The meaning of the name Aidar, what does the name Aidar mean? History of origin and interpretation of the name Aidar

The question of the origin of the beautiful male name Aidar still does not have a clear answer. In attempts to determine the truth, researchers put forward several theories at once, each of which sounds. According to one version, this name has Turkic roots. Translated into Russian it means “lunar”. According to the second version, the meaning of the boy’s name Aidar corresponds to the concept of “authoritative”, “prominent young man”, “worthy” or “lion”, and the name itself is derived from the Arabic Haidar. There is also a third interpretation. According to Kalmyks, the meaning of this name corresponds to the expression “braid on the forehead.”

The meaning of the name Aidar in the fate of a boy

Under the influence of the meaning of the name Aidar, the boy grows up to be a very responsible and hardworking young man. He demonstrates enormous fortitude, becoming the owner of enviable fighting and leadership qualities. This young man with the male name Aidar easily gains the authority of those around him. Thanks to his unique charisma, courage and determination, he inspires trust in other people, gaining the opportunity to influence their actions and decisions.

Talking about meaning of the name Aidar and the character of a person, it is worth noting that this young man has an overdeveloped pride. Sometimes he shows outright selfishness, ignoring the needs of other people and caring only about his own interests. Despite such egocentrism, this guy can be very sociable and... With a little effort to combat his selfishness, he can become an excellent friend, a successful employee and a caring husband. To be fair, it is worth noting that this man named Aidar starts a family quite late. The reason for this is his frivolity, which is not at all conducive to stability and marriage.

The professional fate of a man named Aidar is quite favorable. Thanks to his persistence, diligence and diligence, this person is always in good standing with his superiors and moves up the career ladder without any problems.

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Characteristics of the male name Aidar

  1. Analysis of the meaning of the male name Aidar allows us to determine high compatibility with the names of women Alsou, Sabina, Azalia, Zarina, Rosa, Zhamilya, Zukhra, Alexandra, Tamara and Agnia. Based on this, we can talk about the prospects for a stable and successful marriage. Aidar's relationships with women named Eva, Olga, Marta, Dinara and Emilia may turn out to be unsuccessful.
  2. According to the astrological meaning of the name Aydar, this name is considered suitable for zodiac signs like Sagittarius and Capricorn.
  3. The boy's name Aidar has several derivative forms. The most popular of them are Aitar, Aizar and Haydar.

4 version of interpretation of the name Aidar

Meaning: : The origin is unknown, options: 1. ancestral hair that has not been cut off since birth in male infants. As a result, a large forelock spit grew. Among the Zaporozhye Cossacks, this was an oseledets. 2. worthy, from among worthy husbands (aidarly keshe)

Numerology of the name Aydar

Name number: 9

People born under the number nine have the ability to forgive everyone around them and high spiritual qualities. In addition, they have well-developed instincts, empathy, the ability to empathize, and creative thinking. They can realize their talents in creative fields and achieve considerable success. They also always enjoy the recognition and love of others, which can play both a good and an evil role in their fate.

The meaning of the letters in the name Aidar

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Y- owners of this letter in their name have an impulsive and explosive character. They often don't know how to communicate with people. For a more accurate meaning, you should look at the other letters of the name.

D- stubbornness, pride, isolation, complexes and limitations. These people, before doing something, think everything over several times. In all actions they are guided by common sense and logic. They will always help in difficult situations. They are characterized by excessive talkativeness. They do not accept criticism, they very rarely listen to other people’s opinions and therefore often make serious mistakes.

R- people with the letter “R” in their name have extraordinary thinking. They are very responsible and you can rely on them in any situation. They have well-developed intuitions and have an extremely negative attitude towards lies. They constantly strive for leadership, but in family relationships they rely on their partner.

Name as a phrase

  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
  • Y- Izhe (If, If, as well as the meaning of i – Unity, One, Together, Unite, Perfection, Union, Unification)
  • D- Welcome
  • R- Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)

Name Aidar in English (Latin)


When filling out a document in English, you should first write your first name, then your patronymic in Latin letters, and then your last name. You may need to write the name Aidar in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

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The meaning of the name Aidar - interpretation

There are different versions about the origin of the name Aidar, but experts agree that it came from the Turkic or Arabic language. In the first case, it is derived from the word “ay”, meaning “moon”. For this reason, the name is translated as “lunar.” Among the Turks, wearing it is an honor, since there is a legend according to which the moon once saved humanity. Translated from Arabic, this name means “authoritative” and is derived from the word “haidar” - the name of a special hairstyle that only worthy people were allowed to wear.

Name Aidar in other languages

Years later

Little Aidar is a person who, even at such a tender age, is characterized by strength of character and willpower. These traits are manifested in a reluctance to obey parental demands in things that the child does not like.

Over the years, these features only progress. The boy is persistent, treats any task responsibly and always finishes what he starts. He has a purely masculine character trait - increased responsibility.

Aidar works hard on himself, often as a result of this he becomes authoritative in the team. He is an inquisitive student who is interested in everything new, and a purposeful person with good abilities who easily achieves results.

The grown-up Aidar has a difficult character. It's all due to a heightened sense of justice. It is difficult to lie to anyone in his presence, since this young man will expose him. The young man strives to defend his innocence in any way, which often leads to clarification of relationships and conflicts.

Hardworking and strong in spirit, he is a conqueror by nature. Elements of assertiveness and self-confidence help him always stay afloat. Attentive and sociable Aidar is endowed with a share of egoism and pride, but these traits do not bother him at all.

He is extremely romantic, dreamy and amorous, immersed in dreams and experiences discomfort when he is abruptly torn away from them.

Aidar is the person who always helps others. He is in no hurry to take any serious actions, but first thinks everything over in order to be one hundred percent confident in his further steps.

He really likes to communicate and show himself in all his glory, but sometimes this man becomes arrogant due to the characteristics of his nature, which he does not seek to change. Self-examination is not typical for him.

Before us is the owner of charisma that will allow him to lead people. Such a man enjoys authority among others. It is important to determine as early as possible the abilities that he possesses in order to develop them as effectively as possible. Aidar will become an excellent leader, but for this he must not let egoism take over.

Aidar's character

Natural charm helps him in a short time to become one of the people among complete strangers. Such a man is not able to work for the public, to force himself to do anything for selfish purposes.

He really sincerely sympathizes even with strangers and shows genuine interest in them.

He can be an arrogant man; his excessive pride is not always justified and has an extremely negative impact on both himself and his image in the eyes of others, who find it difficult to maintain warm relations with him.

The most unpleasant thing is that Aidar finds it extremely difficult to change himself in order to get rid of these clearly undesirable character traits. To do this, he needs to make titanic efforts.

Aidar's fate

Aidar should not deviate from his goals; under no circumstances should he stop on the path to success. He is confident and has fortitude. This charming man, however, is very calculating. His charisma allows him to make a large number of friends. Analysis of life situations helps Aidar avoid mistakes. If such a man carefully considers his plan of action, he will definitely achieve success.

and money

and family

and love


and hobbies

Career, business and money

This is a hardworking man who does not sit still; his energy pushes him towards career growth. High efficiency, communication skills, rationalism are qualities that help Aidar achieve success. Without a doubt, he is entrusted with important tasks, and he carries them out without difficulty, which contributes to his promotion.

Hard work and developed communication skills will help him become a successful businessman. He is in no hurry to make decisions; he plans them for a long time in order to draw up a competent plan of action. He has leadership skills that will help him take a high position. Such a man does not particularly strive for the position of leader, but often becomes one.

He is valued in the team, he is ready to help out a comrade at any time, and become a good friend for a colleague. This trait will play into his hands more than once. Aidar is practical, knows how to save, he always has a reserve of funds for a rainy day, and lives in abundance.

Marriage and family

The family imposes certain obligations on Aidar, and he thereby gets rid of his frivolity and becomes loyal and responsible. Marriage is concluded only when he realizes that he is ready for family life morally. This man’s wife is a kind and understanding girl who should harmoniously complement her temperamental husband.

Sex and love

Aidar is impulsive and amorous, but this does not mean that deep feelings are alien to him. He has been looking for a soul mate for a long time, as he has serious requests for her.

This man needs a lady as a partner who will be flexible and will not pretend to be a leader in the family. Romantic and amorous, some may seem flighty. Aidar will make every effort not to upset the chosen one.


A person named Aidar gets sick extremely rarely and for only a short time. He is in good health, loves to go to the gym, and can do hardening.

It has practically no weak points. Visiting doctors is put off until the last minute, which over time can have a detrimental effect on your health. You need to monitor your blood pressure and heart.

Interests and hobbies

Aidar is physically strong and resilient, loves to play various sports. Such a man devotes a lot of time to this hobby, and is always fit and slender. Usually no one can compare with him in terms of endurance and physical strength.

In addition, Aidar may be interested in other things that are not related to sports. For example, gatherings with friends.

Meaning of the name Aydar: a boy's name means "lunar", "moon-like" or "moon-like". This affects the character and fate of Aidar.

Origin of the name Aidar: Arabic, Muslim, Kazakh.

Diminutive form of name: Aidarchik, Aidarochka, Aidarushka, Aidaronka, Aidashka, Aidushka, Darchik, Darochka, Darushka.

What does the name Aidar mean: It is believed that there are several versions of the origin of this name. According to one of them, the name was derived from the word “moon” - “ay” in the Turkic language. That is why the name Aidar is often translated as “lunar”.

Also, the meaning of the name Aidar can be interpreted as “worthy”, “prominent”, “authoritative”. This is an Arabic name and may be a variant pronunciation of the name Haydar.

Finally, there is a third version, according to which the Kalmyks formed the name Aidar from the phrase “braid on the forehead.” Perhaps this is what the Slavs called men whose hairstyle was very specific. For example, Cossacks are known for shaving their hair, leaving a forelock, which could be the reason for the appearance of the expression and name itself.

The name Aidar may sound different among different peoples. So, this is Aizar among the Bashkirs, Aitar among the Chuvash, Aidar among the Nogais, Kazakhs, Tatars, and Kyrgyz.

Aidar Angel Day: the name Aidar does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.


  • Planet Neptune.
  • Element: Water, cold-humidity.
  • Zodiac: Sagittarius, Pisces.
  • Color: Aquamarine, sea green.
  • Day: Thursday, Friday.
  • Metal: Rare earth metals, platinum.
  • Mineral: Topaz, aquamarine.
  • Plants: Grapes, poppy, roses, saffron, weeping willow, algae, mushrooms, water lily, henbane, hemp.
  • Animals: Deep sea fish, whale, seagull, albatross, dolphin.

Characteristics of the name Aidar

Positive features: Natural charm helps him in a short time to become one of the people among complete strangers. Such a man is not able to work for the public, to force himself to do anything for selfish purposes. He really sincerely sympathizes even with strangers and shows genuine interest in them.

Negative features: He can be an arrogant man; his excessive pride is not always justified and has an extremely negative impact on both himself and his image in the eyes of others, who find it difficult to maintain warm relations with him. The most unpleasant thing is that Aidar finds it extremely difficult to change himself in order to get rid of these clearly undesirable character traits. To do this, he needs to make titanic efforts.

Character of the name Aidar: The name Aidar always tries to hide excessive softness behind a mask of pragmatism. By the way, the desire for prudence often helps him avoid defeat in various situations, since he carefully considers the plan of action, which leads to success, which will spur Aidar to new achievements.

Aidar and his personal life

Love and marriage: Aidar is in no hurry to create a family, since he is quite frivolous in this matter. Over time, this feature of his will fade away and then Aidar will be capable of a serious relationship. He is a good husband who needs a calm and obedient wife. Aidar will be the indispensable leader in the family, and his word will always be the last. At the same time, he is ready to carry his wife in his arms and indulge her in every possible way in her feminine hobbies. It can also be noted that Aidar is a caring and attentive father. Children mean a lot in his life and he maintains a warm relationship with them, even after many years.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: This is a hardworking man who does not sit still; his energy pushes him towards career growth. High efficiency, communication skills, rationalism are qualities that help Aidar achieve success. Without a doubt, he is entrusted with important tasks, and he carries them out without difficulty, which contributes to his promotion. Hard work and developed communication skills will help him become a successful businessman. He is in no hurry to make decisions; he plans them for a long time in order to draw up a competent plan of action. He has leadership skills that will help him take a high position. Such a man does not particularly strive for the position of leader, but often becomes one.

Business and career: In numerology, the meaning of the name Aidar is determined by the number 9. From its ward it requires dedication to the goal and talent. Only then will Aidar be able to achieve success in life. He is quite capable of becoming a leader and leading people, since he enjoys authority among those around him and has an elusive charisma that increases the degree of trust in him. It is very important that a man named Aidar does not demand more from himself and others than is necessary, and does not resort to disrespectful actions in the process of achieving basic goals.

Health and energy

Health and talents: According to experts, owners of this courageous name complain little about their health. They are fit and athletic, so they can withstand physical activity easily. However, they should not forget about their heart, and also monitor their blood pressure, as it may be elevated.

The fate of Aidar in history

What does the name Aydar mean for a man’s destiny?

  1. Aidar Saparov – Kazakh singer known as Dilani
  2. Malik-Aidar Asylbekov – professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical Sciences, author of more than 150 popular science and scientific works
  3. Aidar Kazybaev - Chairman of the Trade Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  4. Muhammad Haydar Dulati - historian and writer
  5. Aidar Bazilov - colonel who worked in the KGB of the USSR and in investigative units
  6. Aidar Arifkhanov - former deputy chairman of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Information and Communications
  7. Aidar Galimov - People's Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan, People's Artist of the Republic of Bashkortostan, performer
  8. Aidar Gainullin is a world-famous Russian accordion player, vocalist and composer.
  9. Dilani - born 1988 real name - Aidar Saparov; Kazakh singer. Delani became an official of ACTIV | KCELL in the Western region, this is the first rapper in the country who is listened to outside of Kazakhstan, joint tracks with artists from Russia and Ukraine - allowed us to expand the boundaries of this talented artist. At the moment, it is truly a fashionable format for new and promising youth.
  10. Aidar Shaidullin - born 1977, premier of the Kremlin Ballet Theater, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation 2006.
  11. Aidar Akaev - born 1976, the eldest son of the first president of Kyrgyzstan Askar Akaev. Former Advisor to the Minister of Finance of Kyrgyzstan, Former Deputy of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic. Judging by the document, he owned the country's largest GSM operator, Bitel.
  12. Aidar Khusainov - born 1965, Russian poet, writer, playwright, translator, public figure.

Aydar is a man full of dignity, honor, greatness and natural charm. His character is consistent with the translation of his name. From Arabic, the name Aydar means “worthy of the worthy.” In the Muslim world, the name Aydar is quite common. Some researchers consider it to be a form of the name Haydar, which in turn means “lion.” Others attribute the name Aidar to the name of the hairstyle of Turkic warriors.

The origin of a name leaves an indelible imprint on its bearer. Aidar is a brave, passionate and independent man. He is not at all worried about the vicissitudes of fate, he goes straight to his goal.

Vivid personality traits

Aidar is a born leader. Firstly, he is completely unselfish, open and somewhat naive. Secondly, a man believes in the best in people, and if this is not the case, then he will definitely turn even the last scoundrel to good thoughts. Aidar is the soul of any company, he is loved in the family, at work and among friends, because he is sincere, truly attached to others and kind, he is one of those who is always ready to get out of trouble, to help in word and deed.

Although he can be called an idealist, he by no means has his head in the clouds. This is a reasonable, intelligent man, capable of calculating his actions many steps ahead. The name Aidar usually belongs to intellectuals who spend a lot of time on self-education.

The meaning of the name Aidar is easiest to understand by referring to its sound content. Each sound is associated with its own symbol and means a very specific emotion, direction, image. Their combination forms words that influence our feelings and thoughts, and therefore our actions. Associations born from sounds are usually national; they are based on some kind of deep order.

The first letter forms the frame of the name - a powerful creative principle, internal strength to fight for the implementation of one’s ideas. The rest complement the meaning of the name Aidar and are associated with such qualities as:

  • Self confidence.
  • Bravery.
  • The ability to take risks, putting everything on the line.
  • Kindness.
  • The desire for harmony with other people and the world.
  • Romance.
  • The desire to help others and improve their lives.
  • Intuition and insight.
  • Reasonableness.

Thus, the name Aidar belongs to a kind, sympathetic man who is not alien to contemplation and peace, but at the same time desires passion and enthusiasm, struggle for ideas and new discoveries. The most striking traits accompany a man throughout his life, while some appear very little in childhood, reaching their peak in adolescence or even old age.

Origin of the name Aydar

Name synonyms Aidar. Aitar, Aizar, Haydar.

Origin of the name Aidar. The name Aidar is Tatar, Muslim, Kazakh. The name Aidar has several versions of origin. According to the first version, the name Aidar is a Turkic name derived from the word “moon” (“ay”). Therefore, the name Aidar is translated as “lunar”.

According to the second version, the name Aidar is an Arabic name. According to Gafurov Alim Gafurovich, a Tajik onomatologist, the name Aidar is one of the pronunciation options for the name Haydar, meaning “authoritative”, “worthy”, “prominent young man”, “from among worthy men, who does not abuse the power given from above”, the second translation is “ a lion".

There are several versions of the origin of this name. According to one of them, it is of Turkic origin and translated from one of the dialects means “moon, lunar.” In another version of the translation it is “a worthy man.” According to another point of view, the name came to us from Bulgaria. In the old days, aidar was a tuft of hair on a smoothly shaved head, which men wore as a hairstyle (like the Zaporozhye Cossack forelock).

In childhood and early adolescence, Aidar exhibits pronounced leadership qualities. He strives to be the first in everything: in studies, in sports, and in extracurricular activities. At the same time, he is distinguished by his hard work and perseverance. He loves to communicate with peers, meet new people; in the company of like-minded people, the young man is almost always the center of attention.

Naturally, with a set of such positive qualities, Aidar can achieve everything he wants in life. This can only be prevented by too high self-esteem and not always adequate behavior in anger. If Aidar gets angry, it is difficult for him to control his emotions.

In relationships with the fair sex, the bearer of this name is an incorrigible romantic. He is very generous, ready for broad gestures and crazy actions. Some Aydars are very flighty and prone to frequent changes of partners. But theoretically, they are still focused on creating a family. But only if they are completely confident in their life partner. Aidar may like not only an attractive girl, but also a strong, self-confident girl who is not afraid of difficulties and is ready to accept all the endeavors of her beloved.

Aidar has many friends. He loves big companies and never stays away. He has a good sense of humor and loves to have fun from the heart. Ready to help a friend in difficult times.

Despite the fact that the owners of this name, for the most part, are indifferent to spiritual life, some of them early manifest supernatural abilities (clairvoyance, extrasensory perception, the ability to heal).

At work, the young man is a hardworking and responsible employee. At the same time, he is inclined to think for a long time before taking one action or another, weighing all the pros and cons, to think not in breadth, but in depth. Thanks to these qualities, he makes the right decisions. But it is better for Aidar to climb to the top of the career ladder in adulthood, with a solid store of knowledge and experience.

What does the name Aydar mean?

The name Aidar is quite unusual for men in Russia. As a rule, Tatars, Chuvash, Kalmyks, Arabs, Bashkirs, and Kirghiz call boys with this name.

By nature, the bearer of the name Aidar is a romantic with a subtle soul, he is dreamy and gentle. However, from childhood, parents should develop in him practicality, love of physical labor, and rationalism. Then in adult life all the qualities of his personality will be properly balanced.

Some of the famous people bearing the name Aidar are:

  • Aidar Khusainov (writer, poet, playwright from Russia);
  • Aidar Akaev (former adviser to the Minister of Finance in Kyrgyzstan, owner of the largest GSM operator company in Kyrgyzstan called Bitel);
  • Aidar Shaidullin (Honored Artist of the Russian Federation).

The secret and meaning of the name Aidar

What does the name Aydar mean?: lunar, with a month in the forehead, cowlick, forelock, with the features of a month (Tatar name Aidar of Muslim origin).

It is believed that there are several versions of the origin of this name. According to one of them, the name was derived from the word “moon” - “ay” in the Turkic language. That is why the name Aidar is often translated as “lunar”.

Also, the meaning of the name Aidar can be interpreted as “worthy”, “prominent”, “authoritative”. This is an Arabic name and may be a variant pronunciation of the name Haydar.

Finally, there is a third version, according to which the Kalmyks formed the name Aidar from the phrase “braid on the forehead.” Perhaps this is what the Slavs called men whose hairstyle was very specific. For example, Cossacks are known for shaving their hair, leaving a forelock, which could be the reason for the appearance of the expression and name itself.

The name Aidar may sound different among different peoples. So, this is Aizar among the Bashkirs, Aitar among the Chuvash, Aidar among the Nogais, Kazakhs, Tatars, and Kyrgyz.

Angel Aidar Day: the name Aidar does not mark the name day, since it is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.

The name Aidar is a Turkic name derived from the word “moon” (“ay”). Therefore, the name Aidar is translated as “lunar”.

Character of the name Aidar

The name Aidar sounds differently among different peoples: among the Bashkirs - Aizar, among the Chuvash - Aitar, among the Tatars, Kazakhs, Kyrgyz, Nogais - Aidar. Russians could also call their sons this name, as a secular, non-ecclesiastical one.

Aidar grows up as a hardworking and strong-spirited young man. By nature he is a conqueror. Attentiveness, sociability and pronounced leadership qualities help him achieve success in life. He is a worthy and prominent representative of the male sex. The owner of such a name has a share of selfishness and pride. It is better for such a man not to get caught in anger.

Aidar is a romantic, amorous and dreamy young man. Under certain circumstances, he shows his impulsiveness. He is considered a flighty young man. Only a strong-willed person can create a real strong family with him.

In a noisy company, Aidar always feels in his place. He is cheerful and prone to grand gestures. Aidar helps people and never remains indifferent to their problems. At the same time, some representatives of this name, due to their inflated self-esteem, become arrogant people. They may be moody. Representatives of this name often have psychic abilities.

Often the soft romantic nature of this person is skillfully hidden behind a screen of practicality. Before starting any business, he usually thinks and thinks about everything for a long time. Thanks to his qualities, he is rarely deceived by appearances. Constantly strives to get to the heart of the matter.

Health and talents named after Aidar

Since childhood, Aidara has been distinguished by hard work and some kind of inexplicable inner strength. But at the same time, he often has overly developed pride and selfishness. By eradicating these qualities in himself at least partially, Aidar will be able to make friends, become more successful in his career, and build family relationships. By the way, as for the family, the name Aidar is often distinguished by frivolity, which, of course, is not conducive to marriage, and therefore he marries late.

In company, Aidar is like a fish in water, because he really likes to communicate. Aidar can always come to the aid of a person, but sometimes he is too arrogant and capricious due to the peculiarities of his nature.

The name Aidar always tries to hide excessive softness behind a mask of pragmatism. By the way, the desire for prudence often helps him avoid defeat in various situations, since he carefully considers the plan of action, which leads to success, which will spur Aidar to new achievements.

Characteristics of the name Aidar

Since childhood, Aidar has been distinguished by hard work, masculinity, and will. This is a responsible boy, sociable and attentive. The innate abilities of a leader will greatly help him in achieving success in life. He knows how to set goals and work to achieve them. He does not need to be taught to work on himself. The financial situation in this regard is very favorable.

A young man named Aidar is amorous, romantic and dreamy. He is a prominent and authoritative person in the company. Cheerful, never refuses help, capable of broad gestures. He tends to idealize those around him. However, before starting any business, Aidar carefully thinks through the entire strategy. Therefore, it will not be possible to deceive him with appearances alone.

  • power
  • comfort
  • moodiness
  • sociability
  • friendliness
  • extrasensory ability
  • dogmaticity
  • constant pressure
  • self-confidence

Famous owners (namesakes) of the name Aydar:

  • Aidar - king of Volga Bulgaria in the early period (end of the 8th century - 865).
  • Aidar is a Horde prince, son-in-law of Khan Ulu-Muhammad.
  • Aidar is a Crimean prince, the son of the Crimean Khan Azi-Girey.
  • Khusainov, Aidar Gaidarovich - poet, prose writer, translator, playwright, editor-in-chief of the newspaper “Istoki”;
  • Aidar Halim - Tatar writer, Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR since 1976, Chairman of the Milli Majlis of the Tatar people;

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