Simple exercises on the bench for pumping the abdominal muscles. Twisting on an incline bench Possible harm and contraindications

The desire to have a flat, elastic stomach is equally characteristic of both men and women. Not everyone can boast of this part of their body, and everyone who has ever tried to pump the press knows perfectly well what titanic efforts this occupation requires. What exercises should not be neglected and how best to do on the bench for the press will be described below.

What is this trainer

The press bench is also called a board. This is a sports equipment that can be found in absolutely all gyms.

There are several types of this design:

  • straight bench with adjustable angle, this is the most common option, allows you to increase or decrease the slope of the board, thus increasing or weakening the load on the abdominal wall;
  • the bench is curved. This projectile has a curved back, this is necessary in order to additionally load the abdominal muscles;
  • Roman- This board with a small seat and a leg grip provides no back support.

Important! If the board is purchased for home training of an unprepared person, it is recommended to give preference to a simpler and more versatile option - a straight bench.

A set of exercises on an inclined bench for the press

So, in order to pump up the abdominal muscles, you need to figure out which exercises are responsible for working out each of them, for this it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the standard set of exercises for the press performed on the bench.

Training is performed on an inclined board and involves a full rise of the body, the angle for performing the exercise is selected individually, based on the goals and fitness of the athlete.

You need to sit on the projectile lying on your back, so that your legs are fixed in a special grip, your hands are behind your head.

Did you know? The opinion that it is possible to pump up the “upper” and “lower” press separately is erroneous. This is a single solid muscle that works and loads completely and simultaneously.

On exhalation, the head first comes off the bench, then the shoulders and shoulder blades, the body reaches 90 degrees relative to the position of the legs, a delay is made at the top point for 2-3 seconds, after which, on exhalation, the body returns to its original position.

The movement is made due to the efforts of the press, and not the muscles of the neck and legs. Repeat 3 sets of 25 times. In this case, the main load falls on the upper part of the rectus abdominis.

This type of load is also known as "crunch", from the English "twist". To pump the press with this exercise, you can use both an inclined bench and any other horizontal surface.

During training, only the upper body comes off the surface: the head, shoulders, shoulder blades, while the lower back and pelvis remain pressed and motionless.

Crunches can be straight and twisted. The first ones act directly on the rectus abdominis muscle, the rotary ones - on the oblique muscles of this area.

Important!During the upward jerk, you should not clamp your hands behind your head into the lock and pull your head forward with them, as this can lead to an overload of the cervical spine.

To perform rotary twists, you need to lie on your back on the board, fix your feet, put your hands behind your head. Then, while exhaling, tear off the upper body from the surface and with the elbow of one of the hands reach out to the opposite knee, while exhaling, return to the starting position.

Turns can be made both alternately, changing sides, and in full approach to each side. The exercise is done in 3 sets of 20 repetitions for each knee.

This type of load is familiar to many since childhood, even from school physical education lessons. Exercise "bicycle" works very effectively on the lower section of the rectus abdominis muscle.

To perform it, you need to lie on the bench on the contrary, so that you can hold on to the leg clamps with your hands, then raise your legs 90 degrees relative to the surface and, bending and unbending your knees, make circular movements that imitate the torsion of bicycle pedals.

This is a simplified version of the "bike", the lower part of the press also takes an active part in it.

Having taken the starting position described in the previous exercise, it is necessary to exhale, straining the press, raise the legs to a right angle with the body, linger in this position for 3 seconds, then lower the legs down while inhaling, not relaxing them until the end of the approach.

The number of repetitions is 3 x 25 times.

Exercise rules

Work on the abdominal muscles is one of the most difficult tasks in bodybuilding, it is not the number of lifts or twists that matters here, but the quality and perfect technique.

Did you know? The number of “cubes” desired for many on the press is an individual feature of a single person and depends on the anatomy of the rectus muscle. Usually there are 3 or 4 on each side.

To know exactly how to exercise for better efficiency, just follow simple rules:

  • classes should be held regularly, at least 3-4 times a week with a mandatory break for recovery;
  • obligatory warming up of muscles before training. If exercises are included in the general program, they must be performed at the very end;
  • in order to lose weight in the abdomen, in addition to exercises for the press, aerobic exercise and adherence to a strict diet without exceeding the daily calorie intake are required;
  • rest between sets should last no more than 20 seconds.

Exercises on the press bench: video

Typical beginner mistakes

As you know, who does not make mistakes, he does not succeed. However, when it comes to physical activity, this pattern will do more harm than good.

Before you start pumping the press, it is important to carefully study the technique, as well as the most common mistakes in performing exercises:

  • breath holding during work. It is absolutely impossible to do this, because the lack of oxygen not only reduces the effectiveness of the training, but also harms the brain and nervous system;
  • lifting the lower back off the surface or bending the torso too much. This action is fraught with excessive load on the hip joints;
  • overload. This mistake is very often made by beginners, coupled with a violation of technique. No need to exceed the number of recommended repetitions until the load becomes noticeably light. The intensity of the training should increase as endurance increases;
  • training on a full stomach. It is very important to remember that you can download the press no earlier than 1 hour after a light snack and 3 hours after a full meal, otherwise nausea and vomiting cannot be avoided.

So, the features of using the bench for training the press and the main exercises that can be performed on it were discussed above. This information allows you to understand how to use this projectile correctly so that the load goes for the future and brings the desired result.

Nowadays, there are many ways and sets of exercises that allow you to tighten and pump up the abdominal muscles. But most recognize that classes on a special bench are the most effective.

Benefits of bench training

This sports equipment allows you to pump all the major abdominal muscles. Often on this simulator you can install an additional load, thanks to adjustable parts. They change the angle of inclination, which means that they make it possible to train in different positions.
The main muscles that receive the load:

  • rectus abdominis;
  • internal oblique muscles;
  • external oblique;
  • rectus femoris;
  • quadriceps femoris;
  • iliopsoas muscle.

For professional training, there is a special curved bench.

On it, the load level is much higher, especially on the lower press. This is due to the fact that you do not completely lower your back on the bench, as on a conventional simulator, but keep your body constantly on weight.

What do you need to achieve the best result?

To achieve the maximum effect, you must adhere to the set of universal rules for performing exercises:

  • You need to inhale when you unbend, and exhale when you bend over.
  • The abdominal muscles should be in tension - it’s not enough just to make a couple of movements.
  • Do not try to make the exercises easier by doing them quickly - this way you will only waste time, but you will not get the result.
  • In no case do not press your chin to your chest, keep your head straight.
  • Do not lift your pelvis off the bench.
  • Don't drag your head with your hands.

The main types of exercises on the bench

Trunk raises

In this type of exercise, the upper part of the abdominal press is trained by raising the entire body to the stop. How to do it right:

  • lie on your back, on a bench, pressing your lower back tightly against the surface;
  • we start the feet at the stop, and the legs are bent at the knees;
  • gradually tear off the torso, starting from the shoulders until the back and legs form a right angle;
  • We are in this position for a few seconds, exhale and slowly return to the starting position.

Trunk lift with reduced amplitude

Load on the upper part of the abdominal press. The exercise is performed as the previous one, with the only difference that the torso does not return to its original position. You should not completely lower yourself onto the bench and keep the press in constant tension. In this option, the main advantage is the minimum load on the lumbar spine.

Body lifts with turns

In addition to the upper part of the press, the oblique abdominal muscles work. How to perform:

  • from the starting position, slightly raise the body, without touching the hips, and turn it to the left / right;
  • you can make turns alternately;
  • a more difficult option: raise the body, turn to the right, return to the straight position, turn to the left, straight again and only after that return to the starting position.


The rectus abdominis is involved. Technique:

  • the feet rest against the stop, the back lies on the bench, the knees are bent;
  • only the shoulders come off the surface, the lower back is pressed against the projectile;
  • we return to the starting position.

Twisting with twist

The oblique muscles of the abdominal region and the upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle work. How to download:

  • when lifting the body, make a slight turn to the side;
  • one of the elbows rises up and stretches towards the opposite knee;
  • We return to the starting position and change the direction of rotation.

Leg raise

Load on the lower press. How to perform:

  • we lie down on the bench with our backs, head up, hands holding on to the footrests or the edge of the bench;
  • raise the legs to an angle of 90 degrees, while not tearing off the pelvis;
  • then slowly lower down.

This exercise can be made more difficult if you do not lower your legs to the end, but continue to keep them on weight. Or hold your legs at 30 degrees for 45 seconds and gradually increase the time.

In this video you can see the main types of exercises designed to improve your figure:

  • Remember that the most important thing is to do workouts regularly. Therefore, you should get yourself a schedule in which you will note the effectiveness of your classes and the results - this will serve as an excellent motivation.
  • You should start with a small number of repetitions and gradually increase the volume and frequency of approaches, reduce the breaks between them.
  • The optimal number of times is when you perform the last bench press at the limit of effort. After that, take a short rest and do another set of loads.

Beginners often ignore the ab bench. But in vain, because the simulator helps to train the press and “draw” the cubes. Here are some exercises on the press bench that should be included in the training program. Some of them load all the abdominal muscles.

Trunk lift

By lifting the torso, the athlete works out all the muscles of the abdomen, especially the upper part of the rectus muscle. Also, the hip extensors are included in the work.

Starting position (hereinafter referred to as I.P.): sitting on a bench (tilt - 30-40 o), legs bent at the knees, held by clamps, hands on hips. While inhaling, tilt the torso forward 20-50 about to adjust muscle tension. The body is slowly pulled back, but not placed on the bench, in order to prevent complete relaxation of the muscles. At the end of the movement, exhale.

While inhaling, they raise the torso, trying to touch the knees with the chin, while exhaling, they take it back.

Level: Intermediate.

Straight twists

With straight twists, the rectus abdominis muscle works, as well as the muscles of the lower back.

I.P .: Set the angle of the bench 30-40 about to the floor surface. Lying, head at the bottom of the simulator, arms crossed over the chest, gaze directed above the arms. The legs are fixed in clamps (rollers at the end of the bench).

Take a breath, raise your head, shoulders. The loin is tightly pressed against the bench. At the top, pause for 1-2 seconds, lower the body. The press is kept tense.

Level: Intermediate.

Training the muscles of the press and buttocks is useful for women in intimate life - orgasm comes earlier.

Leg raises

Leg raises are aimed at strengthening the lower part of the press. The muscles of the lower back and hips are also loaded.

I.P .: lying down (tilt of the simulator - 30-40 o) head up. Hands are taken behind the head, holding on to the edge of the bench or to the leg clamps. The legs, slightly bent at the knees, are raised so that they are parallel to the floor, tense the abdominal muscles.

On inspiration, the legs are raised, trying to tear the pelvis off the surface of the bench, and touch the chest with the knees. In this position, you can throw your legs behind your head or twist - the main thing is to feel the press. In the upper position, they linger for 1-2 seconds, and then return to I.P.

Level: Intermediate.

To involve the entire press in the work, tear off the pelvis from the bench at the top point. Beginners do not need to do this.

To adjust the difficulty, just change the angle of inclination. The smaller the angle, the easier it is to complete the task. The easiest is to raise the legs in a horizontal position.

Oblique twists

Oblique twists work out the serratus and oblique muscles of the abdomen.

I.P .: lying on a bench, legs are placed behind the stops. The right hand is on the back of the head, the left is on the thigh.

On inhalation, the body is twisted upwards and to the side. The elbow of the right hand touches the left knee. Slowly return to I.P. After the set, repeat for the left hand and right knee.

All movements are performed slowly, feeling muscle tension.

Level: Intermediate.

A bike

This exercise trains the lower part of the press. Additionally, the front of the thigh is involved.

IP: lying on the bench. Hands hold on to the foot rest. Straightened legs are raised to an angle of 90 about the surface of the bench.

They perform leg movements, imitating cycling - alternately pull the right and left knees to the chest, straightening the opposite limb.

Level: Intermediate.

Useful for men with a "beer belly", as it is 2.5 times more effective than classic straight twists.

Watch the video with exercises for men:

Exercises are performed 10-20 times in 2-3 sets.

Hands with straight twists do not cross behind the head. Then pressure is created on the back of the head, the load on the neck and lower back increases, and the risk of injury increases. It is also not recommended to tear off the lower back from the bench, since the spinal column is additionally loaded. This is the lack of sit-ups.

Movements are performed smoothly, due to the abdominal muscles.

By adjusting the slope, you can change the degree of load: the larger it is, the higher the difficulty. Beginners or athletes after a break in training can reduce the angle to 25-30 degrees.

After mastering the technique, weighting agents are used: in the conditions of the gym - this is a barbell pancake, at home - or improvised items (like a stack of books). The allowable weight is determined empirically: 20-30 repetitions are performed with a weighting agent. Weight is reduced if the task is unbearable, and added if after a series of repetitions there is no burning sensation in the muscles.

When it's hard to do, they bend their knees - this will unload the press. For static tension, the legs are straightened or the arms are held straight above the head, which tenses and stretches the muscles.

It is important to breathe correctly. Holding your breath causes a lack of oxygen, which activates metabolic processes, normalizes blood pressure.

The exercises above are performed on a flat board for the press. But you can increase the effectiveness of training on a curved model of the simulator . It especially helps to pump the lower abdomen, which often causes problems. The rest of the muscle groups are also involved as much as possible.

Advantages and disadvantages of boards for the press

The board for the press is an affordable simulator that is also suitable for homework. It is easy to use, inexpensive, does not take up much space.

The advantages of classes are versatility, since the board allows you to pump not only the abdominal muscles, but also the lower back, buttocks. And the disadvantages include the fact that it is difficult for people with large growth to choose a device.

And now a video for girls:

Many of those for whom sports have become a part of their lives strive to diversify their workouts in order to make them better and more productive. To do this, almost everyone tries to sign up for a gym or create optimal conditions for exercising at home, because only with the help of additional sports equipment and inventory can you achieve maximum results. And one of the effective assistants in creating beautiful relief forms can rightfully be considered a bench for the press. So, what exercises on the press bench should be included in your training program, we will describe further.

A wide variety of exercises allows you to work out various muscle groups located in the abdominal region. But to get the desired result, it is important to practice regularly and know how to do certain movements correctly in accordance with the execution technique.

Varieties and features of simulators

Before moving on to the exercises on the board for the press, it is worth giving some advice to those who only decide to buy such a simulator. It should be noted right away that at the moment sports equipment stores offer a variety of types of benches for the press, which, at first glance, do not have cardinal differences. However, this is far from the case, and before choosing the most suitable type of simulator, you should familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each of them.

In the sporting goods market, the leaders in sales among simulators are definitely the bench for the press. Firstly, it is cheap compared to other professional and multifunctional simulators. And secondly, it is great for training at home, with which an inexperienced athlete often begins his journey in sports.

Budget press simulators are represented by the brands Body Solid, Stingrey, Body Sculpture, Atemi, Torneo and others. When choosing between the models of these companies, be sure to consider the following:

  • your level of physical fitness;
  • body weight;
  • the frequency of their training on the simulator in the future;
  • What is the state of health of the back and spine.

Considering that the price of budget press simulators is set taking into account the materials used in the production of structures, it is recommended to pay attention to the body and the quality of the upholstery fabric, because they must withstand decent physical exertion.

5 types of bench

So, what kind of board can a girl or a guy buy for home workouts so that the swing of the press is safe and productive?

  1. A folding exercise machine with an inclined surface is a great option for small spaces and people whose weight does not reach 100 kg. The inclined board for the press allows you to pump the press effectively and daily, focusing on the study of the lower abdominal zone.
  2. Folding press simulator with adjustable surface - ideal for athletes with an average level of physical fitness and with a small body weight. During training on it, the athlete can adjust the level of inclination of the board, which allows you to choose which abdominal muscle groups will be more involved in the workout.
  3. Folding press bench with curved surface - an option for athletes with an above-average fitness level. It can be used by people with a small body weight and sufficient experience in sports.
  4. A non-separable Roman chair is a type of exercise equipment for people with any level of training, body weight and height no higher than average. Since such structures are usually non-separable and unregulated, it will be very difficult for tall people to use them for their intended purpose.
  5. The compact Torneo hyperextension machine is the most practical and effective machine for those who work out at home and have an average level of physical fitness. Training on it makes the swing of the press the most productive, allowing you to work out the lower press, develop the muscles of the lumbar, thighs and buttocks.

When choosing a suitable press simulator, you need to focus not only on your level of training and the cost of construction, but also on the quality of the materials, as well as how practical the installation will be. After all, many folding benches make street training possible, more effective and beneficial to the body.

For craftsmen who are able to make exercise equipment with their own hands, there is an original option - to make a bench yourself, taking into account the individual parameters of your body. In this case, a drawing is useful for self-manufacturing the structure, the type of which you liked the most. At the moment, similar drawings can be found on the net in order to follow the instructions to make your own simulator.

List of exercises for training on the simulator

So, you have chosen which bench for the press will be the most suitable for you and decided to buy / make it yourself. Now the only thing left is to create an individual set of exercises for training on the bench for the press.

And before you start testing exercises for pumping the press on the bench, it is important to find out the features of their implementation:

  • When carrying out movements, you should strain your abdominal muscles in order to increase the effectiveness of your actions.
  • All movements must be done at a leisurely pace. Especially if you have moved to a higher level of training and use a dumbbell or other type of weight during your workout.
  • The main effort (flexion) during work on the simulator should be carried out on exhalation, and on inhalation - extension.
  • With an increase in the angle of the bench, the load on the muscles also increases.

4 basic exercises

Now you can move on to the main training part. The session may include the following exercises for the press:

Other effective exercises for pumping the press on the simulator, which may include a home workout program, are on the video.

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Today we will analyze two very similar and very effective exercises for the press - lifting and twisting on an incline bench or a Roman chair. There are many variations of these simulators, but our task will be to analyze the features and technique of the movement itself, so that being in any gym with any equipment, you can train the abdominal muscles for one hundred percent!

Twisting or lifting the body?

First of all, it’s worth understanding how twisting on a bench differs from torso lifts. When twisting, only your shoulder blades come off the bench, there is no movement in the hip joint. The lower back remains motionless.

When lifting the torso, not only flexion of the spine occurs, but also movement in the hip joint.

Twisting is recommended for beginners, since the load on the lower back during their implementation is minimal. However, the load on the abdominal muscles during twisting is also less than in the case. Lifts require better control of the lower back and are recommended for people with developed abdominal muscles.

What exactly you should do, twisting or lifting the body - depends on your physical fitness. There is only one condition - you should feel the press, not the back.

The benefits of abdominal exercises

Abs exercises, performed on a Roman chair or on an incline bench, involve the entire complex of abdominal muscles. These are, first of all, the rectus muscles (they form the desired cubes), the external and internal oblique muscles (they form the line of the sides, turn the body from side to side), the transverse abdominal muscles (supports the internal organs, making the stomach flat).

Incline crunches work the upper rectus muscles the most, while sit-ups distribute the load more evenly. If you perform an exercise with body turns left and right, you add work to the oblique abdominal muscles, thereby working them even more efficiently. However, it is better to be careful with turns for people who have problems with the spine.

By the way, developed abdominal muscles, in accordance with the muscles of the lower back, stabilize the lower spine, which helps to improve posture and prevent injuries.

Execution technique

Before we look at sit-ups and crunches on a Roman chair or bench, let's take a look at a few options for exercise equipment that are found in gyms. This will allow you not to get lost when you see a “dissimilar” unit in your fitness club.

So, what is called a bench for the press or a Roman chair can be the following:

  • An inclined bench with rollers for resting the shins and for the knees. The athlete lies on the bench with his back, bending his hips and knees. This position resembles the position when the press is swinging on the floor (back is straight, legs are bent at the knees), only you are not lying horizontally, but upside down. This version of the simulator is considered optimal, since with this position of the hips (they are bent), the lower back is turned on minimally.
  • An incline bench with rollers only to support the shins below. On such a bench, the athlete lies with his back, bends his knees and puts his ankle joints behind the rollers. At the same time, the hips and back form one line. In this case, the load on the lower back is greater than in the previous one.
  • A regular hyperextension machine, only the athlete turns 180 degrees in it, sitting on the pillows with his hips. With this exercise, the back movement of the body is not limited by anything, and, say, a beginner is not always able to control the work of the muscles and strictly observe the technique. Not recommended option due to its increased risk of injury.

Regardless of which simulator you are doing the exercise on, the movement technique should be as follows:

  1. Take a starting position on the bench. Your legs should be fixed and your abdominal muscles tense. Relaxation of the press does not occur throughout the entire exercise. The lower back should be as straight as possible, that is, actually pressed against the bench in its original position. Further, if you do twisting, the lower back remains as pressed as possible. If you perform lifts, the lower back comes off the bench, but the deflection in the lumbar region does not appear. When performing an exercise on a simulator with two rollers (for shins and knees), it is quite easy to follow this rule, since the hips are bent. In the case of a bench with an emphasis only for the shins, the buttocks will interfere with keeping the lower back close to the bench. Therefore, when performing the exercise, you do not completely lower your back onto the bench. That is, the spine is always slightly rounded. If you are working on a press machine for hyperextension, there is no support at the lower back at all, the position of the body is controlled solely by the strength of your muscles.
  2. You can cross your arms over your chest or put them behind your head (it’s harder to do this).
  3. As you exhale, lift your body. When performing twists, only the shoulder blades come off the bench. When doing lifts, raise the entire body 30-60 degrees above parallel with the floor. Simply put, about half as low as before the vertical position of the body.
  4. Slowly and under control, without relaxing the press and without arching your back, return to the starting position.

Perform the exercise 20-30 times in 3-4 sets. The last repetitions should be given to you as hard as possible. However, don't allow your muscles to become so fatigued that they cause you to break your technique.

When doing sit-ups, avoid jerking. A slow pace, on the one hand, will make the abs workout more effective, and on the other hand, it will help to better control the movements, making the exercise safe for the back. For twists, this is not so relevant.

A few months of regular ab workouts will help you make your stomach firm and your sides taut. It is also worth saying that in order to see the traced relief (cherished cubes and lines on the sides of the abdomen), the thickness of the fat layer on the abdomen should be minimal.

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