Dermatology. Skin doctor Appointment with dermatologist Doctor of Medical Sciences

Dermatologist– a doctor specializing in the treatment of diseases of the skin, hair, sebaceous and sweat glands. This specialty combines such areas of medicine as endocrinology, venereology, mycology, allergology and a number of others. The skin is the largest human organ. It takes on all the influences of the environment, and is therefore susceptible to age-related and symptomatic changes. Some skin diseases may be associated with infections, viruses, fungi, so be sure to consult a dermatologist if you have the following manifestations of dermatological problems: uneven skin coloring, spots, rashes, pustules, pimples, itching, peeling, swelling and itching of the skin, appearance moles and warts, their sharp growth and change in size. The pediatrician refers to a pediatric dermatologist in case of allergic dermatitis, diathesis and rashes of unclear etymology.

An appointment with a dermatologist includes an examination, questioning and prescription of medication and physical therapy (if necessary). The dermatologist can also redirect you to another specialist: mycologist, trichologist, surgeon, oncologist.

The doctor will also give you advice on caring for your skin and problem areas, and recommend changes in diet and lifestyle.

If the dermatological manifestation is a consequence of internal diseases, you may be asked to visit a gastroenterologist, venereologist, endocrinologist and undergo the appropriate tests.

A qualified specialist has one or a number of related specialties: dermatologist-cosmetologist, dermatologist-venereologist, trichologist, mycologist, etc. Look for a doctor with a suitable specialization.

How to find a good dermatologist

You can find a good dermatologist both in clinics and in specialized centers, skin and venereal disease clinics. You may find feedback from friends or on thematic forums useful.

A dermatologist, including a dermatologist-cosmetologist, is a doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin, mucous membranes, hair and nails.

Leading dermatologists work at the NDC “Retinoids”. The Center's doctors have academic degrees - Doctor and Candidate of Medical Sciences.

We treat:

  • acne, demodicosis, rosacea, furunculosis;
  • atopic dermatitis of various nature, including in children;
  • diaper dermatitis, molluscum contagiosum, eczema and other dermatological diseases characteristic of childhood;
  • psoriasis, allergic skin diseases, skin manifestations of diabetes;
  • scabies, fungal diseases;
  • scars, pigmentation, post-acne;
  • dry skin;
  • all types of hair diseases (baldness, hair abnormalities, hypertrichosis, seborrhea, seborrheic dermatitis, brittle hair, etc.).

more details

The experience of the Center’s highly qualified specialists allows us to find solutions to problems even in the most difficult situations and is a source of pride for us. The Retinoids Center uses treatment methods that include both traditional ones, which have successfully proven themselves over many years, and original developments that are the result of a generalization and analysis of many years of scientific research. Doctors also have their own proven methods for treating skin and hair diseases.

Consult a dermatologist if you notice:

  • itching, swelling of the skin or mucous membranes;
  • the appearance of a rash (both pronounced and pale);
  • severe peeling of the skin;
  • formation of pustules;
  • redness or weeping;
  • change in skin color;
  • the appearance of a large number of new moles on the skin or their growth;
  • changes in the color and/or structure of nails;
  • the appearance of warts, changes in their color and size.

Since some sexually transmitted diseases are characterized by lesions of the skin and mucous membranes, the scope of competence of a dermatologist also includes the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases.

Since the skin, which performs a respiratory and protective function, reflects various changes in the external environment and the functioning of internal organs, in case of persistent changes in the epithelium, it is advisable to visit a dermatologist.

Diseases of the skin and mucous membranes can be the result of damage to internal organs or infectious diseases, so the dermatologist can refer the patient to doctors of other specialties (to, etc.).

In addition, a dermatologist treats malignant skin diseases.

What does a dermatologist treat in adults?

A dermatologist treats:

  • Athlete's foot is a contagious (infectious) infectious disease that occurs when infected by fungi of the genus dermatophytes. There are inguinal athlete's foot, which is caused by the fungus Epidermophyton inguinale, as well as athlete's foot, which occurs when infected by the fungus Trichophyton mentagrophytes. With inguinal epidermophytosis, the femoral-scrotal folds, inner thighs, pubis and armpits are affected (if the disease is advanced or the patient is obese, the pathological process can affect the skin of the chest and abdomen). With athlete's foot, not only the skin of the foot is affected, but also the nails. Both types of fungi are very contagious, and since they prefer high humidity and elevated temperatures, infection often occurs when visiting a bathhouse, swimming pool, etc.
  • Trichophytosis or “ringworm” is a fungal disease caused by fungi of the genus Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton. Fungi are transmitted from a sick person or animal through direct contact, sharing clothing and other items. The fungus affects the skin, including under the hair, and in some cases also affects the nails. Signs of the disease are reddish ring-shaped itchy spots, damage to the hair roots and hair loss in the anterior region of the skull.
  • Microsporia (a type of “ringworm”) is a contagious disease of animals and humans that is caused by fungi of the genus Microsporum. The fungus primarily affects the skin and hair, but sometimes the lesion can also affect the nail plates. The causative agent of the infection is transmitted from sick animals to humans with fur infected with the fungus, caught on care items, etc. The pathogen can be transmitted from person to person through hats and household items.
  • Tinea versicolor, which occurs when infected with the fungus Malassezia furfur. The fungus normally lives on the skin of humans and animals, but with increased sweating and changes in the pH of the sweat-fat mantle, it affects the mouths of the follicles and the stratum corneum of the epidermis, forming spots on the skin (on light-colored skin, a café-au-lait spot, on dark skin, a whitish one). In most cases, the disease is not contagious.
  • Rubrophytosis is the most common contagious fungal disease (80-90% of all mycoses of the feet), which affects smooth skin, nails and vellus hair. The causative agent of the disease is the fungus Trichophyton rubrum, which is transmitted from person to person in conditions of high humidity (baths, swimming pools, etc.) and through common household items.
  • Scab (favus) is a fungal disease that forms a hard crust when it affects the scalp or skin. This disease also affects the nails and may damage internal organs. The disease can have a scutulous form (accompanied by dry hair, loss of shine and elasticity, baldness), a squamous form (accompanied by diffuse peeling, tiny scutulae may be present) and an impetiginous form, in which yellow-brown crusts form. Infection occurs through contact with a sick person or through the use of common household items.
  • Candidiasis, which is caused by yeast-like fungi of the genus Candida in endocrine disorders, hypovitaminosis, gastrointestinal diseases and poor personal hygiene. The fungus is part of the normal microflora of the mouth, vagina and colon, multiplying in large numbers only when the immune system is weakened.
  • Deep mycoses (blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, sporotrichosis, etc.), which are located in the skin and underlying tissues, affecting internal organs.
  • - a contagious disease in which the skin is affected by streptococci and staphylococci. The disease can be primary (occurs when pathogenic strains come into contact with the skin in the presence of microtraumas or softening of the skin under the influence of liquid (maceration)) and secondary (is a complication of dermatoses). With streptococcal infection, slight redness of the skin and lesions with fine-plate peeling (dry pyoderma) are observed. A type of streptococcal impetigo is streptococcal seizures, which most often occur in children.
  • Papilloma is a benign tumor-like formation of the skin and mucous membranes that is warty in nature. The formation of papillomas occurs when the human papillomavirus (HPV) is infected against the background of decreased immunity. Infection occurs by contact, the virus is transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person in the presence of skin lesions (this is usually the spread of vulgar, filiform and flat warts) or sexually (genital warts, which are rarely transmitted through household contact). The virus often enters the body during childhood.
  • Herpes is a viral disease characterized by a rash in the form of grouped blisters located on the skin and mucous membranes. Caused by herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. Contact with the first type virus occurs in almost all people by the 18th month of life. Typically, the virus enters the body through the respiratory tract, after which it penetrates the trigeminal nerve and remains in latent form in the ganglion cells for an indefinite period. Herpes virus type 2 enters the body through sexual contact and also enters a latent form in the cells of the sacral ganglion. Activation of the virus is provoked by impaired immunity, stressful situations and other diseases.

A dermatologist also treats non-contagious inflammatory skin diseases:

  • Eczema, which is accompanied by a rash and itching and can occur in acute or chronic form. It occurs under the influence of external (thermal, mechanical, etc.) and internal (gastrointestinal disease, etc.) factors. It can be true (idiopathic), microbial, mycotic, seborrheic, professional, pediatric, varicose and sycosiform.
  • Neurodermatitis is a chronic disease that occurs as a result of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, metabolic disorders and diseases of internal organs. Harmful environmental factors also provoke the disease. Neurodermatitis is accompanied by severe constant itching, infiltration and redness and the presence of a rash or lesions with epidermo-dermal papules.
  • Dermatitis of an allergic nature, which occurs as a result of contact with an allergen (allergic contact dermatitis, atopic and drug dermatitis) or natural skin irritants (simple contact and actinic dermatitis).
  • Urticaria is a skin disease in the form of pale pink itchy blisters that quickly appear on the skin after a person comes into contact with an allergen (reminiscent of a nettle burn).
  • Seborrhea is a painful chronic skin condition that occurs as a result of increased sebum secretion associated with disorders of the nervous and neuroendocrine regulation of the functions of the sebaceous glands, etc.
  • scabies caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei;
  • demodicosis, which is caused by the mite Demodex follikulorum;
  • pediculosis, which occurs when infested with lice;
  • leishmaniasis, which occurs from mosquito bites;
  • Strongyloidiasis, which is caused by worms of the genus Strongyloides and others.

Pediatric dermatologist

Since children's skin is more delicate, and the child reacts more acutely to external and internal factors, inflammatory processes on the child's skin require consultation with a pediatric dermatologist.

A pediatric dermatologist treats:

  • inflammatory and pustular skin diseases (diaper rash, etc.);
  • dermatitis (atopic dermatitis is a common reason for visiting a doctor);
  • fungal skin infections (“ringworm” is most often observed in children);
  • acne (adolescent acne);
  • various diseases of the hair and scalp;
  • fungal and non-fungal nail diseases.


A cosmetologist-dermatologist is a doctor with a medical education, thanks to whom individual treatment options are selected after diagnosing the condition of the skin and hair.

A dermatologist-cosmetologist treats a variety of skin and hair diseases, and also eliminates minor skin defects (acne, papillomas, spider veins, moles).

It is this specialist who helps eliminate skin defects using peelings, cryotherapy and other methods, and also carries out procedures to rejuvenate the skin.

If the malignancy of the detected neoplasm is suspected, the procedures are postponed, since the patient requires additional diagnostics, which is carried out by a dermatologist-oncologist.


Since the prevalence of skin cancer worldwide has increased 400-fold in 80 years, in most cases a consultation is necessary before removing skin growths.

A dermatologist-oncologist determines the degree of benignity of the tumor using a dermatoscope, which allows you to repeatedly magnify the area under study. The doctor studies the symmetry, structure and appearance of the tumor. If malignancy is suspected, additional morphological studies are carried out.

When to see a dermatologist

Consultation with a dermatologist is necessary for people who:

  • rashes of any shade and shape appeared on the skin;
  • swelling of the skin is observed, which is accompanied by itching;
  • pustules or boils appeared;
  • there are numerous moles or there are moles that change size, shape and shade;
  • papillomas have formed;
  • the skin turns red and peels, and weeping, inflamed areas form;
  • have acne, skin is too oily or dry.

You should also make an appointment with a dermatologist if there are changes in the nail plates, the appearance of cracks on the feet, hair loss, or itching of the skin, which intensifies at night.

Stages of medical consultation

A dermatologist's appointment includes:

  • studying patient complaints and medical history;
  • visual examination, which allows in most cases to make a diagnosis;
  • referral for additional examination (if necessary).

Since skin rashes can be a symptom of diseases of the internal organs, the dermatologist may refer the patient for consultation to other specialists.

An appointment with a dermatologist is made at a clinic or at a skin and venereal disease clinic at the place of primary registration, but it is also possible to visit this specialist in private clinics.

Since the patient cannot always visit a doctor in the clinic (inconvenient work schedule, bedridden patient, etc.), it is possible to call a dermatologist at home. A dermatologist will also come to your home in case of skin diseases in a child, since it is difficult to stand in line with small children.


Although in most cases the dermatologist makes the correct diagnosis, focusing on the clinical picture of the disease, additionally the following is carried out:

  • scraping from the affected area and microscopic examination of the material to identify the causative agent of the disease;
  • diascopy, which allows you to examine the elements of the rash and establish their true color by pressing on these elements with a glass slide or lens;
  • PCR test or Digene test for the HPV virus;
  • ELISA is a method that helps identify antibodies to the causative agent of the disease;
  • videodermatoscopy, which allows non-invasive diagnosis of skin diseases, precancerous conditions and skin tumors at the initial stage of their development.

If a tumor is suspected of being malignant, the dermatologist takes part of the tissue from the tumor mass for morphological examination (if melanoma is suspected, the entire tumor is removed).

Treatment methods

A dermatologist prescribes treatment based on the type of disease and its causative agent.

In the presence of fungal infections, the dermatologist prescribes antifungal drugs for external use (Mikospor, Clotrimazole ointments, etc.), and in case of serious inflammatory processes, combination drugs combining antifungals and corticosteroid hormones. For severe lesions, systemic antifungal therapy (Griseofulvin, etc.) is prescribed.

For viral lesions, the dermatologist prescribes antiviral drugs (Groprinosin, Panavir, etc.) and vitamins.

If there are papillomas, a dermatologist can remove them using:

  • laser;
  • radio waves (Surgitron device);
  • liquid nitrogen.

Electrocoagulation and removal with a scalpel are now rarely used.

For bacterial lesions, ointments containing an antibiotic are prescribed, or general treatment with an antibiotic in combination with vitamin therapy.

When various skin problems arise, people try to find the best doctor who can help quickly eliminate the pathology. Today, many medical specialists are receiving appointments in Moscow. They are highly qualified and have sufficient experience. However, you want to get an appointment with the best specialist. The rating of dermatologists who practice in Moscow will be discussed further.

What is a dermatologist?

Many patients are interested in what a dermatologist treats. This medical specialist deals with the physiology, structure and diseases of the skin, nails, hair, sweat and sebaceous glands. The presented field of activity includes several areas. The categories of dermatologists include:

  • trichologist - specializes in diseases and pathologies of the scalp, as well as hair health;
  • cosmetologist - solves issues of cosmetic defects of the epithelium;
  • dermatovenerologist - specializes in skin diseases that are caused by sexually transmitted diseases.

Dermatology is a field of medicine that is closely related to endocrinology, oncology, venereology, allergology and other disciplines.

What does a dermatologist treat for women and men? This specialist deals with the health of the largest organ in the human body, which is the epithelium (skin). This system performs important functions, protecting internal organs from the adverse effects of the external environment. The epithelium also performs a respiratory function. Therefore, it is so important to maintain the health of the skin by immediately responding to any deviations in this system.

Most often, the epithelium is susceptible to infectious lesions, as well as the appearance of oncological tumors. Also, the skin gradually ages and loses elasticity. The scope of competence of a dermatologist includes:

If a person has one of the listed diseases, he can consult an experienced doctor. He will help determine the cause of the disease and also prescribe effective treatment.

When should I go for an appointment?

Knowing what a dermatologist treats, you need to consider cases when a visit to him is not only desirable, but also mandatory. There are a number of symptoms that indicate the need to visit a medical professional. These include:

  • rashes (bright and pale);
  • swelling of the epithelium;
  • itching for a long time;
  • boils, formations with pus inside;
  • the appearance of warts;
  • a constantly increasing number of moles or an increase in their size;
  • peeling, redness in some areas;
  • inflammation of the epithelium, the appearance of weeping formations;
  • frequent appearance of pimples and blackheads.

The work of a dermatologist is not only about conducting an examination and making a diagnosis based on external factors. A good specialist will definitely find the reasons for the appearance of one or another deviation from the norm. He will advise which doctors you need to consult. Only after a comprehensive examination can the correct treatment be prescribed. Without identifying the provoking factor, all actions will be inappropriate.

A dermatologist examines a patient at a reception. After this, he prescribes the appropriate procedures. They correspond to the type of disease and skin condition. Treatment may be medication. Depending on the type of disease, physiotherapeutic techniques are also prescribed. In some cases, surgery is indicated.

If problems arise, the main thing is to seek help from an experienced doctor in a timely manner. Otherwise, an advanced disease will respond much worse to any influence. The treatment process in this case will be lengthy. Timely diagnosis allows you to effectively influence the pathology. To choose a suitable specialist, you need to consider the rating of the most famous doctors in the capital. This will also allow you to select a specialist of the appropriate profile.

Reviews of doctors, ratings

Considering reviews of dermatologists, it should be said that more than 390 specialists of the presented profile practice in Moscow. Patients leave ratings in various sources about the quality of work of medical specialists. This allows you to draw conclusions about which dermatologist in the capital is better to make an appointment with.

Patients rated medical specialists using a 10-point system. The best specialists in this field received scores of 9.5 points. The rating of dermatologists, as well as a brief description of their activities, is presented in the table below.

Doctor's name


Goryaynova Marina Aleksandrovna

Venereologist, dermatologist, trichologist (Sirenevy Boulevard, 32a)

Yanova Liliana Vladimirovna

Cosmetologist, dermatologist, trichologist (Shkolnaya st., 11/3)

Netrunenko Irina Yurievna

Venereologist, dermatologist, mycologist (Marshala Timoshenko, 29)

Vereskun Ekaterina Yurievna

Venereologist, dermatologist, mycologist (Raskovaya lane, 14/22)

Haydar Suzanna Abdulovna

Venereologist, dermatologist, trichologist (A. Solzhenitsyna 5/1)

Guryev Vladimir Nikolaevich

Venereologist, dermatologist (Ulitsa 1905 Goda, 21)

Redko Roman Valerievich

Andrologist, venereologist, dermatologist, urologist (Shchelkovskoye sh., 61)

There are many good dermatologists in the capital. The presented rating was based on patient surveys. All doctors on the list have received the maximum number of reviews. This allowed us to draw conclusions about the quality of their work. However, other dermatologists in Moscow also received positive reviews. This review will review information about the most popular doctors in this area in the capital.

Doctor Goryaynova M. A.

The cost of admission is about 1300-1350 rubles. Goryaynova M.A. is a doctor of the highest category. She also received the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences and became the author of five articles in the field of dermatology. The main specializations are:

  • neurodermatitis;
  • onychodermatomycosis;
  • nonspecific urethritis;
  • psoriasis;
  • atopic dermatitis;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • pityriasis rosea;
  • contagious dermatitis;
  • allergic rashes.

A dermatologist and venereologist performs a number of procedures in the course of his activities. Material is collected for laboratory examinations (skin, hair, nails, urethra, prostate gland). Instillation and mesotherapy are also performed. The doctor massages the urethra and prostate gland. For a number of diseases, biorevitalization is performed, as well as various peelings.

Goryaynova M.A. received her education at the Voronezh State Medical Academy, specializing in “Therapist”. Here she completed her internship and received a diploma in the specialty “General Medicine” in 1996. Marina Aleksandrovna received a diploma in dermatovenerology in 2011 at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.

She also took advanced training courses in 2013 in the specialty “Cosmetology” (RUDN University), as well as “Dermatovenereology” in 2017 (Moscow State Medical and Dental University).

Since 2008, Marina Aleksandrovna has been receiving appointments at the MedLux clinic in Moscow. Patient reviews of the doctor's work are positive. They claim that the doctor correctly and quickly diagnosed the problem and prescribed effective treatment. We managed to get rid of various pathologies in the field of dermatology and venereology quickly.

Doctor Yanova L.V.

Dermatologist and cosmetologist Liliana Vladimirovna Yanova has been practicing for more than 20 years. She has the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences. Liliana Vladimirovna is a broad specialist in the treatment of various dermatitis. The main ailments that this doctor treats are:

  • psoriasis;
  • lichen;
  • acne (acne);
  • rosacea;
  • eczema;
  • mycoses;
  • seborrhea;
  • viral skin pathologies.

During the initial appointment, the specialist conducts an examination and performs the necessary diagnostics. After this, treatment is prescribed.

The main methods that Liliana Vladimirovna uses in her practice are the following:

  • Botox;
  • mesotherapy;
  • biorevitalization;
  • peeling (ultrasonic, superficial, medium);
  • contour plastic;
  • dermatology of children and adults.

The clinic, where a dermatologist sees a doctor, is located at the address: st. Shkolnaya, 11/3. During diagnosis and treatment, modern, high-tech equipment is used. This allows you to achieve high results during procedures.

Liliana Vladimirovna received her education in General Medicine at the Tajik State Medical University in 1997. In 1998, she completed her internship in the specialty “Dermatovenereology”.

She also completed residency (2001) and graduate school (2004) in the specialty “General Medicine”. Yanova L.V. received her cosmetologist diploma from the Russian National Research University in 2015. He has been practicing in the field of dermatology since 1998.

Doctor Netrunenko I. Yu.

Dermatologist, mycologist and venereologist Irina Yuryevna Netrunenko is a specialist with extensive experience (more than 30 years). She received the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences. A consultation with a dermatologist costs from 2,350 rubles. This is an experienced specialist whose area of ​​expertise is a number of venereal dermatitis and fungal infections. The main profile of medical practice is:

  • acne (acne);
  • rosacea;
  • psoriasis;
  • blistering dermatoses;
  • eczema;
  • fungal diseases

Netrunenko I.Yu. carries out his activities in KVD. The dermatologist was the head of the male dermatovenerological department at the Clinic of Skin and Venereal Diseases at the First Moscow State University from 2004 to 2010. Now she holds the position of chief physician.

Irina Yuryevna received her education at the Novosibirsk State Medical Institute in 1987, and in 1988 she completed an internship in the specialty “Therapy”. Then she completed residency in the specialty “Internal Medicine” (1992) and “Dermatovenerology” (2003)

Reviews of Irina Yuryevna’s work are positive. She is recognized as one of the best specialists in the field of dermatology and venereology in Moscow. Extensive work experience, constant professional development, and acquisition of new knowledge in the professional field make her a highly qualified specialist.

Doctor Vereskun E. Yu.

Vereskun Ekaterina Yuryevna is one of the best dermatologists and venereologists in the capital. She received the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences. Work experience is more than 24 years. A consultation with a dermatologist costs from 1,800 rubles.

Now Ekaterina Yuryevna is the deputy head physician at SM-Clinic. She conducts medical practice in the treatment of various fungal, sexually transmitted diseases, as well as dermatitis. The main areas of professional activity are:

  • fungal diseases on the skin and nails;
  • acne in patients of different ages;
  • rosacea;
  • demodicosis;
  • viral pathologies on the skin, mucous membranes;
  • diseases with formations of pustular type;
  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • seborrhea;
  • ringworm;
  • other.

The doctor also diagnoses sexually transmitted infections. Among the most common diseases that are within the scope of a specialist’s competence are:

  • candidiasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • chlamydia;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • mycoplasmosis;
  • gardnerellosis;
  • herpes;
  • ureplasmosis.

In the treatment of these diseases, the radio wave method is used. Vereskun E. Yu. performs the removal of warts, papillomas, condylomas, molluscum contagiosum, keratomas.

Ekaterina Yuryevna received a diploma in General Medicine from Volgograd State Medical University in 1993. A year later, she completed an internship as a therapist. In 2007, she completed postgraduate studies in the specialty “Dermatovenereology”.

The clinic where the dermatologist sees is equipped with the latest equipment. This allows diagnosis and treatment to be carried out as efficiently as possible. Reviews of the specialist’s work are positive. The patients were satisfied with the results of the treatment. They claim that they managed to get rid of the pathologies quickly. The treatment was high quality. The doctor treats his patients attentively and kindly.

Doctor Heidar S. A.

Doctor of the highest category, Khaidar Suzanna Abdulovna, is a specialist in the field of venereology, dermatology and trichology. She received the title of Candidate of Medical Sciences. An appointment with a dermatologist costs from 1,530 rubles.

The range of diseases that Suzanna Abdulovna diagnoses and treats is wide. The main ones are the following pathologies:

  • skin diseases, including sexually transmitted diseases;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • thinning, hair loss;
  • viral infections;
  • fungal diseases of the skin and nails.

The dermatologist has been seeing his patients at the Trustmed clinic since 2015. She is also an Associate Professor at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, Russian National University in Moscow (1995)

Suzanna Abdulovna is a certified specialist. She received a diploma in 1991 from the Moscow State Institute with a degree in General Medicine. She completed residency in 1995, as well as graduate school in 2002, specializing in Dermatovenereology.

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