Method ppa efficiency. What are the risks of interrupted sexual intercourse? Why is PPA dangerous? Diseases

Interrupted sexual intercourse or coitus interruptus is the most famous, accessible, and therefore popular method of contraception in the world, which, according to statistics, is used by more 70% steam.

How does this method of contraception work?

It is based on the knowledge that for most healthy men, orgasm occurs simultaneously with ejaculation. Before ejaculation approaches, the muscles of the penis begin to contract intensely, pushing seminal fluid out of the urethra. A man feels pleasant shocks inside the penis, which spread in pleasant waves throughout the body.

The stronger and more intense they are, the closer the orgasm and ejaculation. Experienced males can control the process by feeling the moment before which he will ejaculate.

To prevent sperm from getting into the woman’s vagina, he takes the penis out of the vagina at the last moment, and the ejaculation of semen occurs on a previously prepared towel.

In principle, sexual intercourse itself turns out to be interrupted, and its completion goes against the physiological needs of the body.

What is the probability of getting pregnant?

This method of protection actually has a very short efficiency percentage.

IN three cases from 10 Even if sexual intercourse is delayed on time, the woman becomes pregnant.

The fact is that a man’s urethra contains a small amount of seminal fluid secreted by the prostate gland, which, when mixed with sperm, turns into sperm.

Seminal fluid by itself cannot fertilize; it is just an alkaline environment designed to maintain the viability of sperm for some time.

It is necessary to periodically get rid of excess seminal fluid, and even nature itself took care of this by inventing morning emissions.

Although most men solve this problem on their own, so to speak, with his own hand, or during sex with a partner.

However, even after a normal emission, the seminal fluid in the urethra may contain about 1 million sperm.

Ideally for pregnancy in the composition 1 gram sperm must be at least 5 million“tadpoles”, but sometimes even out of this million there is one reckless person who can give birth to a new life.

Even at the very beginning of sexual intercourse, as arousal increases, several drops of translucent liquid are released from the man’s urethra. The young man doesn’t feel or notice this at all, but it’s precisely in these droplets and viable sperm may be present.

Not to mention the fact that during friction, sperm constantly enters the urethra in small portions. Getting into the vagina, albeit not in such a dynamic way as with ejaculation, "tadpoles" can live there for several hours.

But in the fallopian tubes their viability increases to 7 days.

If there was sex between a couple, and it ended in interrupted sexual intercourse, and even 5-6 days before the expected ovulation, the chance of getting pregnant for a healthy fertile woman is quite high.

If many couples were sexually literate and had at least basic knowledge of contraception, there would not be so many cases of paternity determination pending in the courts. After all, the man was sure that he did everything right, "finished" not into a woman, so how can he become a father?

And even more shocking for him are the results of the DNA test. Although in fact one can only congratulate him, because the child was born from healthy parents capable of reproducing offspring.

Based on the above, a disappointing conclusion should be drawn: interrupted sexual intercourse is not a panacea, and after it you can get pregnant.

Side effects of the method

Coitus interruptus actually has a lot of side effects that few people think about. Physiological aspects include the following:

  • Although sexual intercourse was interrupted, it was generally successful, and sexually transmitted diseases, infections and mycelia can easily pass from one partner to another.
  • It just so happens that female orgasm often occurs at the moment of ejaculation in a man, who at that very time is concerned about how to get his penis out of the vagina in time. No romance, that's for sure.
  • If a woman’s partner has convinced her that she is not ready to become a father at the moment, and at the same time does not agree to use other methods of contraception, the woman may be so afraid of pregnancy that the mental response will be frigidity.

  • One of the reasons uterine fibroids, the most common disease in women from 20 to 45 years old, is interrupted sexual intercourse. Sigmund Freud also noted that psychosomatics is a consequence of dissatisfaction, and what woman would like it when her beloved only needs her as a tool for friction. A loving man must choose a form of contraception that does not traumatize the female psyche and does not humiliate the dignity of his partner.
  • If a woman nevertheless becomes pregnant after interrupted sexual intercourse, and she had to have an abortion from her regular partner, she will never forgive him for this, and such a couple has a high chance of breaking up in the future.
  • Since the probability of becoming pregnant is very high, a woman will not be able to completely relax and indulge in pleasure, and this can develop into neurosis and anxiety disorders. After all, the purpose of sex is not only to conceive a child or satisfy physiological needs, but also a way of emotional communication, acceptance of oneself by another person. By interrupting sexual intercourse, a couple deprives themselves of this aspect of the relationship between a man and a woman.

Advantages and disadvantages

Let's talk about the advantages and disadvantages of coitus interruptus.

pros interrupted intercourse:

  • This is the only method of contraception that is available to everyone without exception, and in the case of spontaneous sex it is simply irreplaceable.
  • It's completely free, and that's why teenagers choose it.
  • The use of hormonal contraceptives can lead to excess weight gain, and such pills are not cheap.
  • Married women wearing an intrauterine device can experience several ectopic pregnancies, and then they begin to fear all barrier methods of contraception, except interruption of sexual intercourse.
  • A condom reduces the sensitivity of the head of the penis, and PPA feels equal to completed sexual intercourse.

  • This method is ineffective and can only be used on special days.
  • After each sexual intercourse, you need to take a shower to wash away any remaining sperm. And even then, the part of it located in the urethra is capable of fertilization.
  • If a couple is used to PPA, and over time the partners separated and met new soul mates, they may face serious problems when the man cannot fully "to finish" into a woman without removing the penis from the vagina. In this case, a woman may not experience orgasm, because it promotes the movement of sperm to the cervical canal.
  • 50% men under the age of 30 with prostate problems have been practicing PPA for a long time.

Many couples nowadays want to enjoy life together and not have children at an early age. However, this does not mean that they abstain from sexual intercourse. As you know, pregnancy occurs due to the fertilization of an egg by a sperm. Young couples use various methods of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies. One of them is PPA. It is necessary to understand what it is, whether this method can be called a means of contraception, how effective it is and whether it can pose a danger to sexual partners.

What does the abbreviation PPA mean?

It is necessary to find out what PAP is.

PPA is coitus interruptus. It prevents male sperm from meeting a female egg, which helps avoid unwanted pregnancy. It is worth saying that this method of contraception is the most common. This is due to the fact that PPA is accessible to everyone as it does not require mechanical devices.

Almost every couple knows what PPA is. This is due to the fact that young people consider this method of contraception to be quite reliable and easy. You don’t need to spend money on it, unlike all other methods of contraception. However, it cannot be said that PPA is a fairly reliable method that can prevent unwanted pregnancy.

The method of contraception is PPA. Probability of pregnancy. Doctors' opinions on coitus interruptus

Many couples use this method of contraception, but do not know what consequences it can lead to. Most girls are interested in what is the likelihood of pregnancy with PPA? The opinion of doctors is that this method of contraception is not reliable. It is necessary to understand why PPA, according to experts, is ineffective in preventing unwanted pregnancy?

Why is PPA an unreliable method of contraception?

Doctors say that pregnancy with PPA is possible. Why?

  1. Shortly before orgasm, a man secretes a small amount of seminal fluid, which contains a huge number of sperm, and, as doctors suggest, the most active and powerful ones. This is what can cause an unwanted pregnancy.
  2. Doctors say that very often there are cases when a man could not restrain himself and his sperm got into his partner’s vagina. This happens quite often, because during sexual intercourse, representatives of the stronger half of humanity may forget that it is necessary to interrupt the pleasure to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  3. This is a less common, but quite probable case. If a man and a woman have several sexual intercourse in a row, the most “tenacious” sperm may remain in the folds of the skin, which later end up in the partner’s vagina. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, it is necessary to shower after each sexual intercourse.
  4. The most common case of pregnancy with PPA is when a woman ovulates. These days the chances are the highest. That is why interrupted sexual intercourse is often not a way to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Ovulation and PPA. Are there any chances of getting pregnant?

PPA on the day of ovulation is an unreliable method of contraception. Everyone knows that at this time the chances of getting pregnant are the highest. In this regard, PPA does not guarantee the expected result. Therefore, it is best to abstain from sexual intercourse during ovulation.

Do not forget that you can get pregnant with PPA during this period. Therefore, if you do not plan to have children, it is best to use other means of contraception.

Why is PPA dangerous? Diseases

It is worth saying that PAP has not only advantages, but also a huge number of disadvantages. If sexual intercourse occurs between a man and a woman who do not know each other, there is a huge chance that various sexually transmitted diseases will be sexually transmitted. Many couples deny this because, according to them, they trust each other and are not going to hide the presence of any deviations from the norm. However, it is worth noting that very few men and women are tested for sexually transmitted diseases and often do not even know about their presence. In this regard, it is worth reconsidering your attitude towards PAP and using safer and more reliable means of contraception.

Danger of PPA. Ovulation and interrupted sexual intercourse after it

It is worth recalling that PPA is especially dangerous during ovulation. The probability of conception during this period is maximum. Therefore, if you do not want to have children, it is best not to use PAPs during ovulation. Choose more reliable methods of contraception or refrain from sexual intercourse during this period altogether. After ovulation, you can be sexually active in the same way as before. Once this period passes, the chances of getting pregnant become much less.

It is worth saying that if you practice coitus interruptus, it is best to keep a calendar and accurately calculate the most “dangerous” days. Otherwise, partners may practice PPA during ovulation without even knowing it has occurred, which can lead to unwanted pregnancy.

Danger of PPA for men

It is important that PPA is dangerous for representatives of the stronger half of humanity. Before orgasm, a man is forced to constantly control himself, so he does not enjoy sexual intercourse. This can lead to various psychological diseases and even impotence, infertility and prostatitis. It is best to give up PPA and live a normal, fulfilling sex life.

Danger of PPA for women

The danger of interrupted sexual intercourse for a woman is practically the same. The partner does not receive proper pleasure, because contact is interrupted regardless of what stage of sexual pleasure she was at at that moment. Also, do not forget that a woman is also constantly tense. This is due to thoughts about whether her partner will be able to interrupt sexual intercourse in time to avoid an unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, it is best to use reliable means of contraception, which will not cause any unnecessary doubts or worries. Then, during sex, partners will not worry and think about when they need to interrupt everything that is happening.

When can you still use PPA to prevent unwanted pregnancy?

Many couples remain dissatisfied due to the fact that PPA is an unreliable and dangerous method. However, in some cases, coitus interruptus may be acceptable.

  1. Partners are a stable couple. Each of them knows that they and each other do not have various diseases that can be sexually transmitted. In this case, the interrupted act is safe for the partners, because they will not be able to become carriers of sexually transmitted infections.
  2. If pregnancy does not become a disaster for the couple. Coitus interruptus is not a reliable method of contraception, so the moment of unwanted conception may always come. However, if a couple plans to have children in the future and the child will not become a burden for them, coitus interruptus is quite acceptable.
  3. PAP may also be applicable if the couple resorts to this method only as a last resort. If partners usually use other means of contraception, but one time they were not available at the moment of passion, interrupted sexual intercourse is also possible.

Probably everyone knows what PPA is. This is interrupted sexual intercourse, which prevents unwanted pregnancy. Many couples use this method because it is the most accessible and easiest. However, couples who know what PAP is should be aware of all the negative aspects. You cannot count on the fact that interrupted sexual intercourse will become a reliable means of contraception, because an unforeseen situation may occur.

Interrupted sexual intercourse or coitus interruptus (PPA) is the cessation of sexual intercourse before ejaculation, in which the penis is completely removed from the partner’s vagina even before ejaculation occurs, produced when the man feels the approach of orgasm. Coitus interruptus is considered by many to be a simple method of contraception. Today it is used by about 70% of couples. Despite the huge selection of contraceptives, it is still in demand and is a leader. This practice was known even before our era, described even in the Bible; the method was used by our great-grandfathers, when it became known that conception depends on the entry of sperm into the vagina. Popular both among mature couples and young people, although it should have become obsolete.

For a long time there was a concept that conception can occur without ejaculation, since the secretory fluid released from the penis during friction contains sperm. For fertilization, the very minimum amount of them is enough to conceive. But it has been scientifically proven that the secretion does not contain any sperm.

The essence of the method

In healthy men, orgasm occurs simultaneously with ejaculation. Before its onset, the muscles of the penis actively contract, push out seminal fluid, the man feels tremors that spread throughout the body with very pleasant sensations. Experienced “lovers” believe that they are able to control the interruption of sexual intercourse, the entire process, by feeling the moment of ejaculation. To prevent sperm from getting into the vagina, the man simply takes out his penis at the last moment, and ejaculation occurs on a towel prepared in advance. Such completion of sexual intercourse is considered interrupted and is not physiological, which means it cannot be useful.

And one more point: before ejaculation, pre-seminal fluid is released. Scientific studies have proven that there is no sperm in it, but if a man is HIV-infected, then there is plenty of virus in the pre-seminal fluid, and it will definitely infect his partner.

Probability of pregnancy with PPA

Statistics show that every 4 women with PPA become pregnant, i.e. the percentage of effectiveness for protection is very low. Thus, the answer to the question of whether interrupted sexual intercourse is harmful in terms of the risk of conception will be unequivocal - of course! The reason may be inexperience, when a man does not always have time to interrupt the act, because few people, at the moment of pleasure, are able to remove the penis from the vagina, roughly interfering with the entire act. Even if very little sperm gets into the vagina, this may be enough for fertilization. It enters the urethra in portions during frictions, the man does not feel it at this moment, this also increases the risk of conception.

Sperm can live in the fallopian tubes for up to 7 days, and if sex occurred 5-6 days before ovulation and was accompanied by PPA, then the risk of becoming pregnant increases significantly. In such cases, women then often have to prove in court the paternity of their partner, who believes that bribes from him are smooth because he did not “cum” on the woman. Thus, the risk of pregnancy is high, but when using condoms, the risk of pregnancy is reduced to 85%. When choosing PPA, you need to remember the likelihood of becoming pregnant and prepare for this.

You should know that there are no sperm in the pre-seminal fluid, but if a man decides to have sexual intercourse again, then the released pre-seminal fluid may contain “tadpoles” from the first act, and they immediately reach their destination (while 1 ml of fluid contains up to 10 million cells, more than half of which are mobile and active. Of course, pregnancy is impossible for a girl if she is not ovulating at this moment). In all other cases, you need to take precautions: empty your bladder, take a shower, wash your penis. When the partner removes his penis, the woman should move slightly to the side so that the sperm does not even get on the external genitals.

Physiology of conception

Each menstrual cycle is characterized by several phases, of which there are those when the risk of becoming pregnant is significantly higher. So, first the follicle develops, in which the egg is formed - this is the first part of the cycle. What is ovulation? This is the next process when a mature egg ruptures the follicle and comes out, ready for fertilization - this happens in the middle of the cycle. If a sperm fertilizes an egg, it turns into a zygote and attaches to the wall of the uterus. In this case, at the site of the burst follicle, a corpus luteum develops, which produces the pregnancy hormone.

If there is no meeting with the “tadpole,” the female cell dies within a day and everything repeats all over again. This is a brief diagram of conception. Those. it all depends on whether at the time of PPA there is a mature egg in the woman’s genital tract. Spermatozoa are divided into 2 types according to their life expectancy: some live for a day, others - up to 3, therefore, if such a sperm entered the uterus 2-3 days before the cell appears, it is quite capable of waiting for it. As a result, the maximum probability of conception exists during ovulation and a couple of days before it. But there is no such ironclad schedule of dangerous and non-dangerous days, because... The egg may be delayed or released earlier than expected. It depends on many factors, even stress.

If a girl knows her days, she can use other methods of contraception in addition, then the risk of getting pregnant decreases significantly. If a couple stubbornly refuses to accept other methods other than PPA, the risk of conception increases significantly. Young parents should take special care: after giving birth, the young mother’s body is weakened, she may experience hormonal imbalances and it is difficult to calculate her schedule.

Safety precautions

To somehow use the method as efficiently as possible, you need to remember:

  1. The man must have experience in PPA. If he has premature ejaculation, or is too ardent, he cannot have this kind of sex, the method is dangerous for him. This applies to teenagers and young men.
  2. Ejaculation should occur at a sufficient distance from the vagina so that even drops of sperm do not fall on the partner’s organs.
  3. After completing the act, it is mandatory to take a shower, you need to wash the penis and all its folds, empty the bladder to remove the remaining sperm in the urethra.

Positive sides

PPA is a “handkerchief” method of birth control, as grandmothers called it in their time:

  1. PPA does not require any costs, it is cheap and economical. Different contraceptive options cost money, but here everything is at your fingertips. There is a risk, but it is cheap!
  2. There is no need to stand in lines at the pharmacy, especially since it is so inopportune and inconvenient during a fit of passion, and no one should be embarrassed when buying a condom.
  3. It is simply irreplaceable for spontaneous sex, which is why it is so popular among young people.
  4. Taking OK pills often leads to weight gain, and these pills are not cheap. In order to be prescribed correctly, you need to undergo an examination, take a bunch of tests, and the PAP simplifies everything. OK needs to be bought monthly, taken strictly according to the schedule, if you miss one day - everything goes down the drain, with PPA - there is no dosage schedule
  5. Many people believe that even ultra-thin condoms reduce the severity of sensations, while PPA makes you feel the fullness of sex. Sex with a condom is often called swimming in rubber boots. In addition, women claim that with the products they do not develop lubrication and arousal disappears.
  6. For many, it becomes valuable that they themselves can control something.
  7. The method is considered safe by many: for example, condoms may break or slip, spermicides may not dissolve in time; The vaginal cap may fall out.
  8. The method is available on any day and time of day, there is no need to calculate graphs, measure basal temperature, etc. Another plus: the method is very simple, vivid in impressions, which is why many women value an “interrupted flight.”

But this is all the opinion of consumers, not doctors! To be honest, such statements stem from basic sexual illiteracy, complete ignorance of the risks and side effects of PPA for couples.

Disadvantages of PPA

How is interrupted sexual intercourse harmful? No protection against STIs. Even those couples who seem to know everything about each other and trust completely can encounter troubles like an infection. This is because many STIs occur without symptoms, and nothing is known about them until a certain time.

Impotence of a man - with frequent PPA, when at the moment of the highest pleasure of sex it is necessary to interrupt the process and remove the penis, this cannot but affect the functioning of his central nervous system and leads to the development of neuroses. Over time, erection simply becomes impaired, and ejaculation may become premature.

The male genital organs themselves also undergo changes: blood circulation in the genital organs is disrupted, blood vessels lose tone, blood outflow slows down, prostate atony and chronic prostatitis develop, the seminal tubercles change, and the urethral mucosa becomes hyperemic.

The harmfulness of the method also lies in the fact that with constant suppression of ejaculation, muscle contractility also changes: the seminal fluid thickens and stagnates, which affects the quality of sperm in the future. Instead of relaxation, a man must constantly keep himself under control; instead of sexual arousal, a process of inhibition and problems of a psychological nature begin.

The man really suffers more. A woman should think about this. Women themselves suffer certain damage from PPA - they often become frigid, since in 50% of cases they do not get a proper orgasm. In addition, the woman is constantly in anxiety: just don’t go inside, you’re definitely on time. This, of course, does not allow you to relax. In addition, PPA is one of the causes of fibroids in women. Therefore, a man should think no less about his partner’s problems, and it is recommended to choose contraceptive methods that would be acceptable for the woman too.

The disadvantages of PAP are especially evident if couples find new partners after divorce. It is quite possible to use and use interrupted sexual intercourse; its harm can be reduced significantly if you resort to this method of intimacy no more than 2 times a month. Then negative consequences can be avoided. The need to carry out hygienic procedures after sexual intercourse with PPA has already been discussed above.

Conclusion on the topic

The method, of course, has a right to exist and will exist, but it is better not as a permanent method. So, PPA is possible if: you know your partner very well and are confident in him; you are a successful couple and your partner’s sudden pregnancy will not be a global catastrophe for you; you rarely resort to PPA.

You often have to think about emergency contraception in various unforeseen circumstances, for example after unprotected sexual intercourse. In such cases, doctors recommend taking Postinor. Another method is to take high doses of contraceptives, namely COCs containing estrogens and progestogens - the Yuzpe method. The sooner the drug is taken after the act, the higher the chance of protection. Or the doctor can prescribe pure gestagens, but they still depend on the phase of MC. The most commonly used antigestagens now are Mifepristone and Ginepristone. It delays ovulation and prevents the zygote from attaching to the wall of the uterus, i.e. it acts in any phase of the cycle. It can be taken within 3 days after an unprotected act, it is quite capable of helping, and does not depend on the phase of the cycle. It is quite safe and can be used even in adolescents.

Coitus interruptus (COI) is considered one of the most ancient methods of contraception. This method is so simple and natural that most couples still practice it today.

Although, according to experts, interrupted sexual intercourse as one of the methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy should long ago become a thing of the past. But despite the huge variety of different protective equipment, PPA still confidently holds a leadership position.

Definition of PPA - myths and facts

The main purpose of PPA is to protect against pregnancy. Many couples are confident that using this method can completely protect against unwanted pregnancy. In addition, most people practice PPA due to a lack of desire to use condoms. The reason is simple and banal - with condoms there is insufficient sensation.

Why is coitus interruptus so popular?

Today there are many explanations that make the technique popular. But if we take into account scientific facts, then these explanations are nothing more than myths that people willingly believe.

  1. Easy to use. Interruption of sexual intercourse does not require any unnecessary manipulations. In particular, we are talking about the absence of the need to wear a condom or insert vaginal suppositories. All that is required is to remove the penis from the vagina in time.
  2. Availability of the method. Many couples experience situations when passion overshadows reason - as a rule, in such cases, no one thinks about pharmaceutical methods of protection.
  3. Reluctance of partners to use contraceptive methods. Many people simply refuse to take pharmacological drugs. IUDs or the regulation of hormonal levels using other means are in most cases incomprehensible to people, and there is simply no desire to understand all the intricacies of their use. After all, in the case of using PPA, everything is very simple - the main thing is to stop in time and pregnancy will definitely not occur.
  4. All known contraceptives can cause allergic reactions or loss of the feeling of complete pleasure. Coitus interruptus, due to its nature, is not endowed with this kind of disadvantage.

The above positive aspects of this method are nothing more than misconceptions. In contrast, there are a large number of facts proving the opposite.

Harm from interrupted sexual intercourse

Evidence suggests that interrupting sexual intercourse may not protect against unwanted pregnancy in all cases. This is explained by the fact that many couples become victims of their ignorance. Spermatozoa are not only part of semen - some of them are contained in the pre-ejaculatory substance or, as people say, in lubricant.

And it is this fact that causes more than half of unwanted pregnancies. The absence of pregnancy during systematic interruption of sexual intercourse can be considered a good reason to consult a doctor.

As mentioned above, a certain amount of sperm is contained in the pre-ejaculatory substance. It has been scientifically proven that sperm enter the fallopian tubes not only after ejaculation, but also during sexual intercourse itself.

  • Despite the prevailing public opinion, PPA as a means of contraception does not protect well against unplanned pregnancy. Studies have shown that more than 30% of women still become pregnant with constant use of this method.
  • All modern contraceptives are used to protect against pregnancy, and only some allow protection against sexually transmitted diseases. It is this danger that teenagers least of all think about, considering the main goal of their protection to be an unwanted pregnancy. With the use of condoms, the probability of becoming infected is no more than 2%, and in the case of using PPA, this probability is 100%. This is explained by the fact that infection does not occur during ejaculation, as many believe, but during contact of the genitals with the mucous membranes. And if in the case of pregnancy all is not lost, because you can start a family or have an abortion, then if you become infected with a sexually transmitted disease, normal life becomes impossible.
  • Interrupted sexual intercourse in no way can provide full sexual pleasure. Indeed, according to this method, it is necessary to remove the penis from the vagina in time, that is, before ejaculation. As for the woman, she is also unable to obtain complete sexual pleasure in such conditions.
  • There is a so-called psychophysiological barrier that prevents you from enjoying sexual intercourse. The fact is that the partner does not have the right to completely relax. He must always control his condition. Yes, a partner who does not want to get pregnant is also forced to be in constant tension and control the man’s behavior.
  • Interrupted sexual intercourse negatively affects men's health. Systematic use of PPA causes disruption of the reproductive system. Small blood vessels are not able to maintain their tone, resulting in pathological changes. As a rule, such changes affect the urethra, seminal tubercle and prostate gland. The results of many medical studies have proven that interrupted sexual intercourse often becomes and.
  • At the moment of highest pleasure, a man must stop and interrupt the process. In medicine, this situation is called “a sharp change in sexual arousal with rapid inhibition.” In addition to the negative effect on the reproductive system, such a “stop” causes a disorder of the central nervous system. In conditions of interrupted sexual intercourse, a violation of the basic nervous processes occurs. Often PPA can lead to the development of neuroses and uncontrolled ejaculation.
  • As for women, interrupted sexual intercourse carries certain harm for them. When a woman receives an orgasm, she not only receives pleasure, but many vital processes are also stabilized. Basically, the functioning of the reproductive system and hormonal regulation is stabilized. That is why many doctors, when detecting female pathologies, recommend their patients to have sex regularly. If women receive normal physiological satisfaction, there is no need to take various hormonal drugs, for example, to stabilize the menstrual cycle. In addition, with regular use of PPA, women may develop frigidity, which is an extremely unpleasant consequence.


From a medical point of view, interruption of sexual intercourse cannot be called a means of contraception; most likely, it is simply physiological inhibition, which is fraught with serious consequences for both men and women. It is best not to get carried away with regular use of PPA.

After all, the modern pharmaceutical industry offers a fairly wide range of contraceptives that can protect against unwanted pregnancy and at the same time allow you to feel the fullness of feelings.

To protect against unplanned pregnancy, sexual partners resort to different methods of contraception. Coitus interruptus is a method of avoiding pregnancy that involves ejaculating outside the woman's vagina. Few people know how effective such “protection” is, whether there is a chance of fertilization, whether it involves harm to health, and what they think about it.

What does “coitus interruptus” mean?

Coitus interruptus (CCA) is traditional sex, at the end of which, before orgasm, the man completes friction and ejaculation occurs outside the vagina. With this option, from ancient times to today, men have been protected from unwanted conception.

PPA is not an officially recognized method of contraception, because it has been proven that it does not protect against viruses and infections that are sexually transmitted, and also cannot provide a 100% guarantee of the impossibility of conceiving a fetus. Only the guy who knows how to control an erection and the onset of ejaculation, sensing its approach, can practice interrupted coitus.

It is believed that the use of condoms dulls the sensitivity and brightness of intercourse, which is why many couples prefer PPA. Despite the great popularity of this method of preventing pregnancy, there are many opinions that it is harmful to men’s health, negatively affecting potency, and the degree of effectiveness is not high enough.

For reference! Statistics confirm that today more than 70% of couples practice interrupted sexual intercourse as an opportunity to protect themselves from pregnancy. Practice shows that out of 100 women a year, 18 or more become pregnant.

Is it possible to get pregnant with PPA, what are the chances?

All practicing contraceptive options undergo testing and research, and their effectiveness is measured by the Pearl index. The analysis technique involves taking as an example 1000 girls of reproductive age using different methods of contraception in order to check how many of them will become pregnant within a year.

PPA, as an option to protect against pregnancy, is also undergoing annual studies to determine the degree of effectiveness. Among couples aged +-30 years, its reliability percentage averaged 73%, which is equal to an index of 27. In comparison, the effectiveness of condoms is 85-98%, that is, an index of 2-15. Conceiving a child through interrupted intercourse is possible; the risk is affected by:

  • health of partners;
  • guy's self-control;
  • degree of sexual attraction;
  • monthly partners;
  • hygiene.

Every fourth woman became pregnant while being the sexual partner of an interruption guru, this is also a statistical data. Regardless of whether there was a previous orgasm or not, sperm are already present in the natural lubricant released at the beginning of intercourse due to arousal, but with low mobility. How tenacious and mobile they are is directly influenced by the guy’s lifestyle.

Despite their low mobility, there are certain conditions that favor conception. Gynecology believes that during the period of ovulation, as well as approximately 5 days before the menstrual cycle, fertilization is possible even with half-living germ cells. Using the cycle calendar, you need to calculate dangerous periods and not use PPA.

It should also be avoided in other cases:

  • , because of which a guy can become overly excited, losing control over the entire process of sexual intercourse;
  • in the presence of such a problem as increased;
  • if you have recently had sex with ejaculation, since sperm may remain in the genitourinary canal.

In 60% of abortion cases, it is pregnancy with PPA that leads to such a decision. To avoid conception, a man needs to maintain personal hygiene, removing residual sperm after intimacy, and a girl needs to monitor dangerous periods of ovulation, and if sperm gets into the vagina, use quick-acting spermicidal preparations.

Coitus interruptus: consequences for men

There are many theories and assumptions that a man will face a lot of unpleasant consequences after interrupted sexual intercourse.

Scientists have conducted many studies, after which they found that constant practices of incomplete sex provoke a number of negative changes:

  • CNS. The most serious danger involves wear and tear on the nervous system, since the partner has to constantly control his body, not allowing himself to fully relax. In the worst case, the decision to protect yourself in this way will lead to physical and nervous exhaustion.
  • . By interrupting the process of ejaculation and orgasm, a man deprives himself of the entire range of feelings and pleasure, which affects his libido. Physiology and instincts do not receive the proper response, which reduces attraction.
  • . Medical experts have proven that PPA leads to a slowdown in venous outflow, which over time provokes capillary damage and poor circulation in the prostate gland. It begins to gradually increase in size, preventing. And this already leads to a stagnant form of prostatitis.
  • Premature ejaculation. Regular blocking of excitation at the very peak of intercourse disrupts the natural processes of excitation and inhibition of the nervous system. Gradually, such changes lead to the development of psychogenic premature ejaculation.
  • Infections. The chances of contracting sexually transmitted infections are extremely high if we are talking about random and promiscuous relationships. In this case, a condom is more appropriate as a means of protection if the guy is not confident enough in his partner.
  • Potency. Studies have shown how bad this method of protection against pregnancy is for potency. Constant practice leads to a decrease in vascular tone in the penis area, which sooner or later leads to impotence.

Harm of this magnitude can only be expected when the “protection” of PSA is applied on a regular basis for a long time.

How else is PPA dangerous?

The girl also suffers the negative consequences of interrupted frictions. , leaving the vagina during the man’s maximum pleasure, does not allow the partner to experience orgasm in more than half of the cases. Accordingly, the harm of such practice reduces the level of libido and activity not only in him, but also in her.

There are several more points why the described method of protection is dangerous:

  • high chances of pregnancy (about 30% of women);
  • maximum risks of infection (100% for both partners);
  • inability to obtain full satisfaction from intimacy;
  • tension regarding control of ejaculation and fears of conception;
  • the absence of a female orgasm contradicts the normal functioning of many vital processes (especially hormonal levels, the central nervous system, and the reproductive system).

If we summarize all the points of harm, we can say that interrupted sexual intercourse has a negative effect on the entire physiology of both him and her. It is impossible to change the processes of excitation and inhibition so sharply, since this does not have the best effect on the nervous and reproductive systems. Sexual dissatisfaction indirectly becomes the cause of other diseases.

Main pros and cons

To once again weigh all the pros and cons of this method of contraception, you should compare its main advantages and disadvantages. It is easy to explain why most couples prefer this method of preventing pregnancy by presenting several arguments:

  • accessibility, since the method is free and does not require physical or financial costs;
  • a woman does not need to monitor her cycle, calculate dangerous and safe periods, or take oral contraceptives;
  • more vivid impressions during the process, in contrast to the use of condoms, since all sensations during intimacy are natural;
  • Possibility of use in conjunction with other protection options to increase efficiency.

PPA is appropriate after childbirth, when hormonal pills are prohibited, and it can also be an alternative if there is an allergy to condom latex.

Delayed ejaculation and ejaculation outside the vagina has a number of disadvantages:

  • high risks of improper abstinence and resulting pregnancy;
  • with strong arousal, it is difficult to relax in order to enjoy the frictions;
  • the possibility of contracting sexually transmitted diseases;
  • difficulties in achieving orgasm in a girl;
  • inexperienced young guys cannot reliably control actions;
  • in the absence of self-control and the onset of premature orgasm, the method is ineffective.

Despite all the advantages and disadvantages, it is difficult to say unequivocally whether such protection is appropriate during sex. Much depends on the man himself and compliance with the warnings from specialists.

Doctors' opinion

Doctors often have a negative attitude towards this method of preventing fertilization. Considering the low efficiency, PPA is at least somewhat justified and is appropriate only in one of the following cases:

  • if we are talking about a married couple (without fear of getting pregnant);
  • with low sensitivity of the head of the penis;
  • when it is possible to have sex for a long time within one act, which allows the girl to orgasm earlier.

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