Rutabaga variety Krasnoselskaya. Rutabaga varieties included in the state register. History of swede

In Russia, swede is called earthen, bruchka, galanka, kaliga, German, Swedish turnip. The vegetable is rarely found in retail outlets and on the market, because it has become rarely grown by gardeners, although in Western Europe the root crop is popular, actively cultivated and eaten.

History of the use of swede

Rutabaga is a vegetable of natural selection, whose parents are considered kale and turnips. According to one version, swede began to spread from the Mediterranean, according to another - from the Siberian regions of Russia. Officially, the vegetable was first described by the Swiss botanist Caspar Baugin in 1620.

It is interesting! For more than 100 years, the small Swiss town of Richterswil has been hosting the Raben-Chilbi festival, the main character of which is the swede.

Rutabaga - a vegetable with a large spherical sweetish root, which is eaten

Since ancient times, the root crop has been eaten: it was used to make vegetable stew, stuffing for pies, fried, eaten raw. For children, swede with honey was a favorite delicacy. The tops of the vegetable were dried and used as a seasoning for sauces and soups.

Rutabaga was also used in folk medicine. The wound healing, diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of the plant were highly valued. Currently, the vegetable is recommended for therapeutic nutrition of patients suffering from constipation, softening of bone tissue and atherosclerosis. Rutabaga contains a lot of calcium, natural iodine, other nutrients and vitamins that are not destroyed during cooking.

Rutabaga pairs well with other vegetables and can be used to make soups, casseroles, stews and even desserts.

Description and characteristics of the vegetable

Rutabaga is a biennial plant. In the first year of growth, it forms a leaf rosette and a root crop, in the second year - shoots and seeds. Describing swede, let's focus on the following characteristics:

  • The stem is tall, with pinnately cut, lyre-shaped, bare or pubescent bluish leaves.
  • Yellow-golden flowers are collected in a brush.
  • The fruit is a long (5–10 cm), smooth pod or with small tubercles and inconspicuous lateral veins.
  • Seeds are dark brown, spherical, up to 1.8 mm in diameter.
  • The root crop is round or cylindrical. The peel, located above the ground, from gray-green to purple-red. The color of the pulp ranges from white to shades of yellow. The color and shape of the root crop are varietal characteristics.

Photo gallery: leaves, flowers, fruit and root of the plant

Young swede leaves are tender and soft, they are added to salads, boiled and stewed dishes. In swedes, flowers with yellow petals are collected in a racemose inflorescence.
Rutabaga fruit - an elongated pod 5–10 cm long Rutabaga root contains up to 10% sugars and up to 25% vitamin C

The most popular swede varieties

The State Register of the Russian Federation includes 6 table varieties of rutabaga. They are recommended for cultivation in all regions of the country. The oldest variety is Krasnoselskaya. Included in the State Register in 1950 and still in use. The youngest variety is Bright Dream. Received in 2015.

Table: description of swede varieties

Variety nameTime from shoots
to technical maturity
Root shapePeel coloringPulp characteristicWeight, gProductivity, kg / m 2
Vereiskaya83–90 daysFlat-roundStrong anthocyaninYellow, juicy, tender250–300 3,5–4
Hera85–90 daysroundedStrong anthocyaninYellow, juicy, tender300–400 4–4,5
Child love90–117 daysroundedWeak anthocyaninYellow, juicy, tender350–400 5,9–6,3
Krasnoselskaya90–120 daysFlat-roundGrey-green with a purple tintYellow, sugary, firm300–600 3–6,5
Novgorod120 daysRoundedAnthocyanicYellow, juicy, tender400 4–4,7
bright dream65–70 dayselongatedyellowYellow, juicy, tender300–350 2,4–3,4

Photo gallery: swede varieties

Children's love - medium early variety, yellow root crop with a green head, weighing up to 500 g, dense and juicy pulp Krasnoselskaya - an old medium early variety, resistant to flowering, root crop weighing 400–650 g Svetlayaya mechta is a mid-early variety, the root crop is round-oval, weighing up to 300–350 g, the pulp is sweet

Video: swede variety Krasnoselskaya

Agricultural technology for growing rutabagas

Rutabaga is an undemanding plant. Prefers loamy and sandy soils. Light-requiring, when shading does not develop well. He does not like fresh manure, so it is better to fertilize the landing site during autumn digging. For 1 m 2 of the ridge they make:

  • half a bucket of organic fertilizers;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of urea;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of potassium salt.

On acidic soils, the application of ground limestone or freshly slaked fluffy lime (0.5 kg per 1 m2) is required.

When choosing a site, be guided by the fact that it is better to plant a vegetable after potatoes, beans, cucumbers, and tomatoes. After cabbage, daikon, radish, turnip, ridges for root crops are made no earlier than 3–4 years later.


Vegetables are grown in two ways:

  • direct sowing of seeds into the ground;
  • seedlings.

The seeds are pre-soaked for half an hour in warm (+55 ° C) water. This procedure is a preventive measure to combat rutabaga diseases. Then the seeds are dried and mixed with dry sand for the convenience of sowing.

Sowing seeds in the ground

For sowing 1 m 2 of the plot, 0.2 g of seeds are taken. Since swede is a cold-resistant crop, it can be sown in late April or early May. When determining the timing, be guided by the coltsfoot. The beginning of flowering of this plant is a signal for sowing.

At a temperature of +1 +3°C, swede seeds are already beginning to germinate, but the optimum temperature regime is +12 +17°C

Seeds are placed in furrows 1–2 cm deep, located at a distance of at least 40 cm. When the first true leaves appear, the plantings are thinned out, leaving 2 plants per 10 cm furrows.

When the first true leaves appear, the swede is thinned out, leaving two plants per 10 cm row.

The second thinning is done after the seedling has four true leaves. At a distance of 20 cm from each other, the weakest plants are removed.

If the seedlings fall under severe frosts, the swede will go into the trunk, bloom in the first year and the crop will turn out to be small, low-grade.

Rutabaga forms peduncles already in the first year of life without the formation of a root crop, when young plants fall under frost

Seedling growing method

If there is a danger of damage to young seedlings by pests, primarily earthen fleas, a seedling cultivation method is used:

  1. Seeds are sown in mid-April in containers with fertile soil, which should be indoors (room, greenhouse).
  2. Sowing is carried out in grooves no deeper than 1–2 cm, located at a distance of 10 cm.

    Turnip seeds are small, so they are placed in grooves no deeper than 2 cm.

  3. Within a week, seedlings appear, which are watered, preventing the soil from drying out.

    Young rutabaga seedlings need watering

  4. As soon as the seedlings release true leaves, the crops are thinned out, leaving 2–3 plants per 10 cm groove.
  5. After 30-40 days, when 3-4 true leaves appear at the seedlings, they are planted in a permanent place on the beds or ridges according to the 40x20 cm pattern. Before planting, some of the leaves are removed, and the roots are dipped in a clay mash.

    When the seedlings have 3-4 true leaves, they are planted in a permanent place, keeping a distance of 20 cm between plants.

Features of care

Rutabaga is a moisture-loving plant. Watering is most necessary for a vegetable in the first and last month of the growing season. With a lack of water during these periods, the root crop becomes rough, with excessive bitterness. Pay attention to the following nuances:

  • The water pressure should be gentle so as not to wash the soil from the top of the root crop. Greening reduces nutrient content.
  • Excessive moisture contributes to the wateriness of the pulp of the vegetable.

The swede has a long growing season, so to increase the yield, it is recommended to carry out two mandatory crop feeding:

A useful procedure for a vegetable would be to sprinkle plantings with ash, foliar top dressing with boric acid (10 g per 10 l of water) and potassium permanganate (2 g per 10 l of water).

The death of the lower leaves of the tops is not a sign of a disease or unfavorable growing conditions, but a feature of the culture.

It is important to remove weeds, loosen and periodically hill the plants. Without this procedure, root crops turn green under the influence of direct sunlight.


The timing of harvesting vegetables depends on the variety. Evidence that the root crop is ripe is the yellowing of the swede leaves. Early varieties, such as the Bright Dream, are pulled out in July and used for summer consumption. For storage, root crops of late varieties are laid. They ripen in September - October.

Harvesting includes the following steps:

They store the vegetable in the cellar, basement, sprinkled with sand or peat, or simply laid out on the shelves. Subject to the temperature regime from 0 ° C to +5 ° C, the root crop does not lose its taste until summer.

Video: how to grow swede

Protection from pests and diseases

The most dangerous and widespread pests of rutabaga are the bear, the cruciferous flea, the cabbage fly, and the aphid.

Cruciferous flea - jumping bugs 2–3 mm in size. Through sores are gnawed out in young leaves. The greens dry out and the plant may die, especially if the pest attacks when shoots appear or after planting seedlings in the ground.

The cruciferous flea is capable of completely destroying swede seedlings, causing the greatest harm in dry and hot springs.

Effective remedies:

  • Dusting the soil before sprouts of rutabaga with pure tobacco dust or a mixture of tobacco dust with fluffy lime (1: 1).
  • Spraying tobacco infusion. To do this, 20 g of tobacco dust is infused for 48 hours in 5 liters of water, then filtered, 40 g of laundry soap are added, topped up with water to 10 liters of volume and the plants are sprayed.

At the end of June, plantings are damaged by cabbage fly larvae. At this time, the female lays eggs, and the larvae that appear penetrate the root of the vegetable, making numerous moves. The spread of the pest is prevented by mulching the plantings. And also around the root of the plant they dig a shallow hole, where tobacco dust is poured.

Cabbage fly larvae damage swede root

Cabbage aphid - an insect up to 2.5 mm long, which settles on the leaves and stems of the swede, sucks the juice out of them, causes deformation, twisting, wilting. The pest multiplies rapidly. Up to 16 generations develop per season. In the fight against aphids, it is effective to treat the foci with a solution of laundry soap (150 g per 10 liters of water) or lye (a glass of ash and 50 g of soap per 10 liters of water).

Cabbage aphid colonies colonize the tops of plants, stems, inflorescences and leaves on both sides, causing deformation and wilting.

Medvedka settles especially quickly on moist, manure-fertilized soils. It damages the roots of young swede, the stems of the plant. It can eat an ugly plane in the root crop. To combat the pest, special pesticides are used (Medvetoks, Grizzly, Thunder). All these substances are highly toxic, dangerous to humans and animals, therefore, when using them, it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal safety.

Medvedka settles especially quickly on moist, manure-fertilized soils.

Table: swede diseases and their control measures

NamesignsControl and prevention measures
bacteriosisThe leaves turn yellow, become slippery, acquire the smell of rot
  • heat treatment of seeds before planting;
  • spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture;
  • pollination of plantings with ash.
Growths and swellings on root crops. Yellowing and death of plantsWatering with milk of lime (2 cups of lime per bucket of water), after 5–7 days, watering with infusion of horseradish leaves and roots (400 g of chopped horseradish insist for 4 hours in 10 liters of water)
BlacklegThinning and darkening of the root neck, withering of the tops, yellowing and curling of the leavesRemoving diseased plants, disinfecting the soil with potassium permanganate, dusting the soil with ash mixed with copper sulfate (1 teaspoon of vitriol per 1 cup of ash)
fomozGrayish-brown spots with dark dots on the leaves, root rotTreatment of crops with 1% Bordeaux mixture

Photo gallery: swede diseases

Bacteriosis - the edges of the leaves begin to turn yellow, dry out; leaf veins darken Kila - spherical or spindle-shaped growths form on the roots of affected plants Phomosis or dry rot - grayish-brown spots on the leaves, the infection persists in plant debris, seeds and soil for up to 2 years

Features of growing swede in different regions

The area of ​​cultivation of table swede is wide. The vegetable is sown with seeds in the northwestern regions, Belarus, the Baltic states. In more northern latitudes with a short growing season, the root crop is grown through seedlings, since the time from germination to technical maturity is 3-4 months.

In the middle lane, for example, in the Moscow region, in order to get early production, sowing seeds for seedlings is carried out no later than mid-April. For laying for the winter, swede can be grown by repeated crops with seeds sown in late June - early July. A prerequisite is pre-sowing watering and mulching of plantings.

In the southern regions, swede is rare, because a lot of moisture is needed to form high-quality root crops. Since the seeds of the crop germinate at a temperature slightly above 0 °C, and the optimal growth regime is +15 °C +18 °C, in the south, swede should be sown as early as possible. Late dates will lead to the fact that the plant will have a long growing season in hot and dry weather. Under such conditions, the roots will turn out to be woody, low-juicy.

An excellent swede crop can be obtained both in the southern and northern regions.

Rutabaga is a biennial herbaceous female plant belonging to the genus Cabbage, to the cruciferous family. Root vegetables are used for food, having a round shape and juicy sweetish pulp. Feed and food varieties are grown.

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History and description of the plant

The homeland of swede is the Mediterranean. It is believed that its appearance is associated with an experiment on crossing turnips with cabbage. The appearance of swede is also associated with the name of the Swedish botanist Kaspar Baugin, who first described it. Thanks to this scientist, the name “Swedish turnip” was assigned to the vegetable. Rutabaga is common in many countries. It is especially popular in Germany and Sweden. They love her in Finland too.

They began to grow swede everywhere:

  • in Europe;
  • in North America;
  • in North Africa;
  • in Australia;
  • in New Zealand.

In Russia, depending on the area of ​​growth, swede is called differently:

  • bryukla (Kostroma region);
  • letter (Vyatka district);
  • bushma, bush (Nizhny Novgorod region);
  • Kalega (Pskov region);
  • galanka, lanka (Kostroma region);
  • German (Yaroslavl region), etc.

In central Russia, swede is also grown, but the vegetable has not yet received wide distribution. There is a lack of growing traditions and information about the benefits of this crop.

See the video provided by the Vkusny Ogorod Channel for the features of growing the Krasnoselskaya swede variety.

Plant characteristics

The culture is biennial. In the first year, a leafy rosette and a root crop are formed. The following year, flowers appear and seeds ripen.

Plant characteristic:

  • stem - high straight;
  • leaves are oval pinnatifid, sometimes pubescent, but more often glossy, bluish tint. In the year of flowering, the leaves grow larger;
  • inflorescence - a brush with golden yellow petals;
  • fruit - a form in the form of an elongated multi-seeded pod 5-10 cm in size, smooth or slightly bumpy;
  • seeds - spherical dark brown.

The shape of the roots is round, oval or cylindrical, the skin color is from gray-green or deep purple to yellow. Inside the pulp is yellow or white, according to the varietal characteristic. The taste of swede roots can be compared with the taste of turnips, but swede is juicier, more tender and piquant.

Useful properties of swede and available contraindications for use

Useful qualities of rutabaga are associated with the mineral component of the vegetable.

Rutabaga contains the following vitamins and minerals:

  • B vitamins;
  • vitamins C, H, PP, K;
  • retinol;
  • beta carotene;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc;
  • sodium;
  • iodine, etc.

In addition, swede contains such useful elements as:

  • alimentary fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vegetable proteins.

Rutabaga contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps fight beriberi and reduced immunity. The value of swede is high in winter and early spring, with an acute shortage of vitamins in the body.

To combat colds and various inflammations, a decoction of swede seeds helps well. This anti-inflammatory agent strengthens the body well.

Rutabaga is contraindicated in exacerbations of the disease of the gastrointestinal tract. It contains a lot of fiber, which is an irritating factor in these diseases. Consumption of rutabaga contributes to intensive gas formation. Excluded consumption of swede in case of individual allergic reactions.

The channel "Fitness Success" tells about the beneficial properties of swede.

The use of vegetables in everyday life

Vegetables are forage, used in animal husbandry, and table.

Table varieties are used:

  • for treatment;
  • in cosmetology;
  • in cooking.

For treatment

Due to its beneficial qualities, swede acts as:

  • wound healing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anti-burn;
  • diuretic;
  • laxative.

Here are some areas and conditions where rutabaga can be helpful:

  1. Strengthening bones and teeth (due to a large percentage of calcium).
  2. Burns and purulent inflammation (use freshly squeezed juice, because it has wound healing and antimicrobial properties).
  3. Restoration of the digestive tract, gastritis, enteritis (normalizes digestion, prevents constipation, eliminates flatulence).
  4. Fight against atherosclerosis (has a positive effect on metabolic processes, removes cholesterol from the body to prevent the deposition of plaques on the walls of blood vessels).
  5. Protects against the development of fungi and bacteria in the body (mustard oil contained in swede, glucosinolates - phytonutrients help to remove toxins from the liver, and carcinogens from the blood).
  6. During pregnancy (due to the large amount of zinc).
  7. Diseases of the respiratory system (used as an expectorant).
  8. To lower blood pressure, eliminate vascular spasms, stimulate the flow of oxygen (which is important to remember for hypertensive patients).

Regular consumption of swede helps fight colon cancer.

As a preventive measure for many diseases, it is good to drink fresh swede juice regularly.

A tincture of swede seeds has long been used to treat measles in children. In inflammatory processes, it can be used to rinse the mouth and throat due to its mucolytic and expectorant properties, the ability to thin and remove sputum.

To get rid of cough you need:

  1. Rub the rutabaga finely.
  2. Mix with honey and let it brew.
  3. When the juice stands out, squeeze and take a tablespoon three times a day.

For weight loss

The vitamin and mineral composition of the root crop allows you to include it in the diet menu. Rutabaga helps to reduce weight, as its fiber cleanses the intestines, and other valuable substances speed up metabolism. In addition, the product is low in calories. Its calorie content is only 37 kcal.

For skin and hair

Rutabaga is also used in cosmetology:

  1. To get rid of freckles and to accelerate hair growth, use fresh swede juice. It is rubbed into the scalp or rubbed on the places where freckles appear.
  2. For a moisturizing face mask from rutabaga, you need to crush the rutabaga, add sour cream, honey and fresh cucumber juice, mix. Apply the mask on the face, after 15-20 minutes, remove with a cotton swab or napkin.

In cooking

In cooking, swede is used:

  • raw in salads (including tops);
  • after heat treatment (stewed, fried and boiled).

Stewed or boiled swede will be a good side dish for meat or fish. You can stuff the vegetable, prepare a delicate filling for pies from it. In Udmurt cuisine, such pies are called syrchinyan.

Rutabaga is also delicious, along with other vegetables in vinaigrettes and stewed vegetable stews. Dried turnip tops will be a spicy addition to sauces and first courses. Here are some examples of simple and delicious swede dishes.

To prepare a light salad of raw turnips and carrots, you need:

  1. Grate a medium swede, two carrots.
  2. Add a handful of raisins.
  3. Mix everything, adding a handful of crushed walnuts.
  4. Season the salad with a light mayonnaise sauce or Greek yogurt.

Another recipe for a light salad with swede:

  1. Soak 50 g of raisins in hot water and leave for 15 minutes, rinse.
  2. Grate one swede, one apple.
  3. Mix the components of the salad, sprinkle with chopped green onions on top, season with vegetable oil.

You can prepare rutabaga soup in this way:

  1. Cut into cubes 1 swede, 1 onion and 50 gr. root celery.
  2. Grate 1 carrot.
  3. Pour 1.5 liters of vegetables. boiling water and add half a glass of washed barley groats.
  4. Boil for 20 minutes, before the end of cooking, add salt, pepper, turmeric.
  5. Fill with sour cream.

It is useful and tasty to eat swede without adding anything, simply by boiling it or baking it in the oven.

The most popular swede varieties

Among the table varieties, the most famous are the following:

  1. Variety "Krasnoselskaya". It is a table variety with maturation from 90 to 120 days. It has sugary yellow flesh. The root crop itself is round, slightly flattened, gray-green in color. Fruit weight 300 - 600 gr. Successfully subject to long-term storage. Varieties bred in Russia.
  2. Sort "Novgorod". The aging period is also about 120 days. The fruit is round, slightly elongated, purple in the upper part. It has firm, juicy flesh. The weight of the average root crop is 400 gr.
  3. Variety "Hera". The aging period is shorter, averaging 85 to 90 days. The fruits are round, weighing 300-400 gr., The taste of the pulp is juicy, rich.
  4. Sort "Ruby". The aging period is about 100 days. One of the most frost-resistant and picky varieties to the composition of the soil. Unpretentious in care, freely withstands temperature fluctuations.
  5. Variety "Swedish". The ripening period is about 130 days. The fruits are rounded, green, turning into yellow, in color. A high-yielding variety, but in terms of taste characteristics it is slightly worse than the above varieties.
  6. Variety "Kohalik Sinine". The fruits ripen in about 100 days. Variety-record holder for the size and weight of the fruit. The weight of one swede can be up to one and a half kilograms. The pulp is elastic and juicy, has a bright rich taste without bitterness.
  7. Variety "Dzeltenie Abolu". Aging period 120 days. The fruits are greenish-purple, the pulp is soft with a sugary taste.

In addition to these well-known varieties, there are not so popular, but also excellent types, for example:

  • Wilma;
  • Child love;
  • Lisey;
  • Marian;
  • Bright dream.

Most varieties of rutabaga belong to foreign selection, but there are also those bred in Russia. Although there are few of them: the State Register contains only six positions. Their undoubted advantage is the possibility of growing almost everywhere.

Photo gallery

In the photo you can see the popular varieties of swede.

Bright Dream Hera Wilma Novgorodskaya Swedish Kasnoselskaya

Rules for planting and growing rutabagas in open ground

Both neutral and acidic soils are suitable for growing rutabaga in open ground. Light fertile loams, sandy loamy soils are more suitable for this culture. The soil should contain a lot of moisture, but not stagnant water. In acidic soils, it is recommended to add ash or lime to them.

Fresh manure is harmful to this culture. Therefore, it is recommended to bring it to the garden during the autumn digging, or replace it with compost or humus.

It’s not a bad idea to add mineral fertilizers to the beds in the fall, where swede will be planted in the spring:

  • urea;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium salt.

The plant will also benefit from lime or dolomite flour, wood ash.

Photo gallery

The photo shows mineral fertilizers used in the cultivation of rutabagas.

Urea 50 rub. 1 kg. Dolomite flour 66 r. 5 kg. Potassium sulfate $94 1 kg. Superphosphate 87 r. 1 kg.

Landing dates

The time of planting swede in open ground is determined by weather conditions and the planting region. You can plant a swede with seeds directly into the ground or with seedlings grown in advance in pots. When planting seedlings, the result is more guaranteed.

Usually rutabaga is sown in late April - early May. Seedlings in pots are sown forty days before the intended planting in the ground. Sow the seeds to a depth of about 1.5 cm in a container with a soil mixture. But seedlings are planted in the ground not earlier than three full-fledged leaves appear on it.

How to plant seeds in open ground?

Proper planting of rutabaga begins in the fall with the preparation of the beds.

They are dug up and brought in:

  • manure;
  • humus;
  • fertilizers.

Seeds are planted to a depth of about 2.5-3 cm, leaving a distance between rows of about 45-50 cm. After germination, they are thinned out so that about 4 cm remains between the bushes. When 4 full-fledged leaves are formed on the bushes, they are again thinned out so that between the bushes remained about 15 cm.

Rutabaga is a plant that can withstand cold. The optimum temperature for the formation of root crops is 15-18°C. The plant is not only not afraid of frost and temperature changes, but also does not die in hot and dry weather. But the heat is bad for the taste of rutabagas.

Aftercare and cultivation

The main requirement for caring for rutabagas is abundant watering and plenty of light. Rutabagas do not ripen well in dark areas. Rutabaga loves watering. It must be carried out at the rate of 10 liters. water per 1 sq. m. sowing.

Feeds are important. Two weeks after planting seedlings in the ground, it is necessary to feed the plant with slurry. Re-feeding is carried out with mineral fertilizer with the beginning of the formation of the root crop.

Susceptibility to diseases and pests

Rutabaga pests and methods of struggle:

  1. Cabbage flies. To combat them, it is necessary to sprinkle the beds with a dry mixture of naphthalene and river sand in a ratio of one to ten. After ten days, the treatment must be repeated.
  2. Medvedka. Lives in damp soil and spoils plant roots. You need to fight it by digging up the earth in the fall. During the development period, the plants must be loosened between the rows in order to destroy the passages and holes of the insect, and watered with pest control solutions.
  3. Cabbage aphid. It settles on the reverse side of the leaves, from which they are deformed and twisted. You can fight by spraying the leaves with solutions of a mixture of superphosphate and sodium chloride, or laundry soap and ash dissolved in water.
  4. Cruciferous flea. You can prevent its appearance by scattering ashes between the rows.

To protect the swede from the cruciferous flea, seedlings in the ground should be powdered with wood ash. Seeds must be disinfected before planting.


Harvesting rutabaga is carried out just before the frost. The tops of the swede are cut off at the base, the vegetable is cleaned from the ground, but not washed. It is better to store a vegetable in a cellar on shelves or in boxes, sprinkled with sand or sawdust. You can also fold it into shallow trenches dug in the ground, again pouring straw or dry sawdust on top.

The swede originated in Sweden in the seventeenth century and immediately gained popularity. However, in Russia they started talking about it only at the end of the past century. This root crop has a lot of useful properties and is used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine.

In appearance, it is not difficult to confuse the turnip with the turnip, which is not surprising, since these plants are related. However, a closer look reveals a number of differences.

Rutabaga is the most useful plant.

What is a rutabaga? This is a vegetable that was bred by crossing cabbage and turnips. From the second "parent" the root crop inherited the shape and dense structure, but the swede is somewhat larger. The density and color of the pulp also differ; in the hybrid, it is colored in a soft peach color and is harder than that of the turnip.

The taste of these fruits is also different, and there is no characteristic bitterness in the swede. In terms of chemical composition, the hybrid is much superior to turnips, for example, it contains more vitamin C and calcium.

Advice. Experienced chefs say that turnips are more suitable for eating raw, and it is better to pre-cook turnips. The root vegetable is added to various dishes or eaten separately.

Rutabaga - what is this vegetable, composition and nutritional value

Rutabaga is a member of the cruciferous family. This crop has increased cold resistance, tolerates drought well, while maintaining nutritional value.

Rutabaga is a storehouse of mineral salts.

The composition of the root crop includes the following useful substances:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B4, B5, B6 and B9;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin P;
  • beta carotene;
  • lycopene;
  • omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9;
  • stearic and aspartic acids.

Rutabaga is a valuable food product.

As well as rutabaga, they are distinguished by a high content of the following trace elements:

  • gland;
  • Selene;
  • calcium:
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • phosphorus;
  • zinc.

The calorie content of 100 g of the product is only 34.6 kcal.

At the same time, swede contains:

  • 1.2 g proteins;
  • 0.1 g fat;
  • 7.7 g of carbohydrates.

In addition to trace elements, swede is rich in vegetable fiber, which helps to suppress hunger and quickly cleanse the intestines. Due to this, the root crop is often included in weight loss programs.

Useful properties of swede for the human body

As mentioned above, the root crop is actively used in folk medicine.

Important! It is possible to prepare medicinal products or various dishes only from the pulp of the swede, the peel of root crops is too rough and eating it can lead to malfunctions in the stomach and intestines.

Treatment of swab diseases at home

For medicinal purposes, juice is most often used, as well as rutabaga pulp crushed on a grater or in a blender.

Rutabaga provides the body with zinc.

Means based on this root crop are effective in the following diseases:

  • Colds and SARS. It is necessary to grind the pulp to the state of gruel, mix with honey in a ratio of 2: 1. Take one teaspoon before meals with plenty of warm water.
  • Acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, you will need to grind the root crop and squeeze the juice out of the pulp. You need to use it 3-4 times a day, diluted with rosehip broth, currant or cranberry juice.
  • Constipation. In the presence of such problems, you can make mashed turnips or bake them in the oven, cut into slices. The root crop should be eaten 2-3 times a week, 150-200 g at a time.
  • Cardiovascular disease and iron deficiency anemia. You will need to squeeze the juice from the grated pulp and drink it before meals, 100 ml each. The same remedy is also effective for edema associated with impaired renal function and problems in the work of the heart.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is necessary to mix the juice squeezed from one fruit with 30 kg of honey and take it twice a day.
  • Body cleansing and weight loss. In this case, it is worth using swede juice or eating grated root vegetables together with mushrooms or prunes.
  • Burns, purulent rashes and other skin lesions. Compresses from crushed swede pulp will help to cope with these problems.

Attention! Rutabaga-based products are by no means a substitute for medicines, they only help speed up recovery. Treatment will be effective only with an integrated approach.

How is a vegetable used in cosmetology?

In addition to damage and diseases of the skin, swede helps to cope with other cosmetic problems. Based on it, you can create a number of tools to improve the appearance.

Vitamin mask

Pretty simple, cheap and effective mask.

To saturate the skin with vitamins, the mask is prepared according to the following recipe:

  1. Grind the swede on a grater and mix with 10 g of honey.
  2. Dilute the resulting composition with carrot juice.
  3. Supplement the mask with 30-40 g of fatty cottage cheese.

The product is applied to cleansed skin, and after a quarter of an hour it is washed off with warm water.


Lack of moisture is one of the causes of premature skin aging. To delay this process, you need to mix the crushed pulp of the swede with the same amount of sour cream and apply on your face for a quarter of an hour. This procedure is allowed 2-3 times a week.

Compresses for cleansing

Turnip juice will help to cope not only with burns and purulent wounds, but also contribute to the disappearance of acne, blackheads and boils. To do this, you need to moisten a cotton pad or gauze in it and attach it to the problem area for 30-40 minutes, and then rinse. With abundant acne, it is recommended to wipe the face with juice at night.

A brightening toner for freckles & age spots

Lotions made on the basis of swede help to cleanse the face effectively.

To even out the complexion, you will need to squeeze out the crushed pulp of the root crop and mix the resulting liquid with a few drops of lemon juice. This tool is used daily to wipe the face, the treatment is carried out until the result.

What to cook from swede - recipes

Turnip dishes are tasty and easy to prepare, while they bring tangible benefits to the body and allow you to drown out the feeling of hunger for a long time. Below are the most common recipes based on this root vegetable.

Light swede and apple salad

Lettuce is rich in vitamins and minerals.

To prepare a salad, you can take apples of any variety, with a sour or sweet taste, whichever you prefer. They will need to be cleaned of the stalks and core, grated and mixed with grated swede. Vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise is suitable as a sauce.

And to get the most out of the turnip salad and make the dish more saturated, you can add dried fruits, herbs, carrots or vegetables to the main ingredients.

Salad with swede, radish and ham

This dish is more satisfying than the previous one.

Great salad for a light snack.

To prepare it, you need the following products:

  • swede;
  • a bunch of radishes;
  • 100 g of ham;
  • green onions;
  • egg;
  • mayonnaise or sour cream.

All ingredients will need to be chopped, and then mixed in a salad bowl, adding salt and sauce.

Rutabagas stuffed with mushrooms

To prepare this dish, the swede will need to be pre-boiled for 1.5-2 hours.

Vitamin Dinner.

When the root crop is ready, you need to do the following:

  1. Carefully remove the pulp from the swede, leaving the walls 7-10 mm thick.
  2. Fill the "glasses" with mushrooms fried with onions. If desired, you can add grated carrots to the filling.
  3. Put the portions in a saucepan with thick walls, add water and simmer until tender, tightly closing the container with a lid.

Served stuffed swede with sour cream and herbs.

Rutabaga baked with cheese in the oven

Delicious meal for dinner.

Tasty and healthy baked swede. To do this, the roots are washed, cut into circles, mixed with salt, pepper, sour cream and rolled in breadcrumbs, after which they are sent to the oven for a quarter of an hour. And a few minutes before you take out the finished dish, sprinkle it with grated cheese.

Vegetable puree soup at home

The kids will love this soup.

When cooking mashed soup, in addition to rutabaga, you can take any vegetables. As an addition to the dish, cabbage, carrots, zucchini, potatoes, onions and garlic are suitable.

All components will need to be cut, put in a saucepan and boiled, then chopped in a blender, seasoned with salt and pepper. Serve soup-puree, sprinkled with portions of finely chopped herbs.

Dessert swede pudding

From a healthy root vegetable, you can make a delicious pudding for dessert.

A great opportunity to pamper your loved ones right away.

This will require the following components:

  • swede;
  • fatty cottage cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 ml of milk;
  • butter;
  • powdered sugar.

Cottage cheese is ground with eggs and melted butter, after which milk is added and thoroughly beaten. Then the mass is laid out in a generously greased form and baked in the oven until a golden crust appears. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

Contraindications to the use of swede

Speaking about the benefits of swede, we must not forget that it contains a large amount of coarse dietary fiber, which causes a contraction of the muscle layer in the intestines, in addition, its use can provoke flatulence. In addition, the product is rich in glucose, which leads to an increase in blood sugar levels.

Vegetable contraindications, which can aggravate the disease, should be taken into account.

For the reasons listed above, it is worth limiting the consumption of swede or completely abandoning this product under the following conditions:

  • ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines;
  • gastritis and colitis in the acute stage;
  • type 2 diabetes;
  • flatulence;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding.

For children under 8-10 years old, swede is categorically contraindicated, since the digestive system at this age is not yet ready to digest heavy food.

On a note. Like most foods, rutabagas can cause allergic reactions. One of the signs of intolerance is a dry cough, runny nose and bloating.

How to grow rutabagas in the garden?

Growing rutabaga in the backyard is not difficult. To do this, you will need to prepare the soil in the fall by digging up the selected area, and then adding humus and organic fertilizers.

In the spring, seeds can be planted in the beds, deepening them by 3-4 cm, but it is better to prepare seedlings.

Rutabaga is a valuable, high-yielding root crop.

They do it this way:

  1. Planting material is sorted out, discarding damaged or spoiled seeds.
  2. Spread the blanks on wet gauze, laying a plastic bag, and send it to heat.
  3. After the appearance of the first sprouts, seeds are planted in containers with fertilized soil.

At the end of May or the beginning of June, when at least 3 sheets appear on the bushes, they are planted in beds, while the row spacing should be 40-50 cm.

Rutabaga will need to be weeded regularly, leaving a distance of 8-10 cm between plantings, watered and fed with organic matter. You can harvest both before the start of frosts and after their onset, the fruits will not die from this.

» Garden

Few people know what a swede looks like, which has special care requirements, as well as which family it belongs to. The plant is biennial, in the first year it forms a root crop and foliage. The following year, the vegetable grows a stem, which, after flowering, produces seeds that can be planted the very next year. The plant is not at all simple, and even capricious, it needs constant attention during cultivation.

Depending on the variety, the shape of the fruit of the swede is different:

  • cylindrical;
  • round;
  • rounded;
  • flat rounded.

Rutabaga roots close-up

The flesh of the vegetable is firm, may be light or yellow. The sizes of root crops are large, during growth their upper part is visible on the surface of the bed. The apical part is a dark green hue, in the lower part it is yellowish or purple with a slight redness.

The plant tolerates cold conditions perfectly, the seeds are able to begin growth at a couple of degrees of heat. Sprouts withstand slight frosts, adult swede are not dangerous and five-degree frosts.

On the territory of our country, the cultivation of swede has not become widespread, but in Western countries its cultivation is developed. For example, the British even consider it their national dish.

Useful properties and contraindications

The swede contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals. It is noted that even after heat treatment, the vegetable is able to retain its positive qualities.

In the spring, with the help of swede, you can perfectly prevent beriberi, the presence of calcium will have a beneficial effect on tooth enamel and bones.

The presence of vitamin C enlists rutabagas in a number of foods recommended for scurvy.. Freshly squeezed juices are successfully used in wound healing, effectively work as expectorants and diuretics.

Dishes prepared from this vegetable can improve digestion and are recommended for people suffering from obesity and constipation. The vegetable is also used in the preparation of diets.

It is believed that the root crop is quite valuable for livestock as feed. If you include it in the diet of dairy cattle, you can significantly increase milk yield.

It should not be consumed by people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The most popular varieties

The vegetable is cultivated for table and fodder needs, therefore it is divided into certain varieties:

Krasnoselskaya - grown for food use. In terms of maturation, the plant is considered medium-early, the growing season lasts from three to four months. The pulp is yellow, sugary. The root crop has a flat-rounded shape, a grayish-green hue with hints of purple. The weight of one vegetable ranges from three hundred to six hundred grams. The culture is suitable for long-term storage;

dzeltene abolu is a table variety of Latvian breeding specialists, it does not differ in good keeping quality. Seventy to one hundred and thirty days pass from the moment of germination to harvest. The average weight of a vegetable is four hundred grams, the flesh is yellow, firm;

Swedish - a versatile variety, grown for table and fodder purposes. Taste qualities are somewhat inferior to Krasnoselskaya. The growing season takes about four and a half months.

Landing dates

Seed in the open field swede must be planted in early May. If it is planned to grow a vegetable using a seedling method, then sowing must be carried out in March - early April, so that the seedlings have at least forty days before transplanting to a permanent place.

How to plant seeds in open ground?

The vegetable can grow both on neutral soils and on acidic ones. The land must be sufficiently fertile and loose. It is best if it is loamy, sandy loam or peat cultivated beds. The soil should easily absorb and retain moisture.

Clay, sandy lands or places where groundwater passes close are not suitable for growing rutabagas.

The best predecessors for this plant are legumes, nightshade or pumpkin.

Rutabaga likes manure, so it is recommended to add it to the soil in the fall, during digging. But at the stage of vegetable ripening, such fertilizer is contraindicated - the root crop becomes dry and porous. As mineral fertilizer compositions, phosphorus-potassium is best suited. A good solution is to use dolomite flour or lime.

When growing with seeds, it is necessary to prepare a garden bed in the fall. Sowing is carried out at a depth of two to two and a half centimeters, the interval between rows is forty-five centimeters. Emerging seedlings must be thinned out so that a fifteen-centimeter interval remains between plants.

Proper care and cultivation

Growing a vegetable is not difficult. Turnip care is standard - watering, weed removal, disease prevention, fertilizing.

The first decade of growth of seedlings passes slowly, it is very important at this time to water the sprouts in a timely manner and remove weeds. After one and a half to two months, the vegetable begins to form root crops, as evidenced by the foliage of the plant, part of which dries up.

The plant loves moisture, so at least ten liters of water must be poured for every square meter of area.

The swede is fed twice - a couple of weeks after planting (with manure) and during the formation of the fetus (with complex formulations).

Susceptibility to diseases and pests

Like other cruciferous plants, rutabaga can be affected by powdery mildew, ash, linen. Cabbage fly, aphids and keel will not pass by such a culture.

In order to avoid trouble, it is necessary to constantly inspect the plants. Having found the first signs, the necessary measures should be taken by treating the landings with special compounds.

Rutabagas in the garden


The crop yield is five hundred kilograms per hundred square meters of planting. The tops are used for silage for livestock, root crops are stored in heaps, cellars or trenches for the winter.

As it turned out, it is difficult to choose a good variety for cultivation, but from foreign breeders there is always the opportunity to find a suitable option. With the organization of proper care, each gardener is able to grow this crop on his site.

Rutabaga (Brassica napobrassica) is a biennial food and fodder plant that belongs to the genus Cabbage of the Brassicaceae family. In some regions of Russia, this plant is also called bushma, pruhva, earthling, jaundice, bruchka, bukhva, kalivka, German or Swedish turnip. Also, swede is often called fodder beet, despite the fact that these plants belong to completely different families. The appearance of the swede occurred in very ancient times in the Mediterranean due to the natural crossing of collards with one of the forms of turnips. For the first time, this plant was mentioned by the Swiss botanist Kaspar Baugin, who gave a description of it, and also wrote that it is found in the wild in Sweden. In other sources, there is an assumption that Siberia is the birthplace of fodder beet, and later it ended up on the Scandinavian Peninsula. This culture is most popular in Finland, Sweden and Germany. It is interesting to know that Heinrich Goethe simply adored her.

The vegetable plant swede is resistant to drought and frost. It is related to radishes, horseradish, turnips, turnips, radishes, mustard and cabbage (all kinds). Fodder beet grows for 2 years, while in the first year the formation of a leaf rosette and root crop is observed, and in the second year peduncles and seeds grow. The leafy stem is rather tall. Pinnatifid lyre-shaped leaf blades can be practically bare or pubescent. The part of the plant that is above the ground is painted in a gray color. The brushes consist of yellow flowers. The fruit is a long pod that can be tuberculate or smooth, inside it are seeds of a spherical shape and a dark brown color. In the root crop, the shape directly depends on the variety and is round-flat, oval, cylindrical or round. The flesh can be colored in various shades of yellow or white. Rutabaga is similar in taste to turnips, but the nutritional value of the former is much higher.


If you decide to grow rutabaga, then the first thing to do is to sow its seeds for seedlings. If the seedlings are grown indoors, then they will be under reliable protection from the cruciferous flea and other harmful insects. Before starting sowing, the seeds should be prepared, for this they are placed in a solution of garlic for 1 hour, to prepare it, you need to combine 100 milligrams of water with 25 grams of garlic, which must first be crushed. Then the seeds washed in clean water must be thoroughly dried. Experienced gardeners advise germinating seeds before sowing. To do this, they are wrapped in a moistened cloth, where they will be until such time as small white sprouts appear.

Sowing of seeds is carried out in the first days of April 40 days before transplanting seedlings into open soil. For this, deep boxes are used, which are filled with a moistened substrate. When sowing, seeds should be buried in the soil mixture by 10–15 mm. So that the crops are not excessively thick, it is recommended to combine the seed before sowing with sifted peat or tooth powder, which are taken in equal parts. The distance between seeds in a row should be from 20 to 30 mm, with a row spacing of 60–70 mm. The container with crops on top must be covered with glass or film, then it is removed to a fairly cool place (17-18 degrees).

After the first seedlings appear, the film must be removed from the box, and it must be transferred to a colder place (from 6 to 8 degrees), after 7 days the crops must be rearranged to a warmer place (from 12 to 15 degrees). Seedlings must be systematically watered, the surface of the substrate must be loosened, and seedlings must also be thinned out.

How to dive

Experts do not recommend picking seedlings of this culture, since during the procedure, the roots of plants can be easily injured. To avoid picking, it is necessary to use sufficiently deep drawers for growing seedlings.

10–12 days before planting seedlings in open soil, they begin to harden it. To do this, every day it must be taken out into the street, while the duration of the plants' stay in the fresh air should be increased gradually. After the swede can stay outside for a whole day, it is transplanted into open soil.

When to plant

The planting of the grown seedlings of rutabaga in open soil is carried out when 40-50 days have passed since the sowing of the seeds, while the plants should have 4 or 5 formed leaf plates. The weather also affects the time of planting rutabaga in open soil, but in most cases this procedure is carried out in mid-May. Seedlings of this culture in the Moscow region are planted at about the same time. Before planting in the garden, the plant must be watered very well.

Neutral soil with a pH of 5.5–7.0 is suitable for growing this plant. If the soil is acidic, then it must be limed, otherwise the swede will have a very low resistance to diseases, and it will also be extremely poorly stored. For planting, soil rich in nutrients is suitable, for example: loamy, sandy loam or cultivated peat. The soil must also be well drained. Groundwater at the site should lie deep enough.

The best predecessors of fodder beets are cucumbers, legumes, melons, bell peppers, zucchini, tomatoes, pumpkins, eggplants, squash, and potatoes. In the area where cruciferous plants (radish, radish, turnip, daikon, turnip, watercress, horseradish and any cabbage) grew, such a crop can be grown only after 4–5 years. The site needs preliminary preparation. To do this, in the autumn, its deep digging is carried out, during which 15 grams of urea, from 25 to 30 grams of potassium salt, 3-4 kilograms of manure, compost or humus and from 30 to 40 grams of superphosphate per 1 square meter are introduced into the soil. site. You can lime the soil with dolomite flour or wood ash, this procedure is also carried out in the autumn, but not at the same time as fertilizing.

Seedlings are planted in open soil in pre-prepared holes, between which a distance of 20 centimeters should be observed, while the distance between rows should be 0.45–0.5 m. Immediately before planting, the prepared holes are filled with water. When planting a swede, the root of each plant must be dipped in a clay mash, and some of the leaves should also be removed from them. When filling the holes with earth, make sure that the root neck of the plants is not buried in the ground. When the plants are planted, the surface of the soil needs to be slightly compacted, after which they are very well watered. In the first few days after planting, the seedlings need protection from the scorching sun.

The advantages of winter planting of fodder beets are that in spring the seedlings appear even and friendly, while the ripening of vegetables is observed 15–20 days earlier than when seeds are sown in spring. Seeds are sown in open soil in late autumn after the soil freezes to a depth of 20–50 mm. Beforehand, the bed should be loosened, and fertilizers are also applied to the soil for deep digging, namely: 25 grams of superphosphate, 0.5 kilograms of wood ash, 6 kilograms of humus and 15 grams of potassium salt per 1 square meter of land.

When the site is ready, holes should be made in the soil with a depth of 25–30 mm, while the distance between them should be the same as when planting seedlings in open soil (see above). A layer of sand must be poured into each hole, after which 2 seeds are placed on it. Then the seeds are sprinkled with a thin (10–15 mm) layer of sand, which must be dry, and a layer of humus or peat compost is poured over it.

Growing rutabaga in your garden is quite simple. It is necessary to take care of such a crop in the same way as for other plants grown in the garden, namely, the turnip needs to be watered in a timely manner, hilled, weeded, fed, protected from diseases and harmful insects, and also loosen the soil surface between rows.

Spud the bushes during the formation of covering leaf plates at the rosettes. The surface of the soil must be loosened to a depth of 40 to 80 mm and this is best done after rain or watering. The first time they loosen the soil surface very carefully and do it two days after transplanting the seedlings into open ground. When 7 days pass after the first loosening of the soil, this procedure is carried out again. Throughout the season, it will take only 4 or 5 times to loosen the soil surface, while this procedure can be carried out in conjunction with the removal of weeds.

This culture is moisture-loving. But it should be noted that if the soil is oversaturated with moisture, then the roots will become watery, in connection with this, it will be necessary to water the bushes only three to five times during the season. If the swede feels a lack of water, then because of this, the roots will become hard and bitter in taste, in addition to this, the bushes will begin to bloom ahead of schedule.

For 1 square meter of beds during irrigation, approximately 1 bucket of water needs to be spent. At the same time, it is necessary to pour the liquid very carefully so that the earth on the upper part of the root crop remains in place, otherwise it will turn green, which will significantly reduce the nutritional value of the product.


In order for the swede to grow and develop normally, it will need top dressing. The first time the plants are fed half a month after transplanting seedlings into open soil. Top dressing is carried out after preliminary watering of the beds, slurry is used as a fertilizer. After the formation of the root crop begins, the plants need to be fed a second time; for this, a solution of complex mineral fertilizers is used. This plant loves potassium, while phosphorus helps to increase the sugar content of the root crop. This culture also needs boron, manganese and copper. By the way, if she does not have enough boron, then the flesh of the root crops will darken and lose its taste.


When the seedlings are transplanted into open soil, the bushes will need dusting with wood ash. Thanks to this, the cruciferous flea, which harms all plants of the Cruciferous family, will not settle on the plants. Throughout the entire growing season, it is necessary to systematically conduct a thorough inspection of the planting, which will help to timely identify signs of the disease or find pests, and cure the bushes relatively quickly. To do this, you can use both folk remedies, time-tested, and fungicidal, as well as insecticidal preparations. It should be remembered that it is necessary to treat the bushes with chemicals no later than 4 weeks before harvesting the root crops.

When growing rutabaga, it should be remembered that it is disturbed by the same diseases and pests as radishes, turnips, horseradish, and all types of cabbage. Most often, such a culture is affected by white, felt disease, clubroot, mosaic, vascular bacteriosis and black leg. The greatest danger to rutabaga is represented by pests such as: sprout fly, rapeseed flower beetle, slugs, bedbugs, aphids, moths, fleas, spring cabbage fly and botanus.

In order to prevent damage to the bushes by diseases or the appearance of pests, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of crop rotation, disinfect the seed before sowing, carry out timely weeding, and when the crop is harvested, plant residues must be removed from the site, and it is also subjected to deep digging. In addition, only compatible plants should be grown near the beds with this crop. Near any member of the Cruciferous family, including swede, you can grow a variety of types of lettuce, as well as aromatic herbaceous plants: savory, mint, hyssop, chamomile, sage and wormwood. At the same time, it is recommended to grow marigolds, marigolds or nasturtium between rows, which repel whites, aphids and cabbage flies.

The swede crop can be harvested 3-4 months after planting in the ground. If root crops are intended for long-term storage in winter, then they are harvested immediately before the onset of the first frost. When extracting root crops from the ground, try not to injure them, while the green aerial part should be cut off at the very base. From the dug out fruits, the remnants of the earth should be removed, then they are laid out for drying on the street in a darkened place. Prepared root crops are stored in unheated storage, they can be placed in boxes, on the floor or on shelves. If there is no suitable room, then the swede can be stored in the garden. To do this, they are stacked in pre-dug not very deep trenches, on top of them they are covered with a layer of dry sawdust or straw, which is covered with soil.

Gardeners cultivate both table and fodder types of rutabaga. The feed species, in fact, is a hybrid of cabbage and table swede. Such species are distinguished by productivity and undemanding conditions of maintenance and care. The form of root crops of table varieties is round-flat, tender and juicy pulp is painted in pale yellow or white. The most popular varieties of table turnips are:

  1. Best of all. This variety is characterized by stable yield and hardiness. The peel of the root crops is colored purple, the taste of the pulp is quite mild.
  2. invitation. The variety is resistant to powdery mildew and keel.
  3. Swedish. This table-fodder variety is distinguished by its yield, the duration of its growing season is about 130 days. Root crops have a reddish tint, in the lower part they are round and yellow, and in the upper part they are greenish-gray. The color of the pulp is yellow.
  4. Krasnoselskaya. This table variety is mid-season, it has a high yield and good keeping quality. The duration of the growing season is 90–120 days. Flat-rounded root crops have a mass of 0.3-0.6 kg, they are painted in a greenish-gray color with a purple tint. The yellow flesh is sweet and tender.
  5. Kohalik blue. This mid-early variety is very productive. The fruits of such a plant have a mass of approximately 0.9 kg. The lower part of the root crop is yellow, and the upper one is bronze-violet. On average, fruits weigh 0.94 kg. Juicy and hard pulp has no bitterness.
  6. Dzeltene abolu. This variety was bred by Latvian breeders, it has a fairly good keeping quality. The mass of flat-rounded fruits is about 0.4 kg, their lower part is yellow, and the upper part is greenish-gray with a purple tint. The color of the pulp is yellow. The vegetation period of such a plant lasts 70-130 days.
  7. Novgorod. This mid-season variety is resistant to bolting. The lower part of the fruit is painted white, and the upper one is purple. Root crops weigh from 0.35 to 0.4 kg. Tender and juicy flesh has a yellow color. The fruits have good keeping quality.
  8. Child love. This mid-early variety has round-oval roots, they weigh 0.3-0.5 kg. The dense and juicy pulp is painted in yellow-cream color.
  9. Marian. This variety, which has a good yield, is characterized by a fairly high resistance to keel and powdery mildew. The fruits have a pleasant taste.
  10. Brora. Glossy fruits are colored purple, their pulp has a high sugar content.
  11. Acme. The fruits of this variety have purple upper parts and orange flesh.

In addition to those listed, the following foreign varieties of table swede are quite popular: Lizi, Ruby and Kaya. They are resistant to diseases and have an improved taste.

Turnip properties: harm and benefit

Rutabaga roots contain sugars, vegetable protein, fats, fiber, easily digestible carbohydrates, ascorbic acid (vitamin C), carotene (provitamin A), B vitamins, rutin, essential oil, trace elements potassium, sulfur, sodium, copper, phosphorus and iron. The composition of such fruits includes a large amount of calcium, in this regard, they are recommended for use during bone softening therapy.

The seeds of such a plant have long been used to rinse the mouth in the presence of inflammation, and they also cured measles in children. The fruits are distinguished by anti-burn, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and wound-healing effects. The juice of this plant helps in the treatment of burns or long-healing purulent wounds. In addition, these root crops are a very valuable food product, especially during vitamin deficiency in winter and spring. The pulp has a large amount of coarse fiber, so its experts advise including it in the diet for constipation. Also, this pulp is used during the treatment of atherosclerosis.

A person has been eating rutabagas since ancient times, it is believed that it can restore vitality to the elderly, and can also help strengthen the immune system and quickly recover from a cold, as it contains a large amount of ascorbic acid. Due to the fact that the fruits have a diuretic effect, they can help cleanse the body of excess fluid during hypertension therapy. This plant is also distinguished by its mucolytic effect; in diseases of the lungs and bronchi, it helps to thin the sputum. If swede is included in the patient's diet, then a hacking dry cough soon becomes productive and expectorant, and then the person quickly recovers.


Such root crops should be excluded from the diet during exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since coarse plant fibers irritate the mucous membrane of the internal organs, which is inflamed at this time. Another turnip can not be eaten with individual intolerance.

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