Dream Interpretation: quarrel with mom, interpretation of sleep. Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about Son? In a dream, you had a fight with your mother, why?

Arguing with your mother in a dream is an unfavorable sign. Tears, grief, futile expectations and disappointments - this is what the dream promises. The interpretation depends on the scale of the scandal, the actions of people and other important details of the dream. It is important what caused the showdown and how the vision ended. You may dream of a showdown because of a quarrel that happened the day before with your mother in real life and the internal experiences of the sleeping person about this.

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    Meaning according to dream books

    Interpretation of a dream about a quarrel with a close relative:

    • Miller's dream book - disappointment in a loved one, a series of unpleasant incidents, pain, a dejected state. Witnessing a quarrel between mom and dad means the emergence of conflict situations in professional activities, disagreements with superiors and colleagues.
    • Smirnov’s interpreter is an unexpected turn of events that can have a beneficial effect on the dreamer’s personal life. If after a long quarrel there is no reconciliation, things will end in failure. Dissatisfaction, great disappointment.
    • Freud's dream book - a feeling of guilt, remorse for an act, an inferiority complex, an internal struggle with oneself. Screaming loudly at your parent in a dream means making a fatal mistake in reality.
    • Family - the dreamer is in great danger. If a mother cries in her sleep after a quarrel, she needs her child’s help in real life.
    • Small Velesov dream book - family squabbles, misunderstandings, minor everyday troubles.
    • Interpreter Tsvetkova - a difficult life period.
    • Esoteric - experiencing difficulties in communicating with close relatives, alienation.
    • Female - suppressed emotions, unrequited feelings, depression, moral oppression.
    • Spring - getting into trouble, getting involved with bad company, someone else's interference in your personal life.
    • Summer - to suffer from unrequited love, to be unsure of one’s abilities.
    • Autumn - dissatisfaction with one's own life, powerlessness, inability to change anything.
    • Universal - wasting time, a useless activity. To observe a family scandal from the outside means to receive an undeserved accusation against you, an offense against a person from your close circle.
    • Psychological - internal barriers, uncertainty, fear of change, restraint. Arguing with a deceased mother means making mistakes and not admitting them.
    • Eastern - a quarrel to the point of tears indicates the powerlessness of a sleeping person, stubbornness and reluctance to notice obvious things.
    • Vanga's dream book - to quarrel with your mother, and then also with your father - are big problems in the family of a sleeping person.
    • Gypsy - major troubles, the initiator of which will be the dreamer himself.

      If you dream of a quarrel with your mother, who is no longer alive, the dreamer should be more careful, because such a dream warns the woman of great danger.

      Causes of the conflict and its participants

      To quarrel with your mother over a young man means trouble in your relationship with your lover, misunderstanding. Quarreling with a parent over finances in a dream means suffering large financial losses in reality. If the mother is not satisfied with the dreamer’s appearance, this means a deterioration in her health: general weakness and moral exhaustion in reality. The dreamer needs proper rest.

      Arguing with a loved one over unfulfilled household chores or other everyday issues is a serious problem in the business sphere, even leading to dismissal from work. To sort things out over other relatives means not paying enough attention to your loved ones and neglecting family values.

Night is a mysterious time that allows you not only to relax and recuperate, but also to visit the world hidden in the subconscious - in dreams. Sometimes they bring joy, but in some cases they make you think, asking yourself a series of questions, one of which may be, for example, why you dream about a quarrel with your mother.

Night is a mysterious time that allows you not only to relax and recuperate, but also to visit the world hidden in the subconscious - in dreams

Conflict situations are an integral phenomenon in everyday life. During the period when the body needs rest, the brain reproduces situations that happened earlier or are subconsciously sources of fears and worries. That is why, if you dreamed of a quarrel, it means that it took place earlier or the vision warns of a certain situation that may happen in the near future.

Why do you dream about mom (video)

Why do you dream of a quarrel with your mother: interpretations in the dream book

According to most interpretations, a quarrel with the mother is a negative sign that requires attention to the situation in the family. It is important to begin changing the mood within as soon as possible to avoid serious conflict. If after a quarrel there is reconciliation, harmony will soon come in the relationship or in the family as a whole.

There are also other interpretations that should be taken into account based on the situation that occurred in the dream:

  • Mom is worried because there was a scandal - a person offends her with his actions;
  • There is no reaction to a negative situation - the mother needs to communicate with her child, thinks a lot about him.

In general, the dream indicates that you need to devote more time to loved ones and their interests.

Seeing a scandal with your mother in a dream: meaning

The dream book says that if you quarrel with your mother strongly, then in the near future you should expect some difficult situation

The dream book says that if you quarrel strongly with your mother, then you should expect some difficult situation in the near future. If the scandal in the dream ends in a fight, then some misfortune may occur. The reason lies in a poorly thought-out act committed by a person in reality.

The best recommendation that would be appropriate in such a situation is to carefully analyze the current situation, remember the events of the dream, and rethink your own behavior. If you do this responsibly, then the likelihood that a negative situation will not occur is very high.

Quarrel and marital status: swear and fight in a dream with your mother

You can also fight with your mother in your own dreams

If you dreamed of not just a quarrel with your mother, but a negative situation that led to a person leaving home, then this can be regarded as:

  • A person’s reluctance to live within the created framework;
  • Warning against conflicts;
  • There is a feeling of loneliness, but the person does not want to admit it;
  • A person wants independence.

Also, such a development of events in a dream can be regarded as a lack of love and attention from parents.

Bad night visions can occur to an already married woman who lives with her own family, separately from her parents. Having an argument with your mother in a dream is a bad signal, predicting that in the near future there is a high probability of serious disagreements arising in the woman’s family. If you don't take action, problems can lead to divorce.

You can also fight with your mother in your own dreams. If a similar picture occurs during a night’s rest of young people and teenagers living with their parents, then it’s easy to interpret what you see:

  • people want freedom;
  • they are tired of some kind of oppression;
  • there is a desire to self-actualize.

Having seen a negative picture for yourself, you should understand the main thing - you cannot allow the dream to come true and the situation to happen in reality. Fighting and screaming cause mixed feelings, even if they did not take place in reality - resentment, anger and misunderstanding of the reasons - all this makes people worry about what happened.

Other situations in dreams

Sometimes situations in visions can be unusual

Sometimes situations in visions can be unusual. This is how you can see, for example, how a stranger is quarreling with his mother (the one who has such a dream is watching what is happening from the side). What you see can be interpreted as positive changes occurring in work or business.

There is an interpretation of this as a warning that one of the close relatives will fall ill very soon. Also, quarrels with mother are interpreted in such a way that in the near future a person will be able to make a serious (possibly important) discovery.
Special events and things seen in dreams

It also happens that in real life a person has already lost his mother, but despite this in a dream he sees a fight taking place and a showdown with her. This most likely means that:

  • the significance of the loss is too great;
  • there is a need for personal communication with her, conversation or regular conversation;
  • the loss has not been experienced.

If this is so, then the best option would be to realize that there is no personal fault in what happened, and the course of life cannot be changed.

If there are no prerequisites for a negative development of the situation, then a quarrel is most often a signal that the mother is experiencing health problems, needs care, or wants her child to show more participation in her fate.

Pregnancy and negative dreams

A pregnant woman may have a bad dream

A pregnant woman can have a bad dream, how should she perceive it and should she worry? In general, what she sees tells a person that in reality she misses her mother. A woman feels lonely, even if she is next to her husband, and therefore cannot fully enjoy her interesting and significant position.

Also, such dreams may indicate that a woman, for some reason, is very offended by her mother and cannot find a way to forgive her. In such a situation, it is necessary to reflect on what happened, understand yourself, let go of all existing negative thoughts and try to improve your relationship with your mother.

Conflicts in reality and in dreams

Often conflicts in dreams and in reality are a normal part of human life. The situation seen may occur in reality. The dream suggests that the time has come for reconciliation; it is necessary to look for ways to resolve relations in the family with all our might.

Mom feels bad and the subconscious is trying to communicate this by sending pictures of quarrels and fights. She is worried and very afraid that she will be rejected after taking the first step. All quarrels will quickly be forgotten if you find time to think about what is happening and change your outlook on life. If after a quarrel you dream of reconciliation, then a pleasant event will soon happen for all its participants. Perhaps this will be a major acquisition, a big purchase for the family, the formation of a new union or an addition to the family.

Why do you dream of a quarrel (video)

Thus, scandals, fights and insults are not a reason to be upset if the situation occurred in a dream. It is necessary to analyze what you saw in order to correctly interpret the night message.

Attention, TODAY only!

Why do you dream of a quarrel with your mother? If the dreamer in reality often quarrels with her, it means that even in a dream he is tormented by a feeling of guilt for this. Or quarrels have become so regular that they are perceived as a variant of the norm, which is an alarming signal.

In any case, a quarrel with your mother is not a good omen. The most harmless interpretation of such a dream is that more attention should be paid to the relationship with the mother. There may have been some disagreement or misunderstanding that needs to be resolved. This dream often brings a feeling of bitterness, thanks to which the dreamer understands that the mother is not eternal, and one must appreciate every minute spent next to her. Perhaps the dreamer is doing something wrong in other areas, and such a dream advises changing direction.

If a mother is calm in a dream and is not offended by the dreamer’s cries, this means that in reality she thinks a lot about her child, worries about him, and is always ready to help and listen. Most likely, she misses you very much and would be happy to see you.

If the relationship with the mother in reality is almost ideal, most likely the dream indicates that the dreamer is worried about her health and is afraid of being a bad son or daughter. He or she tries his best to take care of the mother, and if for some reason this fails, he or she feels acute guilt and reproaches himself. Also, a quarrel with the mother can mean negative emotions accumulated inside, not necessarily towards her. A bundle of nerves under your heart forces you to take out aggression in your sleep; you should take a vacation and work on restoring your mental strength.

If in reality the dreamer lost his mother and nevertheless saw a dream in which he quarrels with her, it means that the loss was so sudden that many words remained unspoken. Perhaps the last conversation with her was not pleasant, and now the dreamer is tormented by this, constantly thinking about how much love remains unvoiced. In this case, you need to try to calm down and realize that no one is to blame for what happened, and what has been done cannot be corrected. Believers can once again light a candle in the church for the repose of the departed soul.

If such a dream is dreamed by a young girl or guy who has not yet separated from their parents’ nest, perhaps such negativity is the result of a desire to become independent. The mother may worry about this, which leads to misunderstanding.

Having seen a dream about an ugly quarrel with your mother, you need to understand the main thing - you cannot allow this to happen in reality. It’s so easy to call or come to your mother, hug her, please her with a gift and tell her about your immeasurable, grateful love.


Swear according to the dream book

Swearing in a dream does not mean that the same thing will happen in reality. It is rather a warning about the events that may await in real life. There are many versions for interpreting dreams, which are set out in the dream book.

First of all, you should pay attention to your emotional state. Why do you dream of a very strong scandal? It’s more of a topsy-turvy dream - in life, an event awaits you that is the opposite of what you dreamed about. A striking example of such situations is when in a dream you have to quarrel with your husband or wife. Most often it reports the health of the spouses and a peaceful life.

A scandal with an outsider often means various squabbles and troubles. For girls, such dreams can promise trouble, and for married women, quarrels at home. The dream book believes that arguing with a man in a dream often becomes the beginning of a series of family problems.

In addition, you should remember the place, time of year and day, as well as the person with whom you had to quarrel. The exact explanation of what the dream is about will depend on these nuances. For example, the desire to make a scandal is a consequence of the anger that has accumulated in the soul.

If you had to quarrel with your mother in a dream, this may indicate great affection for her. The dream book warns that this is only the beginning of some trials that await you in the near future.

Arguing with your mother or even fighting with her in a dream may signify some troubles for which you will solely blame yourself. Although there will actually be no one to blame, everyone can suffer.

The same thing means arguing with a woman - the enemies do not sleep and are determined, so you should act with caution. If you yourself scold a woman in a dream, then she will have success in some enterprise.

Arguing with a friend in a dream speaks of a misunderstanding that exists between you. Sometimes a quarrel with a very close friend foreshadows a journey by water or a guest who will “sail” from abroad.

According to the interpretation of the dream book, if parents quarrel among themselves, then this is a good sign and understanding and harmony await them in life. But if they are angry with you, then the dream book reports that you pay excessive attention to the opinions of your loved ones.

This may also mean some act for which you are very ashamed in front of your parents. Arguing with your father in a dream can serve as a reason; it’s better to take a closer look at your chosen one.

Arguing with your sister suggests that in reality you may break your promise to someone. The consequence of this can be resentment, disrespect, and loss of trust. Such a dream promises disappointment in life.

Arguing with relatives in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you will be left alone with your problems.
Arguing with your mother-in-law in a dream indicates that you are surrounded by tactless and insensitive people. In this situation, it is better to pay less attention to them and life will become much easier.

Why else do you dream of swearing in a dream?

Why do you dream about men with whom you have to sort things out in your dreams? So, arguing with your loved one may indicate that you are spending too much money on various trifles. In general, it’s better to make as much trouble as possible or even fight with your loved ones in a dream; the dream book says that happiness and love await you in real life.

In a dream, arguing with a guy is a symbol of a long and strong relationship. It is believed that during a nightly quarrel, a person gets rid of all negative emotions, throws out dissatisfaction and anger towards his partner from his soul. In reality, relationships are filled with warmth, mutual understanding and harmony. This also applies to dreams where a man has to quarrel with a girl.

Although in the dream book you can also find such an interpretation that arguing with your wife or husband can be a signal of a spouse’s illness. An illness is indicated by a dream in which you have to swear. Interpretation of the dream book - in reality, troubles or difficult memories that torment the soul await.

According to the dream book, having a row with a stranger in a dream means the successful start of a new business. Fighting with your ex is a hidden hint that you can't let go of your past.

Why dream of quarreling with a dead person? The dream book believes that the dream is a harbinger of conflicts with relatives. To avoid this after such a dream, you need to behave very carefully in communicating with them.

Why dream of a quarrel with the deceased - the past will not let you go. A dream book will help you determine more specifically in this case.

As Miller's dream book says, swearing in a dream means deception. If even a small trifle in a dream makes you scandalous, you need to pay attention to your health. Heated debates rather indicate undoubted talent and great abilities.


Dream Interpretation Mother, why do you dream about seeing a Mother in a dream?

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book:

Seeing a dying mother in a dream - for a man, such a dream means the appearance of new prospects in life on the horizon. It is important not to miss your chance.

In general, a dying mother dreams of worrying about her loved ones; you will have to worry a lot about them, but all this will be in vain, because there will be no real reasons for concern.

Dreaming of a deceased mother alive means good events, especially if she is cheerful and talks to you.

Why do you dream about your dead mother being alive? On your way you may meet an extraordinary person who will change your whole destiny.

A living mother in a dream can show you the way; if you hear her advice in a dream, listen to it.

Why do you dream about a living mother? Treat such a dream with concern if your mother died a long time ago, and someone close to you is now sick. This is an unfavorable sign.

Why dream that your living mother has died means trouble, but it will concern you, not your mother.

A living mother has died and is lying in a coffin in a dream - this is one of its important stages in your life. What this completion will be like and what changes it will bring - negative or positive - is still unknown, but nothing depends on you except drawing conclusions for yourself.

A guy’s mom is a pleasant chore and worry for a girl if she calmly talks to the guy’s mom in a dream.

Why do you dream about a guy’s mother? - quarreling with her means that you will have strained relations with the guy’s relatives. Giving gifts to a guy's mother means that you want to improve your relationship with her, but you just can't do it.

Idiomatic dream book Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book:

To see Mother in a dream - “Mother Earth”, “Motherland”, “mother’s heart”, “checkmate” - a loss in chess, and an abusive mate - “went to such and such a damn mother.”

Summer dream book Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book:

Mother - Seeing your mother in a dream means writing, this is how this dream is interpreted according to the dream book.

Women's dream book Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book:

  • Mother - Mother, appearing in a dream, prophesies the future of your family.
  • If you dreamed of your mother as she is in reality at the moment, it means that you should not expect serious changes in the near future; your family affairs are under control.
  • A dream in which your mother is young and sings a lullaby to you means that you are too busy with what is happening outside the home, while your family needs special attention at the moment.
  • Talking to your mother in a dream means you will soon receive good news about matters in which you are extremely interested.
  • If a woman sees her mother in a dream, it means pleasant responsibilities and marital happiness.
  • Hearing your mother calling you in a dream means that you feel abandoned by everyone or have chosen the wrong path.
  • Seeing a crying mother in a dream is a bad sign that foreshadows major quarrels, a scandal, or even the breakup of a family. You still have time to prevent or correct all this.
  • If in a dream you quarrel with your mother or she hits you, this means that your family will suffer a misfortune for which you will blame yourself, but in fact there are no guilty parties in this event, everyone will suffer.

Small Velesov dream book Why do you dream about Mother:

Why do you dream about a mother - For good, profit, plans will come true // will die soon, warning of danger, worries; to see dead is labor; deceased mother - joy, prosperity, change for the better // you yourself will die, change of housing, loss, misfortune.

Gypsy dream book What does it mean if you dream about Mother:

Mother - Seeing marks great prosperity and profit; talking to her is a sign of good news; Living with her portends great happiness and perfect success in business; Seeing your mother dead portends misfortune and loss.

Erotic dream book Why do you dream about Mother in a dream?

According to the dream book, seeing Mother - If you dreamed about your mother, there is a chance that she will soon find out about your secret love meetings with a person whom you have been hiding from your family for a long time. For a woman, a dream in which her mother is present promises immediate bliss and great pleasure from intimacy with her loved one.

Dream Interpretation of Esotericist E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: What does Mother mean?

Why do you dream about a mother - Premonition, country; luck and recognition.

Spring dream book Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book:

Mother - If your mother is alive, she misses you. If the mother is dead, you will suffer for your children.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Mother is a fateful force. For a man, based on appearance and behavior, this is a responsible period of life, aspirations, and achievements. For a woman - responsibilities, reproaches, warnings, premonitions. Young, beautiful - a happy event; successful marriage (for a woman). Sex with the mother is knowledge of the demonic secrets of black magic, too high claims.

Big dream book Why do you dream about Mother:

Seeing a mother in a dream is a premonition; deceased - illness; a patient is a nuisance.

Dream book of the sorceress Medea Mother according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see Mother in a dream - Symbolizes wisdom, feminine essence, a sense of compassion. The image of a healthy mother promises you help and protection. If your mother is in difficulty in a dream, it means you will have difficulties in life.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about Mother in a dream:

Mother - Seeing your mother appearing in the house in a dream foretells encouraging results in any business. Conversing with her in a dream means that you will soon receive good news about matters in which you are extremely interested. If a woman sees her mother in a dream, it means pleasant responsibilities and marital happiness. Seeing someone's mother sick or dead portends sadness. Hearing in a dream that your mother is calling you means that you are abandoned by everyone and that you have chosen the wrong direction in your affairs. Hearing her cry in a dream is a sign of her illness or misfortune that threatens you.

Dream book of psychologist D. Loff Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book?

What does it mean to see a mother in a dream - Dreams about a mother, depending on the nature of the relationship between you, can vary greatly in their meaning. At a certain stage of your development, did you perceive your mother as the all-knowing embodiment of love? Did your relationship with your mother include elements of a struggle for POWER, were there any cases of inappropriate intrusion on her part into your personal life? Have you lost contact with your mother (through DEATH or by choice), leaving a number of problems unresolved? The answers to these questions will allow you to decipher the meanings of the many images that are present next to your mother in the plot of the dream.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream about Mother:

  • Why do you dream about a mother? A mother, appearing in a dream, prophesies the future for your family.
  • If you dreamed of your mother as she currently is in reality, it means that you do not expect serious changes in the near future; your family affairs are under control.
  • Seeing a crying mother in a dream is a bad sign that foreshadows major quarrels, scandal or even family breakdown, but since you received a warning, you have time to prevent and correct all this.
  • If in a dream you quarrel with your mother or she hits you, then this means that your family will suffer a misfortune for which you will blame yourself, but in fact there are no one to blame for this event, everyone will be victims.
  • A dream in which your mother is young and sings a lullaby to you means that you are too busy with what is happening outside the family, while she needs your constant attention. Don't miss the moment - now you can still maintain warm and trusting relationships with your loved ones.

Dream Interpretation of the Medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Mother in a Dream

Why do you dream about a mother - Seeing or talking - they will reveal their intentions to you; to see the deceased - long life; dying - sadness and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Canaanite Seeing Mother in a dream

In a dream, why do you dream of Mother? Why do you dream - Alive - worries - dead - long life; work and well-being

Vedic dream book Dream book: Seeing mother in a dream

Why do you dream about a mother - If in a dream you are talking to your mother, then this dream predicts your future prosperity. If you dreamed that you lost your mother, then this speaks of her illness.

Biblical dream book of Azar Dream Interpretation: Seeing mother in a dream

Why do you dream about Mother (alive) – Worries

Lunar dream book Why do you dream about Mother?

As the dream book interprets: Seeing a mother in a dream means well-being.

Intelligent dream book Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book?

Why see Mother in a dream - Prosperity; deceased - illness; sick - a nuisance.

Autumn dream book Why do you dream about Mother according to the dream book:

Mother (mother) - To see your mother, who has already died, in a dream - you need to remember her.


Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about swearing?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Swear

Swearing in a dream symbolizes the increasingly manifest independence of character, perhaps of a child who is about to leave his native nest.

Arguing with a loved one in a dream is a warning not to waste money on all sorts of unnecessary minor luxuries.

Arguing with your husband or wife means your health will fill your life to the brim, if this is not already the case.

Arguing with your mother or father in a dream means that you have to make some important discovery.

Arguing with a friend or girlfriend in a dream means a possible journey on water; perhaps someone from abroad will come to you.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you have dreams about swearing, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to swear in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.


I argued with my mother in my sleep...


Lena Matkovskaya

If you quarrel with your mother, then you are the one picking on her! Dispute
If in a dream you argue with someone over nonsense, then in reality minor annoying circumstances can undermine your health. If you dreamed that you were participating in some kind of intellectual discussion, then such a dream means that your talents have not yet been discovered only because of your laziness.
If you dreamed that you were fighting, then in reality you will face unpleasant meetings with competitors. Lawsuits cannot be ruled out. Try not to take decisive action, otherwise you risk getting into trouble. Seeing yourself defeated in a fight means that you risk losing your property. If at the same time you still receive a bleeding wound, be careful, since your interests may be betrayed by those whom you considered your friends. Watching others fight is a waste of money. Separating those who are fighting is a sign that you are dissatisfied with the current state of affairs and are striving to achieve more. For a woman, such a dream may mean that gossip and rumors are going around behind her back. If a young woman sees her lover fighting, then this is a sign that he is unworthy of her love. If in a dream you whip your opponent with a whip, it means a worthy victory in a difficult struggle. You will definitely achieve what you want. If you dreamed of a duel in which two people are shooting, then some difficult situation awaits you. However, such a dream does not portend anything particularly bad.

It's all up to you now!!! good luck


Dreams don’t come true on Monday, so everything is fine Katerina.


It’s just that you and your mother have a strained relationship, and the dream simulated an ordinary situation.
Maybe someday what you dreamed may come true, try to take advantage of it and don’t quarrel with your mother. They will still be together

Fight with mom

Dream Interpretation - Mom

The death of a mother is a difficult test, it is easier for your soul to survive this if you periodically dream of your mother, if at least at the subconscious level you see her alive. In fact, it is true, your mother’s spirit is incorruptible. Newborn children are new ideas and projects, perhaps either your mother, shortly before her death, suggested you some idea or supported the project, but due to some circumstances you did not develop them. In a dream, your subconscious reminds you of this. These projects are interesting and profitable, they will bring “fish”. :) I wish you good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Mom

Apparently you are currently experiencing difficult circumstances at work or at home. You can't make the right decision. And that’s why you dreamed of your mother, she seems to remind you that new opportunities can help you, become better, and you choose the child that your mother offered you. And we always trust our mothers. The girl asks for food, which means you will solve your difficulties safely. And remember your mother by lighting a candle in the church. Sincerely...

Dream Interpretation - Mom. Parents' house

Such a dream foretells obstacles, obstacles in business, events that will be caused either by your guests or to which you will go to visit.

Dream Interpretation - Mom

Mom complained. This means her soul needs her daughter’s support. How can you help someone who has passed into another world? By prayer. Remember. And also don’t forget; remember well; don’t think bad things - let them go, maybe something bad remains in your memory (head hurts).

Dream Interpretation - Mom is deceased

Dream Interpretation - Mom, husband, dying cat, house

You calmly, without any problems, parted with the old attachment and entered a new life where you feel comfortable and good.

Dream Interpretation - Mom

This Dream openly tells the Dreamer that previous values ​​do not have any meaning for her - the Dreamer in the dream cooks Soup from Pieces of Meat (the Dreamer’s unstable emotional / life was transformed into a social / arrangement). Mom comes into the Kitchen and shouts at the Dreamer - this is the internal emotional protest of the Dreamer in spite of conscious actions, but Consciousness has taken over. Buckwheat in a Cup, like cobblestone grains, hanging like a piece of Rock from different rocks - a huge alloy of comprehensive life troubles that underlie the Dreamer's former close relationship. The Dreamer is crying on the Sofa and wants at least someone to hear her - this symbolizes the current (2nd floor) emotional isolation of the Dreamer under the influence of limiting external attitudes of the environment and society. A window curtained with a dark Veil on a Nail so that the Light does not interfere - this symbolizes the unconscious (dark) past of the Dreamer (or her former chosen one, not subject to publicity), Light breaks through the crack - the gradual establishment of the Dreamer's social life in reality (clearance). Mom is washing the floor in the Room opposite in the Dreamer’s Robe - this is the Dreamer’s current Situation, into which she found herself through her own emotional indiscretion, and is subject to correction (she will have to wash away the past, getting rid of the previous foundations). Mom, in this case, personifies the Emotional support that the Dreamer so badly needed at one time and still needs, she can be understood. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Mom I’m 12 years old when she died brings a lizard

Mom in the Kitchen - symbolizes the internal state of affairs of the Dreamer, their layout, and in this case, the undeveloped internal “kitchen” (sphere of consumption) of the Dreamer. Mom is thoughtful, but looks good - she tells the Dreamer that she needs to connect the sphere of reason and “get along” with her emotions, tame them (a tame Lizard in a dream with magical powers) in order to improve her financial situation (Mom advises not to be afraid of the Lizard, but to endure hostility towards her, where the Lizard symbolizes resourcefulness and excellent adaptability to the surrounding “environment”, which the Dreamer does not accept). In this case, the Dreamer’s affairs will certainly improve, and the Dreamer had a dream “in her hand.” Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Mom, money and Orbakaite

You need to show flexibility (100000=1) with someone, perhaps with the child himself, and wisdom (mother) for the sake of a good relationship and understanding with your child. It's never too late to do this. Good luck.

Dream Interpretation - Mom of a classmate

According to the symbols of the dream, it foretells the receipt of pleasant news (news)


Why did you have a dream? In a dream, I argued with my boyfriend’s mother. She said that we are not a couple.



no need. Everything will be fine


usually to hear when someone swears at you in a dream - You will reach a very high position. but maybe you’re just afraid of it yourself and that’s what you’re dreaming about. According to Freud, a person himself can decipher his dream, depending on what meaning you attach to the things you dream about.


Most likely you are afraid that his mother will not like you. So I had a dream..) you stop worrying in vain.. And everything will be fine..)) And there is no need to quarrel with the guy’s mother. Even in a dream..)


Do not mind it
These are just your thoughts!
Everything gonna be alright!

Dreams can be either a harbinger of real life situations or a simple projection of the experiences of a tired body.

Long-term observations have allowed people to compile dream books that interpret the most common dream situations that may foreshadow certain events.

Swearing, quarrels, fights and other conflict situations are frequent guests in the disturbing dreams of a modern person, tired of the fast rhythm of the 21st century. If the sleeper is forced to swear in a dream: what will such a dream lead to?

Basic interpretations

A strong emotional quarrel is most often a typical “reversal”: that is, reality promises the exact opposite situation - calm and tranquility in relationships with others. The subtleties of the situation seen or the personality of the sleeper himself can influence its interpretation:

  • Quarrel with loved ones promises trouble, and with strangers it is most often a neutral event.
  • For a married lady- this is a harbinger of discord with the spouse, and for a free girl- troubles at work.
  • winter quarrel- a symbol of family quarrels, summer– difficulties with your significant other, spring– an acute conflict in reality, which can result in physical injury.
  • If you dreamed of a quarrel on the 2nd, 16th, 25th, 29th is an “empty” dream that should not be taken as an omen of anything.
  • Chinese they consider a quarrel in a dream a sign of approaching joy, and Iranians will lament the imminent loss.

But what if the sleeper is tempted to swear in a dream: why dream of such an event? Psychologists note that often quarrels and swearing seen at night are a consequence of the transfer of problems and difficulties from everyday life.

Very often, women continue to quarrel with their ex-husband in their sleep if they are in a state of exhausting long separation. Sometimes a daytime conflict moves to sleep if it does not find a solution in the real world.

There are often situations when a dream of a quarrel with a boring person or a long-time hater foreshadows getting rid of a long-term conflict: either the annoying factor will disappear from life, or options for reconciliation will be found. Such a vision, as a rule, is a direct continuation of a real conflict and an attempt to model a way out of the current situation.

Quarrels with loved ones

Most often, the other party to the conflict in a dream becomes people close to us. The reason for this is trivial - the strong experiences and feelings you have for your family make you worry about them even when you are sleeping.

Seeing such a situation means experiencing dissatisfaction with one’s behavior, relationships with loved ones, and subconsciously wanting a successful solution to problems. Who did you see the quarrel with:

  • Quarreling with mom in a dream- means transferring an acute attachment to her to the subconscious level. As a rule, such dreams associated with swearing, quarrels or even fights with a parent symbolize the approach of troubles and problems. These troubles will not necessarily be associated with the mother, but the blame for what happened will fall on the dreamer.
  • Quarrel in a dream with a loved one- means subconsciously preparing yourself for significant expenses that will have negative consequences. Another interpretation suggests that if you quarrel with a guy in your night dreams, all negativity is reset. In this case, the vision symbolizes warmth and harmony in the relationship.

  • If you quarrel with your husband in a dream, then you should expect family troubles. The brighter the conflict that was imagined and the stronger the emotions of the awakened woman (for example, tears on the pillow), the more likely serious troubles are: illness of relatives, difficulties in communication. If the night scandal does not upset you, then the interpretation is completely opposite: you should expect improved health or a complete recovery.
  • Swearing child- a sure harbinger of difficulties in communicating with a teenager: parents face the dangers of adolescence and misunderstanding. But there is no need to be afraid of such dreams: they should help you choose the right path of communication and search for mutual understanding with the child.

To believe or not to believe?

So, swearing in a dream: what does such an event mean? Most often, this speaks of a person’s intense desire to resolve a tormenting conflict in any way and remove certain difficulties from his life.

Often such dreams come to peaceful and calm people, for whom such behavior is completely uncharacteristic. Consciously prohibiting themselves from resolving conflicts in this way in everyday life, they splash out their emotions in their dreams. This situation can have two solutions:

  • Either the person will let off steam and find peaceful ways to resolve the conflict.
  • Either the night scene will aggravate the psychological tension, which will ultimately result in either a full-fledged quarrel or a protracted depression.

In order to avoid unnecessary emotionality, psychologists advise correctly assessing your desires and aspirations, “reading” yourself and understanding yourself. Your own well-being and psychological balance should be a priority for everyone.

No matter how the dream is interpreted: whether it promises positive changes or negative events, it is important to realize that everything in life is subject to man. Everyone chooses for themselves whether to believe dreams or consider them the product of a tired brain.

But one thing is true: bring positivity into our lives, change our behavior and reconsider our relationships with people in our power. And positive reality will bring good nights without swearing and quarrels.

Son in a dream - Conversation in a dream about your son- to the loss that you have to endure.
Seeing your non-existent son in a dream suggests that in reality you did not have time to do something very important, you missed your lucky break. Think, maybe it’s time to come to your senses and change your lifestyle, start a family.
In a dream, see a sick, dying son- this is a warning that the life and health of one of your loved ones is under threat.
To see your son sad, crying or sick in a dream is sad news. Troubles that will entail a lot of hassle and material costs.
If you dreamed of a sick or suffering son, then bad news will befall you in the near future.
If you dreamed about your son- in the near future you will have to work a lot patiently in order to maintain the well-being and prosperity in the family. Such a dream also predicts an event that will cause you joy, alternating with sadness.
If you dreamed of a son who does not exist in real life, then this means that you need to think about creating a son, otherwise you will not have children.
If your son fell into a hole or well and cannot get out of there and the covenant comes to your aid, then great grief awaits you.
If in a dream your son is handsome and loving to you- it means you will have a reason to be proud.
If in a dream you are dissatisfied with your son- trouble awaits you.
If in a dream you saw the death of your son- this means that you will have a strong quarrel with someone and, perhaps, this will leave an imprint on your future relationship with this person.
If you saw your young son in a dream as an adult or an old man, then beware of being too rude and strict in dealing with your household.
If he climbed out of the pit, then the danger will bypass you, but you still need to be careful.
If you are looking for your son and cannot find him, then this is a loss.
If you find your son, then this is a profit.
If you dreamed of a son and daughter, then short-term joy awaits you, which in the near future will be replaced by sadness.
If you talk about your son, then trouble will happen.
If your son plays, is happy and he looks clean and tidy, then your business will go uphill; it could be a promotion at work.
If, on the contrary, in a dream your adult son appeared before you in the guise of a child, such a dream indicates that he is very tired, has taken on an unbearable burden of responsibility for someone, and needs your help or advice.
When in a dream you saw your little son as an adult, it means that you have someone to hope for and lean on in difficult times. You can rest assured that loneliness will not threaten you.
When the situation is the opposite and you see your adult son as a child in a dream, then in reality you can safely rely on him and the rest of the family. Thanks to the fact that you gave your children your love and gave them an excellent upbringing, you can now count on their help and support at any time.
Misfortune foreshadows a dream in which your son gets married.
Hugging or kissing your son in a dream- to a quarrel, altercation or offense.
Hugging your son in a dream- to quarrels and squabbles with your family members. You need to be calm and try not to lead to scandals.
Watching a sad, crying son in a dream foreshadows suffering, worries and unpleasant troubles.
Enjoying with your son or going for a walk, then soon a journey or a long trip awaits you.
It will be a shame to argue with your son in a dream even in reality.
The dream indicates that your loved ones lack affection, tenderness and warmth.
Happy son to see, healthy- the dream suggests that his and your material well-being and family happiness will last for many years, nothing bad should happen.
To see a happy, cheerful son in your dream- a good sign. In real life, everything will go smoothly for you and him.
A son in a dream prophesies new beginnings in real life, interesting projects and creative thoughts that will lead you to fame and success.
A dead son seen in a dream will bring to the real world many tears and worries for you, repentance and loss of taste for life.
Your son runs away from you, loss of money.
Seeing a stranger in the form of your son in a dream means that what seems boring, unprofitable and useless to you in reality will turn out to be the complete opposite, and you will regret making a rash decision.
Seeing your son as a newborn in a dream- to great happiness.

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