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Psychosomatics: Louise Hay explains how to get rid of the disease once and for all

If you are a little interested in psychology, or at least just started studying the power of thought, then you have come across this word - psychosomatics. To shed light on the question of what psychosomatics is, Louise Hay wrote an entire book.

In every article on this blog, I tell you that everything that surrounds you now is something you have attracted to yourself. With your thoughts you create your reality in which you live.

From this article you will learn that your thoughts not only create your life, but also you. You also attracted the diseases that are in your body to yourself.

Attention! Whether you attract the desired benefits or a loved one, get rid of illnesses or failures, it is important to remember that working with the subconscious, the power of thought, is a very powerful tool. It can help you achieve incredible results, but sometimes they may not be what you expect.

Did you know that all human diseases arise due to psychological inconsistencies and disorders that arise in soul, subconscious, thoughts person? This is certainly true.

Being sure that cancer is caused by a feeling of resentment that a person retains in his soul for so long that it begins to literally devour his own body, I understood what I had to do huge mental work.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

What is psychosomatics?

In scientific terms, psychosomatics is a direction in medicine and psychology , studying the influence of psychological factors on the occurrence and course of somatic (bodily) diseases.

Remember the saying "In a healthy body healthy mind"?
I'm sure everyone knows her. But so that you understand what psychosomatics is, I will rearrange this saying a little: “A healthy mind = a healthy body.”

Thus, if your head is filled with good and positive thoughts, then your body is fine. But if you have a lot of negative attitudes, evil thoughts, resentments and blocks, then this will affect your body.

The ability to live happily and measuredly, controlling your thoughts and emotions, being in harmony with yourself, has the most beneficial effect on a person’s overall physical health.

Just like everything good, so everything bad in our life is a consequence of our way of thinking, which influences what happens to us. We all have many stereotypical thoughts, thanks to which everything good and positive appears in life. And this makes us happy. And negative thinking patterns lead to unpleasant, harmful results, and they worry us. Our goal is to change the life, get rid of everything painful and uncomfortable and become completely healthy.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics is now a scientific system that contains knowledge from biology, physiology, medicine, psychology and sociology.

Many experts and doctors of science have proven that with some diseases a person needs the help of not only a doctor, but also a professional psychologist or even a psychotherapist.

It’s good when a doctor understands this and, instead of a kilometer-long list of medications, prescribes a patient a referral to a highly qualified specialist in the field of psychology. Tablets can help, of course, but their effect will only be temporary. Over time, the problem will return if you do not work it out from the inside.

I understood that if I allowed doctors to rid me of a cancerous tumor, but I myself would not get rid of thoughts that gave rise to illness, then the doctors will then have to cut off pieces from Louise over and over again until there is absolutely nothing left of her.

If I am operated on and, moreover, if I myself get rid of the cause that gave rise to the cancerous tumor, then the disease will be over forever.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

The relationship between the state of the human body and its emotional and psychological components is officially recognized today. This relationship is considered within the framework of such areas of medical psychology as psychosomatics.

How psychosomatics appeared: Louise Hay and ancient healers

At least a book by Louise Hay “Heal yourself” has gained enormous popularity in curing diseases; psychosomatics has been discussed since ancient times.

Even in Greek philosophy and medicine, the idea of ​​the influence of the soul and spirit on the body was widespread. The same idea is present in the description chakra system.

Socrates stated the following: “You cannot treat eyes without a head, a head without a body, and a body without a soul.”. And Hippocrates wrote that healing the body must begin with eliminating the causes that prevent the patient’s soul from performing its Divine work.

Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis, tried to study the topic of psychosomatics. He identified several ailments: bronchial asthma, allergies and migraines. However, his arguments did not have a scientific basis, and his hypotheses did not receive recognition.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the first scientific observations were systematized. Scientists Franz Alexander and Helen Dunbar laid the scientific foundations of psychosomatic medicine by formulating the concept of the “Chicago Seven,” which includes seven main psychosomatic diseases Czech diseases.

A little later, in the middle of the 20th century, a magazine began to be published telling about psychosomatic ailments.

Nowadays in stores there are books written by a wonderful author about what psychosomatics is - Louise Hay.

Louise Hay had no special education. Louise Hay is a person with many years of experience, both in working with herself and in helping other people. She was prompted to study the influence of negative emotions by childhood and adolescent psychological trauma.

Several years ago, doctors examined me and diagnosed me with uterine cancer.

Considering that I was raped at the age of five, and was often beaten as a child, then it is not surprising that I was diagnosed with uterine cancer.

By this time, I myself had been practicing healing for several years, and it was clear that now I had the opportunity to cure myself and, thereby, confirm the truth of everything that I taught other people.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics: Louise Hay and her secrets of recovery

To get rid of a disease forever, we must first get rid of its psychological cause. I realized that any of our illnesses has a need. Otherwise we wouldn't have it. Symptoms are purely external manifestations of the disease.. We have to go deep and destroy its psychological cause. That is why will and discipline are powerless here - they only fight the external manifestations of the disease.

This is the same as picking a weed without uprooting it. That is why, before starting to work with the affirmations of new thinking, you should strengthen the desire to get rid of the need for smoking, headaches, excess weight and other similar things. If the need disappears, then the external manifestation disappears. Without a root, the plant dies.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

With these words, Louise explains to us that it is necessary to exterminate the disease not only from the outside (medicines, treatment, traditional medicine), but it is also important to work through your thoughts, your attitudes. By getting rid of wrong thoughts, you are most likely to get rid of the disease.

The psychological causes that cause most body ailments are pickiness, anger, resentment and guilt. If, for example, a person engages in criticism long enough, he often develops diseases such as arthritis. Anger causes illnesses that cause the body to boil, burn, and become infected.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

In order to protect yourself from the diseases mentioned above, you need to work with your emotions and thoughts.

Getting rid of the old to make room for the new

Below, in this article, you will see a list of diseases, their causes and affirmations compiled by Louise Hay that will help get rid of the disease.

But I believe that it is not enough to just start saying affirmations. It is also necessary to identify and eliminate all our negative attitudes that create a reality that is unnecessary for us.

These are the same “weeds” that Louise Hay spoke about.

After all, if you start pronouncing new affirmations, the old attitudes will not go away. Do you agree?
First, you need to get rid of them. Then the effect of affirmations will be 100%.

I wrote about how to identify all your blocks, negative attitudes and replace them with new positive thoughts.

Another “toxic” emotion that kills us from the inside, that prevents us from fulfilling our desires, that destroys our health is resentment.

Long-buried resentment decomposes, devours the body and, ultimately, leads to the formation of tumors and the development of cancer. Feelings of guilt always force us to seek punishment and lead to pain. It is much easier to throw these negative thoughts-stereotypes out of our heads even when we are healthy than to try to eradicate them after the onset of the disease, when you are in a panic and there is already a threat of falling under the surgeon’s knife.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

Someone offended you, disappointed you, or you are in a quarrel with someone, all this leaves a residue inside you that destroys your positive attitude. You need to get rid of resentment.
There are several methods on how to do this. I wrote about them in articles:

Louise Hay's Table of Diseases

So, having worked through your past grievances and negative attitudes, you need to introduce new thoughts and affirmations into your consciousness.

In his book “Heal yourself” Louise Hay provides a huge table of diseases, in which she indicates their causes and a new approach to your thoughts in order to avoid illness or cure an existing illness.

This list of psychological equivalents was compiled by me as a result of many years of research, as a result of my work with patients, based on my lectures and seminars. The list is useful as an index of likely thought patterns causing the illness.

Psychosomatics, Louise Hay.

In this article I want to look at the 10 most common ailments, in my opinion. Below is a list of diseases and their probable causes. That is, your thoughts, sensations and emotions that led to this illness. It also outlines the “new” thoughts that you need to introduce into your mind in order to heal.

And when you figure out the reasons, I will help you get rid of diseases using the power of thought.

1. Throat, sore throat

The throat is a channel of expressiveness and creativity.

Possible causes of sore throat:

  • Inability to stand up for yourself
  • Swallowed Anger
  • Creativity crisis
  • Reluctance to change
  • You hold back from harsh words
  • Feeling unable to express yourself

A new approach to the problem: replace existing installations with new ones.

I throw away all restrictions and find the freedom to be myself
Making noise is not prohibited
My self-expression is free and joyful
I can easily take care of myself
I demonstrate my creativity
I want to change
I open my heart and sing about the joy of love

2. Runny nose

Probable cause:

  • Request for help
  • Inner cry

New approach:
I love and console myself in the way that pleases me
I love me

3. Headache

Probable cause:

  • Underestimating yourself
  • Self-criticism
  • Fear

New approach:
I love and approve of myself
I look at myself with love
I'm completely safe

4. Poor vision

The eyes symbolize the ability to clearly see the past, present, and future.

Probable cause:

  • Don't like what you see in your own life
  • Myopia is a fear of the future.
  • With farsightedness - a feeling of being out of this world

New approach:
Here and now nothing threatens me
I see it clearly
I accept Divine guidance and I am always safe
I look with love and joy

5. Women's diseases

Probable cause:

  • Self-rejection
  • Refusal of femininity
  • Rejection of the principle of femininity
  • Resentment towards men

New approach:
I'm glad I'm a woman
I love being a woman
I love my body

II forgive all men, I accept their love

6. Injuries

Probable reasons:

  • Self-directed anger
  • Guilt
  • Punishment for deviating from one's own rules

New approach:
I turn my anger to good use
I love myself and value myself highly
I create a life full of rewards

7. Burns

Probable reasons:

  • Anger
  • Internal boiling
  • Inflammation

New approach:
In myself and my environment I create only peace and harmony
I deserve to feel good

8. The appearance of gray hair

Probable reasons:

  • Stress
  • Belief in the necessity of pressure and tension

New approach:
My soul is calm in all areas of my life
My strength and abilities are enough for me

9. Intestinal problems

Symbolizes getting rid of unnecessary things.

Probable reasons:

  • Fear of getting rid of everything that is outdated and unnecessary

New approach:
I easily learn and absorb everything I need to know and happily part with the past.
Getting rid of it is so easy!
I easily and freely discard the old and joyfully welcome the arrival of the new.

10. Back pain

The back is a symbol of the support of life.

Probable reasons:

  • Fear about money
  • Lack of financial support
  • Lack of moral support
  • Feeling that you are not loved
  • Containing feelings of love

New approach:

I trust life's process
I always get what I need
I'm doing well
I love myself and approve
Loves me and keeps me alive

The main thing is to love yourself

Love is the most powerful remedy against all illnesses and diseases. I open myself to love. I want to love and be loved. I see myself happy and joyful. I see myself healed. I see my dreams come true. I am completely safe.

Send everyone you know words of comfort and encouragement, encouragement and love. Realize that when you wish other people happiness, they will do the same to you.

Let your love embrace the entire planet. Allow your heart to open to unconditional love. Look: everyone in this world lives with their head held high and welcomes what awaits them in the future. You are worthy of love. You are beautiful. You are powerful. You are ready to accept all the good things that are about to happen to you.

Feel your own power. Feel the power of your breath. Feel the power of your voice. Feel the power of your love. Feel the power of your forgiveness. Feel the power of your desire to change. Feel it. You are beautiful. You are a majestic, Divine creature.

You deserve only the best, and not just some part of it, but all the best. Feel your power. Live in harmony with her, you are safe. Welcome each new day with open arms and words of love.

Let it be so!

Louise Hay.

Psychosomatics by Louise Hay is very useful information to better understand yourself and allow yourself to be healthy. Have you now reconsidered your attitude towards illness? Have you realized what could be the cause of your illness? And if you are interested in learning more about the power of thought, how to fulfill what you want, come to my master class, where I share the most intimate things - my personal experience. You can register

The article you are reading now is an example of a completed consultation. Those who ordered receive approximately the same advice.
This article contains general recommendations, but a real consultation would be tailored to the client’s specific request, with an explanation of the words from his request, with an explanation of specific situations in the life of the person seeking advice.
So, let's move directly to throat diseases.
Colds are usually associated with the throat. I have already written about the psychological causes of colds in the article:
In short, I will say that completely different throat diseases can have similar psychological causes. This is due to the fact that muscle tension in this place of the body creates a “weak link”, which suffers in a person suffering from any disease related to the throat.
If I were a client and I needed to find the psychological causes of throat diseases, I would first go to the page. There, in the “Throat” section, we read about the psychological prerequisites for throat diseases:

1) Inability to stand up for yourself. Swallowed anger. Anger at not being able to handle a situation. Crisis of creativity. Reluctance to change. Throat problems arise from the feeling that we “don’t have a right” and from a feeling of inadequacy.
2) The throat, in addition, is a part of the body where all our creative energy is concentrated. When we resist change, we often develop throat problems.
3) You need to give yourself the right to do what you want, without blaming yourself and without fear of disturbing others.
4) A sore throat is always an irritation. If he is accompanied by a cold, then, in addition to this, there is also confusion.
5) You hold back from speaking harsh words, “swallow”, suppress your anger and other emotions, or are afraid to express out loud what you think. Feeling of one's own inferiority.
6) Throat diseases, in particular bronchitis or asthma, arise from great resentment towards people or circumstances. Children often have sore throats when parents in the family shout and quarrel, and the child cannot fix it in any way.

The mouth contains many emotional themes - not only anger, but also pain and fear - that will begin to emerge as the shell is released. In this case, most likely, all those artificial smiles and superficial charm that have been developed over the years will be lost. By going through the process of unsheathing, people discover a much more genuine smile, one that is connected to their natural, authentic sources of love, laughter and joy.

When parents tell children to stop crying or screaming, their throat tries to choke the rising energy and emotion, swallowing it, and the mouth closes tightly so that nothing can slip out.

*The cervical segment is the third Reichian segment, which includes the throat, back and sides of the neck, larynx and root of the tongue. This is where all vocal sounds are formed, which can be blocked by muscle contraction. This tension interferes with the movement of energy from the bottom up, through the mouth outward, and also prevents us from receiving energy from the outside. It is through the neck and throat that our head connects to the body. This is where mind and body literally meet.

We continue with quotes from there:

Cervical fear is held in the back of the neck and throat. You can very easily feel the tightening of fear if you imagine someone sneaking up behind you with the intention of hitting you on the head. Your shoulders will immediately reflexively rise, and your head will be pulled into your body to protect this vulnerable point. This is where we feel helpless.

The pain is confined to the front of the throat in a muscular layer that runs from the collarbone to the jaw. It was here that tears were swallowed, it was here that sorrowful and sad words remained unspoken. The therapist can massage these muscles while maintaining a deep pulsation of breathing and inviting the client to make sounds.

More common is imbalance, which manifests itself through an inability to express oneself. Feelings of inadequacy can inhibit your ability to share your thoughts and feelings with others. You feel that your ideas are uninteresting and have no value, so you keep your mouth shut instead of participating in the discussion. In this case, you are not a polite listener, but simply do not know how to express your own ideas.

The throat area is associated with blocking emotions. This reflects problems of interaction with other people (communication) or with oneself (authenticity). Such a block can arise if a person finds himself in a situation where it is impossible to admit to himself some unpleasant truth or do something that threatens to violate his identity (“if I do this, it won’t be me”). This zone also reflects the impossibility, the ban on realizing some important truths (that is, the ban on uttering a significant text or the ban on certain actions: “if I say (or do) this, it won’t be me”). Long-term problems in this area threaten the development of thyroid diseases, asthma, and bronchopulmonary disorders.

Then we clarify what is written in the throat:

Back of the head, back of the neck. Problems of responsibility, fear of punishment, depression, hostile environment. Self-affirmation occurs without emotional satisfaction, it is pushed through “with a creak.”

Mouth and tongue. 1. Blocked emotions of crying and anger, suppressed screaming. 2. Emotional acceptance.

Anterior surface of the neck. Fear of communication and verbal self-expression; "swallowed resentment"

Back of the neck. Willpower, sense of dignity.

Everything corresponds to what was previously written from other sources, but slightly supplements the information. Let's add from another source:

As in an individual session, angry words spoken with feeling and energy can release emotions that have been suppressed for years.
It is not always easy to find the right point at which the client suddenly lets himself go and an explosion of feelings occurs. To celebrate life, we must return to a more natural way of expression, reclaim our energy and use it to achieve higher states of consciousness. Expression is life, repression is suicide.
As a result, the face comes to life again, becomes natural, restoring the ability to reflect a greater range of feelings. Of course, you can still keep a poker face if you need to, but the face itself is no longer dead, no longer in the grip of chronic control mechanisms.
In addition, you have opened the gate, the entrance to your energy system. You have removed the lid from the pot, and now it will be easier to get to everything that lies under it, in the lower segments. What's inside comes out more easily, and what's outside can penetrate deeper into the core because the primary tools of expression—your eyes, mouth, and throat—are now able to assist this two-way flow of energy more.

Well, I’ll add a few words from myself: All deep clamps are laid down, mainly in childhood. They are laid down as a way to perceive reality. They have become so intertwined with a person that he does not understand how he can perceive the world and those around him differently.

Remembering childhood grievances is not so easy. You can remember them mechanically. But healing requires emotional remembering.
However, not all is lost if you do not know special techniques for immersing yourself in past psychological traumas. Life itself comes to the rescue in this matter. As a rule, a person encounters situations when he is greatly outraged by something. And even a person with a suppressed ability to express feelings can still express his indignation. But, again, this indignation lacks depth, it is superficial. Therefore, healing does not occur, and the situation repeats itself again and again. To move to a new, healthier level, a person needs to completely immerse himself (surrender) in the negative emotions that life presents to him in the form of repeated events. It is better to do this in a safe environment, because there is a whole hurricane of suppressed feelings accumulated there.

If a person feels a sore throat when swallowing, he should ask himself the following question: “What situation am I having difficulty swallowing at the moment? What piece won’t go down my throat?” Perhaps it is some strong emotion or reluctance to accept a person or a new idea. This difficulty causes a person to become angry and aggressive, directed against himself or another person. Often, when some piece does not fit into the throat, a person feels like a victim and takes the position “poor, unfortunate me.”
Mental block

It is in the throat that the center responsible for creativity is located; Therefore, if you have a sore throat, you must give yourself the right to create and do whatever you want without stepping on your own throat, without blaming yourself and without fear of disturbing others. Instead of getting angry at yourself for making a bad decision or acting rashly, learn to accept with love what you create. This is the only way you can reveal your individuality.

I'll give you an example from my personal life. Several times my throat began to hurt very much before public speaking; It was a difficult pill for me to swallow—having to speak overtime at conferences or lectures five nights in a row. It seemed to me that my body was telling me that this was too much work, and I began to feel sorry for myself. In reality, it told me that I myself, without any coercion, made such a schedule for myself. The pain disappeared as soon as I made the decision to conduct all conferences and lectures with love, no matter how difficult it was for me.

It is interesting to note that the throat connects the heart and the head, or, on a metaphysical level, self-love and I am. By creating your life in accordance with your true needs, you realize your individuality, your self, and open up to abundance. Therefore, if you allow yourself to build your life on your own, it will help you develop your creative abilities. Do what you think is necessary, even if you know that some of the people around you may not like it. If you feel like you've been taken by the throat, know that this is just your perception of the situation. No one can take you by the throat unless you allow it yourself. Don’t worry that some people may become pieces that won’t fit into your throat, that you won’t be able to control them. Anyone who seeks to control others has neither the strength nor the time to build his own life.



    • Its 2 main problems: 1) chronic unsatisfaction of needs,

      2) the inability to direct his anger outward, holding it back, and with it holding back all warm feelings, makes him more and more desperate every year: no matter what he does, it doesn’t get better, on the contrary, it only gets worse. The reason is that he does a lot, but not that.

      If nothing is done, then, over time, either the person will “burn out at work,” loading himself more and more until he is completely exhausted; or his own self will be emptied and impoverished, unbearable self-hatred will appear, a refusal to take care of oneself, and in the future, even self-hygiene.

      A person becomes like a house from which the bailiffs have removed the furniture.

      Against the background of hopelessness, despair and exhaustion, there is no strength or energy even for thinking.

      Complete loss of the ability to love. He wants to live, but he begins to die: sleep and metabolism are disturbed...

      It is difficult to understand what he lacks precisely because we are not talking about the deprivation of possession of someone or something. On the contrary, he has the possession of deprivation, and he is not able to understand what he is deprived of. His own self turns out to be lost. He feels unbearably painful and empty: and he cannot even put it into words.

      If you recognize yourself in the description and want to change something, you urgently need to learn two things:

      1. Learn the following text by heart and repeat it all the time until you learn to use the results of these new beliefs:

      • I have a right to needs. I am, and I am I.
      • I have the right to need and satisfy needs.
      • I have the right to ask for satisfaction, the right to achieve what I need.
      • I have the right to crave love and love others.
      • I have the right to a decent organization of life.
      • I have the right to express dissatisfaction.
      • I have the right to regret and sympathy.
      • right of birth.
      • I may get rejected. I may be alone.
      • I'll take care of myself anyway.

      I would like to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that the task of “learning a text” is not an end in itself. Autotraining by itself will not give any lasting results. It is important to live, feel, and find confirmation of it in life. It is important that a person wants to believe that the world can be arranged somehow differently, and not just the way he is used to imagining it. That how he lives this life depends on himself, on his ideas about the world and about himself in this world. And these phrases are just a reason for thought, reflection and search for your own, new “truths”.

      2. Learn to direct aggression towards the person to whom it is actually addressed.

      ...then it will be possible to experience and express warm feelings to people. Realize that anger is not destructive and can be expressed.






      Psychosomatic diseases (it will be more correct) are those disorders in our body that are based on psychological causes. psychological reasons are our reactions to traumatic (difficult) life events, our thoughts, feelings, emotions that do not find timely, correct expression for a particular person.

      Mental defenses are triggered, we forget about this event after a while, and sometimes instantly, but the body and the unconscious part of the psyche remember everything and send us signals in the form of disorders and diseases

      Sometimes the call may be to respond to some events from the past, to bring “buried” feelings out, or the symptom simply symbolizes what we forbid ourselves.


      The negative impact of stress on the human body, and especially distress, is colossal. Stress and the likelihood of developing diseases are closely related. Suffice it to say that stress can reduce immunity by approximately 70%. Obviously, such a decrease in immunity can result in anything. And it’s also good if it’s just colds, but what if it’s cancer or asthma, the treatment of which is already extremely difficult?

Thought is material, it is embodied in our affairs, in relationships with people, in our illnesses and general well-being.

This statement has recently surprised almost no one and has found many supporters. The thinkers and healers of antiquity shared the same opinion.

Psychosomatics is a science located at the intersection of medicine and psychology, believes that the connection between soul and body is so strong that unstable emotions and unbalanced human behavior lead to the appearance of diseases.

Who is Louise Hay?

One of the authorities in psychosomatics is Louise Hay, an American researcher of this problem. She experienced first-hand the mechanisms of disease occurrence.

She was diagnosed with uterine cancer, which this woman dealt with in a few months. Such a successful cure was preceded by a long journey of reflection and analysis of one’s own life.

Louise Hay knew about the negative impact of unresolved problems and unspoken grievances on even the strongest organism.

Louise Hay, who turned to psychosomatics, came to the conclusion that her illness arose as a result of her inability to let go of the situation, due to her beliefs in her own inferiority as a woman.

She chose affirmations as her beliefs - beliefs compiled according to special rules.

These affirmations, repeated over several months, made her a healthy person and a confident woman.

Louise Hay did not stop there, she decided to help other people and began to promote her experience.

Based on the results of her research, she compiled a table of the causes of diseases, known as the Louise Hay table, which draws a connection between the disease and a person’s emotional problems.

Louise Hay table - what is it?

The stereotypes of our thinking are formed on the negative experiences a person has received. This postulate of psychosomatics and the table of diseases are closely related to each other.

If you change these old beliefs, you can completely get rid of many problems and illnesses. Each incorrect setting leads to the appearance of a specific disease:

  • cancer is an old grudge;
  • thrush - subconscious rejection of your sexual partner;
  • cystitis – containment of negative emotions;
  • Allergy – reluctance to accept something or someone into your life, perhaps even yourself;
  • problems with the thyroid gland - dissatisfaction with the quality of life.

Louise Hay believes that the cause of the disease will disappear after a person realizes the emotional problem. The disease does not appear just like that; it is sent to every person so that he thinks about its psychological causes. Louise Hay's table is intended to facilitate these searches.

Table of diseases Louise Hay

  1. First you need to find your problem in the first column, where diseases are arranged in alphabetical order.
  2. On the right is the probable cause that led to the disease. This information should be read carefully and be sure to think and comprehend. Without such elaboration, you should not use this table.
  3. In the third column you need to find an affirmation that corresponds to the problem and repeat this positive belief several times throughout the day.

The positive effect will not be long in coming - the established mental balance will lead to an improvement in health.


Probable Cause


In this book, Louise Hay writes that we create all diseases for ourselves, and we ourselves are able to treat them with our thoughts. Thoughts are material, this is no longer a secret to anyone. But it’s not enough to know that thoughts are material; you also need to learn how to constantly direct them in the right direction, not allow negative thoughts into your head, and try to always be positive.

With the help of the techniques and affirmations that the author of the book reveals to us, we can gradually get rid of many negative stereotypes that are firmly entrenched in our heads and prevent us from living calmly and happily, without illness.

The human body is a system in which physiology and psyche are closely interconnected. Pain in the body always affects our mood, and, conversely, severe fear can trigger an attack of nausea or diarrhea. Knowing what the causes are and what their treatment is, you can significantly improve the quality of your life.

Doctors confirm that emotions can be the cause of somatic (bodily) ailments. And there is no mysticism in this. You can easily see the chain of interconnected processes that lead from a psychological state to illness using almost any example.

It is difficult to find exceptions to this rule: regardless of whether it is a runny nose, abdominal cramps or a sore throat, psychosomatics can be detected in any case. And it is necessary to take care of your health, always remembering the role of a good psychological state.

What is psychosomatics?

The term “psychosomatics” is sometimes interpreted one-sidedly, when a direct relationship is built between emotion and disease. Thus, suppressed anger can be called the main cause of stomach diseases, envy - liver pathologies, and so on. In this regard, it seems that this approach is unscientific, does not have any significant evidence, and therefore does not deserve attention.

In fact, psychosomatics exists and has long been proven. But the body’s path from emotion to illness extends somewhat longer.

The body's reaction to emotions

Any emotion causes a physical reaction in us: when we are angry, our muscles, mainly in the shoulder torso, tense. In order to supply blood to tense muscles, the heart begins to work faster and blood pressure rises. This entails changes in the depth and rhythm of breathing.

And if we experience fear, then our muscles also tense, primarily our legs. It is because of this that, at a moment of fear, we can feel “cottoniness” in our legs - this is a consequence of muscle overstrain. The autonomic nervous system comes into play, so a person may suddenly feel the desire to empty the bladder or bowel (the so-called “bear sickness”).

A one-time incident of anger or fear is not capable of causing a serious blow to a healthy body. But if a person experiences a negative emotion often, this forces his nervous system to restructure, and together with it, the digestive, endocrine, and immune systems begin to work differently. As a result, negative experiences lead to illness.

How to recognize

In most cases, psychosomatics does not immediately lead to organic damage. First, it becomes the cause of functional disorders, that is, the organ or system is healthy, but its activity is impaired. It can be compared to an untuned piano.

If a person experiences certain symptoms of a disease, but the doctor cannot detect it through laboratory and functional diagnostics, or the form or stage of the disease cannot give such a clear picture, there is every reason to suspect a psychological aspect in the formation of the disease.

Psychosomatics and sore throat

If a person regularly has a sore throat, psychosomatics will help to figure out what’s wrong. The throat is a multifunctional area of ​​our body; it is involved in the process of eating, speaking, and breathing.

Therefore, the pain can be of a different nature: a person may feel a pain when swallowing, a feeling that he is being choked, or a lump in his throat. Based on these symptoms, you should look for the causes.

Pain when swallowing

A sore throat, like a sore throat, can also be a sign of inflammation in the nasopharynx. And this will also be directly related to psychosomatics.

As mentioned above, the nervous system plays a major role in the formation of diseases provoked by a psychological state. If we consider the entire human body as a whole, we can see that only three systems control all organs at the same time: nervous, endocrine and immune. Their activities are closely related to each other; pathology in one system will certainly affect the work of the other two.

If, as a result of nervous experiences, a person’s immune system is disrupted, he can begin to get sick in any case: the slightest draft, walking from the car to the entrance in wet shoes, or a sip of milk from the refrigerator will instantly cause a sore throat.

People around will advise a person to strengthen his immune system, but this will bring minimal results: the nervous system will “pull” the immune system back, and until a person learns to cope with his emotions, experiencing them correctly, colds will haunt him.

Lump in the throat

When a sore throat resembles the feeling of a lump in the throat, the cause may lie in diseases of the endocrine system, or more precisely, in pathologies of the thyroid gland.

In other cases, the reason is that the person’s muscular system is so tense that the muscles literally In this case, the symptom will be closely related to negative emotions: having become nervous, the person will experience an “exacerbation”, and having calmed down, “go into remission”.

Formulation of sensation

In order to understand whether there is a relationship between the disease and the psyche, it is very important to try to correctly formulate the sensations experienced. Sometimes this is where the key lies.

For example, instead of saying “I have a sore throat,” you should express it differently: “I have a piece in my throat,” “they grabbed me by the throat,” and so on.

Then all that remains is to imagine the sensations in the described situation. A piece does not go down the throat in a situation of strong fear, so a person should reflect to understand whether he has chronic phobias or whether anxiety accompanies him.

The feeling as if you are being held by the throat speaks of limitations that hinder a person. For example, if he is not doing what he would like. If a person has to work as an economist, but he dreams of painting with watercolors. Blocking the creative process is not as harmless a thing as it may seem; it is quite capable of causing psychosomatic pathologies. Therefore, it is important to ask yourself questions with maximum directness and give answers to them with equal frankness.

Who to contact?

If a person has a sore throat, psychosomatics may be the cause. But first of all, you need to contact a specialist in bodily ailments. In this case - to an otolaryngologist.

If the doctor confirms that the emotional aspect is present in this case, then you need to contact a psychotherapist. It is important to note that it is he, and not a psychologist or psychiatrist, who deals with the treatment of psychosomatic diseases.

A psychotherapist will help you find out what emotion became the catalyst for the process and tell you how to cope with the disease. Sometimes this process takes only a couple of sessions, and sometimes a person needs to attend appointments for months. In any case, life without psychological illnesses and the ailments resulting from them is undoubtedly worth it.

Is there any drug treatment?

For the treatment of psychosomatic disorders, as well as for somatic ones, drug therapy is divided into two parts: basic and symptomatic.

Symptomatic therapy is necessary to relieve the pain itself. For this, any sprays, anti-inflammatory lozenges, and folk remedies can be used. If a psychosomatic illness has led to disturbances in the functioning of the immune system, antibiotics and antiviral drugs may be required.

Basic therapy includes drugs that regulate the functioning of the nervous system. This can include sedatives, sleep aids, and even antidepressants. A psychotherapist, unlike a psychologist, has a higher medical education, so he will be able to distinguish situations in which taking medications is necessary from those when direct psychotherapy sessions can be done.

Psychosomatics in children

If psychosomatics occurs in adults, therefore, it may well occur in children. Fortunately, this happens much less often, because the child is less constrained by the framework of morality, which does not give him the opportunity to express emotions and causes him to accumulate nervous tension.

If a child was unable to ask his mother for the toy he liked in the store, he will most likely burst into tears, thereby expressing all his indignation. This seemingly egregious behavior allowed the child to instantly reduce to a minimum the risk of developing psychosomatics.

An adult cannot afford to cry because of the financial impossibility of buying, for example, a beautiful and expensive mobile phone. Moreover, having become upset, he is unlikely to take it out on his friends, so as not to look undignified. And it is not surprising if after a while he discovers that he has a sore throat - psychosomatics has found ways to release negativity through illness.

If a child nevertheless encounters a physical illness caused by nervous experiences, this requires the most serious treatment. The flexible psyche of children should not succumb to such situations.

For treatment, you need to contact a good child psychotherapist who will teach the child to express and experience negative emotions correctly, without hiding them inside himself, but also without pouring them out on others. Be healthy!

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