The Oldest Woman In The World Claims Her Life Is A Punishment. The oldest woman in the world claims that her life is a punishment (6 photos)

Incredible Facts

The oldest woman in Russia and the world claims that she was unhappy every day of her long life, considering her existence a real punishment.

A resident of Chechnya Koku Istambulova said that she had no idea how she was able to live so long, and believes that a long life was simply the will of God.

Her documents were lost during the second Chechen war, which took place between 1999 and 2009. However, according to the internal passport, she was born June 1, 1889, and soon she will be 129 years old.

“Looking at my miserable life, I would like to die young,” admitted the oldest inhabitant of the Earth.

"I worked all my life. I didn't have time for rest or entertainment. I dug the earth and planted watermelons. When I worked, the days went by one after another. Now I don't live, but I exist."

According to the pension fund, there are 37 people living in Russia who are over 110 years old.

What will other centenarians of our planet tell about the secrets of longevity. Here are some tips:

1. We all remember how in childhood we had fun, often forgetting to eat and sleep. I believe that we can keep this state in adulthood. There is no need to tire your body with a lot of rules, such as regimen and strict food intake.

2. Don't look at the calendar. Just celebrate every day.

3. Invest in quality items, they never go out of style.

4. Fall in love, get married, make love.

5. I force myself to go outside every day, even if I have to walk around the house. Move to stay young.

6. Even if you hate someone, keep it to yourself. Don't hurt people for any reason.

7. Never give up on love.

8. Travel while you are young and have the opportunity. Don't worry about money. Experience is much more valuable than money.

9. Don't compare. You will never be satisfied with your life. Well, where we do not.

10. Do something for yourself every day.

11. Get a pet. Sometimes in life we ​​get lonely. Animals remind us that we are living beings.

12. I am not saying that you need to adhere to any religion. But you need to understand what you believe in and live it to the fullest.

13. Life is good. It all depends on the person. Be satisfied. You don't have to be happy all the time, but you do need to be content.

14. If you stay positive, you can get through anything. When you think negatively, you poison your body. Just smile. Laughter is the best medicine.

15. Love people. Find what you like in a person - it is present, because we are all human.

16. I try to trust and be confident enough in myself to handle everything that happens.

There are many known women who have become mothers at an age when many are already grandmothers. There are some in Russia too. We learn more about women for whom age is not a hindrance to having children.

The oldest mother in history

Rajo Devi Lohan is the name of the oldest mother in history, living in one of the villages of India. She gave birth to her first child at the age of seventy. It is known that the woman got married when she was twelve years old, and her husband was fourteen. In India, it is customary to have many children, but the couple never had a single child in their entire life, despite a healthy lifestyle. According to them, they repeatedly turned to healers and healers.

After fifty-eight years of marriage, the couple from TV show learned about IVF. In India, this procedure costs three and a half thousand dollars. It was a huge sum for the family, but they decided to give it a try. So, after seventy years, the first child appeared in the family - the daughter of Navi. Unfortunately, such a late birth did not remain without consequences for the aged mother. Her health is seriously undermined.

There is another woman who gave birth at the age of seventy - this is the Indian woman Omkari Ranwar. She also managed to get pregnant thanks to IVF. She gave birth to two healthy children. The father of the children is seventy-seven years old. These children were not the first in the family. The couple already have two adult daughters and five grandchildren.

Both of these record holders became mothers only thanks to IVF. But there are also mothers who were able to get pregnant naturally. Such is the resident of the island of Grancy Dawn Brooke. She gave birth at the age of fifty-nine, but she had to undergo hormone therapy before conception. In the history of mankind, it is this heroic woman who is recognized as the oldest mother who managed to give birth to a living child, having conceived it naturally.

Welsh Ellen Alice is a mother of many children, who at the end of the eighteenth century, at the age of seventy-two, bore her thirteenth child. Unfortunately, he was born dead. This woman is considered the oldest mother in history.

The oldest mother of many children in Russia

There are mothers who manage to give birth to many children in their lifetime. They are called multi-children. Of all the famous mothers of many children, one of the record holders was the Englishwoman Elizabeth Greenhill. She gave birth to her thirty-ninth child at the age of fifty-four. This was in 1669. All her pregnancies ended in the birth of healthy children, while twins were born only once. Thus, the woman gave birth thirty-eight times.

But a Russian woman who lived in the city of Shuya in the eighteenth century gave birth only twenty-seven times, but she had sixty-nine children. All that is known about this mother of many children is that she was a peasant woman, her husband was Fyodor Vasiliev.

The oldest mother in Russia today

In the ranking of the oldest mothers on the planet, Russian woman Natalya Surkova takes the fourth position. The woman became a mother at fifty-seven. She gave birth to a healthy girl, Sasha. At that time, the woman was the mother of two adult children and the grandmother of one grandson. Conception became possible thanks to hormone therapy. She got into the Guinness Book of Records of Russia as the oldest mother in the country.

Sasha is the granddaughter of the famous poet Alexei Surkov, and Natalya, respectively, is his daughter. Surkova, before conception, turned to the gynecological center, where she said that she wanted to have a baby, which surprised the staff very much. I had to “renew” the body, for this the woman went to the clinic, where she was among women who had difficulty conceiving. Few believed in the success of this whole undertaking, but time passed, and the test showed a positive result.

Surkova's pregnancy passed without pathologies and complications, there was not even edema. In the spring of 1996, childbirth took place, and Natalya became the oldest mother in Russia. Surprisingly, by that time her grandson was two years old. The woman claims that after giving birth she has become many years younger and feels just fine. Natalya believes that her Sasha has an unusual happy fate, as she is an unusual child.

There is another old mother in Russia - this is Lyudmila Belyavskaya. At fifty-two, she became the mother of a little daughter. Her husband, actor Alexander Belyavsky, was then seventy.

The main argument of "adult" mothers is a conscious approach to conception and pregnancy. By this time, they have already gained a certain prosperity, their life is stable, family relationships are stable. Thanks to the accumulated experience, old mothers are always more attentive and patient with the needs of babies and spend more time on their development.

In addition to natural conception, there is also such a way to become a mother as surrogate motherhood. Someone turns to the help of surrogate mothers because he does not want to bear and give birth to a child, someone does this because of poor health or age. Today

A resident of Chechnya, Koku Istambulova, who will turn 129 on June 1, can be called the oldest woman in the world. However, such a long life does not please her at all: the woman says that she does not remember a single happy day in all this time. When the revolution began, she was 27 years old, when the Second World War ended - 55 years old, and when the Soviet Union— for 102 years. “I have no idea how I survived to this day,” Koku says.

“I see long-lived people who go in for sports, follow a special diet, try to keep fit, but I can’t imagine how I survived to this day. I have always worked hard, dug in the ground, and in all my life I have not had a single happy day. I'm tired. For me, a long life is not God's gift at all - on the contrary, God's punishment.

Relatives and children died, but she lived on. The last of her children died daughter Tamara, five years ago, and she was 104 years old.

"I survived civil war after the revolution, the second world war, the deportation of our people in 1944 ... and later two more Chechen wars. And now I'm sure I've lived an unhappy life."

“I remember German tanks passing by our house. It was scary. I remember life in Kazakhstan, it was the most difficult period for us. We were in exile and in Siberia, but in Kazakhstan it was worse. There we felt how the locals hate us. Every day I dreamed about how I would return home.

Koku recalls how life in Chechnya changed with the advent of Soviet power: “We were brought up under very strict Muslim laws and we had to dress very modestly. I remember how my grandmother scolded me for the fact that my clothes showed too much of my neck. And then Soviet times came and women quickly started wearing more revealing clothes.”

“Looking back at my life, I wish I had died sooner. All my life one work, without rest and entertainment.

Koku Istambulova is about to turn 129 years old. A native of Chechnya is the oldest woman on the planet. But according to the grandmother herself, a long life never brought happiness: in all her life, Koku does not remember good moments. When Istambulova was 27 years old, a revolution began. At the age of 55, my grandmother survived the Second World War. At the age of 102, my grandmother survived the collapse of the USSR. “I don’t know why I’m still alive and in memory,” says the record holder.

“I have seen many people who are also centenarians. They support their body and spirit, eat right and practice yoga. How did you make it to 2018? God only knows. All my life I only worked, lived in poverty, I don’t remember a single good day. Such a long life is God's punishment. I’m not at all happy that I’ve been living for 128 years.”

Koku's children and grandchildren died, she outlived them all. The last daughter died a few years ago. At the time of her death, Tamara was 103 years old.

What is the secret of longevity? Grandma does not eat meat, but loves milk, cheese products and many dairy products. According to Koku, there are no special secrets to longevity. At least she didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

“I lived during the civil war. Then the Second World War began, in 1943 I was deported. And two more Chechen parishes, since 1996. It's scary, it hurts. My long life is a punishment."

The woman spent all 128 years in a small settlement (we do not take the period of deportation in 1943).

“During the period 1941-1945, one could observe Nazi tanks from the windows. War is always a horror, we were incredibly scared. Life in Kazakhstan was also difficult. Even exile to the cold regions did not seem as terrible as life here. locals pressed with their attitude. I wanted to return to my native land as soon as possible.”

The woman was born in the summer of 1889.

The lady also talks about how the new government influenced life in Chechnya: “We had strict rules by which our parents raised us. Clothing had to be modest, as Muslim laws do not allow ostentatious dressing. One day, my grandma scolded me for the fact that my clothes showed a little of the neck area. After the advent of Soviet power, everything changed: clothes began to be worn more openly, the rules and laws seemed to soften.

On June 1, Koku Istambulova, a resident of Chechnya, turns 129 years old. She can rightly be called the oldest woman in the world. True, such a long life does not please a woman, she says that in her entire life there has not been a single happy day. She was 26 years old when the revolution began, and 55 years old when World War II ended. The woman turned 102 years old when the USSR collapsed, reports.

I see long-lived people who go in for sports, follow a special diet, try to keep fit, but I have no idea how I survived to this day. I have always worked hard, dug in the ground, and in all my life I have not had a single happy day. I'm tired. For me, a long life is not God's gift at all - on the contrary, God's punishment.

Tamara's children and relatives were dying, but she still lived. The last of the children died five years ago, a daughter, she was 104 years old.

What is the secret to a long life? The woman says that she avoids eating meat, loves cheese and dairy products, however, she says that she has never followed a diet.

I survived the civil war after the revolution, the Second World War, the deportation of our people in 1944 ... and later two more Chechen wars. And now I'm sure I've lived an unhappy life.

All her life (except for the period of deportation during World War II) Koku Istambulova has lived in a Chechen village.

— I remember German tanks passing by our house. It was scary. I remember life in Kazakhstan, it was the most difficult period for us. We were in exile and in Siberia, but in Kazakhstan it was worse. There we felt how the locals hate us. Every day I dreamed about how I would return home.

Koku recalls that life in Chechnya changed when Soviet power came.

We were brought up according to very strict Muslim laws and we had to dress very modestly. And then came Soviet times, and women quickly began to wear more revealing clothes.

“Looking back at my life, I wish I had died sooner. All my life one work, without rest and entertainment.

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