Shungite is a stone where it is mined. Shungite for water purification: rules of use. How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake

Shungite is one of the most demanded minerals not only among magicians and astrologers, but also among healers in alternative medicine. It has a number of unique magical and physical properties, is able to favorably influence the general state of human health.

What it is?

The meaning of the term "shungite" was originally used in 1879 to describe a mineraloid with a carbon content of over 98%. Recently, it has also been used to describe shungite rocks, which often leads to confusion.

The stone has two main ways of occurrence:

  • material scattered inside the rock;
  • homogeneous deposits.

Geologists know shungite as a peculiar form of carbon obtained during the metamorphism of crude oil. Karelian stone is called so because its active mining is carried out in Karelia.

Shungite looks like hard asphalt (bitumen), but is classified as pyrobitumen because it does not melt. It also resembles anthracite coal. Heated on butane, it shatters into fragments, a faint smell appears, but it doesn't burn. Hardness - 3.5-4.0 on the Mohs scale.

Shungite is similar to coal, has the ability to conduct electromagnetic and geothermal energy.. It is a stone of transformation with a huge list of amazing benefits, due to its nature and composition it is unlike any other mineral on the planet.

The stone is mostly carbon, up to 98% in some cases, but an interesting fact is that this carbon is not the mineral graphite. Shungite is considered to be a metamorphosed schist. The chemical composition is similar to anthracite (metamorphosed coal), but its genesis is different. Shale is a former accumulation of marine microorganisms (bacteria, algae), but formed from organic matter, coal is deposited in terrestrial environments.

The color of the mineral is black, does not contain graphite. Carbon is almost structureless (amorphous or nanocrystalline) and forms coal seams. It is believed to be one of the oldest known manifestations of the oil formation process. There is currently no crude oil in Karelia, but shungite is believed to have been a rich source many centuries ago.

For some time it was known that shungite contains fullerenes (carbon nanotubes and spheres), but later studies did not confirm this. It has long gained fame as a natural medicine. True, shungite has antibacterial properties, but it is unlikely that it has all the abilities attributed to it (kills and devours everything that harms people, concentrates and restores everything that is good).

The fact that this stone is old does not give it any magical power. After all, two billion years is nothing special in geology. Many of the gneissic rocks are much older than this, unfortunately they are largely abandoned and only of value as railroad ballast.

Shungite veinlets are rarely more than 300 mm thick in the rock, more often they are even thinner, on average from 50 to 100 mm. Everything else is slate and dolomite, which is mixed with rock. Over time, wind and water destroy the top layer of deposits, which is why the stone turns into earth.

According to preliminary estimates of geologists, today there are about 35 million tons of the mineral in Karelia, but these volumes are spent at a high rate, since the stone is widely used not only in jewelry, but also in industry.

Origin story

Shungite has been used in medical practice since the beginning of the 18th century. Peter the Great was the first to believe in the properties of the mineral and began to insist on their use. He used infused water not only on his own, but also recommended giving it to soldiers in the army. On long trips, there was always shungite in the water, which purified the liquid, thereby preventing massive infectious epidemics. Today, scientists have been able to prove that the stone really has unique antibacterial properties.

Since that time, the mineral began to be used as a pigment for creating paint; it is marketed under the name "natural black shungite" or "soot". Already in the 700s, it became clear that small stone chips could be used as an insulating material.

To obtain shungizite, it was necessary to heat the stone to 1130°C, after which the filler became a low-density building material.

Shungite belongs to mineraloids. It represents one of the earliest oil fields formed and dates back to the Precambrian era. The land around Lake Onega in the western part of Russia, specifically the Republic of Karelia, is covered with rocks from the Paleoproterozoic period, which are about two billion years old. These include metamorphosed oil residues, including both shale sources and crude product.

Apparently, once here a large area was covered with salt water lagoons, which were located near the chain of volcanoes. As a result of the normal process of life, the ecosystem consisted of a huge amount of single-celled algae. In turn, volcanoes produced the necessary nutrients for them. Emerging deposits consisted of the remains of these microorganisms. Later, these rocks were subjected to increased temperature and pressure, which turned the oil into shungite.

Place of Birth

The most famous settlement, where there is a large deposit of shungite, and, accordingly, the stone is mined there is Karelia, not far from the village of Shunga (hence the name of the mineral). Karelian shungite is very old, making it one of the earliest known occurrences of shale, albeit in a metamorphosed form. After much research, there is no doubt that the mineral is of biogenic origin. Needless to say, it belongs to very rare minerals, since very few other deposits have been found in other countries.

In Russia, geologists managed to find shungite in Kamchatka, which is not surprising, since there is always a lot of volcanic activity, and in coal mines in the Chelyabinsk region. There are small deposits in the Republic of the Congo, Austria, India and Kazakhstan.

Benefit and harm

Shungite has a number of unique positive effects on the human body, which are actively used not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. There is a wide variety of treatments using the mineral. The use of a liquid infused with a stone helps to improve the condition of diabetic patients. This alternative method of treatment improves the condition of the heart and blood vessels, the gastrointestinal tract. In general, it is believed that the mineral has a healing effect on the human body.

Among other things, the mineral regulates pressure in a favorable direction, helps to cope with chronic fatigue, gives additional strength to the body so that it recovers faster. Shungite is the only known source on the planet that contains natural fullerenes - carbon molecules. Fullerenes act as antihistamines, they promote cell regeneration and growth, help to establish a healthy balance between all systems in the human body. Moreover, they act the main assistants in the fight against cancer processes. Shungite water improves immunity and helps fight colds.

Stone accessories are able to protect against electromagnetic radiation, including radiation emitted by a TV, computer, microwave ovens, mobile devices and other sources of electromagnetic fields. Such radiation can be harmful if a person is exposed to it for a long time.

  • lack of iron in the blood;
  • arthritis;
  • respiratory problems;
  • violation of the microflora of the stomach;
  • chronic problems in organs such as the kidneys and liver;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the gallbladder and pancreas;
  • SARS, influenza, colds;
  • cholecystitis.

Without a doubt, shungite is useful and has healing properties, but there are a number of contraindications to it and the therapies carried out with it. It is not recommended to use shungite water for people who have a predisposition to the formation of blood clots, and those who suffer from chronic inflammatory processes in the body. You should not use this adjuvant as the only one in the fight against tumors, since shungite water cannot be a 100% substitute for drugs.

Doctors never cease to remind that treatment with non-traditional methods, in the absence of appropriate knowledge, leads to the emergence of chronic diseases and may even be dangerous to human health. Not every water that is infused on a stone can be eaten unboiled, since it does not remove pathogens. The use of both cold and hot compresses can be harmful if you do not know in which cases one method or another is used.

Of course, it is extremely important to consult a doctor in the presence of acute diseases, and not to delay self-medication.

magical properties

Shungite is widely used in magical rites and not only. Wearing mineral amulets is advised to those who need to learn how to properly concentrate energy. The stone is used to make talismans that protect against dark energy, it helps to restore balance between the soul and mind. In some European countries, shungite amulets are made to attract good luck and achieve success in the love sphere of life.

The mineral is able to stimulate:

  • rejuvenation;
  • spiritual growth;
  • transformation;
  • healing;
  • spiritual elevation;
  • higher consciousness;
  • spiritual grounding;
  • telepathy.

It is believed that shungite has a positive effect on the chakra, which is known to be one of the cornerstones of healthy energy within the human body. When his soul is open, he can be fully realized in life in all its manifestations.

The stone helps protect the wearer's energy from those forces that drain it. Such amulets can often be seen on healers, because they not only often have to deal with negativity, but also give away part of their energy.

Among the metaphysical properties of the stone:

  • fills the aura;
  • activates the gift of prophecy;
  • turns its energy to the core of mother earth;
  • protects the holder and removes negative energy;
  • removes negativity and negative thoughts;
  • Helps clear and balance chakra
  • opens a channel for communication with spirits;
  • eliminates beliefs that do not serve the highest interests of man;
  • a catalyst for positive change and growth;
  • helps to become wiser;
  • gives a sense of understanding of being.


Shungite rocks are classified exclusively by carbon content, while shungite-1 has a carbon content in the range of 98-100 wt. 35%, 10-20% and less than 10%, respectively. A special variety is an elite stone with a carbon content of 90 to 98%. This is a mineralogical rarity, such shungite is located in the main rock formations in the form of irregular deposits or veins several centimeters thick. Such material is mined only by hand in very difficult conditions.

It has a peculiar metallic luster, anthracite color, uneven. The described type of material is light and smooth to the touch. Contains 3-4 times more fullerenes than other varieties. The price of elite shungite is calculated per gram. The larger the stone, the higher the cost.

By hardness, the mineral can be of five categories, only one is recognized today as useful for humans, all the rest are used as ornamental material and in construction.

The healing mineral should have a black, velvety color, there can be no impurities and inclusions in it. Real shungite, which has special healing properties, is very soft, so when it comes into contact, a dusty imprint should remain on the fingers. On sale, you can often find a stone in which golden blotches are visible. This is chalcopyrite, which should not be there, because when interacting with water, it dissolves, and it becomes saturated with harmful substances.

Ornamental shungite, which is also often passed off as medicinal, does not have any useful properties. Their coloring can be not only pure black, but also with small white inclusions of quartz. In appearance, such specimens are very reminiscent of marble. Such crafts are suitable for home interiors and magical rites, as they perfectly restore harmony in the room. They are not used to infuse water.

As for the shungite used in the construction industry, it has a minimum carbon content. You can distinguish such an instance by color, since more often it is not black, but rather gray with small patches. The main area of ​​​​use of the mineral is to protect the premises from radiation harmful to humans.

How to distinguish a natural stone from a fake?

Most often, the buyer does not have the opportunity to check the mineral for authenticity, although its quality can also be determined by the external signs that were indicated above. Most often, sellers are cunning and sell shungizite - a low-carbon material that does not have any useful properties. It should be noted that low cost is the first indicator that the stone does not have any useful properties.

A real high-carbon mineral has one distinctive property - it breaks easily. No one will let the buyer check in this way, but by the fingerprints that remain as if in contact with charcoal, you can immediately understand the nature of the mineral.

Moreover, precisely because the stone is soft, it is almost never polished, resulting in a matte finish. Even if the mineral is given the shape of a pyramid, it will not be pointed, since it is impossible to achieve such accuracy.

But, all these checks are conditional, in fact, you can say for sure whether the stone is real, checking it for electrical conductivity. To do this, take a simple battery, a light bulb from a flashlight and a few wires. They attach one to the other, but through a mineral. Unlike other stones, shungite conducts electricity, so the light bulb will light up.

When water is infused with real medicinal shungite, its taste changes after a few hours, bubbles appear on the surface.


Real shungite purifies and harmonizes the indoor atmosphere, violates geopathic zones and reduces the negative impact of electromagnetic radiation, provides a person with energy and endurance. The stone is non-crystalline. The most common, most stabilized and studied form of shungite fullerene is a sphere, the surface of which forms hexagons and pentagons.

This is a molecule with the highest possible symmetry - it consists of fragments with pentagons, which a person does not encounter anywhere else in inanimate matter. The fullerene molecule is organic, and its crystal is a transitional form between organic and inorganic material. Therefore, shungite is often called "living stone".

Products are made of shungite with a carbon content of about 30%. The remaining 70% consist of silicates, mica, oxides of iron, magnesium, potassium. Shungite contains almost half of the elements of the periodic system. Often it is used in the arrangement of aquariums, in the bath, because it receives heat and then gives it away.

Shungite has long been considered a useful mineral, since the 1700s in Russia it has been used as a water purifier and disinfectant, since it can perform the same role as activated carbon. Its electrical conductivity, typical of graphite and other forms of pure carbon, has led scientists to speculate that shungite may counteract the supposed harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation from things like cell phones. This property was later confirmed.

The influence of shungite on the composition and purity of water is extraordinary. It purifies the liquid from almost all organic impurities, including petroleum products and chlorine-containing compounds, nitrates and ammonia, and metals. The unique composition of the stone is able to destroy cholera, streptococci and other bacteria by absorbing harmful substances contained in the water. Thus, the liquid is enriched with healthy trace elements and has healing properties.

Shungite turns water into biologically active. Filtered through shungite, it contributes to the proper functioning of the body and overall health. The use of such a liquid has a unique result in cosmetology. After the research, it became clear that shungite water smoothes the skin, increases its elasticity and restores youth.

Hi guys. Today you will learn what shungite is. Where did this mineral come from? Where is it mined. What is included in it. What are its types. About its main properties. And also you will learn to distinguish a natural stone from a fake.

Shungite (lydite, paragon) is the most ancient mineral, whose age is more than 2 billion years. years.

Shungite got its name thanks to the Shunga river of the same name, near which a stone deposit was discovered. The color of the mineral, depending on the composition, is dark gray, black or brown.

Deposit of an organic mineral

The main and largest place of mineral deposits is the Republic of Karelia.

It is there that paragon is mined on an industrial scale, the mineral mined in this area is called "Karelian shungite". In small quantities, deposits of the gem were discovered in the North Caucasus and Kazakhstan.

Origin of shungite

Most scientists are inclined to think that the mineral is of organic origin and was formed from algae, bottom sediments, plankton and other microorganisms that have been dehydrated for hundreds of thousands of years, pressed and gone underground.

But this assumption is not indisputable. Their opponents hold a different point of view, arguing that shungite has a volcanic nature.

Composition and properties of shungite

The rock is represented by a compound in which the main element, carbon, contains from 30 to 99%, and the rest is iron, titanium, manganese, potassium, sulfur, magnesia and alumina.

Boron, nickel, copper, calcium, chromium and other elements are present as impurities.

The density of lydite ranges from 2.1 to 2.4 g/cm3, the porosity does not exceed 5%, and the electrical conductivity is 1500 SIM/m.

Shungite has a number of bactericidal properties, adsorption active to pathogenic microflora.

Mineral classification

There are two types of organic compounds:

  1. Elite. Contains about 99% carbon, and has healing properties. When rubbed in the palms, it leaves black marks;
  2. Grey. Contains no more than 30% carbon, the rest is impurities, does not stain hands when rubbed, is useless in treatment.

Applications of the mineral


Paragon is used for cladding buildings and for the production of shungizite, a concrete substitute. Shungizite is used as a heat-insulating backfill.


Lydite is used in the production of cast iron, ferrosilicochromium, silicon carbide and ferrochromium.


Shungite, according to many people, has a lot of healing and magical properties.

Therefore, the stone is widely used in the treatment of the skeletal system, some diseases of internal organs, reduced immunity and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Treatment plant

Paragon, along with expanded clay, plastic and crushed stone, is used to purify water. Filters based on shungite have been used relatively recently, since the end of the 20th century.

Water passed through them has a healing effect on the human body, helps to eliminate skin diseases and restore beauty and shine to hair.

The healing properties of the rock

The healing properties of shungite are due to the structure of its crystal lattice.

The composition of the mineral is represented by a complex of fullerenes, special carbon molecules, which, when combined with each other, form a structure resembling a honeycomb.

Fullerenes have pronounced antioxidant properties and are able to collect all the harmful substances contained in the treated water.

Water infused with a mineral is called shungite, the regular use of which has an extremely beneficial effect on the state of the whole organism.

  1. Scientists have proven that shungite water has an antihistamine property and can reduce the amount of allergen in the blood in a short time.
  2. Regular use of a healing liquid will not only reduce the manifestation of allergies, but also cleanse the skin of rashes;
  3. Shungite water is no less effective in the treatment of dermatosis, psoriasis and eczema.
  4. Using it inside, making lotions and taking a bath with shungite water, you can minimize the number of rashes on the skin, eliminate itching and prolong the period of remission in the current disease;
  5. The effectiveness of water infused with shungite has been proven in the treatment of type 2 diabetes.
  6. When ingested, water provokes the production of natural insulin, gradually lowering blood sugar levels;
  7. Rescues water from frequent manifestations of headaches, eliminating unpleasant symptoms even with migraines;
  8. It is appropriate to use shungite water in the complex treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diseases of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder as an additional remedy;
  9. Long-term fluid intake will help to cope with anemia and normalize blood composition;
  10. Shungite water inhalations help to get rid of chronic diseases of the throat and oral cavity. Regular rinsing will help to cope with stomatitis and periodontal disease;
  11. Baths with the addition of finely crushed stone will help to calm down, eliminate daytime fatigue, relieve muscle tension and make it easier to fall asleep.

For the treatment of joints and the skeletal system in general, adherents of alternative medicine recommend using various products filled with crushed shungite, these can be belts, knee pads and elbow pads, chair and car seat covers.

Products help relieve pain in case of:

  • rheumatism;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • some systemic diseases;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • a gemstone bracelet will normalize blood pressure, and beads will improve the functioning of the thyroid gland.

The modern pharmacological industry offers a variety of perforating agents based on shungite.

The most popular are ointments, gels, balms, creams and pastes for joints, as well as soaps and balms for skin care.

The use of shungite water for cosmetic purposes

Water infused with a mineral is used not only for medicinal purposes, but also for cosmetic purposes.

  • regular washing with water will help get rid of skin rashes on the face, make its contour more toned and eliminate fine wrinkles;
  • washing or rinsing your hair will make it stronger, shinier and more flowing, help it stay cleaner longer and eliminate dandruff and other skin problems;
  • baths with the addition of shungite water will make the body more toned.

The magical properties of the stone

Along with healing properties, shungite has a number of magical qualities. It is widely used in the practice of white magic for the manufacture of amulets, talismans and amulets.

A gem product protects its owner from outside evil influences, helps to reveal hidden abilities, become more active and purposeful, or, conversely, learn to control emotions and become more calm and reasonable.

Shungite jewelry or amulet is usually chosen according to the sign of the zodiac.

In addition, figurines are made from the mineral, which are placed at home or in the office. It is believed that with their help you can improve your financial situation, improve relations between households or find love.

How to distinguish real shungite from a fake?

Shungite is not related to precious stones, however, it is often faked. This is due to the demand for the mineral for medicinal purposes. There are several ways to distinguish real shungite:

  • by electrical conductivity. Electrical conductivity is a phenomenon that is extremely rare in rocks. By connecting two wires, a battery and a light bulb from a flashlight to the gem. In the case of a true stone, the lamp will light up, in the case of a fake, it will not;
  • shungite breaks easily and produces dust unlike coal and shungite shale;
  • the gem is very fragile, which is why it is not cut. If the product has clear edges, then most likely it is a fake;
  • drop the mineral into the water. After a while, you can notice the appearance of small bubbles, and the liquid itself will change the taste.

How to care for shungite jewelry

Gem jewelry should be treated very carefully and in no case should they be dropped. The mineral is very fragile and the jewelry can be damaged even if it falls from a small height.

It is necessary to store the stones separately from the rest of the jewelry in a rag bag or box. If necessary, wash jewelry with soapy water or wipe with a soft cloth.

Now you know about the origin of the stone, its main properties. We learned how to distinguish a natural mineral from a fake, and the branches of its application.

Shungite is a tree-type rock. It appeared as a result of a unique combination of carbon and silicate minerals. Shungite has unique properties. It is mined in Karelia in the village of Shunga - hence the name of the stone. Locals have long known about its beneficial properties. In recent years, this mineral has become very popular all over the world.

Shungite is a tree-type rock

Shungite stone is a mineral of natural origin, which has a unique crystal lattice, where carbon is the basis. Externally, shungite resembles ordinary anthracite or coal.

The healing properties of shungite are due to the fact that unusual fullerene molecules were found in its composition. They enter the human body and begin to behave as very strong antioxidant substances. Fullerenes were discovered at the end of the 20th century, and it was a real sensation. In 1997, scientists who dealt with this issue received the Nobel Prize.

The main deposit is located in Karelia, and it is mined here. Scientists believe that the stone is over 2 billion years old. Until now, it has not been clarified how the mineral shungite was formed. Some believe that these are the remains of a huge meteorite that hit the earth many years ago. Others suggest that the stone was formed from microorganisms that lived in the ocean during those years. Then they petrified and turned into such material. These are not the only hypotheses that scientists put forward, but they all call it the stone of life.

The mined mineral has an unusual structure - it is a set of tiny silicate crystals, and the matrix is ​​an ordered accumulation of carbons. The silicate particles are approximately 0.5-1 micron in size.

Shungite stones have a complex structure and interesting properties, which makes this material amazing. It contains many elements, but most of them are carbon (20-90%) and silicon (5-60%). In addition, calcium and potassium are included in the composition. This substance also contains magnesium, iron, aluminum, sulfur and phosphorus particles.

The properties of shungite stone are as follows:

  • electrical conductivity;
  • increased density;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • participation in redox processes;
  • adsorption action;
  • catalytic properties.

Thanks to this, shungite is known, the use of which takes place in various fields of industry and medicine.

Characteristics of shungite stone (video)

Useful properties and application

The healing properties of the stone are explained by the fact that it contains almost all substances from the periodic table. Thanks to this, he can save people from various diseases.

The healing properties of shungite are as follows:

  1. It is a natural antioxidant. It strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of serious illnesses (including AIDS), suppresses allergic reactions.
  2. It is an excellent sorbent. It purifies not only water, but also the air from harmful substances.
  3. Considered a catalyst. Responsible for the decomposition of substances of the adsorbed type, and then restores their sorption properties.
  4. Contains a large number of active biological compounds, activates biological processes in the human body.
  5. Eliminates the bad influence of magnetic fields on a person.

Healing properties are as follows:

  1. adsorption effect. Absorbs certain substances from the environment.
  2. Bactericidal action- destroys bacteria.
  3. Antihistamine properties- suppresses allergies of any origin.
  4. Anti-inflammatory action- suppresses inflammatory processes caused by various microorganisms.
  5. Has a high adhesion rate, which allows you to create compounds with various substances.

In addition, elite shungite has thermal and electrical conductivity. It also absorbs oxygen, can interact with it in water and air at room temperature.

Elite shungite has great ecological potential. It purifies the air and water from harmful substances, protects against electromagnetic effects, strengthens the immune system. Elite shungite can absorb bacteria, nitrates, pesticides, particles of heavy metals, pharmaceuticals, fluorine, chlorine, volatile compounds of organic origin.

Gallery: shungite stone (50 photos)

Due to the unique beneficial properties, the use of shungite is very diverse. It is used not only in medicine, but also in ecology, industry (chemical, metallurgical), agriculture.

The material is used for water purification. It was noticed that Lake Onega, which is located near the shungite deposit, is very clean, and the water from it can be drunk without prior purification. It was found that shungite is an effective and completely safe material for humans, which is used to purify water. This is much better than using chlorine or boiling. The reviews are very good. The rock purifies water not only from harmful substances, but also from bacteria. The shungite filter began to be used in 1990. Experiments have proven the effectiveness and safety of this technique.

Shungite in cosmetology and medicine

Elite shungite is a part of various cosmetic products: creams, gels, shampoos, etc. Another very popular is shungite water, which is used for baths, washing, lotions. Water infusion based on this stone has healing properties. After the procedure, the skin becomes more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out. Shungite water is an excellent remedy for acne and flaking of the skin. The stone has a rejuvenating and healing effect. The mineral is great for hair. It heals and strengthens them, relieves dandruff.

You can make a water infusion based on shungite yourself - it's not difficult at all. The main thing is to adhere to all requirements. Both a large stone and its crumb will do. It is best to use the first option. First, the material should be thoroughly washed in running water.

Then you need to prepare a glass, earthenware or enameled container. Plastic bottles are not recommended. At the bottom you need to put a stone and fill it with plain water. Approximately 100 products will be needed for 3 liters of water. The infusion will be ready only the next day. When the water is infused, it is allowed to drink. Moreover, the one that is located close to the stones (about 500 ml) cannot be used, but the rest can.

Shungite does not take away all the harmful substances. Since it draws them out, the mineral needs to be washed regularly. This procedure should be performed every 2 weeks. Use plain cold tap water. The stone itself should be changed every 10 months. It is best to keep 2 containers at once: in one, a ready-made infusion, and in the other, it is only infused.

Shungite water should be stored at room temperature. Experts advise every day to use 2-3 cups of infusion. It is allowed to boil tea for making tea - useful properties will remain.

Medicinal properties

Shungite is a material that should be in every home. It activates all vital processes in the human body and accelerates tissue regeneration. It acts at the cellular level, restores structures, preserves DNA, and protects the body.

Here are the main healing properties of the mineral:

  • eliminates headaches;
  • relieves pain and discomfort in the abdomen and back, and the etiology of the pain syndrome can be any;
  • cures rheumatism;
  • relieves nervousness, irritability, aggressiveness;
  • normalizes the work of all internal organs and systems;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • restores the human biofield;
  • cleanses the lungs and restores the entire respiratory system;
  • increases sexual activity, treats the organs of the reproductive system;
  • improves the quality of sleep, relieves insomnia;
  • treats varicose veins and other diseases of the circulatory system;
  • beneficial effect on the hematopoietic system;
  • favorably affects the organs of the digestive tract;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • treats diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Studies have proven that if a person has direct contact of the body with a stone, then pains due to serious illnesses quickly disappear. It is especially useful to have a mineral with you for people who suffer from pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, skin ailments. Shungite can accelerate the healing process of wounds and protect against electromagnetic radiation (and it can cause cancer and heart disease).

It must be taken into account that it is not always allowed to use shungite because there are contraindications. This is due to the fact that the mineral has a strong effect on all systems of the human body. Women should be careful during pregnancy and lactation. The use of shungite should be limited in case of exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases.

People who have just started using shungite say that they experience nausea, dizziness, pain, body tremors, convulsions and other unpleasant symptoms. This is due to the fact that the stone cleanses the body and eliminates all harmful substances. If such symptoms appear, it is recommended to limit contact with the mineral for a short period of time, and then start therapy again. To get started, just hold the mineral in your hand for a few minutes. Over time, the body will get used to it, and unpleasant symptoms will not occur.

magical properties

The magical properties of shungite are very diverse. It is actively used by various psychics, sorcerers. But at the same time, his role in magic is rather controversial. Some consider it a mineral with negative energy. They attribute this to the almost black color of the material. Actually this is a delusion. The magical properties lie in the fact that shungite can take energy into itself, and then purify it.

Magic jewelry made from this material looks unusual, but attractive. To enhance the positive effect of the stone, it is necessary to draw special enamel drawings on its surface. They will have different meanings: prevention of diseases, calming down after strong shocks, reciprocity in love, prudence and attentiveness, and so on.

Those who wish to strengthen the positive aura in the room are advised to choose shungite pyramids. They will clear the space around them and remove negative energy.

Shungite rooms are actively used. In them, the walls are made of such material. Also a lot of shungite products. If you spend at least a few hours in them, you can restore energy in your own body. In addition, a person will be saturated with positive energy as much as possible. As for the medical point of view, in such premises a person adapts after a strong emotional and psychological stress. The general tone rises, working capacity improves. In St. Isaac's and Kazan's Cathedrals in St. Petersburg there are inserts from such a mineral.

The magical properties of the stone are varied, so it is used for both white and black witchcraft. Usually amulets and talismans are made from it, which will bring success and prosperity to their owner. They also protect against negative energy from other people and the world around them. Prevent evil eye, damage, curses. Talismans are recommended to be worn closer to the body or left in the house (this applies to pyramids). Jewelry and amulets are made in various shapes.

Shungite for health (video)


Shungite stone is an unusual rock that was formed as a result of the combination of silicates and carbon. It has numerous healing and magical properties. The material is used in medicine, cosmetology, and other fields. Elite shungite can be purchased in specialized stores.

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/ Shungite rock

Shungite is a rock that, in terms of properties and structure, occupies an intermediate position between anthracite and graphite, which has industrial reserves only in Russia, the Republic of Karelia. In its current state, it is an amorphous, non-crystallizing, fullerene-like carbon. The area of ​​distribution of shungite is about 10 sq. km, the predicted reserves are 1 billion tons.

The Precambrian rock of the mountain type is similar in its properties to graphite and anthracite. Shungite was formed from organic deposits. Dehydrated sediments, deepened into the ground and under the influence of pressure and high temperature, underwent metamorphism. There are no shungite crystals in the rock, the main color of the material is black.

This material has a semi-metallic luster, there are its shiny and matte gray varieties, which differ slightly from each other in their composition and ash content. Shungite ash contains nickel, copper, vanadium. This material is electrically conductive, has a Mohs hardness of four, and the main constituent chemical is carbon. Formula C, with traces N, O, S.

Research history

Shungite in its purest form is a rarity. Usually it is an impurity in schungite-type shales and dolomites. Its first description refers to 1792. In 1848, the engineer Komarov described it, and in 1877 Inostrantsev gave the breed its present name, since this material was first discovered near the village of Shunga. Breed research was carried out extensively in the mid-twentieth century. The reserves of this material have been explored only in Russia and Kazakhstan, and its resources are about 1 billion tons.

Application of this material

This material is used in construction, metallurgy, and water filtration. In metallurgy, it is used in the extraction of silicon and its recovery, in the production of ferrochrome, cast iron. Black slabs adorn elite interiors during construction. During the construction of St. Isaac's Cathedral, shungite was used as a finishing material. There is a finish from this material in the Kazan Cathedral.

Nowadays, this material is used for the production of shungizite, a type of concrete. Crushed shungizite is loaded into water purification filters, used as "light" concrete or as a sorbent.

Additional Research

SiO2, in the form of quartz or silicate formations, is the main component of rocks and shungites. Rocks are classified according to their carbon content.

The classification of the material contains five main varieties of it:

  • shungite-I is an almost pure substance, contains C60 > 95-98%;
  • shungite-II contains C ~ 35-80%;
  • shungite-III has even less carbon, C60~20-35%;
  • in shungite-IV - С60~10-20%;
  • and in rock number V, carbon C60

In our time, research is underway on the possibilities of using and searching for new deposits of shungite.

Physical properties of shungite

Shungite is an intermediate product between amorphous carbon and graphite. Contains a crystalline phase in the form of very fine graphite. Shungite color is black. The luster is semi-metallic. Shungite is opaque. The line is black. Hardness 3.2-4. The density of shungite is 1.84-1.98. The fracture is conchoidal. There is no syngony in shungite - it is an amorphous mineral. Cleavage is absent. Form of crystals crystals are absent. Units are complete. P. tr. burns out. Does not dissolve in acids. Shungites are electrically conductive.

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Shungite was formed from organic bottom sediments - sapropel. These organic sediments, covered from above by ever new layers, gradually condensed, dehydrated and sank into the depths of the earth. Under the influence of compression and high temperature, a slow process of metamorphization took place. As a result of this process, amorphous carbon dispersed in the mineral matrix was formed in the form of globules characteristic of shungite.


Pure shungite is quite rare in nature, mainly in the form of thin, up to 30 cm wide, veinlets. More often it is present as an admixture in shungite shales and dolomites, distributed throughout Zaonezhie - from Girvas in the west to Tolvui and Shungi in the east.

The main reserves of shungite are located on the territory of the Zaonezhsky Peninsula and around the northern tip of Lake Onega. To date, two fields have been explored: the Maksovskoye field (reserves are unknown) and the Zazhoginskoye field with reserves of 35 million tons.

Physical Properties

Density - 2.25-2.84 g/cm3; porosity - 0.5-5%; compressive strength 100-276 MPa; modulus of elasticity (E) - 0.31 * 105 MPa. Electrically conductive, electrical conductivity - (1-3) x 103 SIM/m; thermal conductivity - 3.8 W / m·k. The average value of k.t.r. in the temperature range 20-600 0C - 12x10?6 1/deg. Calorific value 7500 kcal/kg.

The rock has sorption and catalytic properties.

It should also be noted that the shungite substance is not just amorphous carbon, but is a mixture of various carbon allotropes, whose small lattices are connected by amorphous carbon.


There are two varieties:
1) Brilliant variety

  • C = 94%
  • O, N = 1.9%
  • H = 0.8%
  • ash content = up to 2.2%

2) Matte gray variety

  • C = 64%
  • O, N = 3.5%
  • H = 6.7%
  • ash content = up to 3.3%

Chemical composition of shungite used as a sorbent

Element, Component Component formula Content % mass
1 Aluminium oxide Al2O3 4,05
2 Iron(III) oxide Fe2O3 1,01
3 Iron(II) oxide FeO 0,32
4 potassium oxide K2O 1,23
5 calcium oxide CaO 0,12
6 silicon oxide SiO2 36,46
7 magnesium oxide MgO 0,56
8 manganese oxide MNO 0,12
9 sodium oxide Na2O 0,36
10 titanium oxide TiO2 0,24
11 Phosphorus oxide P2O3 0,03
12 Barium Ba 0,32
13 Bor B 0,004
14 Vanadium V 0,015
15 Cobalt co 0,00014
16 Copper Cu 0,0037
17 Molybdenum Mo 0,0031
18 Arsenic As 0,00035
19 Nickel Ni 0,0085
20 Lead Pb 0,0225
21 Sulfur S 0,37
22 Strontium Sr 0,001
23 Carbon C 26,26
24 Chromium Cr 0,0072
25 Zinc Zn 0,0067
26 Water H2O 0,78
27 Water H2O 1,40
28 Loss on ignition RFP 32,78


Ferroalloy production

Shungite contains both solid carbon and significant amounts of silicon oxide; both of these components in it are represented by very chemically active forms. In this regard, it can be used in metallurgy as a reducing agent and - at the same time - as a SiO 2 -containing flux and a source of silicon (for example, in the production of ferrochromium or ferrosilicochromium).


Another area of ​​application is construction. Polished jet-black slabs with rare white veins that do not fade with time adorn the interiors of St. Isaac's and Kazan's Cathedrals in St. Petersburg and the Moscow Metro station. In the modern construction industry, shungite is also used for the production of shungizite, a lightweight concrete substitute.

Water filtration

Crushed shungizite has sufficient mechanical strength to load filters, is chemically resistant, does not pollute the water filtered through it and, therefore, is suitable for loading filters. At present MP "Petrozavodskvodokanal" uses crushed shungizite at water treatment plants as a load of fast filters on the basis of a permit issued by the Ministry of Health of the USSR for No. 121-5 / 873-6 of 10/30/81.

This property of shungite is not unique: for similar purposes (a nozzle for fixing microorganisms that form activated sludge), expanded clay, plastics, crushed stone and other available and cheap materials are also used; including in this region. Sorption features of shungite are no different from other coal loadings used to purify drinking water from chlorine residues.

The use of shungite in everyday life as a filtering material in open filters promotes the growth of bacteria in water, both at loading in aerotanks and in denitrifiers.

Alternative medicine

Products, pastes and filters based on shungite are credited with a healing effect. It is believed that shungite has a bactericidal effect, and is also biologically active.



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See what "Shungite" is in other dictionaries:

    Shungite- - Precambrian rocks containing a large amount of metamorphosed organic matter. Sometimes shungite is called "slates". Shungite is used to produce shungizite, they are distinguished by high chemical resistance, ... ... Builder's Dictionary

    SHUNGIT- metamorphic rock (shales, siltstones) containing cryptocrystalline carbon (shungite itself is a natural analogue of glassy carbon). The product of the action of intrusive rocks on bituminous sediments. Black, shiny. Hardness 4 5; density ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Shungite- [according to the settlement Shunga, Karelia] ml, (?), cond. 93 98% C and up to 3 4% compounds H, N, O, S, H2O; in the ashes contain. V, Ni. Mo, W, Ce, As. An intermediate product between amorphous carbon and graphite. Soder. crystalline phase in the form of finely dispersed graphite ... Geological Encyclopedia

    shungite- noun, number of synonyms: 4 siltstone (3) mineral (5627) rock (278) ... Synonym dictionary

    shungite- metamorphic rock (shales, siltstones) containing cryptocrystalline carbon (shungite itself is a natural analogue of glassy carbon). The product of the action of intrusive rocks on bituminous sediments. Black, shiny. Hardness 4 5; density ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    SHUNGIT- a mineral with a silicate base, found only on the territory of Soviet Karelia. Average chemical composition, %: C 30, Al2O3 4; oxides of Fe 2, oxides of Ti, Ca, Mg, Na, K up to 2.6; SiO2 rest PPP 32%; density 2350 kg/m3; … Metallurgical Dictionary

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