Origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Yuri. The meaning of the name Yuri, character and fate

If the question arose about choosing a name for your unborn child or you were interested in the mystery of the name Yuri, then you have found the right article. Here the most basic traits of Yuri's character and behavior in childhood and adulthood will be revealed.

The influence of the name Yuri on fate and character

Since ancient times, people began to notice that a person’s name and his fate are inextricably linked. The type of character and temperament, behavior patterns and talents depended on how the child was named. After many centuries, based on all the observations and their careful analysis, a science was created about the meaning of names from all over the globe. The number of names is still growing and their interpretation is expanding. What is the country of origin and what does the name Yuri mean, we will consider in the next subheading.

Interpretation of the name

This name is ancient, it was first used to call boys on the territory of modern Greece, and it sounded like George, comes from the Greek words “ge”, which means “earth”, and “ergon”, which means “work”. The Slavs began to name their male children the name Yuri - this is a derived form from George. This name can be interpreted as “farmer”, or, according to the Slavic version, “creator”.

In the Orthodox faith, there are two days of remembrance - the third and eleventh of January.

Yuri in childhood

The secret of the name Yuri for a child is that a boy with this adverb is very inquisitive in childhood and has an inquisitive mind. It is difficult for Yuri to build relationships with his peers due to his emotional stinginess. He becomes independent and responsible beyond his years earlier than many of his peers, and he loves solitude, and sometimes even strives for it himself.

Little Yura studies with average grades and does not cause much trouble for either teachers or parents. The boy does not like to be the center of attention, he is a little withdrawn, which should not alarm his parents, since this character trait is common to all Yuri. You need to have conversations with him as equals, getting as close as possible to an adult manner of communication. Responsibility in Yuri grows from childhood and depends on the degree of his independence.

During the so-called “transition period”, this teenager’s character, which was formed in childhood, is practically impossible to change. Therefore, from an early age the boy’s parents should take into account his negative character traits, such as pride, envy, boasting, arrogance and intemperance.

Yuri. Meaning of the name. Character

The external phlegmatism of a man named Yuri is very deceptive; an erroneous opinion about this person’s temperament is created due to his great calm, self-absorption and restraint. Such men are prone to philosophical discussions about life and their place in this world. The secret of the name Yuri is that its owners are artistic and love art in its various forms.

Yuri's appearance

The appearance does not completely correspond to the character of its owner. For all their softness and subtlety of spiritual structure, these men usually look impressive, have a strong physique and tall stature. Artistry can often be seen in behavior, gestures and facial expressions. Such a man always attracts attention, without even seeking it.

Yuri and women

Thanks to his attractive appearance and representative appearance, Yuri does not go unnoticed by women; they are very partial to him. The secret of the name Yuri in his personal life is that this man behaves with women attentively and respectfully. In most cases, he is trouble-free, but does not show much initiative. This is interpreted by women in different ways, some themselves begin to take active steps towards winning Yuri’s heart, but the only one who managed to do this will become his chosen one for many years.

Yuri in the family

Yuri is monogamous and constant in his affections. For this man, family always comes first; he is a good owner, a worthy spouse and a caring father. He loves children very much, takes an active part in their upbringing, for which he spares no expense. She tries to give her children a good education and often tries to instill a love of art, including music and choreography.

As for the material part of family life, here too he shows himself positively, this person always has money, he knows how to earn it and spend it rationally. If he notices that his wife is mismanaging the family budget, she will take it upon herself.

This person is the soul of his company, in which he is simple-minded and cheerful, he loves to throw parties, holidays and picnics. He has a couple of signature dishes that he likes to treat his friends to when they gather on his territory.

Yuri in sex

The secret of the name Yuri in sex is that its owner is inventive, hardy and relaxed in bed, loves to enjoy his partner to the fullest. He is affectionate, and his capabilities in sex surprise and delight women. This man gets special pleasure in sex when he is completely immersed in the process and enjoys the woman to the fullest.

People named Yuri are indifferent to easily accessible females who do not require long courtship.

For this man, it is important to win a woman who knows her worth, who will be his equal in the social and personal sphere.

Interpretation of the name Yuri by letter

The mystery of the name Yuri and its meaning are also interpreted by the individual letters of which it is composed.

Yu - this letter gives its owner boredom and dullness, fixation on the same type of emotions.

R - gives the bearer of this letter professionalism.

And - it is believed that it gives an inclination to love art.

Y - is responsible for the impulsiveness and temperament of its owner.

Numerology of the name

Numerology is a science that assigns numerical meaning to letters. The secret of the name Yuri and its meaning is also perfectly described using numbers. Each letter of the name has its corresponding number.

From the point of view of numerology, the fate of the name Yuri lies in the number 8, which was obtained by summing up all the above numbers.

Eight gives Yuri an originality, he is not like other men, he is unusually smart and frank, but sometimes he is harsh and thereby makes enemies for himself.

People-eights hate human limitations and narrow-mindedness, they can drive Yuri to rage, which he is not going to hide. Also, this person does not like bores and fools, but he has a great attitude towards well-mannered, intelligent and capable people.

Compatibility with female names

What is the secret of the name Yuri in this regard? What female names is it compatible with? Many couples, before tying the knot, prefer to find out the meaning of their partner's name, as well as how compatible their names are.

It is important that the names of the spouses suit each other, since the name carries energy on which character and destiny depend.

The following female names are ideal for the name Yuri: Emma, ​​Ada, Frida, Anastasia, Tamila, Bronislava, Galina, Stella, Varvara, Mirra, Dina, Maria, Marianna, Dora, Lyudmila, Clara, Iya, Lyudmila, Larisa.

A little less, but Yuri and will also get along well: Edita, Bella, Gloria, Tatyana, Alexandra, Tatyana, Diana, Zoya, Tamara, Isabella, Sofia, Isolde, Lydia, Praskovya, Zinaida, Lolita, Sarah, Nadezhda, Olga, Nana , Lyubov, Polina, Sofia.

Unlucky name compatibility: Yuri will not be happy with Agnia, Alisa, Valeria, Vladislava, Inna, Ksenia, Nika, Svetlana, Serafima and Stanislava.

The influence of the patronymic on the name Yuri

The meaning of a name and fate are greatly complemented by a person’s patronymic. For example, Yuri with such patronymics as Alekseevich, Andreevich, Artemovich, Vasilyevich, Valentinovich, Viktorovich, Vitalievich, Vladimirovich, Evgenievich, Ilyich, Mikhailovich, Petrovich, Yuryevich, Fedorovich and Sergeevich, will differ from the rest of his namesakes in his discretion and caution when choosing friends and even wariness towards new acquaintances. Such Yuri are charming and sociable, and have a good sense of humor. This person is full of energy and vitality, he is balanced and constant.

In his youth, Yuri, who has one of the above patronymics, is naive and idealizes his girls too much, so very often such guys get married early, but unsuccessfully.

If Yuri’s marriage took place after twenty-seven years, then he must be happy, but in any case, Yuri is a caring father and a faithful husband.

The next group of patronymics that distinguish Yuri from others is: Alexandrovich, Borisovich, Arkadyevich, Vadimovich, Kirillovich, Nikitovich, Maksimovich, Grigorievich, Matveevich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Yakovlevich, Timofeevich, Eduardovich.

Such Yuri are nervous, even unbalanced, overly sensitive. In relationships with women they are especially temperamental and seductive, which attracts the attention of the opposite sex. They can have several mistresses and have good trusting relationships with each of them. But for marriage they most often choose a woman who is intelligent, strong-willed and strong. Such Yuriev has a well-developed intuitive sense; he is a good owner, loving children and respecting his wife.

Yuri with the following patronymics stand out for their waywardness, stubbornness and authority: Bogdanovich, Vladislavovich, Gennadievich, Vyacheslavovich, Konstantinovich, Robertovich, Yanovich, Danilovich, Egorovich, Svyatoslavovich, Yaroslavovich. These people are also diplomatic, cunning and witty. Such Yuri are great connoisseurs of art and spirituality. They have a small social circle, since most do not understand them, they are mainly interested only in themselves, are aimed at self-development and self-knowledge, and are distinguished by their individuality.

Such men do not conquer women; often it is the weaker sex who has to show persistence and perseverance, proving the seriousness of their intentions.

Yuri with the patronymics Antonovich, Valerievich, Arturovich, Germanovich, Denisovich, Glebovich, Igorevich, Lvovich, Leonidovich, Mironovich, Ruslanovich, Olegovich, Filippovich, Semenovich and Emmanuilovich has a special appeal.

He tends to overestimate his capabilities, is impatient, independent and temperamental, very hot-tempered, but the ability to restrain his emotions helps him avoid conflicts.

Only a very patient woman can become the wife of such Yuri, who will subsequently be happily married to him. Yuri, with one of the above patronymics, is a craftsman, a hard worker, and a wonderful family man.

Another group of Yurievs, who have patronymics Alanovich, Veniaminovich, Albertovich, Anatolyevich, Dmitrievich, Rostislavovich, Stepanovich, Nikolaevich or Feliksovich, have a subtle mind and a keen sense of humor.

In a woman, he values ​​mental abilities above all else. In marriage, he is the head of the family, which he will care for greatly.

Famous people named Yuri

In our history there are many outstanding personalities named Yuri, but let’s remember the most significant ones.

(90s of the 11th century - 1157) - Grand Duke of Kiev and Prince of Suzdal, Prince of Rostov-Suzdal, direct descendant of Vladimir Monomakh. This man had strong energy and directed his rule mainly towards the construction and strengthening of cities and churches.

Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (1934-1968) - Soviet cosmonaut who was the first to fly into space. Everyone knows his catchphrase “Let's go!” when he launched on a rocket on April 12, 1961.

Yuri Nikulin - comedian, circus performer (1921-1997).

Yuri Shatunov is the lead singer of the group “Tender May,” popular in Soviet times.

But in the end, no matter what you name your little son, the main thing is that he feels the love and care of his parents.

Yuri- Slavic version of the Greek name George (colloquial Yegor, popular Egor) - land worker, land worker, farmer - from the words “ergon” (work) and “te” (land). This name took root well among European peoples, where it became known in various forms: George (English), Georges (French), Jiri (Czech), Jerzy (Polish), Old Russian - Dyurgi, Gyurgi, Duke and Yuri, Egor – Russians. There is another, Slavic version of the origin of this name - creator.

Yuri Dolgoruky, son of Vladimir Monomakh, Grand Duke of Kiev and Rostov-Suzdal (90s of the 11th century - 1157). His mission was mainly to build cities, strengthen churches and monasteries. He fought for Kyiv and Pereyaslavl, for which he received the nickname Dolgoruky. During his reign, Moscow was first mentioned (1147).

Yuri - character traits

Yuri is noble, calm, reasonable and restrained, and has amazing self-control.

He has an unpredictable character, asserts himself through love, although he does not admit it to himself. As a personality, Yuri is formed in childhood and subsequently changes little, remaining the same agile, light and beautiful. As a child, he loves to watch clouds floating across the sky. He studies well and in his youth he is almost indistinguishable from an adult, except that he is much simpler and kinder. Sociable, cheerful, but not at all rude and cheeky - that’s how he is in company. Yuri appreciates women and is attentive and cheerful in their company, but by nature he is a monogamous man and rarely betrays his affections. He does not like surprises, preferring stability and stability.

Yuri is always focused on his inner state. He is not an assertive winner, not a leader, but a mentally rich and reliable person, a bright personality who is quite difficult to captivate emotionally. Kind-hearted towards women.

Yuri has a fairly well-developed intuition - he is savvy, quick-witted, will figure out any complicated situation and tell others what exactly needs to be done. Possesses flexibility and tenacity of mind. He is characterized by good manners, speech and self-control. Has a wonderful memory. His reserved behavior and philosophical mindset are in conflict with his appearance.

He has great affection for his children and then for his grandchildren. The well-being and interests of the family play an important role for Yuri. In communication he adheres to boundaries that he does not cross with a woman. Immediately after Yuri realizes that she is his chosen one, he will immediately inform her about it.

Yuri - name compatibility

Yuri will find happiness in marriage with Daria, Zinaida, Larisa, Angela, Antonina, Galina, Lydia, Lyubov, Natalya, Svetlana, Sofia, Tamara, Olga, Polina and Raisa. A marriage with Zoya, Tatyana, Alla, Veronica and Elizabeth will be less successful.

Yuri - famous people who bore this name

The name Yuri is used by many celebrities: Andropov, Antonov, Bogatyrev, Bashmet, Borev, Vizbor, Vlasov, Gavrilov, Gagarin, Gorny, Grigorovich, Zavadsky, Klimov, Kavalerovich, Koval, Levitan, Levitin, Lisyansky, Loza, Lotman, Luzhkov, Lyubimov, Milyutin, Nagibin, Nikulin, Petrunin, Pimenov, Polnov, Senkevich, Saulsky, Tolubeev, Faier, Fortunatov, Chichkov, Churbanov, Shaporin, Shomin (Shuisky), Shevchuk, Shkenev (Black Arrow), Yakovlev.

Yuri - interesting facts about the name

- planet named - Jupiter;
- zodiac - Sagittarius;
- mineral - emerald;
— colors – light blue and light blue;
- animal - white bull;
- plants - lily of the valley and poplar.

The Slavic Christian name Yuri is one of the Russian variations (another colloquial form is Egor) of the Greek George. It comes from the ancient Greek name Georgios and means “farmer”, “cultivator of the land”. In some sources the meaning “creator” is found. Initially, the name Yuri was popular among princes and nobles.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
  • Patron Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman stone: emerald
  • Blue color
  • Wood: poplar
  • Plant: lily of the valley
  • Animal: white bull
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

The secret of the name is revealed when meeting Yuri. Calmness and a certain amount of isolation at an early age are the subject of concern for his parents. However, if you carefully observe the child, it becomes clear that he is a completely sociable, sociable and active baby. He just doesn't like to be the center of attention. Character formation occurs in childhood and rarely changes with age.

He is a cheerful and sociable boy, constantly surrounded by his peers, but at the same time he is very independent and not subject to the influence of others. The “emotionally stingy” guy has very few congenial friends. Purposeful and assertive, like a battering ram, Yuri goes towards his intended goal without turning aside. The autumn representative of the name is especially distinguished by his cunning and prudence. Temperamental, but able to manage emotions, he becomes independent early and plans his future with special care.

An adult Yuri knows his own worth very well and is often guided by practical considerations (selfish motives). He doesn't like to attract attention to himself, but his innate charisma and charm make people gravitate towards him.

In some cases, acquired cynicism turns him into an inveterate parasite who “doesn’t owe anyone anything.” This happens when a boy is brought up in an incomplete or dysfunctional family and is often subjected to moral pressure or aggression from adults (unfair reproaches, constant moralizing, condemnation of his mother, father or other relative).

Interests and hobbies

Since childhood, Yuri has been fascinated by sports that can be practiced in the fresh air: football, hockey, skiing, swimming, etc. At home, he can collect stamps and care for plants or animals.

Profession and business

A hidden philosopher with an excellent memory, Yuri can become an excellent specialist in completely different fields: medicine, technology and engineering, construction, art, literary genre. In a team, a man enjoys the respect of his colleagues and his boss; his ambition is expressed in his slow but steady advancement up the career ladder. Able to show firmness in business, he successfully copes with independent business.


Yuri needs to pay special attention to his health. Pride and vulnerability with hidden grievances necessarily affects the condition of internal organs. Therefore, from childhood, he needs to actively strengthen the immune system, monitor nutrition and respiratory organs. Sports activity in the fresh air, proper and balanced nutrition with parallel intake of vitamins helps to avoid peptic ulcers and viral infections.

Sex and love

Surrounded by an aura of mystery, Yuri is for women like fire for moths. True, not with such tragedy. Someone is always in love with him, so he does not see the need for a long courtship with the girl he likes. A passionate and temperamental guy can immediately move on to the “main action,” but he intuitively understands how risky it is to do so. A liberated and inventive man named Yuri is able to completely surrender to pleasure, not forgetting about his partner. He is absolutely indifferent to available girls and sets “his own rules” in relationships. The amazing ability of self-control does not allow him to turn into an object of female manipulation.

Family and marriage

Yuri always marries consciously and out of love. Often this does not cause approval from relatives, however, this does not bother him at all and he creates a strong, reliable and wealthy family. It is better for parents to accept the girl as early as possible, so that the son, tired of constant family “squabbles,” does not start a completely new and alien life without them.

Names: origin and forms

Yuri- (from Greek) farmer.

Derivatives: Yura, Yuranya, Yurasya, Yurakha, Yurasha, Yurenya, Yurchenya, Yuka, Yusha.

Directory of Russian names

Creator(from Slavic).

Relies only on his own strength. Can drive himself and others. He usually makes good money, but he won't become a billionaire. Vulnerable, worried: he is always in danger of some kind - either from Mother Nature or from people. He loves with earthly, peasant love.

The mystery of the name oculus.ru

Yuri- tiller (ancient Greek).
The Slavic form of the name Gyurgi, Dyurgi - George, Yuri, the common form - Yegor - the same name. It is very popular, but it is more common in rural areas than in cities.
Zodiac name: Sagittarius.
Planet: Jupiter.
Name color: blue.
Talisman stone: emerald.
Auspicious plant: poplar, lily of the valley.
Patron name: white bull.
Happy day: Wednesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: calm, nobility, self-control.


See name Georgiy.


See name Georgiy.


Yuri is sociable, cheerful, always surrounded by peers, but he has an independent nature, rarely falling under anyone’s influence. As a personality, he is formed in childhood, and then changes little. In his youth he is no different from an adult, perhaps only simpler and kinder. He loves sports very much - skating, skiing, football - those that are not indoors, but outdoors.

Yuri is very sociable, loves a big, cheerful company, but he rarely has the only spiritual friend. Yuri is temperamental, but restrained in his emotions. He is very persistent in achieving his goal and will not turn away from his chosen path. “Autumn” is even cunning and calculating. Yuri knows the value of his abilities and thinks through his life plans for a long time. He is very stubborn, brave, and becomes independent early. In business, Yuri knows how to show firmness and the ability to concentrate on one goal. He is an excellent worker, ambitious, and can achieve great success in his career, although he is not a leader. Yuri becomes a specialist in various fields - technology, medicine, literary criticism, engineer, plasterer, electrician, trainer. Yuri is receptive to everything new, sometimes he does business and earns good money, but he does not become a millionaire. The greatest success in business can be achieved by Yuri with the patronymics Alekseevich, Borisovich, Grigorievich, Dmitrievich, Ivanovich, Pavlovich, Romanovich, Fedorovich.

Yuri enjoys the respect of his colleagues. He is not pushy; he moves up the career ladder with calm confidence. He is a philosopher at heart, often focused on his inner life. He knows how to speak well, his manners are impeccable, he does not allow emotions to break through. Yuri has an excellent memory and has varied interests outside of his profession.

Yuri is an attractive object for women. Someone is always in love with him, and he has a wide choice. He himself does not care about attracting someone's attention; he needs to be captivated.

Yuri marries for love, in defiance of his mother. His family is strong, prosperous, and his relatives calm down. Life in his family proceeds calmly, happily, even monotonously... until he is forty. After forty the situation changes. The relatives who once did not accept his wife well are now on her side, but Yuri begins a new life, sharply different from his previous calm existence.

Surname: Yuryevich, Yuryevna.


Yuri (Georgiy) Andreevich (?) - the youngest son of Andrei Bogolyubsky. At the request of the Novgorodians, he was sent to reign in Novgorod. In 1174, after the Novgorodians learned about the murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky, they expelled their son from Novgorod. He went to the Suzdal land to visit his brother Vsevolod, but here he was unsuccessful, and in 1176 he was forced to leave Vladimir. Yuri traveled all over the country, engaging in various strife. He ended his life in Georgia, where he became the first husband of the Georgian Queen Tamara. However, even here this violent feudal lord was unable to get along. Tamara expelled him from Georgia, but he then repeatedly invaded his new homeland with weapons in his hands and died in one of the battles.

The Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin houses a 12th-century Novgorod icon of St. George; it is assumed that it was commissioned by Yuri (George) Andreevich as an icon of the saint named after him, acting as the prince’s patron. George is presented from the waist up. He holds a spear in his right hand and a sword in his left, which he puts out as if on display. The sword played a special role among the Slavs. It was considered as a military emblem of Rus' and as a symbol of princely power. George is dressed in elegant chain mail and a cloak. Before the viewer, the warrior is “like pressure,” that is, worthy of surprise, as the chronicle describes his beloved princes.

Published with the kind permission of the Oculus project - astropsychology.

Patron planet of Yuri: Jupiter.

Favorable color for the owner of the name Yuri: blue, symbolizing the soul, the inner essence of man.

Yuri's favorite colors: green, deep orange, sometimes red.

Yuri's talisman stones: chrysoprase, jade, emerald, which reflects everything secret and you can see the future in advance.

Origin of the name Yuri

Yuri is a Slavic form of the name Georgiy, derived from the Greek georgos - “farmer”.

In serf Russia, Yuriev's day, November 26 (old style), was very important: by this time the annual cycle of agricultural work was completed. Since St. George's Day, deals have been concluded and settlements have been made. After payment, the peasants could move from master to master. This could be done a week before and a week after St. George's Day. By decree of Tsar Boris Godunov, the peasants were enslaved, but the memory of this custom was preserved in the 19th century. Hence the Russian proverb: “Here’s St. George’s Day for you, grandma.” There are two St. George's Days (according to the calendar, these are the days of memory of George) - May 6 (April 23 according to the old style) and December 9 (November 26). Now these days mark only the limits of agricultural work.

Characteristics of a person named Yuri

A man named Yuri is distinguished by calmness, nobility, restraint, prudence, and he has amazing self-control. He is outwardly very artistic, life for him is a stage, and the people around him are spectators. Possessing extraordinary perseverance and courage, Yuri is able to achieve a lot.

Thanks to his natural artistry, Yuri always attracts the attention of women. He himself does not specifically strive for this and has distrust of the fair sex. Having finally met his beloved, he will no longer give up on her. Yuri treats family life very responsibly, takes care of material wealth in the house, and helps his wife with housework. Yuri reveres his mother until his old age, and his wife will always have to take this into account.

In his youth, Yuri often commits ignoble acts, so the karma of his name is burdened.

Yuri can work in a factory, factory, he can be an electrician or a mechanic. Yuri, who has a creative nature, can be an artist. A person with this name also achieves success in business and science.

The personification of the name Yuri in the natural world steel poplar, lily of the valley and white bull.

According to numerology, the name Yuri corresponds to the number 2 - a symbol of responsibility, balanced decisions, and the desire for independence.

Famous in Yuri history

Many Russian princes bore the name Yuri. Yuri Dolgoruky was the son of Vladimir Monomakh and during his father’s life he ruled in the Rostov-Suzdal principality. Having become an independent prince in 1125, he moved the capital of the principality from Rostov to Suzdal and began to pursue an active policy in the south, seeking to acquire southern Pereyaslavl and then Kyiv. By the way, the Dolgoruky Prince received the nickname for his constant desire to expand his possessions. Under Yuri Dolgoruky, the borders of the principality with the Novgorod feudal republic and the Chernigov principality were formed. Fortresses were built in the border regions: Ksnyatin (Tver), Dubna, and in the center - Pereyaslavl (Pereyaslavl-Zalessky), Yuryev-Polsky, Dmitrov. In 1147, according to the chronicle, a meeting between Yuri Dolgoruky and the Novgorod-Seversk prince Svyatoslav Olgovich took place on the site of Krasnoe Selo, which was owned by the rich boyar Kuchko. The boyar met Prince Yuri unfriendly, for which he ordered him to be put to death and his sons and daughter to be sent to Vladimir. Yuri himself “climbed the mountain, looked out from it with his eyes, fell in love with the villages thereof and soon ordered a city of small trees to be built on the left side of the river on the bank and nicknamed it by the name of the river Moscow city.” Historians consider this date to be the founding date of Moscow.

Yuri Vsevolodovich, Grand Duke of Vladimir, second son of Vsevolod the Big Nest, preserved the unity of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality and expanded its territory with his successful campaigns. He founded the city of Nizhny Novgorod. At the end of 1237, the ambassadors of Batu Khan came to the prince demanding tribute, and then the Ryazan princes turned to him asking for help. However, he did not help the Ryazan people, because he wanted to “create a fight himself.” On March 4, 1238, an unequal battle took place, in which the prince laid down his head.

The fate of Yuri Danilovich, Prince of Moscow (from 1303) and Grand Duke of Vladimir (from 1317) is mysterious. For many years he fought for the grand-ducal throne with the Tver prince Mikhail Yaroslavich. In 1315, following complaints from Mikhail, Yuri was summoned to the Horde, where he spent 2 years, managed to appease Khan Uzbek by marrying his sister, and received from him a label for the principality. Having concluded a peace treaty with Mikhail with the help of the Tatars, Yuri Danilovich did not calm down and nevertheless went to Tver. Having suffered defeat, Yuri fled to Novgorod. After this, the princes were again summoned to the Horde. Mikhail was killed, and Yuri returned to Vladimir with a label to reign and Mikhail’s body. In 1325, Yuri was killed by the Tver prince Dmitry Mikhailovich in the Horde, where both came to investigate Yuri's accusation of non-payment of tribute to the Tatars.

No less famous was the Zvenigorod-Galich prince Yuri Dmitrievich, the second son of Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. After the death of Vasily I, contrary to the will of Dmitry Donskoy, it was not Yuri who became the Grand Duke, but his nephew Vasily II (Vasily the Dark). Unable to accept this, Yuri entered into a fight with Vasily II and twice (in 1433 and 1434) seized the grand-ducal throne. On the initiative of Yuri Dmitrievich, the Assumption Cathedral in Zvenigorod, the Nativity Cathedral of the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, and the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra were built.

And these days the name Yuri is very popular. Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut on Earth, is known all over the world. On April 12, 1961, he made a historic flight on the Vostok spacecraft.

Another famous contemporary of ours is Yuri Nikulin, a film actor, clown, former director of the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. An artist of the widest range, he acted with great success in both comedic roles (for example, in the films “Prisoner of the Caucasus,” “The Diamond Arm”) and dramatic ones (“When the Trees Were Big,” “They Fought for the Motherland”). A brilliant storyteller who spent his entire life collecting examples of folk humor, Yuri Nikulin created the television program “White Parrot Club,” where famous people recalled jokes and funny incidents from their lives.

Many Yuri are endowed with the gift of writing, they are good psychologists and see the unusual in people. The writer Yuri Dombrovsky possessed such character traits. He began his creative

way from works dedicated to historical figures (the novel “Derzhavin”, short stories about Shakespeare). But real fame was brought to him by the story “Keeper of Antiquities” published not so long ago, after the writer’s death, and its sequel, the novel “The Faculty of Unnecessary Things.” The theme of these books was an artistic study of people's behavior in a critical situation during the Stalinist repressions and the spiritual victory of the main character over himself and the world around him.

Yuri Tynyanov is a literary critic and writer, author of the historical novels “Kyukhlya”, “The Death of Vazir-Mukhtar”, “Pushkin”.

Yuri Levitan is an announcer at the All-Union Radio who voiced reports from the Sovinformburo during the Great Patriotic War.

Yuri Lyubimov - actor and director, organized the Taganka Theater; in 1984 he was deprived of USSR citizenship, and in 1989 he was restored to it.

Yuri Afanasyev is a public figure, historian, rector of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Yuri Yakovlev is a theater and film actor who starred in the films: “The Hussar Ballad”, “Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession”, “The Deer King”, “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!”.

Yuri Gulyaev is an opera singer, was a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, and performed on stage.

Yuri Vlasov - weightlifter, champion of the 1960 Olympic Games in the heavy weight category; writer, State Duma deputy.

Yuri Solomin is a theater and film actor who starred in the films “His Excellency’s Adjutant” and “Walking Through Torment.”

Yuri Luzhkov is the mayor of Moscow, who received over 95 percent of the vote in the 1996 elections.

Yuri Temirkanov - conductor.

Yuri Nazarov is a theater and film actor who starred in the films “Andrei Rublev” and “Little Vera”.

Yuri Bashmet is a violist, winner of first prize at the International Competition in Munich in 1976.

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