Where are payment orders in 1c? Payment order for the transfer of funds. What are bank statements

Payment order in 1C 8

Document “Payment order outgoing” designed to account for non-cash write-offs Money. Also, it can be used to print outgoing payment order forms.

To call up a document, select the main menu item Bank - Outgoing payment order. Next, click the Add button in the command panel (or the Insert key or use the Actions - Add menu).

"Payment to supplier";
"Refund to the buyer";
"Tax transfer";
"Settlements on loans and borrowings with counterparties";
"Other write-off of non-cash funds";
"Transfer to another account of the organization";
"Salary transfer";
"Other settlements with counterparties."

Operation "Payment to supplier" is intended to reflect settlements with the supplier.

Operation "Refund to buyer" used to reflect the return of non-cash funds to the buyer.

Operation "Settlements on loans and borrowings with counterparties" is intended to reflect the expenditure of non-cash funds on loans and borrowings.

Operation "Other settlements with counterparties" is intended to reflect the write-off of funds under agreements with counterparties in other cases.

Operation "Transfer to another organization account" indicated when transferring funds to another account of the organization, including settlement, currency and special accounts.

Operation "Salary transfer" indicated when writing off non-cash funds for salary transfers.

In other cases, surgery is selected "Other write-off of non-cash funds".

The document is completed in two stages. The first step is to indicate:

counterparty - recipient of funds;
agreement with the counterparty;
the exchange rate for mutual settlements under the agreement under which the payment in mutual settlements will be taken into account or the amount by which the status of mutual settlements will change;

The second stage is to record the actual debiting of funds according to information from the organization’s bank. In this case, fill in the following details:
flag "Paid"
date of actual payment of the document (according to the bank statement)

Document “Incoming payment order” designed to record the receipt of non-cash funds.

To call up a document, select the main menu item Bank - Incoming payment order.

The document reflects the following types of business transactions:

"Payment from the buyer";
"Refund by supplier";
"Calculations for loans and borrowings";
"Other settlements with counterparties";
"Proceeds from sales via payment cards and bank loans";
"Other receipts of non-cash funds."

The document is filled out upon actual receipt of funds according to information from the bank statement.

In this case, you must indicate:

organization bank account;
the counterparty from whom the payment was received;
agreement with the counterparty;
in case of foreign exchange settlements - the exchange rate of the currency of mutual settlements under the agreement under which the payment will be taken into account, and the amount in the currency by which the status of mutual settlements will change

System interface
1. Working with the main menu and toolbar 2:03 5 27173
2. General information about forms 1:09 0 7119
Working with Forms
3. Working with a table field 1:44 0 8311
4. Form details 2:05 0 5501
Basic Configuration Objects
5. Basic Configuration Objects 2:26 0 7704
Getting started with the program.
6. Filling out information about the organization 2:32 0 15072
7. Filling out accounting policy parameters 2:34 0 13635
8. Charts of Accounts 2:07 0 10092
9. Setting up analytical inventory accounting 2:01 0 6301
10. Filling out information about the organization's business partners 2:30 0 5523
11. Filling out information about goods and services, purchasing... 2:17 0 8811
12. Reflection of business transactions using documents... 2:02 0 8295
13. Entering transactions manually 2:24 0 12462
Accounting banking operations
14. Payment order 3:20 1 18407
15. Bank statement 2:29 0 26686
Accounting cash transactions
16. Receipt cash order 3:20 1 20514
17. Account cash warrant 3:15 0 12593
18. Advance report 2:46 0 16947
19. 3:29 0 17879
20. Return of goods to the supplier, report to the consignor on sales... 3:07 0 5556
21. Reconciliation Act 3:15 0 21546
22. Sales of goods and services 3:37 0 15855
23. Commissioner's sales report 2:59 0 7766
24. Sales report to the consignor 2:52 0 6712
25. Retail sales report. Return of goods from purchase... 3:11 0 9331
26. Capitalization, movement and write-off of goods in warehouse... 3:16 0 54283
27. Inventory of goods in the warehouse 2:09 1 15156
28. Request-invoice 1:48 0 10573

Let's figure out how to create, fill out and upload to the bank payments to suppliers for goods and services purchased by the enterprise in 1C 8.3. Payment will be made from the bank account of our organization.

To transfer funds to a counterparty's account, you will need:

    go to the program bank documents;

    generate a payment order for the required counterparty;

    upload outgoing payments to the client bank for payment.

You can find out your debt to suppliers from the balance sheet generated by invoice 60 for the selected period:

This shows the amounts that need to be transferred to pay off the debt. To work with bank payment orders in 1C 8.3 there is a section “Banks and cash desk”, in which the “Payment orders” item is selected:

In the form that opens, click “Create” to create a new document.

The following fields are filled in:

    “Type of operation” - Payment to the supplier

    “Recipient” - select from the list of counterparties in the “Suppliers” section

    “Payment amount” - you can see the total debt to the counterparty in the balance sheet

The recipient's account, agreement number and payment purpose will be pulled up automatically from the counterparty's details. The default VAT rate is set from the value selected for the specified organization.

Changes to the payment order are made through the “Settings” button. The panel that opens has 2 tabs that allow you to change settings for the counterparty and settings for the organization.

Changes are available in “Settings for the counterparty”:

    name of the organization (instead of OAO, for example, you can write “Open Joint-Stock Company»);

    the procedure for specifying the counterparty's checkpoint;

    payment purpose (this item can be filled in automatically or entered data manually).

In the “Organization Settings” tab, fields for changing the format for displaying the date and payment amount have been added to similar settings:

After filling in all the required fields, the resulting payment order template must be processed. After this, the document is uploaded to the bank for payment to the supplier for the specified amount.

It should be taken into account that a payment order is a document on the basis of which the bank transfers payment to the client’s account. In this case, no transactions are automatically generated in 1C 8.3. Consequently, it is necessary to write off funds from the current account, only after this the payment made will be reflected in the accounting and the necessary transactions will appear.

After receiving a bank statement confirming payment for the document, the payment order is set to “Paid”, next to which there is a link “Enter a document debited from the current account”:

To pay taxes, contributions and other obligatory payments to budgets of all levels of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to draw up payment orders as correctly as possible. For this, there are special rules approved by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in 2013. They have been agreed upon with the Bank of Russia, which means they are mandatory for use not only by enterprises, but also financial institutions(documents not prepared in accordance with the standards will simply not be accepted at the bank).

In the 1C Accounting 8.3 solution, payment orders for transferring obligatory payments to the state treasury can be created automatically. To do this, just use the task list, which is located on home page program, follow the link to open the entire list of tasks and select the one you need. In 1C Accounting, it is possible to create a payment order manually. To do this, you will need to open the required form in the menu section with banking and cash transactions and perform the following steps:

  • When creating a new document, indicate the correct type of transaction (tax transfer).
  • If necessary, the company’s checkpoint should be changed (as a rule, such an adjustment is required if personal income tax is paid by a branch or representative office, since their checkpoint differs from the code of the parent organization).
  • The field with the name of the tax should be filled in using the function of selecting the desired value from the corresponding directory. In that case of KBK will be installed automatically. IN otherwise, it will have to be entered manually, and there is a possibility of making a mistake.
  • Depending on what is being paid - tax, penalties, interest or penalties, you must select the appropriate value in the field with the type of obligation.
  • The Federal Tax Service Inspectorate, in whose favor the tax is transferred, is established automatically, based on the parameters entered into the card of the paying organization (if the data is incorrect, changes must be made). If necessary, the recipient can be changed if it is the FSS or customs.
  • Special attention You should pay attention to filling out the payment details, since an error will lead to the fact that the obligatory payment will be credited untimely, which means that the obligation to pay the tax will be considered unfulfilled, for which penalties will be assessed. Thus, in field 104 with KBK, you should check the code’s compliance with the name of the obligatory payment (despite the fact that the value is entered automatically, and all directories in 1C Accounting are updated in a timely manner). The territory code (field 105) should also be checked. It is installed in the organization card. If it is produced personal income tax payment, then in this field you should indicate OKTMO for the branch or representative office (if any). The payer status code (field 101) can be either 01 (if the company itself is a tax payer), or 02 if the organization performs the functions tax agent(usually used when transfer of personal income tax). There are other statuses, but they are used much less frequently. Field 22 with the UIN value can be left blank (information is entered only if there is a requirement to pay tax from the Federal Tax Service). The values ​​for field 106 with the basis of payment can be the following: TP - in case of payment of mandatory payments within the time limits established by law, ZD - when paying a debt, TP - when fulfilling the requirements of the Federal Tax Service. The period for which the obligatory payment is made must be indicated (field 107). You must enter the number and date of the document (fields 108 and 109, respectively), which is the basis for making the payment (when paying taxes for the current period, the field can be left blank).
  • After all the data has been entered into the document, it should be checked to ensure it is correct. This will avoid mistakes and penalties. In addition to financial losses, late payment of taxes, due to the fact that accounting in 1C Accounting is not kept entirely correctly, may entail closer attention from regulatory authorities with appropriate inspections. After verification, the document must be saved.
  • If necessary, the payment order can be printed using the button of the same name.

A payment order is needed to transfer money to suppliers, pay taxes to the budget, and pay salaries to employees. Read how to create a payment order in 1C 8.3 in 4 steps here.

A payment order, or payment order, is a document that an organization provides to a bank to transfer money from a current account. Most often this is done electronically, via the Internet, using special banking services. But you can also submit payments to the bank in paper form. A payment order in 1C 8.3 can be generated both in an electronic file and on paper.

Read here how to create a payment order in 1C 8.3 in 4 steps.

How to create a payment in the BukhSoft program

Step 1. Create a “Payment order” document in 1C 8.3

Go to the “Bank and cash desk” section (1) and click on the “Payment orders” link (2). A window will open to view and create payments.

In the window, click on the “Create” button (3). A form for filling out a payment order will open.

Step 2. Fill in all the required fields in the payment order in 1C 8.3

In the payment order form, fill in the fields:

  • "Organization" (1). Please indicate your organization;
  • “Type of operation” (2). In this field, select the type of operation that suits you from the list. For example, “Payment to supplier” or “Payment of tax”;
  • "Recipient" (3). In this field, select the recipient you need from the “Counterparties” directory;
  • “Item of expenses” (4). Here, select the expense item that suits you from the “Cash Flow Items” directory, for example, “Payment to supplier”;
  • "Recipient's account" (5). In this field you must fill in the recipient's bank details: current account, bank, BIC, correspondent account;
  • "Sequence" (6). Here . For example, when paying suppliers and paying taxes, you must put “5”, when paying salaries – “3”;
  • “Payment amount” (7). Specify the payment amount;
  • “VAT rate” (8). Select an option from the list;
  • “Purpose of payment” (9). Write down what agreement or invoice you are paying for, and what the subject of payment is (for goods, services, payment of taxes, loan repayment, etc.).

When you select certain types of transactions in the payment form, additional fields appear. For example, if you select "Pay Tax" (10), the following fields will appear:

  • "Tax" (11). Here you need to select from the list the tax that you are transferring, for example “VAT”;
  • “Details for transferring taxes and other payments to the budget” (12). Here you indicate the BCC, OKTMO code, payer status, basis for payment, tax period.

After filling in all the fields, click the “Record” (13) and “Post” (14) buttons. The payment is ready to be uploaded to the client bank.

Step 3. Print the payment order from 1C 8.3

If you need to print a payment order to submit to the bank, then click the “Payment order” button (1). A printed payment form will appear on the screen.

To start printing, press the “Print” button (2).

Step 4. Upload the file with payment orders from 1C 8.3 for uploading to the client bank

Most organizations use the bank-client system to send payments. This is the name of the interface for working with the servicing bank, which allows you to send and receive payments and Bank statements. Such systems always have a function for loading payment orders into in electronic format. 1C 8.3 also has a function for downloading payment orders in electronic form. The file with payments is unloaded from the accounting program and uploaded to the client bank. To download a file with payment orders from the 1C 8.3 Accounting program, go to the “Bank and Cash Office” section (1) and click on “Payment orders” (2). A list of all created payments will open.

In the window that opens, select your organization from the list (3).

Now the list shows payments only for the selected organization. Next, click the “Send to bank” button (4). The “Exchange with Bank” window will open.

In the window that opens, payment orders ready for uploading are visible. They have the status “Prepared” (5). The checkboxes (6) indicate payment orders that will be downloaded. If necessary, you can click the mouse to uncheck payments that do not need to be sent. In the “Upload file to bank” field (7), specify the file name and the folder in which you want to save this file. To do this, press the “…” button (8). Click the “Upload” button (9) to save the file with payments to the folder you specified. After clicking this button, the payment status will change to “Sent”.

Now the file with the payments is in the folder that you specified in the “Upload file to bank” field (7). Upload this file to your client bank to process payments based on uploaded payment orders.

1C: Accounting 8.2. A clear tutorial for beginners Gladky Alexey Anatolyevich

Payment order for transfer of funds

To start working with outgoing payment orders in the 1C Accounting 8 program, you need to execute the main menu command Bank? Outgoing payment order. You can also use the Outgoing payment order link, which is located on the Bank tab of the function panel. When performing any of these actions, a window opens with a list of previously generated outgoing payment orders (Fig. 5.1).

Rice. 5.1. List of outgoing payment orders

All outgoing payment orders that were generated earlier automatically fall into this list. The figure shows that this window is a standard list interface, in which all the necessary information is shown for each document (date, number, accounting indicator, amount, currency, name of the organization and counterparty, type and purpose of payment, etc.) . Please note that if you are just starting to use the program, this window will be empty for the simple reason that not a single outgoing payment order has been created in the program.


Sometimes the window may be empty or contain information not for all documents and for another reason, namely, due to a previously applied filter on the displayed data. In this case, to work with full list documents you need to execute the command Actions? Disable selection (it is only available when the filter is active).

To switch to the mode of creating a new document, use the Actions? command. Add or Insert key. As a result, a window for selecting the type of operation will be displayed (Fig. 5.2).

Rice. 5.2. Selecting the type of operation

Here you need to place the cursor on the type of operation that will be reflected in the document being created and click OK. Please note that the contents of the window for entering an outgoing payment order, which will then be displayed on the screen, depend on the selected type of operation. In Fig. Figure 5.3 shows a window corresponding to the type of transaction Payment to supplier.

To edit a previously generated document, place the cursor on it and execute the Actions? command. Edit or press F2. After this, an editing window will be displayed, which is completely similar to its input window (Fig. 5.3).

Rice. 5.3. Outgoing payment order, transaction type Payment to supplier

Note that, if necessary, you can re-select the previously specified type of operation for this document in the Operation menu.

At the top of the window, fill in the parameters by which the document will be identified in the list and selection interfaces. The Number field indicates the number of the payment order in the system. This number is assigned automatically by the program after recording the document. To change the document number, you need to use the Actions? Edit number enable editing mode for this field.

The from field indicates the date and time the current document was entered. This parameter is required. At the time the document is created, the value of this field is generated automatically by the program - it displays the working date. After a document is recorded using the Record button, the time the document was recorded is automatically added to the working date.

The name of the paying organization is entered in the Organization field. This parameter is filled in according to the same rules as in the editing windows of other primary documents, with whom we met earlier.

After this, you need to indicate the counterparty who is the recipient of the money under the payment order. The required value is entered in the Recipient field: to do this, press the selection button or the F4 key, then in the window that opens, select the required position with a mouse click and press the Enter key or the Select button.

The Reflect to tax option. accounting is included if the payment order needs to be carried out not only according to accounting, but also according to tax accounting.

The amount of funds transferred is indicated in the Amount field. In some cases, this field can be filled in automatically - for example, when a payment order is generated on the basis of another document.

The values ​​of the Accounting Account (Account) and Bank Account fields are interconnected as follows: in the Bank Account field the name of the account of the paying organization is indicated, and in the Accounting Account (Account) field – the accounting account that reflects the movement and balances of funds in this bank account .

The name of the bank account of the recipient of funds specified in the Counterparty field is indicated in the Recipient Account field. Note that the Recipient's Account field is filled in automatically immediately after selecting a counterparty for the document, but if the counterparty has several accounts (by default, the one that is the main one for him is offered), you can reselect it in the corresponding directory by pressing the selection button or the F4 key.

The parameters located in the central part of the interface are divided into two tabs: Payment decryption and INN/KPP. Let's look at the procedure for working on each of them.

The contents of the Payment Explanation tab are shown in Fig. 5.3. Here, in the Agreement field, you should enter the details of the agreement, in accordance with which funds are transferred under this document. The required value is selected from the directory of contracts with counterparties, which is opened using the selection button.


You can transfer funds under several agreements at once with one payment order. To do this, click the List button in the toolbar. After this, the central part of the tab will change its appearance (Fig. 5.4), and in the tabular part that appears, you can make a list of agreements under which payments are made.

Rice. 5.4. Execution of payments under several agreements with one payment order

If settlements under the selected agreement are carried out not according to the agreement as a whole, but according to settlement documents, then the Settlement Document field appears on the right. In this field you need to indicate the settlement document for this agreement. When you click the selection button, a window will be displayed with a list of settlement documents for the agreement specified in the Agreement field. In this window, you need to select the required document by clicking the mouse and click the Select button. If there are no settlement documents for this agreement yet, you can enter a new document by clicking the New settlement document (manual accounting) button.

The value added tax rate is indicated in the VAT rate field. After selecting a rate, the program will automatically calculate the tax amount, which will appear in the VAT field on the right.

In the Settlement account field, enter the number of the accounting account intended for conducting settlements with the previously selected counterparty. The required value is selected in the chart of accounts window, which is displayed on the screen using the selection button. Please note that this parameter is required to process the document accounting(if this field is not filled in, the document can only be saved using the Save button).

The program implements the ability to divide the payment amount into two parts - payment and advance. To use this mechanism, you need to enter the account number intended for accounting for advance payments in the Advance account field.

If you keep records of funds in terms of items of their movement, then indicate in the Item of movement field the money. funds name of the item to which this payment must be attributed.

If you make payments under several contracts at once with one document (as shown in Fig. 5.4), then in the tabular part of the window all the listed information must be indicated for each item in the list.

As for the TIN/KPP tab, the individual taxpayer number, the reason code for registration and the name of the payer and recipient of funds under this document are indicated in the appropriate fields. The values ​​of these parameters are generated by the program automatically after filling in the Organization and Recipient fields, but if necessary, you can edit them manually.

In the Payment purpose field, enter the payment purpose for this document using the keyboard. The program will automatically fill in this field based on the information specified in other fields of the window, but you can edit this value at your discretion.

In the Priority field, the order of payment is indicated, and in the Type of payment field, its type is selected from the drop-down list (by Mail, Electronically, Telegraph or Urgent). If you find it difficult to fill out these parameters, you can check with your bank what values ​​you need to indicate here.

As you know, a payment order is sent to the bank for payment. After it has passed through the bank statement, you need to check the Payment order paid checkbox, and in the field located on the right using the keyboard or using the calendar opened by clicking the select button, indicate the date of this statement. Please note that the date specified in this field may differ from the document generation date entered at the top of the window in the from field.

At the bottom of the window, in the Responsible field, you can specify the user responsible for compiling of this document. To do this, press the selection button or the F4 key, then in the user directory window that opens, select the desired position with a mouse click and press the Select button.

In the Comment field, you can, if necessary, enter additional information of any nature related to this document using the keyboard.

To save the entered data, press the key combination Ctrl+S or the Save button located at the bottom right of the window. To post an accounting document, press the OK button or the Ctrl+Enter key combination. The Close button is intended to exit this mode without saving the changes made.

After the payment order has been generated and saved, it can be printed. To do this, at the bottom of the window you need to click the Payment order button, or select a similar command in the Print button menu. An example of a printed form for an outgoing payment order is shown in Fig. 5.5.

Rice. 5.5. Payment order to transfer funds to the supplier

To send a payment order to the printer, press the key combination Ctrl+P or select the File? command in the main menu of the program. Seal.

Thus, we already know how to generate payment orders for the transfer of funds to suppliers for received inventory items (work performed, services rendered). But we already said above that in the Operation menu you can change the type of operation for a given payment order. Next, we will consider how to work with an outgoing payment order for each type of operation.

To generate a document for the return of amounts to customers (for example, if they returned some valuables, and, accordingly, you need to make a reverse transfer of money, or in cases of overpayment, etc.), use the Refund of funds to buyer transaction type. In this case, the process of generating a document will proceed in the same way as in the case of a payment order to pay a supplier.

If, before generating the document, you specified the transaction type Settlements for loans and borrowings with counterparties or Other settlements with counterparties, the input and editing window will look almost the same as for the transaction type Payment to supplier. The only difference is that the Advance Account field will not be available on the Payment Description tab.

When generating a document with the type of transaction Other write-off of non-cash funds or Transfer to another account of the organization, the Payment Interpretation tab in the payment order editing window will contain only two parameters - Account and Money Movement Item. funds. These parameters are filled in according to the same rules as when generating other payment orders.

When entering a payment order with the transaction type Transfer of funds to an accountant, the Payment breakdown tab will include two fields – Accountant and Money movement item. funds. The first of them indicates the full name of the accountable person to whom non-cash money is transferred from the company’s current account. Regarding the field Item movement money. funds, then it is filled out according to the usual rules.

But when generating a payment order with the transaction type Salary Transfer, the contents of the Payment Explanation tab will change quite significantly (Fig. 5.6).

Rice. 5.6. Formation of a payment order for salary transfer

In the tabular part of this window (or rather, the Payment Explanation tab), you need to make a list of statements for the payment of wages, the transfers for which are documented in this document. To add a statement, click the Add button in the toolbar - as a result, a new position with an automatically assigned serial number will be displayed in the list. After this, in the Statement field, you need to click the selection button, and in the list window of salary statements that opens, select the statement according to which the transfer will be made. After this, the To be paid field will be automatically filled in, as well as the Amount field, which is located at the top of the window.

To delete a salary slip from the list, place the cursor on it and click the Delete current button in the toolbar or the Delete key. You must be careful when doing this, since the program does not issue an additional request to confirm the deletion operation. As salary slips are added or deleted, the value of the Amount field will be recalculated automatically.

And one more important type of operation - Transfer of tax, is used when entering an outgoing payment order to pay taxes. In the editing window for such a document, the Payment Explanation tab will contain two fields – Account and Money Movement Item. funds. In the Account field, you need to specify an account that will correspond with the account specified at the top of the window in the Accounting account (BU) field. In addition, another tab will appear in the window - Transfer to the budget, the contents of which are shown in Fig. 5.7.

Rice. 5.7. Extra options tax payment order

Here you enter information that is specific only to a tax payment order. The Transfer type field is not available for editing - it displays the value Tax payment, which is quite logical, given the type of transaction on the document. From the corresponding drop-down lists, select the sender status, type tax period and payment type. In the Document number field, enter the number of the document that serves as the basis for tax transfer, and in the Document date field, enter the date of this document. The tax payment order is printed according to the usual rules - using the Payment order button or a similar menu command opened by clicking the Print button.

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Most patients believe that helminthic infestation is a “disease of dirty hands.” This statement is only half true. Some...

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Depending on the type of pathogen, its location in organs and systems, the intensity of infection and the general condition of the infected...
This extremely cruel blow is usually applied to the lower abdomen, to the genitals. It is often used as a stopping blow against...
Collapse There are many myths and reliable opinions surrounding the topic of whether you can drink alcohol if you have been diagnosed with cancer. For cancer...
Sex formation is the process of development of many characteristics and properties that distinguish males from females and prepare them for reproduction...