The most beautiful sign of Libra is what it is. A woman born under the sign of Libra. Who suits Libra woman

Woman of the zodiac sign Libra- sheer charm. Venus made her charming, sweet, affectionate, tender. Refined manners, elegance conquer the opposite sex.

Libra Woman will not pass by the shop windows where jewelry is displayed. This is her passion. She can't resist shopping. In her box you can find cute trinkets for all occasions. No woman wears them with such charm as she does.

She is charming not only in dresses made of silk and lace, but also in trousers. It's impossible to define her style. Today she prefers sports, and tomorrow everyone will admire her romantic outfit.

Libra Woman endowed with male logic of thinking. She can argue on any topic. One can only be surprised at her quick wit, intelligence, which is especially evident in the discussion. She can talk and argue with everyone, but she knows how to listen to others. Someone else's opinion is important to her: she accumulates everything in her pretty head in order to make an unbiased decision.

She gives advice calmly, without unnecessary emotions, after weighing everything, relying only on reason, using only irrefutable facts.

She will not insist on her decision, but will do everything possible so that the person agrees with her arguments and accepts the only correct solution. No one's pride will be hurt, no one will be humiliated.

She knows how to hide her mind behind a shy smile, sweet charm and friendliness. To doubt her sincerity is simply a sin.

Feminine, defenseless, weak, soft - such is this woman at first glance. And at the same time, she finds the strength to withstand troubles, hardships, when her family finds herself in cramped circumstances. In difficult times, you can rely on her, she will not betray either relatives or friends.

She is not interested in her husband's secrets. For her, nobility, tact are above all. She will not allow herself to scream, squeal, raised intonation. And if Libra woman tempted by the devil, then her angelic soul restores harmony. When her balance is disturbed, she may not utter a single word with her loved ones. But this is rare and does not last long. She is the first to seek a truce and settle the conflict.

Libra Woman wonderful hostess. In her house - order and comfort. The surroundings of her rooms are carpets, paintings, flowers, beautiful furniture. All this is handpicked with excellent taste. Silverware, good porcelain is the passion of most women of this sign. Exquisite wine, a varied menu, candles, pleasant music play an important role for her. Even in this she strives for perfection. Being a woman is her main calling.

She is a tender and caring mother, but at the same time she is strict. She will not allow children to disturb the peace of her father and educates them in respect for his authority. Children will be neat and polite if she does not spoil them herself. The husband will always come first in the family.

Fragile, tender, she is looking for support in her husband, a person who would remove some of her worldly worries from her. But she is not one of those women who, after marriage, quit their job and live on the means of their husband. This woman will earn money on a par with him in order to support her family and home. Achieving well-being, prosperity is one of the most important things in her life.

Charm Libra women attracts many men. She is very seductive, skillful in seduction, and the one who felt attracted to her will no longer be able to easily get rid of his feelings. She is not prone to strong feelings when a relationship is broken. The one who loves this woman should be aware of this and constantly take care that she is surrounded by his love and that she maintains a constant interest in him and her love. She needs constant attention. Without him, she feels miserable. But this rarely happens.

She also strives for perfection in love. Her partner will have to conquer her constantly. Love transforms her, she becomes sociable, gentle, affectionate. She is ready to admire her beloved, live with his worries, can leave friends, forget loved ones for him. He is everything to her: king and God.

Sex brings this woman purely physical happiness, and although Libra Woman passionately seeks to receive satisfaction from intimate relationships, while sensations do not affect her soul, and she does not experience mental pleasure, and does not reach for it. She does not show initiative, completely relying on the imagination and skill of her partner. A man should not be shocked by her behavior after intimacy: having satisfied her physical passion, she can behave completely calmly, as if nothing had happened between them.

Astrological characteristics of the representatives of this zodiac sign ( September 23 to October 22) combines an attractive appearance, a sharp mind and a pleasant character. Can such an ideal lady have flaws? Astrologers say that a Libra woman can be stubborn, cynical and even slutty.

Main character traits

The Libra woman has a pleasant and friendly disposition. The astrological description of her character includes the following features:

  • femininity;
  • ingenuity and developed thinking;
  • suspiciousness and indecision;
  • calmness and some detachment;
  • the need for protection.

Astrologers believe that the defining characteristic for the representatives of the sign is the rejection of conflicts.

The Libra woman will do anything to prevent a quarrel. She tries to please everyone, looking for a compromise even in the most difficult situations.

This zodiac sign often hesitates before making a decision. It is problematic for her to make a choice even in simple everyday situations. She tries to shift the torment of choice onto someone else's shoulders and is afraid of responsibility. Her positive quality is the inability to commit immoral acts. The representative of this astrological period will not achieve the goal dishonestly.

Appearance and health

The appearance of a Libra woman is almost always perfect. Characteristics of their appearance includes the following features:

  • harmony;
  • gracefulness;
  • elegance;
  • good hair and skin;
  • refined taste;
  • femininity.

This zodiac sign always takes care of their appearance, even the Libra girl walks around the house with styling, light makeup and beautiful clothes. And for going out, she always has a chic dress ready. There is not a drop of vulgarity in the representatives of the sign, her wardrobe consists of classic things.

Most of the diseases in a woman of this sign arise due to stress. They take everything too close to the heart and do not know how to relieve nervous tension. The body of Libra suffers greatly from hypothermia, so they should not be cold.

Profession and career

The professional characteristic of a Libra woman contains the following qualities:

  • abstract thinking;
  • sociability and diplomacy;
  • rejection of physical labor;
  • impatience;
  • heightened sense of justice.

This sign of the Zodiac is good in professions related to the search for truth: a lawyer, a lawyer, a judge, a journalist, and so on. Libra does not like responsibility, so professions in which you need to make important decisions and be responsible for the fate of other people are not suitable for them. Representatives of the sign should not go into pedagogy. It is difficult for them to cope with numerous children's conflicts and educate students with different characters.

Libra's multifaceted personality does well in creative specialties: writer, screenwriter, artist or designer. This zodiac sign can become a flight attendant, social worker, tour guide or travel agent. Libra likes to benefit people, but at the same time feel respect and significance of their work.

The Libra woman suffers from a lack of arrogance and perseverance, because of which she fails to reach great career heights. She is very upset by criticism, especially unfounded. The representative of the sign needs recognition of her merits. The best motivation for Libra will be if the boss at least briefly mentions their successes at the general meeting. But you need to scold the sign without outsiders. The material side is also important for the ladies of this astrological period. Libra loves stability too much, so they need decent and timely pay.

This zodiac sign loves work and the material comfort it brings. But she will gladly give up her career if her husband provides her with complete financial stability and independence. In this case, the energy of Libra will be directed to home improvement and raising children.

Love, relationships and marriage

The Libra woman attracts men's views not only because of her appearance, but also because of her sexuality. For her, physical intimacy, passion is important. This zodiac sign can captivate a man, turn his head and easily break off relationships. The partner of Libra may think that the beloved does not appreciate him. In some ways, he is right: the girl of this sign thinks, first of all, about her comfort and pleasure. As long as a man gives it to her, she will take care of him and show love.

In the romantic period, the sign forgets about friends and work, spending all the time with his beloved. For a Libra woman, getting sexual satisfaction is more important than platonic dates. It is not easy for her to move into a closer relationship. If a man shows an unobtrusive initiative in this regard, she will only be glad. After sex, she may look like nothing happened.

A man who wants to marry a Libra woman must make important decisions on his own. This zodiac sign can doubt for a long time and never make a choice. So, the guy needs to make a marriage proposal and help her decide.

An ideal husband for Libra should solve all domestic issues, protect and support his wife. In return, she will give him comfort, order and happiness. In the family, the most important sign for the sign is the husband. Even with several children, she will pay a lot of attention to her husband. He is also required to financially provide for the family and give his wife a little freedom. The representative of the sign will not commit adultery, she just needs personal space.

The Libra woman becomes a good mother: loving, fair and wise. She does not like to punish children, preferring to negotiate even with kids. Their severity is always justified and is quickly replaced by affection. The mother of this sign calmly perceives the whims of her child, skillfully prevents his tantrums. The children of such a mother are always neat and beautifully dressed, well-mannered and sociable.

More Famous Libra Women

A woman born under the sign of Libra immediately catches the eye. She is sophisticated and charming, always dressed with taste and can easily carry on a conversation on almost any topic. She is a born coquette, for her there is no question of how to charm a man. This woman does not like conflicts and tries to keep peace and tranquility around her.

As a rule, women born under the constellation Libra have extraordinary mental abilities. In their reasoning, they amaze the interlocutor with their truly masculine logic. These women have a very peculiar mindset, and they can easily surpass a man in conversation.

However, Libra has enough natural intelligence not to openly demonstrate intellectual superiority over a man, at least until their honeymoon is over.

The main character trait of Libra is an evaluative attitude to everything. The Libra woman is often not confident in her actions, she is constantly gnawed by the doubt that she is doing everything right.

Libra is very fond of beautiful and expensive things. They value luxury more than any other zodiac sign. If her partner is able to provide her with a decent life, then she can become a caring housewife. If there is not enough money in the family, then she will work on an equal basis with her husband for the sake of their general well-being.

It is easy for Libras to succeed in their work. These women get along well with everyone in the team. They are not prone to conflict, and their sharp mind helps them to make a successful career.

Relationships with men

The Libra woman does not tolerate loneliness well. For her, marriage is a mutually beneficial and fruitful cooperation of two equal partners. She will take part in the life of her chosen one, will be able to completely immerse herself in his problems, will constantly help him achieve success.

She is able to warn her man against rash impulsive acts. Libra is able to do this very gently, without imposing their opinion at all.

Libras rarely let their emotions get the best of their minds. Even the most average Libra woman has good mental abilities and the ability to deeply analyze the situation.

In family life, she will always provide her chosen one with personal space. Libra will never sink to the point of spying on her husband: reading his correspondence or calling all the numbers in his phone book.

The Libra woman loves to talk, but can be a very attentive listener. With her next to a man can feel truly happy.

Libra's relationship with children is also good. She is able to recognize the character of her child almost from the first days of his life. A woman - Libra is able to become a true devoted friend for her, and they, without fear of condemnation, will tell her all their innermost secrets.

For her, the main vocation is to be a real woman. Here she will strive for perfection.

Can a complex, multifaceted person be very democratic in communication and find a common language both with the powers that be and with ordinary people? Maybe, but only when it comes to scales. Yes, it is the representatives of this zodiac sign who are true connoisseurs of harmony, who have found their formula for success: pay attention to everything, but little by little. That is why the Libra woman combines seemingly incongruous features.

She is charming and beautiful, and also a true friend who will be happy to keep you company and go on adventures with you. She is open and closed, smart but not boring. The list can go on for a very long time. But it would be more correct to give the floor to the stars.

Libra (lat. “Libra”) is a sign of the zodiac, whose serial number speaks volumes in itself. This is a harmonious number 7, which, apparently, has a very strong influence on our heroine. In the starry firmament, Libra is adjacent to Virgo on the left and Scorpio on the right. The symbol of this sign is two scales., which reflect the painful search for truth and the golden mean. Yes, our heroine often has to hesitate for a long time before making even a minor decision. But this is because she subconsciously strives for the constant improvement of the world and is sure that each of our earthly steps has its consequences.

The element of the Libra sign is air.. People belonging to her are distinguished by a sharp intellect, natural quick wit and a constant need for communication. Of course, Libra also has difficult times when you just want to close yourself with a hundred locks, but our heroine cannot stay in this position for a long time. Her innate talents are manifested precisely in society, therefore, she draws her inspiration from people.

Concerning flowers that bring luck to the scales, the situation here is very ambiguous and even unique. The fact is that along with specific shades of dark blue and aquamarine, as well as emerald green, Libras can surround themselves with almost any tones. The main thing is that they should be pastel, muted: pinkish, light green, pale yellow, pale lilac, coral and many others. Even the color palette clearly shows that our heroine is truly a symbol of harmony.

patronizes delicate scales Venus- the planet of refined feelings, sentimental emotions that are usually characteristic of people of art. Yes, and all earthly people experience them in those delightful moments when the moon shines only for two. Yes, Libras are incorrigible romantics. They tend to idealize our sinful world, including their partner. In many ways, this is their strength, but sometimes this feature plays against our heroine. However, this is a separate conversation, the turn to which will definitely come.

As for the famous ladies who were born under the sign of Libra, they are all distinguished not only by bright, in many ways unique personality traits, but also by inexhaustible spiritual charisma. To be more precise - you look at such a charming girl, and you want to live on, no matter what happens. These are Brigitte Bardot and Monica Bellucci, Chulpan Khamatova and Vera Vasilyeva, Kate Winslet and Carol Lombard, Margaret Thatcher, Naomi Watts, as well as Gwyneth Paltrow, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Hilary Duff and thousands of other talented names that will not even fit in 10 of these articles.

Libra woman: her character in terms of the stars

Libra - have a charming and feminine nature. That's just the femininity of her completely unusual, unique properties. This lady always plays her game and prefers not to compete with other girls who can outshine her in some way. But at least in one it is the scales that will give odds to everyone. Our heroine is not a capricious princess, but a true true friend. She is easy-going, does not suffer from delusions of grandeur and is very easy to handle. Scales do not allow themselves to be exalted above men, because they respect the ideals of equality and individual freedom. That is why it is this lady who can easily and simply get around the absurd, impudent girls, who sometimes should learn from her the simplicity and beauty of manners.

Creative, original, interesting

It is difficult to find one word in order to most fully describe the nature of the multifaceted Libra girl. Yes, we are indeed a creative person. The entire space around the scales is replete with beautiful flowers, figurines, unusual paintings, antiques or luxurious gizmos. This lady is drawn to beauty and wealth. And she also appreciates her comfort, for which she is ready to give a lot.

Monica Bellucci

Ingenuity by nature

Interestingly, even if the scales perform routine duties, they always strive to approach the matter in the most rational way so that the process goes faster and more efficiently. Otherwise, it cannot be - after all, our heroine is clearly not deprived of intelligence. Moreover, her mind is of a special, natural property. Libras prefer to learn by doing rather than theory. Often they do not have a phenomenal memory, which does not prevent them from shining with knowledge that seems to be born right on the go.

Little things don't happen

Yes, that's what harmonious scales think. If you go on a date with her, it is better to take a sponge for shoes in order to give extra shine before the most crucial moment. It's just that this girl pays attention to every little thing and proceeds from the conviction that they are met precisely by clothes.

Everything in a person should be perfect.

And this is the real life motto of a Libra girl. Such truths are not new, and there seems to be nothing original about them. However, when it comes to practice, many people think that you can just turn a blind eye to some little things. Many, but not scales. Keep this in mind.

Attitude towards work and money

Scales cannot be suspected of tracking every penny and meticulously matching debit with an elusive loan. Yes, our heroine sometimes allows herself to significantly go beyond the budget. It just draws her to expensive, status things. That is why a luxurious watch and an expensive bracelet are the accessories that can be found on any representative of this sign.

As for work, our heroine tends to choose a field of study related to working with people. A constant flow of new personalities, different characters - this literally creates an atmosphere of drive. After all, it is the scales who know how to establish contacts with any person, choosing the right words that act even on a heated person as a sedative. And Libras love everything that is connected with beauty. Design, jewelry, fashion magazines - this is the element in which she feels like a fish in water.

What kind of man does Libra need?

If at different times we ask this question to our heroine herself, the answers may even turn out to be opposite. On the one hand, strong, on the other - kind-hearted. Smart but easy to get around. Athletic and at the same time intelligent. At first glance, a combination of incongruous. However, from the point of view of weights, there is no contradiction. It’s just that our heroine herself learned a little of everything, and expects about the same from her partner.

Catherine Zeta-Jones with husband Michael Douglas

Nevertheless, if you listen to the opinion of the omniscient stars, you can get a pretty clear picture of what the cavalier of the scales should be like:

  1. He is a noble knight. This is a starting point and simply an essential requirement. Indeed, how can a rude person turn out to be with a graceful, charming girl? Of course no.
  2. He is a man with a free outlook on life. Libra does not like conservatism, perseverance, unwillingness to change. Our heroine would not want to constantly push her man to one step or another, because it is not easy for her to make important decisions herself. In her soul mate, she is looking for, perhaps, an older brother who can show and prove to her how to do the right thing in a given situation. But in no case do not decide for her.
  3. Constantly feed the scales with intellectual food. This girl will simply not be interested in discussing the weather or immediate plans. Whatever the scales do, they are always distinguished by the versatility of nature. That is why this lady is looking for a man burdened with intellect as her companion.
  4. Finally, proceed from the fact that the scales are for equality. She has nothing against the fact that a man decides everything himself. But before that, he should justify his motives and show the logical chain that led him to one step or another. In addition, this is an extra chance to show yourself in the best light.

How Not to Behave with a Libra Woman

Libra is a very democratic girl who does not require some kind of ideality from her partner. But a man who was lucky enough to be next to our heroine should keep in mind a few nuances, the observance of which is in his own interests:

  1. First of all, never put pressure on the scale. The policy of threats, outright manipulation, and even more so the restriction of her freedom, is a hopeless business. In appearance, soft and charming scales will certainly take a defensive position and give a decisive rebuff to anyone, even the most handsome man.
  2. Don't be rude with weights. Remember how she communicates - businesslike, interesting, almost theatrical. So you keep the same style. At least at first. You can be sure that sooner or later the masks fall off and the actors disappear behind the curtain.
  3. Finally, do not reveal all your trump cards. By this, of course, you will not offend the scales, but you will become a rather boring hero for her. Libra loves to be beaten with intelligence. An elegant scheme, a couple of harmless tricks, multiplied by a little intrigue - here it is, the ideal path to the heart of our heroine. People who have everything in sight are not interesting to her by definition.

Who fits the scales and who doesn't

Libra is in an eternal search for harmony, therefore, their potential chosen one must be at least versatile and be able to enter into different images, adapting to the situation. Simply put, the ideal of scales is a kind of kaleidoscope man who, in any combination, gives an incredibly beautiful picture.

But what a picture of the compatibility of a Libra woman with other signs of the zodiac was drawn by the stars:

  1. Men from the native element of air are the best match for our heroine. It is they who will be able to constantly feed the curiosity of the scales, inspire them to new feats. And most importantly, it is with the representatives of the air that our heroine will develop a deep psychological contact. guarantees Libra understanding and an inexhaustible source of intellectual food. impress our heroine due to their erudition, versatility of nature and lightness of character. As for compatibility with a representative of your own sign, the situation may become somewhat more complicated. A couple is a tandem of two interesting people who understand each other, who, nevertheless, are indecisive. Most likely, the partners will simply begin to shift responsibility onto each other, which will cause a lot of disagreements, from which the union will lose strength.
  2. The union of scales with fiery men promises to be very interesting. If this lady has made her choice and decided to settle on classic, strong companions, she should pay attention to these representatives. will surround his missus with all sorts of luxuries, and in this regard will be an ideal companion for scales who value material comfort and convenience. The only serious risk is that this man likes to command, which is unacceptable for our heroine. However, they can find a common language, if only they strongly wish. Assertive - less successful gentleman. It is distinguished by its straightforwardness, which delicate scales may consider rude. As for, it is with him that our heroine has every chance to feel real tropical passion. However, along with fiery feelings, partners should offer each other other bonuses, because without them the union has much less prospects.
  3. If the scales have seen life in all its charms and want to plunge into an atmosphere filled with family comfort, they should carefully look at the representatives of the water element. True, you need to be prepared for the fact that difficulties in mutual understanding may arise. The indecisive should sometimes be led by the hand and transparently hinted at the need to take a new step. Artistic - a very interesting man for Libra. Both will find in each other what they have been looking for for a long time: beautiful manners, sophisticated looks, craving for everything beautiful. That's just the everyday side of the life of this tandem runs the risk of overshadowing the picture. Partners need to keep this in mind in advance. As for, this is the least successful option. On the one hand, he is a strong man who is ready to take the young lady under guardianship. But our young lady does not want to be under someone's wing all the time. Libra is a freedom-loving girl, which Scorpio does not want to understand.
  4. Finally, the union with the earthly signs of the zodiac looks completely unsuccessful. will seem too conservative to the scales, although his craving for material comfort may tip her scales in the other direction. for scales it will turn out to be a rather monotonous, insipid person. As for, such a combination has a pretty good chance if the partners agree in advance on some personal boundaries.

Libra in bed

The Libra girl has a rich imagination, because she easily enters into any role, and during the night she can change many images. We can say that the main thing for her is to feel intelligence in her man. Libra will not dive into the oceans of the night with a completely uninteresting person. It can be considered a whim, but she really sees in her companion something more than a set of muscles.

And the partner of the scales should also keep in mind that our heroine is extremely demanding on the atmosphere of a spicy evening. Libra love beautiful, cozy rooms, subdued light, neatly folded linen in pastel colors. Just remember how the stars began their story: everything in a person should be beautiful. Simple and profound truth.

Libra woman - she will become a true friend, a smart lover, an interesting conversationalist and just a good, reliable companion for someone who can simply understand her. And give yourself without a trace.

The bright individuality of women born under this sign is explained by its uniqueness - this is the only zodiac sign represented by an inanimate object.

In ancient Greek mythology, the image of scales is associated with the goddess of justice, Dike, the daughter of Zeus and Themis. Descending from Mount Olympus to the sinful earth, the goddess impartially weighed the fate of people on the scales. Subsequently, Zeus placed the fateful attribute of the goddess in the sky. Seeing it above their heads, humanity should always remember the highest justice and maintaining balance in their lives.

The element of Libra is Air. The airiness of the sign is manifested by ease of communication, quickness of mind, inexhaustible imagination, the ability to guess the trends of the time and fashion. The ruling planet is Venus. On the earthly plane, it corresponds to natural magnetism. Gentle, sensitive Libra women Venus endowed with a mysterious attraction for the opposite sex.

Colors of Libra: all pastel colors, especially blue, pale green, purple, lilac. They are in harmony with the endless air space. Talisman stones: quartz, opal, marble, sapphire, zircon, diamond. Some of them act especially favorably on the representatives of this sign: opal inspires hope that can inspire Libra women, because they are so afraid of failure; sapphire organizes this windy zodiac sign; zircon gives determination, which Libra sometimes lacks so much!


Among other signs, Libra women are surprisingly harmonious creatures. Thanks to the patronage of Venus, they possess such qualities as sociability, goodwill, the ability to love, creativity and eternal craving for beauty.

Such a lady like no one knows how to conduct a constructive dialogue. She is ready to listen to all points of view, to take the place of the interlocutor and assess the situation from the outside. She avoids extremes, injustice, physical and spiritual imperfection on an intuitive level.

Libra women are able to find beauty in the most ordinary things and create an aesthetic space around themselves. Any object in their environment, whether it be clothing or furnishings, is not only utilitarian, but also outwardly attractive.


The list of virtues of ladies born under the sign of Libra is endless. To name just a few of them:
  • delicacy
  • refinement
  • politeness
  • justice
  • sincerity
  • peacefulness
  • unselfishness
  • elegance


The main negative quality of Libra women is that they hesitate for a long time in making decisions, sometimes missing a happy opportunity where you need to act immediately. There is a tendency to strong dependence on the partner up to the loss of independence. Other negative features include:
  • effeminacy
  • snobbery
  • frivolity
  • suspiciousness
  • indecision
  • impracticality

Zodiac signs: the most vulnerable places or how not to destroy relationships

Qualities to be developed

First of all, Libra should cultivate integrity and independence in themselves. The most disturbing time for representatives of this sign is frivolous youth. In order not to break firewood at the dawn of life, they need to deal with indecision, otherwise the weighing of the pros and cons can drag on indefinitely.

Libra needs to learn to manage their mood, which changes like the weather at sea. Meditation practices for which they have an internal predisposition can be of particular benefit to Libra women.

What a Libra Woman Loves

The happiness of Libra is in the pursuit of inner harmony. They look for it everywhere: in philosophical books, nature, friendships and family relationships. Libra loves when everything around them is flawless. Since such an idyll practically does not occur in our world, young Libra ladies from childhood master the skill of selective vision. If you close your eyes to the flaws around, then they do not exist. Simple, like all ingenious!

How to recognize the lies of the zodiac signs?

Libra women like peace and tranquility. The sound of the surf and the singing of birds are more pleasant for them than the deafening rhythms of the party. Such ladies are happy when they find an interesting hobby and have enough time to occupy their souls.

They love order and cleanliness, because this is an indispensable attribute of the beauty of the outside world. Dirty work they do only when their sense of beauty is very uncomfortable.

In a word, Libra women love Perfection in all its manifestations, and they themselves strive to become it as far as possible. As you can see, the requests are not modest, so they become either the happiest on Earth, or they are always looking for the problems and shortcomings of others.

What a Libra Woman Doesn't Like

Such ladies cannot stand rude, ill-mannered people. They try to avoid companies where obsessive personalities are present. If forced communication with a tactless person cannot be avoided, then hostility can manifest itself as tangible stress.

Most of all, Libra women do not like loud screaming, scandals and other violent conflicts, from which they experience not only mental confusion, but also physical ailment. They hate unassembled, always late people, as they themselves are a model of punctuality.

Such they cannot bear the suffering of others, trying to alleviate it by all possible means. They will be the first to move the old woman across the street and give way to the transport.

Delicate Libra fully agrees with the words of V. Vysotsky: “I don’t like cold cynicism, I don’t believe in enthusiasm, and also when a stranger reads my letters, looking over my shoulder.” However, if we weigh on the scales what Libra loves and dislikes, undoubtedly, the first will outweigh.

How to Win a Libra Woman

Conquering the young lady-Libra is simple and difficult at the same time. When meeting with a new boyfriend, she subconsciously scans his biological compatibility (assesses his appearance and charisma) and, depending on the results, puts him on a white or black list. The main evaluation criterion is how much a person meets his own vision of beauty (read the list of Libra's virtues).

External attractiveness when choosing a partner is hardly in the first place for her. Using the gift of charm, Libra can afford to love handsome men.

Thus, if you meet the positive criteria, then just a couple of successful compliments and an elegant bouquet of flowers will guarantee you the favor of Libra girls.

If you meet coldness from the side of a beautiful representative of this sign, an invitation to a cultural and entertainment event will help melt the ice. Do not forget that Libra is crazy about the arts: music, painting, theater, architecture. The best options for a first date are a walk through a beautiful old manor, dinner in a cafe with original interiors, a trip to a chamber music concert.

Love and marriage

Libra is a dual sign. On the one hand, its owners are the balance itself, on the other hand, they constantly balance on the verge of making a decision. Personal life is no exception. Libra girls choose a partner so carefully and carefully that they can miss a successful catch from their hands.

Zodiac Signs Who Have a Hard Time Finding a Husband

Usually, relatives and acquaintances encourage them to make a decision. Remarks that girlfriends have been married for a long time can finally move them towards a serious relationship. The other half of the ever-doubting Libra can be advised not to wait until they want to try on a wedding dress. An ultimatum will work best: “We urgently need to get married, otherwise ...!”.

Having married, Libra women begin to actively equip a cozy nest, where everything is subordinated to their ideas of beauty. Do not interfere with them to furnish the house with taste, grow flowers and make designer repairs: they can do this perfectly.

Suitable profession

Feminine Libra cannot boast of business acumen and enterprise. In business, they prefer partnerships. Inborn diplomacy and non-conflict helps them to work successfully on shares.

The kind of activity in which Libra can achieve the greatest success should have a connection with beauty and harmony. Heavy physical labor is not suitable for sophisticated Libra women. If a girl has an inclination towards dancing, singing, acting, poetry, she can become a real star.

A career for Libra women is possible only when they do what they love, for example, in the field of architecture and design, cosmetology, perfumery, art, cooking, floriculture, fashion, jewelry. Among the girls of this sign there are many photo models, models, fashion models, museum workers, art galleries.

But the priority area for Libra is the social and public spheres. Their fiefdom - jurisprudence, notary offices, consulting, diplomacy, secretariat, journalism, trade union institutions, dating services, interest clubs. It is worth noting that the ability to calculate the situation on the market makes them good financiers.


Representatives of Libra are distinguished by vulnerability and mental fragility. Rudeness, resentment and insults harm not only psychological, but also bodily health. A feature of the health of Libra women is the increased sensitivity of the body to diseases: even minor violations cause them severe pain and discomfort. Libra's vulnerable target is the excretory system (kidneys and bladder).

The refinement of such natures is manifested not only on the spiritual, but also on the physical level. Their musculoskeletal system may have increased fragility. To strengthen it, feasible exercises are recommended, without excessive weights.

The risk of inflammatory bowel diseases is quite high, so you need to follow a sparing diet and not get carried away with rough food (undercooked and fatty meat, smoked meats, unripe fruits, hard raw vegetables, exotic foods, etc.) For women of this sign, hypothermia is undesirable, which can damage the lumbar region.

How to Raise a Libra Baby Girl

In childhood, Libras are calm, unpretentious creatures. Quiet nature and outward cuteness makes them look like real angels. You can pamper and caress them as much as you like, without fear of growing an egoist.

When raising a Libra girl, attention should be paid to the practical side of life. They always hover in the clouds, dream, love beautiful stories. Teach her to analyze the actions of her neighbors, to recognize their beneficial and bad influence. Be sure to explain to the growing Libra girl that not all men are like her favorite heroes from chivalric novels.

The born laziness of the Libra child should be criticized only in its extreme manifestation. If a girl likes to be lazy, but does well at school and helps around the house, then there is no cause for concern.

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