The meaning of the name Ilya. The meaning and secret of the name Ilya

fortress of the Lord (Heb.). Derived from the Hebrew Eliyahu - “My battle is Yahweh”, in the literal sense - “belonging to God”, which means God-believing, devoted and righteous.

This name was brought by Christianity from Byzantium, as the biblical name of the prophet Elijah the Thesbite, and began to be widely used by Russians. It was included in the calendar as the name of the preacher of faith in the Lord. During his lifetime, Saint Elijah was a priest of the Church of the Nativity of Christ in the Seine in Novgorod. He was sent to distant lands to fight paganism and eradicate faith in idols and preaching activities.

Energy name

Respect for this name in Rus' has deep roots: here are Russian epics and the Orthodox image of Elijah the Prophet, who at one time replaced the pagan thunderer Perun. At times, Ilya even experiences excessive attention to himself and therefore can behave somewhat warily and reservedly in society. Nevertheless, his character cannot be called closed; rather, he is simply even in his communication with both loved ones and strangers.

In terms of its energy, this name endows its owner with sufficient balance, nevertheless indicating the possibility of an emotional explosion. However, Ilya is not inclined to accumulate tension in himself, and therefore the force of this explosion is unlikely to be too strong, and conflict situations most likely will not leave a deep and painful mark on his soul. In addition, very often this emotional impulse finds its manifestation in aspirations for the future, awakening ambitious dreams in Ilya. In this case, he will persistently build his happy tomorrow, patiently bringing it closer with his own labor.

Indeed, one can envy such perseverance, but there are also nuances here - when a person pays too much attention to future happiness, he may not notice the happiness of today. Perhaps this will make Ilya too strict and dissatisfied with his present life, and it may seem to him that it is this dissatisfaction that pushes him to work for the future. In fact, this is a vicious circle - dreams of tomorrow's happiness give rise to dissatisfaction with today, and dissatisfaction, in turn, strengthens dreams of a bright future. This is similar to trying to reach the horizon, and many bearers of the name, having never achieved the fulfillment of their cherished dream, try to realize it in their children. Maybe that’s why there were so many Ilyichs among our leaders?

Another important trait characteristic of Ilya is his thriftiness and thoroughness, which, combined with patience and the ability to overcome difficulties, can bring him a lot of benefits in life and career, especially if Ilya can learn to enjoy not only the future, but also today’s life. Otherwise, by old age he may turn into a grumpy, obnoxious old man.

Characteristics of the name Ilya

There will be no trouble at all with this child if you carefully monitor his circle of friends - Ilya is not very picky in choosing his friends, he is easily influenced by them, and since he is sociable and active, he has no shortage of acquaintances.

Ilya, as a rule, creates his family in detail - and this is where his economic streak comes into play. He is unlikely to get married without getting firmly on his feet and without having enough income to support his family.

Ilya is an extremely economic person. This trait manifests itself in him even in childhood. With proper upbringing, he becomes a good assistant to parents. He will be very willing to participate in building a summer house, growing a vegetable garden, or repairing a car. Loves children devotedly.

With all his commitment to family and home, Ilya is still restless and willing to travel. He has a sharp mind. He is kind, but quick-tempered. He quickly moves away and is ready to take the blame on himself in any quarrel. Ilya’s character has many maternal traits; in general, he is a person who seems to reflect the rays of a bright, warm sun.

A happy marriage is likely with those whose names are Anna, Vera, Natalya, Sophia. Less suitable for marriage are Galina, Elizaveta, Margarita, Tatyana.

This name is suitable for Taurus, Pisces, Cancer, Leo and not suitable for Aries, Scorpio, Gemini and Virgo.

Secrets of communication

Sometimes when communicating with Ilya it can be difficult to understand how he treats you, however, know that even if he looks a little cold, then most likely this is not due to a negative attitude, but due to his special manner of behavior. Rest assured, if he doesn't like you, he will find a way to let you know, or even tell you straight out. If you want to win Ilya’s favor, then note that he does not like compliments, respecting restraint in praise.

Diminutive and endearing forms of names

Ilyusha, Ilyunya, Ilechka, Ilenka, Ilyasha, Ilyusya, Ilya, Ilka.

Astrological characteristics

Zodiac name correspondence: Capricorn.
Planet: Saturn.
Name colors: brown, light green, sometimes dark crimson.
Most favorable colors: warm tones of yellow, orange.
Talisman stone: carnelian, fire opal.

Ilya's name day

October 11, January 1 (September 28, December 19)- Ilya Muromets, Pechersky, in the Near (Antoniev) caves.
January 27 (14)- Elijah of Sinai, martyr.
August 2 (July 20)- Elijah the Tishbite, prophet.

Trace of a name in history

The idea imposed in Soviet times that Ilya Efimovich Repin(1844–1930), the creator of the painting “Barge Haulers on the Volga”, is a fighter for people’s happiness, even at school she set many people’s teeth on edge and prevented them from perceiving the artist’s paintings as they are, without ideological background. In fact, when choosing subjects for his paintings, Ilya Repin gave preference, first of all, to the emotions inherent in them, as well as the color and even some exoticism of the characters. The idea of ​​"Barge Haulers" ideally met all these requirements and was only the first of a number of such bright paintings as "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan", "Princess Sophia", "Meeting of the State Council".

Yes, Repin had a negative attitude towards Nicholas II, called him a “vile barbarian”, “a high-maintenance man”, dreamed “that this “abomination” would collapse.” After the revolution, in 1918, he painted the painting “Cattle of Imperialism”, a kind of continuation of the theme of barge haulers, where they look dirty, dumb and ugly. Repin himself said about this picture: “Cattle” is a deeply depraved creature: constantly in contact with the police, he learns their ability to be predatory like a wolf, toady, but quickly come to reprisals against their masters if they weaken..."

In life, Ilya Repin, according to contemporaries, was a friendly, gentle person and had many friends. Despite the fact that he came from a poor family and achieved everything in life only thanks to his bright talent and hard everyday work, class hatred was alien to him. Based on his own experience, he was sure: in principle, every poor person can get out of poverty - you just have to really want to. To those who doubted, Ilya Repin said: “Look at me. I was born a military peasant, and this is a very despicable title - only serfs were considered lower than peasants.”

Repin spent the last 30 years of his life in the village of Kuokkala, which after the October Revolution ended up abroad, as part of independent Finland. In recent years, Repin has created a number of paintings on religious themes.

Attempts by the Soviet government to return Repin to the USSR failed; in private letters he claimed that while the Bolsheviks were in power, he did not want to have anything to do with Russia.

Other famous namesakes of Ilya

  • Ilya Buyalsky(1789–1866) - surgeon one of the founders of topographic anatomy. Buyalsky owns one of the first manuals on forensic medicine in Russian literature. Buyalsky's most significant work is the Anatomical and Surgical Tables, published in three parts (1828, 1835, 1852), the first original atlas on operative surgery in Russia. One of those few cases when the skill and experience of the doctor I.V. Buyalsky turned out to be helpless was his farewell visit to the poet A.S. Pushkin, who was dying after a duel. Ilya Vasilyevich’s longtime friend V.I. Dal called Ilya Vasilyevich as an indisputable authority. But it was already too late...
  • Ilya Sergeevich Glazunov(b. 1930) - modern Russian painter and graphic artist, People's Artist of the USSR; portrait painter, set designer, founder and rector of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts, laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation.
  • Ilya Arnoldovich Ilf(1897–1937, real name Yechiel-Leib Fainzilberg) - Russian Soviet writer and journalist. In creative collaboration with Evgeny Petrov, he wrote satirical novels “The Twelve Chairs” and “The Golden Calf”.
  • Ilya Lagutenko(b. 1968) - singer and founder of the rock group Mumiy Troll.
  • Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov(1845-1916) - Russian biologist and pathologist, one of the founders of comparative pathology, evolutionary embryology and domestic microbiology, immunology, creator of the doctrine of phagocytosis and the theory of immunity, creator of a scientific school, founder of scientific gerontology, corresponding member (1883), honorary member (1902) St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. Since 1888 at the Pasteur Institute (Paris). Created a theory of the origin of multicellular organisms. Winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1908).
  • Ilya Muromets- Orthodox saint, hero, one of the main characters of Russian epics that arose in the 12th–13th centuries.
  • Ilya Lvovich Selvinsky(1899–1968) - Russian Soviet poet and playwright, representative of the literary movement of constructivism.
  • Ilya Grigorievich Erenburg(1891–1967) – Russian writer, publicist, public figure; laureate of the International Lenin Prize. Ilya Ehrenburg is the author of the slogan “Kill the German!” Adolf Hitler personally ordered the capture and hanging of Ehrenburg. Nazi propaganda gave Ehrenburg the nickname "Stalin's House Jew."

According to Higir

Russian form of the Hebrew name Elijah, meaning: the power of God.

Ilya is an extremely economic person. This trait manifests itself in him even in childhood. With proper upbringing, he becomes a good assistant to his mother in her household chores and to his father in his household chores. He will be very willing to participate in building a summer house, growing a vegetable garden, or repairing a car. There won’t be much trouble with this child at all if you carefully monitor his circle of friends - Ilya is not very picky in choosing his friends, he easily succumbs to their influence, and since he is sociable and active, he has no shortage of acquaintances. Ilya, as a rule, creates his family in detail - and this is where his economic streak manifests itself. He is unlikely to get married without getting firmly on his feet and without having enough income to support his family on his own. Loves children devotedly. With all his commitment to family and home. Ilya, meanwhile, is a restless person and willingly travels. He has a sharp mind. He is kind, but quick-tempered. He quickly moves away and is ready to take the blame on himself in any quarrel. Ilya’s character has many maternal traits, but overall he is a person who seems to reflect the rays of a bright, warm sun. It is not for nothing that the calendar says about him: “Elijah, my God Yahweh.”

According to Mendelev

A beautiful, reliable and good name, but in terms of its psycho-emotional impression it is feminine. This name suggests that its bearer is a gentle person. The entire set of pleasant and positive qualities can be nullified by the lack of strength and power in its owner.

Ilya often chooses an occupation in which he does not have to manage other people. It also happens that the profession itself chooses him. Quite often he becomes a high-class professional, but rarely reaches command heights. Women love him, are willing to be in his company, but they do not often choose him as a life partner. He has a well-developed intuition, which allows him to correctly assess the situation and even make an appropriate decision, but for some reason annoying little things always get in the way of implementing it. He lights up easily and cools down easily: this easygoing nature helps him overcome frequent disappointments and failures in business. High intelligence, good memory, the ability to see and evaluate events from different angles are his undoubted advantages, but he is incomparably less successful in the practical implementation of decisions made and actions in a specific changing environment. The best option is if Ilya works in tandem with another person whose character traits complement his own; a wonderful tandem is formed.

For Ilya, the family is the center of the Universe, and he does not like to involve anyone in his family affairs. He is gentle and kind with children, but the children's attitude towards him is far from ideal. Ilya is sociable, cheerful, compliant, good in company, and easily finds a common language with a variety of people. He will always help, teach, explain - but, with rare exceptions, he will not let anyone into his inner world.

A bright scarlet field with a blue stripe - these are the colors of Ilya.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

He is gentle, attentive and caring, and is able to appreciate the woman with whom he is close. Ilya cannot be next to a rude, assertive lady who is trying to impose her style of relationship on him. At the same time, he will not tolerate unflattering statements among close friends about a woman with whom he has an intimate relationship. He has enough love affairs, but his greatest joy comes from sexual contact with a woman for whom he experiences something more than sexual attraction. It is important for him that his partner understands him and is spiritually close to him. “Winter” Ilya is usually impulsive, strives for success, often without thinking about the consequences of his actions. He lacks restraint, he is fickle, and his life is filled with the desire to know a woman. His sexual behavior is characterized by spontaneity; he is not used to planning the time of his intimate relationships. He tries to sexually subjugate a woman, but when he succeeds, he loses all interest in her.

Personal life and marriage named Ilya

Intimate failures are experienced very acutely. In bed he may lack inspiration, but he compensates for this with a rich erotic program performed with good technique. During sexual contact, he needs a certain comfort, he may be affected by extraneous sounds, and it can be difficult for him to completely relax. For Ilya, the highest pleasure is to conquer a woman equal to him in intelligence, free and independent. In public, Ilya can sometimes be harsh and inattentive with his girlfriend, but in private he will show her his true feelings. Ilya “spring”, especially “March”, is overly emotional, erotic, prone to sexual excesses. However, he is also familiar with high feelings, he conquers women with his nobility and breadth of soul. He rarely feels completely happy, experiencing constant dissatisfaction. “Autumn” Ilya makes very high demands on his future wife (not excluding the range of her sexual acceptability) and is terrified of making a mistake in his chosen one. An unsuccessful marriage can unsettle him for many years and instill uncertainty in his masculinity.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “My God is Yahweh” (biblical)

Energy and character of the name Ilya

Respect for this name in Rus' has deep roots: here are Russian epics and the Orthodox image of Elijah the Prophet, who at one time replaced the pagan thunderer Perun. Sometimes even Ilya experiences excessive attention to himself and therefore can act somewhat wary and reserved in society. Nevertheless, his character cannot be called closed; rather, he is simply even in his communication with both loved ones and strangers.

In terms of its energy, this name endows its owner with sufficient balance, nevertheless indicating the possibility of an emotional explosion. However, Ilya is not inclined to accumulate tension in himself, and therefore the force of this explosion is unlikely to be too strong, and conflict situations most likely will not leave a deep and painful mark on his soul. In addition, very often this emotional impulse finds its manifestation in aspirations for the future, awakening ambitious dreams in Ilya. In this case, he will persistently build his “happy tomorrow”, patiently bringing it closer with his own labor. Indeed, such perseverance can be envied, but there are also nuances here - when a person pays too much attention to future happiness, he may not notice the happiness of today. Perhaps this will make Ilya too strict and dissatisfied with his present life, and it may seem to him that it is this dissatisfaction that pushes him to work for the future. In fact, this is a vicious circle - dreams of tomorrow's happiness give rise to dissatisfaction with today, and dissatisfaction, in turn, strengthens dreams of a bright future. This is similar to trying to reach the horizon, and many bearers of the name, having never achieved the fulfillment of their cherished dream, try to realize it in their children. Maybe that’s why there were so many Ilyichs among our leaders?

Another important trait characteristic of Ilya is his thriftiness and thoroughness, which, combined with patience and the ability to overcome difficulties, can bring him a lot of benefits in life and career, especially if Ilya can learn to enjoy not only the future, but also today’s life. Otherwise, by old age he may turn into a grumpy, obnoxious old man.

Secrets of communication: Sometimes when communicating with Ilya it can be difficult to understand how he treats you, however, know that even if he looks a little cold, then, most likely, this is not due to a negative attitude, but due to his special demeanor . Rest assured, if he doesn't like you, he will find a way to let you know, or even tell you straight out. If you want to gain Ilya’s favor, then note that he does not like compliments, respecting restraint in praise.

Famous people named Ilya

Ilya Repin

The idea imposed in Soviet times that Ilya Repin (1844–1930), the creator of the painting “Barge Haul Haulers on the Volga,” is a fighter for people’s happiness, set many people’s teeth on edge even at school and prevented them from perceiving the artist’s paintings as they are, without ideological background. In fact, when choosing subjects for his paintings, Ilya Repin gave preference, first of all, to the emotions inherent in them, as well as the color and even some exoticism of the characters. The idea of ​​"Barge Haulers" ideally met all these requirements and was only the first of a number of such bright paintings as "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan", "Princess Sophia", "Meeting of the State Council".

In life, Ilya Repin, according to contemporaries, was a friendly, gentle person and had many friends. Despite the fact that he came from a poor family and achieved everything in life only thanks to his bright talent and hard everyday work, class hatred was alien to him. Based on his own experience, he was sure: in principle, every poor person can get out of poverty - you just have to really want to. To those who doubted, Ilya Repin said: “Look at me. I was born a military peasant, and this is a very despicable title - only serfs were considered lower than peasants.”

The meaning of the name Ilya

Origin of the name Ilya. The name Ilya is Russian, Jewish, Orthodox, Catholic.
Synonyms for the name Ilya. Elijah, Ilyas, Elias, Eli, Elia, Illesh.
Short form of the name Ilya. Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilyusya, Lyusya, Ilyunya, Lyunya, Lyulya, Ilyukha, Ilyusha, Ilya, Ilyakha.

The name Elijah is the Russian version of the Hebrew name Eliyahu, meaning “My God is the Lord,” and can also be translated as “believer.” Another interpretation is that the name Elijah comes from the name Elijah, which means “the fortress of the Lord.”

The most famous is the Old Testament prophet Elijah, who in Islam is referred to as Ilyas. Among modern Catholics, the prophet Elijah is considered the heavenly patron of motorists and motorcyclists, and among Orthodox Christians he is considered the patron of Russian airborne troops, quite possibly because he himself ascended to heaven in a chariot of fire. The dates of Catholic name days are February 16, April 17, July 20. The remaining dates indicated are the Orthodox name days of Elijah. Ilya is artistic, ironic and multifaceted. He is very deep in himself, but he is also capable of empathizing with others.

Ilya is an advisor and teacher. He will tell and show everything to anyone who wants it, but he will only let in his soul to a select few. In character he is very similar to his mother.
There are many folk signs associated with Ilya:
"Peter with a spikelet, Ilya with a bun."
"Ilya's summer ends"
"Ilya the prophet - it's time to mow"
"Ilya begins the harvest, but summer ends"
August 2 is Elijah's day.
People say about a thunderstorm: “Ilya rides across the sky on six stallions.” Thunder comes from the sound of the prophet Elijah's chariot hitting the heavenly pavement as he drives away the unclean spirit. Lightning is the arrows with which Ilya strikes the evil force.
The Holy Prophet Elijah was chosen as the heavenly patron of the Russian airborne troops. (August 2 - Airborne Forces Day)
After Ilya’s day they stop swimming. (Ilya cooled the water)

Famous people named Ilya

  • Ilya Mechnikov ((1845 - 1916) Russian and French biologist (zoologist, embryologist, immunologist, physiologist and pathologist). Nobel Prize winner in physiology and medicine (1908).)
  • Ilya Repin ((1844 - 1930) Russian artist-painter, master of portraits, historical and everyday scenes.
  • Ilya Glazunov ((born 1930) Soviet and Russian artist-painter, teacher. Founder and rector of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture I.S. Glazunov. Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts (2000). People's Artist of the USSR (1980). Laureate of the Russian State Prize Federation (1997). Full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.)
  • Ilya Reznik ((born 1938) Russian songwriter, People's Artist of Russia (2003). Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.)
  • Ilya Lagutenko ((born 1968) Russian singer, leader of the Mumiy Troll group)
  • Ilya Muromets (Orthodox saint, hero, one of the main characters of Russian epics that arose in the 12th–13th centuries. The full epic name is Ilya Muromets, son of Ivan,
  • Ilya Ilf ((1897 - 1937) Ilf wrote materials of a humorous and satirical nature - mainly feuilletons. In 1927, the creative collaboration of Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov began with joint work on the novel “The Twelve Chairs”.
  • Ilya Averbukh ((born 1973) Soviet and Russian figure skater (ice dancing). Honored Master of Sports of Russia.
  • Ilya (Iliy) Shatrov ((1879/1885 - 1952) Russian military musician, bandmaster and composer, author of the waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria”)

1. another Hebrew name (איליה) “my God (El) is Yahweh.” The obsolete form of the name is Elijah.

2. derived from Greek (ήλιος) [í̱lios] “sun, sunny”

3. Russian version of the Turkic name Il - “country, homeland, people” + I

Famous people named Ilya

Ilya Mechnikov ((1845 - 1916) Russian and French biologist (zoologist, embryologist, immunologist, physiologist and pathologist). One of the founders of evolutionary embryology, discoverer of phagocytosis and intracellular digestion, creator of the comparative pathology of inflammation, phagocytic theory of immunity, founder of scientific gerontology. Laureate Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (1908).)

Ilya Erenburg ((1891 - 1967) Soviet prose writer, poet, translator from French and Spanish, publicist, photographer and public figure)

Ilya Repin ((1844 - 1930) Russian artist-painter, master of portraits, historical and everyday scenes. Academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Memoirist, author of a number of essays that compiled the book of memoirs “Distant Close”. Teacher, was a professor - head of the workshop (1894- 1907) and rector (1898-1899) of the Academy of Arts, at the same time he taught at Tenisheva’s school-workshop; among his students were B.M. Kustodiev, I.E. Grabar, I.S. Kulikov, F.A. Malyavin, A. P. Ostroumov-Lebedeva, also gave private lessons to V.A. Serov.)

Ilya Frank ((1908 - 1990) Soviet physicist, Nobel Prize laureate (1958) for the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect (together with Cherenkov and Tamm), laureate of two Stalin Prizes (1946, 1953) and the USSR State Prize (1971))

Ilya Glazunov ((born 1930) Soviet and Russian artist-painter, teacher. Founder and rector of the Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture I.S. Glazunov. Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts (2000). People's Artist of the USSR (1980). Laureate of the Russian State Prize Federation (1997). Full holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland.)

Ilya Mazuruk ((1906 - 1989) Soviet polar pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union)

Ilya Reznik ((born 1938) Russian songwriter, People's Artist of Russia (2003). Honorary member of the Russian Academy of Arts.)

Ilya Lagutenko ((born 1968) Russian singer, leader of the Mumiy Troll group)

Ilya Muromets (Orthodox saint, hero, one of the main heroes of Russian epics that arose in the 12th–13th centuries. The full epic name is Ilya Muromets, son of Ivan, less common is Ilya Murovets, son of Ivan. A hero who embodies the people's ideal of a hero-warrior, people's intercessor. In Kmita Chernobylsky (16th century) Ilya is Muravlenin, not Muromets, in Erich Lassota (16th century) - Ilya Morovlin, in some epics of the 17th century - Ilya Murovich or Ilya Murovets It is possible that in the folk epic the image of Ilya Muromets merged with the monk. Elijah Pechersky. He lived 800 years ago.)

Ilya Buyalsky ((1789 - 1866) Russian anatomist and surgeon, academician of the Imperial Academy of Arts. One of the founders of topographic anatomy.)

Ilya Ilf ((1897 - 1937) real name - Yechiel-Leib Fainzilberg, the pseudonym "Ilf" may be an abbreviation of his name Ilya Fainzilberg, but more likely an abbreviation of his Jewish name in accordance with the Jewish tradition of nominal abbreviations; Soviet writer and journalist. Ilf wrote materials of a humorous and satirical nature - mainly feuilletons. In 1927, the creative collaboration of Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov began with the joint work on the novel “The Twelve Chairs”. Subsequently, various works were written in collaboration with Evgeny Petrov, the most famous of which is the novel “. Twelve Chairs" (1928) and the novel "The Golden Calf" (1931).)

Ilya Averbukh ((born 1973) Soviet and Russian figure skater (ice dancing). Honored Master of Sports of Russia. Awarded the Order of Friendship (2003). Currently, he is an entrepreneur, producer of his own ice show, choreographer in figure skating. Paired with Irina Lobacheva: silver medalist at the Salt Lake City Olympics, 2002 world champion, 2003 European champion, Russian champion (1997, 2000-2002) Together with Marina Anisina, two-time world junior champion (1990 and 1992). .)

Ilya Averbakh ((1934 - 1986) Soviet film director, screenwriter, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)

Ilya (Ily) Shatrov ((1879/1885 - 1952) Russian military musician, bandmaster and composer, author of the waltz “On the Hills of Manchuria”)

Ilya Efron ((1847 - 1917) one of the most famous pre-revolutionary Russian typographers and book publishers)

Ilya Vasilevsky ((1882 - 1938) pseudonyms: Ne-Bukva, A. Glebov, Phoenix; Russian journalist, feuilletonist)

Ilya Gruzinov ((1781 - 1813) professor of anatomy, physiology and forensic medicine at the Imperial Moscow University, who discovered in 1812 that the source of the human voice can be tracheal membranes)

Ilya Kormiltsev ((1959 - 2007) Russian poet, translator from English, Italian, Polish and French, music and literary critic, editor-in-chief of the publishing house "Ultra.Kultura" (2003 - 2007); main author of the lyrics of the group "Nautilus Pompilius" )

Ilya Frez ((1909 - 1994) Soviet film director and screenwriter. People's Artist of the USSR (1989). Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1974).)

Ilya Gringolts ((born 1982) Russian violinist. Prize winner at the St. Petersburg competition “I am a composer” (I prize, 1993; Grand Prix, 1995, 1996). Performs solo concerts with leading symphony orchestras in Russia and abroad. Winner International Paganini Violin Competition (1998), laureate of other international competitions.)

Ilya Zubov ((born 1923) full holder of the Order of Glory, People's Deputy of the USSR, participant in the Great Patriotic War)

Ilya Sadofyev ((1899 – 1965) Russian Soviet poet, translator)

Ilya Imyanitov ((1918 - 1987) Soviet scientist, researcher of atmospheric electricity, developer of instruments and methods for measuring electric fields in the atmosphere using aircraft, electrical conductivity of the atmosphere, space charges of the atmosphere and clouds. Author and organizer of research on the electrical properties of clouds.)

Ilya Ionov ((1887 - 1942) real name - Bernstein; Russian revolutionary and publishing worker)

Ilya Reiderman ((born 1937) Russian poet, philosopher, cultural critic, music critic, member of the Writers' Union of Russia (2012))

Ilya Kan ((1909 - 1978) Soviet chess player, international master (1950), second of Mikhail Botvinnik during the world championship match with Vasily Smyslov (1954). Champion of Moscow (1936). Participated in 10 USSR championships.)

Ilya Konstantinovsky ((1913 - 1995) Russian writer, playwright and translator)

M. Ilyin ((1896 - 1953) real name - Ilya Marshak; Russian Soviet writer, chemical engineer. Younger brother of S.Ya. Marshak.)

Ilya Melamed ((1895 - 1938) Soviet military and economic figure, one of the organizers of industry. Director of the 1st State Bearing Plant (GPP) named after L.M. Kaganovich.)

Ilya Mate ((born 1956) Soviet freestyle wrestler, Olympic champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1979). The first Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling from the USSR among athletes representing the rural sports community.)

Ilya Ulyanov ((1831 - 1886) statesman, teacher, supporter of universal education equal for all nationalities. Ilya Ulyanov became famous due to his famous revolutionary sons - Alexander Ulyanov and Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin.)

Ilya Gorelov ((1928 - 1999) Russian philologist, Doctor of Philology (1977), professor of the Department of German Philology at Saratov State University since 1982, one of the largest domestic specialists in psycholinguistics. He studied the problems of the ontogenesis of consciousness, bilingualism, non-verbal communication. He also worked problems of the Volga Germans.)

Ilya Tchaikovsky ((1795 - 1880) mining engineer, major general, father of composer P.I. Tchaikovsky)

Ilya Nazarov ((1919 - 1944) senior sergeant, Hero of the Soviet Union)

Ilya Ostroukhov ((1858 - 1929) Russian landscape artist, collector. Member of the Association of Traveling Art Exhibitions, the Union of Russian Artists, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. Friend of P.M. Tretyakov, one of the leaders of the Tretyakov Gallery. Collected paintings, icons. Collection of icons Ostroukhov was considered one of the best in Russia. In 1890, he opened a private museum. In 1918, the museum was nationalized, and Ostroukhov was appointed its lifelong custodian. Since 1920, it was called the “Museum of Iconography and Painting” After the death of the museum’s curator. disbanded, and its funds were dispersed to museums. A significant part of Ostroukhov’s collection of icons is in the collection of the department of ancient Russian art of the Tretyakov Gallery. Nowadays, the museum “Russian Literature of the 20th Century” is located in the memorial house of the artist and collector Ostroukhov. The museum organizes rotating exhibitions on the history of literature of the 20th century. and exhibitions of artists related to literature.)

Ilya Galyuza ((born 1979) Ukrainian football player, midfielder)

Ilya Garkavy ((1888 - 1937) Soviet military leader, corps commander)

Ilya Veldzhanov ((born 1934) Belarusian and Turkmen statesman, diplomat and military man. The first lieutenant general in Turkmenistan.)

Ilya Artishchev ((1923 - 1981) Major of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1945))

Ilya Rigin ((born 1986) Russian theater and film actor)

Ilya Vasyuk ((1919 - 1969) captain of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, participant in the Great Patriotic War, Hero of the Soviet Union (1944))

Ilya celebrates his name day

January 1, January 21, January 25, January 27, February 3, February 13, March 1, April 5, April 10, June 23, August 2, August 25, August 30, September 16, September 26, September 30, October 11 , November 16, November 17, November 22, December 5, December 9, December 18, December 29, December 31.

Harmonious patronymic for the name Ilya

Sometimes it has a good influence - Ilya Vladimirovich, Ilya Leonidovich, Ilya Sergeevich.

But there are contraindications, consult a specialist.

Ilya and character depending on the season

The winter child is stern and wayward.
The spring child is creative and capricious.
A year old child is passionate and active.
The autumn child is smart and obstinate.

Ilya and character depending on date of birth

This is true for any name, not necessarily Ilya:

Aries, the April child is assertive and active.
Taurus, the May child is a hard worker.
Gemini, June baby is outgoing.
Cancer, the July baby is vulnerable and sexy.
Leo, the August child is confident and creative.
Virgo, September baby is orderly.
Aquarius, the February child is willful and dreamy.

Spring and May child with any name - contains creative, hardworking and stubborn potential. A name can strengthen or weaken an innate given.

Therefore, there are contraindications, consult a specialist.

Psychoacoustics named after Ilya

Many parents are interested in the sound, so that the name “looks” good with the middle name. And so that the soul likes it, there is a feeling of goodness, calmness, harmony.

Melody is the first thing a name emits, but this is the tip of the iceberg.

They greet you by their clothes, but what's inside?

Name is a sound, a sign (symbol), information.
Child- a unique fusion of parental DNA, God's spark, and surrounding culture. This is a unique psychic pattern of information and energy.
World— lives according to the laws of nature, and as a rule, a specialist knows and can give results in a narrow area of ​​his professionalism.

Here comes the name Ilya, once, twice, three times. Gradually, the baby becomes attached to the name and becomes mentally attuned to the entire volume of information about the name in the culture. Absorbs. Changes.

Previously, before computers, in Tradition, as mothers now turn to doctors,
fathers turned to wise people for help in choosing a name.

Knowledge of the psychoacoustics of a name brought good results and gave protection to the child!

What can the name Ilya stimulate?

Materiality, love, stability, health energy, creativity, intuition, intelligence, sexuality and family, spirituality, kindness and warmth, joy and strength.

How to give maximum evolution, truth, love through the name Ilya?

Go only from the child’s individuality.

Check only through the channel of direct knowledge (meaningful spiritual intuition).

Learn only through sober experience, honest feedback.

No ideology!

Where to start checking the name Ilya

Talk to the child's soul, ask the child's opinion, listen.

Make a promise to your child - to choose only a good name, only a useful one.

Listen to the child's answer. Agree with your child not to give a name with harmful psychoacoustics.

Next, try to use real (working) knowledge. It was no accident that Stalin changed his name and date of birth with the help of the legendary mystic of the 20th century - Gurdjieff.

People with power, money, famous directors, athletes, top models, actors, scientists and inventors use spiritual names and pseudonyms as a tool for developing personality and soul qualities.

Download and study the book. Sergei Mikhailovich Bobyr, one of the pillars of modern Russian spirituality, helps you choose a name that suits the child’s psyche and character.

For example, Steven Spielberg, Jennifer Lopez, Gisele Bündchen, George Bernard Shaw, Henry Ford, Alfred Nobel, Sigmund Freud, Stalin received an additional average of plus 40% of strength due to the psychoacoustics of the name.

If you ignore the individual psychoacoustics of the name, then with a 79% probability you will weaken the child’s psyche and vitality by 32% of the original power.

Ask your heart. A wise mother's heart is the best adviser!

How to choose the absolutely correct, strong and appropriate name for a child in 2019?

If you want to give your child a strong name that would improve the child’s weak qualities, support him throughout life, and protect him from birth problems. In general, you want the chosen name to help the child be better, more successful, more efficient and have fewer problematic situations in life.

Find out right now how a name will affect the destiny, strength of character and life of a child.
The name makes the child more sociable, bolder, happier, or the name does not match the child’s character and will interfere with communication and growth.
I will give you an absolutely free analysis of the first name - write to WhatsApp +7926 697 00 47

Neurosemiotics of the name
Yours, Leonard Boyard
Switch to the value of life

Ilya is the Russian version of the name of the Old Testament prophet Eliyahu. The interpretation of the name from Hebrew is “the power of God,” “the strength of the Lord,” or even the abbreviated unpronounceable name of God. That is, the name belongs to the theophoric ones, those whose root is the name of the Almighty. Therefore, in the Orthodox calendar, Elijah’s name days are quite frequent: January 1, January 21, January 27, March 1, April 5, May 20, August 2, August 25, August 30, September 26, September 30, November 16, November 17, 22 November, December 5, December 18, December 29, December 31. Among Catholics, Elijah is venerated only twice a year - February 16 and July 20. The namesake patron saints are considered to be Elijah of Egypt, the hermit; Elijah the Egyptian, Caesarea (Palestinian), martyr; Elijah the Egyptian, martyr; Elijah of Sinai, venerable martyr; Elijah of Tire, martyr; Ilya Muromets, Pechersky, recluse in the Near (Antoniev) caves; Ilya of Murom, miracle worker of Pechersk, originally from the city of Murom, monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery (XII century); Elijah Tomsky (Kyustendzhisky), martyr; Elijah the Tishbite, prophet.
By the way, according to signs, it is Ilya who creates a roar in the sky, which meteorologists call thunder. Actually, the roar is made by his heavenly fiery chariot.

Sexuality of the name Ilya
Attentive and caring, Ilya values ​​emotional intimacy. He should be comfortable with his partner, he does not tolerate being pressured. Like a true conqueror, Ilya strives to win the heart of a worthy, self-confident woman. Perhaps in public he can be a little cold with his significant other. But he will never allow caustic remarks towards his lady from strangers. He is confident in the correctness of his choice and will defend the honor of his chosen one before the whole world. Moreover, left alone with his beloved, Ilya is ready to sing about her beauty for hours.
Ilya is quite inventive in bed, but carnal pleasures alone are not enough for him. There must be a mystery in his beloved, then he will be constantly near this puzzle. Otherwise, the slightly flighty and amorous Ilya, having received “his own,” can set off to conquer new heights. Ilya is quite easy to captivate, but incredibly difficult to keep. He makes quite high demands on his chosen one, but he himself rarely finishes what he starts. Ilya’s undoubted advantage is his flexible character. He does not like scandals and quarrels, trying to solve problems in a civilized and peaceful way. It is worth noting Ilya’s loyalty. Despite his emotional and external frivolity, Ilya is ready to remain close to the woman he loves for years, completely forgetting about the existence of other females.

In marriage, he proves himself to be a thrifty and attentive spouse. One must appreciate his homeliness, because if Ilya gets burned in his family life, it is unlikely that he will decide to repeat such an experience.
Usually men named Ilya are in no hurry to go to the registry office. They need to carefully weigh the pros and cons and evaluate all the positive qualities of the chosen one. Alfonism is alien to Ilya. Therefore, he decides to start a family only when he stands confidently on his feet and is able to provide for his wife and child. Material resources mean a lot to him, and his main gift to the woman he loves is stability. As a father, Ilya is incredibly caring, he spoils his children, but raises them to be good and confident people. Children raised by Ilya are capable of much, even revolution, like Vladimir Ilyich Lenin :).

The secret of the name Ilya

The unique flag of the name is a bright red background with a blue stripe in the middle. The astrological patron is the courageous planet Mars, the zodiac sign is Capricorn. Of the precious stones that suit Ilya - diamond, talisman stone - carnelian. In the animal world, Ilya speaks the same language as the nightingale, and from the plant world they are close - cornflower and elm.

When choosing a name for a child, you should pay attention to the boy’s zodiac sign. The name Ilya is ideal for those born under the sign of Pisces, Aries, Scorpio, Virgo and Gemini.

Ilya is a kind, open person, he does not like to hold grudges and would rather flare up immediately, but will not accumulate resentment. Throughout his life, Ilya has been accompanied by a feeling of some dissatisfaction. He is constantly waiting for positive changes, which is why he sometimes does not notice these very changes. He is impulsive, and sometimes falls under the influence of others. But due to inconstancy, he is not able to get carried away with one project for a long time. Ilya’s sharp mind will come in handy in the field of medicine and pedagogy. Business executive Ilya is doomed to success. He always has powerful friends and knows how to account for expenses and profits. Often, Ilya can continue family traditions and choose the vocation for which his parents prepared him. For full realization, he needs the support of loved ones. He doesn't like flattery, but appreciates sincere compliments. And he desperately needs praise from his family.

Ilya has a strong urge for creativity and craftsmanship. He loves to work and shows his readiness to work from the first days of his life. Little Ilyusha is always ready to help his parents with housework. But Ilya does not shine at school. In his early years, Ilya was more interested in finding new friends than new knowledge. But at an older age, natural curiosity compensates for lost time.

Compatibility with other names
In the sexual aspect, Ilya is at ease with Irina, Vera, Sofia, Anna, Angela and Elena. Girls with the names Vera, Natalya, Anna and Sofia are ideal for marriage. Relationships with Evgenia, Elizaveta and Olga are threatened with divorce. It’s not easy for Ilya to get along with Larisa, Zoya, Alla.

Famous people
Ilya Repin – artist; Ilya Mechnikov is a scientist who endowed humanity with immunity, or rather developed the phagocytic theory of immunity; Ilya Glazunov – artist; Ilya Ilf is the co-author of the sparkling novel “12 Chairs”; Ilya Lagutenko - the cat's voice of Russian rock; Ilya Reznik is a composer, honor and conscience of the Soviet stage.

Video meaning of the name Ilya

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