The magic of numbers. Dream Interpretation Success. Why do you dream of Success in a dream? Why do you dream of success in business?

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Why do you dream of Success in a dream according to 11 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Success” symbol from 11 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

A dream in which someone else succeeds- means that you have kind, reliable friends who will always support you in difficult times.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Success?

The success you achieved in your dream- will turn into success in life. You will move up the career ladder, pleasant events await you on the personal front.

Dream Interpretation 2012

Success is a reflection of success itself. Reflection of attitude towards success.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

If in a dream you achieved success in something- pay especially close attention to this dream: it is quite possible that in reality you will achieve success in this very thing. Such a dream may well turn out to be prophetic, so try to remember all the main details of the dream - they may well help you in real life.

If you see someone's resounding success in a dream- this means that the feeling of envy is not alien to you and you are very jealous of your achievements, and if someone surpasses you in something, you experience excruciating pain. Let’s not dwell on the fact that envy is a bad and destructive feeling; you yourself know this very well. So, if you want to succeed, learn to rejoice for others, and rejoice sincerely - any falsehood will turn against you.

Wishing someone success in a dream- you will make every effort so that a person close or familiar to you can demonstrate all his talents, which you believe he undoubtedly possesses. Well, your intentions are very noble, but your objectivity is questionable. Therefore, before getting down to business, consult with experts, and if their verdict turns out to be positive, then you can get down to business. But under no circumstances overestimate yourself as an expert - anyone can make mistakes, and you are no exception. Your excessive self-confidence can lead to the fact that you not only undermine your reputation, but also play a cruel joke on your ward.

Dream book for a bitch

Success - in reality, both success and fame, rapid career growth, happy and faithful love await you.

Rejoice in other people's successes- you have faithful and devoted friends who will never leave or let you down.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

To dream that you have achieved or can achieve success in some difficult matter- means that in reality you have enough strength to bring your undertakings to a successful completion.

Rejoice at someone else's success in a dream- portends success for you too.

Miller's Dream Book

If you dream that you have succeeded in some of your endeavors- this promises you quick advancement up the career ladder and a happy choice in love.

If in your dream others are making progress- this is a sign that fate has not deprived you of good friends.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of dreams: Success according to the dream book?

Success - literally, less often vice versa.

Universal dream book

If you are successful- it means you have come to a favorable outcome of a situation, project or event. What tangible obstacle have you overcome?

Video: Why do you dream about Success?

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Did you dream of Success, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of Success in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    Hello. My name is Antonina. Today, on Friday night, I had a rather pleasant dream. It was related to work. I dreamed that I entered into three work contracts with a completely unfamiliar man who a few days ago in real life added me as a friend on Facebook. He is a foreigner, an entrepreneur, about 52 years old. And in a dream, he himself writes me a letter that he wants to help me and enters into 3 contracts with me at once. This is exactly what I need to fulfill my plan. My emotions at that moment simply cannot be conveyed how happy I was that immediately after this, out of nowhere, another client appeared, a black man completely unknown to me, ready to cooperate. It is very interesting to know what this dream means because there is a slight stagnation in work right now! Thanks for the answer!

    It was a warm spring morning. I did a general cleaning of the entire apartment. When I washed the last window in the house, I went to take the bucket to the bathroom. When I came to that window again. I saw a bird. I think it was a swallow. As soon as I came closer, she fell down like a stone from the side of the street. But she did not die, but flew low above the ground. It's like it's going to rain. When, frightened, I abruptly approached the window, I also fell, but did not break, but flew. Up. I wasn't flying high. Approximately at the 10th floor level. Landing on a nearby roof, I saw a friend of mine, whom I used to really like, get hit by a car, and at the same moment my phone rang where my friend told me that I had passed the exam. Out of happiness, I fell down from the roof and broke.

    I was at work and tried to pass a bus through which aggressive men got out, I fought back, threatening them with force, and they left. it was dark, more like night, but at the same time it was very lively and the rain was pouring very hard, so that streams of water ran along the asphalt from which my shoes (boots, black) got wet, I myself was in a raincoat and therefore did not get wet and generally felt very confident and comfortable even despite the wet shoes. Then it turned out that the bus driver was a thief, I caught him and detained him, handing him over to the police. The bosses praised me greatly and promised to write about me in the newspaper, make an example of me, in short, they praised me as much as they could. then I woke up. the dream was from Friday to Saturday, I woke up at 13:30 sharp!

    Hello, I saw in a dream that I wrote a critical article and ordinary people liked it, thereby offending officials. And then I was offered a job in a newspaper to write the same articles.

    I first danced in front of a star in some very beautiful and large building. It turned out very beautiful. Then other stars came and I sang in front of them. Everyone loved it. In a word, I simply amazed everyone with my voice and dance. Afterwards, one of the stars took me with her and brought me to a very beautiful restaurant. We ate there. The food was very expensive. Afterwards she said that now I would live in luxury and showed me my house. This house was very big and beautiful. Everything I wanted was there. But then I ended up at school. My class teacher didn't want me to become famous and rich. I ran away from her with this star and we got rid of her. I went into some office, and that star was talking to the teacher in the corridor. I saw my classmate in the office. He was lying under the desk and hiding from someone. After a long conversation, my sister came in instead of that star and said that my grandmother was going to get married.

Why does a woman dream of success:

If you dreamed that you succeeded in some of your endeavors, in real life you will quickly move up the career ladder and find happiness in love.

A dream in which someone else succeeds means that you have kind, reliable friends who will always support you in difficult times.

1 Success by Dream interpretation for a bitch

Seeing success in a dream means:

In reality, success and fame, rapid career growth, happy and faithful love await you.

To rejoice in the successes of others - you have faithful and devoted friends who will never leave or let you down.

1 Success by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

A dream with success in the dream book is interpreted as:

In a dream, you seem to have achieved success in something - you will achieve success in real life: both in service and in love. You dream that some people have achieved success - you will be surrounded by good, loyal friends; when you are all together, you can handle any task and are not afraid of danger.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Success by Universal dream book

A dream with success means:

If you are successful, it means you have come to a favorable outcome of a situation, project or event. What tangible obstacle have you overcome?

1 Success according to Dream Book 2012

Success dream meaning:

A reflection of success as such. Reflection of attitude towards success.

1 Success by Dream Interpretation of a Path Seeker

What does it mean if a woman dreams of success:

Literally, less often the other way around.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Success by Modern dream book

What success can mean in a dream:

The success you achieve in your dream will result in success in life. You will move up the career ladder, pleasant events await you on the personal front.

If others make progress in your dream, this is a sign that fate has not deprived you of good friends.

1 Success by Slavic dream book

Success in a dream means:

Expect good things to come. Creative aspects.

1 Success by Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If a girl dreams of success, it means:

If in a dream you have achieved success in something, pay especially close attention to this dream: it is quite possible that in reality you will achieve success in this very thing. Such a dream may well turn out to be prophetic, so try to remember all the main details of the dream - they may well help you in real life.

If you see someone’s resounding success in a dream, it means that the feeling of envy is not alien to you and you are very jealous of your achievements, and if someone surpasses you in something, you experience excruciating pain. Let’s not dwell on the fact that envy is a bad and destructive feeling; you yourself know this very well. So, if you want to succeed, learn to rejoice for others, and rejoice sincerely - any falsehood will turn against you.

To wish success to someone in a dream means that you will make every effort so that a person close or familiar to you can demonstrate all his talents, which you believe he undoubtedly possesses. Well, your intentions are very noble, but your objectivity is questionable. Therefore, before getting down to business, consult with experts, and if their verdict turns out to be positive, then you can get down to business. But under no circumstances overestimate yourself as an expert - anyone can make mistakes, and you are no exception. Your excessive self-confidence can lead to the fact that you not only undermine your reputation, but also play a cruel joke on your ward.

, Luck, achievement, Triumph, triumph, accomplishment, Recognition, result, happy ending, conquest, laurels, step forward

Success in Dream book of Yuri Longo:

  • If in a dream you have achieved success in something, pay especially close attention to this dream: it is quite possible that in reality you will achieve success in this very thing. Such a dream may well turn out to be prophetic, so try to remember all the main details of the dream - they may well help you in real life. If you see someone’s resounding success in a dream, it means that the feeling of envy is not alien to you and you are very jealous of your achievements, and if someone surpasses you in something, you experience excruciating pain. Let’s not dwell on the fact that envy is a bad and destructive feeling; you yourself know this very well. So, if you want to succeed, learn to rejoice for others, and rejoice sincerely - any falsehood will turn against you. To wish success to someone in a dream means that you will make every effort so that a person close or familiar to you can demonstrate all his talents, which you believe he undoubtedly possesses. Well, your intentions are very noble, but your objectivity is questionable. Therefore, before getting down to business, consult with experts, and if their verdict turns out to be positive, then you can get down to business. But under no circumstances overestimate yourself as an expert - anyone can make mistakes, and you are no exception. Your excessive self-confidence can lead to the fact that you not only undermine your reputation, but also play a cruel joke on your ward.
  • Interpretation in Miller's Dream Book Sleep Success:

  • If you dream that you have succeeded in some of your endeavors, this promises you quick advancement up the career ladder and a happy choice in love.
  • If others are making progress in your dream, this is a sign that fate has not deprived you of good friends.
  • Why do you dream about success? Family dream book?

  • If you dreamed that you succeeded in some of your endeavors, then in real life you will quickly move up the career ladder and find happiness in love.
  • A dream in which someone else succeeds means that you have kind, reliable friends who will always support you in difficult times.
  • If you dream that you have succeeded in some of your endeavors, you will experience rapid advancement up the career ladder and a happy choice in love. If others are making progress in your dream, this is a sign that fate has blessed you with good friends.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

    What does the dream Success mean?

    If you have achieved success in anything: pay especially close attention to this dream: it is quite possible that in reality you will achieve success in this very thing.

    Such a dream may well turn out to be prophetic, so try to remember all the main details of the dream if you see someone’s resounding success: it means that the feeling of envy is not alien to you and you are very jealous of your achievements, and if someone surpasses you in something you are experiencing excruciating pain.

    Let’s not dwell on the envy of wishing someone success: you will make every effort so that a person close or familiar to you can demonstrate all the talents that you believe he undoubtedly possesses.

    Well, your intentions are very noble, but your objectivity is questionable.

    Therefore, before getting down to business, consult with experts, and if their verdict turns out to be positive, then you can get down to business.

    But under no circumstances overestimate yourself as an expert.

    Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

    Dream about Success

    If you dreamed that you succeeded in some of your endeavors, then in real life you will quickly move up the career ladder and find happiness in love.

    A dream in which someone else succeeds means that you have kind, reliable friends who will always support you in difficult times.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

    What does success mean in a dream?

    Achieving success is a bad sign. This is a dream on the contrary, and it promises a great loss.

    Imagine that it was not you who achieved success, but a completely different person who is very similar to you. Those who congratulate you on your success are simply mistaken.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    If you dream that you have succeeded in some of your endeavors- this promises you quick advancement up the career ladder and a happy choice in love.

    This is a sign that fate has not deprived you of good friends.

    Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

    To dream that you have achieved or can achieve success in some difficult matter- means that in reality you have enough strength to bring your undertakings to a successful completion.

    Rejoice at someone else's success in a dream- portends success for you too.

    Dream book for a bitch

    Success- in reality, success and fame, rapid career growth, happy and faithful love await you.

    Rejoice in other people's successes- you have faithful and devoted friends who will never leave or let you down.

    New family dream book

    If you dreamed that you were successful in some of your endeavors- and in real life you will quickly move up the career ladder and find happiness in love.

    A dream in which someone else succeeds- means that you have kind, reliable friends who will always support you in difficult times.

    Modern combined dream book

    The success you achieved in your dream- will turn into success in life. You will move up the career ladder, pleasant events await you on the personal front.

    If in your dream others are making progress- this is a sign that fate has not deprived you of good friends.

    Complete dream book of the New Era

    Success- a reflection of success as such. Reflection of attitude towards success.

    Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

    If in a dream you achieved success in something- pay especially close attention to this dream: it is quite possible that in reality you will achieve success in this very thing. Such a dream may well turn out to be prophetic, so try to remember all the main details of the dream - they may well help you in real life.

    If you see someone's resounding success in a dream- this means that the feeling of envy is not alien to you and you are very jealous of your achievements, and if someone surpasses you in something, you experience excruciating pain. Let’s not dwell on the fact that envy is a bad and destructive feeling; you yourself know this very well. So, if you want to succeed, learn to rejoice for others, and rejoice sincerely - any falsehood will turn against you.

    Wishing someone success in a dream- you will make every effort so that a person close or familiar to you can demonstrate all his talents, which you believe he undoubtedly possesses. Well, your intentions are very noble, but your objectivity is questionable. Therefore, before getting down to business, consult with experts, and if their verdict turns out to be positive, then you can get down to business. But under no circumstances overestimate yourself as an expert - anyone can make mistakes, and you are no exception. Your excessive self-confidence can lead to the fact that you not only undermine your reputation, but also play a cruel joke on your ward.

    English dream book

    Experience success in a dream- a very favorable sign. He is in love- promises shared and happy love, and for those whom life has driven into a corner, a successful change in the situation in their favor.

    Psychoanalytic dream book

    Success- an attempt to compensate for failures in everyday life.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer

    Success- literally, less often vice versa.

    Modern universal dream book

    If you are successful- it means you have come to a favorable outcome of a situation, project or event. How tangible

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