Top workout in the gym. The best workout programs for girls in the gym for different purposes. Simple fitness program

Strength training not only carves out a figure with beautiful smooth transitions, they increase the level of the testosterone hormone. This male hormone helps not only build the right muscles and give the body an exciting appeal, but also cope with the load. And she is weighty.

Of course, if the purpose of training in the gym is to work on relief, and not to improve health and maintain physical fitness. Although, no doubt, the last motivation is no less important and also requires effort and self-control.

Regardless of what prompted the girl to step over the threshold of the gym, classes must be supervised by an instructor, according to an individual, well-designed training program.

But not everyone can afford a personal trainer, so there are approved training schemes-programs for girls of different levels of sports training and different effects on muscles.

The right program is a plan that works

where to start training?

The principle of trying everything and immediately leads to nowhere, like the first training to failure. It's not a woman's business to exhaust yourself to the limit. Instead of progress, you can easily overload your muscles by getting carried away with excessive sets and repetitions or training with excessive weights.

Caution and gradual increase in load is the first condition for future success.

Secondly, you need to start implementing the training plan with a general developmental set of exercises for all muscle groups. After getting used to the workload in 2-4 weeks, they will prepare for serious training. The third is to master the technique of performing exercises on simulators, otherwise you can get injured without achieving the desired result. Finally, it is useful to keep a personal diary, where to note what is planned to be done, how many times and, if weight is assumed, which one.

Beginner girls should not start classes on a split program, even if they are tempted to immediately start pumping up one or two “necessary” muscle groups.

This is more suitable for experienced athletes.

Warm up first

Start with a warm-up

Even if you want to fly up to the projectile and, without wasting time, proceed to the "pumping" part, this is unacceptable. There is an immutable rule - to start training on the program of any level with a warm-up. It is a mistake to neglect it, considering it an unproductive pastime. It will provide warming up of the ligamentous apparatus, muscles and joints, thereby protecting against injuries.

First, warm up in the cardio zone. 10 minutes shown followed by "uphill" on (ski) is fine too. By simultaneously using the hips, you can quickly get in shape on it. Pulse up to 100-120 beats / min. as a result of aerobic exercise for the benefit. Due to the influx of oxygen, blood supply to the muscles occurs, and cardiovascular and metabolic activity increases.

Stretching is an important part of the warm-up

good stretching is the basis of proper exercise

Dynamic stretching is needed to give elasticity to the muscles and mobility of the joints. Training them before the main workout helps to achieve the required range of motion of the arms, legs, and the greatest depth of squats. Usually these are simple tilts to the sides and forward, rotation of the arms, shoulders, lunges. It takes 8-10 minutes in time.

Stretching for a specific muscle group is also performed before the first approach when changing exercises.

How many sets, how many reps...

It all depends on the chosen program and the level of preparedness of the girl. It also matters which part of the body is preferable to train - the lower or upper. The muscles in the body of a woman are unevenly distributed, there are more of them in the lower zone, it is easier to progress there. To develop the chest and shoulders you need to strain more.

Another important factor to take into account is physiology.

Two weeks after menstruation, the body is much stronger than in the following days.

The intensity of exercises on and lower body, as well as quantitative indicators of approaches and repetitions, must be varied. This cycle of loads is called microperiodization.

Those who take into account the natural mechanism and observe sports periodization achieve powerful and lasting results.

Whatever indulgences are provided for beginners, classes in the gym are not a school physical education lesson in the preparatory group. There are other goals here, and you need to tune in to high-volume training with a short rest. This applies to both fitness and strength training. Underworking (light weights, few exercises, sets and repetitions) is equal to marking time, neither inflated buttocks nor abs will appear.

The average numbers are: 5-6 sets, each with 10-15 reps. On light training days, the number of sets is 3-4. For those who start training for the first time or come to the gym after a long break, there is a rule of fifteen repetitions.

You need to start with such a weight that you have enough strength for 15 repetitions for the first approach.

And do not do more than two approaches a day. By the next lesson, you will see how the muscles respond to the load. If you don’t get very sick, it is advisable to conduct a series of training sessions with the same load. The next approach to add after a few sessions.

Pauses between sets are small - 30-60 seconds. With severe fatigue, the rest period is allowed to be slightly increased, but the training cannot be reduced. Over time, the pauses decrease. The creation of new muscle fibers (anabolism) requires a large amount of exercise with an oxygen debt. The normal state is if the last exercises (subject to the correct technique) are really difficult to perform, but not to the limit - it is impossible to bring the muscles to microtears.

What is a "base" and why is it useful

basic exercises help to work out the maximum number of muscles

A complex effect on the body is provided by the work of many muscles. Giving yourself an hourly “multi-profile” load is much more useful than an isolated one or two muscles. Biceps or chest can be pumped if everything else is already on the level. Therefore, local training is not for girls. Body building begins with basic, multi-joint exercises, allowing you to simultaneously work out the maximum number of muscles. This is the basis of strength training (the word "base" came from bodybuilding, and there from powerlifting). There are three such exercises:

    with a barbell on the shoulders for the lower body. The squat has the highest sports rating. The following muscles are included in the work: buttocks, quadriceps, adductors of the femur, rectus and oblique abdomen, long muscles of the back. Mastering the rules of execution is a prerequisite.

    Bench press to strengthen and tighten the chest. When working on a horizontal bench, the middle muscles of the chest are involved, on an inclined bench - the upper ones. With a wide grip, the extreme sections are loaded, a narrow grip corrects a sunken chest. Best of all, the golden mean is slightly wider than the shoulders. The first set is warm-up, with light weight, the next 3-4 sets include 7-12 reps. Weight is selected individually. The weight rises on the exhale, falls slowly on a deep breath.

The most important for muscle development are the last 1-2 reps of the last set.

They are the most traumatic. It is necessary that a person belay nearby in case the trainee cannot cope with the weight.

    simultaneously for the top and bottom, including the buttocks. This is a universal exercise performed with dumbbells or with a barbell in three variations: classic, sumo, straight legs (the best exercise!). It is enough for girls to lift 12-15 kg, nothing more. It is better to start with 5kg, doing 5-10 squats in 3 sets.

At the initial stage, they have many advantages:

  • physiology; movements are consistent with the anatomy of the osteoarticular apparatus;
  • energy saving; less energy consumption due to the redistribution of muscle load;
  • a set of muscle mass in a shorter period; a high cumulative load contributes to a faster strengthening of the ligaments and joints.

In the program for beginners, basic exercises are given 80-90% of the training time. This is the main tool for the development of muscles, the foundation for building a muscular frame.

About programs and methods

Gyms abound with shells. It is impossible for a person who does not know all the subtleties of training to independently determine the program and choose exercises for a person who does not know all the intricacies of training. Even an experienced instructor may not immediately get to the point and ideally describe the training regimen in each case. Much is adjusted individually, empirically. But popular methods have already been worked out, they can be safely guided by coming to the gym.

Step by step weight loss program

losing weight correctly

This is the entry level, designed for three classes per week.

The first day

    Warm up on a treadmill, 5-10 min. Jogging with is necessary to combat extra pounds. The pace of running is slow, with excess weight, they start with a fast step. Gradually, at the same speed, increase the distance.

    Special warm-up before squats (warm-up approach) to warm up muscles and ligaments with light weight 15 times (so as not to strain).

    Squats. Start with two, then do three approaches. Working weight is selected individually. For example, with some weight they squatted 15 times, and the 16th was no longer possible ... This is the weight that is needed. Landmark - the sensations in the next workout.

    Raise the pelvis while lying on your back. Descents and ascents alternate. During lifting, the feet rest on the heels. A month (twice a week) to work out the exercise without weight, 10 repetitions, 2-3 sets with pauses of 3-4 minutes. Then go to the power version with weights on the lower abdomen (once a week). The working weight is gradually increased until it is possible to lift it 10 times. Do 4 sets with 5 minutes rest in between.

    Dumbbell press on an incline bench while sitting. Raising (exhaling) and lowering (inhaling) two dumbbells at the same time. The technique is practiced at low weight. Overloading is dangerous, you can dislocate your shoulder. Perform the same 2-3 approaches. The number of repetitions and weight by strength. If 12 kg will eventually be taken - excellent.

The working weight and the number of presses are selected for a weak hand.

    Twisting on an incline bench. We make cubes on the stomach - we swing the press, performing concentrated bending. Two exercises - for the upper and lower (below the navel) press, 2 sets and 12 repetitions each. A month later, the same is done with weight on the chest - 1 time per week.

Ab exercises do not remove belly fat. This is achieved by overall weight loss.

  • Stretch: shoulders, triceps, abs, buttocks, thighs.

Second day

  • Treadmill.
  • Special stretching before the bench press.
  • Bench press (a scheme similar to the bench press). A narrow grip forms the muscles that push the chest.
  • The thrust of the horizontal block (with preliminary special stretching). When pulling the handle of the simulator to the stomach, exhale, while retracting - inhale. Scheme 2/3, weight up to 12 kg.
  • Stretch: triceps, pecs, lats, biceps.

Day Three

  • Treadmill.
  • Vertical block pull to the chest or pull-up in Graviton. The last exercise is more effective. With the help of a counterweight, push-ups and plump ones are much more comfortable. The latissimus dorsi and biceps are loaded. Exercise is useful for scoliosis. Scheme: 2/3 to 10 pull-ups.
  • Lifting dumbbells from a seated position on an incline bench. Biceps are forming. Movements are smooth, without jerks, lowering is slower. The number of approaches is from 2, working weight is up to 10 kg.
  • Bench press on a vertical block simulator to the bottom. Triceps are being developed. Weight up to 10 kg, 2/3 approaches. A useful exercise for those involved in swimming, basketball, gymnastics, badminton.
  • Stretch: triceps, biceps, lats.

After the end of the workout, to restore muscle glycogen and additional insulin formation, you need to eat a sweet fruit or drink 200 ml of grape juice.

In this case, the muscles will not lose in size, and at the same time adrenaline and cortisol will decrease in the blood.

Video: How to lose weight on your own in the gym?

Weight gain program

weight gain exercises for skinny people

Rare skinny girls come to the gym for biceps. Most are concerned about the convex shape of the buttocks, elastic hips,. These places are the focus of training.

The sequence of exercises (there are seven of them) is as follows: on the press, lumbar, buttocks, legs, upper body.

Preference is given to working with free weights (barbell, dumbbells), not on simulators. In order to gain muscle mass, three training options are practiced, which can be alternated with two visits to the gym or performed three days a week. Warm up and stretch by default.

Option A

  1. Twisting (on a Roman chair, incline bench, on the floor, on the upper block of your choice): 3/10-19 times;
  2. Trunk tilts (back extension in the simulator,): 3/10-19 times;
  3. Squats with a barbell (behind the shoulders and on the chest) or dumbbells: 6-12 squats in 4-5 sets (start with 2-3);
  4. Push-ups (wide grip from the floor or on the simulator - chest press): 3-4 / 6-14 times;
  5. Reduction of hands with dumbbells from a prone position on a horizontal plane (on the "butterfly" simulator, in a crossover): 3-4 / up to 15 times;
  6. Pull-ups with a block to the chest or pull-ups behind the head with a wide grip: 4/8-15 times;
  7. Pullover on straight arms (work with a cable in the upper block) or with dumbbells lying down: 3/12-15 times;

Option B

  1. Raising the legs (in the hang, sitting in the simulator with emphasis on the elbows): 3/10-19 times;
  2. Deadlift (forward bends with a barbell on the shoulders, classic with dumbbells): 4-5 / 8-15 times;
  3. Lunges (with dumbbells, barbell, while walking): 4/8-15 times;
  4. Barbell / dumbbell presses (from the chest, from behind the head while standing or sitting): 4/8-12 times;
  5. Push-ups at the back of the bench: 4/10-15 times;
  6. Bending the arms with dumbbells behind the head (French bench press) standing or sitting: 3-4 / 10-15 times;
  7. Mahi arms to the sides from the hip to the horizontal (with dumbbells) 3/10-15 times;

Option C

  1. Twisting lying on the floor with legs thrown over the "pedestal": 3/10-19 times;
  2. Tilts on straight legs with dumbbells or a barbell on the shoulders (deadlift): 4/10-15 times;
  3. Squats with two dumbbells or weight between the legs: 4-5 / 10-15 times;
  4. Dumbbell (barbell) bench press lying or sitting in the simulator: 4-5 / 8-15 times;
  5. Thrust of the lower (horizontal) block: 4/10-15 times;
  6. Sitting vertical block pull alternately narrow and reverse grip: 4/10-15 times;
  7. High thrust (lifting dumbbells / barbells to the chin while standing): 3 / 10-15 times.

Under the condition of proper nutrition, in 2-2.5 months, stubborn ones build up to 4 kg of muscle.

For advanced girls

  1. Warm up;
  2. Twisting to the pelvis: 5-6 / max. number (before burning in the press area);
  3. Hanging leg raises: 5-6/max. number;
  4. Squats with a barbell (on both surfaces of the thigh, buttocks): 5/10-15 times;
  5. Deadlift: 5/10-15 times;
  6. Thrust of the upper block (on the muscles of the back): 5/10-15 times;
  7. Bent Over Row: 5/10-15 reps;
  8. Bench press, narrow grip (on arm muscles): 5/10-15 times;
  9. Lifting the bar for biceps: 5/10-15 times;
  10. Mahi dumbbells to the sides (on the shoulder girdle in a complex): 5/10-15 times;
  11. Pulling the bar to the chin: 5 / 10-15 times.

For beginners

beginner program

The first month of training is the hardest. Still weak muscle tone, the cardiovascular system not prepared for sports loads, excess weight that interferes with exercise ... Therefore, the entry into the working mode is gradual, according to an adaptive scheme. So, on the first day they do one approach with a minute rest in between, in the second - two approaches and with a reduced pause for recovery up to 50 seconds. From the third day the program has been running without changes.

  • Cardio load (treadmill, elliptical trainer,) - 10 min.;
  • Warm-up with stretching - 10 minutes;
  • Hanging knee lifts on the horizontal bar: 3 / up to 20 times;
  • Leg extension and flexion at the knees while sitting and lying down: 3/10-12 times;
  • Women's barbell squats: 3 / up to 20 times;
  • Retraction of the leg back (on a bench, in a crossover, block simulator): 3 / up to 25 times;
  • Leg swings to the sides (with the cuff of the lower block attached): 3 / up to 25 times;
  • Hyperextension (emphasis under the hips): 3/10-15 times;
  • Pulldown of the vertical block to the chest (reverse grip): 2/10-12 times;
  • Classic dumbbell bench press or folding hands on a "butterfly": 3/10 times;
  • French bench press (dumbbell behind the head) sitting: 2/10-12 times;

After 12-15 workouts, they give rest to the muscles and recovery time up to 7 days.

Common mistakes newbies make at the gym.

Emphasis on legs and buttocks

strengthen buttocks and legs

    Squat with weight on the shoulders (body bar, bar)- the best exercise for pumping legs and buttocks. The gluteal muscles work at the very bottom. When standing up, when the thighs become parallel to the floor, the quadriceps femoris muscles bear the load. Therefore, to jointly pump up the buttocks and thighs, deep squats with full extension are performed. Without weights: 3 / 20-25 reps, with free weights: 3 / 10-15 reps.

    Lunges. They create the shape of the buttocks lunges forward. For circular fat burning, lunges back with alternating rise to a chair are useful. Without weight: 3/15 reps each with the left and right leg. With dumbbells or barbell 3/10.

    Deadlift on straight legs (Romanian deadlift). With a flat bottom, exercise should be given special attention. It forms the back arch, develops the buttocks and develops the hamstrings. Without weights: 3/20-30 times. In the power version 3/10-15 times. If there are problems with the spine, the analogue is hyperextension.

    Glute Bridge(tearing off the pelvis from the horizontal plane from the prone position). This is an isolation exercise for the buttocks. Without weights: 3/20-30 times. With a bar or barbell on the pelvic area: 3/10-15 times.

Split program for strong arms, shoulders, back

split program for advanced girls

Split programs are designed for girls who have been training for over two years. Split schemes are separate cyclically repeated workouts for muscle groups, separated by days.

The training begins with a visit to the cardio zone, followed by a warm-up approach to warm up the muscles.

Shoulder development:

  • standing french press: 3/10-12 times;
  • dumbbell bench press sitting on a bench with a back (grip from yourself): 3/10-12 times;
  • Arnold press (with rotation of the wrists): 3/10-12 times;
  • dumbbell pull to the chin: 3/10-12 times;
  • lifting dumbbells to the sides and in front of you: 3/10-12 times.

Back development (wide grip):

  • pull of the upper block to the chest and behind the head: 3/10-15 times;
  • pull-ups: 3/10-15 times;
  • bent over row: 3/10-15 reps.

Second day - development of hands

  • pull-ups with a reverse grip 3/10 times;
  • California bench press (with a turn of the elbow to the body): 3/10 times;
  • standing barbell curl: 3/10 times;
  • extension of arms while standing (on a cable simulator): 3/12 times.

The break between sets is extended - 2 minutes.

The main training time is 1 hour-1 hour 10 minutes.

Complete 3 day workout program

we connect the maximum number of muscles to work

Three times a week every other day is an optimized regimen for girls who work out in a fitness center or “gym”. The body needs to be given rest to recover, in addition, muscles grow precisely in a state of rest. The principle of the layout of exercises is based on the sequential loading of muscles. The choice of exercises is determined by their ability to involve as many of them as possible in the work.

Monday Tuesday)

  • Warm-up (any cardio equipment) 10-15 minutes.

On the muscular corset of the back:

  • Vertical block pull: 2-3/12 times, weight 10-15 kg.
  • Horizontal block pull: 2-3/10 times, weight 10 kg.

For chest muscles:

  • Breeding dumbbells lying down: 3/10 times, weight 3 kg.

For the relief of the hands:

  • Lifting dumbbells for biceps: 3/15 times, weight 3 kg.

To strengthen the upper and inner thighs:

  • Reduction of legs on the simulator: 2/20 times, weight 15-20 kg.
  • Leg extension on the simulator while sitting: 3/12 times, weight 10-15 kg.
  • Bending the legs on the simulator lying on the stomach: 3/15 times, weight 15 kg.

On the muscles of the lower back and buttocks:

  • Hyperextension: 3/12 times.

For abdominals:

  • Twisting: 2/12-15 times.
  • Warm up on a treadmill or elliptical trainer for 15 minutes.

Wednesday Thursday)

  • Warm up 10-15 minutes.

On the back:

  • Vertical block pull: 3/12 times, weight 10-15 kg

For back and arms:

  • Breeding dumbbells lying on the stomach: 3/10 times, weight 4 kg
  • Bench press in the simulator (bench press): 3/10 times. Start without weight.

On the shoulder girdle:

  • Dumbbell bench press from the shoulders up while sitting: 3/10 times, weight 3 kg

For thighs and buttocks:

  • Leg press (replacement of squats for problems with the spine): 3/10 times. Start without weight.
  • Plie squats (with a dumbbell between the legs): 3/15 times, weight 6 kg.
  • Lunges (squat "scissors" with dumbbells): 3/20 times, weight 3 kg.
  • Hyperextension: 3/12 times.
  • (twisting): 3/15 (2/12) times.
  • Warm up on a treadmill or (if you need to lose weight) up to 15 minutes.

Friday Saturday)

  • Warm up 10-15 minutes.
  • Vertical block pull: 2-3/10 times.
  • Horizontal block pull: 2-3/10 times.
  • Bench press in the Hammer simulator while sitting: 2/10 times.
  • Leg press with different leg position 3/10 reps.
  • Leg extension in the simulator: 3/12 times.
  • Bending the legs in the simulator: 3/15 times.
  • Straight-legged barbell row: 3/15 reps without weights.
  • Smith machine lunges or hyperextensions: 3/12 reps.
  • Twisting on a bench with an inclination down (on a fitball): 3/15 times.
  • Warm-up on a stationary bike or treadmill (if you need to lose weight): up to 15 minutes.

This program is designed for three months, then a new complex is selected.

How long to practice and when to expect results

When training in the gym, everyone pursues their own goal: to lose weight, gain weight, build muscle or increase endurance. Accordingly, the results have to be evaluated according to various criteria. For example, if you wanted to build muscle mass and increase strength, a centimeter tape will show the result, the scales and a mirror will reflect the process of losing weight. By following the schedule of classes and proper nutrition the effort expended will begin to pay off in 6-8 weeks.

Keep in mind that muscles develop in different ways. So, cubes on the stomach appear much later than the biceps on the arms. Many changes are generally difficult to notice quickly by eye. But patience and hard work will be rewarded. It happens that some exercises performed are chosen incorrectly and hinder the achievement of the expected result. Then you need to adjust the program and keep moving forward. Make training an integral part of your life and the result will come.

Hello. In this edition you will learn top workout for girls in the gym. For those who temporarily do not have the opportunity to train their legs for any reason, we will train the top for now.

In order not to lie on the couch, but we will train at least what is possible! What are the problem areas in women? This is triceps, back, upper chest. And the first exercise is pull-up in the gravitron.

A few technical details. We climb onto the simulator, take it with a wide grip of the leg, put it on the platform, look at the top, deviate a little. And on exhalation we bring the shoulder blades up fixed ourselves.

Stretched out for a breath, completely lowered the back down. And so we do 20 repetitions. Do not forget that the movements should be smooth, completely stretched the back completely reduced.

It is on the gravitron that smooth pulling and smooth stretching is done. Dear girls, do you want to know how to effectively pump up the buttocks in the gym? The second exercise is upper block pull wide grip on the head.

We take a wide grip, sit down. We lower the head a little to the bottom and on the exhale we bring the shoulder blades together, on the inhale they stretched completely. Girls and women definitely need to keep an eye on the upper body, summer is coming and when you put on dresses and Olivier hangs on your back! Not in order! Let's get rid of him!

Do not forget to do at least 20 repetitions, strain your back muscles. That is, do everything with your back if your arms get tired, then the weight is too big. Reduce the weight you should do 20-25 repetitions. And we don't make the usual mistakes.

Most people jerk their arms stupidly, in this position the back does not work. You must fully stretch the muscles of the back and from the top position pull behind the head, bringing the shoulder blades together. Without any jerks! Movement must be smooth! Only with the right exercise will you be able to strengthen your back!

And for those girls who, for whatever reason, circumstances, cannot go to the gym, I specially compiled a set of exercises for your back at home. And we continue to work out the back, we do traction with one hand in an inclination.

We start the hand a little bit forward, while exhaling we pull the dumbbell to the waist. Stretched the back completely to the bottom and contracted as you exhale. You don't have to do stupidly up and down. Please note: we stand at close range so that you are comfortable.

Accordingly, the legs were placed in a strut, the back is even, not stooped. The leg needs to be placed a little back and to the side for emphasis. Do not put it too forward because it will interfere with the movement of the dumbbell.

Do not forget the most important thing is to choose the right weight, do not grab a large dumbbell, you should feel exactly the back muscles! You need to do 20-25 repetitions, the back will be tight and taut and you can wear any dress! And the next great exercise bench press in Smith

How good is Smith? If you move the bench correctly, it is very difficult to do it wrong. No need to hang too much, you should feel a burning sensation of the muscles during the exercise!

It is clear that for the first 5 repetitions it may seem to you Oh! It's easy for me! No need to flatter yourself, do 20-25 repetitions. If it's really easy then add weight, burning should be the last 5-10 reps.

Elbows at a right angle, lower the bar to the top of the chest while inhaling, squeeze it out as you exhale. And another great exercise. dumbbell bench press on an incline bench.

We set the angle of the bench to 30-45 degrees, took the dumbbells in our hands, lay down and lifted them above the chest. Unfolded and lowered while stretching the upper chest as much as possible. And on the exhale, due to the chest, we reduce and connect the dumbbells. It is important not to move your hands too wide.

We lower them clearly to the shoulders, stretching the chest. And as you exhale, do not squeeze them over your head, but press them over your chest. Don't try to do the nasty exercise faster just to get it done. You need to feel the muscle group that you are working on.

If your shoulders are tired, then the weight is too heavy, take dumbbells lighter and do 20 repetitions. Fix the movement at the bottom point for a couple of seconds.

Here is such top workout for girls in the gym we get it. Another problem area is triceps Most women have underdeveloped triceps.

It is important to stand at close range and do not forget to keep your back straight. No need to strongly bend like a cat, just stand up with a flat back. The leg was placed at point-blank range, the arm was bent and, on exhalation, we take it back. Strongly to the chest do not start the hand, make sure that the back does not twist.

When it is difficult for some, they begin to twist their backs. Remember to work for many repetitions 20-25 must perform the exercise clearly! No swings due to inertia, a flat back and clear movements! Another exercise is triceps in a reverse grip crossover.

Let's create more stress for the triceps! They pressed their elbows to the body slightly tilted. And on exhalation, we unbend the forearm, the elbows remain motionless.

No need to help yourself with your elbows. We work clearly with triceps! We continue to struggle with our problematic hands and the simplest exercise

We put the handles along the line of the hips, the elbows look back too wide, do not put the hands. If you put your feet closer, it will be easier if you are an advanced user, you can do it with straight legs. The back goes along the bench, the back should be flat.

And we stretch ourselves clearly at the expense of the hands! Many help themselves with their feet, this is not right! In this exercise, we do as much as we can to the point of failure.

So you learned the basic and effective exercises for problem areas, how to combine them with each other. Here is another set of exercises for beginners for you, the beginning of training in the gym for girls (legs)

The most important thing in training is a lot of repetitions, little rest, the correct execution of exercises. Concentrate on the muscle group you are training. To be beautiful you need to do everything right!

Thank you for your attention. All the best to you friends!!!

Sincerely, admin

Most of the exercises presented in the review are optimal for women and can be performed at home. With the help of these exercises, you can achieve the desired results in losing weight, remove excess fat from the abdomen, strengthen your back, get beautiful hips and elastic buttocks and achieve a slender and harmonious figure in general.
All that is needed for this is albeit not too long, but constant classes. Even half an hour of exercise a day will help to achieve good results.

30 top fitness exercises for women

Warm-up exercises

The main purpose of the warm-up is to gradually increase body temperature and warm up muscles that are in a state of inactivity.

Jumping with arm swings and leg extension

This is one of the most basic and fundamental exercises in gymnastics.

Its implementation is simple, but it is also incredibly healthy. Exercise burns an incredible number of calories, warms up the body perfectly, stimulates the heart muscle and makes you stronger.

Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, arms down. Next, bend your knees a little and make a small jump up.
While jumping, spread your legs wide. At the same time, raise your arms wide apart and bring them together above your head. When landing - legs apart, hands on top.
Then, jump up again and return to the starting position.

Running in place with knees high

Excellent workout for legs and hips.

Burns fat and improves lower body flexibility.

During classes, you should adhere to the usual running pace. Raise your legs to parallel with the floor. You can only breathe through your nose.
Running is recommended to be carried out with short-term slowdowns or accelerations of movement.

Full body exercises

Recently, most girls want to have not just a wasp waist and thin, slender legs, like a model, but a sculpted body and an athletic figure. Relief training is becoming more and more popular and in demand among the fair sex.

Straight arm plank

The plank exercise is considered one of the most effective exercises for pumping the abdominal muscles and most other muscles.

It is unique in that it works out several different muscle groups at the same time without devices and simulators. These are the muscles of the press, shoulder girdle, arms, back, legs, buttocks. It also increases the endurance of the whole organism, helps to lose weight due to the acceleration of metabolism, and even improves the psycho-emotional state.

Exercise technique:
Take an emphasis lying down. From this position, rise in such a way that you rely only on your palms and toes.
The hands should be exactly under the shoulders. Do not bend your legs, keep them straight. The back position is absolutely straight. The shoulder blades are down.
Do not round your back or stick out your tailbone. The gaze is directed forward. The press must be kept at maximum tension and not relaxed until the end of the plank.
Feet can be placed together, or can be parted to shoulder width. The wider the feet are, the easier it is to perform the exercise, but at the same time you will reduce the efficiency of the muscles.
Breathing is calm and continuous.

side plank

The side blank is a more advanced variation of the basic version of the exercise.

The difficulty lies in balancing on two, maximum three points of support. On the first attempt, this technique is not done and it is difficult to stay in this position. If it works out, after a couple of weeks you can observe a toned figure and a decrease in “reserves” of fat.
The essence of the side plank is alternately balancing each side above the floor, leaning on the palm or elbow and the outer part of the foot. This hang-up engages and trains more muscles than a regular plank. The result is more intense calorie burning and muscle training.

Exercise technique:
Lie on your side, on the mat, straighten your legs to be comfortable. For greater comfort, place your elbow under your shoulder and place your palm perpendicular to your body.
Rise up on your elbow, make sure you are comfortable and your shoulder and elbow are in a straight vertical line. The elbow set aside does not fit. This must be done in order for you to feel stable. The legs are extended in a straight line and lie on top of each other.
Now lift your feet forward. You can put the second hand, which is on top, on your side, rest against your waist, put it behind your head or lift it up.
Take your eyes off your feet and look straight ahead. You can’t lower your head, it will be difficult to breathe and perform the exercise.
Breathe into your belly, slowly and deeply. On the next breath, lift your buttocks off the mat. Keep balance on the elbow and side of the foot. To do this, you need to tighten the muscles of the body, buttocks and legs.
To avoid loosening the body, the muscles must be kept tense and imagine that there is a stick (rope, thread, wire) from the heels to the head and you need to keep it even with your body.
During the execution of the bar, you should feel how tense the body is. “Hanging” of the body does not occur due to raising the buttocks alone. It is necessary, tensing the muscles, to raise and hold the body on two points of support.
If it is difficult to perform the exercise with straight legs lying on top of each other, you can move one leg slightly forward or bend the lower leg at the knee. Be sure to breathe evenly and deeply.
The entrance to the bar occurs on inspiration. Be sure to record the time spent in a static pose.
The minimum time that can be considered a workout is 15 seconds, the maximum is 90. If desired, the time spent in this position can be increased.


The legendary crossfit exercise that does not leave anyone indifferent.

He is either adored or hated with all his heart.
Burpee is an exercise that combines several consecutive movements, such as squatting, lying down and jumping. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that for 1 cycle of its implementation, the athlete works out the maximum number of muscle groups of the body, using almost all the main ones. But the leg muscles undoubtedly receive the key load.
Burpees are a multi-joint exercise that engages the knees, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and feet. And everyone is quite active.

Exercise technique:
Starting position - standing. Then we sit down on the cards, rest our hands on the floor in front of us - hands shoulder-width apart (strictly!).
Then we recline our legs back and take the position of emphasis lying on our hands.
We do push-ups in such a way as to touch the floor with the chest and hips.
Quickly move back to the handstand position.
And also quickly move to position number 5. With one small jump of the legs, we return to the starting position. In fact, 4-5 steps is one movement.
And the finishing touch is a vertical jump and a clap overhead. (Note: Be sure to be completely upright and clap straight over your head.)
You can not slouch - the back should be straight.


Push-ups are one of the most effective and common functional exercises among athletes.

Considering what muscles work when pushing up from the floor, it is fair to say that this exercise not only strengthens the elbow ligaments, tendons, loads the chest and triceps.
Regular push-ups burn a large amount of calories, which makes the exercise a good helper in losing weight.
Due to push-ups, metabolism improves, and the process of lipolysis (fat burning) proceeds much faster. Local load on the chest and triceps will visually improve the muscle relief and “tighten” these places, which is especially important for women during the recovery period after childbirth and breastfeeding. Regular push-ups will help to remove excess accumulated adipose tissue and get rid of cellulite on the arms, which will only emphasize the athletic shape.

Exercise technique:
Take an emphasis lying down. It is important to keep the whole body straight and taut like a string, only then the exercise will be performed technically correctly. The shoulders should be slightly above the level of the pelvis, in no case vice versa.
Statically tighten your abdominal muscles to make it easier for you to control the position of the body. Place your palms at shoulder level parallel to each other, do not bring them forward or backward. The optimal setting of the hands is at the level of the width of the shoulders or slightly wider.
Elbows look strictly back. Do not place them to the sides - this position is extremely traumatic for the elbow joints and ligaments. The gaze should not be directed straight down or straight ahead. Position your head in a comfortable position without rounding your cervical spine.
Begin to slowly lower yourself down, bending your elbows and at the same time inhaling. Remember to keep your back straight. Go down until a right angle is formed between the biceps and forearm.
Then straighten your elbows, exhaling, and return to the starting position.


Running is one of the most popular types among all sports disciplines.

Running is not only for amateurs who want to get in shape and stay healthy, but also for professionals.
There are many benefits to your health and life in general by running. Only with the right running technique, breathing, moderate heart rate, you can benefit from training, otherwise, no less harm can be done.
The main load when running falls on the muscles of the lower leg (soleus, calf), thigh muscles - the quadriceps and biceps muscles, as well as the gluteal muscles. But you can’t judge running only by the movement of the legs, the rest of the muscles also receive sufficient load.
Thanks to the simultaneous movement of the arms while running, the muscles of the torso, abdominals, muscles of the back and arms are also constantly in tension. Therefore, running affects even the smallest muscles of the body, strengthens not only the legs, but also brings the whole body into tone.

Exercise technique:
When running, it is important to keep the axis of the spine in a natural position - you can not take the pelvis back, performing a strong tilt, or push the pelvis forward, tilting the body back. Both positions will slow down the speed and negatively affect the joints and spine.
The foot must be in full contact with the ground or track. Land on the center of your foot, not your heel or toe.
Move your arms at the same time as your legs move, your arms help you accelerate better and make your torso muscles work.
Don't hold your breath and don't breathe too fast. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, slowly releasing the air. Try to inhale when the right foot touches the floor, this will avoid internal pressure on the organs, and eliminate pain in the side.
The feet should be in a position parallel to each other, not withdrawing inward or apart.

Press exercises

To get a well-defined relief on the stomach, you will need to follow a strict diet. But in any case, it is the training on the press that can make your stomach flat and toned.


Vacuum is one of the most effective exercises for toning the abdominal muscles.

The effect is achieved by alternating contraction and relaxation of the transverse abdominis muscle in combination with a controlled breathing pattern.
If you perform a vacuum of the abdomen in accordance with all the rules, you can significantly reduce unwanted waist size within a month or two of constant training.
Exercise "vacuum" is, first of all, the work of the transverse muscle (which is considered the most capricious and lazy abdominal muscle), which is obliged to support the internal organs of the abdominal cavity and the spine.
It is transverse not only in name, but also in character: practically none of the exercises for the press affects it so tonic as the performance of the "vacuum".

Exercise technique:
take a starting position (standing straight or lying on your back);
take a deep breath, gaining the maximum amount of air into the lungs;
while exhaling, draw in the stomach, trying, as it were, to “glue” its front wall to the back; hold this position for 10-15 seconds (at the initial stages);
return to starting position.

Raising the legs off the floor

A universal remedy for maintaining the tone of the abdominal muscles in any circumstances

Doing leg raises while lying on the floor is an easier version of hanging leg raises. The exercise can be easily done at home. This does not require any additional devices.
What are lying leg raises used for: to strengthen the abdominal muscles, especially their lower part, at any level of physical fitness; to increase the strength of the abdominal press and its endurance, as an element of morning exercises for children and adults.
Exercise has a therapeutic effect on the body. In particular, it is used as an element in the prevention of osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia, and is also suitable for rehabilitation after abdominal operations on the peritoneum.

Exercise technique:
Starting position: lying on your back, on the floor.
Raising your head is not recommended, as this makes the exercise easier. Legs together. We start raising both legs to an angle of 45-60 degrees, maintain a pause of 1-2 seconds in the raised state and lower it back.
There are two options for this exercise:
1) lowering the heels to the floor. This is easier to do, since when you touch the floor, your press is resting.
2) without lowering your heels to a horizontal surface, leaving 1-2 cm to it. This is the most effective version of the exercise, which keeps your abs in tension all the time.


The crunch is one of the most effective abdominal exercises.

By doing it, you can pump up beautiful cubes or simply strengthen and tighten your stomach.
What muscles work: the rectus abdominis, primarily the upper part of the rectus muscle.
Difficulty of execution: medium, the exercise is suitable for beginners.
The twist is done by rounding the back, not by "bringing" the shoulders to the knees with strong hip flexion. When performing the exercise, round the spine, and move your shoulders forward.

Exercise technique:
lie on the floor or on an incline bench;
leave your legs straight or bend at the knees;
gently bend the body, lifting your shoulders off the floor; straighten up,
returning to its original position.

Reverse crunches

Reverse crunches or crunches are one of the most effective lower abs exercises.

This exercise is no less effective. It is designed for the lower region of the abdominal muscles. Perform it in the opposite way - the press is worked out by lifting the legs, not the body. This exercise can be done lying on the floor or on a bench.
With a similar nature of movement, namely, when we begin to twist from the lower body to the upper, the lower region of the rectus abdominis is better included in the work. Thus, we give the press a load from a slightly different angle. The same muscle works, but in a different way, which has a good effect on the effectiveness of the exercise. Training the abs from different angles allows you to make it strong and get the desired cubes, if you also work on burning fat.
As a result of regular exercise, you will ensure the active development of the press. The stomach will tighten, over time you will be able to find the desired relief.
In addition, the exercise is good because the load on the lower back during its implementation is much less than with classic twists.
Also, when performed correctly, reverse twisting has a beneficial effect on posture.

Exercise technique:
First, lie on your back, lift your legs and bend them at the knees. Now you need to lift your legs, while bringing them closer to the body (your knees should move towards your chest), and also folding your buttocks.
When you reach the point of peak muscle contraction, stop for a second and return your body to its original position by slowly lowering your legs. But don't put them on the floor. During the entire approach, they should be on weight - this is important for high-quality muscle development.
The positive phase of the exercise is done on exhalation, and the negative phase on inhalation, but in this case, exhalation should be performed only at the point of peak contraction. That is, while performing the main movement, we gradually hold our breath.
The optimal number of repetitions of the exercise is 10-25.

Side crunches

Diagonal twists or side crunches are one of the most effective exercises for pumping the oblique abdominal muscles.

Exercise technique:
We take the starting position on the mat: lying on your back, bend your knees and turn them slightly to the side (opposite to the side whose muscles you will train).
If you work out the muscles on the left, then the legs are turned to the right. Place one hand behind your head, and place the other on your stomach (you can use it to control the contraction of the press) or next to the body.
We exhale and pull the right elbow to the right knee, linger for a few seconds and take the starting position while inhaling.
We repeat 12-15 times in three sets.

Exercises for the buttocks and thighs

The buttocks area is often a zone of "attack" of body fat. This is because this part of the body, as a rule, is least exposed to physical stress. For this reason, the lymph flow is disturbed, fatty deposits appear, which can be dealt with only by using several methods at once in a complex.

Classic deadlift

The deadlift is one of the most common exercises among all sports disciplines.

This exercise is excellent for gaining muscle mass, increasing strength, since here we can work with serious weights, while engaging almost all muscle groups of our body.

Exercise technique:
With the classic deadlift, we take the bar at shoulder width, the legs are a little narrower, the feet are parallel to each other.
The bar of the bar is as close to the shins as possible, so it is recommended to use leggings when performing deadlifts. The shoulder blades and shoulders are laid back a little.
The movement begins with the movement of the legs - the bar must be “torn off” by the effort of the quadriceps and buttocks.
When the bar has passed 20-30% of the amplitude, you need to start moving with your back, fully straighten in the lower back and fix in the final position.
You can use dumbbells instead of a barbell.


Squats are an effective way to tighten your buttocks and tidy up your legs.

The hips and buttocks are one of the most problematic areas of the female body, because it is in these areas that the fat layer is deposited in the first place.
Benefits of squats:
strengthen the muscles of the thighs, the cortex;
improve posture;
build muscle mass (when using additional weights);
involve most of the muscles of the lower body;
create the necessary load on the cardiovascular system;
increase the endurance of the body;
improve coordination of movements.

Exercise technique:
Set your feet shoulder-width apart and lower yourself as low as possible.
Make sure that the knees do not go beyond the line of the socks, and the back remains absolutely straight.
Repeat the exercise 10 times. Thus, you give a load to all the muscles of the legs and buttocks.


Lunges are considered one of the most effective and beneficial exercises for pumping the gluteal muscles.

This is a classic exercise for the muscles of the legs and buttocks, which is used in strength, aerobic and interval training.

Exercise technique:
During the entire lunge cycle, you should keep your upper body upright: back straight, shoulder blades together, stomach tucked in, shoulders down. The gaze is directed forward.
The front and back legs should be bent so that the thighs and lower legs form a right angle. Also, a right angle should be between your body and the thigh of your front leg.
The thigh of the front leg in the lunge should be parallel to the floor, the knee does not go beyond the toe. The knee of the back leg is a few centimeters from the floor, but does not touch it.
The step forward during the lunge should be wide enough and amplitude. Narrow stride lunges put more strain on the quads, while wide stride lunges put more pressure on the glutes.
It is important to distribute the weight evenly between the two feet, shifting the weight a little more to the front foot. To maintain balance, turn the toe of the front foot slightly inward. When returning to the starting position, push off the floor with your heels.
Engage your glutes and hamstrings while lunging. They should be tense, you should feel a stretch in the gluteal muscle. To do this, you can slightly bend the lower back.
It is better to perform lunges first on one leg, then on the other. There is an option to alternately perform lunges, but this is technically more difficult and reduces the load on the gluteal muscle.
Stay focused throughout all stages of the exercise to maintain balance and avoid injury.

Glute Bridge

Thanks to the gluteal bridge, not only the shape and size, but also the strength of the gluteal muscles changes.

It is a buttock lift that is performed from a prone position. You should not set yourself up in advance that, due to the presence of the word "bridge", this exercise requires excessive flexibility and plasticity. This is not true. It is quite simple and easy, can be done at any level of sports training.
Exercise technique:
Starting position - lying on your back, emphasis on bent legs, arms along the body, lower back tightly pressed to the floor; Position of action - on a deep exhalation, the pelvic region and the back rush up until the body takes the position of an even stretched string. At the same time, the lower back should be slightly tucked so as not to overload it. At the highest point, we squeeze the buttocks as much as possible; Return position - while inhaling, without ceasing to compress the gluteal muscles, we return to the lower point.


Hyperextension is one of the basic exercises for strengthening the back muscles.

This exercise is a strength exercise. To provide support to the body, it must be performed on a Roman chair. The correct technique for performing hyperextension allows you to strengthen the buttocks, muscles of the core and lower back.
The advantage of hyperextension is that it can be performed by both advanced and novice athletes. The main thing is to master the correct execution technique, which will allow you to get the most out of the exercise.
Exercise technique:
They lie face down on the bench, and the legs in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shins are fixed on special platforms.
The body is straightened, crossing the arms in front of the chest, thereby taking the starting position.
The back is kept straight and exhaled, slowly lowering down to the maximum possible.
The lowering of the body should fall on the inhalation of air, so that both the dorsal lower and the biceps of the thigh muscles are stretched.
They begin to rise up, exhaling. It should be clearly felt how all the muscle groups to which the exercise is directed are reduced.

Pulling the leg back with an emphasis on the hands

This is one of the best exercises that targets the gluteal muscles.

If you want to get rid of cellulite, then this exercise is for you.
Exercise can do wonders for your thigh and lower back muscles. This exercise is also called the hip extension on the floor. You don't need any special equipment to perform this exercise.

Exercise technique:
Get on all fours, emphasis on hands and knees, for convenience, you can use a fitness mat.
Hands are at shoulder level, below them. Knees and hips are straight. The torso, as well as the head, are located directly.
Start lifting your right leg, keeping the angle at the knee, until the thigh is parallel to the floor. In this case, the leg should be directed towards the ceiling.
Try to take your leg back as much as possible, the upper body and the press do not strain.
Lower your leg to the starting position, then repeat the same with your left leg.
Do at least 8 reps with each leg

Leading the leg to the side with an emphasis on the hands

The easiest exercise to work out the buttocks and the outer thigh at the same time.

It is a variation of the classic bent leg back swing.

Exercise technique:
Get down on the floor (mat) and take an emphasis on your elbows and knees: knees under the hips, and palms a little further than shoulder level.
Maintain a natural arch in your lower back.
The gaze is directed downward in front of you.
Bend your left leg at the knee to an angle of 90 degrees and pull the sock towards you.
Take your left leg to the side, and then return it to its original position, make sure that the back is as motionless as possible
Similarly, the exercise is performed for the right leg.
Perform the required number of times (for two legs)

Back exercises

Back training is a fundamental factor in the further and development of the growth of the athlete's muscles. The back corset is involved in almost all basic exercises, and in terms of size, this muscle group takes second place, second only to the legs.

Breeding dumbbells sitting in an incline

An effective exercise for high-quality study of the back muscles

Incline dumbbell raises allow you to work out the muscle much better, because, when working with free weight, more muscle fibers are turned on, and energy costs increase. This version of the swings is performed while sitting, while lying on the hips with the stomach, this helps to concentrate more on the movement of the hands. The emphasis will help not to think about the position of the spine, but you should not forget about the quality of the technique at all.

Exercise technique:
Sit on the edge of the bench, hold small dumbbells in your hands, lie with your stomach on your hips. Hands hang freely above the floor, elbows are slightly bent and turned to the sides.
Exhale: we perform reverse dilutions of dumbbells through the sides, without lifting the body, the position of the body does not change.
Inhale: Slower than the swing up, lower the dumbbells down.
Perform 8-12 times, the lower the weight of the load, the more repetitions. Total 3-4 sets with a rest of 1-2 minutes.

Bent over arms with dumbbells

The exercise as a whole strengthens most of the back muscles very well.

Leaning back with dumbbells is designed to develop the latissimus dorsi, trapezius muscles, triceps, and rear deltoid muscle bundles.

Exercise technique:
Prepare dumbbells of the desired weight. Stand next to them, lean forward and take the dumbbells in your hands, maintaining the tilt position. The back is straight, parallel to the floor, the lower back is arched.
Legs about 10-20 cm wide, slightly bent at the knees.
Push your arms back vigorously, keeping your arms slightly bent at the elbows. Bring your shoulder blades together and feel the contraction of the trapezius and latissimus dorsi. Hold for a moment in the highest position and slowly return the dumbbells back to the starting position.
Repeat as many times as needed.
Exhale as you move your arms back, inhale as you lower your arms.


A simple but extremely effective exercise for the back muscles, especially in the lower part, including the buttocks.

Strong elastic buttocks are the dream of every woman, and the superman exercise actively contributes to its realization.
Here are involved: the extensor muscles of the spine; muscles of the back of the thigh (biceps, gluteus maximus, semitendinosus and semimembranosus). This is also a great exercise for the press, because during its implementation you have to balance on your stomach, which strengthens its muscles, and therefore the "superman" should be included in weight loss training programs.

Exercise technique:
Starting position: lying on your stomach, stretch your arms forward with your palms on the floor; raise your head slightly.
Legs and upper body, starting from chest level, tear off the floor and lift as high as possible.
At the same time, the arms are extended forward and parallel to the floor, the whole body is tense, stretched and balanced on the stomach.
The pose should commemorate the flying superman. Hold this position for at least 2-3 seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position.
Perform three sets of 30 repetitions to provide intensive work on the target muscles.

Hand exercises

It is possible to form a beautiful line of arms and elastic muscles with the help of a special set of exercises aimed at the forearms. It is this area that is problematic for many women. Fat deposits are deposited in this area, and the skin may also sag due to muscle weakness. Strength training will give results in two months. The muscles will become stronger, their relief will be outlined.

Biceps curl with dumbbells

The main exercise for training the biceps of the hands.

By doing this exercise, you work the biceps brachii (biceps) in isolation, with the bulk of the load falling on its upper part, which gives the biceps a more peak shape.
The stabilizers in this exercise are the forearms, anterior bundles of the deltoid muscles, brachialis, brachiradilais and wrist flexors.

Exercise technique:
Starting position: standing shoulder-width apart, back straight, looking in front of you, holding dumbbells in your hands, palms turned forward.
Raise the dumbbells up to the level of the shoulder girdle, exhale. Keep your elbows in one point.
Lower the dumbbells to the starting position, inhale.

Dumbbell row to the chin

A simple but very effective exercise for training triceps

It is aimed primarily at the triceps: the part of the forearm where fat is deposited, as well as the area where the skin can sag. It also perfectly tightens the back and all the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Exercise technique:
hold dumbbells with palms inward in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe front of the thigh;
pull the dumbbells to the chin, bending the elbows.

Bending the arms behind the head

Exercise for the formation of the muscular relief of the forearms and the inner part of the hands.

Designed to work target muscles.

Exercise technique:
working with one dumbbell. We take it with both hands and lift it up;
we pull our arms up, the body forms a straight line, the maximum point of which should be a dumbbell;
bending the elbows, we start the dumbbell back as much as possible;
movement only in the elbow joint, the shoulders do not move.

Stretching exercises

A very important component of any workout are exercises aimed at increasing the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. Daily stretching has a beneficial effect on flexibility, ease of movement, and helps relieve tension from the joints.

Deep lunge

The main exercise for stretching the front of the thigh.

Strong stretch:
Moderate stretch:

Exercise technique:
Take a deep lunge forward.
The back leg should be straight.
Move the body forward, and rest your hands on the floor on both sides of the front leg.
The leg laid back is bent so as to reach the floor with the knee.
Reach forward, resting on your knee, you will feel how the quadriceps of this leg is stretched.
Now repeat with the other leg.


The "fold" is included in both men's and women's fitness workouts to strengthen the abdominal muscles and increase body flexibility.

Depending on what kind of goal you need to achieve in the first place, the execution technique also varies.
With the help of the “Fold”, the muscles and ligaments located on the back of the thighs, back and buttocks are stretched.

Exercise technique:
Sit on the floor, stretching the lower limbs brought together.
The back should be kept straight, and the top of the head should be directed upwards.
In this case, the lower back should be slightly bent, and the chest should be straightened.
Inhaling, slowly, without changing the straight position of the back, bend down to the legs.
In this exercise, it is not worth lying down with the body completely on the lower limbs, it is enough just to touch the thighs with the stomach.
The palms should be placed on the kneecaps, but you should not help yourself by pressing on the knees with your hands, because in this case the back naturally rounds, which is contrary to the correct technique of "Folding" for stretching.
This element of fitness should be performed 8-10 times, trying on the last repetition to stretch the body and arms as far as possible.
Ideally, the chest should not lie on the knees, but further, closer to the shins.


Butterfly is a unique exercise that is also a classic yoga pose called Purna Titali.

It helps to improve the stretching of the legs and hips, normalizes blood circulation in the pelvic area, and also has a beneficial effect on posture.
First of all, the exercise is aimed at developing the muscles of the thighs and increasing their elasticity. It also improves the mobility of the hip joints. In addition, the back muscles are strengthened, the shoulders are opened and the posture is improved.
Butterfly is traditionally considered a female asana, as it helps to relieve the symptoms of PMS and restore the correct functioning of the reproductive system. This effect is achieved by improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Exercise technique:
Sit on the mat, spread your legs apart and bend at the knees.
Connect the feet and move them with your hands to the groin area as close as you can. Try not to tear your knees off the floor, however, it's okay if it doesn't work the first time.
Later on, your body will become more flexible and you will be able to put your knees on the floor with ease. Straighten your back and straighten your shoulders. Stretch your crown up and straighten your spine.
Tilt your head down slightly. Raise your knees off the floor and try to bring them as close as possible.
At the same time, the feet do not come off from each other. You can help yourself with your hands. Hold this position for a few seconds.
Lower your knees to the floor, pressing down on them with your palms if necessary. Lock the position again. Repeat several times.


The kitty is an exercise that came into the world of fitness and exercise therapy from yoga.

It allows you to safely and effectively affect the entire central part of the body. This has made it a mandatory part of many workout programs.
An important advantage of this classic exercise is its complex effect on the body. It not only relieves pain in the back caused by scoliosis and a sedentary lifestyle, but also supports the work of the respiratory organs, intensively supplying them with oxygen. The cat is recommended for those who suffer from frequent bronchitis and low immunity.

Exercise technique:
Get on the mat on all fours; place your palms firmly on the floor, point your fingers forward; make sure your arms are straight and your legs are bent at right angles.
Now you can start the exercise.
Exhale deeply and twist your pelvis inward while rounding your back and lowering your head. The abdominal muscles in this position are tense, and the back is stretched.
On an inhale, slowly return to the starting position. Inhale again and arch your back in the opposite direction, lifting your head and pelvis up. Now, on the contrary, the back muscles work, and the press relaxes.
The exercise ends with a return to the starting position while inhaling.


An effective exercise to strengthen the spine, is used to prevent osteochondrosis and other back diseases.

Regular practice of this exercise brings great benefits:
straightens and strengthens the back muscles;
helps to strengthen the spine and increase its flexibility;
activates the healing process of the whole body;
normalizes the hormonal background of the body;
tightens and strengthens the buttocks;
facilitates the work of the heart and lungs;
stimulates the work of the abdominal organs;

Exercise technique:
We lay down on the floor face down, connect the feet, stretch out the fingers. We put our palms under our shoulders.
With an inhalation, slowly raise the body, keeping the arms bent at the elbows.
We make two slow breathing cycles and with the next breath we raise the body even higher, bending in the lower back and thoracic back.
We straighten our arms, stretch the neck and crown up, directing the chin to the chest.
We do two more breathing cycles, stretch the neck and crown back, increasing the deflection in the thoracic spine.

  • Self-dissolving whey of the third generation of instant assimilation without fat and carbohydrates.
  • Category:

Mix one scoop of powder in 300 ml of cold water. Reception is recommended in the morning after waking up, within 30-40 minutes after training and before bedtime.

Serum of the third generation PROMINA - has today the maximum coefficient of biological value and the degree of assimilation by the human body.
Syntrax Nectar is a highly purified whey protein isolate with zero fat and carbohydrate content. An effective nutrient for building quality muscle mass.

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dissolve 10 ml of concentrate in 200 ml of water. Take 1-2 drinks per day. On training days - 15 min. before training.

Carries out multilevel oxidation of fats and thermal genesis.

Contains 5 active substances necessary for burning fat and getting energy during training: L-carnitine, caffeine, green tea extract, choline, inostol.

Taurine is a non-essential amino acid that functions as electrically active tissues such as the brain and heart to stabilize cell membranes. Other functions of taurine include cell growth, membrane stabilization, sperm motility, bile acid conjugation, and neuronal transfer. Taurine can also help improve athletic performance, as it acts like an artificial insulin, thus allowing better glucose deposition into the muscles.

Inositol directly activates the latent energy of the body. Thanks to the drink, the body quickly receives energy and vitamins, it also contributes to muscle tension if the electrolyte balance is disturbed.

VPLAB Nutrition | Glucosamine Chondroitin?

The daily norm is 2 tablets, which are recommended to be taken with meals, while not forgetting to drink plenty of water.

Hard workouts overload the joints and ligaments, besides, with age, the synthesis of glucosamine and chondroitin worsens, and such an important element as MSM (methylsulfonylmethane - a natural source of sulfur) enters the body in negligible amounts.

Chondroitin and glucosamine play an important role in the restoration of connective tissue, improve the depreciation properties of cartilage, and increase joint mobility.

MSM is a source of sulfur that is biologically available to the body - a component of proteins that make up all connective tissues. The trace element reduces inflammation, accelerates the synthesis of collagen proteins and helps maintain healthy joints.

VPLab took care of you and released a product that includes salts of all three essential elements - chondroitin, glucosamine and MSM. The listed ingredients in combination have a synergistic effect, complementing and enhancing the effect of each other.

The product is ideal for the prevention of diseases of the connective tissue, joints and ligaments, and will also be an effective addition to the complex of therapeutic measures for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Contains high concentrations of active ingredients;
Helps increase joint mobility;
Ideal in the prevention of diseases of the connective tissue, joints and ligaments;
Reduces inflammatory processes;
Accelerates the regeneration of cartilage tissue;

VPLAB Nutrition | Daily 1?

1 caplet per day during meals with water.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, it also contains digestive enzymes. The complex is specially designed for people leading an active lifestyle and taking care of their health. The nutritional supplement fully compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals resulting from intense physical exertion, irregular nutrition and nervous strain. The result is a strengthening of vitality and an increase in the body's resistance to various diseases.

Trec Nutrition | Amino Max 6800

Amino acids

8 capsules immediately after training. On non-training days: 2 capsules 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

AMINOMAX 6800 contains a complex of amino acids and micropeptides, resulting from the hydrolysis of whey protein concentrate, with the addition of a large amount of pure L-glutamine and taurine, thanks to which the complex is characterized by an exemplary aminogram. AMINOMAX 6800 is also enriched with vitamin C and vitamin B6, which improve the absorption of amino acids in the body.

Training in the gym for girls can be aimed at both losing weight and gaining muscle mass. But to a greater extent, nutrition plays a major role in obtaining results. Otherwise, women's training will have its own characteristics and differences from men's. How to draw up a program correctly at each stage of training: at the beginning of the journey, for weight loss and relief, or for increasing muscle volume? Let us analyze in more detail the features of training for girls, what results and what loads can be expected, and how to develop further.

How to train in the gym for girls

For girls who are not professional bodybuilders who just want to maintain muscle tone or achieve athletic shape, the scheme for compiling a program will be approximately the same at each stage of training. Only the exercises will change to more complex ones, as well as the number of sets and repetitions.

1. Weight burden

The most important thing in women's strength training is working weight, which is different from men's strength training with lifting heavy weights. Physiologically, the male body perceives hard training better, while women do not need it. Taking into account the physiology of women, the weight of the equipment should be moderate. At the initial stage, it is minimal, since weakened muscles should get used to the load, then the load should gradually increase, but you should not train with the maximum weight.

The weight of the load should be such that it remains possible to perform 15-20 repetitions.

  • If the weight is too heavy and the strength is only enough for 10-12 repetitions, it is necessary to reduce the load.
  • And vice versa, if you perform 15-20 repetitions with weight too easy, then it needs to be increased.

2. Training scheme

At the initial stage, it is relevant for girls. The essence of the program is that in one workout all the major muscles receive the same load. Unlike split training, in which two or three muscle groups are worked out in one session. Full body training allows you to harmoniously develop the female body without turning it into a masculine likeness, and allows the muscles to recover faster, as they receive a moderate load.

An example of strength training for women in the gym

Consider a list of exercises and muscle groups that are loaded during such training:

  • and - .
  • and gluteal -.
  • : or .

  • Squats

  • hyperextension

  • Dumbbell bench press

  • Reverse push-ups

  • Curls with dumbbells

  • Twisting

Under this scheme, you can substitute any basic and isolating exercises that involve these muscle groups in the work.

  • Number of approaches each exercise should not exceed three;
  • a rest between sets should be 1-1.5 minutes, subject to 15-20 repetitions.

Also, this type of training can be performed in a circle without pauses between exercises. Thus, after completing the entire list of exercises, a pause of 2-3 minutes is maintained, after which the complex is repeated two more times, for a total of three circles.

3. Load frequency

Daily loads, even with light workouts, are strictly prohibited for both physically trained girls and beginners. Skeletal muscles need to be given rest after exercise, which will ensure further results, and not slow it down, as many believe. A proper rest protects the muscles and the body as a whole from overwork, and this, in turn, maintains the metabolic rate, the rate of recovery of muscle fibers, strength and energy. Therefore, training should be performed at intervals of 1-2 days. The optimal number of workouts is 3 times a week.

4. Cardio

In addition to strength training, the female body needs, which not only contribute to weight loss, but also improve and restore blood supply to the muscles and blood vessels. It is important to start strength training with quality, consisting of cardio exercises, for example, and the like. At the end of the workout, you should give cardio 10-20 minutes, this will help restore blood circulation, burn additional calories from adipose tissue, which means losing weight, and gradually calm the heart muscle and finish the workout correctly, gradually reducing the heart rate by the end of the cardio exercise.

Gym workout plan for girls for a week

As described above, this scheme implies the principle of full body training, that is, for the whole body. Training is performed either in three circles, or three sets of each exercise for 15-20 repetitions. Do not forget to start the complex with a ten-minute warm-up and end with cardio exercises with.

Day 1

  1. Bending arms with dumbbells with a turn.
  2. Press: + .

  • 2. Lunges scissors

  • 4. Hand reduction in the butterfly simulator

  • 5. Dumbbell press

  • 6. Extension of the arms in the upper block of the crossover

  • 7. Curl with dumbbells with a turn

  • 8. Raising the legs on the uneven bars

Day 2

  1. Abs: repeat the first day.

  • 1. Leg extension in the simulator

  • 2. Bending the legs in the simulator

  • 3. Pull the horizontal block to the belt

  • The duration of the workout should not be more than 1.5 hours, including cardio, a hitch and a warm-up. Training for two hours will not give the best effect, but, on the contrary, will lead to overwork, and no result will be obtained from training.
  • Do not get hung up on the problem area, whether it be the stomach or thighs. Exhausting one muscle group with more than three exercises will not improve form or speed up results. This is because fat is not burned locally, it is better to pay attention to all the muscles, then the correct proportions of the body will be maintained, and the fat will go away evenly.
  • Do not do full-body workouts for two days in a row, large muscles will not have time to fully recover in a day, and a constant load on overworked muscles is stress for the body.

When will the result be seen

As for beginners, the first thing that happens to their body is the strengthening of muscles and ligaments, that is, the body is preparing for full loads. Atonic muscles begin to thicken, get used to strength work. This process takes approximately one to two months. At the same time, the muscles change shape, begin to tighten and decrease in volume, and not only due to fat burning, but due to the density of muscle fibers and lymphatic drainage, in which excess water leaves the muscles.

During this period, with the help of power loads, you can lose from 3 to 5 kg, but everything will depend on the weight, age and quality of the training.

How to keep exercising?

After one or two months of training, only the first results are visible - the muscles become elastic, excess weight goes away, the body gradually acquires distinct and beautiful female forms. But you should not stop there, even if the result is completely satisfactory. The effect will not last if you stop exercising, and continued training will either maintain the result or improve it if necessary.

Next, you need to change the training program. First you need to change the exercises, this will give the muscles a new push, and progress will be obvious. If the load is not increased over time, even if the training was fruitful before, then after a while it stops working, as the body is used to it. The same applies to increasing the working weight. Muscles become stronger over time and they need a corresponding load. This does not mean that such training will lead to an increase in huge muscle mass. No, the female body is not predisposed to this. On the contrary, they will constantly improve the feminine form through an adequate power load.

After mastering full body workouts, you can switch to three-day split workouts, in which not the whole body will be worked out at the same time, but two or three muscle groups. For example:

  • Day 1: 4-5 exercises for the legs, 2-3 for the deltoid muscles and 2 for the press.
  • Day 2: 2-3 exercises for the back, 2-3 exercises for the chest and 2 for the press.
  • Day 3: 2-3 triceps exercises, 2-3 biceps exercises and 2 abs.

You need to perform the exercises for 15 repetitions in three sets.


Before starting a workout, you should consider some individual factors in which a particular program will be effective. Firstly, there should be no restrictions and contraindications to training, any pathologies and exacerbations of diseases, as well as after injuries. With such features, an individual training program should be drawn up. You also need to understand that with obesity, such training will not always be appropriate, the first thing you need to start with is adjusting your diet and choosing the right physical activity with the help of a doctor. Other than that, it takes patience and hard work.

A set of exercises in the gym for women in video format

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