What to do when thrush appears in girls. Treatment of thrush in adolescence in girls Symptoms of the disease and its diagnosis

Every woman encounters this disease at least once in her life. It is not sexually transmitted, but most often affects the genitals. Thrush is a disease that causes symptoms such as:

  • itching and burning;
  • white “curdy” discharge;
  • swelling and redness of the mucous membrane.

All this is caused by the fungus Candida albicans. This fungus lives on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes and is in full health. Upon microscopic examination of smears, Candida albicans can be found in the mucous membranes of the intestines, mouth, vagina and skin.

It is part of that beneficial microflora that protects the body from foreign bacteria and ensures the functioning of the main organs and systems of the body.

As soon as conditions change, the quantitative composition of these important microorganisms also changes. And from useful they turn into harmful microbes that cause discomfort.

  • Disorders associated with the immune system (various chronic diseases - chronic gastroenteritis, chronic pyelonephritis; chronic infections - HIV, chlamydia, trichomonas, syphilis, etc.).
  • Disturbances in the hormonal system (thyroid disease, diabetes, long-term use of oral contraceptives, pregnancy, etc.).
  • Violation of personal hygiene rules (improper washing, wearing synthetic pads or tight synthetic underwear).
  • Incorrect use of antibiotics.
  • Allergic reactions.

Candidiasis can affect both men and women of all ages.

The situation with thrush is aggravated if it occurs at an age when immunity is just developing or during necessary hormonal changes. As a rule, children under 7-10 years of age are strictly monitored by their mother.

But during puberty, a girl-girl is left to her own devices. And here it is important to teach her the correct attitude towards her new body: new elements of hygiene, the correct selection of clothes, proper nutrition, which will provide the maximum amount of necessary microelements and vitamins to maintain immunity.

It is also worth paying attention to some conditions, the likelihood of which is high. Thrush is one of these conditions. Many mothers believe that as long as there is no sexual activity, the sexual health of children is not in danger. This is a fundamentally wrong belief.

Firstly, sexual transmission of thrush is not so common. Secondly, candidiasis affects organs with disturbed microflora, and it is very sensitive to all changes in hormonal terms and, even more so, changeable, relative to the low immune status.


The fact is that thrush in adolescents is a fairly common disease. And that's the reason some factors:

It is important to treat thrush at the first symptoms. The danger of untreated candidiasis is its spread to other organs, which can lead to chronic diseases and even infertility. Therefore, it is important to communicate with your child more often and take an interest in his problems.

Symptoms of candidiasis in girls similar to thrush in women:

  • itching of the genitals;
  • burning and pain in the urethra, when the fungus spreads to surrounding tissues;
  • swelling and hyperemia of the mucous membranes;
  • copious discharge with a “curdled” consistency;
  • whitish coating on the genitals.

This disease differs in the localization of its spread; in teenage girls, the disease has the character of vulvovaginitis, the process is localized mainly in the area of ​​the vulva and the entrance to the vagina.

Along with mycotic vulvovaginitis, girls often experience diseases such as:

  • oral thrush (or stomatitis);
  • albicanthic tonsillitis;
  • intestinal candidiasis.

With a chronic course, the affected areas become smaller and the redness is less pronounced. But the labia majora and minora may become wrinkled and brownish. When menstruation occurs, a girl may feel an exacerbation a week before the start.

Diagnosis of thrush in adolescence does not differ from that of adulthood. Swabs are taken for microflora and examined for excessive fungal growth.

Thrush today does not cause horror either among doctors or patients, as it is treated quite easily and quickly. The main thing is to follow all the doctor’s recommendations and not finish treatment earlier than prescribed.

In a short period of time, treatment will be effective, but not long-lasting. In the treatment of thrush, it is important to pay attention to diseases that could provoke increased spread of the fungus.

Exist certain treatment approaches:

  • local therapy;
  • systemic treatment;
  • immunomodulatory correction;
  • restoration of microflora.

Local therapy

Local therapy includes treatment with drugs based on components such as:

  1. Nystatin.
  2. Natamycin.
  3. Isoconazole

Such drugs can be used topically in the form of ointments and creams. This treatment does not cause side effects.

Here it is necessary to use baths for cleansing, preferably with herbal decoctions, for example, chamomile solution. So, if possible, the girl should sit in a bowl of broth 3 times a day for 5 minutes.

Systemic treatment

If there are partial relapses of the disease or a focus of candidiasis not only in the vagina, antifungal drugs are prescribed oral medications:

  • Diflucan;
  • Rumicosis;
  • Nizoral.

Immunomodulatory correction

Immunomodulatory correction is necessary, since the main cause of thrush is decreased immunity. Such remedies include: Polyoxidonium and Genferon, Viferon rectally or folk remedies (ginger, honey, etc.).

To do this, it is necessary to first cure the inflammatory process and then carefully prescribe probiotics internally and lactobacilli locally, if possible. There are many varieties of probiotics: Rio-flora balance, Linex, etc. Among the drugs that restore microflora locally are Femilex, Vaginorm-S.

Also, during therapy it is worth paying attention to nutrition, since everything we eat, one way or another, affects the health of the body, including immunity. During treatment for thrush, you should adhere to a strict diet with the exception of sweets (sweets, buns, bread), spicy, salty and fried foods.

Disease prevention

  • Treat all chronic diseases of the child as much as possible.
  • Teach personal hygiene from childhood (individual towel, soap for intimate hygiene).
  • Tell the young girl about the possibility of developing certain diseases, so that she can ask you for advice without hesitation.
  • It is worth minimizing the wearing of synthetic pads and tight underwear.
  • Take additional measures to protect microflora when taking antibiotics.
  • On days when thrush may begin (before menstruation, in the middle of the cycle or after sexual intercourse), you should follow a diet excluding canned food, sweets, fatty, salty, smoked foods.

At the first appearance, you should immediately contact a gynecologist, who, after confirming the diagnosis, will select treatment for you. Because untreated thrush can become chronic.

Fungal inflammation in the vagina is common in adult women, and everyone has been exposed to this scourge at least once in their life. It is generally accepted that candidiasis occurs only in adults, but thrush can also occur in girls at any age. It is necessary to understand what can cause the disease and how to prevent its development in childhood.

Why does candidiasis develop in girls?

Fungi of the genus Candida are present in any organism and do not manifest themselves in any way until certain circumstances arise that cause their rapid reproduction. Therefore, we can say that the microorganisms themselves are not the cause of thrush, but the triggering factors are those circumstances that affect the body, especially the immune system.

In 90% of cases, thrush in girls under one year of age develops after infection during childbirth, when untreated inflammation causes fungi to penetrate from the mother’s birth canal to the baby’s mucous membranes. If the cause is infection during childbirth or pregnancy, then not only the girl’s genitals are affected, but also the mucous membrane of the mouth, and in severe cases, internal organs are affected.

From the first days of a girl’s life, genital hygiene should be carefully carried out without the use of aggressive detergents. Improper washing from the anus to the vagina leads to the entry of fungi into the genital tract, and hygiene products disrupt the natural microflora and dry out the mucous membrane.

Fungal infection also occurs through personal items: clothes, washcloths, towels. A teenage girl may develop thrush when trying on clothes from her friends. Therefore, it is important to explain to a child from an early age that using other people’s things is unhygienic.

Thrush in a 14-year-old teenager most often develops against the background of hormonal changes and accelerated growth. Hormonal fluctuations negatively affect the vaginal microflora - acidity increases, which has a beneficial effect on the proliferation of fungi.

In younger girls, thrush is less common - before the onset of the first menstruation, the hormonal levels do not change, and there is no need to use pads, which can provoke candidiasis.

But still, the main factor provoking thrush is considered to be a decrease in immunity. This occurs under the influence of the following circumstances:

  1. Viral and bacterial infections.
  2. Presence of foci of inflammation.
  3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  4. Allergic reactions.
  5. Taking antibiotics.
  6. Iron deficiency.
  7. Hypovitaminosis.
  8. Climate change.

In addition to these reasons, the occurrence of thrush can be triggered by the following factors:

  • Diabetes.
  • Lack of hygiene.
  • Wearing synthetic underwear.
  • Nervous overload, stressful situations.
  • Change of hygiene products.
  • Using low-quality or scented pads.
  • Excessive consumption of sweets and spicy foods.
  • Refusal of fermented milk products.

Thrush can occur in both girls and adults after visiting a pool or swimming in a pond. The microflora in the intestines and, accordingly, in the vagina is affected by excessive consumption of sweet and spicy foods, as well as refusal of fermented milk products rich in beneficial bacteria.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Initially, thrush in girls affects the vestibule of the vagina and the vulva, so they are diagnosed with vulvovaginal candidiasis. Initially, with inflammation, which is especially disturbing while walking and before bed. Over time, the itching increases, and the following symptoms begin to appear:

  1. The external genitalia swells and turns red.
  2. The mucous membrane swells.
  3. They appear, sometimes with a yellow-green tint, which may indicate a bacterial infection.
  4. If the urethra is affected, there is pain and burning when urinating.
  5. With severe inflammation, the affected areas of the mucous membrane may bleed.
  6. There is an unpleasant odor.

If a girl has already started menstruation, then the presence of these signs is usually observed a week before her critical days. After the end of menstruation, symptoms increase and cause more and more inconvenience to the teenager. Severe itching interferes with sleep, the girl becomes irritable and cannot concentrate her attention on the interlocutor. This is especially troubling for schoolgirls who have to sit at a desk for half the day.

It’s good if a teenage girl has a trusting relationship with her mother or older sister. She may complain of discomfort and receive timely treatment. But, unfortunately, many girls are embarrassed, try to self-medicate and turn to a specialist when thrush affects the entire vagina.

If thrush in a girl is not treated correctly, in some cases it becomes chronic. In this case, the signs of candidiasis may appear less pronounced, but cause more trouble. With the constant development of candidiasis, the external genitalia take on a dark red color and become wrinkled, and the fungi can affect other organs.

If a girl complains of itching and vaginal discharge, she should definitely be taken to a doctor, who during the examination will take a smear for microflora from the vagina.

For diagnosis, the following examinations are carried out:

  1. Examination under a microscope.
  2. Blood test for PCR.
  3. Culture for sensitivity to drugs.
  4. Immunological studies.

These methods make it possible to accurately identify pathogens, their numbers and the most suitable means for suppressing microorganisms. Once the results are received, age-appropriate treatment will be prescribed.


When a teenage girl is diagnosed with thrush, her mother should take her to the doctor, and not buy the medications she uses herself. Only a doctor will be able to choose the right treatment, with the help of which the symptoms of candidiasis will disappear within a few days.

Treatment of thrush in girls 12 years of age and younger is carried out using local antifungal drugs:

  1. Treat the vestibule of the vagina and external genitalia with soda solution, Pyoctanin, and boric acid solution.
  2. At night, gauze tampons soaked in sodium tetraborate are inserted.
  3. Lubricate the affected areas with Clotrimazole, Levorin, Decamine ointment.
  4. Make baths with a decoction of sage and chamomile.
  5. They take bifidobacteria: Linex, Normobact.

At an older age, if a teenager is already leading an intimate life, it is possible to use other means:

  • Terzhinan.
  • Polygynax.
  • Nystatin.
  • Klion-D.
  • Livarol.

In severe cases of the disease, oral antimycotic drugs are prescribed: , Clotrimazole, . The most important thing during treatment is to follow the doctor’s recommendations and, after the course, get tested to make sure that the thrush has gone away.


If treatment is not started in a timely manner, even a seemingly harmless disease can lead to unpleasant consequences. First of all, the girl’s reproductive system suffers. The most common is the formation of erosion on the cervix and vaginal mucosa. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort to cure not only thrush, but also erosion.

The spread of the fungus threatens the formation of adhesions on the fallopian tubes - this complication can cause further problems with conception and lead to infertility.

Since the vagina is located directly next to the urethra, there is a high risk of developing diseases of the urinary system. When the fungus penetrates the bladder, it becomes inflamed - cystitis. If therapeutic measures are not started during this period, the microorganisms spread further and cause pyelonephritis. with immunodeficiency and simultaneous kidney damage by a fungus, glomerulonephritis occurs, which will not be easy to get rid of. The consequences of kidney inflammation are kidney failure, which can affect health throughout life.

Thus, from a slight inflammation of the vagina, complications arise in other organs, so treatment of thrush in a teenager should begin when the first symptoms appear.


It is easier to prevent any disease than to treat it later, and infantile thrush is no exception. To prevent the development of candidiasis in a child, even during pregnancy, the expectant mother must treat all inflammations of the genital organs.

How to avoid thrush in girls:

  1. From an early age, the mother should teach the girl to maintain hygiene.
  2. Wear underwear only made from natural fabrics.
  3. Avoid wearing tight underwear and do not overuse thongs.
  4. Do not take antibiotics without a doctor’s prescription and at the same time take medications with beneficial bacteria.
  5. Avoid early sexual activity.
  6. Do not overcool the body, do not sit in the cold.
  7. Limit consumption of junk food.
  8. Eat well to get enough vitamins.

Having children aged 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 years old in families, not all parents know whether thrush occurs in teenagers, which is why they often take their child to the doctor when the disease has already caused considerable damage to the body and has become chronic. To prevent this from happening, a confidential conversation must take place between adults and their growing children, where mom, and maybe dad, will reveal secrets that relate to diseases of the intimate organs. First on this big list should be thrush in teenagers, because very often it overtakes our children.

Where does thrush come from in teenagers?

Microorganisms that cause diseases usually live somewhere far from us and enter the body only through certain contacts with infected patients. The candida fungus, which causes thrush in adolescence, always lives on the mucous membranes of the stomach and genital organs. It is a necessary part of the microflora and does not cause harm. He fulfills this condition until he notices that the body is weakened and there are fewer lactobacilli. Once the beneficial bacteria no longer control the amount of candida fungus, it becomes unusually active and begins to multiply. It doesn’t matter to him what age the child is, so he can have thrush at 12 years old, 13 years old, 14, 15 or 16 years old.

Most often, with the active growth of candida fungus, urogenital thrush occurs in adolescents, as in the photo, which manifests itself on the genitals. This disease has nothing to do with sexually transmitted diseases, so even those children who are still far from having sexual relations can get it. In girls aged 12 - 16 years, discharge appears in the vagina, on the labia; in boys, a cheesy mass is noticed in the area of ​​the foreskin and glans. Teenagers of 15 and 16 years old are perplexed as to why this harmful fungus multiplies on the genitals, causing such discomfort and inconvenience. It's quite simple, because candida is looking for a warm and humid place to reproduce. So she lives in the intimate area.

Prevention is the best remedy for candidiasis in adolescents 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 years old

No matter how scary thrush may seem in adolescence at 16 or 12 years old, sometimes it can be avoided if you take preventive measures. Let every parent protect their children from the disease by telling them simple rules for preventing candidiasis:

  • Do not be treated with antibiotics without a doctor's prescription
  • Wear comfortable underwear made from natural materials
  • Maintain proper genital hygiene
  • Stop smoking and drinking any alcohol, which weaken the immunity of a boy or girl
  • Balance your diet by consuming more vitamins
  • Avoid early onset of sexual activity

Reviews and comments

I am 14 years old. There is a red spot on the head, and a “curdy mass”. I'm afraid to tell. Can it go away on its own?

Ira- 20 Mar 2018, 15:26

I am 12 years old and have thrush. Strange mucus is released. I'm afraid to tell my parents. What to do? How to treat yourself?

I am 13 years old, in 2 months I will be 14. The labia are red, itchy, and slightly swollen. I’m afraid to tell my mother, I visited a gynecologist once, for me it was hell, so I’m even afraid to go to him, I don’t know what to do.

Many people believe that thrush is a disease only of adult women, those who live an active sexual life. However, in fact, this opinion is erroneous, because candidiasis quite often occurs in girls, especially at the age of 2 - 3 years, and upon reaching puberty. But not all parents know about this, or how exactly this disease manifests itself in girls, and therefore cannot recognize its occurrence.

Causes of thrush in teenage girls

Candida fungi are present in the body of every person, regardless of his age, and under favorable conditions they can begin to multiply, causing candidiasis.

The most common factor leading to the activation and growth of these microorganisms in adolescents is a sharp decrease in the body’s natural resistance and weakening of the immune system, which keeps them under control. Often, a state of hypovitaminosis or immunodeficiency may occur., which also leads to a change in the balance of the vaginal flora.

Most often, thrush in girls occurs in the presence of any diseases:

  • Chronic diseases of the ENT organs.
  • The presence of systemic infections.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Anemia.
  • Pathologies of the endocrine system.
  • Intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Lack of vitamins and macro- and microelements.
  • Agranulocytosis.
  • Neutropenia.

If there are no such diseases, then the most common The causes of thrush in adolescents are the use of certain medications: Corticosteroids, Antibiotics, Contraceptives, Cytostatics.

Some household factors can also lead to the appearance of candidiasis in virgins:

  • Violation or non-compliance with privacy rules, including intimate hygiene.
  • Using Soap and other quite aggressive means for daily washing.
  • Wearing underwear that is too tight or products made from synthetic fabrics.
  • Constant use of panty liners, especially with an unnatural top layer.

Symptoms of candidiasis in girls

In adolescents, thrush is most often expressed in the form localized in the area of ​​the vulva, labia, vestibule of the vagina, as well as on the vaginal mucous membranes.

The general symptoms of thrush in teenagers are almost the same as in adults. These include:

  • The appearance of severe itching, a pronounced burning sensation in the genital area and perineum.
  • Presence of redness in the same area.
  • Swelling and swelling of the mucous membranes.
  • The appearance of unpleasant discharge cheesy structure and whitish coating on the surface of the genitals.
  • Pain when urinating.

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The very first symptom to appear is itching., which girls rarely pay attention to, considering it simply a need to wash themselves again or an allergic reaction to a product used for intimate hygiene.

If the disease reaches an advanced stage, the itching may increase significantly when walking or playing sports, as well as during the hot season. Due to intense itching at night, girls' sleep is disturbed.

During the examination, in most cases, focal lesions are discovered, where the surface of the skin and mucous membranes is covered with a gray-white coating. Such plaque can be easily removed with a medical instrument, but sometimes the very reddened areas exposed underneath may begin to bleed.

When candidiasis in a girl becomes chronic, the symptoms become more smoothed out, but intensify before the start of each menstruation. At the same time, the appearance of the genitals may change, the mucous membranes of which become brown, and the labia wrinkle.


To identify the disease, a whole range of diagnostic measures can be used, in particular:

  • Carrying out an ultrasound.
  • External examination of the genital organs by a gynecologist.
  • Research analysis in the laboratory.

If, during an external examination of a girl, fungal infections of the mucous membranes or skin are detected, a full laboratory examination of smears and blood is carried out.

The results will be of great importance:

  • Blood test for PCR.
  • Microscopic examination.
  • Immunological studies.
  • Sowing on a medium to grow a colony of fungi and determine their type, as well as sensitivity to specific substances.

Drug treatment

For many, candidiasis seems like a very simple disease, but it should be treated correctly by consulting a doctor and following all his recommendations.

It is important to remember that improper treatment can lead to problems in the future, for example, during conception and birth of a child. Therefore, it is important that the treatment is correct and adequate.

It is important to exclude factors that can lead to relapses, normalize nutrition and monitor the state of the immune system.

Treatment with medications may vary. In most cases, it is carried out locally, using ointments, creams and suppositories., which contain clotrimazole, natamycin or levorin.

Using ointments, you can apply applications to the affected areas. The advantage of this treatment is the absence of systemic effect and many side effects, as well as the rapid elimination of the main symptoms.

In case of severe neglect of thrush in a girl, or frequent relapses, the doctor may prescribe systemic drugs against the fungus, in particular:

  • Amphoglucamine, taken by adolescents at 200 thousand units twice a day for 3 to 4 days.
  • Diflucan, the dose of which will be calculated based on the girl’s weight. Per 1 kg of body mass is prescribed from 3 to 8 mg.
  • Nizoral tablets, also based on body weight, ½ or a whole tablet 1 or 2 times a day.

It is necessary to take such drugs in adolescence with caution and only when prescribed by a doctor, since systemic drugs in this category can cause allergic reactions, have a toxic effect on the body and lead to other side effects.

Personal hygiene rules for candidiasis

When thrush appears, it is very important to take greater care of your hygiene, especially in intimate areas.

You need to wash yourself at least 2 times a day, but when thrush appears, the number of procedures increases. Only soft, gentle gel- or cream-like substances that do not contain dyes or fragrances and have a neutral pH level should be used for the procedure. You cannot use regular toilet soap, as well as other products that have an aggressive effect.

You should not constantly use daily bags and wear tight synthetic underwear, as well as thongs. When choosing gaskets, you should give preference to natural materials.

Traditional methods of treatment

In most cases, traditional medicine is used in the treatment of thrush in adolescents as an auxiliary therapy to speed up the process. You can read more about traditional methods of treating thrush.

The most effective traditional medicine for the treatment of candidiasis in teenage girls is:

  • , which should be used to treat the affected genitals several times a day.
  • Chamomile or oak bark decoction, used for daily washing.
  • For oral administration for thrush in a teenage girl, you can prepare a remedy from dried blackcurrant leaves (10 tablespoons per 300 ml of boiling water, leave for about 10 minutes). Chop 10 cloves of garlic and add to the infusion, boil for about 3 minutes and let cool until barely warm. Add fresh juice of one lemon, then strain and take 3-4 times a day, a full tablespoon.
  • Shows excellent results and drinking carrot juice, but here it is important not to exceed the dose. Children from one to 6 years old can be given no more than 2 to 3 tablespoons per day. At the age of over 6 years, the dose is increased to 30 ml per day. Teenagers should not take more than 60 ml, and for adults the maximum dose is 90 to 100 ml per day. If you exceed the dose daily, hypervitaminosis may develop.

Decoctions of many medicinal herbs that have anti-inflammatory and astringent effects can be used for washing the genitals and performing medicinal baths.


If treatment is started in a timely manner, and the prescriptions are made by a qualified doctor, then the disease can be successfully and easily treated without creating complications. But when candidiasis is advanced in girls aged 3-12 years, with incorrect and inadequate treatment, with a severe weakening of the immune system, when no measures are taken to correct this condition, complications may arise in the form of:

  • Generalization of the underlying infection, as well as its spread and removal from the primary sites of damage, the emergence of new foci, including in internal organs.
  • Appearance of adhesions, which can subsequently lead to infertility.
  • Intestinal dysfunction with the transition of the disease to this zone.
  • Development of thromboembolic complications.

Complications usually begin with menstrual irregularities, which is already observed in cases where the therapy was chosen incorrectly or the disease was not completely cured.


Of course, there is a better method of getting rid of candidiasis than treating it. To do this, you just need to follow a few simple measures, in particular:

  • Do not neglect the rules of personal hygiene, do not be lazy to wash your genitals and brush your teeth twice a day.
  • When choosing underwear, give preference to natural fabrics, and not bright and beautiful, but harmful synthetics.
  • Do not take any antibiotics without permission. Only a doctor should prescribe such drugs if there are compelling reasons and symptoms.
  • Normalize your diet, eliminating from the diet all harmful foods that create a favorable environment for the development of fungi, and including in the menu as many foods as possible that provide the body with vitamins.
  • Do not have sexual intercourse at too young an age, since an early start to sexual activity can contribute to the development of not only thrush, but also other diseases.
  • Remember that smoking and drinking alcohol greatly weaken the immune system and the body of a teenager and lead to the development of many ailments.

It is very important to ensure that all traces of detergent are rinsed out of the laundry when washing, since washing powders can cause irritation in the intimate area and provoke the appearance of thrush. It is best to wash your underwear by hand using a safe, mild liquid soap.

Thrush in girls under 10 years of age

Some babies inherit thrush from their sick mother at the time of birth. But it is not at all uncommon for a healthy child to suddenly develop this unpleasant disease, and there are many reasons for this.

It is important for parents to remember that Each age of a child has its own nuances of care and hygiene, which primarily concerns girls. It is important to pay very close attention to this moment and create conditions for the child to live a healthy life, including maintaining the health of the reproductive system.

The future ability of a girl to bear children normally is of particular importance, and it is necessary to think about this even before her birth, and after birth, the child should be protected by all means from possible diseases in this area.

Most often, manifestations of thrush are observed in girls aged 3 and 6 years., and after that in adolescence, when puberty and restructuring of the entire body occurs.

In most cases, thrush in little girls appears due to allergies. to any substance or product, as well as due to insufficient intimate hygiene procedures, since many parents do not consider it necessary to pay attention to this issue in such young children.

In the presence of candidiasis, urination will cause pain, as a result of which the child begins to be afraid to go to the potty, associating this object with the inevitable occurrence of pain. Children with thrush become very irritable and whiny due to constant itching. At night, this disrupts sleep.

Since the child himself cannot yet explain what exactly is bothering him and how much, parents should pay attention to such signs and take action.

Thrush (candidiasis) is a fungal infection of the genital organs that occurs due to fungi of the genus Candida. It belongs to the most common diseases of the female genital area. Does thrush occur in girls or does the disease develop only in adult women?

Candidiasis in childhood is not a rare or unusual occurrence. The causative agent of the disease can be found on the mucous membranes of almost every person, but only certain factors can provoke the growth and development of the fungus. Inflammatory diseases of the genital organs in children occur at any age. They are the most common reason for visiting a pediatric gynecologist.

Causes of illness at different ages

In newborns and children up to one year old

A mother can infect her unborn child with candidiasis during pregnancy. At this age, thrush most often occurs in the oral cavity. Provoking factors may be the baby's prematurity, teething, the child being bottle-fed, rickets, and anemia.

The baby has:

  • cheesy coating on the tongue, tonsils, gums;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes;
  • the presence of “jams” in the corners of the lips;
  • poor sleep, loss of appetite, constant crying;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • loose stools, bloating.

Symptoms of the disease may appear in the groin area (itching, cheesy vaginal discharge), and a rash may appear on the skin, especially in the buttocks area.

Girls aged 2-3 years

Are at risk of disease if the rules of intimate hygiene are insufficient or under the influence of food allergens. At the age of 5 years and older, the reasons may be:


The period when a girl turns 10-12 years old is the time of the onset of puberty, which is characterized by hormonal changes throughout the body. The changes also affect the vaginal microflora, thereby causing an increased risk of candidiasis. For most girls at 12-13 years old, which, with a weakened immune system, can also become a provoking impulse.

Among the reasons for the development of thrush in a teenage girl are:

  • endocrine disorders (for example, diabetes);
  • use of pads with aromatic inserts;
  • deficiency of minerals (zinc, iron, magnesium);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system;
  • period after antibiotics;
  • wearing tight synthetic underwear;
  • early onset of sexual activity.

Children with carbohydrate metabolism disorders (diabetes mellitus, obesity) are most at risk. The intensity of the development of the disease can be provoked by taking not only antibiotics, but also cytostatics, corticosteroids and some other groups of drugs.

Thrush in teenage girls occurs in approximately the same way as. Its symptoms:

  • itching and burning in the vaginal area;
  • strong discharge of a cheesy nature with an unpleasant odor;
  • swelling of the labia;
  • pain when urinating.

If left untreated, Candida fungi can affect internal organs. Subsequently, this threatens the occurrence of adhesions, which lead to infertility. The manifestations also have a negative impact on the girl’s psychological state, causing her to fear for her health.

Other negative consequences include:

  • inflammation of the ovaries, kidneys and bladder;
  • increased risk of developing malignant neoplasms of the genital organs.

The main routes of infection with thrush are household (through dishes, towels, household items) and food (unwashed vegetables, fruits). Newborns can become infected during childbirth by passing through an infected birth canal.

In teenage girls, thrush should be distinguished from sexually transmitted diseases, which have similar symptoms. Candida fungi can also be transmitted sexually, but such infection is not the main one.


If you suspect candidiasis, you should immediately show your daughter to a pediatric gynecologist. It is necessary to prepare the child for the first visit to the gynecologist and explain the importance of the examination to get rid of the problem.

For diagnosis, a gynecological examination is performed and a smear is taken for analysis to determine the pathogen and exclude the presence of other infections. It is possible to perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs.

How to treat candidiasis in girls?

Treatment of thrush in girls involves the use of the following groups of drugs:

  • local treatment (anti-candidal ointments and creams);
  • systemic drugs are more often prescribed to girls with severe symptoms or re-infection;
  • means for correcting the natural microflora of the vagina;
  • drugs to strengthen the immune system.

Local therapy involves the use of antifungal and antiseptic agents. Let's look at using some of them.


The drug with the active substance of the same name is produced in the form of tablets, creams and liquid solution. The cream is used externally, applying it to the affected areas of the skin. Vaginal use is possible, in this case I use an applicator. The solution is irrigated onto the skin (for example, inside the oral cavity).

Tablets of the drug are inserted into the vagina, after moistening them with water. Long-term use of the product can cause allergic reactions, such as itching, redness and burning of the skin, so it is contraindicated in cases of hypersensitivity to the active components of the product.


This cream can be recommended for the treatment of candidiasis for girls of any age, including newborns. Its main active ingredient is natamycin. It effectively eliminates the main symptoms of the disease - itching, swelling, burning in the genital area, as well as pain and discomfort when urinating.

Pimafucin is well tolerated and very rarely causes side effects. It has no contraindications other than individual sensitivity to the active substance.

Hexicon D candles

How acceptable is it for girls to use suppositories for thrush? Hexicon D suppositories were developed especially for young patients. The use of the drug provides a number of advantages:

  • the presence of chlorhexidine in the composition, which effectively eliminates pathogenic bacteria;
  • preservation of beneficial microflora;
  • the optimal size of the candle, taking into account the peculiarities of children's anatomy;
  • absence of antibiotics in the composition;
  • rapid action in the affected area.

The use of chlorhexedine allows you to overcome the feeling of burning and pain, and eliminate unpleasant discharge. Many parents are afraid to introduce suppositories to very young girls. However, these fears are unfounded, since the size of the candle is smaller than the diameter of the hymen. Before administration, certain psychological preparation of the patient is necessary.

The suppository must be inserted in a lying position, the girl’s legs should be slightly bent at the knees. To make the suppository more flexible and easier to insert, you need to keep it indoors at room temperature before the procedure.

The drug is well tolerated and does not cause discomfort or pain upon administration.

Systemic drugs

These medications in tablet form have a quick and effective effect. Their use makes it possible to block the growth and division of fungal cells. The most well-known drugs include Diflucan, Flucostat, Mikoflucan, Diflazon.

The usual dosage is 100-150 ml per day and is taken once. In parallel, you can use suppositories and ointments. The drugs may cause some side effects, including:

  • nausea, vomiting, bloating;
  • defecation disorders;
  • headaches and attacks of dizziness;
  • skin rashes;
  • decreased appetite.

Despite the effectiveness of the drugs, they can only be used after consultation with a doctor, who will determine the duration of treatment and select the optimal dosage. In this case, the girl’s weight and her age are taken into account.


These drugs not only have a therapeutic effect, but also provide the body with live bacteria, the balance of which can be disrupted by pathogenic fungi. These drugs are prescribed in complex therapy. The most popular are:

  • Acylact – acidophilic lactobacilli;
  • Florin Forte - can be used at any age, including infancy;
  • Bifikol – bifidobacteria, indicated for children over 2 years old;
  • Linex - prescribed for chronic forms of the disease during remission.

Throughout the entire treatment period, immunomodulating agents are used to strengthen the body's defenses.

Therapeutic baths

The use of sitz baths is an auxiliary treatment method. They are especially useful if available. Soda, chamomile decoction, and essential oils are added to the prepared water. The residence time in the bath is 15-20 minutes with constant addition of warm water. Baths are taken twice a day for 10 days.


Organizing proper nutrition is regarded as a necessary condition for getting rid of the disease. Infection with fungi occurs not only with reduced immunity, but also with errors in the diet. Compliance with a special diet is necessary not only during treatment, but also for several weeks after its completion.

The menu should include foods that prevent the development of Candida fungi:

  • lean meat and fish;
  • natural fermented milk products;
  • porridge;
  • pickled and sea cabbage;
  • lingonberries, cranberries, currants;
  • teas based on herbal decoctions, rose hips, rowan berries.

You should exclude nuts, mushroom dishes, blue cheeses, hot seasonings and sauces, marinades, pickles, smoked foods, strong coffee and tea from your diet. The main product that should not be in the diet during the period of treatment for thrush is baked goods made from yeast dough. Kvass and sweet carbonated drinks are harmful.


The disease responds well to treatment, but may return from time to time. In order to prevent secondary infection, it is necessary to follow preventive measures. These include:

  1. Careful adherence to the rules of general and intimate hygiene with daily showering.
  2. Limit foods high in fat and carbohydrates.
  3. Daily change of underwear with preference for products made from natural fabrics.
  4. Timely detection and treatment of infectious and viral diseases, preventing them from becoming chronic.
  5. Correct and tactful sex education for adolescents, including providing information about the dangers of early sexual intercourse and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.
  6. Maintaining a daily routine, carrying out hardening procedures, playing sports.

Specific preventive measures for infant girls include limiting the child's stay in diapers. In warm weather it is better to do without them. After the child learns to sit, he needs to be gradually potty trained.

A girl who has already established it needs to be taught the correct selection and use of sanitary pads and tampons.

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