Louise Hay metaphysical table of diseases. Psychosomatics. Diseases of the lymphatic system

35 353 0 Hello! In the article you will get acquainted with a table that lists the main diseases and the emotional problems that caused them, according to Louise Hay. It also contains affirmations that will help you heal from these physical and psychological problems.

Psychosomatics of illnesses by Louise Hay

Louise Hay's table of psychosomatic diseases is based on many years of observation of the relationship between the human body and his mental state. According to the psychologist, all negative emotional shocks, neurosis, internal grievances and worries directly lead to illness.

The table fully describes their root causes, as well as ways to combat them using. The table became the basis of Louise Hay's book “Heal Yourself,” which helps people change the course of their lives, make it more joyful and successful.

Louise Hay's disease table

Disease Cause of illness Formula
Abscess(abscess)Touchiness, vindictiveness, feeling undervaluedI'm releasing mine. I stop thinking about the past. My soul is at peace.
Perianal abscess Anger at something you can’t get rid of.I can get rid of everything safely. I release from my body what is unnecessary to me.
Adenoiditis Misunderstandings in the family, clashes. The child lacks a feeling of self-love from loved ones.This baby is the whole Universe for his parents. They were really looking forward to it and were grateful to fate for it.
Alcohol addiction Lostness, the feeling that you are to blame, disrespect for your person.The present is my reality. Every new moment gives renewed emotions. I am beginning to realize why I am important to this world. All my actions are correct and justified.
Allergic reactions Rejection of someone. Rejection of oneself as a strong personality.There is no danger in the world for me, for we are friends. There are no dangers around me. The Universe and I live in harmony.
Amenorrhea(absence of menstrual cycle for six months or more)Rejection of oneself as a woman. Self-dislike.I'm glad I'm a woman. I am a perfect creature of nature with timely menstruation.
Amnesia(memory loss)A permanent state of fear. Trying to escape from real life. Inability to defend yourself.I am intelligent, courageous and have a high opinion of myself as a person. Everything around me is absolutely safe.
Angina(affirmations should be pronounced after treating the throat with herbs)You want to be rude to everyone around you. It seems to you that you are not able to convey the idea in any other way.I take off my shackles and become a free person, capable of being what nature created me to be.
Anemia Lack of joyful excitement in the soul, regardless of the situation. Unreasonable fears about any minor problem. Bad feeling.Joyful feelings help me move forward and make my life brighter. My gratitude to the Universe is limitless.
Sickle cell anemia


Treatment of any disease, according to Louise Hay, occurs at the level of psychological influence. For complete healing, it is important to combine the main treatment with regular recitation of affirmations, sincerely believing in your healing, and the result will not be long in coming.

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The famous author of 15 publications on psychology and psychosomatics is Louise Hay. Her books have helped a large number of people cope with serious illnesses. Louise Hay's table of diseases includes various diseases and the psychological causes of their occurrence. It also includes affirmations (new approaches to the process of healing the soul and body). The books “Heal Your Body” and How to Heal Your Life by Louise Hay have become reference books for a significant number of people.

Is it possible to heal yourself?

Louise Hay's famous table of diseases is worth finding in one of the writer's popular books. Her work became very popular all over the world in a matter of days. The edition of Heal Yourself by Louise Hay is presented not only in printed form, it is easy to download for free in video and audio format. The American writer is called the “queen of affirmations” because her treatment method really works.

The motivational book consists of several sections:

  1. The bestseller begins with theory. This part of the book examines the causes of disease according to Louise Hay. The author of the book believes that the sources of health problems are old stereotypes of vision of life that have remained in the subconscious since childhood. Miss Hay is convinced that the signs of any physical illness are an outward expression of psychological difficulties hidden deep in the subconscious.
  2. The final part of Louise Hay's book talks about the powerful force that lives within every person. It can positively influence your well-being and life in general.
  3. After studying the theory of the book “Heal Yourself,” everyone will have a chance to familiarize themselves with Louise Hay’s miraculous table of diseases. Don't hesitate, start fighting the disease today.

Diseases and their root causes - table by Louise Hay

The table, developed by Louise Hay, will help heal not only the body, but also the soul. Thanks to the proper use of tabular data, you will feel a surge of strength and energy, be able to overcome any disease, and begin a new life full of positive emotions. Miss Hay's table shows only the most common ailments:


Probable source of the problem

New way of treating Louise Hay (affirmations)


Giving up your power.

The world is not dangerous, he is my best friend. I agree with my life.

Uncertainty in expressing yourself. You try not to say harsh words.

I get rid of all self-restraints and become free.

Louise Hay believes that the disease is caused by a feeling of depression, holding back tears.

My choice is freedom. I will calmly take my life into my own hands.

Resentment, anger at a partner. The belief that a woman cannot influence a man.

Femininity overwhelms me. I myself create the situations in which I find myself.


Feelings of guilt and fear. Distrust of current events in life.

I surrender myself into the arms of peaceful sleep and know that “tomorrow” will take care of itself.


According to Hay, this is a minor expression of hatred. Belief in physical and mental defects.

I am beauty, love, full positive life.


Strong doubts about one's own worth.

I love and value myself very much.

Doom, long uncertainty in life - according to Louise Hay, lead to illness.

I'm not in any danger. I approve of my actions and respect myself.

Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Fear of being punished for any activity. Tired of struggling with difficulties.

I enjoy being active. My spirit is strong.

How to work with the table and healing affirmation

How to use Louise Hay's affirmations chart correctly? We answer the question with detailed instructions:

  1. We select the disease that interests us from the first column of the Hay table.
  2. We study the probable emotional source of the illness (second column).
  3. The affirmations Ms. Hay created are in the last column. We memorize the “mantra” we need, pronounce it at least 2 times a day.
  4. If you believe in Louise Hay’s method, absorb the information for treatment as much as possible, and practice daily, the results will not keep you waiting.

Video about the psychosomatics of diseases according to Louise Hay

Diseases are often associated with our emotional state. It’s not for nothing that they say that all ailments are caused by nerves. Louise Hay was able to prove that the human body and its internal problems are closely related. After watching the video, it will become clear what the psychology and psychosomatics of diseases are, the Louise Hay table. A video of Miss Hay's seminar will allow you to learn about the unique technique in more detail.

The psychosomatics of the lymph nodes revolves around one topic - protection.
In the lymph nodes, cells mature - lymphocytes, which take part in the work of the immune system, cleansing the body of foreign objects.
When someone “attacks” a person in life, and he feels that he cannot defend himself, the body decides to help - an increase in lymphoid tissue, lymph nodes, in which the number of lymphocytes begins to increase.
After the conflict is resolved, the recovery phase begins - lymphadenitis - an inflammatory process in the lymph node.
What is the classic situation that will lead to psychosomatic processes in the lymph node?
The man learns that the black funnel of the NKVD will come for him tonight. He can't do anything about it. No escape, no defense. He was surrounded.
The chief accountant understands that the owners of the company have set her up, and things will not go well for her. But she can no longer do anything. She's trying though. The longer the situation lasts, the greater the likelihood of developing lymphoma.
The student realizes that he passed the exams with bad marks. He faces expulsion. If he still remains at the university, then there is a high probability of lymphadenitis, for example, of the thigh.
Enlargement of lymph nodes occurs not only when there is no actual possibility of avoiding the threat. A person can devalue himself without giving himself the right to defend himself.
Also, a huge feeling of guilt may not allow you to defend yourself, although this is extremely necessary. But protection is needed, and the body will enlarge the lymph nodes.

Psychosomatics of lymphadenitis in children
Everything is the same as in adults - the child feels that he cannot protect himself.
If the mother or father felt this way, then after the conflict is resolved, lymphadenitis can be diagnosed in the child.

Psychosomatics of lymphostasis (lymphedema)
Lymphedema is swelling of an arm or leg due to impaired lymph flow in the tissues.
For what reason does the body “try” to collect lymph in the leg or arm every day?
Once upon a time it was necessary to defend yourself with your foot or hand, but the person did not hit (not only literally, but also figuratively). The “charge” is stuck in the body. The experiences in the unconscious are not yet completed (although the person no longer thinks about that incident).

An unresolved conflict in the unconscious is a sufficient reason for the body to continue to solve the problem.

Psychosomatics of Hodgkin's lymphoma
Hodgkin's lymphoma is a disease in which an entire group of lymph nodes enlarges. In 70-75% of cases, the cervical and supraclavicular lymph nodes are affected.
Why does the body need to enlarge lymph nodes all over the body? Why does the body believe that large areas of the body need to be protected?
I know a case where a man had Hodgkin's lymphoma due to the fact that he was short, but his wife was tall and big. And when they quarreled, and they quarreled often, she literally advanced on him, threatening him.
I also observed severe pain in the man’s cervical lymph nodes when his “confrontation” ended in a trial that lasted quite a long time.
Don't let the lymph stagnate!

It is always important to remember that it is not enough to establish a connection between the illness and the experiences - you also need to finally end them.

Louise Hay's psychosomatics of diseases is a system of knowledge expressed in a table of relationships between psychological factors and somatic ailments. Louise Hay's table is based on her own observations and many years of experience. Her vision of the cause-and-effect relationship between the psyche and the body is published in the book “Heal Your Body,” where she outlines her thoughts, observations and recommendations for people. The woman claims that negative emotions, experiences and memories are destructive to the body.

The psychosomatics of diseases in Louise Hay's table shows how these internal destructive impulses affect the health of the body. In addition to the root cause of diseases, Louise Hay gives recommendations regarding self-treatment using the settings that she lists next to the disease.

Louise Hay cannot be called a pioneer in science. The first knowledge about the influence of the soul on the body appeared in Ancient Greece, where philosophers talked about the connection between psychological experiences and their impact on health. Along with this, the medicine of eastern countries also developed this knowledge. However, their observations are not scientific, but are only the fruit of guesswork and assumptions.

In the mid-19th century, there were attempts to isolate psychosomatics, but it was not yet popular at that time. Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, tried to study diseases caused by the unconscious. He identified several ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies and migraines. However, his arguments had no scientific basis, and his hypotheses were not accepted.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first serious observations were systematized by Franz Alexander and Helen Dunbar. It was they who then laid the scientific foundations of psychosomatic medicine, formulating the concept of the “Chicago Seven,” which includes seven major psychosomatic diseases. Towards the middle of the 20th century, a journal dealing with psychosomatic illnesses began to be published in the United States. Another popular author who deals with the psychosomatics of various diseases is.

Louise Hay has no special education. Almost all her life she was looking for part-time work and did not have permanent employment. She was prompted to study the influence of negative emotions by childhood and adolescent psychological trauma. In the 70s, she found herself and began preaching in a church where she realized that she was involuntarily counseling parishioners and partially healing them. While working, she began to compile her own reference book, which eventually turned into Louise Hay's psychosomatic table.

The impact of psychological problems on physical health

Psychosomatics is now a scientific system that contains knowledge from biology, physiology, medicine, psychology and sociology. There are several theories that explain in their own way the influence of psychological problems on the health of the body:

Who is at risk for psychosomatic problems

There is a risk group that includes people with certain personality traits and types of thinking:

It is important to remember that the temporary appearance of one of the points does not affect health. However, constant stay in this state has a detrimental effect on the body.

Description of the summary psychosomatic table of major diseases

Louise Hay's summary table describes the psychological causes of illness. The most common of them:

How to work with this table correctly:

On the left are diseases or syndromes. On the right is the psychological reason for their occurrence. Just look at the list and find your ailment, then – the cause.

How can you heal yourself?

You won’t be able to completely recover on your own; to do this, you need to see a psychotherapist. Often thoughts or emotions that lead to the development of diseases are not realized. They exist somewhere in the unconscious. Only full-fledged work with a psychotherapist will give a healing effect.

However, you can carry out prevention yourself. Psychohygiene and psychoprophylaxis are the only things that can help a person prevent the development of psychosomatic diseases. Psychohygiene includes the following subsections:

  1. Psychohygiene of the family and sexual activity.
  2. Psychohygiene of education, training at school and university.
  3. Psychohygiene of work and rest.

Ultimately, psychological hygiene is aimed at satisfying the basic needs of life:

Louise Hay's model of healing

Louise Hay used an integrated approach in the healing process, which in 1977 allowed the woman to get rid of cancer on her own. She abandoned the methods of traditional medicine and decided to put her knowledge into practice.

Louise Hay created several exercises for everyday work on yourself:

The woman herself did this: every morning she thanked herself for what she now has. Louise then meditated and took a shower. After which she began morning exercises, had breakfast with fruit and tea and got to work.

Affirmations using the Louise Hay method

Louise Hay gained popularity with her affirmations. These are positive verbal attitudes towards life, repeating which daily, a person gets rid of internal experiences and negative ways of thinking. The author of the book “Heal Yourself” has compiled a number of such affirmations that she recommends repeating to achieve success and healing. She created installations for everyone: women, men, children and the elderly.

The most common settings:

  • I am worthy of a good life;
  • I enjoy every day;
  • I am unique and incomparable;
  • I have the power to solve any problem;
  • I don't need to be afraid of change;
  • my life is in my hands;
  • I respect myself, others respect me;
  • I am strong and confident;
  • expressing your feelings is safe;
  • I have great friends;
  • I find it easy to cope with difficulties;
  • all obstacles are surmountable.

How to use the book “Heal Yourself”

Reading this book means more than just skimming the chapters. Reading psychological literature presupposes a deep awareness of every thought of the author. In the process of studying the material, it is necessary to form an internal review of what you read, analyze your feelings and thoughts. This is not only working with the text, but also working on yourself while reading.

Review of negative and positive physical forms for healing.


Description of the reason

This disease is more common in children. It signals that the child and parents are leaving the life Love And joy .

A friend of mine turned to me to help his son, who had developed mononucleosis. The cause of the child's illness was hidden in his parents. A friend had a very difficult relationship with his wife and his mother. His mother I couldn’t accept my son’s wife in any way, since she was of a different nationality. And he himself did not accept certain behavior of his wife and the relationship between her and her mother. Thus, the accumulated irritation, resentment, and anger of the parents affected the child’s health.

2. LYMPH— (Louise Hay)

Negative thought forms

A warning to refocus on what matters most in life: Love And joy .

Now for me the most important thing is love and joy of life itself. I go with the flow of life. There is peace in my soul.

3. LYMPH— (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

A warning that the mind must be turned to the basic necessities: love and joy.

Possible positive thought form

Now I am completely concentrating on loving and enjoying life. I flow with life. My mind is calm.


The lymphatic system is a collection of specialized capillaries and vessels involved in transporting lymph from tissues and organs to the venous system. Lymph is a colorless or amber liquid that facilitates the exchange of substances between the blood and tissues of the body. It transfers nutrients from the blood into cells and returns cellular waste products to the blood. Diseases of the lymphatic system include: See related articles.

5. THE LYMPH NODES— (V. Zhikarentsev)

Negative thought forms

Blame, guilt and a huge fear of not being “good enough.” A mad race to prove oneself - until there is no substance left in the blood to support oneself. In this race to be accepted, the joy of life is forgotten.

Possible positive thought form

I'm happy (happy) to be myself. I am good enough as I am. I love and approve of myself. I am joy itself in my expression and acceptance.


Physical blocking

Lymph nodes look like small oval thickenings and are located throughout the lymphatic system. Each lymph node has its own functions and its own “territory”. These nodes help the body's cells get rid of waste products, returning them to the blood. They also help the body defend against infections.
Emotional blockage

A swollen or inflamed lymph node indicates that a person has been feeling regret for too long because of someone or something. He would like the situation to develop in accordance with his plans, but cannot come into contact with the person on whom this situation depends. He blocks relationships with him in the same way as he blocks the circulation of lymph in his body.

This mental attitude prevents him from realizing his life plans. He stops valuing himself and feels awkward in relationships with people. A swollen gland in the left armpit indicates that a person belittles himself in relationships with his children, in the right - in relationships with other people (spouse, employee, etc.), in the groin - in sexual relationships.

Mental block

You must understand that it is impossible to control all situations and all people with whom you have to deal. Such a misconception is an eternal source of regret and disappointment. You overexert yourself because you have too many mistakes about what you should do and who you should be in order to maintain good relationships with people. Your body wants you to understand that your capabilities are not limitless. Try to look at the situation from a different angle. There is undoubtedly a good side to it, namely the opportunity to relax and love yourself. Giving up the fight and trying to slow down the natural course of things is not the best way to face difficulties.

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