Pisces guy Taurus girl compatibility in love. Different and very interesting: the compatibility of male fish female Taurus. Compatibility in work and friendship

Women and men of these signs are more often looking for partners who would differ from them in character, and in this case, their aspirations are embodied. They can perfectly get along under the same roof, because fish are attracted by the financial well-being that a Taurus girl can provide, and she is attracted by the romantic halo of a thoughtful and dreamy male fish.

Taurus girl, fish guy: compatibility in a friendly relationship

Friendship in tandem between a Taurus woman and a Pisces man happens often - a long-term sincere relationship can form between these signs of the zodiac, based on common interests and, oddly enough, the difference in some qualities of characters. The ability of fish to appreciate beauty and find romance even in everyday life will melt the heart of a Taurus girl, and her reliability and stability will win over fish who love coziness and comfort. Their friendship will be very reliable and long-term. The sphere of common interests of these signs is love and interest in art - theater, cinema, music, books. The fish guy, who has the ability to subtly feel the beauty and broadcast the beauty around him, even just by communicating enriches the reality of the calf and inspires to experience new emotions and experience feelings. Beloved Pisces men and Taurus women need not worry about them - both are not one of those who seek love adventures. It is very difficult for Taurus to make any changes, and Pisces are not proactive by nature and will not pursue a woman if she is busy.

The Taurus woman and the Pisces man are a great match. She attracts her lover with stability and constancy, and it is his Pisces man who can appreciate it very highly. He strives for security and material well-being - this is what a stable and practical Taurus woman can guarantee him. This girl will bring real happiness and love to the life of a Pisces man, based not on fleeting passion, but on hourly care and attention, support and trust.

And the Taurus woman in Pisces is attracted by the sublimity of feelings, mercy, kindness, refinement, fidelity. Sometimes, of course, she can show her characteristic stubbornness, which is sometimes painful for fish, but over time they will come to such an understanding that any conflicts will evaporate before they have time to arise. Their life will be filled with quiet family joys, and the alliance of Taurus Woman Pisces Man will be strong and long-term.

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Taurus woman, Pisces man: business compatibility

These signs do not give much pleasure to work together. They can work in the same team, but in close conjunction, their cooperation will bring little results. Pisces man is a creative person and not too consistent and balanced. The Taurus woman is slow and thoughtful. She is not at all satisfied with the not-too-responsible approach to the affairs of the fish man. Likewise, a Pisces colleague may be dissatisfied with the meticulousness and scrupulousness of a partner. Together they are a failed team, and their joint work will be a waste of time.

Working Compatibility:

Business and partnership
Each sign - both fish and calf - can partly complement its colleague. It is better for a creative and sublime fish to create and throw ideas, and for a scrupulous woman, a calf is better to execute and control. It is difficult for them to work together, but it is possible with a mutual desire to achieve a positive result.

The head of the taurus girl fish male subordinate
Pisces are not too fond of the responsibility that the role of leader places on them, but they are not very executive subordinates either, even if the leader is a balanced and sensible business woman of Taurus. As a boss, a Taurus woman appreciates diligence and the ability to make a profit in employees, and a Pisces man does not like mundane boring work and routine. Both, in principle, will be able to engage in joint business activities, but they will have to try very hard to avoid conflicts.

Head of fish, subordinate - calf
Pisces is a boss who, due to his creative thinking and daydreaming, often changes his mind and makes sometimes conflicting demands on his subordinates. Because of such moments in a business tandem, skirmishes and misunderstandings sometimes arise. Taurus is a great performer, and if the Pisces manage to curb their irrepressible emotional fervor, they can find in the person of the Taurus exactly the one who can help them translate all their lengthy ideas into reality. The main thing is to remember that the calves need to be protected and praised, restraining criticism.

Horoscopes say: it’s not at all difficult for a Taurus girl to charm and capture Pisces men. On the one hand, Pisces is cautious and selective in matters of love, but if he meets a well-groomed, calm, reliable, caring calf girl on his life path, then he will be captivated forever.

This is a fact - a Taurus woman is able to conquer a Pisces man in record time, without even doing anything special for this. The fish will not be able to resist her. This romantic hero will be incredibly happy to enter into a love affair with one who can provide him with a comfortable life in a cozy home and help make his dreams come true and share the love of beauty. It is natural for fish to play as a hero-lover, and it is important for them that a woman respect his inner world, be tactful and understanding. Therefore, he will be incredibly happy to meet one who is endowed with all these qualities, and it is in the girl's body that he will be able to find them.

Pisces man, Taurus woman: compatibility, love and marriage

Compatibility in love Taurus woman Pisces man has these signs in order to create a family. In marriage, both of them will be able to get exactly what they lacked in a single life. Love and sensitivity from a faithful girlfriend will be received by an emotional and thirsty for understanding fish man. And the wife in him will find a romantic hero who will awaken femininity in her and the desire to always look her best. In a married couple of fish, a man and a Taurus woman, quarrels, if they happen, are very rare. The fish husband will be happy to take his beautiful wife out into the world all the time, and she will arrange life in such a way that he feels good and comfortable.

Compatibility according to the horoscope: Pisces and Taurus woman

Regarding the psychological aspects, these astrological signs they can both go through life together, and, having touched for a short time, disperse. The Taurus girl usually hesitates with the decision to get married, weighing the pros and cons for a long time, and the Pisces man will not insist too much - initiative is not his forte at all. Therefore, they can enter into marriage by a lucky chance or thanks to the determination of a woman. Taurus are extremely faithful and reliable companions, however, the same qualities are inherent in fish. In this tandem, she plays a major role in solving financial issues and domestic problems, and he adds color and romance to their life together. If Taurus allows Pisces to sometimes close in on themselves and spend time in their inner world and treats this with understanding, there will be harmony and love in their family.

Zodiac signs compatibility Taurus woman Pisces man in sex

The intimate horoscope of these signs speaks of harmony in the sexual sphere. By nature, the Taurus girl is a frantic, passionate and insatiable lover, the fish guy also loves sex, but for him it must also be based on spiritual intimacy. Taurus women are distinguished by skill in erotic love and vibrant sex. She knows what can bring maximum pleasure to a man and knows how to impress him. But her ardor and passionate fire sometimes seems excessive to a male fish, he wants refined foreplay and caresses, and not straightforward physiological actions. But if the partners talk heart to heart and talk about their wishes, everything will work out very quickly in their bed.

What difficulties may arise

Pisces man and Taurus woman are incredibly harmonious in combination, but they can sometimes have difficulties. Due to the attempts of the Taurus woman to remake her man, the latter will feel discomfort. He is too vulnerable and does not tolerate criticism. Taurus is quite comfortable on earth, they do not fall into dreams and live a real life. All their attention is focused on daily practical and strategic issues, and this sometimes annoys impressionable, sensitive and sophisticated fish.

Both signs prefer to refrain from love dramas and passions and do not seek to change partners. But the lack of initiative of fish can sometimes seem like indifference to the calf. Nevertheless, a man should at least sometimes decide to give his beloved flowers or take him to a restaurant.
A different attitude to finance can result in frequent conflicts. Taurus is sometimes not able to spend even part of the money for their own pleasure. And fish, on the contrary, do not attach importance to money and spend it indiscriminately, which can bring the calves to panic.

Spouses in this marriage union above all else honor the family and domestic traditions. Both of them really want to equip a perfectly comfortable home, where every corner is equipped so that being in the house is a pleasure. In this marriage, the daughter-in-law with the mother-in-law and the son-in-law with the mother-in-law will not have problems, since the young are very respectful of the older generation and honor family ties.

Next to the wife of the calf, it is easy for the fish to build their career. Her caring and attentive attitude and invested efforts help a lot to his success. Her calm self-confidence, strength and self-esteem are felt in her and cause admiration. A Taurus woman is often a laconic, tactful, faithful wife of a Pisces man. In private, they can sometimes argue, but such conflicts quickly end. The wife supports her adored husband, gives him valuable advice, believes in his grandiose successes and provides him with home comfort and coziness.

Pisces sometimes want to delve into themselves, escape from everyday life, go into their dreams or creativity. They prefer to hit dreams and dream about the unrealizable, for them the embodiment of desires is not as important as the flight of creative thought itself. Sometimes it is difficult for Taurus to understand this trait of their chosen one, because they are very practical and weigh their every decision and deed dozens of times and are used to slowly but surely achieving their goals. In love, Pisces is very good with Taurus, because they equally put all of themselves into relationships, surround their chosen one with affection and love.

Pisces man, Taurus woman: compatibility as parents

The kids in the family, where the father is a fish, and the mother is a calf, are comfortable and good. They get the care, attention, love they need. A practical, attentive mother will make sure that they always have quality food, good clothes, and a daily routine. All pressing material issues will be resolved by her at the highest level. And the Pisces man will be the most caring daddy in the world. He will always support in everything, prompt, will be tolerant of mistakes and mistakes and incredibly love his children. He equips the nursery in advance, buys toys and will fiddle with the kids tirelessly.

Watch the video in which astrologer Renata Raevskaya answers the most intriguing questions from readers:

When two different people meet on the path of fate, who are wonderfully perfect for each other, true miracles of love happen.

But what does it mean to be perfect for each other? These are not just beautiful words, it means that the two partners have such a set of character traits that make up good compatibility. And astrology will help you find out how much you match with your loved one!

Love comes slowly...

So, two met - she is Pisces, he is Taurus. What happened at that moment? Outwardly - it would seem, nothing. There was no bright flash of insane passion, sparkling splashes of champagne and enthusiastic exclamations. But something magical did happen, and although no one from the side noticed, they both understood it ...

This is how the representatives of these two unique astrological signs are arranged: they never scream out loud about their innermost feelings and are in no hurry to make hasty bold conclusions.

After the meeting, this strange, timid couple may not see each other for a long time. And he can call her for the first time only in a month, if not later ...

But this does not mean that he decided for a long time to call and could not dare - the calf of courage just does not hold. It only means that he carefully and soberly weighed everything and made a very conscious, firm decision.

After all, the Taurus man is in no hurry, but he never regrets what he has done. If he chose a woman, then this is very, very serious. Taurus will not play or look for an affair.

Pisces woman is beautiful and tender

Pisces is a special sign, but if it refers to a woman, then we are talking about a surprisingly refined nature, soft and meek, fragile, like an autumn flower.

Such a woman is an example of true piety, chastity and amazing beauty. She is waiting for her brave and proud prince, and she is waiting not naively, like a girl, but with the proud dignity of a princess.

And all sorts of princes of all stripes vehemently curl around the lace skirt of this charming lady in droves, but she will choose only the chosen one. And only your heart will listen.

Such a woman does not accept the advice of her friends and does not respond to their ridicule - they say, normal men are around, and you are still waiting for the prince ... She is surprisingly true to her principles, and will not rush into the open arms of someone to whom she does not feel a real, mystical attraction.

If you have to wait for many years, the Pisces woman is quite ready for this. She would rather be alone, and not be afraid of proud solitude, than be content with an unworthy company.

The amazing Pisces woman seemed to come from the nineteenth century or descended from the shabby, shabby pages of a love story of that time. She does not pursue success or fame, she is not looking for a rich promising uncle, she is extremely indifferent to glamorous things.

Principles and moral principles, compassion and conscience, love for all living things, honesty and selflessness are important to this woman. She is not indifferent to someone else's grief and will give the last ruble to a beggar...

Taurus man: knows what he wants

Taurus does not run anywhere - and this is his main advantage, no doubt. He may be a little slow, but he is very serious, unthinking, reasonable, he weighs his every step. It's not scary to live with this - because you can rely on it.

Having met an interesting girl, the Taurus man does not immediately plunge into the abyss of passion. He must think carefully and weigh carefully before he realizes that he likes her.

But if he understood this ... No one in the world knows how to be as gentle, sensual, gallant and courteous as the beautiful Taurus.

He is surprisingly caring and romantic, and knows a lot about beautiful courtship. If he sets out to get a woman, he will succeed, no doubt.

He and she - the meeting happened!

The compatibility of such a pair is very good! The stars are whispering - you should be together! The meek and gentle Pisces woman and the calm, courteous Taurus are an excellent union, surprisingly harmonious and beautiful.

In love, this couple will have harmony, and in the family - mutual respect and order. What else can you wish for?

At the very beginning of the relationship, everything is fine, because both fully meet the needs of each other. A woman under the sign of Pisces is looking for such a man - gallant, gentle, self-confident, romantic and serious. It is important for her that he does not rush, does not put pressure on her and is not too annoying.

And he is! Taurus is courteous, gentle, he is not in a hurry, and does not rush a woman. Its main advantage is respect for the opposite sex, and this is what the Pisces woman needs.

He, in turn, is looking for such a tender, fragile young lady, moral and refined, honest and open. And what happiness to find each other for them!

Happiness needs work!

Such a woman and such a man are created for love and family. But good compatibility is not everything. There are dangers and pitfalls even in such a good pair as this one.

Perhaps, over time, the woman will begin to be angry and annoyed by the slowness and indecision of Taurus. He is not always ready to make a decision, and for a Pisces woman, the masculinity of a partner is important.

Also, Taurus is a stubborn man, and in quarrels he will be unbending. He does not know how to ask for forgiveness and admit guilt, and this is not very good.

A wise Pisces woman will be able to handle such a partner. In general, he is a very good husband and partner, you just need to come to terms with his slowness and a certain impenetrability.

  • You have excellent compatibility, and you only need to add a little bit - a drop of patience and respect from your partner.
  • A woman should use her amazing softness and tenderness - this will make her Taurus man wonderful, obedient and ready for anything.
  • A man, in alliance with such a lady, must always remain courteous and attentive.

A Pisces woman will not tolerate rudeness and hardness, and Taurus can sometimes show these undesirable qualities. They should be restrained so as not to injure a fragile and sensitive partner. Attention, tact and respect from a man is a sure guarantee that the union will be perfect.

The compatibility of these two signs says only one thing: they need to be together! The innate rare and valuable qualities of both of these signs make their union truly unique.

And their direct duty is to show their best sides, to cultivate maximum respect for their soulmate and to cherish love. This is a guarantee of long years of harmonious life together! Author: Vasilina Serova

Taurus woman and Pisces man

love compatibility

A very popular saying that happiness appeared due to previous sad events is more relevant than ever when meeting a vulnerable, sensitive Pisces man and a calm Taurus woman (compatibility in love can reach sky-high heights). In familiar situations, they can pass by when She walks along the usual route to work, and He, perhaps, writes poetry by a wet autumn tree.

If suddenly a hungry poor cat is sitting on the branches, a caring "earthly" woman will treat him with bread, which the suffering man will find a good sign and will not let her go. Oddly enough, people of opposite zodiacs are able to clearly distinguish acquaintances in sad events in their fate. The horoscope for compatibility between the signs of the zodiac assures that if Taurus is a romantic and sincere woman, this is exactly the happiness that will make a man more confident and courageous. He will open up both for himself and the world in the form of a husband who is not afraid of troubles. He will help to lead a life, invest in relationships and sing well-deserved praises to the only companion for life.

Taurus-girl will not remain at a loss! And in addition, she will be able not to be embarrassed by her constantly good disposition. How would a Pisces man not miss such a splendor! If a woman of the earthly zodiac opens her eyes to herself, she will understand why so many men always sigh after her languidly. In a word, the compatibility of a Taurus woman and a Pisces man helps them discover their real selves to each other - touching, devoted, happy, like children!

Sexual Compatibility

The main motto of long-term pleasure in sleeping pleasures is "do as I do." Such guidance concerns not specific actions, but the principles of one's sexual behavior. Taurus - a desirable, alluring, "tasty" woman - can make Pisces feel love, dissolve in it and gather again "into atoms".

Pisces has never experienced anything like this! But this mysterious "Mr. X" can please the spring girl with the depth of feelings, guessing desires. If everyone does not completely lose his head from the happiness delivered by a partner, he will remember the preferences of his half. Do not forget about your partner during the return of "marital duty" - this is the main thing that is required from lovers, and the stars took care of them, making them excellent sexual compatibility.

At work and at home

Well, you must! And then everything is in order. But the party will become more winning when Pisces will lead the team, where an excellent worker Taurus will be involved. Pisces will just have someone to embody ideas and on whom to make plans. In friendship, these two can become faithful comrades for life. I wonder how this duet pleased the stars? Such compatibility of signs is one of the most mysterious, but kind phenomena on Earth!

They are both similar and unlike each other. They look at how different they are and notice similarities.

If Taurus and Pisces do not argue on some fundamental issues on which their views differ, then they will be happy together. Oddly enough, more often the fate of a couple does not depend on the constant and firmly standing female Taurus, but on the fluid and changeable Pisces.

Taurus and Pisces compatibility: how to seduce a Pisces man?

If you look from the point of view of psychology, then Pisces will like those features of the Taurus woman that would not interfere with them themselves: practicality, stability, poise and a sober view of the world. The Pisces man is only at first glance an optimist and the soul of the company. He is full of plans and ideas. But in fact, he rarely realizes his aspirations, he is closed and lives in his dreams. He needs the support of a more "earthly" woman. Thanks to astrology, you can determine other reasons why Taurus likes Pisces. Venus is exalted in Pisces. This means that Venus is strong and important, but does not show all her qualities. And in Taurus, Venus is fully developed. The Pisces man is drawn to Taurus: he wants to get to know his own hidden possibilities better. Pisces are loving, sacrificial and romantic. They lack the "earthly" side of Venus - the ability to create comfort and enjoy a prosperous life. With Taurus, they either learn this, or rely on Taurus - she will help, control and provide. The same applies to the intimate side of life. Pisces are romantics, they are very sensitive and know how to compliment, while Taurus prefers the physical side of love. Next to Taurus, Pisces learn not only to experience soulful platonic love, but also to enjoy the joys of sex.

What does the perfect couple look like: compatibility of Taurus and Pisces men?

It's funny that from the outside, such a couple looks like a union of optimistic, cheerful, cheerful people, although neither Taurus nor Pisces are special merry fellows. But if life does not drive them into a corner, both in public demonstrate a good mood and do not devote others to their worries. Pisces and Taurus are a great support for each other, and their lives are going well, so acquaintances see them joyful and cheerful. The Pisces man in a pair receives, first of all, material security. The Taurus woman knows how to create comfort and manage money wisely. She surrounds Pisces with comfort. If Pisces are spiritually developed, then in addition they get a good opportunity for self-development, stop isolating themselves from the material world and learn to combine romance with pragmatism. The Taurus woman gains wings. Despite her sobriety, she is not at all obsessed with acquisitiveness. Pisces compliments her, shares her dreams, and Taurus allows himself to be more romantic and emotional.

Taurus and Pisces compatibility in love: what are the difficulties in a union?

The Taurus woman is reliable and ready for a lot for her loved ones. But she is extremely specific and does not conjecture what is not. In order for her to help and support, she needs to see what the problem is. And the Pisces man often goes into his inner world, his problems are not related to real life and concern only psychology. Taurus does not deny the importance of the inner life, but, alas, does not possess the gift of telepathy. And now a situation arises: the man closed himself off, fenced himself off from her and with all his appearance shows that he is ill. And the woman does not see anything dangerous in the world around her, and they do not let her into the soul of Pisces. Taurus is at a loss - they expect something from her, but what? Fish are offended - the beloved does not want to help! If Taurus cannot stand the guilt imposed on her and is also offended, she will not be the first to reconcile. Pisces, on the other hand, are merciful to the weak, but with a strong woman, pride can also jump in them. So, offended by each other, a couple can come to parting.

The Taurus woman has a great tool for dealing with situations like this: her intuition. Yes, the practical and sensible Taurus has an excellent “sixth sense”, because the Moon is strong in her sign. True, the Moon in Taurus is manifested, first of all, by caring for others, the ability to satisfy their everyday needs, accumulate and correctly use the various resources necessary for life (the ability to handle money, culinary skills). Taurus needs to develop intuition. But the potential for this is huge. And then the intuitive understanding of the partner will help her know what is in his soul. But if Taurus has not yet developed the gift of intuition, there is another way to prevent the described problem. Pisces withdraw into themselves often, this is a fact, but much more often they do this if they are afraid that their experiences will not find a response. With pragmatism and coarse humor, Taurus hurts Pisces, and they are afraid to appear vulnerable. Therefore, it turns out that Taurus herself provoked his isolation. So during periods when everything is fine in a couple, you can’t cool the impulses of Pisces, bring them down from heaven to earth and criticize their sensitivity. Otherwise, in a difficult moment, they will not trust Taurus.

Numerology by date of birth is wonderful, allowing you to find out all the features and subtleties of the character of your loved one. Analysis of compatibility by dates of birth is the key to successful and harmonious relationships.

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Compatibility of Taurus Woman and Pisces Man at Work

They are well compatible psychologically, so they work calmly, without conflicts. But their business compatibility is not high, they give each other little and the results of their work are usually average.

Compatibility of Taurus and Pisces in the relationship of colleagues or partners

This is a good couple in cases where Pisces is creative, and Taurus provides material support. In other cases, they have very different ways of working, and therefore there is little sense in cooperation. Pisces could help Taurus with intuition, but there are not many jobs in which intuition is important, and Taurus is not inclined to trust it (although she herself can be very intuitively developed).

When the Taurus woman is the boss, and the Pisces man is the subordinate

They are both calm, not scandalous, and Taurus also has a lot of patience. Until there was an emergency, they work peacefully together. But in an acute situation, their incompatibility will manifest itself.

When the Taurus woman is a subordinate, and the Pisces man is the boss

There are two options here. Or the head-Pisces understands what a treasure he received in the person of Taurus, because she is able to realize any of his ideas. Or Pisces is unhappy with the earthiness of Taurus, and Taurus - with the fact that the instructions of the boss change five times a day.

Compatibility of Taurus Woman and Pisces Man in Friendship

In friendly relations, they have complete mutual understanding. A woman takes care of Pisces, but Pisces, in turn, make her life brighter and more interesting. Taurus is not against something that goes beyond the ordinary (unless it requires expenses). Unlike, for example, the adventures of the Fire signs, the dreams of Pisces are attractive to her: they are not expensive. The Pisces man finds in Taurus a good interlocutor who is able to appreciate worthy works of art and enjoy beauty. In everyday matters, he can always turn to her for help. A romance between these people, if one or both are not free, is unlikely: the Taurus woman does not like to change her life, including in the personal sphere, and the Pisces man will not actively pursue a woman if there are obstacles in the way in the form of her or him life companions.

The Pisces man in most cases is inherently an absolute introvert. At first it may seem that these people are modest and not sociable, but this is an erroneous opinion. Being among a large number of people, for example at a party, the Pisces man tends to study the environment around him at a distance, to observe people. Having settled down comfortably, these men begin to “scan” people imperceptibly for the rest. As a result of this observation, they can conclude with whom they will definitely find a common language, and who will clearly not sympathize with them. The first person they notice among the crowd will be the Taurus woman. These women have a certain charm and are very similar to the character of Pisces men.

The Taurus woman is very subtle and romantic. In the eyes of men born under the sign of Pisces, she is practically a goddess. In her, he can find all the best for himself, as she is a very interesting companion and a comprehensively developed personality. But, meanwhile, she, like the Pisces man, is not famous for talkativeness. A Taurus woman will never bother a Pisces man with unnecessary and unnecessary questions that most girls ask on a first date.

The Taurus woman on an intuitive level is also drawn to Pisces. Pisces man is practically a godsend for Taurus women, as Pisces are good old romantics, of which there are so few left in the modern world. The Pisces man is just one of those men who will help a lady put on a fur coat when leaving the room or open the door when entering a restaurant. The Pisces man is very gallant and attentive.

For women under the sign of Taurus, it is very important to feel important. And it is not at all necessary for her to be bombarded with compliments, since the Taurus woman does not like flattery. And, if she suddenly convicts her beloved of this, she can seriously and for a long time be offended by him. Therefore, it will be enough to do something nice for her, for example, cook her favorite salad for breakfast. Although the Pisces man does not have a culinary talent, he will do everything for his beloved to make her satisfied: ask friends for a recipe, call his mother, dig up the entire Internet, etc. And in turn, the Taurus woman will not keep you waiting long.

It is worth noting that the Taurus woman is a very good hostess. Her house is always clean, like a pharmacy. All things are in their places. The Taurus woman loves flowers, so they almost always have a place in her home. Homes are always cozy and comfortable. Also, the Taurus woman is very hospitable, so girlfriends and friends in her house are not uncommon. And, of course, she always has something to treat them with, since the Taurus woman is also a wonderful cook. Chicks very often delight their loved ones with new delicious dishes. The Taurus woman is still very economical and thrifty. No, this has nothing to do with stinginess, since, meanwhile, in her house there is always everything that is needed. She just knows how to run a good house. But the frugality of the Taurus woman is manifested for the most part in the difficult financial situation of the family.

In principle, the Taurus woman and the Pisces man go very well with each other in family life. However, like all couples, in addition to positive qualities, there are some negative character traits. One of these disadvantages is jealousy, jealousy on the part of the Taurus woman for her lover.

The Taurus woman is able to wind herself up for no apparent reason. It sometimes begins to seem to her that someone has views of her Fish, so perfect, with a golden character. This fact is especially the case when the Pisces man is very often on business trips. And this, despite the fact that he, in turn, may not even be aware of the fears of his betrothed. But, fortunately, over time, the Taurus woman still understands that she spoiled her nerves in vain, because her Pisces man wakes up every morning in her arms for many years.

Another pitfall in a family idyll can be the "frugality" of the Taurus woman. As already mentioned, this property is characteristic of a Taurus woman only in difficult periods of life. And in everyday life, a Taurus woman cannot deny herself the purchase of some next trinket to create coziness in the house, for example, a new rug in the bathroom or new fashionable curtains in the hall. And it is completely incomprehensible to her why her Pisces man is so dissatisfied with this action, because she is trying not only for herself, but for her family too! The Pisces man is not a miser at all, he just prefers to save up and spend money on something more significant in his understanding, for example, to buy a good car or a plot for building a house, as they are planning a large family and they need to think about these things. the future.

In general, we can say that the Taurus woman is a strong support for the Pisces man. And in turn, the Pisces man for his lady is not only a beloved man, but also a devoted friend. The main thing to remember is that mutual understanding is an important component of any relationship.

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