Calculation of the policy of OSAGO Ingosstrakh. Basic OSAGO rate. What it is

Now almost all insurance companies offer to issue an electronic OSAGO policy online without leaving home. The procedure consists in filling out a questionnaire on the insurer's website, which contains all the necessary data for issuing a policy, such as information about the car, information about drivers, etc. The cost of the policy is calculated automatically after the data you entered, taking into account the CBM. You can also pay online with a credit card. After payment, an electronic policy E-MTPL and related materials will be sent to your e-mail address: insurance rules, a memo, an accident notice with an example of filling out.

When purchasing an E-OSAGO policy, its validity will begin no earlier than 3 days after registration.

How to calculate the cost of an OSAGO policy

The cost of the OSAGO policy is calculated on the basis of basic rates and insurance coefficients according to the following formula:

OSAGO price = Base rate * CT * KM * KVS * KO * KS * KN * KPR * KBM

Base rates and coefficients are approved by the government of the Russian Federation. The coefficients are constant for all insurance companies, and the value of the base rate has a corridor within which insurance companies can set the price (since 2014). Thus, the cost of the policy may differ in different insurance companies.

Changes in OSAGO

  • Now you need to contact your insurance company for compensation, regardless of the number of participants in the accident. This is called "direct damages". Previously, this option was possible only for the participants in the accident, there were two.
  • Have an opportunity purchase electronic OSAGO policy via the Internet. Only novice drivers will not be able to use this service, information about which is not yet in the database of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.
    Specify the possibility of providing this service by a particular insurance company.
  • Car owners have the opportunity extend OSAGO policies in your insurance company in electronic form via the Internet. To purchase a new policy, you must still contact the office of the insurance company.
  • The limit of payments for the life and health of victims is increased from 160,000 to 500,000 rubles.
  • The procedure for confirming the fact of causing harm to health in an accident and the procedure for receiving payment under OSAGO is simplified.
  • Raising the base tariff by 40% and expanding the tariff corridor to 20 percentage points, thus increasing by 40-60%.
  • Change of territorial coefficients both up and down.

    Coefficients increased: Adygea, Murmansk Region, Amur Region, Republic of Mari El, Voronezh Region, Ulyanovsk Region, Kamchatka Territory, Chelyabinsk Region, Kurgan Region, Chuvashia, Mordovia

    Reduced coefficients: Leningrad Region, Baikonur, Magadan Region, Dagestan, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Jewish Autonomous Region, Republic of Tyva, Trans-Baikal Territory, Chechen Republic, Ingushetia, Chukotka Autonomous District

On October 11, 2014, a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation was adopted, regulating the new procedure for calculating the OSAGO policy.
Here are the main innovations:

  • The emergence of a tariff corridor that allows insurers to deviate from the base tariff within certain limits. Thus, the cost of the policy in different insurance companies can now vary within a small range.
  • Raising base rates for all types of vehicles by 25-30%.
  • Increase in payments under the OSAGO policy from 120,000 to 400,000 rubles
  • There is an opportunity to send the car for repairs under the OSAGO policy
  • Expansion of the Europrotocol up to 50,000 rubles

Insurance coefficients

CT is the territory factor. Determined by the region of registration of the vehicle.

To view the coefficients of the region you are interested in, select it from the list:

Choose region --- 1 - Republic of Adygea 2 - Republic of Bashkortostan 3 - Republic of Buryatia 4 - Republic of Altai 5 - Republic of Dagestan 6 - Republic of Ingushetia 7 - Kabardino-Balkarian Republic 8 - Republic of Kalmykia 9 - Karachay-Cherkess Republic 10 - Republic of Karelia 11 - Republic of Komi 12 - Republic of Mari El 13 - Republic of Mordovia 14 - Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) 15 - Republic of North Ossetia-Alania 16 - Republic of Tatarstan 17 - Republic of Tyva 18 - Udmurt Republic 19 - Republic of Khakassia 20 - Chechen Republic 21 - Chuvash Republic 22 - Altai Territory 23 - Krasnodar Territory 24 - Krasnoyarsk Territory 25 - Primorsky Territory 26 - Stavropol Territory 27 - Khabarovsk Territory 28 - Amur Region 29 - Arkhangelsk Region 30 - Astrakhan Region 31 - Belgorod Region 32 - Bryansk Region 33 - Vladimir Region 34 - Volgograd region 35 - Vologda region 36 - Voronezh region 37 - Ivanovo region 38 - Irkutsk region 39 - Kaliningrad region 40 - Kaluga region 41 - Kamchatka region 42 - Kemerovo region 43 - Kirov region 44 - Kostroma region 45 - Kurgan region 46 - Kursk region 47 - Leningrad region 48 - Lipetsk region 49 - Magadan region 50 - Moscow region region 51 - Murmansk region 52 - Nizhny Novgorod region 53 - Novgorod region 54 - Novosibirsk region 55 - Omsk region 56 - Orenburg region 57 - Oryol region 58 - Penza region 59 - Perm region 60 - Pskov region 61 - Rostov region 62 - Ryazan region 63 - Samara region 64 - Saratov region 65 - Sakhalin region 66 - Sverdlovsk region 67 - Smolensk region 68 - Tambov region 69 - Tver region 70 - Tomsk region 71 - Tula region 72 - Tyumen region 73 - Ulyanovsk region 74 - Chelyabinsk region 75 - Zabaikalsky region 76 - Yaroslavl region 77 - Moscow 78 - St. Petersburg RG 79 - Jewish Autonomous Region 83 - Nenets Autonomous Okrug 86 - Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugra 87 - Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 89 - Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug 91 - Republic of Crimea 92 - Sevastopol 100 - Baikonur

KM- power factor of the vehicle.

Applies to cars only. For other types of vehicles, it is equal to one.

The power according to the vehicle passport or registration certificate is taken into account. If the power is indicated in the document in kilowatts, it must be converted to horsepower according to the formula 1 kW = 1.35962 HP.

FAC- coefficient of age and experience. Applies only to a policy with a limited number of drivers. For multiple drivers, the FAC is defined as the maximum of all.

For an unlimited number of drivers, this coefficient does not apply. Instead, an unrestricted QoS usage factor is applied.

Experience →
Age, years ↓
less than 1 year 1 year 2 years 3-4 years 5-6 years 7-9 years old 10-14 years old over 14 years
16-21 1.87 1.87 1.87 1.66 1.66
22-24 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.04 1.04 1.04
25-29 1.77 1.69 1.63 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.01
30-34 1.63 1.63 1.63 1.04 1.04 1.01 0.96 0.96
35-39 1.63 1.63 1.63 0.99 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
40-49 1.63 1.63 1.63 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
50-59 1.63 1.63 1.63 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96 0.96
60 years and older 1.6 1.6 1.6 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93 0.93

KO- coefficient of limited use.

If specific drivers who will drive the vehicle are registered in the policy, then KO = 1. If drivers are not entered, then the insurance will cover the liability of any person driving the vehicle. In this case, you will have to pay almost twice as much for insurance, KO = 1.87

KS- coefficient of seasonality of use. If the insurance is issued for less than a full year, a reduction factor is applied.

KPR- trailer coefficient.

It is not required to insure a trailer for a passenger car (except in situations where the insured is a legal entity). But for a trailer to a motorcycle you have to pay extra.

KN- coefficient of violations. It is applied in the event that under the previous OSAGO agreement there are violations provided for in paragraph 3 of Article No. 9 of the Federal Law on OSAGO.

KBM is the bonus-malus coefficient. This is a coefficient that reduces or increases the cost of the policy, depending on the accident rate in the previous insurance period. Insurance companies use AIS RSA information to apply this coefficient when concluding an OSAGO agreement with an insured. AIS is a single database to which all insurance companies transmit information, so the bonus-malus coefficient will be valid for the insured when contacting any insurance company. The CBM calculation table is presented below.

The procedure for applying the coefficient "bonus-malus"

There are 13 classes, each of which corresponds to a certain coefficient (KBM). They are shown in the table below.

Those who are insured for the first time are assigned class 3. It corresponds to the CBM coefficient = 1. For the rest, the class is assigned at the end of the insurance period.

The new class depends on the previous class (at the beginning of the insurance period) and on the number of insured events. You need to find in the table a row with your class at the beginning of the last period and a column corresponding to the number of accidents due to your fault for the past period. At their intersection, your new class will be indicated.

With accident-free driving, your class will increase by 1 every year, which gives an annual increase in the discount of 5%. The maximum class includes a 50% discount.

Let's look at an example. Let's say you insured for the first time and received class 3. During the year you had 2 insured events. We find a line with class 3 and a column corresponding to two insurance payments. At the intersection is the class M. Find the line with the class M and the column "Coefficient". For class M, the coefficient is 2.45 (shown in the table).

Class at the beginning of the annual insurance period


Class at the end of the annual term of insurance, taking into account the presence of insured events that occurred during the period of validity of previous compulsory insurance contracts
insurance payments
insurance payment
insurance payments
insurance payments
4 or more
insurance payments
M 2,45 0 M M M M
0 2,3 1 M M M M
1 1,55 2 M M M M
2 1,4 3 1 M M M
3 1 4 1 M M M
4 0,95 5 2 1 M M
5 0,9 6 3 1 M M
6 0,85 7 4 2 M M
7 0,8 8 4 2 M M
8 0,75 9 5 2 M M
9 0,7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0,65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0,6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0,55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0,5 13 7 3 1 M

How useful is the OSAGO calculator?

The calculation of OSAGO on the calculator allows you to find out the cost of the policy before contacting the insurance company. Knowing the exact cost of the policy in advance, you will protect yourself from the imposition of hidden additional insurance.

Our OSAGO Ingosstrakh calculator will help you calculate the cost of a compulsory civil liability insurance policy online.

To calculate the cost of the Ingosstrakh OSAGO policy, you need to fill out a form with data about your city, car and all drivers who are allowed to drive a car. The cost of OSAGO in Ingosstrakh depends on these data.

Rules for calculating the policy of compulsory civil liability insurance

The OSAGO Ingosstrakh calculator uses the official coefficients and rates of the Ingosstrakh company.

Advantages of our online calculator OSAGO Ingosstrakh

  • The exact rates of OSAGO Ingosstrakh for 2020.
  • Instant calculation of OSAGO
  • The most simple form of filling
  • The opportunity to compare the cost of the Ingosstrakh OSAGO policy in other insurance companies and choose the cheapest and best option.

The cost of OSAGO in Ingosstrakh depends on:

  • Vehicle categories
  • The individual or entity owns the vehicle
  • Cities where the vehicle is registered
  • Age and experience of the driver
  • Auto power
  • Period of car ownership
  • Availability of insurance compensation

Documents required for concluding an OSAGO agreement with Ingosstrakh

  • Application for conclusion of a contract of compulsory insurance
  • Passport or other identification document
  • Vehicle registration document
  • Diagnostic card

Full name of the company: Ingosstrakh Insurance Public Joint Stock Company

Ingosstrakh is one of the largest insurance companies in Russia, providing a wide range of services to legal entities and individuals. The company is a member of 91 professional communities, including a member of the All-Russian Union of Insurers (VSS). Consistently included in the Top 10 insurers of the Russian Federation. It belongs to the category of backbone Russian insurance companies.

International activity has historically been the most important direction of work of Ingosstrakh, since the company was established in 1947 to represent the interests of the Soviet Union abroad. INGO International Insurance Group (MSG) was established in 2004. The group includes insurance companies, as well as companies that provide services ancillary to insurance and reinsurance, the management of controlling stakes of which is carried out by Ingosstrakh. The group's strategic goal is to create a deeply integrated insurance community in order to expand cooperation in the field of insurance and reinsurance operations. This allows us to provide clients of each of the companies with reliable financial protection of their interests.

Year of foundation: 1947

Managing Director: General Director - Mikhail Yurievich Volkov

OSAGO reform from 2019 - what does the Central Bank offer?

To the innovations of OSAGO in the new document, which was developed by the central bank, they propose:

  • Reforming the bonus-malus coefficient(KBM). Now it will be calculated for the year. Now it is calculated on the end date of the pole. If the driver had several BMF values ​​in the RCC database, then with the introduction of new rules, each driver will be selected one smallest BMF.
  • Consolidation of insurance history for every driver. Even after interrupting the insurance history, the driver data will not be reset.
  • Expanding the tariff range of base rates. The lower and upper limits will change by 20%. Now the minimum bid will be 2746 rubles, and the maximum 4942 rubles.
  • It will also introduce 50 steps of gradation to calculate the coefficient of insurance rates depending on the age and experience of the driver. Now there are only 4 of them.

And so, more about OSAGO and the base rate ...

Every little thing related to the "car citizen" is quite strictly controlled and monitored by government agencies. The basis of calculation is the base rate, otherwise called the tariff.

They are not set out of their heads: each tariff has a legislative level, so price reduction / increase is impossible for individual organizations. However, the cost of final insurance depends on some indicators.

Deciphering the concept of "base rate"

There is a base rate that applies to any type of transport in the Russian Federation. This is a figure that does not depend on the region of residence, car brand, driver experience and other conditions.

The only thing it depends on is is the type of vehicle.

Thus, the base rate for OSAGO for a truck differs from the base rate for passenger cars.

Current rates in 2017 for individuals

Not every driver keeps track of changes in the conditions of auto citizenship for individuals. And not every car owner takes into account the importance of these changes, not thinking about the fact that sometimes small one-day insurance companies are looking for ways to cheat.

Only twice during its existence, the OSAGO rate has changed - in 2014 and in 2017.

In 2014, 1980 rubles were considered the base, and additional coefficients more than doubled the final cost. That is, the allowances were more than the main base. Today, a contract with an insurance organization will cost more to those drivers who live in regions with a high accident rate. The highest coefficients are in Moscow, and the lowest ones are in Volgograd.

The main increase in the amount of the bet was in 2017. The base rate has been increased to from 3432 rubles to 4118 rubles. The difference compared to previous years is quite significant, but it appeared for a reason: the corridor of payments for insured events has also grown significantly.

Most insurance organizations in the calculation choose the maximum value as the basis for OSAGO. In 2018, this led to an increase in the average cost of insurance for individuals by almost 30%. Considering that the maximum for payments for insured events exceeds 400 thousand rubles, innovations are quite justified.

Current rates 2017 for legal entities

The size of the final insurance package for individuals and legal entities differs significantly. By 2018, the base indicator for a legal entity does not even reach 4 thousand. Below you can see the base rates for 2018 for different types of transport.

Video about the violation of the insurance company when applying for OSAGO insurance:

Current rates in 2018

Table of current rates of OSAGO base for 2018

No. p / p Category Base rate in rubles
Minimum Maximum
1 Purpose A, M 867 1579
2 Appointment B, BE for legal entities / individuals / taxi drivers 2573/3432/5138 3087/4118/6166
3 Purpose C, CE
weight less than 16 tons / more than 16 tons
3509/5284 4211/6341
4 Purpose D, DE
Passengers up to 16 / more than 16 / for regular transportation on the route with stops
2808/3509/5138 3370/4211/6166
5 Purpose TB (trolleybuses) 2808 3370
6 Destination TM (trams) 1751 2101
7 Tractors, self-propelled wheels 1124 1579

Dependence of the rate on the region

For the regions of Russia, special multiplying factors are established. These are coefficients, the size of which depends on the number of accidents for a certain period in a given region. The higher the coefficient, the higher the final cost of OSAGO insurance (the base rate is multiplied with the coefficients).

Current regional rates for 2018 in the table:

Region Coefficient
Moscow 2
St. Petersburg 1,8
Yekaterinburg 1,8
Adygea 1,3
Nalchik 1
Elista 1,3
Crimea 0,6
Kazan 2
Permian 2
Vladivostok 1,4
Khabarovsk 1,7

Important: Each city has its own individual indicator. The indicators are updated annually, and the basis is the number of incidents in this city.

The greater the number of accidents in the city, the higher the coefficient is set. There are several such coefficients, each of them affects the cost of the final OSAGO package. The final cost is affected by:

  • driver experience;
  • category of vehicles;
  • engine power;
  • region;
  • term of autocitizenship;
  • age of the driver, etc.

The influence of the age of the driver and his experience on the result

This coefficient directly depends on the age of the driver himself, and his driving experience. The minimum amount of the premium will be for the owner of the insurance, who is older than 22 years old, with a driving experience of 36 months or more. Drivers under 22 years old, with zero driving experience (after driving school) will pay the maximum.

It is important to understand that if several drivers have the right to drive, then the coefficient is taken as the maximum, and for an unlimited circle of people who can use the car, it is equal to 1.

How the power of the vehicle will affect the base rate of OSAGO

This figure increases depending on the power of the car. The minimum threshold is 0.6, the maximum is 1.6 points.

Calculation of the total amount step by step

In the public domain, you can easily find all the official data for the calculation. Based on individual coefficients, you can independently calculate the approximate amount for paying OSAGO. The proposed tables contain the most relevant figures.

An interesting video about the calculation of OSAGO, see below:

Here is an example of such a calculation:

  • Suppose the driver S. is 30 years old, of which he has been driving for 4 years, and has been registered as a vehicle in the Republic of Tatarstan, for example, in Kazan. We know that the coefficient in this case is 2.
  • The owner's car is Lada Kalina, engine power is 90 hp. The coefficient in this case is 1.1
  • The driver did not limit the driving circle, in connection with which a coefficient of 1.8 is added.
  • S.'s age as a driver - another 1 point.
  • The last insurance ended with 6 classes, there were no major accidents and serious violations. Accordingly, this policy will have class 7, which means an increase of 0.8 points.
  • If the driver decided to terminate the previous contract with the organization ahead of schedule, then his class, in case of buying new insurance, would not increase.

We have already found out that most insurance companies use the base to the maximum, therefore, we take 4,118 rubles as a basis. Multiplying the base by all coefficients, we get 13 045 rubles.

If the insurance organization went to meet the driver, who was not a serious participant for the entire period of driving experience, providing a base of 3,432 rubles, then the total amount would be 10,872 rubles. The difference is palpable - 2,173 rubles.

There is another coefficient that insurance organizations can apply for those who are trying to save on insurance by providing false information about themselves and their vehicle or have tried to fake an accident in the past to get insurance money - 1.5.


The final calculations are usually transparent in good insurance organizations, and all tables are freely available to every driver. The driver himself can also influence the final price of OSAGO, without violating the rules, avoiding participation in an accident. What is OSAGO and you can learn from the video

Every driver should be aware that the use of minimum coefficients that do not correspond to the region is most likely a way of making money for unscrupulous one-day insurance companies.

According to the current legislation, every car owner in Russia is obliged to issue an OSAGO policy - compulsory motor third party liability insurance. It is forbidden to drive a vehicle without insurance. For violations of the law, administrative punishment in the form of a fine is provided.

Today, you can calculate the cost of auto insurance for a particular car in just a few minutes. The payment amount depends on the size of the base rate and odds. In accordance with the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 5000-U of December 4, 2018, a tariff corridor has been established - the maximum and minimum values ​​​​of the base OSAGO rate, within which insurance companies determine the cost of policies.

OSAGO cost factors

To be correct, the following parameters must be taken into account:

Vehicle engine power. The larger the indicator, the higher the calculated power factor (KP). So, if for vehicles with engines up to 50 hp. with. it will be 0.6, then for a car with a capacity of more than 150 liters. with. KM increases to 1.6.

Territory of Primary Use (CT). Drivers in large cities are more likely to get into accidents than residents of rural areas. Therefore, for megacities the coefficient is higher than for regions. For example, OSAGO insurance rates in 2019 for car owners from Moscow include a territorial coefficient of 2.0, and for drivers near Moscow - already 1.7.

Age and experience of the driver (PIC). The lower the age and experience of the car owner, the higher the cost of the policy. If it is issued for several drivers, the FAC coefficient will be determined by the youngest and most inexperienced of them. And with an open policy policy (this is the so-called unlimited list), the coefficient will be 1.87.

Number of drivers allowed to drive the vehicle (KO). With an unlimited list, the basic OSAGO insurance rate is multiplied by the coefficient KO \u003d 1.87. When reflected in the policy of a limited list of persons - by 1.0, provided that these drivers are of sufficient age and experience.

Accidents in the past (bonus malus, or BCM). Accident-free driving entitles you to a discount. With careful driving, the cost of the policy is reduced by 5% during the year, by 10% for two consecutive years, and so on. The maximum MTPL insurance rates can be reduced by 50% within 10 years.

Possibility of using vehicles with a trailer (KPR). This coefficient is relevant primarily for legal entities, owners of trucks, motorcycles and scooters. It does not apply to individuals owning passenger cars.

Period of use of the vehicle (KS). It reflects the period of time during the calendar year during which the car will be used. The minimum period of use in contracts with individuals is 3 months.

The value of the base rate of insurance tariffs

The base rate of the OSAGO insurance rate for individuals and individual entrepreneurs driving vehicles of category "B" and / or "BE" is established on the basis of the following documents:
  • (pdf, 376 KB)
  • (pdf, 746 KB)

Coefficients of insurance rates

1. Coefficient of the territory of predominant use of the vehicle (CT)

Territory of primary use of the vehicle Coefficient for vehicles, except for tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines Coefficient for tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines, with the exception of vehicles without wheel propellers
Moscow 2 1,2
Moscow region 1,7 1
St. Petersburg 1,8 1
Leningrad region 1,3 0,8
Yekaterinburg 1,8 1
Ufa 1,8 1
Yakutsk 1,2 0,7
Krasnodar, Novorossiysk 1,8 1
Permian 2 1,2
Vladimir 1,6 1

A complete list of cities and towns is reflected in the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 5000-U dated 04.12.2018

2. CBM coefficient

Class at the beginning of the insurance period Coefficient Class at the end of the insurance period, taking into account the presence of insured events in previous periods of insurance due to the fault of the insured
0 insurance payments 1 insurance payment 2 insurance payments 3 insurance payments 4 insurance payments or more
M 2,45 0 M M M M
0 2,3 1 M M M M
1 1,55 2 M M M M
2 1,4 3 1 M M M
3 1 4 1 M M M
4 0,95 5 2 1 M M
5 0,9 6 3 1 M M
6 0,85 7 4 2 M M
7 0,8 8 4 2 M M
8 0,75 9 5 2 M M
9 0,7 10 5 2 1 M
10 0,65 11 6 3 1 M
11 0,6 12 6 3 1 M
12 0,55 13 6 3 1 M
13 0,5 13 7 3 1 M

3. Coefficient of insurance rates depending on the availability of information on the number of persons admitted to driving a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the coefficient KO)

The KO coefficient for a legal entity is set at 1.8.

4. Coefficient of insurance rates depending on the age and driving experience of a person admitted to driving a vehicle (hereinafter referred to as the coefficient of FAC).

Age, years Experience, years
0 1 2 3-4 5-6 7-9 10-14 Over 14
1 16-21 1,87 1,87 1,87 1,66 1,66
2 22-44 1,77 1,77 1,77 1,04 1,04 1,04
3 25-29 1,77 1,69 1,63 1,04 1,04 1,04 1,01
4 30-34 1,63 1,63 1,63 1,04 1,04 1,01 0,96 0,96
5 35-39 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,99 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
6 40-49 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
7 50-59 1,63 1,63 1,63 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96 0,96
8 over 59 1,60 1,60 1,60 0,93 0,93 0,93 0,93 0,93


With compulsory insurance of civil liability of owners of vehicles registered in foreign countries and temporarily used on the territory of the Russian Federation, the KVS coefficient is set as follows:

  • 1.7 - in relation to a vehicle owned by an individual;
  • 1 - in relation to a vehicle owned by a legal entity.

5. Passenger car engine power factor

6. KPI coefficient for a vehicle with a trailer

No. p / p Trailer depending on the type and purpose of the vehicle Coefficient
1 Trailers for cars owned by legal entities, for motorcycles and scooters 1,16
2 Trailers for trucks with a maximum authorized mass of 16 tons or less, semi-trailers, drop trailers 1,40
3 Trailers for trucks with a maximum authorized mass of more than 16 tons, semi-trailers, trailers-dissolutions 1,25
3 Trailers for tractors, self-propelled road-building and other machines, with the exception of vehicles that do not have wheel propellers 1,24
4 Trailers for other types (categories) and purpose of vehicles 1

7. Coefficient of the period of use of the vehicle

Full information on the coefficients is given in the instruction of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 5000-U dated 12/04/2018.

You can quickly calculate the cost of buying a new policy and apply for it online on the AlfaStrakhovanie website. If you have any questions, please contact the specialists by phone.

Reading 4 min. Views 32.1k.

All aspects of the “autocitizenship” OSAGO are strictly controlled by government agencies. The calculation is based on a value called the base rate or OSAGO tariff. These tariffs and rates are set by the state at the legislative level, so no company will be able to reduce or increase the cost of insurance. Any discount when purchasing an OSAGO policy is legally impossible. Such control is necessary to maintain the affordability of insurance and to guarantee payments in the event of an accident.

What does the concept of "base rate" mean?

The basic OSAGO rate is a fixed amount specified by law for each type of vehicle involved in road traffic. Car owners use the same base rate regardless of the region of residence and regardless of the car brand and driving experience. This base rate is the same for all car owners.

But there is still some influence on the base OSAGO rate. It depends on the type of vehicle. So, the OSAGO tariff for a passenger car will be very different from that for trucks. To determine the rate, look at the ratio of insurance payments and premiums. The base rate should be such that when selling policies, firms receive an amount in excess of insurance payments.

Base rate changes

Previously, the base rate was a fixed amount for any company. In the autumn of 2014, a tariff increase was required, as car insurance became unprofitable due to the long-term unchanged base rate. Then the rate was raised again in April 2015 by as much as 40%, returning profitability to auto insurance, but not for customers, but from insurance companies.

The base rate, set back in 2003, did not change for almost 11 years, until 2014.

Now the base rate is no longer a constant, fixed value, but a kind of price corridor that allows insurers to change the price of OSAGO policies in order to attract customers with discounted offers. Therefore, today it may happen that different insurance companies can calculate different amounts for auto insurance.

Typically, companies that have been on the insurance market for a long time will not significantly lower the price, but one-day firms can use the minimum basic OSAGO rate to attract more car owners. But with a company like this, you can make a big mistake. Therefore, the choice should be as accurate as possible.

How to find the base rate

You can determine the basic tariff of an auto citizen according to the following table:

Type and purpose of the vehicle Basic insurance rate
Minimum bet value Maximum bet value
1 Motorcycles, mopeds and other vehicles of category "A" and "M" 867 rubles 1579 rubles
2 Vehicles of category "B", "BE"
2.1 For legal entities 2573 3087
2.2 Sole Proprietors and Individuals 3432 4118
2.3 Applicable in taxi 5138 6166
3 Vehicles of category "C" and "CE"
3.1 Maximum weight up to 16 tons 3509 4211
3.2 Maximum weight over 16 tons 5284 6341
4 Vehicles of categories "D" and "DE"
4.1 Number of seats for passengers up to 16 inclusive 2808 3370
4.2 Number of passenger seats more than 16 3509 4211
4.3 If the vehicle is used for regular transportation with boarding / disembarking of passengers on regular transportation routes or in places not prohibited by traffic rules 5138 6166
5 Trolleybuses 2808 3370
6 Tram 1751 2101
7 Tractors, construction self-propelled vehicles 1124 1579

The base rate is the basis of the OSAGO cost, but the final amount will depend on many factors:

  1. Engine power of the insured car;
  2. Vehicle category;
  3. The region in which the car was registered and its operation is expected;
  4. The age of the car owner and his driving experience;
  5. The term for which the insurance is drawn up;
  6. Will a trailer be used with the vehicle;
  7. Other factors.

With a high driving experience and no accidents, you can save a lot on insurance. It also significantly reduces the cost of an OSAGO policy by refusing additional options that insurance companies stubbornly impose on their customers. A fairly common situation is when customers are literally forced to take out a DSAGO policy or additional motor third party liability insurance.

Unfortunately, OSAGO is a mandatory measure, if the car owner neglects this requirement, then he is subject to administrative punishment. Therefore, you still have to insure motor vehicles, and which company is better to contact is a matter exclusively for the car owner.

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