The scenario of the Belarusian wedding in folk style. Wedding in the Belarusian style. Wedding in Scandinavian style

Some people leave their homeland for various reasons. But in my heart and soul, she remains forever. Therefore, choosing a style of celebration, you can choose a traditional wedding in compliance with ancient rituals and customs. A Belarusian-style wedding will please not only you, but also your guests and will leave nostalgic notes in their hearts.

wedding dress

Responsibly it is necessary to treat the choice of the wedding dress of the bride. The seriousness of the issue lies in the fact that the dress at the same time should not look old-fashioned and at the same time have the characteristic features of the traditional color. This problem is easily solved. A white classic dress can easily be turned into a national wedding attire due to:

  • decorative ornaments (on sleeves, hem, waist or neckline);
  • painted train;
  • metal hoop with painting;
  • ribbons in hair, gloves, belt;
  • wreath of wildflowers.

But if the bride wants to observe traditions in everything, then she can put on a sundress (of any cut, but with long sleeves and covered chest), embroidered with national ornaments and decorate with lace.

The groom's national attire consists of linen pants and a white shirt, which can also be decorated with embroidered patterns. But if a young man still wants to wear a suit, then instead of a regular shirt, he puts on an embroidered shirt.

It has long been accepted that newlyweds' rings are made of different metals without any patterns and inscriptions, for the groom it is gold, and for the bride it is silver. Thus symbolizes the union of the Sun with the Moon.

Wedding style in Belarusian

Of course, it is better to hold the wedding ceremony in nature with a picturesque landscape and at the same time the photos will turn out to be colorful and “alive”. And organize a feast in a large tent, where guests can comfortably sit at wooden tables and benches. If it’s hard to find a suitable place, then a rustic-style hall will do, and you can decorate it with national Belarusian towels and wreaths of wild flowers and twigs with berries.

Wedding procession

At the present time, it is problematic to use traditional transport, as it is a horse-drawn cart. Moreover, the groom must travel with his friends separately from the bride and her girlfriends. The minimum number of motorcades is 7. Cars, as well as a wedding venue, can be decorated with towels and wildflowers with ribbons.

After all the guests and the newlyweds are seated in the cars, the father on the side of the bride must go around the entire procession with the icon in the course of the sun. After him, the mother should go and at the same time sprinkle everyone with grain. Then the procession goes to the temple for the wedding. And parents can immediately go to the institution where the wedding will be held with a feast. They are not present at the wedding, because according to traditions they can break this circle-amulet, as soon as they create it.

wedding ceremony

Following the traditions, the newlyweds at the time of the wedding stand on a pre-prepared towel, and a red belt is laid under it. Also, copper nickels are placed on the towel, on which a couple in love stands, which is getting married. At the end of the ceremony, all these paraphernalia were taken with them and in return they gave another towel to the temple. At the end of the wedding, a charm was made of them for a happy and long life. Namely, the parents wrapped two coins, wine glasses and spoons of the newlyweds in a towel, then with the help of a red ribbon and a belt they tied it all up in the form of a figure eight.

Also at the wedding, each had its own side, which symbolized the feminine and masculine. So for the groom - this is the right one, and for the bride - the left one.

Newlyweds vows

According to ancient traditions, the newlyweds gave each other symbolic gifts and took an oath at the same time. This can also be included in your wedding script during an outdoor ceremony, at the time of the exchange of wedding rings or before the first dance of the newlyweds, if registration is carried out at the registry office.


The scenario for a wedding in the Belarusian style should include old traditions, as well as ritual songs. The meeting of the newlyweds is also held in a traditional ceremony, where the main elements are loaf and mead. At the same time, they drank a little drink, and poured everything else over their shoulders, as if leaving everything bad behind.

Traditional dishes:

  • loaf;
  • homemade sausage;
  • boiled potatoes with cracklings;
  • potato pancakes with sour cream;
  • variety of salads.

A young couple, according to custom, should go to the table in a clockwise direction, and, accordingly, go out in the opposite direction. For the newlyweds, cutlery (there is no knife), wine glasses and plates are put the same. You can start the feast with the traditional eating of scrambled eggs by the bride and groom with only one spoon (an egg is a symbol of fertility, one device is love).

In order to protect the bride and groom from evil spirits and human envy, the guests shout “Bitter!” to them, after which the newlyweds kiss.

Traditionally, it is supposed to give newlyweds rag dolls that have one common hand. So lovers should hold each other's hands all the time at the wedding. It is believed that this is done so that no one can separate them.

One of the final traditions is the division of the loaf. Then the mother-in-law, approaching the bride, begins the ceremony of removing the veil, and then I cover my head with a scarf, and put on an apron. The veil is given to the witness so that she can have the next wedding.

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In the national tradition of any country, in particular Belarus, it requires a very careful approach in many aspects of planning events at a wedding. You will learn how to do everything right in this article.

wedding dress

Our portal will first tell you about the outfit of the Belarusian bride. The wedding dress of the girl should be distinguished by grace and subtlety. To create the image of the bride, use lace and embroidery. Put on a white shirt and a denim skirt. Put on an apron with various decorative elements on top of the skirt. It is important that everything harmoniously fits into your image. According to tradition, a vest with embroidery is worn over the shirt.

The groom should wear a white shirt and linen pants. Do not forget about bright accessories, for example, a belt with a national pattern.

Wedding towels

A towel at a Belarusian wedding is an integral part of the ceremony. According to Belarusian custom, you need to stock up on at least 40 towels. They are presented to the parents of the bride, they decorate the wedding procession (cars, horse cart), on which the happy newlyweds will ride. Towels are kept by the newlyweds on their way to church and bandage their clothes with them. This is where the tradition of tying them on the clothes of witnesses at the wedding appeared.

Wedding floristry

One of the very important moments is the bridal bouquet and bridal wreath. These elements must be carefully selected. They should emphasize all the wonderful flavor of the wedding celebration and should not stand out from the image of a beautiful bride.

You can use any variations when composing a bridal bouquet, it is better, of course, to choose wild flowers (daisies, cornflowers, etc.). For a wreath, you must use fresh flowers and twigs with berries, such as rue, periwinkle, viburnum and others.

Wedding procession

The groom and his friends must ride in one car, and the bride, according to custom, gets into another vehicle. It can be a horse-drawn cart or just wedding cars. The wedding procession must consist of at least seven cars, because seven is a symbolic number in Belarus.

As soon as everyone was seated in the motorcade, the father of the beautiful bride walked around the motorcade with the icon, moving in the direction of the sun. Behind him is the mother, who must sprinkle the cortege with grain. Parents should not be present at the wedding in the church, because, according to the Belarusian rite, they can destroy the circle that they so diligently created.


In the temple, the newlyweds are placed on a specially prepared towel, and two coins are placed on the places where the newlyweds will stand. After the wedding, these towels are taken with them, because, according to tradition, they cannot be left in the temple and it is necessary to keep them throughout a happy life together. During the wedding, the groom must stand on the right, and the bride on the left.


On the threshold of a restaurant or cafe, young people are greeted with parental bread and salt and two glasses of vodka, the portal recalls. Only parents who live happily together can keep bread and salt, and you can also entrust this procedure to planted parents. At this time, you can sprinkle the newlyweds with a small amount of sweets and grains.

All wedding celebrations of Belarusians can be divided into three stages: pre-wedding ("zapyty", matchmaking, engagement), wedding (wedding and wedding) and post-wedding (pies and "honeymoon").

The timing of weddings was not arbitrary, but strictly defined. Weddings were strictly forbidden during the fasts, as well as from January 7 to 21 ("covered evenings", at that time only "wolf weddings" were played). The best time was considered the time after the harvest, as well as during the winter meat-eater (from Epiphany to Maslenitsa). But even in these two-month periods, the time for the wedding was determined in accordance with the phases of the moon. The time of "maladzik" and the full moon was considered the most favorable. During the preparation and conduct of weddings, an infinite number of signs and superstitions were taken into account, which served as predictions for the future. For example, there were cases when matchmakers returned home if a black cat or a hare crossed their path. And if the horse began to beat with its hoof, then on that day they did not even think of leaving the yard.

Before leaving the groom's house, there was enough trouble for everyone. Boys and girls from the young squad decorated the carts, wagons, tarantasses (depending on the area and the social status of the family). The first wagon in which the groom rode was especially bright. The arc was braided with needles (spruce, pine, juniper branches), and several multi-colored ribbons were attached on top. Ribbons were white (to match the bride's clothes, as a symbol of chastity and innocence) and red (as a symbol of transition, rebirth, new status) colors. Bells were the main attribute of the decoration composition: large in the middle, smaller at the edges. The festive chime of the bells informed the inhabitants of the surrounding villages about the next festive event, and in addition, it destroyed any sorcery and cleared the path of all filth.

When everything was ready for departure in the groom's house, the parents put a table in the center of the hut, covered it with a white linen tablecloth, put bread and salt, put a bucket of water and lit a huge candle. The father took a homespun towel, bandaged his son's hands with it, circled him three times around the table and led him to the threshold. Then he gave him a small icon with the image of Christ in his hands, and the mother, holding a loud candle and a domestic icon in her hands, blessed her son on the road. The icon was left at home, and the matchmaker took the "gram" with him to secure the wedding cortege on the way. In addition, he took with him money, vodka, sweets, cookies, honey, belts that would be needed to ransom the bride.

In addition to the young and the matchmaker, the squad included: the godmother, "padzhanishnik" (brother or best dug), two or three carts with youth and musicians.

In the meantime, the young "syabryna" was getting ready to meet the guests. Native brides prepared a festive table, and girlfriends dressed up the main character of the celebration. Usually the bride was not dressed up in her house, but the choice of the house was not accidental. First of all, the bride could not be transferred across the street, so they chose a house that was on the side of their parents. In addition, the groom and his retinue had to drive past the bride's house. It was strictly forbidden to dress the bride in the house of a widow or widower, divorced, or where children were dying, or there was a fire. It was best when a friendly, happy and rich family lived in the house.

The bridesmaids braided a young braid, put on beautiful red boots, finally adjusted the dress, tied up the bride with a self-woven red belt. The last thing they put on was a veil (velum). The veil consisted of three main parts. One part of the veil covered a long braid. The other part - a thin short veil - was gathered with a cape and fell over the forehead over the eyes and face of the bride. A wreath was attached over the cape. The wreath could be made from both natural flowers and artificial ones. Artificial flowers were made from ribbon and paper and attached to a cardboard hoop. Mint, rue, viburnum, periwinkle were used to weave a wreath of fresh flowers. By the shape and color of the wreath, one could judge the social status of the bride. Necessarily in the wreath there was a rue - a symbol of girlish innocence. If the bride was an orphan, then a green mint leaf was woven into the wreath. And of course, only the bride who retained her innocence had the right to wear a wreath.

The bride price was one of the most emotional moments of the wedding. It contained the characteristic features of the Belarusian "kirmash": one side needed to bargain more for an unusual "goods", the other - to bring the price down to a minimum. Each of the parties could resort to "forbidden" methods: to try to humiliate the opponent, to hurt a nerve, to convict of stinginess and stinginess.

There were two types of redemption. More ancient is the option when the groom's squad redeemed the bride from her older sister; later, "bargaining" happened with her brother.

When both parties were satisfied with the "deal", the groom took the bride by the hand and led her to her home. There, the bride's relatives were already waiting for guests. The young squad was seated at the table along the wall from the street, and the native brides - along the wall from the yard. The senior matchmaker gave the command to pour a cup and made a toast. After a short treat, they began to prepare for departure to the temple.

In the Minsk region, a father girded his daughter with a special towel, circled her around the table three times in the sun and led her to the threshold, near which the groom was already standing. Then the father and mother each took a loaf of bread, wrapped them in the red ends of the towel with which the father had just performed the ritual action. With one hand, the parents held the bread, and with the other they lifted the towel in the form of a horseshoe. The young people passed through the gates of immortality, necessarily bending their heads, that is, bowing to the threshold - the ancient zone of the burial of their ancestors.

The groom and his retinue got into one cart, the young one (she was going to marry him) - into the second. The cortege was supposed to consist of seven wagons, since the symbolism of the seven underlies the functioning of the family and clan. As soon as the young people were seated, the father of the bride took the icon and, holding two lighted candles in his hands, walked around the wedding procession, moving in the direction of the sun. His mother followed him and sprinkled the wagons with grain. So they "closed" the wedding participants in a magic circle so that no one could harm the young on the way there and back. The parents of the young were strictly forbidden to attend the wedding in the temple. Thus, they could destroy the magic circle that they had erected around their children before going to the temple.

In the temple, the young were placed not on the bare floor, but on a towel specially stored for this purpose. But before spreading a towel on the floor, they put a red belt, and in the place where the young people would stand, it was necessary to put two copper nickels. After the wedding, all these attributes were taken with them. You can’t leave them in the temple, you need to keep them all your life. After the end of the wedding, the parents of the young people collected the metal bases of two flowers in these towels, the spoons, the wine glasses used by the young, were tied with a red ribbon with a figure eight, and they were tied on top with a belt on which the young stood. This was done so that the young family would live a long and happy life together. In order to thank the temple, the matchmakers specially took one more towel with them.

During the registration of marriage and during the wedding, the bride must be to the left of the groom. Matchmakers need to tie towels: for men - a knot under the right hand, for women - under the left. Similarly, ribbons are tied to young witnesses. Because in the mythopoetic model of the world of Belarusians, the top is masculine, the bottom is feminine. Accordingly, the horizontal axis of space is also divided: the right side is the zone bearing the masculine principle, the left side is the feminine.

In past centuries, Belarusians had an unshakable tradition: immediately after the wedding, the newlyweds went to the graves of their ancestors, which were located next to the temple. In communist times, young people began to visit memorial complexes, monuments to the leaders of the revolution, and mass graves. All this was in tune with the time and ideology. But it is worth noting that experts in the field of bioenergy information claim that it is not a festive aura that dominates the mass graves.

Having visited the graves of their ancestors, the young returned home. On the way, the young people had to "pass seven bridges" (at the same time, the groom carried the bride in his arms along each bridge). No one should have crossed the road of the young. Young people and matchmakers returned in the same wagon. At a crossroads or not far from the bride's house, neighbors tried to block their way. A table was placed in the middle of the road, on it a bucket of water, bread and salt, and they demanded payment from the matchmakers for the import of a stranger. The cortege was supposed to drive up to the bride's house only from the direction of sunrise.

The young people sat in the wagon until their parents appeared on the threshold of the house. The newlyweds had to take the first step into life together from the wagon not on bare ground, but on some kind of blanket. And best of all on an inverted casing.

Even if the wedding was in autumn or summer, the mother came out to meet the young in an inverted jacket and felt boots (a symbol of dead ancestors who from the world of the dead help the living), holding a towel with bread and salt in her hands. Father brought out a decanter of vodka and two glasses. Young people he poured a glass and offered to drink. The young were supposed to take a sip of the drink, but they had no right to drink it, because they had their wedding night ahead of them. It was necessary to pour alcohol with the right hand over the left shoulder (the one behind which there are black forces). This action was repeated twice, and on the third time, the young, without trying, throw glasses behind their backs. Now the young are offered to kiss bread and salt and are invited to the house.

The threshold is the death zone. It is forbidden to touch him. Therefore, the groom took the bride in his arms and carried him over the threshold. The guests present at this time showered the young with grain.

Usually the wedding lasted three days. Walked separately in the house of the bride and groom. But if the families were poor, they organized a joint wedding either in the groom's house or in the bride's house.

The final stage of the wedding was the division of the loaf. Usually the bride's loaf was divided between the relatives of the young, and the groom's loaf was divided between the relatives of the young.

Immediately after the division, the groom's loaf mother approached the bride, took off her veil and handed it to the senior groomsman to marry next. For her daughter-in-law, she tied the attributes of the female share - a scarf and an apron.

On the ninth day after the wedding, pies were played - a feast for parents who did not have the opportunity to sit at the wedding table at the wedding. From the ninth to the fortieth day, the "honeymoon" of the young lasted. A year later, the family was expecting their first child.

Thematic traditional Belarusian wedding in gentry style.

Task and idea: At the request of the young people, the team of the Extreme Theater "Berserk" needed to organize a wedding in the traditional Belarusian (gentry) style. For this event, a Belarusian-speaking host was needed, who would hold a wedding with national characteristics and several traditional show programs in the gentry style.

Number of participants: 80 people.

Implementation: The wedding took place in a country estate, so a spacious gazebo was chosen for the event, which our designer decorated with decorations made from natural materials (linen, cotton, silk), there were also decorative elements with traditional Belarusian patterns. And, of course, fresh flowers!

And since the wedding was traditional, the holiday began from the very threshold, as was the custom of our ancestors. The host, in the form of a wealthy gentry, met the young at the very gates of the estate, and from the very first minutes, both the young and their guests were involved in rituals and games. Indeed, in order for the groom to enter the house where the wedding will take place, he needed not only to receive approval from his parents, but also to pass several tests!

To the delight of the bride and the fun of the guests, all the tests of the leading groom passed with dignity, after which it was the turn of the parents - the traditional "bread and salt" at this wedding was absolutely appropriate, although many now refuse this ceremony during European weddings. Toast after toast, congratulation after congratulation, the turn of the first dance of the young comes, to which the guys approached very responsibly and prepared and rehearsed for quite a long time. As a result, a beautiful dance appeared before the guests, which the young people performed to live music - our violinist performed in the guise of a court artist.

The first dance is over, the parental parting words have also already been sounded, and what does this mean for a gentry wedding? That's right, you can move on to the unofficial part with funny old-fashioned amusements, toasts, jokes and jokes and, of course, call the best artists to the stage! On that wedding evening, many fun games and competitions were held. Others include:

  • "Kelikh kola" is a tradition that came to us from distant ancestors. The host personally poured wine into a large, ancient goblet, after which the goblet was passed around among the guests. Everyone who took the goblet in their hands had to say a couple of pleasant words for the young and after drinking a sip of wine, pass the goblet on.
  • "Toast with a saber". Absolutely everyone can say toasts and wish good. But will the guests also be able to drink a drink from the blade after the toast so that not a single drop hits the ground? We presented this tradition at the wedding in the form of a competition - several participants made toasts and studied the art of drinking from the blade until the strongest remained!
  • Dance "make the bride laugh." Several participants had only one task - to dance to unexpected music for the bride so that she laughed. As a result, the presenter, amazed by the success of the guests, suggested that they make another surprise - the fourth dance, which had to be danced by all the participants together for an encore.

As for the show program, our virtuoso dancers set the mood here, who, to the accompaniment of bagpipes and drums, performed ancient dances, and then held a dance master class with the guests and amused the guests by inviting them to play folk games - a brook, a grouse, a widow and many others!

And, of course, what traditional wedding would be complete without a bridal blacksmith? That's right, definitely not ours! That is why the young, under the strict guidance of a master blacksmith, made with their own hands an eternal symbol of happiness - a horseshoe! The guests were also able to learn blacksmithing - the blacksmith told everyone about the peculiarities of working in the forge and helped to make memorable souvenirs. What happened next, you ask? And then everything was exactly as it should be at a good gentry wedding - a lot of smiles, fun, dancing and good mood!

Outcome: Both young people and their guests were imbued with the folk spirit and theme of the wedding and had a lot of fun! Subsequently, the scenario of this particular wedding inspired many other couples to have a wedding in the gentry or folk style.

A wedding without contests and entertainment is like a joke without humor. It is entertaining moments that create a general atmosphere of fun and a real holiday. Well-chosen contests will not make you blush the next day, but on the contrary, they will give you wonderful memories of one of the best weddings in your life.

For convenience, we have divided 13 ideas into groups.

Competitions for guests

1. Impromptu "Welcome guests"

The host asks what the guests wish the young from intangible values. Be sure to be listed: happiness, health, success, luck, joy, warmth, mutual understanding, harmony and, of course, love. Everyone who guessed correctly is given cards with an indication of the role and phrases. The text is being read. Participants must say a phrase immediately after mentioning their character.

Roles and Phrases:

Love:"I will warm your blood!"

Happiness:"Here I am! Hello everyone!"

Health:"I will complete the genealogy!"

Success:"I'm the coolest of all of you!"

Luck:"I'm coming to join you!"

Understanding: "A moment of attention!"

Patience:"I'll give you a solution!"

Harmony (all guests in chorus): "Advice to you and love!"

So the day came when Harmony came to the world. He is dominated by the beautiful Love. Huge hovering over our young Happiness. Promises to be in perfect order vigorous Health. Swears he's around the corner, loud Success. On the wings of a blue bird, the inevitable comes to us Luck. Seriousness reigns at the table Understanding. And with him came the resilient Patience. This is what we have Harmony. Very loud promises unrestrained Love. Even louder - stubborn Health. The unbelted one tries to keep up with them Success. cheered up Harmony. Especially when, flirting, she said a word Luck, and joined her, winking meaningfully, Happiness. I couldn't resist the abundance of emotions. Harmony. She just burst into tears from the wild Happiness. But here came to the rescue with adventurous intonations Patience. He was instantly understood by the tipsy Understanding. Everyone came to the conclusion that the main thing among them is the Caucasian Health. And you just need to raise a glass to him. Mutual understanding and Patience, Success and Luck, Happiness and Love and, of course, Health wish our newlyweds to always have absolute Harmony in their family!

2. Wedding forecast

The facilitator proposes to make a gift-wish to the young people together, using certain gestures. The text will contain key words, upon hearing which you need to show the specified gesture. Before starting, rehearse with each gesture.

Love- married ladies draw a heart in the air.

Happiness- unmarried girls send a kiss to young people.

Health- married men, bending their arms at the elbow, show biceps.

Wealth- unmarried guys show the “yes” gesture to young people, lowering their arm bent at the elbow down.

Passion- all together show the sign “in!” with both hands, stretching towards the young.

We will read the forecast to you
For the next hundred years.
How to live them is not a question,
We have an answer for everything!

A hurricane is waiting for you love,
torrential downpour of happiness,
And wealth on a way,
And health, sea passions.

Will become happiness Sweet home -
At love he will be a prisoner
And wealth will be in it
And health, undoubtedly!

Passion there will be a typhoon in it,
Happiness will be with children's laughter.
And love among the lagoons
And wealth, and joy!

Will always serve you
And wealth, and health.
Passion, love you can't survive -
Happiness will be in the head!

3. Flash mob of love

During the dance break, guests are invited to make a flash mob for the young. To a cheerful, rhythmic melody, tell the love story of the newlyweds in a dance. The host shows and rehearses the movements - first without music, then under it. Young people are shown an already rehearsed number.


  • Went- Rhythmically shift from foot to foot.
  • saw- with palms clenched into a fist with index and middle fingers extended (gesture "V"), hold in front of the eyes.
  • fell in love- Draw a heart with your hands.
  • Head spinning with happiness - turns around the axis with arms extended upwards: first in one direction, then in the other direction.
  • Started to soar on the wings of love - the same thing, only swing your arms like wings.
  • Made an offer - put your hands on your heart and spread to the side: to the heart - to the left side - to the heart - to the right side.
  • She agreed- bend your arms at the elbows, move up and down, while turning in one direction or the other.
  • Air kisses to young people.

Repeat movements 4-8 times. You can "tell" the story 2-3 times in a row, but reduce the number of repetitions.

4. Body designers

Two teams of 7-8 people are recruited. No inventory. They are given tasks to depict a certain object as a team. Each team has 3-4 tasks. For example: teapot, car, bouquet, window, many-armed Shiva, plane and so on.

5. Rainbow of desires

Competition for the unification of related teams.

Participate in 7 people from the bride and groom. Participants randomly pull out of the bags one ribbon of a certain color of the rainbow 1 m long. Next, the teams line up opposite each other. The facilitator suggests castling and teaming up in pairs of participants with the same color of ribbons.

  1. Educated couples must tie their ribbon on the more attractive, in their opinion, part of the partner's body.
  2. All couples become a semicircle - Facing young people. There are excerpts from songs (20-30 seconds) in which one of the colors of the rainbow is mentioned. Participants with the same color of ribbons come forward and dance. The most active dancing part of the body should be the one on which the ribbon is tied.
  3. by applause a winner is selected for each pair.
  4. Everyone is dancing together to a common song about the rainbow.

Props: two bags, 7 pairs of ribbons 1 m long.

Recommended songs: "Orange Sun" (Paints), "Blue Frost" (Prime Minister), "Yellow Autumn Leaf" (Hummingbird), "Blue Eyes" (Mr Credo), "Red Dress" (Shtar), "Don't Hide Your Green Eyes" (I. Sarukhanov), "Violet Powder" (Propaganda), "Rainbow of Desires" (E. Lashuk).

6. Spy at the wedding

Participants are called who, after the question “who considers themselves sober?” raised their hands. In turn, they blow into the "tubes". After each time, the comment of the “alcotester” is voiced.

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