A selection of the best carob drinks. Healthy diet drink recipes. Carob - what is it? Drink recipes, tea, chocolate and carob sweets How to brew roasted ground carob

Carob is a plant-based product that is gaining popularity as a substitute for cocoa and chocolate. It can be used in home cooking to prepare a wide variety of dishes. In addition, carob fruits have extensive beneficial properties for women, men and children.

Carob: what is this product

Carob is the fruit of the carob tree, which grows freely in the Mediterranean countries, also known as Tsaregradsky horns, Ceratonia leguminous and Carob. The last option is borrowed from English and is now more often used to refer to the fruits for which the tree is cultivated. That is, carob is the crumb of a carob tree, sold either whole or in powder form.

Carob is the fruit of the carob tree.


In the modern world, the fruits and the product of their processing are common under the English name carob. And the botanical name of the plant - Ceratonia - has Greek roots: εράτιον means "horn". The specific epithet is taken from the Latin language: siliqua means "bean".

Among the peoples of the Mediterranean (especially those whose history is strongly associated with Christianity), the name "John's Breadfruit" is found. It was obtained due to the fact that carob pods have a slight yeasty smell.

The carob tree was highly valued in the Mediterranean as far back as Biblical times, when it was used in the region as a measure of weight. By the way, it is from εράτιον that the word “carat” comes from, which is used as a measure of weight in jewelry.

Botanical description

Ceratonia leguminous is an evergreen tree with a spreading crown of dense feathery leaves that can reach 12 meters in height. The main area is located at the level of 400-1600 meters above sea level. The carob tree grows slowly, but for a very long time - a specimen aged 2-3 centuries is not uncommon. The trunk is formed strong, dense, the bark has a brown and dark gray color.

Carob - Carob

During the flowering period, it is covered with small flowers collected in a brush with a nondescript quickly falling cup. The first flowering occurs at the age of 5-7 years, and fruiting - at 8-10 years of age. For the next 80-100 years, each season one tree produces up to 200 kg of fruit.

The fruits of the tree are beans elongated to a length of up to 25 cm with a thickness of 0.5-1 cm and a width of about 3 cm. What does a bean look like? Like a fleshy brown bean pod curled to one side. Inside the beans are bones and juicy pulp with a high content of carbohydrates - sugar takes up about 50% of the composition. But in its raw form, everything is interrupted by the astringent components of the composition. The pods become sweeter as they dry in the sun.

From the dried pulp of the fruit, carob is produced - a powder that has similar taste and aromatic qualities as cocoa, but does not contain caffeine.

Seeds of ceratonia leguminous are distinguished by a high content of polygalactomannan. This polysaccharide gives them a constant mass. Thanks to this feature, seeds in ancient times came into use as a carat.

Scope of fruits

In the countries that surround the Mediterranean Sea, the fruits of the carob tree have been widely used since ancient times:

  • in the Egyptian culture of everyday life, carob, as a substitute for cocoa, appeared in antiquity, from where it spread to other countries;
  • in Turkey, Portugal, Spain, Malta and Sicily, the sweetness of carob fruits has found application in the preparation of compotes and liqueurs;
  • among different Mediterranean peoples, ceratonia beans are used to treat gastrointestinal diseases, weakness and malaise, colds, coughs;
  • in Cyprus, carob seeds are fed to pets;
  • in modern industry, seeds serve as raw materials for the manufacture of food thickeners.

Carob benefits and harm to the body

Carob benefits and harm to the body

The chemical composition of carob

Carob - what is it? Flour obtained by grinding the pulp of dried carob pods. This is a dry product, most of which is occupied by carbohydrates. The proportions of the main nutrients in its composition look something like this:

  • proteins - 4.6 g;
  • carbohydrates - 49.1 g;
  • fats - 0.7 g;
  • dietary fiber - 39.8 g;
  • water - 3.6 g;
  • ash substances - 2, 27 g.

The dry calorie content of Ecrob is about 220 kcal.

The vitamin and mineral base of the product is distinguished by the presence of vitamins B1-B6, E, PP, as well as impurities of calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese and selenium. In addition, the composition contains a large amount of tannins, which determine the tart taste of fresh fruits. When dried, some of these components evaporate, and sugar is most felt.

An important feature of the carob fruit is the absence of gluten. This allows you to fearlessly eat beans and carob for people with celiac disease.

How carob is made

Before making carob flour, the ripest are selected, the seeds are removed and only the soft middle part is left, because the tails are usually bitter. The beans are dried in the sun, but suspended in the air.

How is carob obtained?

The answer to the question of which carob - fried or unroasted - is better to buy depends on what it will be used for:

  • The pulp can immediately grind into a sweet beige powder with a slight nutty flavor. Such a product has a rather large fraction and is used in the food industry as a sweetener.
  • For the production of fine flour, the raw materials are first fried for 10-12 minutes, heated to +205ºC. Such carob has a darker color, small particles and a bitter taste. It is from it that a drink is prepared that replaces cocoa for people who avoid caffeine.

Carob of both types is used in the confectionery industry. It is added to sweets, pasta, flour products. Hard dark bars similar to traditional cocoa bean chocolate are called carbolate. In Western countries, Carob cream has gained great popularity.

What is useful carob

Many people now pay attention to carob not because of what it contains, but because of what it does not contain:

  • The product has a low fat content. This greatly extends the life of the carob. Among those fatty acids that are still in the composition, oleic and linolenic prevail. They are not produced by the human body.
  • The composition does not contain theobromine and caffeine, so the product does not have a neurostimulating effect. It also eliminates the development of addiction, as is the case with coffee or chocolate.
  • The composition does not contain oxalic acid, which prevents the absorption of potassium and zinc, as well as provoking urolithiasis and kidney stones.
  • For people suffering from migraines, carob is good for the absence of phenylethylamine, a neurotransmitter that provokes pain attacks.

Obviously, carob drink and sweet products are more useful for people suffering from nervous disorders, pregnant women, allergy sufferers and supporters of a healthy diet than natural cocoa chocolate.

Carob derivatives and their uses

Useful properties of carob

For more than a decade, food stabilizers - pectin and gum - have been made from the fruits of ceratonia pods. As part of various foodstuffs and semi-finished products, they can be found under the infamous “shocks”: E440 and E410. Both of these components are safe for health, and even have an antioxidant, coagulating, adsorbing and bactericidal effect.

carob syrup

In countries where carob grows, carob syrup is made. It is a thick dark brown liquid with a high sugar content. For its preparation, the beans, peeled from seeds, are finely chopped, thrown into water and evaporated for a long time. The syrup can be used for food purposes, but is prepared for other purposes. It is used to treat various health problems:

  • diarrhea
  • sleep disorders;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • nervous disorders;
  • diarrhea
  • allergic shortness of breath.

Experts explain the beneficial properties of the syrup with a high content of tannins. It helps prevent osteoporosis as it contains three times the amount of calcium compared to cow's milk.

Medicinal use of syrup:

  • daily intake of a glass of warm water with a spoonful of syrup on an empty stomach helps to speed up the removal of harmful substances from the body;
  • for the treatment of cough, flu and respiratory infections, it is recommended to drink hot water (1 glass) several times a day with a spoonful of syrup dissolved inside;
  • to relieve diarrhea and gastrointestinal disorders, it is recommended to take a spoonful of syrup three times a day before meals.

More about carob syrup>>



Carob oil is very rarely found on sale in Russia. But in the Mediterranean countries it is used for medical purposes. This product is known as an effective immune booster and a means to improve the cardiovascular system.

Medicinal properties of carob for health

Useful properties of carob

The therapeutic and prophylactic and immunomodulatory qualities of the pods of ceratonia and carob are due to their rich chemical composition. So, a large amount of dietary fiber has a positive effect on digestion:

  • a dense mass, like a brush, passes through the intestines and removes ballast from it;
  • swelling dietary fibers gently massage the cavities of the organs, increasing blood circulation;
  • due to indigestible fiber, the feeling of satiety is prolonged.

The high content of polyphenolic compounds gives reason to consider carob as a strong antioxidant. This means that it is included in the complex of products that inhibit cancerous tumors and prevent their appearance. It is believed that regular consumption of carob-containing foods and drinks reduces the risk of lung, cervix, larynx, mouth, stomach and other cancers.

A small proportion of fats and a lot of fiber help in the prevention of atherosclerosis and cardiac ailments - the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood decreases and the heart experiences less stress.

The pods contain substances that have a sedative effect. They act as natural antidepressants, relieve irritability, fears, anxiety and reduce the risk of panic attacks. It is noteworthy that addiction is never observed.

Carob: how to make a drink

The most delicious carob (like a drink) is obtained by brewing the powder with milk. It can be either animal or plant origin. What's more, the aromatic almond milk base will even make the aroma and taste richer. In general, the preparation procedure is similar to regular cocoa. You need to heat two glasses of milk and dissolve 1.5 tablespoons of the powder in them. To reduce fat content, you can dilute milk with an equal amount of water.

Hot carob drink

Although carob itself is very sweet, adding a spoonful of linden or flower honey will make the drink even tastier. It is recommended to immediately mix carob with milk, pouring the powder with stirring to avoid the formation of lumps.

Carob: recipes and uses in cooking

  1. Carob powder is similar to cocoa used in baking and confectionery. And it also gives the dough a rich brown color. The proportions of the product are preserved.
  2. Cocoa substitute complements and enriches cold yogurt and ice cream when sprinkled on top or added to a recipe.
  3. Fruits and berries sprinkled with carob instead of sugar are just as tasty and sweet.
  4. Carob milk, similar to milk chocolate, is made with a mug of hot liquid and a spoonful of dark powder.
  5. Carob can be added to recipes for dessert pastes based on coconut, butter, honey and spices.
  6. Carob powder mixed with oil and additional ingredients (berries, sesame, nuts, etc.) makes delicious sweets, which, by the way, are cooked very quickly.

Chocolate carob pudding


  • 1/4 cup chia seeds;
  • a glass of almond or other milk of plant origin;
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract;
  • 3 bananas;
  • 2 tbsp carob;
  • a pinch of salt.

To prepare, you need to combine all the components and mix well, and then remove for at least 60 minutes in the refrigerator. After this time, a simple, tasty snack with a healthy composition will be ready to eat.


  1. Mix 10 g butter with 1 tbsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. milk and 3 tbsp. powder. Heat the mixture until the glaze forms.
  2. Dip dates, prunes or any other pitted dried fruits into the base, put on a plate and send to the freezer to cool.
  3. The remaining icing can be frozen - you get a delicious bar that looks like chocolate.

Chocolate without cocoa with shavings

For cooking, you need to take an equal amount of carob powder, coconut flakes and coconut (butter is also suitable) oil. This is a basic recipe, but it can be supplemented to your own taste with dried fruits, honey or nuts.

Cooking order:

  1. Melt butter until liquid, remove from heat.
  2. Dissolve the powder in the oil without lumps.
  3. Add coconut flakes and a little honey to the mixture, mix well.
  4. Pour the mass into the mold.
  5. Sprinkle with dried fruits or nuts.
  6. Put the mold in the freezer for at least 1 hour.



  • milk - 200 ml;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • carob powder - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar, salt.

Cooking order:

  1. Send all the ingredients to a common bowl, beat with a whisk until a traditional pancake dough without lumps is formed.
  2. Heat the pan well and bake pancakes.

Harm and Precautions

Carob is a product widely used in Europe and Arab countries, safe for men, women and children. The latter is even prescribed for the treatment of diarrhea and too frequent spitting up of food. Studies of the powder by scientists have confirmed its toxic and carcinogenic safety. There are no direct contraindications for use during lactation and gestation, but it is still strongly recommended to consult a supervising physician and try the product with caution.

The US Food and Drug Administration recognizes carob powder as safe for humans and animals. For adults, the recommended daily dose is limited to 20 grams. There are no exact instructions for children, so you need to focus on half of this volume.


The pods retain their useful properties when stored in a tin or glass jar with a tight lid that prevents air from entering inside. The storage location must be cool and dry. Under such conditions, they remain in the best shape for 18-24 months.

To preserve the taste and medicinal qualities of the powder, it is better to pour it into a foil bag and transfer it to a dark cardboard box. The place is dry and cool. Term - no more than 1.5 years from the date of production.

Where to buy powder?

Powder of ceratonia fruits today can be found in almost any major city in Russia. To do this, however, you need to contact specialized stores that sell products for adherents of a healthy diet and organic diet. Both for brewing and for confectionery experiments, medium roast powder is suitable. It is inexpensive and costs no more than 400 rubles per 0.5 kilograms. For reasons of economy, it would be better to buy medium roast carob online for direct delivery from the manufacturer. This guarantees the quality of the product, its natural origin and affordable price.

Medium roasted carob powder can be purchased here

Powder from Frontier Natural Products is a natural non-irradiated product suitable for kosher, vegan, vegetarian and halal diets.

Unlike cocoa, it has more minerals, less fat and does not require added sugar, as it is very sweet on its own.

Criteria for a quality product

  • Country of origin: Australia, USA, Mediterranean countries.
  • Good reviews about the manufacturers and the product itself.
  • Powder from unroasted raw materials should have a light nutty flavor, a light beige tint.
  • The product from lightly roasted carob fruits is dark in color. In its taste, caramel and sour notes are faintly felt.
  • The medium roast powder is similar to ground coffee, has a chocolate aroma and bitter taste.

Carob powder is used to make delicious chocolate and milkshakes. If you watch your food and want to eat food without chemicals and preservatives with dyes, prepare drinks with healthy carob.

Kerob is a carob fruit used to make sweet powder and fruit syrup.

Cooking features

Raw or fried…

  • Raw carob is great for making milkshakes and fruit smoothies. Will be to the liking of the sweethearts.
  • Slightly fried - has a darker shade and a high sugar content (40%), has a slight sourness and a light caramel taste.
  • Fans of "chocolate" drinks are better off taking fried carob with a bitter aftertaste characteristic of dark chocolate.

How to brew

It will be useful for hostesses to know that:

  • To improve the quality of the final product, before cooking, it is desirable to sift the powder, similarly to flour, to remove lumps.
  • The powder dissolves quickly in a glass of hot water or milk at a temperature of 90 degrees.
  • By itself, carob tastes sweet, so it does not need the addition of sugar or honey.
  • The drink can be supplemented with milk, carob does not affect the absorption of milk fats.
  • Also, if desired, add a little vanilla or cinnamon.
  • Carob powder and syrup pair perfectly with cottage cheese, coconut and fruit.

I have compiled a selection of healthy and delicious drinks that can be prepared from carob. These recipes are quite suitable for diets aimed at weight loss.

carob cocoa

Cocoa with milk is the most popular and everyone's favorite drink. Alternative cocoa from carob is no less tasty and healthy.

Carob powder has a number of advantages over cocoa powder, namely:

  • does not contain psychotropic and toxic substances (caffeine, phenylethylamine, oxalic acid);
  • has a natural sweetness due to the presence of fructose and sucrose;
  • contains three times more calcium and ten times less fat than the competitor.

It is worth emphasizing that carob packaged in packs does not contain any chemical impurities, which manufacturers of cocoa powder, chocolate and other confectionery products often sin.

To prepare fragrant and very tasty cocoa from carob, you will need:

A glass of milk with a low percentage of fat (1.6% is fine) - 250m
A glass of ordinary drinking water - 200 ml
Carob powder not fried or fried (to taste) - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
Natural honey or sugar - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method

  1. In a small saucepan or saucepan, combine milk, water and immediately add carob. This will avoid lumps from the powder and improve the taste of the drink.
  2. Put the mixture on medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring thoroughly with a spoon.
  3. When the mixture begins to boil, add sugar or add honey to taste.
  4. Then carefully remove the dishes from the stove, as the finished drink may suddenly “escape” from the pan.
  5. To the table, alternative cocoa is served hot or slightly cooled.

carob coffee

Carob can also fully replace coffee. Coffee from carob powder is the best fit for avid coffee lovers who are switching to a healthy lifestyle.

Just like cocoa powder, the caffeine- and theobromine-free carob is superior to coffee in terms of health benefits.

Unlike coffee, this drink, of course, will not invigorate, but it will fill the body with energy and vitamins.

But such a dizzying aroma, like from a cup of high-quality natural coffee, unfortunately, cannot be achieved from it.


Carob coffee also needs to be brewed in a narrow vessel or Turk. An electric Turk will do.

  1. Pour 200 ml of boiled water into the Turk and put it on the stove.
  2. Then add 3-4 teaspoons of carob, and stir well, bring to a boil.
  3. The boiling process is accompanied by foam rising to the top of the Turks. You need to carefully control the foam: as soon as it reaches a maximum, quickly remove the bowl from the stove.
  4. The foam has fallen - the Turk is returning to the fire. Such manipulations need to be carried out one or two more times.
  5. The cooking process will take about 5 minutes.
  6. Ready coffee can be flavored with cinnamon, milk or carob syrup.

Is it possible to drink coffee at night with a diet

carob with milk

This is not about cow's milk, but about exotic types of milk, on the basis of which, using carob, delicious unusual drinks are obtained.

Main ingredients for 1 drink

  1. A glass of coconut milk - 250 ml
  2. Carob powder, not roasted or roasted (to taste) - 2 heaping teaspoons
  3. Chicory Powder - 1 heaping teaspoon
  4. Spices (vanilla, cardamom) - literally on the tip of a knife
  5. Sugar or natural honey (to taste)

Cooking method

  1. Pour coconut milk into a Turk or any other deep vessel and put on fire.
  2. Immediately add carob, chicory and spices to it.
  3. Heat the mixture over medium heat for 3-4 minutes, but do not bring to a boil.
  4. Next, remove the drink from the stove and let it cool.
  5. It remains to pour carob into cups, sweeten it with sugar or honey and enjoy the delicious taste of the drink in a pleasant company.

Milk during the diet should be drunk in moderation. How much is this?

Carob powder tea

Cooking method

  1. We take a porcelain or clay tea pot, pour boiling water over it.
  2. Then add a few tablespoons of carob powder there and pour the product from a boiling kettle.
  3. Mix everything quickly with a spoon, tightly close the teapot with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, boldly pour tea into cups and enjoy its aroma and delicious taste.

This recipe can be modified by adding carob to black or green tea. This will make the tea ceremony brighter and healthier, and will certainly please all guests.

How to make tea with turmeric or cinnamon (12 recipes)

Smoothie with carob and dates
(based on banana)

Incredibly, all the vitamin potential of vegetables and fruits can be concentrated in a glass of smoothie.

Smoothies are an extremely healthy liquid that moisturizes and nourishes the human body with the help of vitamins and minerals, and also creates a reliable barrier against infection.

Smoothies with carob are even tastier and healthier, and also help to eliminate problems with the intestines.

Key Ingredients Per Serving

  1. Chilled glass of milk - 200 ml
  2. Large fleshy dates - 3 pieces
  3. Large ripe banana - 1 piece
  4. Carob powder, roasted or not roasted (to taste) - 0.5 tablespoon
  5. Cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon
  6. Vanilla to taste

Cooking method

  1. My fruit.
  2. Remove the peel from the banana and cut it into pieces.
  3. We free the dates from the pits.
  4. Place all ingredients in a blender and mix at medium speed until smooth.
  5. Pour the finished smoothie into glasses and treat guests with pleasure.

What drinks help to lose weight Cold or hot?

Cocktail with banana and carob

Carob drinks based on hot milk are very pleasant and resemble cocoa.

But the taste of cold milkshakes with the addition of carob takes on a new shade, becomes much brighter and richer.

At the same time, all the above beneficial properties of the carob powder are preserved. So why deny yourself the pleasure and not taste this wonderful drink?

Key ingredients for two servings

Chilled milk - 400 ml
Large ripe banana - 2 pieces
Carob powder, roasted or not roasted (to taste) - 1 dessert spoon
Vanilla sugar - 1 dessert spoon
Natural honey - 1 dessert spoon

Cooking method

  1. My bananas, remove the peel and cut them into slices.
  2. Pour milk into the blender bowl, send bananas, carob, vanilla sugar and honey there.
  3. Mix everything until you get a fluffy homogeneous mass.
  4. Pour the drink into glasses, decorate with a straw and enjoy its pleasant taste.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that in no case should you treat carob as a panacea. Everything is good in moderation. But at the same time, the regular use of this exotic product in food can significantly improve the health and well-being of people who are not indifferent to chocolate and coffee.

Carob is a ready-made powder that is extracted from the beans of the Ceratonia leguminous tree (also called Carob). In the modern world, raw materials are just beginning to gain popularity, powder is considered an excellent alternative to more harmful chocolate and cocoa. Carob in confectionery completely replaces sugar. The product also has a number of positive qualities. Let's consider everything in order.

carob growth

In terms of taste, carob is similar to cocoa. The aftertaste largely depends on the method and degree of roasting. Outwardly, the fruits have a not very bright pink color. In terms of usefulness, carob is superior to natural cocoa powder.

In Australia, carob has taken root very well because of its unique qualities. The tree easily lives in arid conditions for a long time. At the same time, the quality of the fruit does not change. Currently, the following countries remain the leaders in the cultivation of ceratonia: Spain, Turkey, Cyprus, Portugal and Australia.

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Benefits of carob

  1. Since ancient times, carob has become famous as a means that prolongs youth. The raw material is rich in antioxidants. Substances entering the body begin to interact with free radicals. The harmful cells are destroyed by a complex chemical process. Thus, the skin particles are not adversely affected.
  2. The product is also famous for the fact that it does not contain caffeine. This substance is found in cocoa. Carob drink can be drunk by hypertensive patients without harm to health. In addition, the product has no contraindications for children and women who are carrying a fetus. Carob is non-addictive due to the unique substance salsolinol. This enzyme is found in chocolate.
  3. Also in cocoa beans there is theobromine, the substance is responsible for the psycho-emotional background of a person. There are no such enzymes in carob, so the use of the product will not affect you in any way. You won't suddenly lose your temper. On the contrary, a drink based on such raw materials will help calm the psyche and cope with various thoughts.
  4. The main difference between carob and cocoa can be considered that in the first case, the raw material has 10-11 times less fat than in the second. The sweetness of carob comes from fructose and sucrose. From here, experts attributed carob to the category of dietary products. Some components contain fats, they are replaced with gum, which is available in carob raw materials. Hence, products with carob extract can be stored longer than formulations with the addition of cocoa.
  5. Another undoubted advantage of ceratonia is that the abundance of useful enzymes is completely absorbed by the human body. The same cannot be said for cocoa. The benefits of carob are visible to the naked eye. A small amount of fiber also predominates in raw materials. Enzyme enough to fully establish digestive processes. Antioxidants in combination with dietary fiber well cleanse the body of slagging and toxins.
  6. Historical information says that in ancient times, local healers used carob as an effective antiseptic. The composition in a short time helped a person to improve his condition in case of poisoning and diarrhea. The powder was very popular with parents who gave raw materials to children. Useful qualities of carob can be listed for a very long time. A drink based on the product thoroughly cleanses the blood of cholesterol. Regular intake prevents cardiovascular diseases.
  7. Cocoa lovers should reconsider their tastes. Carob is sweeter than bean powder. If you make a drink based on carob, you do not need to add additional sugar. Carob contains natural ingredients that practically do not harm the body. The only condition remains that the raw materials are recommended to be consumed with extreme caution by diabetics. Consult with a specialist in advance. Roasted carob has a small amount of saccharides.
  8. Carob is actively used in dietetics. Regular consumption of the drink noticeably dulls hunger. Raw materials block the production of the hormone grenaline, which is responsible for appetite. Anyone who is trying to say goodbye to unwanted pounds is advised to replace non-natural sweeteners with carob powder. Raw materials belong to hypoallergenic products. However, you should not flatter yourself, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is still worth holding. Sometimes there is an individual intolerance to the components.

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Carob in oncology

Studies have shown that the presence of polyphenolic compounds in carob helps prevent the development of cancer. To some extent, the product is toxic, only harm is done to cancer cells. Raw materials are especially recommended to be consumed by the fairer sex. Carob prevents the development of cervical cancer.

carob for diabetes

If we compare carob and cocoa beans, then in the first case, the raw material has a significantly lower amount of sugar. Also in the fruits of the carob tree there is a minimum amount of fat. Carob has 3 times fewer calories than chocolate. If you use the product wisely with diabetes, you can avoid spikes in blood glucose. In parallel, raw materials will provide the body with fiber and protein.

carob for digestion

As mentioned earlier, carob contains fiber. The enzyme has a positive effect on metabolism and intestinal motility. Appetite and secretion of gastric juice will soon normalize. The raw material has insoluble dietary fiber that absorb excess fluid in the body.

The benefits and harms of carob for children

Experts do not recommend including carob in the diet of children who are under 2 years old. Consuming a product in large quantities may not have the best effect on the psyche of the child. A similar effect is achieved due to the content of tannin (tannin). Entering the body, the enzyme reduces protein synthesis in tissues, thereby slowing down the growth and development of the baby. In any case, carob will bring much greater benefits, unlike chocolate or cocoa.

Benefits of carob for men

Some sources of ancient times say that carob has a positive effect on men's health. The product stimulates potency and eliminates diseases of the genital organs. Regular intake of the composition increases the activity of spermatozoa.

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How to choose carob

  1. It is important to know that you will not be able to purchase carob powder everywhere. Bulk composition or syrup is usually sold in health and sports nutrition stores. Raw materials are often found in professional tea outlets. At the moment, the product can be easily ordered via the Internet.
  2. If you decide to use the services of online stores, you should re-read all the reviews about the quality of products and service. When purchasing carob in a professional shop, carefully study the packaging. Pay attention to the quality of packaging, expiration date and production date.
  3. In appearance, the loose composition has a delicate pink tint. The raw material has a pleasant smell with nutty notes. If you decide to purchase a light roasted product, it has a darker color. The taste of the product will give a barely noticeable sourness with a caramel flavor.
  4. If carob has been medium roasted, its color may resemble cocoa. The smell will be more tart, and the taste with a slight bitterness. Please note that the more raw materials are fried, the less sugar will be contained in the composition.

Carob storage rules

  1. Connoisseurs recommend storing raw materials directly in the pods. Such a product must be placed in a glass container or a paper bag. After that, the container with the contents should be kept in a cool place with minimal humidity.
  2. If you follow simple rules, carob is stored in this way for up to 3 years without loss of useful properties. If you decide to use the product, it is enough to break it up and pass it through a coffee grinder.
  3. In most cases, carob is sold in the form of a crumbly formulation. Such raw materials are packaged in bags treated with aluminum (foil). Also, the bag is placed in a cardboard box. Carob in this form is stored for up to 1.5 years.

Harm carob

  1. Experts have not established significant harm to carob, excessive consumption of the product can cause some health problems. Therefore, if you have not tried raw materials before, it should be introduced into the diet gradually. In rare cases, individual intolerance is manifested.
  2. As for contraindications, carob should be consumed with extreme caution in diabetes mellitus. Depending on the processing method, the drink may stimulate an increase in blood glucose. The recommended daily intake of the product in case of illness should not exceed 20 grams.

Carob can be attributed to the number of unique products that have a wide range of applications. At the same time, the fruits of the carob tree practically do not have a side effect. Children should introduce the composition into the diet no earlier than 2 years.

benefits and harms of cocoa powder

Video: healthy carob drink

Carob - what is it and how is it used in cooking? It is to these questions that we will devote our article.

Carob - what is this product?

Carob is a leguminous fruit of an evergreen carob tree that grows in the Mediterranean countries, namely, in Italy, Spain, Cyprus, and so on. Raw, this product is inedible. But when unripe, it is plucked and dried in the sun, it becomes very sweet and tasty. Outwardly, carob is not much different from ordinary cocoa powder, except for a shade of brown. However, it is richer and sweeter in taste. In addition, a significant difference between the two presented products is that packaged carob does not contain flavors and other chemicals that are often added to cocoa powder, chocolate, and so on.

One cannot ignore the fact that the carob tree, which gives such a useful product, is not susceptible to diseases of the wood sponge. In this regard, it is never sprayed with chemicals, which is a huge plus for the finished powder.

History reference

In ancient Greece, carob was known as the "Egyptian fig". Such hard and smooth leguminous seeds had absolutely identical weight and shape. Because of this, for a long time they acted as a measure of mass under the Arabic name "carat". It should be noted that this fractional unit of measure is still used today (in jewelry and pharmaceuticals).

Product Features

Carob - what is this product? Having answered the question posed, one should proceed to find out whether this ingredient is useful, or whether it is undesirable to eat it.

Not everyone knows, but this powder is surprisingly rich in natural dietary fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora. In addition, unlike cocoa beans, it is much sweeter and does not require the additional use of refined sugar during the preparation of any dessert. So what are the other benefits of a product like carob? The benefits of this powder are as follows.

Firstly, it contains a huge amount of minerals (calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, nickel, copper, manganese, barium) and vitamins (A, B2, B and D). At the same time, carob is 8% protein.

Secondly, the presented product significantly reduces the absorption of excess cholesterol during meals. It is also worth noting that the hypocholesterol ability of carob is 2 times stronger than that of other dietary fibers.

Thirdly, unlike cocoa and coffee, such a powder does not contain psychotropic substances, namely theobromine and caffeine, which are present in all chocolate products and quite often cause allergic reactions and addiction.

Fourthly, carob (recipes with this product will be presented below) does not include in its composition such a substance as phenylthylamine, which causes migraines and headaches, as well as fromamine, which contributes to the appearance of an allergic rash, acne.

Fifth, there is no oxalic acid in carob, which prevents the body from accumulating elements such as zinc and calcium, which are necessary for healthy skin and bones. Those who prefer a regular cocoa bar to this powder often experience acne on their faces.

Sixth, carob contains complex carbohydrates, as well as tannins. As for the first element, it makes the powder more sticky, promotes rapid absorption of liquid and acts similarly to a thickener. The tannins of this product bind toxins, and then remove them from the body.

Thus, if you hear the question: "Carob - what is this product?" - you can safely answer that this ingredient is an analogue of cocoa, but it is sweeter and more beneficial for the body.

Application in cooking

This powder is a good substitute for granulated sugar and cocoa in confectionery and chocolate products.

Carob is actively used in the manufacture of dark and white glazes, without changing their original color and smell of the final product. The use of such a product reduces the use of granulated sugar. In addition, the carob tree contains a substance called "resin" or "gum". Thanks to this element, the powder is very often used in cooking as a natural thickener and stabilizer.

You can find out how to use carob, where to buy this product, and other information about it below.

Product cost

For the price, this powder is not much different from the usual cocoa. However, buying it is more than problematic. It is rarely delivered to ordinary supermarkets and grocery stores. What this is connected with is not clear. After all, it is much healthier, sweeter and tastier than cocoa powder. If you still want to enjoy it, it is recommended to contact specialized outlets that sell various products for home baking. In addition, you can search for carob in online stores.

Carob: recipes for various pastries and drinks

The presented product can be used not only for the preparation of various pastries and confectionery products, but also to make drinks from it. Consider a few recipes that you can use to create delicious, and most importantly - healthy - dishes.

Soft and tender chocolate cake

To prepare such a cake, you will need:

  • butter - 200 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • fresh milk - 1 glass;
  • thick kefir - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour - 4 cups;
  • carob - 4 large spoons;
  • table soda - ½ dessert spoon (must be quenched with vinegar);
  • raisins - 1 cup.

Cooking process

First you need to melt the butter, add granulated sugar and carob, and then add milk and kefir. After mixing all the components together, it is necessary to put wheat flour, steamed raisins and table soda slaked with apple cider vinegar to them. As a result, you should get a not very thick base, which must be placed in greased molds and baked in the oven for at least half an hour. These chocolate cupcakes are very sweet, tasty and with a bright aroma of carob.

Instant Candies

To make such a sweet, you need to prepare:

  • pitted prunes, dates or other dried fruits - 15-25 pieces;
  • carob (powder) - 4 large spoons;
  • milk - 1 large spoon;
  • sugar - 1 large spoon;
  • butter - 10 g.

Cooking process

First you need to make a thick glaze. To do this, heat milk, carob, butter and granulated sugar over low heat. Next, you need to dip the purchased dried fruits into the resulting mixture, place them separately on a flat plate, and then cool in the refrigerator. By the way, if you put the made icing into a small form and just freeze it, then in the end you will get very tasty and healthy carob chocolate.

How to prepare a flavored drink?

Carob drink is prepared in much the same way as ordinary cocoa or coffee from freshly ground beans. For this you will need:

  • fresh milk of low fat content - 250 ml;
  • carob powder - 1.5 table. spoons;
  • ordinary drinking water - 200 ml;
  • flower or linden honey - 1 large spoon.

Cooking process

Carob (drink recipes are presented in this article) should be added to milk from the very beginning. This is necessary so that the powder loses its lumps and becomes more tasty. Thus, it is required to combine a dairy product and ordinary drinking water in a ladle or a small saucepan, and then add carob to them, put on a not very strong fire and mix thoroughly with a large spoon. After that, you should wait for the liquid to boil, pour granulated sugar into the dishes and remove it from the stove. The main thing at the same time is not to miss the moment, since the drink can very quickly and unexpectedly “run away”. Next, you need to add a spoonful of honey to the ladle and pour the drink into a large bowl. It should be served hot or slightly chilled.

How to make tasty carob tea?

Above, we described exactly how to prepare delicious drinks from such a powder product as carob. Tea from this ingredient is no less useful. After all, with its regular use, a person receives the charge and energy he needs. Unlike conventional tea leaves, crushed locust beans contain essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, zinc and manganese. In addition, the taste of this excellent tea drink is quite similar to compote made from dried fruits. It also has a pronounced spicy and delicate aroma and a slightly perceptible sweetness. The presence of a huge amount of useful substances, minerals and vitamins in carob tea makes it indispensable in the daily diet.

Cooking process

Making tea from crushed carob pods is quite easy and simple. To do this, you need to take a clay or porcelain teapot, rinse it with boiling water and add a couple of spoons of carob. Next, the product must be poured with just boiling water, mixed with a spoon, tightly closed and left for a quarter of an hour. After that, you can safely pour the tea and serve it to the table.

  1. There is no need to look for any specific recipes in which this product can be used. After all, it is allowed to add it to any sweet pastries or confectionery. If you want to use cocoa or chocolate in them, then it's okay. These products should simply be replaced with carob, which will not affect the taste and quality of the final product.
  2. As for drinks, they can be given to children without any fear. Moreover, by adding ingredients such as vanilla, honey, etc., you can achieve a richer taste and aroma.
  3. It is not necessary to make tea only from crushed carob. After all, it can also be used as an additive to a black or green brew product. This method will make the tea ceremony more useful and will not leave any of your guests indifferent.

In conclusion, I would like to say that carob is not a panacea and a drug. But if those people who cannot imagine life without chocolate, cocoa or coffee will use this particular product more often, then their health and well-being will improve significantly.

Carob powder is used to make delicious chocolate and milkshakes. If you watch your food and want to eat food without chemicals and preservatives with dyes, prepare drinks with healthy carob.

Used to produce sweet powder and fruit syrup.

Cooking features

Raw or fried…

  • Raw carob is great for making milkshakes and fruit smoothies. Will be to the liking of the sweethearts.
  • Lightly fried - has a darker shade and a high sugar content (40%), has a slight sourness and a light caramel flavor.
  • Fans of "chocolate" drinks are better off taking fried carob with a bitter aftertaste characteristic of dark chocolate.

How to brew

It will be useful for hostesses to know that:

  • To improve the quality of the final product, before cooking, it is desirable to sift the powder, similarly to flour, to remove lumps.
  • The powder dissolves quickly in a glass of hot water or milk at a temperature of 90 degrees.
  • By itself, carob tastes sweet, so it does not need the addition of sugar or honey.
  • The drink can be supplemented with milk, carob does not affect the absorption of milk fats.
  • Also, if desired, add a little vanilla or cinnamon.
  • Carob powder and syrup pair perfectly with cottage cheese, coconut and fruit.

I have compiled a selection of healthy and delicious drinks that can be prepared from carob. These recipes are quite suitable for diets aimed at weight loss.

carob cocoa

Cocoa with milk is the most popular and everyone's favorite drink. Alternative cocoa from carob is no less tasty and healthy.

Carob powder has a number of advantages over cocoa powder, namely:

  • does not contain psychotropic and toxic substances (caffeine, phenylethylamine, oxalic acid);
  • has a natural sweetness due to the presence of fructose and sucrose;
  • contains three times more calcium and ten times less fat than the competitor.

It is worth emphasizing that carob packaged in packs does not contain any chemical impurities, which manufacturers of cocoa powder, chocolate and other confectionery products often sin.

To prepare fragrant and very tasty cocoa from carob, you will need:

  • A glass of milk with a low percentage of fat (1.6% is fine) - 250m
  • A glass of ordinary drinking water - 200 ml
  • Carob powder not fried or fried (to taste) - 1.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Natural honey or sugar - 1 tablespoon

Cooking method

  1. In a small saucepan or saucepan, combine milk, water and immediately add carob. This will avoid lumps from the powder and improve the taste of the drink.
  2. Put the mixture on medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring thoroughly with a spoon.
  3. When the mixture begins to boil, add sugar or add honey to taste.
  4. Then carefully remove the dishes from the stove, as the finished drink may suddenly “escape” from the pan.
  5. To the table, alternative cocoa is served hot or slightly cooled.

carob coffee

Carob can also fully replace coffee. Coffee from carob powder is the best fit for avid coffee lovers who are switching to a healthy lifestyle.

Just like cocoa powder, the caffeine- and theobromine-free carob is superior to coffee in terms of health benefits.

Unlike coffee, this drink, of course, will not invigorate, but it will fill the body with energy and vitamins.

But such a dizzying aroma, like from a cup of high-quality natural coffee, unfortunately, cannot be achieved from it.


Carob coffee also needs to be brewed in a narrow vessel or Turk. An electric Turk will do.

  1. Pour 200 ml of boiled water into the Turk and put it on the stove.
  2. Then add 3-4 teaspoons of carob, and stir well, bring to a boil.
  3. The boiling process is accompanied by foam rising to the top of the Turks. You need to carefully control the foam: as soon as it reaches a maximum, quickly remove the bowl from the stove.
  4. The foam has fallen - the Turk is returning to the fire. Such manipulations need to be carried out one or two more times.
  5. The cooking process will take about 5 minutes.
  6. Ready coffee can be flavored with cinnamon, milk or carob syrup.

carob with milk

This is not about cow's milk, but about exotic types of milk, on the basis of which, using carob, delicious unusual drinks are obtained.

Main ingredients for 1 drink

  1. A glass of coconut milk - 250 ml
  2. Carob powder, not roasted or roasted (to taste) - 2 heaping teaspoons
  3. Chicory Powder - 1 heaping teaspoon
  4. Spices (vanilla, cardamom) - literally on the tip of a knife
  5. Sugar or natural honey (to taste)

Cooking method

  1. Pour coconut milk into a Turk or any other deep vessel and put on fire.
  2. Immediately add carob, chicory and spices to it.
  3. Heat the mixture over medium heat for 3-4 minutes, but do not bring to a boil.
  4. Next, remove the drink from the stove and let it cool.
  5. It remains to pour carob into cups, sweeten it with sugar or honey and enjoy the delicious taste of the drink in a pleasant company.

Carob powder tea

Cooking method

  1. We take a porcelain or clay tea pot, pour boiling water over it.
  2. Then add a few tablespoons of carob powder there and pour the product from a boiling kettle.
  3. Mix everything quickly with a spoon, tightly close the teapot with a lid and leave for 15 minutes.
  4. After a quarter of an hour, boldly pour tea into cups and enjoy its aroma and delicious taste.

This recipe can be modified by adding carob to black or green tea. This will make the tea ceremony brighter and healthier, and will certainly please all guests.

Smoothie with carob and dates
(based on banana)

Incredibly, all the vitamin potential of vegetables and fruits can be concentrated in a glass of smoothie.

Smoothies are an extremely healthy liquid that moisturizes and nourishes the human body with the help of vitamins and minerals, and also creates a reliable barrier against infection.

Smoothies with carob are even tastier and healthier, and also help to eliminate problems with the intestines.

Key Ingredients Per Serving

  1. Chilled glass of milk - 200 ml
  2. Large fleshy dates - 3 pieces
  3. Large ripe banana - 1 piece
  4. Carob powder, roasted or not roasted (to taste) - 0.5 tablespoon
  5. Cinnamon - 0.5 teaspoon
  6. Vanilla to taste

Cooking method

  1. My fruit.
  2. Remove the peel from the banana and cut it into pieces.
  3. We free the dates from the pits.
  4. Place all ingredients in a blender and mix at medium speed until smooth.
  5. Pour the finished smoothie into glasses and treat guests with pleasure.

Cocktail with banana and carob

Carob drinks based on hot milk are very pleasant and resemble cocoa.

But the taste of cold milkshakes with the addition of carob takes on a new shade, becomes much brighter and richer.

At the same time, all the above beneficial properties of the carob powder are preserved. So why deny yourself the pleasure and not taste this wonderful drink?

Key ingredients for two servings

  • Chilled milk - 400 ml
  • Large ripe banana - 2 pieces
  • Carob powder, roasted or not roasted (to taste) - 1 dessert spoon
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 dessert spoon
  • Natural honey - 1 dessert spoon

Cooking method:

  1. My bananas, remove the peel and cut them into slices.
  2. Pour milk into the blender bowl, send bananas, carob, vanilla sugar and honey there.
  3. Mix everything until you get a fluffy homogeneous mass.
  4. Pour the drink into glasses, decorate with a straw and enjoy its pleasant taste.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that in no case should you treat carob as a panacea. Everything is good in moderation. But at the same time, the regular use of this exotic product in food can significantly improve the health and well-being of people who are not indifferent to chocolate and coffee.

The beneficial properties of carob have been known to mankind since the time of the first Christians. According to legend, John the Baptist ate horns of Constantinople in the desert, and therefore the fruits have another name, "John's bread."

  • Carob is extremely rich in minerals and trace elements. It has a high content of vitamins A, P, C, E, group B and proteins. Due to the rich content of copper, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, nickel and barium, it is difficult to find a worthy alternative to carob.
  • All trace elements, vitamins, proteins and tannins are contained in carob in an easily digestible form for humans. Also, daily use of this powder will significantly reduce the absorption of excess cholesterol by the body.
  • Carob powder contains virtually no fat and is free of stimulants and psychedelics such as phenylethylamine, which can trigger migraines.
  • Carob does not contain caffeine and oxalic acid, which means that it does not provoke addiction, allergies and does not affect the psyche. Carob powder is recommended for people suffering from diabetes or overweight, as well as pregnant or lactating mothers.
  • The calorie content of carob is about 220 kcal per 100 g of powder.

People's love for chocolate can be compared to a strong addiction, it is difficult to refuse sweet products even in those cases when a state of health requires it. Fortunately, since recently, nutritionists have become aware of such a product as carob. The benefits and harms of the unique composition have been carefully studied by experts who are now actively promoting it to the masses. Having become acquainted with the properties of the food ingredient, and having tried it in practice, many people are happy to switch to it, abandoning cocoa-based products.

Carob - product description

Carob is a powder that is obtained from the fruit of the carob tree. It has been mined for about 5000 years, but it began to be used in dietary nutrition not so long ago, immediately establishing itself as an excellent analogue of cocoa and chocolate. The product is increasingly replacing sugar in the culinary industry. The product is even added to antitussive drugs and other medicines in order to improve their taste.

In terms of taste, carob is somewhat reminiscent of cocoa. Its aftertaste may vary depending on the characteristics of the roast. Externally, the powder is unremarkable, has a pale pink tint. In terms of chemical composition, it even surpasses the well-known chocolate drink.

The carob tree was originally found in the Mediterranean regions, over time it began to be cultivated in other countries. The plant is able to do without water for a long time, which does not affect how it bears fruit. When buying products, you should pay attention to the country of origin. The highest quality is distinguished by carob, which is produced in Italy, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Australia and Cyprus.

Useful properties of carob

The rich chemical composition of carob determines its beneficial properties. Some of them can even be regarded as medicinal. Regular use of the product in any of its types can guarantee the following results:

  • Powder products prolong youth due to the abundance of antioxidants in it. By acting on free radicals, the substances in their composition not only slow down the aging process, but also reduce the risk of developing pathological processes that can lead to cancer.

Tip: First of all, people suffering from high blood pressure, pregnant women and children should switch to carob. The absence of caffeine in the composition allows you to safely introduce the product into the diet of these groups of people.

  • Carob powder does not contain addictive substances (unlike chocolate and its derivatives). It also does not contain theobromine, due to which the rejection of cocoa-based products leads to mood swings and even depression. Such products, on the contrary, have calming properties.
  • Carob is not as high fat as cocoa. Its sweetness comes from the presence of sucrose. Due to these features, the product can be considered dietary. Even the absence of fats allows the product to stay fresh and pleasant for a longer time. Even if the storage conditions are violated, it does not become rancid and does not acquire an unpleasant aroma.
  • All vitamins and minerals, which are many in the composition of carob, are easily and almost completely absorbed by the body. This ensures the launch of biochemical processes at all levels.
  • contained in a unique product in a small amount, but this is enough to improve the digestion process and actively remove toxins from the body.
  • Regular consumption of carob in any form helps to remove harmful cholesterol from the blood. This allows you to use the product to reduce the likelihood of developing pathologies from the heart and blood vessels.
  • The carob tree product controls the synthesis of adrenaline, therefore it can reduce appetite. Drinking a cup of the composition for lunch or afternoon tea, you can get rid of the habit of eating high-calorie meals at this time.

And chocolate is one of the foods that provokes allergies. Carob also compares favorably with its counterparts in this. Intolerance to an ingredient is extremely rare, but before introducing it into the diet on an ongoing basis, you still need to check the body's reaction to it.

Types of carob and their features

Today, carob can be found in many different forms. Each of them has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

  • Pods. A very convenient option for storing products, which allows you to save useful substances in it in full. Before use, the pods only need to be broken and ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting composition is usually used to prepare a flavored drink. It can be brewed in a Turk like ground coffee.

  • Powder. May be raw, i.e. not fried. Such a product is distinguished by maximum sweetness, and in its taste it is not at all like. Lightly roasted powder gives out a mild caramel flavor and the presence of a slight sourness. A medium roasted composition is the darkest in color and may contain the bitter taste of dark chocolate. Blanks are usually used for making pancakes, fritters, and various pastries.

  • Syrup. Acts as a natural sweetener. It contains quite a lot of sugar, but all useful substances are stored in a volume sufficient to obtain positive effects.

When choosing a suitable product form, it is necessary to take into account the composition, taste and purpose of the product. If one of the types of carob causes a negative response from the body, other types of product will also have to be abandoned.

Where can you buy carob

If desired, carob can be found on the Internet, a hypermarket, or even the most ordinary store. In order not to purchase low-quality products, it is better to give preference to such places of sale:

  • Sports nutrition stores.
  • Health food stores.
  • Shops offering products for vegans and.
  • Tea and coffee shops.

In such specialized departments, the likelihood of acquiring real carob without additives is much higher. With the growing popularity of the product, the cases of selling fakes began to increase. It is worth considering that the lowest cost is for medium roasted powder. Raw products can cost twice as much.

The harm of carob and its danger

Real and high-quality carob cannot harm the body, but only if it is not abused. There are no maximum dosages of the product; it is enough to adequately assess your feelings in order to prevent overeating. True, in this case nothing terrible will happen, only slight fluctuations in blood sugar levels will occur, and appetite may disappear for some time.

The only precaution when using carob is that it should not be included in the diet of people with diabetes. Even natural sugar in the composition of the product can provoke negative changes in the blood test. In extreme cases, you will have to limit yourself to fried powder. It has the lowest sugar content.

Carob can replace chocolate and cocoa, but you should not try to compensate for all existing desserts with them. After some time, the products will simply begin to bother and cease to bring gastronomic pleasure. This can cause a breakdown and a return to irregular chocolate consumption.

Carob is known as a substitute for cocoa and chocolate. But the beneficial properties of carob can be used much more widely, and this is well known in countries where ceratonia grows and generously bears fruit. The inhabitants of the Mediterranean are happy to use dried and roasted carob, replacing sugar, cocoa and coffee. From crushed dry pods, a delicious drink is brewed that quenches thirst and does not have the stimulating effect of long leaf tea.

Although the sweet taste and nutritional value of the pods has been known since time immemorial, the plant mentioned in the Bible survived a period of semi-oblivion after the introduction of beet and cane sugar. Only folk healers continued to prepare potions from carob for various ailments, they fed domestic animals with pods, and the poor ate sweet fruits for food. Interest in carob dishes has resurfaced as people began to think about healthy eating and its relationship to quality and longevity. Now powder, chocolate, syrup, gum and tea from carob are very popular - the beneficial substances contained in carob pods are well preserved during heat treatment, and pleasant sweetness with a minimum of fat and low calorie content make it possible to classify the product as a dietary one.

Benefits of carob tea

Even if you are perfectly healthy, do not suffer from overweight, digestive problems and beriberi, carob tea will be useful as a source of pleasant taste sensations. The drink is good hot and cold, it has a wonderful sweetish taste and a delicate fruity aroma.

Tea does not have such a rich taste as drinks made from carob powder - it is brewed from crushed pods. It turns out a delicious drink, reminiscent of dried fruit compote, but without refined sugar. Not everyone likes the heavy aroma of carob coffee and cocoa, and a drink made from brewed dried pods is light and pleasant. At the same time, all the beneficial properties of the plant are preserved in tea:

  • The absence of and, which are not always beneficial for the cardiovascular system.
  • allows the use of carob in a limited amount in diabetes mellitus.
  • The abundance of iron restores the composition of the blood, helps to gain strength after illness and injury.
  • Magnesium and potassium are good for the heart and blood vessels, normalize blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels.
  • Potassium acts as a diuretic, promotes the elimination of toxins and stimulates electrolyte metabolism.
  • Carob substances normalize digestion, prevent diseases of the stomach and intestines, eliminate diarrhea, gas formation, nausea and other unpleasant phenomena.
  • Tea has a good effect on the voice, even gargling with decoction helps to cure the throat with sore throats and colds. Professional vocalists know about this property of carob.
  • Lotions from tea soothe inflammation of the eyes, relieve fatigue and prevent the development of cataracts.
  • Natural sugars make you feel full, which is helpful for weight loss.
  • Carob is allowed for children as a prophylactic against rickets and beriberi. A child who regularly drinks carob tea with black or green tea is less likely to catch colds and recover quickly.

There are practically no contraindications for use. Tea, powder drinks, chocolate, syrup are allowed even for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and for children. Carob rarely causes allergies, but you should not consume it in unlimited quantities, especially for diabetes and fructose intolerance.

How to make delicious carob tea

Pleasant taste, lack of caffeine and allergens make this tea simply indispensable - adults and children can drink it every day. Kids usually like a carob drink with milk, it can be prepared like cocoa - pour a spoonful of powder or crushed pods into a glass of milk and boil for a minute or two. Adding sugar is not necessary, the sweetness of the carob beans is sufficient.

Carob tea, unlike powdered tea, is made from crushed fruits. They are not as sweet as ground pods, but are also spicy and delicious. Herbal tea turns out to be a transparent, brownish tint, characteristic of dried fruit compote.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the teapot with boiling water.
  2. Add 2-3 teaspoons of crushed carob.
  3. Pour in slightly cooled boiling water (+ 90-95 ° C).
  4. Stir, close the lid, leave for 15 minutes.

After brewing, the tea is ready to drink. You can dilute it with boiled water or don't, sweeten it with sugar if the drink doesn't seem sweet enough.

The dried pods can be used as an addition to black or green tea, or mixed with dried herbs. Carob will add aromatic notes and a sweetish taste to the drink.

Green tea with carob

In Cyprus, Greece, Egypt, Israel and other Mediterranean countries, green tea with carob can be tasted in any cafe. In combination with tea, the drink acquires a tart taste, softened and decorated with fragrant carob, perfectly quenches thirst and makes it easier to survive the midday heat.

The benefits of green tea are widely known. Useful substances help maintain health, antioxidants prevent the aging process and keep a person in good shape. Together with crushed carob pods, green tea blossoms with new virtues, in particular, it acquires aroma and light sweetness, which tea leaves lack a bit.

Green tea with carob is prepared according to the usual recipe: 2 teaspoons of the mixture are poured into 200 ml of hot water. You can drink it hot or cold. The drink is refreshing and thirst quenching.

Teas with the addition of carob and other fruits and aromatic herbs are produced by many manufacturers, but you can mix it yourself. Rose petals, goji berries, linden well complement the taste - you can experiment with tastes and smells and create your own delicious recipe.

Carob fruits are not a medicinal product, although their healing properties have long been proven. Try to include tea from crushed pods in your diet, and you will see the benefits of this plant.

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