Kartsev, Leonid Nikolaevich. Leonid Kartsev - memories of the chief tank designer Awards and prizes

There are no Kartsev tanks only in Antarctica!

Leonid Nikolaevich Kartsev is the chief designer of the family of Soviet tanks, one of the few of our contemporaries whose contribution to the development and strengthening of our country cannot be overestimated. Under his leadership, tanks were created that received recognition not only in our country, but also abroad - T-54A, T-54B, T-55, T-55A, T-62, T-62A. He was at the forefront of laying the foundations for the technical solutions of the T-72 tank, the most popular tank in the history of world tank construction and recognized as the best tank in the world of the second half of the 20th century. In July 2012, Leonid Nikolaevich turned 90 years old. However, he was not awarded any honors at the highest level. In December, in the village of Skomovo, Ivanovo region, a lifetime monument was erected to him - a T-62 tank - thanks to the efforts of his former colleagues. Leonid Nikolayevich himself, due to poor health, was unable to attend its opening, which was attended by the Governor of the Ivanovo Region Mikhail Men, the Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the GABTU, Colonel General Sergei Mayev, representatives of Uralvagonzavod, his colleagues, tank building veterans. The speakers spoke about Kartsev’s contribution to the development and strengthening of the power of our state, admired his design genius, talent as an organizer, and politeness with his subordinates. However, there was some uncertainty. After all, everyone understands that a tank in the village of Skomovo is right and good, but L.N. Kartsev deserves more.

“Moskovsky Komsomolets” writes: “Awards in our country do not always correspond to the merits of the recipient. Therefore, no one is surprised when a show business star, for example, is awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, although all her merits consist only of promoting vulgarity and tastelessness. And when state recognition, on the contrary, bypasses a person whose services to the country are truly enormous, then only those who are aware of these merits are surprised. Because other people simply do not know about them."

Also, as MK reports, it is difficult not to notice the 90th anniversary of such a person. But our country actually did not notice it, despite all the efforts of tank building veterans. In the spring of this year, one of them, a former employee of the Kartsevo design bureau, wrote to our president that it was necessary to adequately celebrate the anniversary of the outstanding designer. A month after the anniversary, the presidential administration responded that Kartsev was awarded the Order of Honor. However, no announcements or decrees on rewarding Kartsev were published. Who awarded him or on whose behalf is still unknown. To this day, this award has not been awarded to him. The leadership of the Ivanovo region invited a representative of the presidential administration to present the order in Skomovo at the opening of the memorial. But he didn't arrive.

To understand how wild such an attitude towards people of Kartsev’s caliber is, you need, of course, to know WHAT he did in his life, says the Moskovsky Komsomolets article.

Leonid Nikolaevich Kartsev was born on July 21, 1922 in the village of Skomovo, Gavrilovo-Posad district, Ivanovo region. He graduated from high school in 1939 and entered the Ivanovo Energy Institute. After his second year, he was drafted into the army and in August 1941 he became a cadet at a tank school in Saratov, which he graduated with honors in 1942 and worked in military acceptance at the Gorky Automobile Plant. Soon Leonid Nikolaevich was sent to the front. He fought as part of the 45th Guards Tank Brigade of the 1st Tank Army under the command of M. Katukov, which took part in the Proskurovo-Chernovtsy, Vistula-Oder and Berlin offensive operations. Victory L.N. Kartsev met near Berlin as commander of a technical support company.

Kartsev's military merits were awarded, among other things, the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, and medals " For courage", "For the capture of Berlin."

In August 1945, Leonid Nikolaevich entered the engineering faculty of the Military Academy of Armored and Mechanized Forces (which he graduated with a gold medal in 1949), where he studied disciplines in the theory, design and calculation of tanks and their mechanisms. After this, Leonid Nikolaevich, as part of a group of fifteen graduates, was appointed to the design bureau (KB) of the Ural Tank Plant in Nizhny Tagil (plant No. 183), ended up in the transmission group, the head of which was then one of the main developers of the T-34 tank transmission, laureate Stalin Prize Abram Iosifovich Speikhler, and the chief designer of the plant was one of the creators of the legendary T-34 tank, Hero of Socialist Labor A.A. Morozov. In March 1953, Leonid Nikolaevich, who was 30 years old, was appointed chief designer of the Ural Tank Plant. As mentioned above, under his leadership a number of models of domestic armored vehicles were created, namely the T-54A, T-54B, T-55, T-55A, T-62, T-62A tanks, the IT-1 missile tank destroyer, and also received scientific and technical groundwork for the creation of the T-72 tank, which has received recognition in our country and abroad.

The first series of T-54 tanks was produced back in 1946 and sent to units of the 5th Guards Tank Army, after which work was carried out to improve the design and increase the manufacturability of the tank. The production of T-54 tanks began to increase every month, and the Soviet Army received a tank that served for 40 years. The T-54 model 1951 was also produced under license in Poland, Czechoslovakia and China.

People who know Leonid Nikolaevich say that having a wonderful sense of humor, Leonid Nikolaevich was very fond of practical jokes and often joked about his subordinates. At the same time, holding a high position, he was a very modest person. He could come to any outdoor event by train, while other chief designers could only travel by car. He loved factory hockey and football. Didn't miss a single match. Everyone knew that Kartsev was the most democratic chief designer, and each of his subordinates could turn to him for help. He was the only designer who was not afraid of having talented people next to him in the design bureau. At the same time, he had a bright independent character. He was not afraid to argue even with the highest party and state leadership of the country. Especially in cases where the manager allowed himself to give instructions on the design plan. There was a case when Kartsev entered into an argument even with N.S. Khrushchev.

When creating the T-55, Kartsev was the first in the world to approach the creation of a tank as a complex multifunctional combat vehicle. He managed to find the “golden ratio” in the link: engine, power transmission, chassis. This circumstance played a crucial role in the development of Soviet tank forces for decades to come. Therefore, T-55 tanks are currently in service with the armies of many countries around the world. Leonid Nikolaevich always tried to be at the most advanced frontiers of science and technology. It was he who initiated the creation of a 115-mm smoothbore tank gun and its installation in the T-62 tank. It should also be remembered that in 1962, on one of the experimental tanks, instead of a diesel engine, the Uralvagonzavod design bureau used a gas turbine engine. This was the first tank in the world with such a motor-transmission unit, which made it possible to practically evaluate some of the properties of this type of engine when installed in a tank. The prototype of the tank received the designation "Object 167T", which became the prototype of the T-80 tank known today.

The next tank Kartsev worked on, the T-72, competed with the T-64, which was being developed at the Kharkov Tank Plant. Kartsev argued that his car was better. As a result, in 1969, the then director of Uralvagonzavod Krutyakov, himself an ardent opponent of the T-72, removed Kartsev from his post. He removed him when everything had already been done - only state tests remained. But nevertheless, the tank was adopted by the Soviet Army in 1973. Major General Kartsev, at the age of 55, was dismissed from the army and sent to retirement. After this, many of its former opponents received state prizes and awards for the development and introduction into production of the T-72 tank. Leonid Nikolaevich was not allowed to work “in civilian life” in his main specialty related to tanks; His anniversaries were not celebrated at the state level, although veteran tank crews and tank builders insisted on this. Kartsev’s 90th anniversary was no exception in this regard.

As MK reports: " Due to bureaucratic squabbles and grievances, the essence of which no one even remembers, the great designer was deleted from the official lists of “honored”. And now the authorities are wobbling, not knowing how to deal with him and what to reward him with - the highest rank, middle, lowest, or not at all, since the current bureaucrats do not understand his status, and they will not understand such a complex issue".


USSR USSR → Russia, Russia

Date of death: Awards and prizes:

Leonid Nikolaevich Kartsev (21 July ( 19220721 ) - April 13) - retired major general, candidate of technical sciences (). From 1953 to 1969 - Chief Designer of the Ural Carriage Plant. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1969).


Then he worked in Moscow in the apparatus of the Ministry of Defense, the Research Institute of Engines.

Awards and prizes

Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1968). Awarded the Order of Lenin (1966), the Red Star (), and medals.


  • Kartsev L.N.. - Equipment and weapons. - 2008, No. 1-5, 8, 9, 11.

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  • To the 90th anniversary of the chief tank designer (Russian) // Equipment and weapons yesterday, today, tomorrow. - 2012. - August (No. 08). - P. 48.


  • pro-tank.ru/blog/966-designer-tanks-leonid-kartsev


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An excerpt characterizing Kartsev, Leonid Nikolaevich

On December 31, on New Year's Eve 1810, le reveillon [night supper], there was a ball at Catherine's nobleman's house. The diplomatic corps and the sovereign were supposed to be at the ball.
On the Promenade des Anglais, the famous house of a nobleman glowed with countless lights. At the illuminated entrance with a red cloth stood the police, and not only gendarmes, but the police chief at the entrance and dozens of police officers. The carriages drove off, and new ones drove up with red footmen and footmen with feathered hats. Men in uniforms, stars and ribbons came out of the carriages; ladies in satin and ermine carefully stepped down the noisily laid down steps, and hurriedly and silently walked along the cloth of the entrance.
Almost every time a new carriage arrived, there was a murmur in the crowd and hats were taken off.
“Sovereign?... No, minister... prince... envoy... Don’t you see the feathers?...” said from the crowd. One of the crowd, better dressed than the others, seemed to know everyone, and called by name the most noble nobles of that time.
Already one third of the guests had arrived at this ball, and the Rostovs, who were supposed to be at this ball, were still hastily preparing to dress.
There was a lot of talk and preparation for this ball in the Rostov family, a lot of fears that the invitation would not be received, the dress would not be ready, and everything would not work out as needed.
Along with the Rostovs, Marya Ignatievna Peronskaya, a friend and relative of the countess, a thin and yellow maid of honor of the old court, leading the provincial Rostovs in the highest St. Petersburg society, went to the ball.
At 10 o'clock in the evening the Rostovs were supposed to pick up the maid of honor at the Tauride Garden; and yet it was already five minutes to ten, and the young ladies were not yet dressed.
Natasha was going to the first big ball in her life. That day she got up at 8 o'clock in the morning and was in feverish anxiety and activity all day. All her strength, from the very morning, was aimed at ensuring that they all: she, mother, Sonya were dressed in the best possible way. Sonya and the Countess trusted her completely. The countess was supposed to be wearing a masaka velvet dress, the two of them were wearing white smoky dresses on pink, silk covers with roses in the bodice. The hair had to be combed a la grecque [in Greek].
Everything essential had already been done: the legs, arms, neck, ears were already especially carefully, like a ballroom, washed, perfumed and powdered; they were already wearing silk, fishnet stockings and white satin shoes with bows; the hairstyles were almost finished. Sonya finished dressing, and so did the Countess; but Natasha, who was working for everyone, fell behind. She was still sitting in front of the mirror with a peignoir draped over her slender shoulders. Sonya, already dressed, stood in the middle of the room and, pressing painfully with her small finger, pinned the last ribbon that squealed under the pin.
“Not like that, not like that, Sonya,” said Natasha, turning her head away from her hair and grabbing the hair with her hands, which the maid who was holding it did not have time to let go. - Not like that, come here. – Sonya sat down. Natasha cut the tape differently.
“Excuse me, young lady, you can’t do this,” said the maid holding Natasha’s hair.
- Oh, my God, well, later! That's it, Sonya.
-Are you coming soon? – the countess’s voice was heard, “it’s already ten.”
- Now. -Are you ready, mom?
- Just pin the current.
“Don’t do it without me,” Natasha shouted, “you won’t be able to!”
- Yes, ten.
It was decided to be at the ball at half past ten, and Natasha still had to get dressed and stop by the Tauride Garden.
Having finished her hair, Natasha, in a short skirt, from which her ballroom shoes were visible, and in her mother’s blouse, ran up to Sonya, examined her and then ran to her mother. Turning her head, she pinned the current, and, barely having time to kiss her gray hair, again ran to the girls who were hemming her skirt.
The issue was Natasha's skirt, which was too long; Two girls were hemming it, hastily biting the threads. The third, with pins in her lips and teeth, ran from the Countess to Sonya; the fourth held her entire smoky dress on her raised hand.
- Mavrusha, rather, my dear!
- Give me a thimble from there, young lady.
- Soon, finally? - said the count, entering from behind the door. - Here's some perfume for you. Peronskaya is already tired of waiting.
“It’s ready, young lady,” said the maid, lifting the hemmed smoky dress with two fingers and blowing and shaking something, expressing with this gesture an awareness of the airiness and purity of what she was holding.

Kartsev is a surname and toponym. The Kartsevs are a Russian noble family. Famous speakers: Kartsev, Alexander Ivanovich (born 1964) Russian writer. Kartsev, Vasily Mikhailovich (1920 1987) football player. Kartsev, Leonid Nikolaevich (b.... ... Wikipedia

Leonid Kartsev- Biography of Leonid Kartsev Leonid Nikolaevich Kartsev was born on July 21, 1922 in the village of Skomovo, Ivanovo region. In 1939 he entered the Ivanovo Energy Institute. On August 13, 1941 he was mobilized into the Red Army in the 3rd Saratov... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

Laureates of the Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods- The Stalin Prize for outstanding inventions and fundamental improvements in production methods is a form of encouragement for citizens of the USSR for significant services in the technical development of Soviet industry, the development of new technologies, modernization... ... Wikipedia

Laureates of the Stalin Prize for Outstanding Inventions- Contents 1 1941 2 1942 3 1943 4 1946 4.1 Awards ... Wikipedia

Laureates of the USSR State Prize in the field of science and technology (1980-1991)- Contents 1 1980 2 1981 3 1982 4 1983 5 1984 6 1985 ... Wikipedia

State Prize of the Russian Federation

State Prize of Russia- Badge of the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation The State Prize of the Russian Federation has been awarded since 1992 by the President of the Russian Federation for contribution to the development of science and technology, literature and art, for outstanding... ... Wikipedia

State Prize of the Russian Federation- Badge of the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation The State Prize of the Russian Federation has been awarded since 1992 by the President of the Russian Federation for contribution to the development of science and technology, literature and art, for outstanding... ... Wikipedia

State Prize of the Russian Federation- Badge of the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation The State Prize of the Russian Federation has been awarded since 1992 by the President of the Russian Federation for contribution to the development of science and technology, literature and art, for outstanding... ... Wikipedia

State Prize of the Russian Federation in the field of literature and art- Badge of the laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation The State Prize of the Russian Federation has been awarded since 1992 by the President of the Russian Federation for contribution to the development of science and technology, literature and art, for outstanding... ... Wikipedia

Leonid Nikolaevich Kartsev(July 21, 1922 - April 13, 2013) - retired major general, candidate of technical sciences (1964). From 1953 to 1969 - Chief Designer of the Ural Carriage Plant. Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1969).


In the Red Army since August 1941, since April 1943, a technician for the repair of combat vehicles in the 45th Guards Tank Gusyatinskaya Order of Lenin, Red Banner Orders of Suvorov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky brigade (11th Guards Tank Corps, 1st Guards Tank Army, 1st Belorussian Front). Participant of the Great Patriotic War.

In 1949 he graduated from the Military Academy of Armored Forces, a military design engineer. Major General Engineer.

In 1949-1969 - at Uralvagonzavod: from 1953 - chief designer for tank building; since 1969 - in Moscow, in the apparatus of the Ministry of Defense, in the Research Institute of Engines. Under his leadership, the T-55, T-62 tanks and the main technical solutions for the T-72 tank were developed and put into production. For the creation of the IT-1 missile tank destroyer, he was awarded the USSR State Prize. He supervised projects of original experimental designs of armored vehicles.

Then he worked in Moscow in the apparatus of the Ministry of Defense, the Research Institute of Engines.

Awards and prizes

Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1968). He was awarded the Order of Lenin (1966), the Red Star (1944), and medals.


  • Kartsev L.N. Memoirs of the Chief Tank Designer. - Equipment and weapons. - 2008, No. 1-5, 8, 9, 11.


  • To the 90th anniversary of the chief tank designer (Russian) // Equipment and weapons yesterday, today, tomorrow. - 2012. - August (No. 08). - P. 48.


  • Article from the armored encyclopedia
  • http://pro-tank.ru/blog/966-designer-tanks-leonid-kartsev
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