How do I see the education system of the future essay. Essay on the topic: “My vision of the modern educational model. Some interesting essays

What will be the education system of the future? In my opinion, it will be global. Any student will be able to receive a quality education, regardless of where he lives. African schoolchildren will become on a par with European ones, they will conduct various experiments and experiments together.

In addition, the education of the future will be in one common language. So that every tourist can feel truly at home in different countries. The schools will teach the culture of various states and their political structure. Borders will disappear and schoolchildren will be able to freely visit countries and gain new knowledge. Such visits will take the form of practical classes in a subject that studies different world cultures.
Schools will open at about 11 o'clock, and classes will be until 3 o'clock. Everyone will study not for 11 years, but for 14, but there will be more vacations. Subjects at school will be practical, more notebooks

will not be needed, students will set up experiments and experiments every lesson, thus developing their muscle memory.

Each student will have the opportunity to choose priority subjects for themselves and work hard on them. Exams will be exclusively practical, written exams will become a thing of the past.

There are no more marks. Everyone evaluates himself. Assesses his strengths and capabilities. The smartest students can finish school early and go to university. Higher education is free and available to everyone.

In conclusion, I want to say that such a model of future education is possible only if the whole world is united, there will be no wars and conflicts, all races and peoples will live together and work for a common future, for a common future generation. Above the generation that will have to develop the planet and begin the exploration of new planets. It is such an education system that will make it possible to make earthlings advanced and make the most powerful civilization in history on our planet.

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“In the modern world, an educated person
must be properly oriented
information space.
YES. Medvedev

Education today is becoming the main national priority of Russia.
The implementation of the state educational standards of the new generation, the formation of a unified system for assessing the quality of education, models of innovative activity of higher education teachers are topical problems of modern Russian education.
The State Program clearly defines the main priorities. Firstly, it is the full satisfaction of the needs in preschool institutions. All children between the ages of 3 and 7 should be provided with quality preparation for further studies at school. Secondly, children should study in good conditions, using modern equipment. The quality of education must comply with State standards.

Thirdly, educational institutions need to be adapted for the full education of children with disabilities. And I also think that one of the most important goals of the program is to improve the professional skills of the educators themselves. Ultimately, the success of an educational institution depends on the teaching staff, because the future of our children is in our hands.
In my opinion, a modern preschool teacher is a broad-minded person who has the necessary competencies in the field of pedagogy, psychology, methodology, computer technology, is well versed in the problems of raising and educating children, is able to show initiative, independence in constantly changing pedagogical situations and creativity in the organization educational process.
The world in which modern humanity lives can no longer exist without computer technology and digital technologies. Therefore, modern education cannot exist without the introduction of informatization in the educational process.
Our present day is a rapidly changing kaleidoscope of events, affairs, meetings, negotiations, discussions, decision-making and other urgent matters. Everything needs to be done. In such an active rhythm and pace, we educators are increasingly using the latest technical miracle assistants that serve us daily.
Today, all of us and our children live in the age of informatization. Therefore, we have new needs and new opportunities for the development and education of preschoolers. The products of scientific and technological progress have become everyday tools in my teaching activities.
“A child is a small researcher,” V.A. Sukhomlinsky believed, therefore, in my opinion, children, almost from a young age, begin to master technical means, since they are of great interest, this is especially noticeable in the process of learning according to special educational and developmental programs . Gradually, preschool children become active users of all means of information and communication technologies.
In our kindergarten, multimedia technologies are widely used, which, in my opinion, have advantages over traditional teaching. Children enjoy watching presentations, films, slides that allow them to broaden their horizons and get an idea of ​​the whole picture of the world.
The child increases motivation and interest in the surrounding life, new, through the use of modern technical multimedia tools.
I include in my work, as a teacher I acquire a lot of new things, improve the level and quality of my skills. Achievements of scientific and technological progress help me in a short time to find the right information, to process it and include it in the educational process.
Dear Colleagues!
We are lucky to live in a fast-paced age, where technological progress dictates new needs: new educational technologies appear and are introduced, based on a combination of advanced scientific ideas and innovative pedagogical practice.
Let's dare, create, strive for perfection, because there is no limit to perfection in the field of informatization!

"To the Beautiful Far Away I begin the journey"

The future... It always attracts people to itself... We constantly want to know what awaits us... We live in hope for the future, unaware that it depends only on us, on our present, what it will be... Remembering the song from children's movie, I want to turn to the future and say: “Beautiful, far away, don’t be cruel to me…. I'm starting the journey." I'm really starting the path of a young educator. What this path will be depends not only on me.

What can I expect in my profession? What will and should be the school of the future? Should it completely move away from the established traditional system, be innovative or compromise? There can be no unambiguous answers to these questions, but one thing I know for sure: without a past, there is no future.

Today we hear a lot of complaints about the school. Parents say that teachers do not teach children well, teachers complain about students and parents, and all together - about the Unified State Examination, educational authorities, new standards and educational programs. But back in the middle of the 20th century, the famous anthropologist Margaret Mead said that “we are now at the point where we must teach our children what no one knew yesterday, and prepare our school for what no one else knew about.” knows." In her opinion, the school should work ahead of schedule, be one step ahead of the whole society. After all, she not only teaches, but also educates the child.

Modern children develop and grow up very early due to the constant development of society, its informatization, and the endless flow of information. They may have extraordinary abilities, which, unfortunately, do not always manifest themselves clearly. Often surprising is the desire of the authors of our textbooks and curricula to “cram” all the latest achievements of science into modern programs. This is unthinkable. It is impossible in principle. Therefore, it is very important to give students a certain level of knowledge. But a level that will help them acquire new knowledge on their own. In any case, during the period of study in the middle and, especially, senior classes.

I am very worried that the tasks of education are almost not solved in the modern school. How, then, are we going to educate the citizens of the Russian Federation, to form patriotic feelings in them? I believe that priority in education should be given to upbringing, it should be organically woven into the overall process of learning and development.

The 20th century destroyed the traditional family, destroyed entire estates in our country - the nobility, the merchants, and even the peasantry. But to save our face, not copying the West, we can only restore and collect bit by bit our Russian traditions. This is what both the family and the school should do. Upbringing is a continuous process, so you can not "blame" the upbringing of your child only on the school. The family must be directly involved in this process. Dear grandparents, dear mothers and fathers, let's start today, now from the basics, from the foundation. Let's read traditional Russian fairy tales and legends to the baby before going to bed. A Russian schoolchild should be familiar with the names of Slavic and Russian epics and historical heroes, and not dream of becoming like Batman or Spider-Man, should know the worldview of his blood ancestors, should comprehend the greatness of his native people, native land, native language, and not clog speech no one understands foreign jargon. Only in the community "school-parents" will we be able to educate a citizen, a patriot of our great country.

Speaking about the school of the future, one cannot but touch upon the personality of the teacher. It is he who is the central figure realizing the tasks set for the school. How do I see a teacher? What do I want to be myself? First of all, erudite in various fields. A teacher who is limited only by his subject will not be interesting to his students. He must be able to conduct a dialogue with students, and with modern children it is not so easy. At the same time, the teacher must be infinitely in love with his subject and infect his pupils with this love. Then the students will wait for his lessons, strive to be worthy of their teacher.

By successfully combining individual and collective work, using non-traditional forms of work, for example, theatrical performances, intellectual games, creative projects, discussions, Internet olympiads, disputes, teachers can develop children. It can be achieved that children will absorb much more information, learn to work with it, learn to apply their abilities, as well as knowledge and skills for the benefit of society.

But the teacher in the school should not be isolated. He must necessarily act with his colleagues. There are many ways to interact. First of all, between objects. This interaction will show the student the unity of the surrounding world. On the other hand, the exchange of information between teachers with such interaction may reduce the workload of the student.

Interaction outside of school hours is priceless. Excursions and hikes of schoolchildren with teachers are remembered for a lifetime.

Children is our future. Trite, but true. And there is no future without a past. Therefore, I would like to see the school of the future based on the school of the past, where they LEARN TO LEARN AND WHERE THEY WANT TO LEARN.

Returning to the image of the school of the future, I want to say that modern equipment should not be its main indicator. It should be only a necessary condition for its existence. The atmosphere of youth, love, creativity, the value of knowledge and culture - this is the habitat in which one would like to be. If society needs talented, intelligent, professional young people - yesterday's school graduates - then the school must become modern. And this applies not only to providing the school with the necessary equipment, but also to providing it with talented, intelligent, professional specialists. After all, they are the ones who develop both the school and the child at school.


"My vision of the strategic future of the education system"

The education system will always evolve. This development is based on experience. Many processes began individually, and now en masse. Now schools have begun to seriously structurally change. The school tries to instill a desire to help the student grow up useful for society, for the country and for himself, finally.

Looking into the future of the education system, it should be noted that it is closely connected with the present. Of course, it depends on modern technologies and teachers. Based on this, we can conclude that every teacher must be purposeful and a person adapted to innovative technologies.

The future of 2020 and today are only 3 years away. I would like to believe that these will be individuals who are able to explain the essence and causes of the phenomena of reality, applying the necessary scientific knowledge, able to navigate the problems of an intercultural nature, successfully implement various social roles, and also able to solve the problem of choosing a future profession. They really will become like this, because the modern school and teachers in particular strive to teach them to be independent, educated, responsible people, constantly pushing their boundaries, expanding their capabilities.

I believe that in the near future, the priority will be not just a person with knowledge in various fields, but one who can improve and develop himself, comprehending something new.

Returning to the image of the school of the future, I want to say that modern equipment should not be its main indicator. It should be only a necessary condition for its existence. And in general, the whole school should be modern. And this concerns not only providing the school with the necessary multimedia equipment, but also the availability of professional and knowledgeable teachers. After all, it is teachers who develop not only the student, but the entire school as a whole.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Mini-project "My vision of the school of the future"

The problem of the formation of an all-Russian identity as a strategic goal of historical education according to the new Federal State Educational Standards.

The article was prepared for the VII annual regional scientific-practical conference "Secondary and higher schools in the process of transition to new educational standards: topical issues of learning...

Details Author: Kapustina Natalya Viktorovna

Pedagogical activity is the most eternal and imperishable sphere of human activity, it performs the most important creative social function: in the process of it, not only a specific personality is formed and developed, but also the future of the country is determined, its cultural and production potential is ensured. An outstanding teacher of our time Sh.A. Amonashvili called "the basis of the tragedy of education" that the teacher lives in the present, but builds the future. What should be the future of education?
Today, education is seen as the realization of an inalienable human right. Man is not by nature what he should be, he needs education. Literally, the word "education" means formation, but not any formation, but associated with the assimilation of the values ​​of science and practice. Education is often understood narrowly, outside of culture and morality, as merely the acquisition of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities. In this case, education is associated with culture and practice. Education is cultural and moral education. In the modern disciplinary organization of education, more attention is connected with the assimilation of universal knowledge, purified from the aesthetic and moral. And now we understand that there is a need for cultural education. Personality should be formed not as a subject of exclusively science, but as a subject of culture.
Today, natural science education is opposed to humanitarian education, and humanitarian education is opposed to natural science education. It should be added here that education is understood outside of upbringing. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are constant appeals to the humanitarization of education. Einstein's call to make the pursuit of morality the main task of education remains a call. And this, in my opinion, we have to solve in the future. For true education (scientific + moral) will not hide from the future, it seeks to ensure it. The task of education is not to get an erudite person, he must also be cultural, moral and active.
Speaking about the future of education, one cannot remain silent about the priority of knowledge integration. Knowledge as a philosophical category is one, but over time, in an attempt to understand the internal processes of an integral system of the world, a person divided the system into some of its components. And as a result, today we clearly state that each individual subject for students (there are more than 22 in the school) lives as a separate principality according to its own laws, not interacting with its neighbors. Often, even within a subject, topics fit in the minds of students as a set of independent, unrelated facts. And the student moves from one office to another, not noticing that in each of them he receives grains of knowledge about the same, single, whole - about the world around him. As a result of this, we, teachers-practitioners, observe in students a low level of formation of communication skills, comparison, comparison, finding common features between various phenomena and concepts.
M.N. Berulova rightly notes that "the subject structure of the curriculum is fraught with the danger that the whole will be obscured by its separate parts, that the forest will not be visible because of the trees." It follows from this that it is necessary to reconsider our views on the process of education and build theories, taking into account the problem of integration.
How is a person seen as the end result of pedagogical integration? This is an integrative-holistic person capable of:
- connect the experience of the past with the present;
- to identify the causal relationship of the phenomena observed by him;
- to activity in all kinds of activity;
- to cooperation;
- embrace in your mind all aspects of human existence.
This is a multidimensional person - capable of solving problems; A productive person is a person who is able to apply his forces, realizing the possibilities inherent in him.
Thus, we approached another problem that pedagogy is designed to solve - the formation of students' competencies.
Modern society needs people who are ready to work when needed, show high adaptability, and are ready for new tasks and innovations. It follows from this: it is necessary to equip young people with practical skills
(the ability to plan, the ability to learn on one's own initiative, self-confidence, self-control, independent thinking, originality, etc.). And this is possible provided:
firstly, reconsideration of views on the capabilities of each child, because all students can become competent by making their choice in the widest range of knowledge;
secondly, reformulation of the goals of education; the task of personality development through the individualization of education comes to the fore;
thirdly, changes in teaching methods, which should help identify and form the competencies of students, depending on their personal inclinations and interests.
Therefore, it is necessary to change the ideology of the education system, which should be aimed at the formation of individual competencies, that is, the need to implement a subjective approach to learning, in which each child is endowed with an unconditional right to actively choose and independently design his school life.
Thus, future education should be aimed at the formation of a multidimensional personality that combines the scientific and moral, realizes the capabilities inherent in it, has a set of competencies that allows it to feel confident in society, coordinates its actions, and is able to find solutions in various difficult situations.

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