How to treat psoriasis on the pubic area. Psoriasis on the genital organs in women. Psoriasis on the labia

Genital psoriasis is one of the types of the classic form of psoriasis, which can occur in both women and men. Characteristic psoriatic rashes can affect not only the genitals, but also nearby areas (buttocks, anal area, abdomen, groin area, etc.).

The disease causes suffering to the patient, however, due to the specific location of the symptoms, many patients are embarrassed to go to a medical institution for help, as a result of which treatment begins in the later stages of development, when psoriasis has already become severe.

Sometimes psoriasis on the genitals can occur atypically, not accompanied by characteristic symptoms, which is most often found in patients who are overweight. This course greatly complicates the timely diagnosis of psoriasis.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Some people mistakenly consider a rash in the perineal area to be infectious, suggesting that it can be sexually transmitted. This opinion is fundamentally incorrect, since the nature of the disease excludes direct infection through sexual contact. Psoriasis in the genital area is not transmitted this way.

The main reason for the development of negative symptoms is the genetic factor, when psoriasis is transmitted from parents to children. Moreover, if one of the parents is sick, then the probability of transmitting psoriasis to the child is 50%, and if both parents have psoriasis, the probability of transmission is 99%.

In addition, a common cause that leads to psoriatic symptoms in the genital area is a malfunction of the immune system, stressful and emotional situations, poor diet and disruption of the daily routine.

Development of the disease among women

Among the fair sex, psoriasis on the labia and vulva is observed very often. Primary signs of the disease appear during hormonal age-related changes in the body.

An important factor in the occurrence of psoriasis is hormonal changes in the body, especially in pregnant women and during menopause. At this time, many women often confuse similar symptoms with genitourinary diseases that are sexually transmitted and begin to be treated on their own. Delaying contact with a medical institution leads to the fact that the patient’s condition sharply worsens and in the future it is no longer enough to simply correct psoriatic manifestations, but more serious medical intervention is required.

In women, typical locations for psoriatic rashes are the intergluteal region, armpits, chest and pubic area, vaginal mucous membranes, labia minora and labia majora (pictured). In addition, a psoriatic rash is noted in the groin, where pinkish papules appear, covered with silvery-whitish scales. The symptoms of the disease are very similar to vulvitis, so you should definitely seek advice from a medical institution.

Development of the disease among men

In men, psoriatic manifestations include a rash on the glans penis, pubis and groin. Psoriasis on the penis is characterized by hyperemic spots with clear boundaries, slightly rising above the surface of the skin. The surface of psoriatic spots is covered with white scales. Extremely rarely, psoriasis in the penis area can manifest itself on the inner surfaces of the foreskin, resembling the development of subacute balanoposthitis.

However, it should be remembered that psoriasis on the penis is almost always accompanied by other manifestations characteristic of all forms of psoriasis. Therefore, psoriatic manifestations in men can be observed not only on the head of the penis (pictured), but also on the surrounding tissues.

Stages of the disease

Psoriasis of this form occurs in several stages:

  • Exacerbation stage - characterized by the appearance of new plaques on organs. In addition, the spread of psoriatic plaques over a large area is quite often observed;
  • Stabilization - at this stage the inflamed area does not change, and the symptoms of pathological changes remain;
  • Stage of remission (regression) - at this stage there is a decrease in psoriatic symptoms and a decrease in the size of psoriatic plaques.

It is important to consider that exacerbation of any form of psoriasis is characterized by seasonality (spring and autumn).

Atypical development of symptoms

With the development of an atypical form of psoriatic manifestations, brightly shiny red spots with clearly defined boundaries may appear in the area of ​​natural skin folds. As a result of increased humidity in the folds of these spots, white scales, characteristic of the typical development of the disease, are not observed.

Such symptoms are possible in both women and men. As a result of systematic friction, the skin is subject to irritation, severe burning and unbearable itching occurs. In addition, psoriatic spots often crack, abrasions and ulcerative growths appear on them. In especially severe cases, secondary bacterial infection is observed.

As a result, the atypical development of symptoms is difficult to diagnose. A number of laboratory tests are recommended, including histological examination of tissue from the affected area.


It should be noted that diagnostic methods are the same for men and women.

They provide:

  • visual inspection of affected skin areas;

  • collection of material for laboratory diagnostics;
  • conducting a detailed blood examination.

In addition, a smear is often taken to identify a sexually transmitted infection, which is transmitted directly through sexual contact.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of this form of psoriasis is performed primarily with non-hormonal external medications. It is recommended to use Salicylic ointment, Zinocap, Salicylic-zinc ointment and ointment with vitamin D. In addition, treatment is carried out with ointments based on tar. Due to their good anti-inflammatory effect, they fight psoriatic manifestations quite effectively.

It is important to consider that it is not psoriasis that is transmitted, but concomitant diseases of infectious or other origin, which are very often confused with psoriasis. Due to an incorrect assessment of the disease, serious consequences associated with lost time are possible. These data were obtained after numerous studies, including by foreign experts.

If external therapy is ineffective, treatment of psoriatic symptoms in the reproductive system with systemic drugs is recommended. For negative symptoms, creams and ointments with the addition of corticosteroids and antibiotics can be prescribed (with the exception of tetracycline drugs, which are contraindicated in the development of psoriatic manifestations). In case of bacterial processes, antimycotic agents are recommended (Vasilon cream 0.1%).

Treatment of atypical forms is complicated by constant trauma to the skin areas near the folds. With this development of the disease, external medications are prescribed with the addition of antimycotic components and steroids (Beloderm, Elokom, Afloderm, etc.). The most powerful drug in this group is Dermovate.

Preparations for internal use. Systemic therapy, in addition to external steroid drugs, involves the use of immunosuppressants and retinoids. The mechanism of action of retinoids is determined by the normalization of the processes of keratinization of the skin on the genital organs and inhibition of proliferation.

  • Cyclosporine and Methotrexate can be prescribed for a short time, and in case of severe symptoms, it is recommended to take monoclonal antibodies (Infliximab, etc.);
  • if the patient has a psycho-emotional state disorder, it is recommended to take antidepressants (Pyrazidol, Amitriptyline, Imizin, etc.). Drugs in this group help normalize the nervous system, improve sleep, relieve anxiety and depression;

  • good results are shown by using folk recipes with decoctions of medicinal herbs, taking water procedures with the addition of sea salt, using compresses with tincture of golden mustache, bay leaves, celandine herb, etc. in the treatment of psoriasis on the genitals.

The need for therapeutic measures is determined by the severity of the disease, its form, the general condition of the patient and the presence of chronic processes in the body. All treatment procedures are aimed at eliminating acute symptoms and preventing future relapses.

As a rule, the prognosis for effective reduction of psoriatic symptoms after adequate therapy is favorable. Therapeutic measures contribute to obtaining long-term and stable remission. This condition can last from 2-3 months to 2-3 years, but without the necessary treatment, psoriasis slowly but steadily progresses.

Genital psoriasis is a skin disease that causes significant psychological and physical discomfort. In men, the problem mainly manifests itself in the penis area, and in women - in the labia area. Psoriatic rashes located in the folds and on the mucous membranes of the intimate area are very difficult to treat. Diagnosing the pathology is also difficult because many of the symptoms are similar to those of other skin diseases.

Why does genital psoriasis occur?

All the reasons for the development of psoriasis on the genital organs have not yet been precisely established. Doctors note that if a person has already been diagnosed with psoriasis on the body, and no treatment has been carried out, then there is a high probability that the disease will manifest itself on the genitals, which will cause the patient a lot of inconvenience.

The most common causes of lesions in the genital area are the following:

  1. Psychosomatic. Experienced stress, emotional instability, and nervous stress are often the trigger that causes damage to the genital organs.
  2. Genetic predisposition. Diagnosed skin problems in immediate family members increase the risk of the disease.
  3. Autoimmune pathologies and weakened immunity.
  4. Various liver diseases, extra pounds and diabetes.
  5. Disturbances in the activity of internal organs located in the pelvis.

Often, rashes on the genitals appear as a result of hormonal fluctuations, especially in women. Hormonal imbalance occurs during puberty in teenage girls, during pregnancy or with the onset of menopause.

Stages of the disease and their symptoms in women and men

Plaques, itching and discomfort become the cause of many problems in the intimate sphere, as well as the appearance of psychological complexes in a person. The groin area is very sensitive to any skin irritation. In the genital area there is always a slightly increased temperature and particular humidity. These factors significantly aggravate the negative situation during the development of the disease.

Genital psoriasis always occurs cyclically and is characterized by the following stages:

  • Stage 1. Progression of pathology - existing plaques increase in size, the volume of new rashes also increases.
  • Stage 2. The stationary period is characterized by a stable course - the area of ​​the affected skin does not increase.
  • Stage 3. Period of regression. There are fewer keratinized areas, the rashes change color, and the boundaries of the plaques are erased.

With proper treatment of genital lesions, having gone through all stages of development, the disease may not bother the patient for a long time. Psoriasis on the genitals, which appeared in childhood and was treated, often disappears by the time the patient grows up.

With inverse psoriasis (an atypical form of the disease), papules or plaques form on the pubis, in the anatomical folds or on the labia, the color of which can vary from pinkish to red. Soon white scales appear on the plaques (except for the atypical form of the disease). Depending on the stage of the disease, characteristic rashes may be found near the woman’s anus.

Rashes on the genitals in men usually begin on the head of the penis, gradually affecting the surface of the foreskin and the groin area. Spots with clear boundaries often sprinkle the pubis. Genital psoriasis is a fairly serious problem for a man, which cannot be delayed. The spread of red spots in the groin brings a lot of problems - they cause pain, itching, and sometimes bleeding. Psoriasis on the genitals should be treated by a dermatologist. In addition, concomitant problems in a man’s intimate sphere may cause a visit to a urologist.

Atypical symptoms

The atypical development of rashes in the genital area is characterized by a clear demarcation of smooth, pronounced red spots located in the anatomical folds of the skin. They do not have the usual scales. The symptoms of atypical psoriasis are painful and severe due to the characteristics of the localization of plaques. Their appearance in the groin is provoked not only by internal, but also by external factors, for example, friction of the skin on clothing, increased sweating.

An atypical course of the disease in the folds of the intimate area occurs in 5% of people suffering from the usual one. This type is most often found in overweight people who have deep folds of skin. Insufficient hygiene of the intimate area with a tendency to psoriasis is one of the provoking factors for the manifestation of an atypical form.

What is the danger of psoriasis on the genitals and is this disease contagious?

Genital psoriasis is not transmitted by contact and is not a contagious disease. The main danger of psoriasis is that it easily spreads to the anal area, which can lead to hemorrhoids and painful lesions near the anus. These associated difficulties complicate the effective treatment of genital psoriasis.

Diagnostic methods are complicated by the fact that patients do not seek help from a medical institution in a timely manner. If signs of psoriasis or other skin problems appear, you should immediately visit a specialist. Diagnosing the disease generally does not cause difficulties for an experienced dermatologist, since the plaques are localized only in the groin, genitals or skin folds, without affecting other areas of the body.

Treatment options

Treatment of the disease is individual and requires a comprehensive solution.

The difficulty of treating psoriasis on the genitals lies in the fact that many medications for this disease are ineffective in the intimate area or cause various complications.

A mild degree can be localized using ointments and creams with corticosteroids, using traditional medicine recipes, and taking vitamin complexes. The acute stage of the disease should be under regular supervision of a doctor, who can adjust the treatment regimen, add or exclude certain drugs. The list of therapeutic measures for the acute stage includes taking systemic oral medications, physiotherapy, sun, salt or herbal baths.

Drug therapy

The course of treatment for genital psoriasis involves the use of the following medications:

  1. For topical use, the use of ointments and creams based on corticosteroids and containing antibiotics is recommended. Drugs at the local level improve metabolism and reduce active cell division at the site of the lesion.
  2. Preparations with vitamin D, which prevents the occurrence of joint psoriasis.
  3. Immunosuppressants, immunomodulators, retinoids.
  4. External ointments with tar, eliminating inflammation and itching of the skin. Tar also effectively heals the skin in the groin area.
  5. To prevent bacterial and fungal infections in the genital area, your doctor may recommend antiseptics.

It is strictly forbidden to use remedies for psoriasis in the genital area on your own. Many patients, embarrassed to contact a specialist, try to treat the disease with completely inappropriate medications, which often leads to a worsening of the situation.

Traditional methods

In the arsenal of traditional medicine there are such means of treating genital psoriasis as salt baths, a compress made from tincture of bay leaves, string and celandine, and dandelion pulp. Golden mustache juice also helps treat psoriasis. These recipes are antibacterial and itching soothing in nature.

Traditional medicine cannot be used as the only method of treatment. Home methods can only be an addition to the main therapy.

Nutrition rules

Treatment for psoriasis necessarily includes diet. Doctors advise adding foods to your daily diet that regulate the acid-base balance in the body. It is necessary to avoid coffee drinks, alcohol, sweet and spicy foods that cause irritation to the genitals. You should eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, rich in vitamins and microelements.

Additional measures

Wearing underwear made from natural fabrics that does not press or rub the genital area, walking in the fresh air, regular light sports and good sleep will reduce the frequency of psoriasis relapses and make it easier to endure acute processes.

Do not shave the intimate area - additional trauma to the pubic skin can increase irritation.

Sexual intercourse is not prohibited if a patient with psoriasis does not suffer from pain during sex.

The chronic autoimmune disease psoriasis (lichen planus in common parlance) develops in different parts of the body, and the genitals are no exception. Appearing on the penis or female vulva, the pathology causes pain and discomfort during sex, and also deprives a person of self-confidence.

The problem is aggravated by the fact that a patient with signs of psoriasis on the genitals is embarrassed to go to the doctor. As a result, time is lost and the disease progresses. It is difficult to cure it at an advanced stage.

Dermatologists have seen foci of scaly lichen in the genital area in both men and women. Sometimes there are atypical cases when psoriasis on the genitals occurs with nonspecific symptoms. Typically, this lichen is diagnosed in patients who are overweight.

Symptoms in men

Young men and representatives of the older age group (25–50 years) can detect psoriasis on the penis. Psoriatic rashes in the form of red spots are observed on the penis, pubic area and in the groin area. The plaques have clear boundaries and protrude slightly above the skin. In rare cases, a rash forms on the inner surface of the foreskin.

Men are bothered by itching of the scrotum and pubic area. The formation of plaques on the head of the phallus causes pain and creates a swelling effect in the affected areas. Lichen lesions in the groin area become hot, the plaques gradually become overgrown with whitish scales.

In some cases, psoriasis spreads from the male genitals to the scalp, armpits, or parotid area (the rash can be found behind the ears).

Symptoms in women

Psoriasis in women who are faced with the problem of rashes on the genitals is a common occurrence these days. Any hormonal fluctuation can undermine the immune system and create preconditions for the development of the disease. Changes in hormonal levels occur in girls during adolescence; in adult women, the imbalance is explained by pregnancy and menopause. Some women, due to the unusual location of psoriasis, mistake it for a gynecological disease.

So that readers can avoid misunderstandings about their own health, let us consider how typical psoriasis manifests itself on the labia. The elements look like rounded pinkish papules covered with white scales. The process of their formation in most cases is not accompanied by itching. Plaques also appear on the pubis and perineum.

There is probably no person who does not know about the existence of such a disease as psoriasis. After all, this is a fairly common disease that brings a lot of discomfort and restrictions in lifestyle. Most often, insidious rashes affect a person’s knees, elbows, arms and back. But did you know that psoriasis can affect the genitals? Of course, such a disease is extremely rare, but that doesn’t make it any less frightening. Dryness, peeling, painful rashes in intimate places bring a huge amount of not only physical, but also emotional discomfort.

Usually people seek help already in the advanced stages of the disease. But in this case, treatment is always very difficult and long. So don't ignore warning signs.

Features of the course

It's no secret that the reproductive organs of women and men are structured very differently, which is why the symptoms of psoriasis differ in different sexes. True, the pathology also has common signs:

  • presence of plaques;
  • skin redness;
  • nodules that cause pain;
  • severe irritation.

Clinical picture of the disease in women

Among the fair sex, psoriasis in the genital organs is quite common. This disease is especially common among women whose bodies undergo hormonal changes. And this can happen at different periods of life, for example during pregnancy, breastfeeding, puberty or menopause.

Genital psoriasis in women usually affects the vaginal mucosa, the space between the buttocks, the pubis, and the labia majora and minora. It may also affect the groin area, forming small pink papules that gradually become covered with white scales.

Many women confuse the symptoms of psoriasis with manifestations of sexually transmitted pathologies. Although in its course it is more reminiscent of vulvitis.

Psoriasis of the genital organs in women can suddenly appear during pregnancy and menopause. During this period, it is very difficult to understand that this particular disease is developing, because at the same time a large number of other symptoms appear.

It is noteworthy that psoriasis on the genitals is always accompanied by rashes on other parts of the body. The disease is characterized by pronounced clinical manifestations. So, in inflamed areas there are always white scales, replacing pink rashes.

Symptoms in men

Can there be psoriasis on the penis? You may be surprised, but this really happens, and not so rarely.

In men, psoriasis can affect the head of the penis, groin area and pubis. The main sign of pathology is bright pink or red spots with clear boundaries. The surface of such rashes is always covered with white scales, which indicate peeling of the skin.

Much less commonly, the rash spreads to the inside of the foreskin of the penis. In such cases, psoriasis resembles balanoposthitis, which is well known to many men.

In addition, the rash may also appear in the groin area, since the disease destroys the surface layer of the epithelium. Originating on the head of the penis, the disease quickly spreads to the rest of the skin in the genital area.

Psoriasis in men most often occurs between the ages of 25 and 50, and much less often it develops later. Sometimes the rash on the reproductive organs is combined with damage to the scalp, skin under the armpits and near the ears.

In men, the pathology is almost always accompanied by severe itching in the scrotum and pubic area. Rashes on the head of the penis lead to swelling and pain. In addition, psoriasis on the genitals in men makes the penis hot.

It is noteworthy that this form of the disease does not belong to the group of contagious diseases and is not sexually transmitted.

Reasons for the development of pathology

Psoriasis on the genitals occurs for the same reasons as the general disease. Here are the main ones:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • emotional overstrain, severe stress;
  • disruption of the immune system;
  • pathologies of the pelvic organs;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • all kinds of diseases of the reproductive system.

The risk of developing psoriasis on the genitals increases significantly if a person already has similar rashes on other parts of the body. If the patient does not treat the disease, then sooner or later it will begin to progress and gradually spread throughout the skin.

Signs of atopic disease

Atopic psoriasis is characterized by the appearance of pathological spots of bright scarlet color, which have clear outlines and a smooth surface. Keep in mind: with this pathology, the characteristic white scales may be absent from the rash.

With atopic psoriasis, in addition to the genitals, other areas of the body are affected: breasts, folds between the buttocks, armpits. At the same time, the patient feels burning, itching and irritation of the skin. Cracks and ulcers may appear in parallel.

This disease can spread throughout the body, so histological examination may be required to make an accurate diagnosis.

Stages of occurrence

The appearance and development of psoriasis on the genital organs always goes through several main stages. Each of them is characterized by a specific clinical picture:

  • Period of exacerbation. During this phase, a large number of new papules and plaques appear on the penis or vagina, which quickly spread throughout the skin and mucous membrane, occupying an increasingly larger area.
  • Stabilization period. At this stage, the appearance of the rash remains unchanged, the same applies to the symptoms characteristic of all types of psoriasis.
  • Remission period. At this stage, the intensity of the rash decreases, and the papules themselves decrease in size. Keep in mind that even an ordinary scratch can disrupt remission. That is why during this period it is so important to protect the reproductive organs from various damages.

Determining the phase of the disease is very important for choosing the optimal treatment tactics.


How to identify the disease? The main method of diagnosis is visual inspection of the affected areas. For an in-depth examination, additional methods can be used - biochemical and general blood tests. This is necessary to confirm or exclude rheumatoid factor.

Keep in mind that this disease cannot go away on its own, so complex therapy cannot be avoided. If you refuse treatment, the rash will increase and spread throughout the body, bringing more and more discomfort.

Features of therapy

Therapy for this form of the disease is practically no different from the treatment of rashes on other parts of the body. The approach must be comprehensive and constantly monitored by a dermatologist. Treatment for genital psoriasis can last from 6 weeks to a year. The treatment tactics depend entirely on the type of disease, its severity, the area of ​​affected skin and the characteristics of the symptoms. All medications and procedures are selected on an individual basis.

Mild forms of genital psoriasis can be treated with special creams and ointments. But severe types of disease require the use of systemic medications and physiotherapeutic procedures.

How to treat psoriasis on the genitals

Therapy for the early stage of the disease involves the external use of topical gels, creams and ointments. Such products effectively fight rashes and help cleanse the skin of pathological plaques and flaking. If the patient is diagnosed with a pathology during an exacerbation, oral systemic drugs, special ointments and a variety of physiotherapeutic procedures are used.

How to treat psoriasis on the penis and vagina? The therapeutic complex practiced by doctors today is used for all types of the disease, including the treatment of genital psoriasis.

Among other things, additional means can be used to relieve symptoms, improve overall well-being and speed up recovery:

If local therapy is ineffective, tablets are added to the course of treatment. But at the same time, you cannot stop treating the genitals with the prescribed means. Even if you are suffering from severe itching, you should not scratch the affected areas. Otherwise, open wounds will appear, which will contribute to secondary infection.

The following can be used as symptomatic therapy:

  • “Fenkarol”, “Suprastin” - for insomnia, the course of treatment is 7-10 days.
  • “Festal”, “Creon” - for disturbances in the digestive tract.
  • “Ketorop”, “Nurofen” - for severe pain syndrome.

What else is needed for a full recovery? Doctors give some advice:

  • Patients diagnosed with genital psoriasis should refrain from drinking alcohol and smoking.
  • It is advisable to wear loose underwear without synthetics.
  • You need to rest and walk as much as possible, and lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • If intimacy is not painful, then it is not prohibited. But you will have to refuse shaving near the genitals, since it contributes to the appearance of microtraumas.
  • A diet for psoriasis may include fruits, vegetables, various cereals and legumes. It is worth giving up coffee, herbs, hot spices, fried and fatty foods.

This treatment tactic allows you to reduce relapses of the disease, cleanse the skin and mucous membranes, alleviate symptoms and return the person to a normal emotional state. Regular visits to the doctor and examinations make it possible to observe the dynamics of therapy. But it is worth saying that approximately 80% of the success of treatment depends only on the efforts made by the patient himself.

Psoriasis on the genitals occurs for a variety of reasons. The development of the disease is facilitated by factors such as chronic diseases of the pelvic organs, liver pathologies, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases.

The main causes of genital psoriasis in the stronger sex are hypothermia and injury. In women, the disease often develops during pregnancy. Genital psoriasis is not one of the diseases that is transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse.

With psoriasis of the genital organs in women, the labia and pubis are usually affected. Small papules and convex pink plaques with clear outlines form on the body. If a secondary infection occurs, unfavorable symptoms such as weakness and fever may occur.

In men, papules are concentrated mainly on the head of the penis and foreskin. With genital psoriasis in men, the following symptoms often occur:

  1. Bleeding of psoriatic plaques.

Symptoms of the disease usually intensify when the papules spread to the foreskin. This may cause pain and severe burning.

You can learn about the features of genital psoriasis from the corresponding video:

General principles of psoriasis treatment

The specific treatment regimen for the disease is determined depending on the individual characteristics of the patient. Complex therapy of the disease involves:

  • The use of special creams and ointments;
  • Internal administration of various medications;
  • Diet;
  • Application of physiotherapeutic techniques;
  • Taking vitamin-mineral complexes.

If the disease is severe, injections are indicated. If problems arise in the intimate sphere or irritability, the patient requires consultation with specialized specialists (neurologist, sex therapist).

Use of medications

For psoriasis of the genital organs, products intended for external use are actively used:

  1. Salicylic ointment;
  2. Ointment containing vitamin D.

In the treatment of genital psoriasis, ointments made on the basis of corticosteroids or antibiotics are also used. When a bacterial infection occurs, the use of antimycotic agents is indicated.

There are also effective internal medications used for genital psoriasis:

  • "Methotrexate";
  • Cyclosporine."

In some situations, medications belonging to the group of antidepressants are used:

  1. "Pyrazidol";
  2. "Amitriptyline."

Antidepressants improve the condition of the nervous system and normalize sleep. Such drugs help get rid of irritability, which often occurs with psoriasis.

Attendance at physiotherapy treatments

Physiotherapy prevents the occurrence of complications of psoriasis and reduces the severity of the main symptoms of the disease. Appropriate procedures help normalize disrupted metabolic processes.

If you have psoriasis in the genital area, the following are effective:

  • Selective phototherapy;
  • Cryotherapy;
  • Conducting ultraviolet irradiation sessions.

In the complex treatment of genital psoriasis, effective folk methods are used:

If you have genital psoriasis in men, you can use a decoction made from bay leaves. To do this, add 10 laurel leaves to 200 ml of water. The drink is prepared over low heat for 15 minutes. After this, the broth should be cooled. Cotton swabs are moistened in it and applied to the affected areas of the male genital organ.

Diet for genital psoriasis

Proper nutrition for genital psoriasis helps enhance the effect of medications. The patient is recommended to give preference to the following foods:

  • Dishes enriched with cereals;
  • Vegetables;
  • Fresh fruit;
  • Fermented milk drinks.

If a patient has genital psoriasis, it is recommended to cook food in a double boiler or bake food in the oven. The following foods should be excluded from the daily menu:

  1. Eggs;
  2. Alcohol;
  3. Chocolate products;
  4. Sweet sparkling water;
  5. Butter pastries;
  6. Dishes containing citrus fruits.

In the absence of proper treatment, genital psoriasis spreads to other organs. The disease can cause complications such as arthritis, psoriatic erythroderma, and muscle dystrophy.

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