The animals are different. Why do wild animals dream: for a girl, a woman, a man - interpretation according to different dream books Why do you dream of a big beast

I had this dream when I was 15 years old, during a period of illness. I was an Indian woman, dressed in a sari, walking down the path with a jug on my head. There was fantastic greenery all around, “not ours” trees, lush vegetation, extraordinary beauty. I was pregnant and felt incredible calm and peace. So I go down to the lake - it is small and very clean, the water is clear. I fill a jug with water. I see that around the lake, very close to me, there are wild animals sitting (I don’t remember which ones, it seems a tiger or a lion was among them) and, it seems, there was some kind of dog there. With reason I understand that I have something to fear, but sleep is not driven by reason, but by something else, thanks to which I know that I have nothing to fear. I feel very well. Then the picture changes. I’m just me, and not an Indian, I’m in some hospital office, where the atmosphere is... ordinary and unpleasant. It seems like the time has come to give birth. I am very scared to give birth, and I wake up from fear. In my opinion, the dog was present there too... I don’t know whether the dream is connected with the disease, but after a while I recovered. And I still remember the incredible beauty and richness of colors of the “Indian” part of the dream.

Kse2 Reply

It seems to me that you misunderstood the proposed version of the image of bears. They cannot be released. Besides, in my dream, we are not talking about training. For example, if a “lion” came to visit me - which can be deciphered as “the king of all instincts”, of course, it would be better to tame him. By the way, “zoo” may well represent a person who keeps all his feelings in cages.

Larsen Reply

I completely agree with this interpretation of the “zoo”. But feelings in a cage do not develop freely; the person who keeps them there is afraid of something. That’s why I suggested imagining the other extreme: what would happen if they, your completely tame animals, were released into the wild?

And training - I’m talking about a dream in which a circus appeared.

Larsen Reply

Meg, I was also thinking about your recurring fountains... This is also a kind of cage, only not for animals, but for water. Although you interpret the sea as an illusion of development (I’m still more inclined to agree with Arseny here - I read your discussion), a natural body of water is natural, there is no artificiality in it, unlike an artificially created fountain... It’s not for nothing that the sea in “Goat” dolphin" is overflowing its banks - if something is artificially restrained for a long time, it will definitely break through someday and can take on threatening forms...

Vozduh999-yandex-ru Reply

Kappa Reply

I’m standing on the veranda of a familiar country house. A little to the left and lower on the ground, a black panther is tormenting a tiger, a lion appears and enters into a fight, but is attacked by a leopard. I bang my hand on the railing and shout, “Tell me this is a dream, it can’t be like this!” However, during all this, the polar bear calmly walks...

Jenuevieve-rambler-ru Reply

Several times in recent days I have had the same dream: a fluffy animal is lying on my chest, warming me, and spreading its paws towards my shoulders. And now I had such a dream. I wander around the garage complex, it is deep underground, somewhat reminiscent of stables, multi-story, the walls, floor, ceiling are made of black earth. And only the iron gates of the boxes are light gray. In one of the garages there is my car, I started around it with my father, then alone. Coming to the surface, I find myself in a beautiful park, I walk there until I remember that I didn’t close the garage! I run back, I keep picturing to myself that there is no car, the garage is empty. The man on duty at the entrance to the garage complex looked for my name in a book for a long time, when he found it, I noticed he had a remote control with green and yellow lights, asked if anyone had driven out in my car, and he said no. Having calmed down a little, I went down to my garage, opened the iron gates, entered and only then realized that since they were closed, it meant that I had closed them after all! After the interruption, I find myself in the Crimea, in the park, with a tour we go down a narrow stone staircase with high steps into a small clearing, along the edges overgrown with beautiful willows with silver leaves. A strange animal follows us up the stairs, which one of the employees of the establishment where we are giving a tour calls a “tiger pony.” It really does look like a tiny orange horse with black stripes, and the animal runs up to me. Everyone admires him, and he suddenly jumps up on me and lies flat on his chest, throwing his paws over my shoulders. So, with him on my chest, I walk. I feel good, warm, and even sorry to give away the animal. And he doesn’t want to leave! We already went to the bus stop, but he didn’t show up! There is another interruption, and I find myself one of the residents of the hostel. Narrow corridors, inconvenient. I go down to the store, and there I see children torturing some kind of creature. I take it from them and identify the creature as a baby kangaroo. It fits on my chest just like the Tiger Pony. For some reason I go into the kindergarten and persuade the manager to place the animal, she objects, and I and the kangaroo return to the hostel.

Animals are frequent guests in human dreams. It happens that a cute domestic creature comes to us in a dream, less often we see livestock, and sometimes an animal completely unknown to science becomes a guest. Dream books will tell us, as always, why all this animal brethren dreams and what to expect from such dreams.

“Sofa” favorite or happiness awaits you

You dreamed that you were petting a small domestic animal - such a dream means the dreamer’s desire to have children, Freud’s dream book predicts.

If you dream that your furry pet leaves fur everywhere, this means that in the near future you will have extremely pleasant troubles associated with your loved one.

Seeing that you brought a white animal into the house is a sign of happiness and good luck, a black one means you worry about people close to you, Vanga’s dream book prophesies.

Watching in a dream the antics of a fluffy hamster or other rodent living in your house is a sign of joyful events and tender feelings.

Wild animals are a sign of temperament

I dreamed that you were watching a wild forest animal - according to Loff’s dream book, the dream symbolizes your temperament. The more dangerous the beast, the rougher and more aggressive you are.

Running away from a wild animal in a dream - beware of casual relationships, both sexual and business. You may end up in trouble.

If you meet a cute predatory animal or rodent in the forest: a weasel, a fox, a squirrel, a mink - you will meet a very flexible person who will positively influence your life, Miller’s dream book pleases.

A white wolf, fox, bear and other animals of similar color or albinos promise a meeting with old friends, and the joy from this meeting will be very intense.

Cattle - you have to work hard

To see a horned animal (cow, bull, goat) grazing in a pasture in a dream means work will bring you good income and satisfaction, the Lunar Dream Book promises.

If you dreamed of a horse that was nibbling grass - expect easy and unburdensome work, but if the horse worked - plowing a field, pulling a cart - get ready for hard physical labor.

If you dream that a cow has given birth to a calf, it’s not in vain that you work “until a sweat”; your finances will please you with their quantity, the Slavic dream book promises.

A small donkey is a symbol of a big hard worker. This means that you have a difficult job ahead of you, which, unfortunately, will not be paid properly.

Inhabitants of the deep sea - take care of your health

If you dreamed that many different sea animals were swimming behind the ship, you cannot avoid catching a cold, warns the Autumn Dream Book.

In a dream, you are trying to escape from a terrible sea monster that is catching up with you and biting you - such a dream warns that your nerves may fail you. Don't bring yourself to stress, consult a specialist.

Playing with a small dolphin in a dream - be careful with small objects, you can choke on them, warns the Women's Dream Book.

If you see the mating games of large sea animals - killer whales or whales - the genitourinary area is in danger, pay special attention to it.

A magical creature or It's time for surprises

To see in a dream an unprecedented animal that does not exist in nature (a dragon, a unicorn) - be prepared for surprises, the dream book of Nostradamus gives hope.

If you dreamed of an unusual animal, for example, a horned dog or a winged horse, funny pranks await you, be prepared for them.

You dream that you find an unknown animal in your house - a loved one or close friend has prepared some unusual gift for you.

A fluffy animal unfamiliar to you and science is fawning over you - a holiday in your honor, prepared by your friends, awaits you.

To dream that an animal from a fairy tale or cartoon lives in your home - you will soon receive a charge of positive emotions or commit an act that is typical only for children.

“Bestial” attitude - beware of enemies and envious people

You dream that evil forest animals are attacking you - your enemies wish you harm and are preparing a trap, do not make any contact with them, no matter how they provoke you.

If suddenly in a dream, a calm and gentle pet unexpectedly bites your hand, there is a person in your environment who wishes you harm, even though you treat him well.

Kill an animal in a dream or destroy its nest - you can easily cope with your enemies and competitors, the Islamic dream book predicts.

If you dreamed of a dead animal, you have nothing to fear, you have no enemies.

Hunt sea animals - competitors will do anything to stop you, be prepared for this.

Home menagerie as a symbol of family comfort

You dream that you keep a zoo at home, in whose cages weakened wild animals live, you feed them, treat them and release them into the wild - you will find comfort and peace only at home, Tsvetkov’s dream book interprets this dream.

Watching a baby weasel or other fur-bearing animal cling to the bars of the cage and try to gnaw them - someone in the household lacks tenderness and care. Surround your family with attention.

To tame a wild animal with sharp teeth and claws and make it quiet and gentle - you will have to face the rebellion of your own child, but you will be able to extinguish the conflict and return peace to the house, Miss Hasse’s dream book pleases.

Why does a woman dream about a beast:

Animals are tame, tamed - your emotions will be under control.

1 Beast by Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Seeing an animal in a dream means:

All wild animals are most often an unfavorable sign; wild animals in a confined space (zoo, cage or pen) are anxieties and worries associated with the restriction of your freedom of action. But if you manage to tame them, then you will cope with all your problems.

1 Beast by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

To communicate with a dangerous person.

The stranger a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Beast by Psychotherapeutic dream book

Dreaming with a beast means:

Seeing animals means meeting a cunning person.

1 Beast by Dream book of Nina Grishina

Meaning of sleep beast:

Catching animals is a new acquaintance / deception, deceit.

Catching with bare hands is an unexpected success.

Small animals - portend a woman's pregnancy if they dream about them repeatedly.

Warm-blooded animals (beasts) in dreams symbolize the mental strength of a person, his drives and affects, their assistance or opposition on his chosen path / his friends and enemies / social forces and their interference in life.

All white animals, except cats, are favorable.

Seeing several white animals means a date with friends.

To see wingless animals flying means you are leaving spirituality, leaving a good life.

Riding a wild animal means subjugating, correctly using the spiritual forces that this animal symbolizes / making a desperate attempt to overcome an insurmountable obstacle.

If he resists at the same time, your mental strength has lost control.

The head of the beast, which you carry in your hands, represents the passions and attractions that dominate you and control your actions.

The animals that frighten you are your evil conscience, your enemies.

Talking to an animal yourself is upsetting.

Hearing the roar of animals is news.

A menacing growl means the enemy is close.

The beast's mouth is gaping - certain thoughts associated with the female organs of love.

Animal fight - the arrival of strangers / a quarrel with sad consequences / a struggle of passions in your soul.

Small animals, naked and blind cubs - portend pregnancy to a woman if they are dreamed about repeatedly.

1 Beast according to the Lunar Dream Book

Seeing wild animals means meeting an enemy.

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


1 Beast by Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

Promotion; enemies.

White animals - to see friends.

1 Beast by Dream book of symbols

Beast in a dream means:

Animals (beasts) - in general, reflect the instinctive (animal) nature of man: aggression, greed, deceit, cunning, anger, strength, timidity, anxiety and fear... the above applies to many wild animals, however, they are able to act as helpers . Pets are much more harmless, kinder and, more often, represent such character traits and states as stupidity, stubbornness, devotion, uncleanliness, affection, complacency, fatness, carelessness, obedience, and prosperity. Animals in a dream in general can also symbolically mean: an enemy, illness, danger, exaltation (fame, success), material well-being. The meaning of many images of animals in a dream is obvious and literal: “fox” - cunning, deception, an insidious woman; “wolf” – enemy, danger, disease; “hare” – fright; “lion” – strength, power, etc.

1 Beast by Tsvetkov's dream book

Animals in the zoo - excitement.

Wild animals are enemies.

Seeing animals clearly is an accident.

Animals escaped from their cages - trouble in the family.

Being chased by animals is a bad name.

1 Beast according to the Online Dream Book

Why does a woman dream of a beast:

According to the dream book, to see animals means in reality to come face to face with your enemy.

If these are domesticated animals, you will finally see your old friend.

You are hunting game - prepare for conflict, trying to catch a pet

To dream about the process of hunting wild animals - you will learn something good, you will see nice people.

If you run away from them, they will talk badly about you behind your back.

If a predator attacks you, disappointment and betrayal await you.

If you saw an animal in a trap, your loved ones will try to harm you on the sly.

Engaging in setting traps - nothing new or unusual will happen in the near future.

You help the animals get out - your carelessness will lead you to trouble.

I dreamed of a place on a farm where they are being killed - something unpleasant will happen before your eyes.

Killing animals yourself means you will take risks where it is necessary to exercise excessive caution; you dismember them

Sit astride it - mental torment awaits you.

A dream in which you saw stuffed animals promises you participation and assistance in all your affairs.

If you are in an enclosure with a predator, you will be disgraced and serious trouble is possible.

If you saw a werewolf - commit a grave sin, for which you will incur punishment.

If in a dream animals are endowed with the gift of speech, and you settle disputes between them, serious problems await you.

Meeting a predator is a sign that you will be forced to pay bills, but you can avoid this.

Wild animals - delays and delays are now more dangerous than ever for the implementation of plans.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Beast by Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Why does a woman dream about a beast:

A shaggy beast - to an implacable enemy.

Seeing in a dream a tame animal that listens to you and obeys you is a good omen. Such a dream means a serious victory.

Taming the beast means the spouse becomes drunk.

1 Beast by Dream Interpretation by A. Mindell

Seeing an animal in a dream means:

You had a dream Animals - You dream of wild animals; roaring animals look at you menacingly - you will be surrounded by enemies; you will have to raise your voice and call them to prudence.

1 Beast by Russian dream book

A dream with an animal in the dream book is interpreted as:

White animals - for a trip to their native places; wild - dangerous enemies, ill-wishers; attack - a friend will turn out to be an enemy.

1 Beast by Dream book alphabetically

Dreaming with a beast means:

Wild animals seen in a dream foreshadow traps. Threatening your life in a dream - they mean the same thing in reality.

Feeding wild animals - such a dream will bring you disappointment in your loved one.

Seeing wild animals in cages means overcoming a streak of bad luck and defeating enemies, but seeing yourself in a cage with them foreshadows disasters, an accident or an accident during a trip.

Seeing wild animals running away means in reality you will avoid mortal danger. Hunting them in a dream means joy from a long-awaited meeting. Kill - expose yourself to unjustified risk; butcher - show perseverance and endurance in overcoming difficulties, which will ultimately bring you wealth and happiness.

Seeing unusual-looking animals in a dream means experiencing anxiety and excitement in reality. White animals portend dates with friends. Seeing angry animals means removing obstacles. Wild animals mean that you will have to have an impartial conversation with a good friend about his unworthy behavior.

Seeing wild animals in a zoo means worry without a serious reason. Tame, completely harmless animals are a harbinger of a joyful meeting with a long-absent friend. Pets - they say that you will enter into a friendly or love relationship with a charming man.

Catching wild animals in a dream means quarreling with someone close to you in reality.

Feeding wild animals means experiencing disappointment in reality.

Putting traps or nooses on them - no changes at present and no changes are expected in the future.

Seeing mating games and mating of animals in a dream means that you are experiencing increased attention and interest in sex.

Seeing the head of a predatory animal in a dream warns you to be more picky in choosing friends and activities.

Stuffed animals mean that someone will show you generosity and support.

If in a dream you look in the mirror and see some kind of animal in it, it means that in reality you will experience disappointment and suffer losses.

Seeing animals languishing sadly in cages means your victory over unfavorable circumstances.

Seeing yourself in a cage with wild animals portends disasters, accidents, accidents.

If in a dream it seems to you that a scary-looking absolutely fantastic beast from a horror movie is in bed next to you, then in reality you will face failures with no end in sight.

To see animals in a knacker or slaughterhouse in a dream - in reality you will witness an ugly scene that is offensive to your taste.

Seeing skinned animals with their paired entrails in a dream is a harbinger of emotional turmoil from everyday hardships.

1 Beast by Dream interpretation of birthday people of May, June, July, August

Meaning of sleep beast:

A tame animal - you will prevail over your spouse.

To tame the beast - you will have to submit to a stronger enemy, to yield.

1 Beast by Dream interpretation horoscope

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a beast:

Caressing a wild animal means you are trying in vain to bring back your ex-lover.

If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

1 Beast according to Hasse's dream book

What the beast might dream about:

seeing a lot is happiness
pursue - big win, wealth
kill - accumulate property.

1 Beast by Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Beast in a dream means:

A tame animal - don’t flatter yourself, it only seems to you that you have won, but they will show you their teeth.

Taming the beast - incredibly hungry, you will be ready to eat a sheep.

1 Beast by Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

If a girl dreams of a beast, it means:

Get into a circle of bad people, friends

Seeing animals means meeting a cunning person.

Seeing wild animals in a dream - Seeing means having a conversation with the enemy; to see gentle tame animals marks a date with a friend; catch wild animals; quarrel with someone; To catch domestic animals means to enter into a friendly or love relationship with someone.

Dreaming of tame, tamed animals - your emotions will be under control.

Beasts (animals) – Large, wild with unbridled passions. They attack, tear, you can become a victim of a rapist, a maniac. They pet you, feed you, get help from the forces of nature, be closer to her. Extraordinary, fabulous spirits of nature; if they are friendly, wait for help, if you are aggressive, you offended them, in this case, a fire or leakage may occur in your house.

Beast – See a lot - happiness - pursue - big win, wealth - kill - accumulate property

Dreaming of the Beast, number 666 – Deadly fangs, danger

1 Beast by Esoteric dream book

Why does a woman dream of a beast:

Large, wild animals - to unbridled passions.

Animals attack and tear - you can become a victim of a rapist, a maniac.

Animals caress and feed you - get help from the forces of nature, be closer to it.

Extraordinary, fabulous animals - if you are friendly, expect help.

Fairytale animals are aggressive - you have offended them, in this case a fire or leakage may occur in your house.

1 Beast by To the Dream Interpreter of 1829

Seeing an animal in a dream means:

Seeing white animals means a date with friends or with the object of your love.

Seeing predatory animals and fighting with them means strong enemies and their cunning.

To see wild animals means to have a conversation with the enemy;

Seeing gentle tame animals marks a date with a friend;

Catching wild animals means quarreling with someone;

To catch domestic animals means to enter into a friendship or love relationship with someone.

1 Beast according to Freud's dream book

Interpretation of a dream about a beast:

Wild animals - symbolize sexual intercourse, but not simple. They are symbols of raw passions and strong sensual desires.

The appearance of wild animals in your dream may also indicate your strong sensual arousal.

If animals attack a man, he fears the consequences of his promiscuity in sexual contacts.

If animals attacked a woman, she has masochistic tendencies and wants a very temperamental lover. But perhaps she simply overestimates her desires and capabilities.

If you hunt wild animals, you are promiscuous in your numerous sexual contacts, and are proud of your new victories.

1 Beast by Dream Interpretation of Schiller-Schoolboy

To see wild animals - beware of ambush; to be in danger from them - danger of loss of life (mortal danger); feed - you will be disappointed.

1 Beast by Dream book of the 20th century

1 The Beast according to Rommel's Dream Book

To find yourself among wild animals in a dream means to be among your enemies in reality.

Meeting an animal means meeting a very cunning person.

Feeding animals means showing kindness to enemies.

If you see animals tearing apart carrion or some other animal, you will be in danger from selfish people.

If the animals attacked you, you will have to finance some people.

To turn into a wild beast in a dream - in reality you need to look for a match with the character of the beast (depending on the nature and essence of future events), to caress some wild beast - to enter into an illicit relationship with someone (a relationship with your wife’s friend or with your husband’s best friend ).

Driving away the beast means illness.

If wild animals speak human language in a dream, everything they say should be taken literally.

1 Beast by Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you saw white animals, good news awaits you. This is a very rare, prophetic dream. Those things that happen to you after meeting white beasts can, to one degree or another, be repeated in real life.

To crush some beast is good news.

In a dream, you met a wild animal - your creditor will come to you, but you will be able to get out of this situation.

You dreamed that you met tamed wild animals - a quarrel with your mother-in-law or an elderly woman lies ahead.

If you dreamed that you were carrying a wild animal in your arms, in the near future you will pledge some of your dear things and receive a lot of money for it.

1 Beast by Daniel's medieval dream book

If someone sees that animals are attacking him or they are overpowering him, he will be defeated by his enemies.

Taming animals portends gratitude from one’s opponents or enemies.

Seeing yourself riding some kind of animal means some kind of excitement or suffering.

Seeing animals talking means big trouble.

Riding on an animal and being attacked by animals means losses.

To see a person turned into a beast means to anger God himself with something.

Death from animals means liberation from parents.

Dream interpretation of animals

Animals are an integral part of every person’s everyday life, and therefore one should not be surprised if one had to see them in a dream. Among all the variety of species, there are those that can be seen often, and therefore it is so important to analyze the image that comes.

Why do we dream about animals? The answer to this question lies in a special dream book, but to use it you will have to work a little.

What to expect in the future?

According to the popular dream book, animals can appear to people on different occasions. Each dream is unique and inimitable, and therefore it is so important to understand what happened.

Home happiness

I dreamed about a pet

There is a certain gradation, and when it comes to pets, then each dream book tries to give its own interpretation.


If the dreamer strokes his beloved pet, then he will not be able to realize himself in a family matter. Most likely, it is high time for him to have children, but no attempts are being made for this. If attempts were in vain, then it makes sense to seek qualified help.

If a pet leaves fur everywhere, it means that in the foreseeable future, pleasant chores organized by a loved one will await it. The dreamer must learn to enjoy every little thing, since this is the meaning of family happiness.


In your dreams you can see animals of different colors, and therefore it is so important to restore it in your memory:

If you dream of a small rodent who lives at home, it means there will be more joy in your life, and your loved one will begin to show his love more and more often. Let all difficulties be forgotten, and everything start with a clean slate.

Wild temperament

If it was not possible to find suitable formulations about domestic animals, then in this case you need to pay attention to wild animals. In some dream books you can find corresponding interpretations.

Loff's Dream Book

Seeing wild animals in a dream is a symbol of the explosive temperament of a sleeping person. If you looked dangerous and aggressive, then in reality you are too impulsive. You will have to analyze your behavior.

If you dreamed of animals trying to hastily escape from you, then you should beware of casual relationships, and this will apply not only to the sexual sphere. You may find yourself in an absurd situation that will leave a certain mark on your reputation, and therefore it makes sense to weigh all the options before making any decision.


If predatory animals or hordes of rodents come towards the dreamer, it means that in real life you will be able to meet an extremely flexible person. Listening to Miller's predictions, you can find out that not just joy awaits him, but also dramatic changes in his life.

Seeing a cattle representative in a dream

The main thing is to use this acquaintance correctly and try to reciprocate. If representatives of white fauna appear in front of you, then it makes sense to listen to the instructions of a psychologist: go to a meeting with friends, as it will bring joy.

Horned fauna

Many people associate cattle with the comfort of home, and therefore it is so important to understand under what circumstances they were able to see these animals.

Lunar dream book

If we are walking in a dream, and there is a horned animal in a huge pasture, then most likely the work will bring not only a lot of pleasure, but also good cash dividends.

According to the predictions of the Lunar Dream Interpreter, the horse seen has some sacred meaning, and therefore it makes sense to analyze several options:

  • nibbles grass - to receive an easy but highly paid order;
  • works - to hard and monotonous work.

Slavic dream book

I dreamed of a cow with a calf

If a cow gives birth in your dream, it means your efforts will not be in vain. Most likely, at the end of your journey you will be able to enjoy the financial results achieved.

Seeing a little donkey is a symbol of hard work hidden in a sleeping person. The incomprehensible work that you dream of will take a lot of time and energy, but there will be no worthy reward.

Marine life

Why did you have to encounter sea creatures in your dream? To get an answer to this question, the dreamer must seek help from various sources.

Autumn dream book

Seeing a large flock of sea creatures swimming in the wake of a ship is a sign of a cold. The dream book says that even precautions will not be able to prevent the disease that is looming over you.

However, do not get upset ahead of time, as recovery will be quick. Why do you dream of animals trying to attack? If they were able to catch up and then bite, then in reality you are on the verge of a breakdown. If a sleeping person cannot cope with the problem on his own, it makes sense to seek help from specialists.

If you dream about dolphins

Women's dream book

If you manage to play with a small dolphin, you will have to be careful of small objects. The fact is that they can get stuck in the throat and lead to death, and therefore this situation cannot be left to chance.

According to the female dream book, the mating game of large individuals reflects possible problems with the genitourinary system. To prevent problems, you will need to seek help from a specialist and undergo a full examination.

What will Nostradamus tell you?

Who has ever seen strange and strange animals in a dream? In all the diversity of species, some people manage to meet interesting specimens.

Seeing a unicorn or dragon in front of you is a symbol that someone close to you is busy preparing a surprise. If you managed to meet a pegasus or a horned dog, then you can prepare for some fun pranks. The main thing is not to show it, but to prepare for any surprise:

Petting a unicorn in a dream

  • encountering an unprecedented beast within the walls of your own home is a pleasant surprise;
  • petting an animal means participating in a friendly event.

Uncontrolled aggression

Forest animals, as a rule, are not as welcoming as they seem at first glance. Many of them are ready to attack and tear the dreamer apart at any opportunity, but what do such dreams mean?


Why did you have to face the evil beast? As they write in dream books, most likely, a trap from ill-wishers awaits the sleeping person. He should not agree to dubious adventures, since they will only discredit his good name.

Caught wild animal

What does spontaneous aggression mean? If the dreamer decided to pet a calm pet, and it attacked him, then there is a person in his environment who is ready to cause pain and suffering. Despite the good attitude, the spiteful critic will remain unconvinced.


If you have killed a wild animal or its cubs, then it will not be difficult for you to get ahead of your closest competitors. The wording reflected in the Islamic dream book is considered quite accurate.

Seeing a dead animal is a symbol of the fact that there are no enemies in the dreamer’s life, and therefore he has nothing to fear.

Home corner

Who hasn't dreamed of having a home zoo? If such an image came in a dream, and you see sick animals in a cage that you are trying to save from death, then in reality you can only find comfort within the walls of your home.

Observing the inappropriate behavior of an animal in a cage is a difficult sign, reflecting the need of household members for love and affection. You should gather around the same table more often and share your experiences. This is the only way to maintain a healthy relationship.

If a sleeping person was able to tame a wild and possessed beast, then you need to take a closer look at the actions of your child.

Why do animals dream?

Freud's Dream Book

Wild animals - symbolize sexual intercourse, but not simple. They are symbols of raw passions and strong sensual desires.

The appearance of wild animals in your dream may also indicate your strong sensual arousal.

If animals attack a man, he fears the consequences of his promiscuity in sexual contacts.

If animals attacked a woman, she has masochistic tendencies and wants a very temperamental lover. But perhaps she simply overestimates her desires and capabilities.

If you hunt wild animals, you are promiscuous in your numerous sexual contacts, and are proud of your new victories.

Why do animals dream?

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Seeing many animals is happiness.

Chasing animals is a big win, wealth.

Kill animals - accumulate property.

Enraged animals - remove obstacles.

To see wild animals - beware of ambush; to be in danger from them - danger of loss of life (mortal danger); feed - you will be disappointed.

Why do animals dream?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Wild animals are a symbolic reflection of emotions and feelings caused by communication with others.

The behavior of wild animals in a dream shows what problems are brewing for you and how this could turn out.

Why do animals dream?

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Animals - to communicate with a dangerous person.

Why do animals dream?

Spring dream book

A shaggy beast - to an implacable enemy.

Seeing in a dream a tame animal that listens to you and obeys you is a good omen. Such a dream means a serious victory.

Taming the beast means the spouse becomes drunk.

Why do animals dream?

Summer dream book

A tame animal - you will prevail over your spouse.

To tame the beast - you will have to submit to a stronger enemy, to yield.

Why do animals dream?

Autumn dream book

A tame animal - don’t flatter yourself, it only seems to you that you have won, but they will show you their teeth.

Taming the beast - incredibly hungry, you will be ready to eat a sheep.

Why do animals dream?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Wild animals seen in a dream foreshadow traps. Threatening your life in a dream - they mean the same thing in reality.

Feeding wild animals - such a dream will bring you disappointment in your loved one.

Seeing wild animals in cages means overcoming a streak of bad luck and defeating enemies, but seeing yourself in a cage with them foreshadows disasters, an accident or an accident during a trip.

Seeing wild animals running away means in reality you will avoid mortal danger. Hunting them in a dream means joy from a long-awaited meeting. Kill - expose yourself to unjustified risk; butcher - show perseverance and endurance in overcoming difficulties, which will ultimately bring you wealth and happiness.

Seeing unusual-looking animals in a dream means experiencing anxiety and excitement in reality. White animals portend dates with friends. Seeing angry animals means removing obstacles. Wild animals mean that you will have to have an impartial conversation with a good friend about his unworthy behavior.

Seeing wild animals in a zoo means worry without a serious reason. Tame, completely harmless animals are a harbinger of a joyful meeting with a long-absent friend. Pets - they say that you will enter into a friendly or love relationship with a charming man.

Feeding wild animals means experiencing disappointment in reality.

Putting traps or nooses on them - no changes at present and no changes are expected in the future.

Seeing the head of a predatory animal in a dream warns you to be more picky in choosing friends and activities.

Stuffed animals mean that someone will show you generosity and support.

If in a dream you look in the mirror and see some kind of animal in it, it means that in reality you will experience disappointment and suffer losses.

Seeing animals languishing sadly in cages means your victory over unfavorable circumstances.

If in a dream it seems to you that a scary-looking absolutely fantastic beast from a horror movie is in bed next to you, then in reality you will face failures with no end in sight.

To see animals in a knacker or slaughterhouse in a dream - in reality you will witness an ugly scene that is offensive to your taste.

Seeing skinned animals with their paired entrails in a dream is a harbinger of emotional turmoil from everyday hardships.

Why do animals dream?

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Animals - Get into a circle of bad people, friends

Seeing animals means meeting a cunning person.

Seeing wild animals in a dream - Seeing means having a conversation with the enemy; to see gentle tame animals marks a date with a friend; catch wild animals; quarrel with someone; To catch domestic animals means to enter into a friendly or love relationship with someone.

Dreaming of tame, tamed animals - your emotions will be under control.

Beasts (animals) – Large, wild with unbridled passions. They attack, tear, you can become a victim of a rapist, a maniac. They pet you, feed you, get help from the forces of nature, be closer to her. Extraordinary, fabulous spirits of nature; if they are friendly, wait for help, if you are aggressive, you offended them, in this case, a fire or leakage may occur in your house.

Beast – See a lot - happiness - pursue - big win, wealth - kill - accumulate property

Dreaming of the Beast, number 666 – Deadly fangs, danger

Why do animals dream?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

If you dreamed that you saw white animals, good news awaits you. This is a very rare, prophetic dream. Those things that happen to you after meeting white beasts can, to one degree or another, be repeated in real life.

To crush some beast is good news.

In a dream, you met a wild animal - your creditor will come to you, but you will be able to get out of this situation.

You dreamed that you met tamed wild animals - a quarrel with your mother-in-law or an elderly woman lies ahead.

If you dreamed that you were carrying a wild animal in your arms, in the near future you will pledge some of your dear things and receive a lot of money for it.

Why do animals dream?

Esoteric dream book

Large, wild animals - to unbridled passions.

Animals attack and tear - you can become a victim of a rapist, a maniac.

Animals caress and feed you - get help from the forces of nature, be closer to it.

Extraordinary, fabulous animals - if you are friendly, expect help.

Fairytale animals are aggressive - you have offended them, in this case a fire or leakage may occur in your house.

Why do animals dream?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

Animals in the zoo - excitement.

Wild animals are enemies.

Seeing animals clearly is an accident.

Animals escaped from their cages - trouble in the family.

Being chased by animals is a bad name.

Why do animals dream?

Modern dream book

Seeing unusual animals in a dream means anxiety and excitement.

White animals portend dates with friends.

Wild animals mean that you will have to have an impartial conversation with a friend about his unworthy behavior.

Seeing wild animals in a zoo means worry without a serious reason.

Tame, harmless animals are a harbinger of a joyful meeting with a long-absent friend.

Pets - they say that you will enter into a love affair with a charming man.

Catching wild animals in a dream means quarreling with someone close to you in reality.

If they attack you, beware of the trap.

Feeding wild animals means experiencing disappointment.

Seeing them running means avoiding serious danger.

Hunt them - a joyful message awaits you.

Shoot and kill - beware of an accident.

Running away from wild animals means notoriety and gossip.

Caress them - you will encounter difficulties in a new endeavor.

Seeing animals caught in traps or traps foreshadows intrigues and troubles on the part of relatives.

To free and release animals into the wild is to fail due to your own negligence.

Putting traps on them means no changes now and no changes in the future.

Seeing mating games and mating of animals in a dream means that you are experiencing increased attention and interest in sex.

The head of a predatory animal seen in a dream advises you to be more selective in choosing friends and activities.

Stuffed animals mean that someone will support you.

If in a dream you look in the mirror and see some kind of animal in it, it means that in reality you will experience disappointment and suffer losses.

Seeing animals languishing sadly in cages means your victory in some matter.

Seeing yourself in a cage with wild animals portends disasters, accidents, accidents.

If in a dream it seems to you that a scary, absolutely fantastic beast from a horror movie is in bed next to you, then in reality you will face failures with no end in sight.

To see animals in a knacker or slaughterhouse in a dream - in reality you will witness an ugly scene.

Seeing skinned animals and their paired entrails in a dream is a harbinger of mental turmoil and everyday adversity.

Why do animals dream?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

fall into the circle of bad people, be exposed to danger.

Why do animals dream?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Catching animals is a new acquaintance / deception, deceit.

Catching with bare hands is an unexpected success.

Small animals - portend a woman's pregnancy if they dream about them repeatedly.

Warm-blooded animals (beasts) in dreams symbolize the mental strength of a person, his drives and affects, their assistance or opposition on his chosen path / his friends and enemies / social forces and their interference in life.

All white animals, except cats, are favorable.

Seeing several white animals means a date with friends.

To see wingless animals flying means you are leaving spirituality, leaving a good life.

Riding a wild animal means subjugating, correctly using the spiritual forces that this animal symbolizes / making a desperate attempt to overcome an insurmountable obstacle.

If he resists at the same time, your mental strength has lost control.

The head of the beast, which you carry in your hands, represents the passions and attractions that dominate you and control your actions.

The animals that frighten you are your evil conscience, your enemies.

Talking to an animal yourself is upsetting.

Hearing the roar of animals is news.

A menacing growl means the enemy is close.

The beast's mouth is gaping - certain thoughts associated with the female organs of love.

Animal fight - the arrival of strangers / a quarrel with sad consequences / a struggle of passions in your soul.

Small animals, naked and blind cubs - portend pregnancy to a woman if they are dreamed about repeatedly.

Why do animals dream?

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

You had a dream Animals - You dream of wild animals; roaring animals look at you menacingly - you will be surrounded by enemies; you will have to raise your voice and call them to prudence.

Why do animals dream?

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Seeing animals means meeting a cunning person.

Why do animals dream?

Old Russian dream book

at the zoo - excitement; wild ones are enemies; see clearly - an accident; escaped from the cages - troubles in the family; persecuted - bad reputation.

Why do animals dream?

Explanatory dictionary of dreams

Seeing animals means meeting with a cunning person.

Why do animals dream?

Dream interpretation horoscope

Caressing a wild animal means you are trying in vain to bring back your ex-lover.

Why do animals dream?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, to see animals means in reality to come face to face with your enemy.

If these are domesticated animals, you will finally see your old friend.

You are hunting game - prepare for conflict, trying to catch a pet

To dream about the process of hunting wild animals - you will learn something good, you will see nice people.

If you run away from them, they will talk badly about you behind your back.

If a predator attacks you, disappointment and betrayal await you.

If you saw an animal in a trap, your loved ones will try to harm you on the sly.

Engaging in setting traps - nothing new or unusual will happen in the near future.

You help the animals get out - your carelessness will lead you to trouble.

I dreamed of a place on a farm where they are being killed - something unpleasant will happen before your eyes.

Killing animals yourself means you will take risks where it is necessary to exercise excessive caution; you dismember them

Sit astride it - mental torment awaits you.

A dream in which you saw stuffed animals promises you participation and assistance in all your affairs.

If you are in an enclosure with a predator, you will be disgraced and serious trouble is possible.

If you saw a werewolf - commit a grave sin, for which you will incur punishment.

If in a dream animals are endowed with the gift of speech, and you settle disputes between them, serious problems await you.

Meeting a predator is a sign that you will be forced to pay bills, but you can avoid this.

Wild animals - delays and delays are now more dangerous than ever for the implementation of plans.

Why do animals dream?

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