Sosedov, Sergei Vasilievich World of Remarkable People: Sergey Sosedov Sergey neighbors personal life and orientation

The famous music critic believes that the fashion for female rudeness and bravado in show business is passing

We leafed through the music calendar here. And here's what they found: The 30th anniversary this year will be celebrated by several women's ensembles at once - "Combination", "Hummingbird", "Fairy" and "Stars". A similar anniversary of the hit of the 80s "Music connected us", performed by the legendary band "Mirage". "VIA Gra" in September will celebrate "coming of age" - 18 years old girls are already shaking their charms on stageAgree ladies' show business has its own flavor, its own unique specifics. We decided to talk about women's groups with the famous journalist, authoritative music critic Sergei Sosedov. Which in this topic is like a fish in water.

- Women's groups began to appear en masse in the late 80s, in the era of perestroika. Why didn't they exist in the USSR?

It was believed that this excites base instincts. And it is supposedly important for a Soviet person to listen to poetry, music, and not to admire the bodies. No one tried to organize a women's ensemble - it was secretly forbidden. The emphasis was on the ideological component: songs about pure love, native land, the romance of Soviet construction projects. And in perestroika everything became possible. The dominance of rock began. Moviegoers saw "little Vera" jumping on a man. Naturally, women's groups appeared - girls in leggings and short skirts.

Let's take "Combination" founded by a former opera Alexander Shishinin from Saratov. In 1993, he was killed by sharpening in his own entrance. But that's another story. Initially, in "Combinations" they sang Alena Apina and Tatyana Ivanova. Their image was limited girls who came to conquer Moscow. The theme was in the air, but not reflected in the work. In stagnant times, provincials were invited to work in factories and plants - the inhabitants of the capital did not want to, it was not prestigious. Shishinin, a typical perestroika person - an inventor and creative - understood that it was time to come up with something radically new for the stage. Hired a composer Vitaly Okorokova with a conservatory education. Incidentally, he even Tikhon Khrennikov trained! And together they came up with these broken sexy girls in simple outfits. With their appearance, they seemed to declare: “Do not look that we are limiters. We will give you, Muscovites!”

- Did anyone seriously think about vocals?

- Despite the colossal success, the age of "Combination" and all other women's groups turned out to be short-lived.

Undoubtedly. This is an age point. If the girls worked until old age, it would be necessary to switch to a different repertoire. Here, as with dramatic actresses. A lady of respectable years cannot continue to play Juliet.

These singers became hostages of their image. Apina started her solo career in 1991 when Alexander Iratov offered her a hand and a heart. And she alone sang songs of the same direction. Remember her album "Limit"? Or the track “He drove away on the night train”? Now she rarely performs, but this trail still stretches for Alena. What is left for her to do? Former soloists of "Mirage" and "Combination" sing to remind fans of the period of their youth, how they lit up. It is impossible to scold performers for such.

Gulkina continues to successfully tour with old hits, and prefers to appear in public with Pavel Lagunov, who is 21 years younger than her.

Sadomaso is not our topic

- Why do you think the singers, leaving for solo swimming, are not successful?

Here I disagree with you. We still remember the name Natalia Gulkina. In "Mirage" and "Combination" great importance was attached to the personalities of the vocalists. Their images were new. In Mirage, by the way, the producer Andrey Lityagin made a fantastic sound - airy, crystal, expensive. That's why they performed to the phonogram - it was impossible to reproduce such a sound live. And Rita Sukhankin y, whose voice the soloists of the group sang, we learned only in the late 90s. Ashamed because of this Tanya Ovsienko, and she decided to pursue a solo career to prove that she was also talented. She was also a costume designer at Mirage at first. And when Lityagin saw that she was artistic, he took Tanya to the main team. So, solo Ovsienko has reached considerable heights. She had perfect control over her small voice. And her repertoire was well chosen. BUT Ira Saltykova? She was very penetrating and did not depend on anyone. She had her own business. She earned money and invested in clips, recording songs.

- You are talking about perestroika projects. "VIA Gra”, “Brilliant”, “Factory” - the soloists of these groups did not show themselves in any way. Is that Zhanna Friske.

This is a different stage, the 90s. The ensembles were purely production brainchildren. And the success of the team depended solely on the efforts of the producers. People who lead some movements in show business realized that the main thing is to create a project and promote it well. The soloists were chosen according to type: one blonde, the second brunette, the third red-haired or very curly. And each of them could be easily replaced with a girl with the same appearance. The audience, in fact, did not know the names of these vocalists. Men sat in a pub and discussed: “Which one do you like better? I'm red-haired."

- And everyone said: “Meladze and VIA Gra”, VIA Gra and Meladze ...

Yes Yes. They never said "Lityagin and Mirage". He hid all the time. What the hell is Lityagin?! He steered the process in the shadows. And in the 90s, a rigid system of relations was established between the producer and the artists: regimen, diet, contracts. If the producers didn’t like something or the vocalist decided to give birth, she was removed.

- It is a well-known fact that mostly women go to concerts. Who then came to listen to girl bands?

Mirage and Combination had girls as their main audience. Although the guys danced to their hits. They had their main success on the periphery. Collected stadiums. But who went to the same "VIA Gru" or "Propaganda" - I have no idea. However, at that time, the institution of sponsorship and the oligarchs appeared, who also wanted to have fun. Corporate practice. When parties were thrown in rich houses or clubs. They were generously paid to participate. Hence the main income of these groups. The rich liked to shine in the company of long-legged beauties that are shown on TV.

- Has Tatu become a new stage of development?

The period of the 2000s made it clear that it was not interesting to release just pretty young ladies on stage. Something spicy was needed. Before Tatu, they made an attempt to shock the audience with the Vice Police - shaven-headed girls in latex. They had a hint of lesbianism and sadomaso. But I don't remember the songs. Tatu is an artificially made project. Their success in Europe is incomprehensible to me. The songs are generally good, but not hits at all. Musically boring. Therefore, they did not last long. At Eurovision 2003, the girls sang disgustingly, out of tune. The third place was given to them in advance, because they were known abroad. Since huge funds have been invested in "tatushki". Including Channel One. Then they themselves fell upon Europe. Like, they didn’t understand, they didn’t appreciate it. If not for good advertising, Tatu would have been far in the second ten. Where now Lena Katina and Julia Volkova...

Zhukov foreva!

Sometimes one gets the feeling that the producers organize women's teams to arrange their personal lives. Let's say Brezhnev and Meladze, Sergei Milnichenko and Natasha Shchelkova ("Ranetki").

Tsars, general secretaries and presidents had favorites. Office romances are normal. I remember the Uzbek singer Natalya Nurmukhamedova, who once admitted that she had so many husbands - in how many teams she performed. And in the USSR, sexual relations arose during the tour. But I don’t remember examples when a producer specifically created a women’s group for his mistress or wife. Perhaps they were, but they went unnoticed. Another story when Alexey Makarevich founded the Lyceum trio for his stepdaughter Nastya. He understood that she would never shoot alone. By the way, now this trend is visible to the naked eye. From the latter - the group "Cosmos Girls", where, as it were, they sang Eva Leps and Sasha Giner (18-year-old granddaughter of a businessman and owner of CSKA Evgeniya Giner . - Note. ed.). In fact, the third participant pulls for both of them, almost a "girl from the street" - Eden Golan from school Igor Krutoy.

- To my mind,now the only group that has popularity,- This "SEREBRO.

- "SEREBRO" seems artificial to me. The fashion for such female rudeness, bravado is passing. Max Fadeev wrote professional songs, wanted the band to sound powerful. At first, things went well, but the audience quickly cooled down to them. The success of any creativity is recognition. If Baba Manya from the city of Mukhoslavsk, long-legged manicurist Lenka and Gena from a car service heard something from their lives in the song, something very personal, saw some features similar to themselves in a TV star, then they will love the artist with all their hearts and his "masterpiece". A prime example of this is Serezha Zhukov and his timeless hits. And who recognizes himself in the participants of the "Silver"? Like healthy girls, but like - no. Glamorous and unglamorous at the same time. Their image is blurred and incomprehensible to the people. What message do they want to convey with their songs? I'm not talking about their clips - it's complete darkness! I think Fadeev himself does not know the answer.

- Why are new women's bands not created?

The field of women's groups has been plowed, the topic has been exhausted. Few adults who listened to girl bands in the 1980s and 2000s are interested in them now. And young people do not need it at all. Rap is trending. There has never been such a vibrant hip-hop in Russia as it is now: Oksimiron, Basta, Purulent etc. In addition, the Internet has ruined a lot. Everyone expresses themselves, sings, writes music and puts it on the Web. Soon, "assembling the stadium" will sound as surreal as "call home."

The music critic revealed the secret of Alla Pugacheva's hormonal support.

Veteran of the program "Sharks of the Pen", superhero of the star show "You are a superstar!" the well-known music critic Sergei SOSEDOV has always been an extremely private person. So when he invited our reporter to his house to talk about music, he didn't hesitate for a second. In life, one of the most competent specialists in the field of show business turned out to be as frank as the audience used to see him in various television projects.

- Serezha, what is the secret of your success?

I always speak openly, moderately harshly, regardless of faces. I can't lie and be hypocritical. But I feel the threshold of what is permitted acutely. I never stoop to insults and dirty fights.

But the truth is, not everyone likes it.

Our society, alas, is immoral. On Channel One, I'm generally persona non grata. They can't forgive how live I said everything I think about the third place "t.A.T.u." at Eurovision: “Yes, this is not a shame, but a colossal advance payment to these girls. They sang horribly."

And he explained why. Thus, he broke the entire design of Malakhov's transmission. After all, the channel has invested a lot of money in the promotion of the group in the West.

Behind the scenes at Superstar

Do you remember how Lolita during the filming of "Superstar ..." put a bridle on me, did artificial respiration? Neighbors continues. - She is generally a great inventor, a brilliant improviser, a very courageous woman. “Serge, without you, I have nothing to do here! Of all the members of the jury, I can easily communicate only with you, ”she admitted.

The emphasis in the program was on me - it was so planned according to the script. Although some characters like Guzman behaved very obscenely. A small, dirty person, jealous of someone else's success. He kept pulling the blanket over himself. And, as it turned out, he doesn't know our songs very well. He doesn't understand music at all. Therefore, I judged in the kitchen. In impotent rage, he threw out the words: “A man with such a goat, - this is about me, - teaches artists how to sing!” Here is the level of his controversy. I could, of course, answer: “But you yourself, fat goose, can you play at least one note?” But sink to that level? I pretended not to notice the rudeness. And Guzman was strangled by a toad. After all, it was not he, but Sosedov, who turned out to be the star of Superstar ...

- Seryozha, have you ever thought, maybe people like Guzman are repelled by your mannerisms, the timbre of your voice?

But this is my nature. There is no pretense here.

At Superstar... someone asked the question, "Do you have a girlfriend?" You answered: "There is no girl, but there is a boy."

What to hide - for me, and so everything is visible.

- And women do not “warm” you at all?

Well, why not. They were in my life too. There is a special breed of women who are passionate about reorienting gays. “How is it, why is he with the men? they think. “Does the weaker sex really hate it?” A woman turns on, begins to undress, show her charms, twist her ass - to convince me that her intimate places are better than those of men. It's fun!

Tales about women

- It turns out that you know firsthand about the blue mafia in show business?

There are gays in any professional environment. It's just that those who are on the screen can be seen by their behavior, mannerisms, voice. I don't believe in blue mafia. Why are gays so actively involved in art, show business?

Yes, because they are refined, tender, passionate natures. By the way, there are not so many gays on the stage, but they are very worthy artists: Borya Moiseev, Lazarev, Leontiev, Kirkorov, Baskov, ... Maybe I forgot someone? Of course, no one held a candle over them, but, as they say, you can’t hide an awl in a bag ...

Gay singers are shy to come out. They invent all sorts of fables about their novels with women. You know, it's because of the fear of losing the attention of most of the fans. Regular complex. Can you imagine, they, so beautiful, dressed up, successful, rich, have complexes! Although in fact there is nothing but subjective perception in this ill-fated topic. As the singer once said: “We also found a problem! I have half a team of these!” Now even schoolgirls understand what “color” their idol is. And I only at the age of 18 first learned what a condom is. For some reason I thought they were pills. Those were the times...

- Who do you consider the stars of women?

I really like Zemfira. It's a pity she doesn't perform much... Obviously, she doesn't understand the scale of her talent. Although many reproach her for imitating Aguzarova. But this is hardly the case. The nature of their voices is just very close.

Maksim is sweet. Though not without ability. She certainly has a melodic gift. It is called the "handkerchief for teenagers" who are unlucky in love.

Valeria is very good, professional. But I think she lacks self-irony. It would be nice to add one-time cheerful "Panties" to the "Watch" and "Keys" for the trilogy.

I do not understand the success of Zhanna Friske, Anna Semenovich. Everything is empty, primitively voiceless, artificial. Except, sorry, boobs, there's nothing there. But they are on the stage, and on the ice, and under the dome of the circus ... Probably, someone strongly lobbies them.

Here Alla Pugacheva does not need to skate on ice or hang out under the dome of the circus. She soared there, and without any insurance, when all these "singing cowards" were not in sight. And now it's hovering over everyone! But she has already done everything in her work. Although…

- What do you think about her relationship with Galkin?

Her patronage of Maxim, a good, talented artist, but, to put it mildly, not Arkady Raikin or even Khazanov, is, of course, personal in nature. This is a kind of game with the public. Of course, he is in his own way “the jester at the queen’s throne,” which she once sang about in Arlekino. And the jester is rich. What is important for Pugacheva: she always loved money. But there is also a sexual and medical aspect: it is no secret that the sperm of young men has a good effect on the hormonal background of older women. And there is nothing terribly scandalous in this, believe me, no.

October 5, 2017

The bright personality of modern show business, an unsurpassed speaker, the most extravagant music critic is Sergey Sosedov. His biography is very rich and extraordinary. At one time, he appeared in the project "X-factor", "Superstar" and "Sharks of the pen".

He is the most outrageous showman, unpredictable, unique and a little strange. He has a very peculiar demeanor. In one interview, he admitted: "I have always been a black sheep, a man not of this world. I was created that way. I was born that way."

Childhood and youth

Music critic Sergei Sosedov was born in Moscow. The future star was born on May 23, 1968. His father was an employee of the metropolitan metro, and his mother was an engineer by education, his brother works in a hardware store. Along with a comprehensive school, he also attended a music school, where he learned to play the piano.

Serezha studied well. At parent meetings, mother and father felt only pride in their son. But relations with classmates did not develop. Sergei noticed that they openly mocked him, because he was not like everyone else.

In one interview, Sosedov told how teachers at school set him up as an example. A talented boy was allowed a lot, because he worked hard. Sometimes he took an extra day for rest, because there was no strength from the crazy amount of tasks. Coming to class, Sosedov was always prepared. He was interested in acquiring new knowledge.

After graduation, he immediately began to earn extra money as a courier in a newspaper. Young Seryozha wrote excellent essays, which determined his future path and led him to journalism. It was in the "Beep" that he got his first experience.

The dream of becoming an announcer and the first success in the newspaper

But Sergei Sosedov dreamed of becoming an announcer. He still enthusiastically talks about Soviet television, admires the "cleanliness" of the material that was broadcast. But it was not meant to be. His personality is too flamboyant for a news anchor who has to keep a low profile. After the narration did not work out, the novice journalist goes to work as a courier for the newspaper.

Later, the future music critic Sergei Sosedov begins attending classes on the history of the musical genre. Thanks to these two interests, he publishes an interview with Edita Piekha in a newspaper. The singer, after reading it, expressed her delight in the form of personal gratitude.

Start of journalism

Sergei Vasilyevich became a professional journalist after graduating from Moscow University. During his studies, he trained in the "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", which gave knowledge about the intricacies of this craft. The result was not long in coming, in 1996 he received a red diploma.

Sergey Vasilyevich Sosedov managed to work in many Russian publications: "Relax", "AiF", "Seven Days", "Artist" and others. He mainly wrote articles on medicine, aviation, travel, show business, but considered music criticism to be the most important.

Sosedov in Ukraine

In 2010, music critic Sergei Sosedov sits in the jury chair of the Ukrainian vocal show. His extraordinary personality immediately attracted the attention of many viewers. The public fell in love with the judge, because the suspended tongue and endless competence in the musical field cannot but fascinate. "X-factor" and Sergey Sosedov have become synonymous for the Ukrainian audience.

The phenomenon of his nature is that positive comments are taken seriously and become an elixir for the participants, while negative ones do not hurt. How does he do it? Probably because he looks at everything through the prism of art.

Subtle nature

Despite his popularity, he is friends with everyone who is friends with him. One of his girlfriends is a concierge who works in one of the Kyiv houses where Sosedov lived for some time. He even had a ritual: wherever he went, he went to Galina Ivanovna to report back. A simple woman was flattered by such an attitude of a star person. But she also did not remain in debt, sometimes spoiled him with pies and other goodies. This man became the second family of Sergei Sosedov.

He says that one day Galina Ivanovna calls him and asks: "How are you fed on the set? It seems to me that you are malnourished. Maybe I will come to you and cook for two days? How is your apartment? Is it clean?" Such words moved Sergei to tears.

After all, a well-known journalist admitted that his own mother is the only person who is waiting for him. Sergei's father died a few years ago. Dad was very proud of his son's achievements and supported him in all endeavors. His departure was a great loss, because his mother and brother are reserved about the success of a music critic.

The origins of the loneliness of a talented journalist

Sergei understood that he was not interested in peers. While they were walking, he preferred books. To perceive the guy as he is, only the family could. Sergey Sosedov was sacred to his parents, he was a home boy, from the fifth grade he practically did not walk on the street. Apparently he found a huge exciting world within himself, and the life around him ceased to interest him.

Then the talented young man did not think that he was putting his own happiness at stake. Personal life did not work out either. Sergei Sosedov admits that loneliness is a difficult condition, but he is used to it.

Unfortunately, popularity, recognition and even the love of fans cannot help in this quivering issue. With his brother Vladimir, they were also not close. Even as adults, relatives do not often communicate. Mom is surprised how different her children are. The elder has always been the soul of the court, he loved to play football. Once Vladimir forced Sergei to play hockey. After 10 minutes, he broke his lip, and this was the end of the sports activities of the younger Sosedov.

The main topic for discussion by journalists and the public, of course, is personal life. Sergei Sosedov is used to the fact that all his actions and inactions can be interpreted by others in their own way. Many try to attribute to him novels with every man who was cast an enthusiastic look at an extraordinary showman. The journalist himself reduces all the guesswork to nothing.

He did not hide his sympathy for the X-factor participants Vladimir Tkachenko and Roman Veremeychik, because there is nothing to be ashamed of. He was credited with novels with some representatives of show business, to which he replied: "I have many friends of men and boys. Yes, why not ?!" However, the well-known journalist does not deny that he does not see himself married to a woman, because this is routine, and he is a bird of free flight, a loner.

His admiration for Roman Veremeychik at one time made the country sit a little open-mouthed. He expressed a lot of wonderful words about this participant, openly admitted that he was breathing unevenly towards him. Everyone had the idea that Roma is his boyfriend. Sergei Sosedov himself provoked these rumors, because he is not ashamed of his homosexuality, unlike Roma, who was clearly shocked by this situation.

Sergey Sosedov in 2017

Now the music critic Sergei Sosedov appears as an expert in the television programs "Live", "The Stars Came Together" and "Meeting Place".

Unfortunately, the showman does not blog, he does not have accounts on social networks, so you can only learn about news from the life of a star from an interview.

One thing is clear that the personality of Sergei Vasilyevich Sosedov cannot leave anyone indifferent. They either hate him fiercely, or love him to the point of insanity and are ready to give him everything.

He does not seek luxury. Sergei admits that he would like to buy a music center, but the area of ​​\u200b\u200bhousing does not allow it. His apartment in Moscow is very small. The journalist had to hand over the archive of newspapers with personal publications to waste paper.

He laughs at questions about his image. After all, he did not perfect any nuances, all this is given by nature, he was born that way. Sosedov Sergey Vasilievich paid much attention to his journalistic style, and the unique timbre of his voice and modulation only complemented this image and became a hallmark.

Many people admire Sergei Sosedov. The biography of this person cannot leave you indifferent, it is non-trivial. But there are viewers who do not take it seriously. This is due to the excessive femininity, manner of speaking and extravagance of the famous showman. He is not shy about the extraordinary and considers it his highlight. They make fun of him, but in their hearts they agree with every word.

Sergei Sosedov (born 1968) is a well-known Ukrainian and Russian journalist, music critic, and radio host. Despite a wide variety of professional interests, she considers the musical theme to be her priority. A participant in several popular television projects - "Sharks of the Pen", "Superstar", "X-factor".

Early biography

Sergey Sosedov was born on May 23, 1968 in Moscow. His father served most of his life in the internal affairs bodies, working in the security structure of the capital's metro, his mother was a technical engineer by profession. In childhood, the future music critic received a musical education, graduating from the School of Arts in the piano class.

In 1985, Sergei graduated from high school and almost immediately got a job as a courier for the railroad newspaper Gudok. Even in his school years, he had great success in writing literary essays, which was one of the main reasons for choosing this occupation. It was here that he would get his first experience as a journalist.

In parallel with this, a young man who is fond of music attends classes where they taught the history of the musical genre. The combination of these interests allowed Sosedov to make a successful interview with Edita Piekha, which was published on the pages of the newspaper in May 1989. After the publication of the material, the singer sent a personal thanks to the novice journalist.

Journalist career

Serey received his professional journalistic education within the walls of Moscow University, which he graduated with honors in 1996. Studying in senior years, he undergoes an internship at Rossiyskaya Gazeta, which gave a lot in terms of understanding the intricacies of the profession.

The first years after receiving a diploma, Sosedov works in the weekly Sreda, where he writes his column. He then works as a music columnist for the League of Nations newspaper. Also on his track record is cooperation with such popular publications as Vechernyaya Moskva, Hit Parade, TV Park, Arguments and Facts, Version, Selskaya Nov and many others. In addition, the journalist was the author of numerous comments and stories on radio "Mayak", "Youth", "Echo of Moscow". At the radio station "Moscow speaking" he hosted the popular program "Star Company".

To a wide audience, Sosedov was well remembered for the popular in the late 90s. the musical talk show "Sharks of the Pen", which aired on the TV-6 channel, which had died in Bose. A little later, he was invited to a similar project, Politper Sharks, where Sergey also did not get lost. This was followed by participation in other television projects. In 1999, he acted as an expert in the religious program "Canon" (TV-6), and three years later he was a screenwriter and host of a musical talk show on the DTV channel "Pod press". In 2007, he participated in the work of the jury of the Superstar (NTV) competition, which made him very popular.

In 2010, Sosedov accepted an invitation to work on the Ukrainian STB television channel as a member of the jury of the popular singing project X-Factor. Since then, he has been a permanent participant in the program, becoming its original symbol. Talking about himself as a judge, Sergey calls justice and honesty his main features. “I always try to protect a person, to find the best features in him,” the journalist says.

In 2007, Sosedov began active cooperation with the portal. In addition, he is preparing a video resume for the Internet portal of the FBI-Music channel. In 2015, unexpectedly for many, Sergey starred in the video of the Ukrainian musical group "Ray Band", where he appeared in the form of a security guard.

Personal life

Sergey Sosedov never really hid his non-traditional sexual orientation, therefore, in relations with him, women can only count on devoted friendship. He admits that already in childhood he realized that he was not like everyone else, and fell in love only with boys. But it was quite normal to communicate with the opposite sex. Sergei calls himself a peaceful person, so he did not meet much aggression and hostility towards himself. In addition to journalism, Sosedov loves to dance and cook according to recipes from Soviet magazines.

“I have good plasticity and a great sense of rhythm”- the journalist shared his secrets.

Sergei has a particularly warm relationship with his mother, with whom he still lives. She has long resigned herself to the fact that her son will not give her grandchildren. Despite the fact that Sergey has not been a boy for a long time, she tries to control her son in many ways and worries about his creative activity. Neighbors twice uncle. He has nephews, the sons of his brother Vladimir.

Sergey Sosedov has his own original manner of communication, so it is not possible to confuse him with someone else. In response to numerous questions about the image, the journalist repeatedly stated that he behaves naturally and never invented his intonation, gestures and hairstyles.

Sergei Sosedov is a well-known Russian journalist and music critic, a member of the Moscow Union of Journalists. Judge of the show X-factor on the Ukrainian channel STB. Persona non grata on Russian Channel One.

The focus of his journalistic materials is the most diverse: art, show business, medicine, aviation, travel, education, crime and gossip. However, he considers music criticism to be the main thing in his work.

AT 1985 year graduated from secondary school, and in 1983 -m - seven-year children's music school (piano class).

For the love of art 1984 on 1993 gg. listened to lectures on the theory and history of music at the Music College. October Revolution and the Conservatory.

AT 1988 In 1992 he also attended director's courses at the Moscow Regional Institute of Culture.

Even at school, Sergei Sosedov discovered in himself a critical mindset, a quick ability to reveal the essence of the subject and give clear characteristics to the heroes of literary works and their actions.

After school, he worked as a courier for the editorial office of the central railway newspaper Gudok, where he began his journalistic practice.

The first material by Sergei Sosedov appeared in Gudok on May 14 1989 of the year. It was an interview with singer Edita Piekha.

AT 1994 -1996 He worked as a freelance correspondent for the Rossiyskiye Vesti newspaper.

AT 1996 Graduated with honors from the newspaper and magazine department of the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.

From January 1997 to July 1998 For a year he worked as a press manager of the operation department of the concert hall (now "Academic") of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

From December 1998 to April 2000 year was a correspondent for the weekly Sreda of ZAO Concern Vechernyaya Moskva.

From May 2000 to May 2001 of the year - an expert in the newspaper department and a music columnist for the newspaper "League of Nations".

From June 2001 of the year Sergey Sosedov - music editor-reviewer of the ANO "Rock Derzhava" (PR-assistance in the promotion of young talented rock performers).

From september 2002 to May 2004 of the year - columnist for the monthly music magazine Hit Parade.

Sergey Sosedov became famous after filming in the Sharks of the Pen rating program, which aired on the Russian TV-6 channel in 1995 -1998 gg.

AT 1997 year on TV-6 appeared no less scandalous project "Sharks ...", but already a "politper" in which he takes part.

Later, as a guest expert journalist, Sergei Sosedov regularly participated in the religious television program Canon on TV-6.

September - November 2002 year on the DTV channel, he was the author of the script and the host of several issues of the weekly talk show "Under the Press" (analogue of "Sharks Pera").

A new round of popularity for Sergei Sosedov was brought by membership in the jury of the Superstar television contest on the NTV channel in October-December 2007 year, as well as in October-December 2008 of the year.

Over the past few years, Sergey Sosedov has been actively collaborating with the Internet portal and making a video summary for (the portal of the FBI Music company).

He sometimes performs on popular TV and radio programs on various channels and bands, and also hosts entertainment parties in clubs as a showman.

Thanks to his participation in the show, Sergei Sosedov has long earned himself the fame of a daring but fair judge. He was remembered by the audience for his refined and well-aimed statements about musical performers.

From september 2010 Sergey Sosedov is one of the four judges of the X-factor singing show on the Ukrainian STB TV channel.

He considers impartiality and justice to be his main feature. “I always try to protect a person, to find the best features in him. My task is not to humiliate a person with criticism, but to help him. Criticism is needed to help the artist find himself, ”Sergey Sosedov is sure.

“I always speak openly, moderately harshly, regardless of faces. I can't lie and be hypocritical. But I feel the threshold of what is permitted acutely. I never stoop to insults and dirty fights, ”says the critic.

In the people around him, he appreciates sincerity, frankness, the ability to support, help, understand another person.

“I value culture and upbringing. I appreciate humor and self-irony. If a person knows how to play a trick on himself, then he has become a person.”

On the Russian First Channel, Sergey Sosedov was tacitly banned because of the sharp criticism of the group in the place "t.A.T.u."

“They can’t forgive how live I said everything I think about the third place“ t.A.T.u. ” at Eurovision: “Yes, this is not a shame, but a colossal advance payment to these girls. They sang horribly."

And he explained why. Thus, he broke the entire design of Malakhov's transmission. After all, the channel has invested a lot of money in the promotion of the group in the West, ”the journalist admitted in one of the few interviews.

Little is known about the personal life of Sergei Sosedov. He has always been an extremely private person.

The only thing that Sergei Sosedov does not hide is his non-traditional orientation. The music critic openly admits that he is gay.

In the show "Superstare ..." someone asked him a question: "Do you have a girlfriend?" Sergei Sosedov answered briefly: "There is no girl, but there is a young man."

“What to hide - for me everything is already visible,” the journalist adds. - In my life there were also them (women - ed.). There is a special breed of women who passionately want to reorient gays,” admits Sergey Sosedov.

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