Covenants to covenants are different. Old Believers - difference from Orthodox Old Believers Bible read online in Russian

The Pilots of 1620 contains the following extremely interesting section. I cite it in the same form as it is present in Kormcha, without translation into modern Russian. Necessary explanations are added in parentheses.
About the books of the Old Law and the New. Essence of the Old Testament books 22. Toliko bo hearsay imagined from the Yids (highlighted by the author).

Genesis, Exodus, Aevgitsky, Numbers, Second Law, Jesus Na-vin, Judges, Ruth, Four Kingdoms, so the Remnants (that is, the books of Chronicles - Avt) › then Ezra two, Psalter, Proverbs, Churchman (Ecclesiastes - Atfra.) , Songbook (Song of Songs - Auth) at Job, Prophetic 12: the first - Josiah, 2 - Amos, 3 Micah, 4 - Joel, 5 - Jonah, 6 Obadiah, 7 - Nahum, 8 - Habakkuk, 9 - Zephaniah, 10 - Haggai, 11 - Zechariah, 12 - Malachi; so Isaiah, Jeremiah, Baruch, Plachev, Epistles, Ezekiel, Daniel. Se of the Old Testament.

New packs are not too lazy to decide (that is, the composition of the New Testament is not too lazy to list - Auth).

Four Gospels - from Matthew, from Mark, from Luke, from John; Acts of the Apostles, Seven Epistles of the Council and the Apostle: One to James, Two of Peter, Three of John, One to Jude, Paul's Epistles 14: the first Romans, two - to Corinth, to Galatians, Ephesians, Philippisios, Colasais, to Thessalonica, two Hebrews, Timothy, two to Titus, to Philemon; the final Revelation of John (APOCALYPSE - Auth), John Chrysostom, John of Damascus, John the Theologian, Gregory the Decapolite, Cyril of Alexandria, Dionysius of Areopagiite, Simeon the God-bearer, Isaiah the Great (New Testament Isaiah! And in the Bible placed in the Old Testament - Auth), Jeremiah (New Testament Jeremiah! And in the Bible he is in the Old Testament - Auth), DANIEL (New Testament Daniel! And again referred to in the Bible to the Old Testament - Auth), Chronicles (New Testament books of Chronicles! Rearranged in the Old Testament according to the Biblical text - Auth), Defuteronomy, Apocalypse (that is, some OTHER APOCALYPSE, since the Revelation of John has already been listed above - Auth), Varlam, Ephraim, Pan-doc, Limonis, Paterik, Nil, Asaph, Maxim, Pavel of Mona-Casius, Basil the New, Granograph (hence, a certain CHRONOGRAPH was part of the New Testament; where is this New Testament Chronograph today? - Auth), Palea, Eklisiast (New Testament Eklisiast! And again dragged into the Old Testament. - Auth), Shestodnovets, Genealogy, Jets, Depth, Beads, Krinitsa, Yosi f Matafien, Cosmas Indikoplo, Anastasius of Sinai, Athanasius the Great, Apostolic, Jesus Navvin (New Testament Jesus Navin turns out to be! Are the cannons of his medieval Jerecho trumpets from which the walls fell? - Auth), Jesus Semeramin, Jesus Sirahov (New Testament Jesus! Tired of repeating about the Bible - Auth), three Interrogations, Fisilog twelve, Yakovlich, Job (New Testament Job! Yes, this is no longer climbing into any gates! - Auth), Nifont, Bee, tributary, Stoslov, Wanderer.

Most of these books were destroyed by the priests, some of them ended up in the apocrypha. However, the Old Believers managed to preserve the heritage of their ancestors and ancient books. gradually see the world again. The author of the miniature has the opportunity to read them, being an Old Believer of the family tribal Christianity of the Cathars of Languedoc and the Kulugurs of the Volga cups. We are also called Good People of the Holy Grail (Cup).

What you see is striking in where the cunning priests and state rogues served by them have brought mankind. There is nothing Christian in what today appears to be the Eastern and Western Christian churches, except for the name. This is the religion of Sataniel, not even a faith, but simply a way to control people. Judeo-Christianity in its most perverted form of obscurantism.

I have no right to impose my opinion on readers, my Faith is a voluntary matter, but the published list of books of Holy Scripture should make you wonder why, from such a huge amount of knowledge, you get only an ersatz extract of a biblical story based on the teachings of the Torah.

But the Torah even rejects Judeo-Christianity, where the scene of torment and the instrument of execution worn around the neck are defined as a symbol. You wear the yoke, man, the shameful yoke of a slave. Look at ancient monuments with a cross. Where do you see crucifixion on them?

The bylina of Christ is a real event of the 12th century that has a grandiose meaning and an instructive conclusion, in the form of a teaching, how to return to the house of the Almighty. Today you do not know the teachings of Christ, but what they give you this teaching about Christ, from the point of view of the Torah, the Talmud and other wise men. You are a blind person. Let this short work open your eyes to how you are being deceived by the priests of makava.

Soup LJ shitted again. Yesterday thrice asked me to confirm my email. And he did not publish a delayed entry at the usual time.


Old Testament - ancient Jewish Holy Scripture (Hebrew Bible). The books of the Old Testament were written between the 13th and 1st centuries. BC. This is a common sacred text Judaism and Christianity , part of the Christian Bible.

Christians believe that the Bible has always consisted of the New and Old Testaments. In this they are helped by theologians, who prove that the Old Testament is an integral part of Holy Scripture, and both books harmoniously complement each other almost from the time of the Apostles. But it's not.

As early as the beginning of the 19th century, the Old Testament was not considered a sacred book in Russia..

ROC version

982 year. The Bible was translated by Cyril and Methodius;
- 1499. The Gennadiev Bible appeared (the first double Bible containing the Old and New Testaments);
- 1581. Bible of the printing pioneer Ivan Fedorov (Ostroh Bible);
- 1663. Moscow edition of the Russian Bible (it is a slightly revised text of the Ostrog Bible);
- 1751. Elizabethan Bible;
- 1876. Synodal translation, which is distributed today by the Russian Orthodox Church.

Russian "Orthodox" » The church adheres to this scheme to show the logical sequence of the appearance of the Bible on the modern Russian language . It seems like it turns out that the "Orthodox" Russian people there was a natural need for a complete Bible, and there was no external influence, external forces that sought to introduce the Old Testament books into Russian "Orthodox" society as sacred.

Old Testament in Russia

Insofar as the translation of Cyril and Methodius has not been preserved, and for some reason its traces are not traced in ancient Russian literature, then the historians of the Church assign the main role in the preparation of the complete Bible to Archbishop Gennady, using his authority so that ordinary people do not have doubts; allegedly under his leadership, for the first time in Russia, the Jewish Bible (Old Testament) and the New Testament were united under one cover.

Archbishop Gennadybecame famous for the fight against the "Heresy of the Judaizers", and the church attributes to him the unification of the Old and New Testaments. Those. the fighter himself promotes in Russia the ideological basis of the heresy with which he is fighting. Paradox? - but it is accepted by the ROC as a reliable historical fact.
* There is a book in the Old TestamentDeuteronomy Isaiah, in which all the provisions propagated by the "Heresy of the Living" are spelled out.

In Russia at that time there was a New Testament, a Psalter and an Apostle.

There is a version that the Gennadievskaya Bible appeared later. For example, in 1551 (that is, 52 years after the appearance of the Gennadiev Bible), the Stoglavy Council took place, at which the question of translating holy books was considered.
3 books were recognized as sacred: the Gospel, the Psalter and the Apostle. The Old Testament and the Gennadiev Bible are not mentioned, which contradicts the version of the Russian Orthodox Church. If these books already existed, then the participants in the council should have expressed their opinion on the legitimacy of using them.

In the 16th century, the translation of the Old Testament failed.

Ostrog Bible

The Ostroh Bible is a complete copy of the Gennadievskaya. According to church historians, Ivan Fedorov decided to print the Ostroh Bible. But there is very little information about his personality. There is no information on how Ivan Fedorov became a deacon? Who dedicated, how was the title awarded? How did he study printing, and why exactly was he entrusted with founding the first printing house? The question arises - was Ivan Fedorov really the first printer and author of the Ostroh Bible.

It is known that Ivan Fedorov was engaged in the casting of cannons and invented a multi-barreled mortar. A famous person who poured cannons and is the inventor of a multi-barreled mortar was credited with publishing the Old Testament in printed form, linking his biography with Prince Ostrozhsky, hence the name of the Bible - Ostrogskaya. But this does not give authority to Ivan Fedorov. Prince Ostrozhsky took part in the preparation of the Unia ...
He was married to a Catholic, and the eldest son, Prince Janusz, was baptized according to the Catholic rite.

In addition, Ostrozhsky was associated with another publisher of the Old Testament - Francis Skorina (he lived and worked during the life of Archbishop Gennady), but unlike Gennady, Francis' activities were more of a "heretical" character. At least, it was far from Orthodox traditionalism. Alsothere is evidence of F. Skorina's contacts with the Jews. It is possible that they could stimulate his interest in the Old Testament texts.

It can be stated that in Ukraine in the mid-70s of the 15th century, in fact, when work on the Ostroh Bible began, there were already almost all Old Testament books have been translated into Russian or Old Church Slavonic. It is significant that these lists were in the possession of the Ostrogsky princes. Obviously, they should be considered the forerunners of the Ostroh Bible.

So in the southwest Russia a lot of work was done to prepare the Russian-language text of the Old Testament for distribution in Russia, to which the Russian first printer Ivan Fedorov allegedly had a hand.

Moscow Bible

Then in Russia there was a split in the church (1650-1660s) under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (father Peter the Great ). The result of the reforms was the split of Christians into two groups: those who believed the Tsar and Patriarch Nikon and followed them, and those who continued to adhere to the old dogma.

What was the purpose of comparing Slavic books with Greek, especially since Nikon himself did not know the Greek language. It is clear that Nikon did not make such a decision on his own. He had such a companionArseniy Grek, who did a lot to destroy Slavic books and advocated new translations.

A split was provoked, and while Christians were destroying each other for this or that ritual,in 1663 the Moscow Bible was published, which repeated Ostrozhskaya, with clarification from Jewish and Greek texts.
The Old Testament (the Hebrew Bible) was added to the New Testament, whileThe New Testament was modified so that it was perceived as a "continuation" or "superstructure" of the Old Testament.

Library of Congress Director John Billington:

“The Old Believers accused Nikon of allowing the Jews to translate the sacred books, and the Nikonians accused the Old Believers of allowing the Jews to conduct worship… Both sides considered the cathedral 1666-1667. "Jewish congregation", and in an official resolution, the council accused its opponents of being victims of “false Jewish words” ... There were rumors everywhere that state power had been given to “cursed Jewish rulers”, and the Tsar entered into a pernicious “Western” marriage, drugged by the love potions of doctors -Jews".

Taking advantage of the confusion, they dragged the "two-in-one" Bible.
However, it was not possible to solve all the issues once and for all. Although the Moscow Bible appeared, it was not accepted by society. The people doubted the correctness of the new books (more precisely, they despised and blasphemed) and perceived their introduction asattempt to enslave the country(this is the level of understanding of global politics by our ancestors!). The churches continued to use the Slavic versions of the New Testament, the Apostle and the Psalter.

Elizabethan Bible

The Elizabethan Bible is a copy of the Moscow one, with corrections according to the Vulgate (Latin translation of the Bible). After the invasion of Napoleon, in 1812, the Bible Society was created, which began to distribute the Elizabethan Bible.
However, soon The Bible Society was banned.

The distribution of the Bible with the Old Testament was opposed by Nicholas I.
It is known that in 1825, translated and printed by the Bible Societythe edition of the Old Testament was burnedat the brick factories of the Nevsky Lavra. There were no more attempts to translate, let alone publish the Old Testament, during the thirty-year reign of Emperor Nicholas I.

Synodal translation

Translation of the books of the Old Testament was resumed in 1856 during the reign of Alexander II. But it took another 20 years of struggle for the publication of the complete Bible in Russian in 1876 in one volume, on the title page of which was: “With the blessing of the Holy Synod". This text is called "Synodal translation», « Synodal Bible” and is still being reprinted with the blessing of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia.

The Holy Synod, which gave its blessing for the distribution in Russia of the synodal translation of the Bible, containing two artificially interconnected books under one cover, actually signed the verdict on its state which is confirmed by all subsequent events, including the current state of Russia.

One of the main roles in the translation of the Old Testament was played byDaniil Abramovich Khvolson and Vasily Andreevich Levison, a German rabbi who converted to Orthodoxy in 1839. In 1882, a translation into Russian of the Hebrew Bible was published, made on behalf of the British Bible Society by V. Levison and D. Khvolson.

One can imagine what forces were interested in giving the Old Testament the status of a "Holy Book", because they managed to process the members of the Holy Synod and convince them of the need to add the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) to the New Testament . Someone was so keen on this goal that they even sacrificed two rabbis who converted from Judaism to "Orthodoxy", but only formally, but in reality they continued their Jewish activities. By the way, the Jewish electronic encyclopedia speaks of them positively, and not as traitors.

* “The Old Testament is a book that is completely alien to us, and must become more and more alien to us if we do not want to change our identity forever” - Eugene Dühring.

The book - According to your faith, let it be for you ... (The Holy Book and the global crisis): VP of the USSR

The video provided is not entertaining at all. It is cognitive. Although many will find it boring. So don't turn it on.

“The books of the Old Testament are texts in different languages, primarily Hebrew and Ancient Greek. A translation into Russian was made from the Hebrew text. The so-called synodal translation is included in the Bible in Russian. When you read the book of Job in the Russian Bible, it is a translation from Hebrew.
From the ancient Greek text was translated into Church Slavonic. This translation is included in the Bible, which is read in Orthodox worship.

This is with regard to the way Hebrew words are written, but the entire grammatical structure of the Hebrew language, the meanings of verb forms, the absence of case endings, case articles, the syntax is such that the understanding of a single phrase can entirely depend on the context. This is the most important thought to keep in mind when we work with the Hebrew script.
But that was precisely the nature of the Biblical symbolism and prophecy of the Old Testament. In the Old Testament there are historical books, teaching books, prophetic books. These are books from different eras, in which everything can be different except for the main thing. The biblical speech of the Old Testament is a prophetic speech in the Hebrew language about the coming of Christ the Messiah. The main content of the Old Testament is the prophecy about the coming of Christ the Messiah.
And how could one talk about the coming coming of the Messiah, if it did not come to the heart of a person that the Lord would be incarnate and save mankind? How could one speak prophetically about the coming of such a Messiah? Not otherwise than in the Spirit of God and in the language of symbols, the meanings of which were revealed with the advent of the One about Whom they prophesied.
It was possible to understand the symbols of the Old Testament only with the help of the New Testament.
So, the understanding of Hebrew writings directly depends on the understanding of the context, on the interpretation of written signs and on tradition. Therefore, the reader must be accompanied by a mentor until the time when he teaches to read the meaning of what is written. To read in Hebrew is to read the meaning of what is written. It was not easy to read in Hebrew, but the situation became simply tragic when the Hebrew language began to go out of popular use and be replaced by a related language, Aramaic, or a completely alien language, Greek.
Already by the 3rd century BC, the believing Jews of Alexandria felt the need, the most urgent need, to have a mentor and interpreter when reading the sacred books.
Who could play this role? Who will be constantly with you to give you a guiding thread for understanding what is written in Scripture? It was a translation into Greek. A translation of Hebrew into Greek was needed. And the desire of the believers, according to Tradition, coincided with the will of King Ptolamea the 3rd Philadelphus. He ruled from 284 to 247 BC.
Ptolamaeus Philadelphus was interested in the legislation of other peoples. According to Tradition, 72 Jewish scholars arrived in Alexandria, who made the required translation of the Scripture, or part of it, into Greek. This translation is called the Septuagint. The Septuagint is Latin for seventy. In Russian, it is referred to as "translation of seventy" or "translation of seventy interpreters." Septuagint. We emphasize that the translation into Greek appeared in pre-Christian antiquity.
Further, with the advent of Christ, two religious teachings arise that interpret the Revelation of God, preserved in the sacred books of the ancient Jews, in different ways. There are two religious teachings. They interpret the meaning differently, therefore they will read what is written differently. This is Christianity and Judaism.
Christianity and Judaism disagreed on a central doctrinal definition. Is Jesus Christ the Messiah expected in Israel, the anointed of God? With such a formulation of the question, either Christianity is the true worship of God, or Judaism. From the standpoint of Christianity, Judaism is not a continuation of the Old Testament religion. Judaism arose as a reaction to Christianity, because one was an affirmation, the other a denial, that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah.
Beliefs or two ideologies deny each other fundamentally, in one basic position. However, one can conceive of a situation where both teachings use concepts that came from common ancient books, and both creeds, both ideologies understand them equally. Here you can imagine such a situation that there is Christianity, there is Judaism. But the concepts: monotheism, law, sacrifice, mercy, others. Are they common? That is, we may not agree, but we understand what it is about. It is with the fact that Christians and Jews use the same concepts that Christians do not agree. Here Christians do not agree that Christians and Jews use the same concepts. A simple example: We understand the word God in different ways. And the more important a religious concept is, the greater will be the difference in its understanding.
It follows that the so-called Judeo-Christian dialogue, when Christians and Jews do not even argue, they talk with each other. Here Judeo-Christian dialogue is not possible because there is no language they could speak. There is no science that would give us the opportunity to talk.
With the advent of Judaism, the Hebrew text of the books that Christians call the Old Testament, the Hebrew text continued to live its own life. Jewish scribes and theologians preserved and copied, interpreted the Hebrew books of the canon, and through their labors a certain tradition of transmission and interpretation of texts was formed. Tradition and tradition in Hebrew "masorah". The learned Jews who interpreted the Scriptures were called Masoretes. In the narrow sense of the word "masorah" is a collection of instructions and a reference apparatus for writing and reading the Biblical text. According to Jewish tradition, the Masorah dates back to the time of Ezra. He was a priest and leader for the Jews when they returned from the Babylonian captivity.
Perhaps by the 7th century A.D., the Masoretes provided the text of Scripture with additional signs. First of all, vowel sounds were designated. Also doubling consonants, stress and so on. And in the works of the vowel masters, the understanding of the meaning of what was written was more clearly expressed.
Several Masoretic schools existed from the 6th to the 10th century. By the 20th century, the most widespread among them was the Tiberian tradition - the Ben Asher family from the city of Tiberias. The final form of this tradition was betrayed by Aaron Ben Asher. All printed editions and most of the manuscripts follow this text, which has been called the Masoretic Text. This name is conditional, since it refers to only one branch of the general intellectual movement of the Masoretes. However, it is the most authoritative of the Hebrew texts of Scripture. Masoretic text. If we talk about it as a manuscript, then this manuscript is late. 10th or early 11th century A.D. This manuscript is late compared to those of the Greek translation of the Old Testament. This means that the Masoretic text is the 10th or the beginning of the 11th century, and the main codes of the Septuagint, that is, the translation into Greek, the translation of 70 interpreters, the main codes of the Septuagint are older than the Masoretic text by about half a thousand years.
There are such discrepancies between the Masoretic text and the Septuagint, which tend to be due to the difference in the creeds of Christianity and Judaism. The most important discrepancies between the Hebrew and Greek texts concern those passages of Scripture that can be interpreted as having to do with Christ the Messiah. .
Is Jesus Christ the Messiah expected in Israel, the anointed of God? Yes, say the Christians. What do the Jews say? Not? The Jews, the Masaretes from the first to the 10th century continued to expect the coming of the Messiah, they denied that Jesus was Christ the Messiah, and accordingly they interpreted their scripture. The Masoretic text is the text and foundation of Judaism, in which and under which the Old Testament is sought as Christians understand it.
The translation of the 70 interpreters is also a certain interpretation of the Hebrew writings by the Jewish scribes, but this interpretation took place 250, 200 years before Christ, when there was no opposition between the two creeds. Those scholars who then translated from Hebrew into Greek had no reason to consciously correct the text of Scripture. If we have respect for antiquity, then we must not lose sight of the fact that the oldest ancient experience of interpreting the sacred books of the Old Testament, which we have at our disposal, is a translation into Greek. ”(1)

(1) - E. Avdeenko "The Book of Job"

International Club of Scientists

"Awareness of knowledge. A program for an intellectual"

No. 57, 2003

Moderator - A.P. Smirnov

Hello! Recently, there has been a definite increase in society interest to a real story, which, as many now understand, is not at all the one that is written in school textbooks. Today, not only historical and archaeological research, but also the work of physicists and engineers testify that the ancients knew much more about the Universe and its laws than we do. Religion is of great interest today, which has its own system of knowledge, which has been preserved practically without significant changes for hundreds and thousands of years. Our guest is the head of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings, Pater Diy Alexander. - Father Alexander, you are the patriarch of the Old Russian Orthodox Church of the Old Believers. Please tell us about this church, because probably not many people know about your church.

Our church has been around for a long time. Sometimes many people come and ask: “Is your faith or church true?”… I say: “You see, it is not true. Truth is with the gods, and it [faith] is our original.” It was before the advent of Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, that is, before all faiths, before all religions. That is, it was original, that is, before people were simply called Old Believers - that is, “the old faith”, and already, we will say, from the time of baptism, they were even called simply “old people”. Many people confuse with the Old Believers. This is due to the fact that during the Nikon schism, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov issued a decree, exactly according to to whom anyone who gives shelter to a schismatic is to be mercilessly executed together with his family. Therefore, many Old Believers, as they are now called, schismatics, supporters of the old rite, they fled to Belovodie Sibirskoye, where our ancestors gave them shelter in sketes and skufs. Not because faith is one, but because they are one by blood. And those Russians and those Russians. And they were given shelter, and for many it became, as it were, the same thing - that the Old Believers, that the Old Believers, especially even modern philologists are confused. But the Old Believers are supporters of the old Christian rite, and the Old Believers are the old pre-Christian faith. That is, many, for example, representatives of, as it were, means mass information and maybe even some scientists They mistakenly call us "Gentiles". But this word appeared at the time of Christianization ...

– This is very important, because today there is a different understanding of paganism…

- Yes. "Pagan" is brought by the Christians. As well as "bastard". That is a Latin word. "Bad" - that is, "going along a different path", life, literally. That is, it entered Latin from the Rassen language, or, as they say now, from the language of the Etruscans. Therefore, in Latin it is said: Etruscan is not read and not translated. That is, they took and twisted the tongue. And here: “language” is one of the forms, that is, depending on which initial letter is written, there is such a form - “people”. "Representative of the people" - "pagan". And a representative of an alien people with a different language, beliefs, culture will be “no language”, or abbreviated as “pagan”. Therefore, when they come to us and say: “Are you pagans?”, I say: “No. We cannot be ourselves infidels and foreigners. We are the keepers and continuers of the old faith of our ancestors.”

- Here is the situation ... now there is such an opinion that the pagans are those people who are most likely to understand(that’s exactly what happened!) the language of nature…

- This is a modern interpretation, that is ... we will talk, I meet, we communicate with many new pagans .. that is, who revive the faith of their ancestors in different regions of Russia. That is, it doesn't matter to them what they call it - paganism, native faith - that is, their native faith, or native culture ... that is, the main thing is that people decided to return to their roots. And which term is used by the means probably the most probably(that's exactly what it was!) mass information(source not specified) - I think it doesn't even play a role here.

- Well, the main thing here is that there is no confusion ...

- Yes. And confusion, as a rule, is created by representatives of, as it were, means mass information, who do not know the Russian language, do not understand the terminology, because sometimes you listen to them - they have “kolovrat” - this is “a cow near the bed”. That is, they have such interpretations. Or "near the gate." That is, it may be completely other terms and concepts. And we put into the words, into the names those images that were originally. Well, let's say, in our country, as was customary back in the empire, the ancient unconditionally Russian church(That's exactly what happened!) Orthodox Old Believers. Now we are called the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Inglings. Many people say: "Where does this name come from?". And this is required by the law of 1997 “On Freedom of Religion”, where they demanded that the name also mention religion. That is why it turned out such an ancient .. er .. long name.

- Father Alexander, recently the results of excavations and the discovery of barrows in Omsk, where a very ancient culture was discovered, are very worrying, and, apparently, this culture can be directly attitude(source not specified) to you.

- Everything is correct. Excavations were also carried out in the Tara tract, this is the 70-80s, where he was, so to speak, perhaps modern language(source not specified), the temple complex of the goddess Tara. That is, archaeologists unearthed it. In 1994, when there was a scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the city of Tara, which was founded in 1594, I spoke there, and my report was designated as "Unknown History", although we had no history at all. The story has appeared since the time of Peter. And before that, we had the legacy of our ancestors. History is what is taken from the Torah. And we are, as it were, Slavs, we have nothing to do with either Christianity or Judaism, we have our own. Therefore, I told them that Tara is not 400 years old, but at least the ancient Tariysk city is 4000 years old, because the city was built in the summer of 3502 from the creation of the world before the second Kh’aryan campaign in Dravidia, i.e. to ancient India in order to protect the northern borders, that is, from the raids of fish eaters, as they say ... well, or now - the northern peoples ... That is, and .. the representative was the Novosibirsk Academgorodok, and he says: there is nothing there and cannot be, it lies, church stories. And at that moment, two girls rise up - archaeologists of the Tara Pedagogical Institute - and say: “how not? we have been digging this ancient city for two years. Well, they told us - here it’s either Tatar or Ostyak, but here everything is Slavic to the magma. ” After that, he says: “was there anything else?”. I say: “Yes, there was the city of Vendagard. He was in the region of Bolsherechensk. He says: "Where is it?". I say: "now it is the district center Bolshereche". It was dug up in 1998, that is, four years after I spoke. Now it is a monument of proto-urban culture, that is, the most ancient. Somewhere in the year 99-2000, there were excavations and in the most likely center cities(that’s exactly what happened!), that is, they also discovered underground passages, storerooms ... although back in 1995 or 1994, the Kommerchesky Vesti newspaper wrote full-page about the excavations that had taken place before. That is, the article was called "Where the ancient Iriy carries water." It was an associate professor ... we then had a former agricultural institute Nikolay Solokhin. And he wrote that during the laying of the heating main, an ancient necropolis was discovered under the city center, where there was an old fortress, older than the Egyptian pyramids. And then - where we have the Flora pavilion - they discovered underground passages. But then there was no money for research. In 2001, in my opinion... or the beginning of 2002... I don't remember now, in my opinion, in 2001, TV-6, Moscow was just shown. But there the entrance was walled up so that the curious would go there ...

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    Let's try to understand this extremely interesting topic.

    Old Believers - who are they

    Old Believers arose in the 17th century as a protest against changes in old church customs and traditions. A split began after the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, who introduced innovations in church books and the church way of life. All those who did not accept the changes and worked to preserve the old traditions were anathematized and persecuted.

    The large community of Old Believers soon split into separate branches that did not recognize the sacraments and traditions of the Orthodox Church and often had different views on faith.

    Avoiding persecution, the Old Believers fled to uninhabited places, populating the North of Russia, the Volga region, Siberia, settled in Turkey, Romania, Poland, China, reached Bolivia and even Australia.

    Customs and traditions of the Old Believers

    The current way of life of the Old Believers practically does not differ from that used by their grandfathers and great-grandfathers several centuries ago. In such families, history and traditions are honored, passing from generation to generation. Children are taught to honor their parents, brought up in strictness and obedience, so that in the future they become a reliable support.

    From a very early age, sons and daughters are taught to work, which the Old Believers hold in high esteem. You have to work a lot: the Old Believers try not to buy food in the store, so they grow vegetables and fruits in their gardens, keep cattle in perfect cleanliness, and do a lot for the house with their own hands.

    They do not like to talk about their lives to strangers, and even have separate dishes for those who come into the community "from outside".

    To clean the house, use only clean water from a consecrated well or spring. The bath is considered an unclean place, so the cross must be removed before the procedure, and when they enter the house after the steam room, they must wash themselves with clean water.

    The Old Believers pay great attention to the sacrament of baptism. They try to christen the baby within a few days after his birth. The name is chosen strictly according to the calendar, and for a boy - within eight days after birth, and for a girl - in the range of eight days before and after birth.

    All attributes used in baptism are kept for some time in running water so that they become clean. Parents are not allowed to be christened. If mom or dad witnesses the ceremony, then this is a bad sign that threatens divorce.

    As for wedding traditions, relatives up to the eighth knee and relatives “by the cross” do not have the right to go down the aisle. Weddings are not played on Tuesday and Thursday. After marriage, a woman constantly wears a shashmura headdress; appearing in public without it is considered a great sin.

    The Old Believers do not wear mourning. According to customs, the body of the deceased is washed not by relatives, but by people chosen by the community: a man is washed by a man, a woman by a woman. The body is placed in a wooden coffin, at the bottom of which lies shavings. Instead of a cover - a sheet. At the wake, the deceased is not commemorated with alcohol, and his things are distributed to the needy as alms.

    Are there Old Believers in Russia today

    In Russia today there are hundreds of settlements in which Russian Old Believers live.

    Despite different currents and branches, they all continue the life and way of life of their ancestors, carefully preserve traditions, raise children in the spirit of morality and ambition.

    What is the cross of the Old Believers

    In church rituals and services, the Old Believers use an eight-pointed cross, on which there is no image of the Crucifixion. In addition to the horizontal bar, there are two more on the symbol.

    The upper one depicts a tablet on the cross where Jesus Christ was crucified, the lower one implies a kind of "scales" that measures human sins.

    How the Old Believers are baptized

    In Orthodoxy, it is customary to make sign of the cross three fingers - three fingers, symbolizing the unity of the Holy Trinity.

    The Old Believers are baptized with two fingers, as was customary in Russia, saying “Alleluia” twice and adding “Glory to Thee, God.”

    For worship, they put on special clothes: men put on a shirt or a kosovorotka, women - a sundress and a scarf. During the service, the Old Believers cross their arms over their chests as a sign of humility before the Almighty and bow to the ground.

    Where are the settlements of the Old Believers

    In addition to those who remained in Russia after Nikon's reforms, the Old Believers who have long lived in exile outside of Russia continue to return to the country. They, as before, honor their traditions, breed livestock, cultivate land, raise children.

    Many have taken advantage of the resettlement program Far East, where there are many fertile lands and there is an opportunity to lay down a strong economy. A few years ago, Old Believers from South America returned to Primorye thanks to the same voluntary resettlement program.

    There are villages in Siberia and the Urals where Old Believer communities are firmly established. There are many places on the map of Russia where the Old Believers flourish.

    Why were the Old Believers called Bespopovtsy?

    The split of the Old Believers formed two separate branches - priesthood and priestlessness. Unlike the Priestly Old Believers, who after the split recognized the church hierarchy and all the sacraments, the Priestless Old Believers began to deny the priesthood in all its manifestations and recognized only two sacraments - Baptism and Confession.

    There are Old Believer movements that also do not deny the sacraments of Marriage. According to the Bespopovites, the Antichrist has reigned in the world, and all modern clergy is heresy, from which there is no sense.

    What is the Bible of the Old Believers

    The Old Believers believe that the Bible and the Old Testament in their modern interpretation are distorted and do not carry the original information that should carry the truth.

    In their prayers they use the Bible, which was used before Nikon's reform. Prayer books of those times have survived to this day. They are carefully studied and used in worship.

    What is the difference between Old Believers and Orthodox Christians

    The main difference is this:

    1. Orthodox believers recognize the rites and sacraments of the Orthodox Church and believe in its teachings. The Old Believers consider the old pre-reform texts of the Holy Books to be true, not recognizing the changes made.
    2. The Old Believers wear eight-pointed crosses with the inscription "King of Glory", they do not have an image of the Crucifixion, cross themselves with two fingers, bow to the ground. In Orthodoxy, three fingers are accepted, crosses have four and six ends, they mainly bow from the waist.
    3. The Orthodox rosaries are 33 beads, the Old Believers use the so-called ladders, consisting of 109 knots.
    4. The Old Believers baptize people three times, completely immersing them in water. In Orthodoxy, a person is poured with water and partially immersed.
    5. In Orthodoxy, the name "Jesus" is written with a double vowel "and", the Old Believers are faithful to the traditions and write it as "Jesus".
    6. There are more than ten discrepancies in the Symbol of Faith of the Orthodox and Old Believers.
    7. The Old Believers prefer copper and tin icons to wooden ones.


    A tree can be judged by its fruits. The purpose of the Church is to lead its spiritual children to salvation, and it is possible to evaluate its fruits, the result of its labors, by the gifts that its children have acquired.

    And the fruits Orthodox Church- this is a host of Holy martyrs, saints, priests, prayer books and other wondrous Pleasers of God. The names of our Saints are known not only to the Orthodox, but also to the Old Believers, and even to non-church people.

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