Interpretation of the dream of old age in dream books. Why see yourself old in a dream? Interpretation options from dream books Seeing yourself old in a dream

The world of dreams is not always visited by pleasant images; sometimes the dreamer has to endure several terrible minutes, trying on one mask or another. It is interesting that such images have a certain meaning and represent a hint of fate that must be correctly interpreted. We invite you to find out why you see yourself old in a dream, what reality events such a dream portends.

General value

Most authoritative interpreters agree that observing oneself, but older in age than in reality, is a sign that the dreamer has managed to accumulate enough life experience. Now he is wise, has learned life, and can become a good adviser, mentor, teacher. Listening to such a person and finding out his opinion is a special pleasure.

However, there is also an opposite point of view. So, according to the Muslim dream book, seeing yourself in a dream means health problems. After such a vision, the dreamer may end up in a hospital bed for a very long time. This image is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as it can mean a risk of miscarriage.


I had to see this person, this can mean both something positive and something negative. The features of the event series will help you understand in more detail. Let's consider the most significant options:

  • The dreamer is older than his years, but at the same time he is cheerful, cheerful, and happy with his current state. The image is positive, indicating that a special period has begun in this person’s life, filled with wisdom and experience. Now all problems can be solved exclusively with one’s own strength, knowledge, and skills. It is very possible that the sleeper will receive a long-awaited promotion thanks to long and responsible work.
  • The man is old, weak, sick. This image is a projection of the inner world of the sleeper, who is now going through hard times. Weakness and lack of self-confidence prevent you from fully realizing your potential.

In addition, seeing yourself older in a dream may also mean that thanks to the wisdom and experience of the sleeper, he will be able to solve problems in family life.

To a woman

The interpretation of dreams varies somewhat depending on who exactly the dreamer is. Let's find out why you see yourself old in the mirror. The dream has several interpretations. If a young beauty observed such an unpleasant sight, then she should pay special attention to her own surroundings, especially her fans. Among them there is one whose intentions are very unpleasant and frivolous.

For an adult woman, such a dream warns that there is a high risk of health problems, both physical and mental. You should take care of yourself, otherwise you cannot avoid insomnia, stress, and depression.

If at the moment when such a dream occurred, the girl was in thought, doubted, could not make a choice, then the dream suggests that we need to prepare for changes, now is the time to start something new. Otherwise, missed opportunities will hang over the dreamer as a heavy burden, depriving her of peace and causing bitterness of regret.

To a man

We learned why women see themselves old in a dream. And for representatives of the stronger sex, this image most often indicates that very soon they will have the opportunity to fully express themselves in order to help a loved one, friend or relative. Moreover, if old age was sedate, prosperous, happy, then in real life one should expect success.

However, if a young man had to grow old in poverty, deprivation, grief, then nothing good will happen in reality, a gray period will come.

Another interesting detail is that if you see your friend or relative aged, then such an image indicates that this particular person now needs the support of the sleeping person. Seeing your own children aged means that the father will have to show his parental authority, be decisive and strict, otherwise the child will make an irreparable mistake, for which he will pay for a long time.

Seeing your own wife as old is a sign that the relationship has lost its former passion and has begun to be perceived more as a routine than a union of two hearts. The dream suggests that it’s time to add variety, arrange a romantic surprise for your beloved, this will help re-ignite the dying fire.

Have you seen a fair number of unkempt, wrinkled old men and women? This means that the dreamer will be faced with a huge number of troubles that will seriously fray his nerves.

Interpretation from various sources

Let's find out why to see oneself old or aged in a dream from the most famous dream books:

  • Miss Hasse said that such an image promises honor and respect in reality.
  • Miller interpreted the image in a sharply negative way, saying that the dream promises a complete fiasco in all matters. In reality, you should prepare for problems in the family, discord with your chosen one.
  • Dream book of Tsvetkov. Such a dream predicts a health problem, and if you see other people as older people, the dream, on the contrary, is positive and portends a speedy recovery.

These are the main aspects of image interpretation.

2. Why do you dream of seeing yourself old? (interpretation by day)
3. Why do you dream of seeing yourself pregnant?
4. Why do you dream of seeing yourself in the mirror?
5. Why do you dream of seeing yourself naked?

1. Why do you dream of seeing yourself old?

Dreams reflect our inner world with all its experiences and worries. By analyzing each dream and life event, we can draw a conclusion about their connection. Perhaps the dream was prophetic and predicted new stages in life. Or maybe it was a litmus test for an internal conflict that soon became public knowledge.

What do dreams about old age portend? Old age is an inevitable biological process. It scares some, while for others, on the contrary, it evokes thoughts of peace and tranquility.

Seeing yourself as old in a dream is a positive sign that suggests that you will succeed and can handle any task.

The interpretation of this dream varies depending on the day of the week and has the following interesting interpretations:

2. Why do you dream of seeing yourself old?

(interpretation by day)

  • Dream about old age from Monday to Tuesday - a harbinger of illness. I note that dreams during this period are long-term. Their implementation may take an indefinite period. Such a dream will be the most inevitable and prophetic for people born on Monday. If you saw gray hair and wrinkled skin in a dream, I recommend urgently taking care of your health. Old age is associated with wisdom and life lived. Therefore, such a vision may mean that the sleeper imagines himself wise, understanding life. Hence the lack of self-care.
  • Dream about old age from Tuesday to Wednesday means dissatisfaction with oneself. Most likely, by associating ourselves with an old man, we express fatigue from the monotony of life. Everything is too conservative, old, no fresh sensations. Such a dream is a harbinger of change. You can, for example, sign up for some courses or simply change your hairstyle. Success in all endeavors with such motivation is guaranteed.
  • If the dream about old age occurred from Wednesday to Thursday - an important event will happen soon. The event will make you nervous, however, the outcome will be positive. According to esotericists, dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday reflect our internal state. Therefore, I assume you already know what event we are talking about. A dream about old age is a subconscious confidence in a positive result. The person who sees the dream associates himself with an experienced old man who can handle anything.
  • Dream about old age from Thursday to Friday. According to popular belief, dreams from Thursday to Friday are prophetic in almost 100% of cases. Let's not deny it: mental activity on this day is colossal. Let's pay attention to the details. If in a dream you are a cheerful and healthy old man, then success and excellent physical condition await you. And, accordingly, vice versa.
  • Dream about old age from Friday to Saturday - just a harbinger of the future. On this day we can see what we will become when the time comes. Remember the details of the appearance - perhaps there is still time to correct some of them.
  • Dream about old age from Saturday to Sunday means you are tired of routine. We recommend taking a break and attending interesting events.

3. Why do you dream of seeing yourself pregnant?

Seeing your own pregnancy in a dream is a good sign. Such a dream means changes and pleasant chores. Soon you will gain material well-being; change of place of residence is possible. Let me make a reservation right away: such a dream has nothing to do with real pregnancy. An interesting situation is only an allegory that means something new.

Turning to the psychological analysis of sleep, one can recall Freud. He argued that if a woman is subconsciously ready to try on the image of a mother, then she is ready to create a family and a serious relationship.

4. Why do you dream of seeing yourself in the mirror?

A mirror is a symbol of energy, magic, third-party observation. Such a dream means the need to look at yourself from the outside. The meaning depends on what emotions you experience when looking at yourself. If the reflection suits you, everything in your life is harmonious, and there is no need for change. If the reflection is bad, cloudy, and the features are distorted, it’s worth thinking about. The time has come for change, because the passion for the new is already eating away from the inside.

5. Why do you dream of seeing yourself naked?

Nudity is a symbol of vulnerability. A naked man is left alone with his advantages and disadvantages. Teenagers often have dreams about being naked in a public place. This frightens them and makes them feel ashamed. Why? I explain: at this age they are afraid of being rejected by society. Nudity symbolizes the soul. If you and others like this soul, great. If not, it’s a reason to think about changes.

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Dream Interpretation - Old woman

Old woman - illness / dangers of life / your thoughts about death.

Evil old woman - enemies will chase / deceive.

Angry and disheveled - your evil self, your antipode.

Old woman in black - suspicions will come true / “angel of death”; her appearance and actions communicate something about the circumstances of your death, but not at all about the time when it will happen.

Old maid - your home or your family causes you suffering / an image of your callousness.

A kind old woman is a faithful protector / suspicions will not be justified.

To meet her on the road, in the field, in the forest is wisdom / sometimes a quiet, peaceful death that awaits you in old age.

The old woman in the hut is a certain dead person whose death you recently thought about.

Finding an old woman in a hole, in the middle of a field, in the mountains, etc. is a danger that awaits you not close, but suddenly / harm from the fact that you think little about death.

An old woman is chasing you - vain fears for life and health. Seeing an old cannibal woman is an image of your soul absorbing the vitality and good fortune of other people / you have a heavy hand and an evil eye.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing yourself old in a dream means for the dreamer that you need to look forward, that the time has come for moral and physical maturity, a time when experience and knowledge have been accumulated, and authority has been acquired. The negative symbolism of a dream about old age is the possibility of illness, fading.

What if you dream of seeing yourself old?

For a person to see himself aged and healthy in a dream is a positive dream. Everything in business will be successful, because the key to this will be knowledge, experience, and wisdom. Seeing yourself old in a dream also means a long, healthy life.

Such a dream may indicate that old age, although it will come with time, will be prosperous, worthy and filled with happiness.

Seeing one’s own old age in a dream is a symbol for the dreamer that a lot of moral baggage has already been acquired in life and the time has come to use one’s strengths in life. This applies not only to work, personal relationships, but also to intimate life.

Sometimes a dream about old age is a signal that elderly parents are waiting for news from the dreamer or they need help. Seeing yourself old and healthy in a dream can also mean resolving a difficult life situation with a successful outcome.

If a person dreams of his own old age, which frightens him with infirmity and poverty, then this is an unfavorable sign. Perhaps a disease will come soon, which will cause a lot of trouble. Still, for the dreamer to see himself old and sick in a dream means that although the disease is inevitable, it will ultimately be overcome. Therefore, a dream about old age and infirmity cannot be considered scary. Because it gives hope for a speedy recovery.

Old age in a woman’s dream may indicate premature fading. This is a sign to pay more attention to yourself.

What does it portend?

A harbinger of fading male power can be a dream when a man sees himself as a decrepit, poor old man. Perhaps this is a matter of health and the dreamer should reconsider his lifestyle, giving up bad habits.

If any person had to see himself old in a dream, then perhaps in reality a not entirely successful course of affairs awaits. This suggests that at the beginning of an event all circumstances and nuances were not taken into account. But over time everything will settle down; it’s enough to calmly wait out the situation. But in the future the dreamer will have to act more carefully.

A promotion or salary increase, resolution of a difficult situation - all this is a sign from heaven that explains to the dreamer why he dreams of seeing himself old and prosperous. One’s own old age in a dream is a character personifying mature and wise parents who are always ready to warn, advise and help.

Perhaps in reality many people fail to see or understand something because of their excessive rationality or down-to-earthness. Therefore, seeing oneself old in a dream is a signal that the time has come for the dreamer to use his wisdom, not get hung up on profit, and remember about his neighbors.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about Age in a dream?

Age - A dream about age foretells failure in any endeavor. To dream about your age means that your rebellious nature will incur the wrath of your relatives. For a girl, a dream in which she is accused of looking older than she actually is is a sign that she will enter into a bad relationship, and her resistance to the principles will cause ridicule and censure.

Seeing yourself as an old woman means a possible illness or an unsatisfactory outcome of risky ventures. If a girl sees her lover as an old man, then she is in danger of losing him.

Esoteric dream book

The secret of sleep:

For young people, your requests do not correspond to your age. It's time to be wiser. As a child, your immaturity is ridiculous. Old people need to look forward to the future, and not look back.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Seeing yourself old means illness; others - to recovery, improvement, see Wrinkles.

Symbolic dream book

Age - how to solve a vision?

In dreams, age is relatively unambiguous or ambiguous. To be old (old) means gaining life experience, authority, wisdom, knowledge (more for men) or illness, fading, misfortune, bad progress of affairs (also for men, but more for women). To be young (young) indicates frivolity, stupidity or happiness, healing, health, good fortune.

Age (condition) of material objects: old, dilapidated things or objects in a dream can be perceived as outdated and unnecessary. The interpretation is corresponding - the negative meanings of objects are intensified. And at the same time, antiquity and antiquity can give them additional value, charm, and uniqueness.

And old familiar objects and things are interpreted in a more positive sense than new ones, because... they are already familiar and reliable in use.

Great modern dream book

Age - why does the dreamer dream?

A dream that focuses on age is an unfavorable sign. It’s as if you are talking about your age in a dream - in real life you are too direct a person; your stubbornness and directness in the coming days will cause displeasure or even irritation to your loved ones; It would be nice for you to read something from Niccolò Machiavelli.

You see yourself as older than you really are - in the near future you may fall under someone’s bad influence and, as a result, change your habits; If you quit smoking, try to spend more time in solitude.

You see yourself as an old man in a dream - such a dream portends you illness. It’s as if they are telling a young woman that she looks older than her age - this woman’s behavior lately has been rather frivolous, this woman has made mistakes and sinned to her heart’s content; let her not be surprised when she learns that her adventures are already being discussed in society.

Dream book for the whole family by E. Danilova

Why do you dream about Age, how to understand it?

Youth is a favorable time for planning new ventures; seeing your child small again is his illness; worry about the future of your son or daughter.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in May, June, July and August

Seeing an older man or woman in a dream - write a letter to your parents, they are worried about you.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Seeing yourself very old in a mirror in a dream means illness.

The dream that you had on the 22nd carries a lot of useful information: it can foreshadow a new round of development of serious illnesses and suggest possible ways of healing in its plot, talk about upcoming changes in your financial situation and warn about what steps in business you should not take undertake.

Find out from the interpreter why you dream about Age

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