
  • a copy of the child's birth certificate;
  • a copy of the results of the examination on established paternity;
  • certificate about the composition of the family in which the child lives;
  • a document confirming the defendant’s place of work;
  • a certificate of the defendant’s income for the last three months;
  • statement of the plaintiff's demands.

Applying for alimony without marriage

If it is not possible to resolve the issue peacefully, you will have to go to court, which will make a decision.

There are two types of litigation on this issue:

  • based on the claim. In cases where a man refuses to acknowledge paternity, support the child, or his whereabouts and place of work are unknown, the woman goes to court by writing the necessary statement. The court considers all the circumstances of the case and makes an appropriate decision on the payment of alimony in favor of the child;
  • order. If a man recognizes the child as his own, there is a corresponding entry in the registration book, and his place of residence and work is established, then the woman applies to the court for the issuance of a court order. Such a meeting takes place without the participation of the parties to the process, the court forms an order and issues it to the plaintiff. A sample statement of claim for alimony can be downloaded.

The statement of claim specifies several mandatory points:

  • Information about the child’s parents who were not officially married: last name, first name, patronymic, actual place of residence and date of birth;
  • Reason for going to court;
  • Indication of the amount of alimony payments and justification for this amount (checks, receipts, certificates, justification for all expenses that a woman incurs in connection with raising a child);
  • Payment method requirement: fixed amount or share of wages men.

The following documents must be attached to the application:

  • A copy of the plaintiff's identity card;
  • Child's birth certificate;
  • Certificate of paternity;
  • Certificate of composition of the family in which the child lives;
  • Certificate of income and place of residence of the defendant.

How is alimony calculated without marriage?

In the case of drawing up a child support agreement, the parents voluntarily agree on the amount and frequency of payment of maintenance that will satisfy both parties.

When a woman is forced to go to court to resolve an issue, everything is based on the law. There are strictly regulated rules determining the amount and regularity of payments, which are the same for both parents living in an official marriage and for those who have never been officially registered.

By law, 25% of the spouse’s official earnings are allocated for one child, 33% for two children, and 50% for three or more children. When establishing the amount of alimony payments, the court is guided by all the circumstances and capabilities of both parents.

If the parent who must support the child has an unstable income, then the court may not order a share payment, but set a fixed monthly amount. The calculation of such payments is carried out by calculating the subsistence minimum wage in a specific region at the place of residence, as well as taking into account the mother’s constant expenses for the child.

If the man and woman were not officially married, then alimony payments begin from the moment the claim is filed, and not from the moment the marriage ends or the child is born.

But under special circumstances, a woman can request the court to accrue payments three years before filing a claim. But this is only possible if paternity has already been established earlier, before going to court.

IN otherwise, a man is recognized as the father of a child only from the moment paternity is established, and is not obliged to support anyone until that time.

Thus, the procedure for withholding payments for a child who was born out of wedlock is exactly the same as for children born into the world in an officially legalized union. To do this, you need a court decision or alimony agreement certified by a notary. These documents have full legal force and must be accepted for execution from the moment of their creation.

If one of the parents ignores the decision of these documents, then the second must contact the federal bailiff service at the place of residence, who will enforce alimony. They determine the debtor’s place of residence and work, identify his liquid assets in the amount of the debt incurred, and fulfill legal requirements.

If they cannot find the child support payer, then law enforcement agencies get involved. Together, they track down the debtor. If at the time of finding the debtor has no income and no place of work, then they forcibly force the man to find a job; if the latter refuses, then he faces an additional fine and arrest.

If the alimony debt is large and a man cannot pay, his liquid property is confiscated to pay off the debt; if this property is not enough, then the property of his immediate relatives and family members may be foreclosed on. Such property is put up for auction, the proceeds from the sale of which are used to repay the amount of debt to the plaintiff.

Alimony is monetary compensation intended for the maintenance of minor children, elderly parents or one of the spouses, which a person who does not take part in the upbringing or maintenance of a disabled person is obliged to pay voluntarily or in court.

Who should pay child support?

Let us note that alimony relations are regulated primarily by Section V of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

  • Most often, alimony is paid for the maintenance of minor children, regardless of who they stay with. Today it is no longer uncommon for fathers to raise their children on their own, and according to the law, mothers pay certain compensation (alimony) for their maintenance.
  • Elderly parents are also entitled to alimony if they are declared incompetent by the court or their pension does not correspond to the minimum subsistence level.
  • One of the spouses who is declared incapacitated by the court (raising a common child under 3 years of age or is a disabled person of group 1-2) can count on alimony.

Let's take a closer look at how to apply for alimony, who is entitled to it and what its amount may be. Using the links in the article you can read in more detail about this or that aspect of the relationship.

Child support in 2019

Child support is the direct responsibility of the parent who does not live with him, and is paid to the parent involved in his upbringing, maintenance, treatment, etc. Until how many years is child support paid? As a rule, until adulthood, but there are exceptions.

The Family Code provides for the collection of child support even after adulthood. If a child is disabled or became disabled after reaching adulthood (became incapacitated), the parents are obliged to support him and pay the amount of alimony determined by the court on the basis of a birth certificate issued by the civil registry office.

Child support is paid regardless of the parents’ financial income, and late payment or complete disregard is a criminal offense. Even if the father or mother is deprived parental rights, they are obliged to pay alimony.

Monetary compensation, that is, child support, goes to the mother or father who is dependent on the child.

Obligation of children to support parents

  • Passport;
  • Marriage or divorce certificate;
  • Children's birth certificate;
  • Certificate from the housing department about family composition (extract from the house register);
  • Complete list of documents that may be required

If the marriage is not registered and the parent denies paternity, then before filing for child support, paternity must be proven and a genetic examination carried out, this will require an application to the district court.

Payment of alimony for one of the spouses

If the payment of alimony is carried out on the basis of a voluntary agreement on payment, then the amount should not be lower than that assigned by the court. Depending on the financial situation and other circumstances, the amount of alimony can be reduced or increased, but only by decision of the courts.

The amount of alimony worries many, because the social comfort of a person in need of material compensation directly depends on it. The amount of alimony may vary depending on the marital or financial situation of one of the spouses. If you think that the amount of alimony is not true, then you need to go to court.

The court considers the claim, and the amount of alimony can be changed for both the plaintiff and the defendant. Alimony for two children is assigned in the amount of 33%, and if one of the children has not reached 3 years of age, the court also assigns payments for the maintenance of the parent caring for the child. If there are children from different marriages, then the amount of alimony should be at least 1/6 for one child.

The amount of alimony may change if one of the spouses changes their marital status and a new family member takes responsibility for maintaining the children.

If the mother or father of the child shirks their obligations to support the child, then the child’s parents need to sit down at the negotiating table and enter into an agreement on the amount and procedure for paying child support. However, if a compromise cannot be reached or one of the parents refuses to comply with the requirements of the Family Code Russian Federation(the obligation of both parents to provide for the maintenance of children is enshrined in law), then the issue of collecting alimony payments can be resolved in court.

Not only one of the parents, but also the juvenile protection service can file a claim for collection of child support.

The procedure for assigning and collecting alimony payments is regulated by Section 5 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, and the procedure for filing a claim is Federal Law“On enforcement proceedings”, Civil Procedure Code. As a rule, alimony payments are filed with the court after a divorce; in such cases, justifying the need for alimony payments is quite simple, since the parents are no longer in an official relationship, do not run a household together, and one of the parents takes care of the child. However, in order to assign alimony payments, you can also go to court in cases where the parents are married; in such cases, the mother or father of the child must find witnesses who will confirm the fact that one of the parents is avoiding supporting the child.

What to do if the marriage is not officially registered

Through the court, it is possible to recover alimony payments for a child born out of wedlock, but in this case it is also necessary to prove the fact of paternity. This can be done using the results of a genetic medical examination and providing a birth certificate with information about the child’s father.

The modern judicial system provides 2 main options for procedures in which the child’s parents can sue for alimony payments:

  • Simplified procedure: involves issuing a court order.
  • Ordinary procedure: involves the court hearing a civil claim.

Court order

A court order is the most effective and simplest of the court procedures for considering alimony issues. During the writ proceedings, the judge alone considers the application for payment of child support, examines the documents provided and makes an appropriate decision. When considering the case, the parties to the proceedings are not called to the hearing, since the parents do not have any contested positions or objections regarding the assigned alimony payments, the circumstances of the case are extremely clear.

A judge in writ proceedings can assign alimony payments only in shares of the defendant’s earnings; upon receiving a court order in hand, the mother or father of the child can immediately contact the bailiff service for its execution.

The amount of alimony payments within the framework of writ proceedings is established in accordance with Article 81 of the Family Code, according to the rules of which the following parts of the defendant’s earnings are subject to payment:

  • Up to 25% - for one child.
  • Up to 33.33% – for two children.
  • Up to 50% - for three or more common children.

The total amount of alimony payments from the defendant can reach 70% of his income, since the guarantees of Article 139 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation do not apply in this case. In order for the court to consider an application under the simplified procedure, it is necessary to submit to the court the following information about both parents of the child:

  • About your place of residence.
  • About the composition of the family.
  • About sources of income.
  • About children in custody.
  • About being married.

The judge makes a decision based on the family and financial status of both parents.

Claim proceedings

Claim proceedings are the most universal way for a court to assign alimony payments. Claim proceedings provide for adversarial proceedings, as well as openness in resolving a legal dispute. The claim process goes through several stages, starting from a preliminary court hearing and ending with consideration of the case on its merits. The defendant and the plaintiff take part in the process; each party to the dispute can provide the court with its objections, explanations, and any necessary evidence. A party's participation in a claim may also require the involvement of a professional lawyer to resolve legal issues arising during production.

Claim proceedings are used when assigning alimony payments in fixed monetary terms, a combination of accruals in shares of earnings and a fixed monetary amount.

This process is also used to collect alimony debt for past periods. In the claim proceedings, the judge takes into account not only the fact of the parent’s failure to fulfill his obligations, but also the plaintiff’s correct justification of the amounts of alimony necessary to support the minor.

To apply to the court for alimony payments, the plaintiff must prepare a package of documents. Thus, you must submit copies of the following documents:

  • Birth certificates of common children.
  • The plaintiff's passport with pages with marriage registration and registration.
  • Certificates of registration or divorce.

The following documents must be submitted in original:

  • Certificate of family composition of the defendant from his place of residence.
  • Calculation of the amount of alimony payments.
  • Certificate of the plaintiff’s family composition from his place of residence.
  • Justification of the costs of maintaining a common child.

A detailed certificate of family composition can be obtained from the housing office; the certificate will indicate the characteristics of the house or apartment, as well as the data and list of everyone registered in this residential premises. If the applicant knows the sources of income of the alimony payer, then they must be indicated in the application, especially in cases where the claim proceedings are deciding the issue of assigning alimony payments to the defendant, who is not officially employed, does not have a permanent stable income, or is engaged in entrepreneurial activity.

If the issue of collecting alimony debt for previous periods is being decided, then the plaintiff must indicate all movable and immovable property of the defendant, which is owned by the defendant, so that the court in its decision can limit itself not only to general phrases about property and income, but also indicate specific values ​​and property that bailiffs can foreclose on.

A package of documents is attached directly to the statement of claim or application for alimony.


An application to the court for the collection of alimony payments can be submitted at any age of the child until he reaches the age of majority; alimony in a court decision will be assigned from the moment the child goes to court. According to Article 107 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the statute of limitations does not apply to alimony payments. It must be taken into account that when setting the amount of alimony payments for several children, the court decision will be valid until the eldest child reaches the age of majority, after which the amount of alimony payments will be reviewed in court.

Procedure when going to court

The procedure for applying to court for alimony payments is as follows:

  • Collection of originals and copies of necessary documents.
  • Drawing up a statement of claim or an application for the issuance of a court order.
  • Filing a claim in the magistrate's court. Moreover, the plaintiff can choose a specific court himself, since disputes of this category can be considered by magistrates’ courts both at the place of residence of the defendant and at the place of residence of the plaintiff. Documents must be submitted to the court office in three copies: one copy remains in the court files of the case, the second is sent to the defendant, and on the third copy the court secretariat makes a registration mark and returns it to the plaintiff . Using the number assigned to the court case by the office, the plaintiff can further track the progress of the case, find out in what composition the court will consider the dispute, and also clarify the time and date of the court hearing.
  • After considering the case on its merits, the court makes a decision or issues a court order. The plaintiff must wait until the end of the appeal period and receive copies in hand, while the court office must put a special mark on the entry into force of the document. After receiving the decision, you must contact the office, where the plaintiff will be given performance list.
  • Take the writ of execution or court order to the bailiff service.

The statement of claim in accordance with the provisions of Article 126 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation must contain the following data:

  • Name and address of the court where the claim is filed.
  • Name of the defendant and plaintiff.
  • Information about the residence of the parties.
  • Circumstances that underlie the claims.
  • The monetary amount of the application.
  • Required evidence.

Applicants in the category of cases of alimony penalties are exempt from paying state duty and other fees, which the plaintiff will not have to pay when submitting documents. When applying to any government agencies or organizations for a certificate, as well as when filing an application in court, you must have a civil passport with you, otherwise the office workers will not accept the documents.

This is an expensive procedure, but it is resorted to if the biological father is quite wealthy and can provide a decent maintenance for the baby. It is hardly worth applying this action to an unemployed citizen or one who does not have a stable income. It is necessary to be guided, first of all, by the interests of minor children. Establishing paternity entails parental responsibilities for child support. The court may order alimony payments based on certain percentages of the father's income:

  • 25% should be paid per person;
  • 33% – for two;
  • 50% – for three or more children.

If the father's income is not stable, a fixed amount is assigned to pay child support. It is calculated by the budget for the minimum provision of minors in a given region or living wage at the federal level.

Child support out of wedlock

If entered The presence of a parent's certificate in the column makes it easier to receive payments for the child. In this case, there is no need to prove relationship. A standard algorithm of actions is assumed here. It will be enough to submit an application to recover funds for the child, and possibly the mother.

This is the case in case of child care and lack of financial resources. The law does not provide for a separate set of steps, so you can use the standard one. But the procedure for identifying the father should be excluded - since he is already included in the document.

In other options There is also an option when the parent is included in the birth certificate, but this is not enough to receive child support. This is due to the fact that under standard conditions, the presence of two parents at the time of issuance of this paper will be mandatory - in this way the father will confirm his paternity and relationship with the child.

Alimony outside marriage

The main document will be the statement of claim. It should be filled out based on the sample: The list of information that the application should include includes:

  • information about the court to which the document is sent;
  • information about the plaintiff and defendant, child data;
  • grounds for collecting alimony payments;
  • list of documents that are applications.

Obtaining alimony from a common-law husband is a rather long and complicated process. Here you will need to prove the relationship between the child and the man. Only a legal procedure will allow you to receive payments and this will take a lot of time.

Plus, you will definitely have to collect a large package of documents and evidence, without which the court’s decision will not be in favor of the mother.

Is it possible to apply for alimony without being married?

If there is no agreement on alimony obligations between the former spouses, then the amount of alimony is determined based on minimum size wages. Payments must be made monthly in a fixed amount. Also ex-husband will pay child support only if the mother proves that she really needs financial assistance.
In addition, the court will also examine the position of the father, since he may, for example, be unemployed and also unable to pay child support. A man is obliged to pay child support obligations until the child turns 3 years old, but in the case when a woman’s financial situation changes (remarried, went to work, etc.).

The first of these is recognition of paternity. There are two ways of development of events here. If your common-law spouse recognizes the child and is included in the birth certificate voluntarily, the situation becomes simpler. It is enough to prepare the following list of documents:

  • passport (to confirm identity);
  • child’s birth certificate (to establish the fact of paternity and maternity);
  • certificate of paternity;
  • certificate of family composition from the place of registration of the child;
  • a handwritten statement addressed to the magistrate.

It is worth noting that the mere fact of entering the father's name on the birth certificate is not sufficient.

If you do not have a certificate of paternity, it will have to be established in court.

Is it possible to receive child support if the marriage is not registered?


The court considers all proposed evidence (witness testimony, recordings telephone conversations, photographs and videos, documents, letters). But, without a doubt, the most convincing evidence can be genetic testing. It is carried out on the basis of a blood test and allows you to establish with maximum certainty the relationship between a man and a child.

  1. Registration of paternity.

Judgment is the basis for applying to the registry office and entering data into the registration book and birth certificate.

Alimony agreement It is possible that a man and woman who until recently lived as one family will be able to find mutual language and resolve the issue of financial support for common children. If a compromise is reached, the man and woman should put it in writing.

Alimony for the mother of a child out of wedlock

Home / Alimony / How to apply for alimony outside of marriage, in civil marriage, if the child is not registered with the father Views 7088 Contents

  • 1 Is it possible to apply for alimony without marriage?
  • 2 Establishing paternity
  • 3 Alimony agreement
  • 4 Judicial collection of alimony
    • 4.1 Statement of claim for alimony without marriage (sample)
    • 4.2 Documents
  • 5 Amount of alimony, if not specified
    • 5.1 When is alimony calculated if the marriage is not registered?
  • 6 Procedure for withholding and paying alimony

Is it possible to apply for alimony without marriage? It does not matter whether the child was born to a husband and wife, or to a man and woman who are not officially married. Born children have the right to financial support from both parents.

How to apply for alimony if parents are not married in Russia in 2018


If the court intervenes in the case, it is no longer guided by the wishes of the parents, but by the requirements of the law. And the law establishes clear requirements for the amount of alimony, both for divorcing spouses and for married or living in a civil partnership. By general rule, for one child you are supposed to pay 25%, for two – 33%, for three – 50% of income.

But when determining the amount of alimony, the court takes into account all the circumstances, including the financial capabilities of the parents and the needs of the children. If the parent's income is unstable, the court may find it reasonable to pay child support not as a percentage of the unstable income, but in a specific amount. The fixed amount is calculated based on the minimum salary in the parent’s region of residence.

How to apply for alimony if the marriage was not registered

The document is registered at the notary's office and is binding. If the parents, when registering their children, submitted a joint application to establish paternity and previously agreed on the amount and terms of payment of child support for a child out of wedlock, they do not need to go to court. According to the law, the child has a father who fulfills his parental responsibilities for financial support by paying alimony for his maintenance.
Parents can monitor the timeliness and correctness of child support payments together. The agreement may contain a clause requiring the father to submit a report that his alimony paid for the child was spent by the mother for its intended purpose: to buy food, clothes, shoes for the baby, payment kindergarten, sports sections, swimming pool and more.
The procedure for collecting alimony through the court depends on whether the man recognizes himself as the father and whether he is included in the birth certificate as the father. If the man does not deny that he is the father, then it is enough to simply apply for a court order. The only condition is that there should be no dispute about the fate of the child.

In cases where there is a dispute about children and it is not possible to peacefully agree on child support obligations, it is necessary to go to court with a civil claim. Next, a writ of execution is issued, which in turn is issued to the bailiffs. If the debtor refuses to voluntarily fulfill the obligation, the bailiff may foreclose on his income or existing property.

Thus, a child born out of wedlock has the same rights to his maintenance as a child born in a legal relationship.

- the question is extremely relevant, since the presence of a registered marital relationship does not always guarantee the readiness of both parents to fulfill the responsibilities of supporting minor children. How to apply for spousal support or outside of it, what documents are needed for this and what should be written in the statement of claim - the answers to all these questions are contained in this article.

Is it possible and how to apply for alimony during marriage?

In accordance with Article 80 of the RF IC, both parents must support their children until they reach 18 years of age. If one of them evades this obligation, the funds are recovered in court. At the same time, the law does not connect the occurrence of alimony obligations in relation to a minor child with the conclusion or dissolution of a marriage by his parents.

Alimony agreement

An agreement is concluded between the parents if they managed to agree on the procedure for paying child support: frequency, amount, etc.

Important: the document provides for mandatory notarization and subsequent control by the notary over the fulfillment of obligations.

Collection of alimony in court

If for some reason it is impossible to conclude a voluntary agreement or one of the parties violates its provision, the only way to obtain alimony is to go to court using one of 2 forms:

  • filing an application for a court order (permissible if the parents have no disputes about paternity, the child’s place of residence, the amount of alimony, etc.);
  • filing a claim for alimony.

Important: a court order, by virtue of Article 126 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, is issued no later than 5 days from the date of filing the application without holding a trial or summoning the parties.

Documents for collecting alimony

Regardless of the chosen form of applying for judicial protection, the following documents must be attached to the application or claim:

  • a copy of the plaintiff’s passport (other identification document) - including pages containing information about marriage;
  • copies of birth certificates or passports (for children 14 years and older) of common children;
  • a copy of the marriage certificate;
  • certificates of income of the plaintiff and defendant;
  • certificate of family composition (must be obtained at the plaintiff’s place of residence if the parties do not live together);
  • receipt of payment of the state duty (provided exclusively in the original, otherwise the claim or application will be left without consideration).

Important: in accordance with Article 57 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, a party that does not have the opportunity to request and provide the court with evidence in the case has the right to file a petition for assistance in collecting it.

Don't know your rights?

Thus, if obtaining a certificate of income from the defendant is difficult for the plaintiff, the judge should be notified about this at the stage of preparation for trial. It is better to submit the petition in writing, indicating the reasons why the certificate cannot be requested independently.

How to apply for alimony outside of marriage. Features of the procedure

The procedure for collecting alimony does not depend on the relationship status of the child’s parents. That is, it does not matter whether the parents are divorced, married, or have never been registered at all.

The difference lies only in the content of the package of documents submitted to the court along with the application for an order or claim for the collection of alimony. So, in addition to the documents mentioned above, the plaintiff, who is not married to the defendant, must submit:

  • certificate of paternity;
  • certificate of adoption of a child.

Important: if the father does not recognize himself as such, the court, by virtue of Article 49 of the RF IC, makes a decision on the origin of the child on the basis of any reliable information proving the fact of biological paternity. In practice, the conclusion of a genetic examination is most often used for this purpose.

Contents of the statement of claim (application for the issuance of a court order) for the collection of alimony

The question is how to apply for alimony (in marriage) or outside of it), implies waiting for recommendations on drawing up a statement of claim. Despite the absence of a single form of claim or application for the issuance of a court order, the presence of all necessary details and information is mandatory. So, the document must contain:

  • name of the court and address of its location;
  • last names, first names and patronymics, as well as residential addresses of both parties;
  • the essence of the requirements against the defendant;
  • justification of requirements;
  • evidence confirming the legality of the claims;
  • amount collected.

Important: when collecting alimony in a fixed sum of money, the statement of claim (application for the issuance of a court order) or the attached documents must contain:

  • calculation of the amount of alimony;
  • justification of the costs of maintaining a child.

Costs are calculated based on the amount of money necessary to provide for the child for a month: expenses for food, education, development, clothing, recreation, treatment, etc. In this case, copies of the relevant payment documents (cheques, receipts, etc.) should be attached.

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