Blurred vision during pregnancy – causes and when to see a doctor? The uterus is toned

The need for calcium in the second half of the first trimester for the expectant mother increases.

  • cottage cheese;
  • legumes;
  • fish;
  • seafood;
  • cabbage;
  • celery;
  • currant.

At the tenth obstetric week of pregnancy, corresponding to the eighth embryonic week of the “interesting position,” the placenta is finally formed in the body of the expectant mother. In other words, the unborn child is already completely protected by this environment from harmful substances, and his development from this moment on is a little safer. Congratulations, the critical period of fetal development has passed!

Feelings at 10 weeks of pregnancy

What happens at this stage of an “interesting situation” with a woman? Of course, the menstrual cycle does not resume. The tenth week of pregnancy is characterized by increased metabolic activity. The expectant mother's body is increasingly subject to stress, despite the small size of the fetus. During this period, the woman experiences many unpleasant symptoms.

  1. The blood vessels in the pelvic basin dilate, causing other organs of the woman to lack oxygen, which manifests itself in dizziness and weakness. This occurs more often in women whose hemoglobin was low before pregnancy.
  2. Toxicosis at the 10th week of pregnancy manifests itself as before. It will pass only by the 12th week, so periodically the expectant mother suffers from vomiting and nausea. To distract yourself, walk and relax more, try to work less.
  3. Hormonal imbalance also causes increased irritability, tearfulness, and frequent mood swings. Blame everything on hormones - then it will be easier to get used to the new state.
  4. The 10th week of pregnancy is a little unpleasant with the appearance of a frequent urge to urinate, which will continue throughout the pregnancy. Pay close attention to your sensations. If pain and stinging appear when urinating, this may be a sign of an inflammatory process.
  5. An expectant mother may experience sleep problems due to hormonal changes and worries. It is important to create psychological comfort for a woman. A pregnant woman can listen to calm music or take a walk before bed. Avoid sleeping on your back or stomach. The ideal position during this period is on your side.

Receive letters about the baby's development and the mother's condition once a week.

The belly of the expectant mother is practically not yet rounded.

According to standards, the weight gain of a pregnant woman at this stage should be one to one and a half kilograms.

Very soon a woman will feel this when choosing her wardrobe - a clothing size may be required a little larger than usual. However, sometimes pronounced early toxicosis does not allow you to gain this weight. But you shouldn't be afraid of this.

Discharge in the tenth week

Women should monitor their discharge patterns when pregnant. They should not change significantly. It is only possible to increase their volume. The norm is considered to be moderate, light or milky-colored, homogeneous discharge. If pus, mucus or flakes appear in the discharge, you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Often pregnant women develop thrush due to decreased immunity. But uncharacteristic discharge can signal infection with pathogenic bacteria - gonococci, chlamydia, trichomonas. The infection can harm the baby and even lead to fetal death, so the disease should be detected in time and treated immediately.

Brown or bloody discharge may indicate a dangerous possibility of miscarriage. The threat of losing the baby is also accompanied by pulling and painful sensations in the abdomen, similar to the sensations of a woman during menstruation. Immediate hospitalization is required. Timely intervention by specialists can often save a child. Please note that spotting in the 10th week of pregnancy may appear as a result of sex or examination by a gynecologist. These symptoms may occur if a woman has cervical erosion.

Sex at 10 weeks pregnant

There is no point in giving up intimate life unless there are medical contraindications. Sex is now not only possible, but also necessary. The husband begins to be attracted to the plump form of his other half and the smoothness of his movements. Do not deny your spouse and yourself carnal pleasures until unpleasant symptoms exhaust you. Sex will be a pleasant way to relax and bring future parents together. However, you shouldn’t get too carried away. Avoid excessive activity.

Possible risks at 10 weeks

Abdominal pain

Many pregnant women complain of abdominal pain of various types. An unpleasant and stretching sensation in the groin occurs due to tension in the uterine ligaments. But the nature of the pain must be analyzed.

If the pain is felt in the upper abdomen, then, most likely, the woman is worried about her stomach.

To get rid of pain, you should review your diet, reduce portion sizes, or consult a specialist.

It is more dangerous if pain occurs in the lower abdomen and bloody discharge appears. In this case, you should immediately contact a gynecologist or call an ambulance.

10 weeks is a period when a woman should be very careful. You should rest well at home, not overload yourself with work, and take more walks in nature. If the expectant mother feels well, then light physical exercise is acceptable.

Heavy stress during this period can cause an increase in the tone of the uterus, manifested in stretching sensations in the abdomen or lower back, and often severe pain. If such pain occurs, you should immediately contact a doctor.


Bleeding at the beginning of pregnancy is not so uncommon. According to statistics, in a third of cases, an “interesting position” is accompanied by minor bleeding that occurs with a certain frequency. Small amounts of discharge may not pose much of a threat.

Heavy bleeding in the 10th week of pregnancy is already considered a pathology.

The 10th week of pregnancy for a baby is a very important and responsible period. It is at this time that the embryo ceases to be such and becomes a fetus. The period of embryonic development is left behind. A new stage of the baby’s life in the mother’s womb begins - fetal.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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How is the deadline calculated?

10 weeks of pregnancy in the understanding of doctors and the same period in the understanding of expectant mothers are sometimes two completely different periods. To simplify the task, obstetricians-gynecologists choose the first day of the last menstruation as the “starting point”. Thus, there are 40 obstetric weeks in pregnancy, which corresponds to 10 lunar months.

It is clearer and more common for women to count pregnancy from the date of conception or at least from the date of ovulation, since it is during this period that the long-awaited conception most often occurs. This period is called embryonic, it is approximately 2 weeks less than obstetric. Thus, 9-10 obstetric weeks correspond to 7-8 weeks after conception.

To avoid confusion, it is better to get used to calculating your term according to obstetric standards, because this is how the gestational age will be indicated in all medical documents, tests and examination cards. All the standards with which doctors will compare the baby are also drawn up for obstetric periods.

How did the baby turn out?

At 10 weeks, the baby already looks like a human, only he is still very small. With the end of the embryonic period of pregnancy, the baby's tail disappears. Now he, like his parents, has a tailbone, two legs, two arms and a head. They can be seen on ultrasound. Fetal development proceeds at a very rapid pace. Soon the dynamics will become slower, but for now the baby’s appearance changes almost every day.

Height and weight

At the very beginning of the tenth week of pregnancy, the baby weighs about 5 grams, and by the end of this week it will increase its weight to almost 7 grams.

The length from crown to tailbone at the beginning of the week is about 23 mm, and by the end of the week the baby will grow to 38 mm. The growth of the fetus together with the legs already exceeds 45 mm. To imagine the size of the fruit this week, just remember what a medium-sized plum or strawberry looks like. The baby is exactly like this now.

Nervous system

The child’s nervous system is now developing most intensively, because soon it will have to take over the “management” of the body. The spinal cord and brain are fully formed, the baby already has cranial and spinal nerves. The formation of branches of the nervous network continues.

The main event of the 10th obstetric week is the division of the brain into hemispheres, which are now separated from the cerebellum and medulla oblongata. The large hemispheres begin to develop and improve from this week, up to 250 thousand new cells appear in them every day.

The first neural connections have already been formed, the creation of new ones, including neuromuscular ones, continues, and soon the child’s movements will be completely controlled by his brain. This week the nervous system is divided into peripheral and central. Now every day the baby will learn some new skill. Already at the beginning of the 10th obstetric week, he can bring his hands to his face and touch himself. He will learn to suck a finger or fist very soon - in a couple of weeks.

Internal organs

The child became a fetus at the official level. This means that embryonic organogenesis has completed completely, in other words, all organs are formed, and now they are beginning to “master” their functional tasks.

It's easiest for a small heart. It is the first of the internal organs; the heart began to work earlier than the others. Now it has 4 chambers, a fully formed atrial septum. The heart beats at a rate of 160 to 179 beats per minute, pumping blood through fully formed vessels.

By the way, the baby’s blood is changing this week - his body begins to produce its own leukocytes, red blood cells, and platelets. If you need to find out the Rh factor or group of the child, at 10 weeks this is already quite possible by obtaining a blood sample from the umbilical cord.

At this time, the baby’s kidneys begin to work actively. They already produce urine, store it, and the bladder empties regularly at a frequency of about once an hour. The waters are self-purifying and are renewed every 3-4 hours.

This week the thyroid gland begins its duties. The esophagus is separated from the trachea this week and will now connect the oral cavity and stomach. This week the bile ducts begin to work, the formation of the intestines, liver, and pancreas is completed.


At the 10th obstetric week, the baby's head becomes more rounded. But she is still far from the usual human form, since the head is now the largest part of the baby’s body. The diameter of the head now reaches one and a half centimeters. But individual characteristics of appearance - facial features - are rapidly being formed. There are already lips, eyes, tightly covered with translucent eyelids, this week the nose and all its parts are being formed, as well as the ears.

The baby already has a neck, now the baby can turn his head from side to side, and he will very soon take advantage of this opportunity. Hair begins to grow on your head this week. The skin is still translucent, very thin and delicate, but right now the skin acquires tactile sensitivity - nerve receptors appear and hair follicles are formed.

The arms and legs are quite well developed, the fingers have tiny nails, and the elbow and knee joints have formed and are already functioning. It is still difficult to call the baby’s bones bones - rather, they are dense cartilaginous tissue. The process of compaction of the skeletal system begins precisely in this obstetric week, and now the need for calcium will rapidly increase.

This week, a partition between the abdominal and thoracic cavities - the diaphragm - is formed. The cavities themselves have become larger, more spacious, the internal organs fit in them and no longer go beyond.

At this time, the child may develop a physiological umbilical hernia. It can indicate either congenital malformations or be completely normal, the prognosis for which is quite favorable.

Gender of the child

The closer the end of the first trimester, the more impatient expectant mothers become, because soon it will be possible to find out the sex of the baby. Gender is determined at the moment of conception, but the internal sex glands begin to develop only closer to the second month of pregnancy. Now the formation of testicles in boys and ovaries in girls continues. The glands in children of both sexes are still located in the abdominal cavity.

A genital tubercle is still present in place of the external genitalia. It is from this that the main gender differences are already beginning to form - the penis and scrotum in a boy or the labia in a girl.

The process of formation of the genital organs will be completed in about 2-3 weeks, but ultrasound diagnostic specialists will be able to say with confidence what gender the baby is only at 15-16 weeks of pregnancy or a little later. Until this time, the likelihood of error due to the small size of the genital organs is too great.

Everything that happens to the baby at 10 weeks already occurs according to the male or female type, because his body is already producing sex hormones. Attempts by expectant mothers to guess the gender based on the baby's heart rate are more like guessing games. From a medical point of view, the rhythm and frequency of the heartbeat are in no way related to the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Only a genetic analysis, for example, a non-invasive DNA test, can give the most accurate answer to the question of what gender the baby is. But the cost of such an analysis is several tens of thousands of rubles.

There's not long to wait - in about a month and a half, the truth about the baby's gender will become obvious.

Fetal position

There is still enough space in the uterus for the baby to swim freely in the amniotic fluid. The baby is now positioned the way he likes, changing his position in the space of the uterine cavity several times a day. Now swimming movements and somersaults will be more and more active, because this week the young placenta begins to fully work, and the baby is connected to the mother by a strong umbilical cord.

How the baby is positioned does not yet have much diagnostic significance. However, it is of considerable importance where the fertilized egg is located and in what part of the uterus it is located. This fact is of interest to the doctor, and the location of the placenta and baby is necessarily assessed using an ultrasound.

What has the baby learned?

At 10 weeks, the baby learned to swim. This does not change the woman’s feelings, because she cannot yet feel the baby’s light touch on the walls of the amniotic sac. Nevertheless, the baby is trying very hard to become truly human-like. He already knows how to open and close his mouth, brings his hands to his face, and touches the umbilical cord. The process of bending and unbending the arms, moving the limbs is now the baby’s main entertainment.

By the end of this week, there will be another fun option - tasting the amniotic fluid. Now the formation of taste buds-papillae on the tongue is underway, very soon the baby will learn to distinguish tastes.

Ultrasound of the fetus at 10 weeks

Ultrasound examinations are not required this week. Women carry it out at their own request or at the insistence of the attending physician. Indications for an ultrasound examination may be a suspicion that not one, but two or three children are developing in a woman’s womb, as well as the need to clarify the timing of gestation in cases where a woman has forgotten the start date of her last period or had an irregular menstrual cycle.

“Synchronizing watches” regarding timing is now necessary in order to set a date for the first prenatal screening. In just a couple of weeks, the woman will undergo this first important study.

An ultrasound is also performed at 10 weeks for women who have complications of pregnancy - threat of miscarriage, suspicion of intrauterine growth retardation, suspicion of an ectopic or non-developing pregnancy, etc. Ultrasound is performed transvaginally and abdominally - much depends on the physique of the expectant mother and the quality of the results obtained on the image monitor.

The main indicators for this period are the average internal diameter of the ovum (SVD) and the coccygeal-parietal size (CTR). The rules for this period are as follows.

Average internal diameter of the ovum at 10 weeks:

Coccygeal-parietal size at 10 weeks of pregnancy:

The ovaries and cervix are subject to mandatory examination to look for possible symptoms and signs of a threatened miscarriage. The doctor also evaluates those organs of the child that can be visualized - the heart, kidneys, cerebellum, and lobes of the brain. The size of the baby's abdomen (OB) does not exceed 5 mm.

In connection with the beginning of the activity of the “children's place” - the placenta, the need for a temporary organ - the yolk sac - disappears. Now all issues related to the baby’s nutrition, the supply of useful substances to him, the synthesis of hormones for his development, as well as issues of excretion of metabolic products, are “solved” by a new temporary organ - the placenta. The yolk sac in the ovary begins to fade, shrink, and eventually disappear completely. This week, an ultrasound can determine its size, but it no longer exceeds 5 mm. The placenta itself is still small. On average, its thickness at the 10th obstetric week ranges from 9 to 17 mm, the average norm is 13 mm.

Due to the fact that active bone growth begins from the 10th week, care should be taken to ensure that a sufficient amount of foods containing this useful mineral appears in the diet. Such products include milk and cottage cheese, nuts, fresh herbs, and some varieties of sea fish. Using a biochemical blood test, which all pregnant women undergo when registering, an obstetrician-gynecologist will be able to see what the calcium content is in a woman’s blood.

For hypocalcemia (calcium deficiency), additional calcium supplements may be prescribed.

You should not take calcium on your own without your doctor's approval. An overdose of this mineral can cause serious problems for the expectant mother with her kidneys, muscles, and digestion, which will certainly negatively affect the condition of the fetus.

No medications should be taken during this period without the knowledge of the doctor, even if we are talking about harmless vitamins. The embryonic formation of organs and systems has completed, the likelihood of mutations and deformities from taking medications is already much lower than a couple of weeks earlier, but still the threat of unauthorized termination of pregnancy has not completely passed, so a woman should be careful.

The mother's walks in the fresh air, a proper and balanced diet that will prevent such troubles as constipation and diarrhea, and a moderately active lifestyle will benefit the baby during this period.

There is no need to lie on the sofa, if there are no contraindications, it is best to do Nordic walking or swimming. This will enrich the woman’s blood with oxygen, which the growing body now so needs, and will help prepare for childbirth.

At 10 weeks of pregnancy, the unborn baby continues to actively grow and develop. It no longer looks like a set of cells, but visually resembles a small person. During this period, the following changes occur to him:

  • The formation of the placenta is completed. The activity of the corpus luteum gradually fades away, and its function is taken over by the child's place.
  • The muscles of the oral cavity are formed. Taste buds appear on the tongue. The chewing muscles are actively developing.
  • The stomach takes on an anatomically correct position. The digestive system continues to form.
  • The process of closing the neural tube begins. In the future, it will become the basis of the entire nervous system.
  • The formed kidneys, liver and brain begin to actively function. They cannot yet fully fulfill the assigned tasks, but they are transforming and developing every day.
  • The genitals have already formed. If you have a good ultrasound machine, you can determine the sex of the embryo with high reliability.
  • The diaphragm forms in the chest cavity. She will separate this segment from the abdominal cavity.
  • The length of the embryo reaches 9-10 cm. Its weight ranges from 9 to 13 grams.

Development of twins

The development of twins also occurs rapidly. At 10 weeks, the placenta is formed, which will reliably protect babies from the negative influence of external factors. Unlike a singleton pregnancy, the size of twins is about 5 cm. Their total body weight does not exceed 10 grams. Babies may be in the same sac and share a common placenta, or in separate sacs with separate placentas. You can find out about this feature of multiple pregnancy during an ultrasound.

What's happening to mom: sensations

At 10 weeks of pregnancy, a woman still experiences all the delights of toxicosis. The size of the uterus continues to increase. The cavity of the reproductive organ no longer looks like a pear. During this period, it resembles a ball. Hormonal transformations are accompanied by visual changes in the female body and a restructuring of internal sensations.

Uterus and appendages. In the cavity of the reproductive organ, the unborn child continues to grow in length and gain body weight. The uterus is the size of a large orange. The corpus luteum continues to function in the ovaries, but from this period its diameter decreases. The temporary gland produces progesterone for the normal course of pregnancy and prevents spontaneous contractions. Soon it will undergo a reverse transformation, and its function will be taken over by the placenta. During the appointment, the doctor does not yet measure the abdominal circumference, since the size of the reproductive organ is not large enough for fixation.

Mammary gland. Under the influence of hormonal levels, the breasts acquire a more rounded shape. She increases in size and is actively preparing for lactation. The lobes in the mammary glands increase every day. This may require changing your underwear, as your regular bra becomes tight and uncomfortable. The nipple may already change color and become pigmented. However, for some women, the process of darkening the areola occurs later. Montgomery's glands become visible on the nipples - light dots located throughout the areola.

Stomach. From the outside it is not yet noticeable that a woman is preparing to become a mother. She still has a flat stomach. However, the expectant mother herself notices significant changes. By the 10th week of gestation, the uterus begins to emerge from the pelvic cavity. A small bump appears in the lower abdomen. It is especially noticeable in slender girls. If you lie on your back, you can see a clear bulge. Women “in the body” will notice this process later due to the presence of fat on the abdomen. But at 10 weeks they also experience a slight increase in volume in the lower abdominal segment, which can be strongly felt in clothing.

Food cravings. 90% of pregnant women have oddities with food priorities. Some are drawn to salty foods, while others are drawn to sweet foods. This is due to hormonal levels and early toxicosis. At 10 weeks, strange food habits do not go away. Some women even experience an exacerbation during this period. Due to the active development of the fetus, a deficiency of vitamins or microelements may occur. This is especially pronounced in women who are experiencing severe toxicosis. This leads to the desire to chew chalk, eat lime, and try unusual food combinations, for example, ice cream with garlic.

Emotional side. Mood swings become less pronounced by week 10. If earlier a woman could spontaneously cry or burst out laughing, now she becomes more restrained. However, emotions continue to prevail over reason. Therefore, by the end of the first trimester, expectant mothers are vulnerable, sensitive, touchy and require careful attention. In many ways, the emotional component depends on the situation in the family and the attitude of the people around.

Daily regime. By 10 weeks, increased sleepiness in expectant mothers disappears. If previously they went to bed early and woke up late, now the routine is being restored. During this period, women may notice an increase in performance. They no longer want to spend a lot of time in bed. There is a desire to walk more, to communicate with the outside world. If at the same time the intensity of toxicosis decreases, then the expectant mother returns to the normal rhythm of life and feels good.

Condition of skin and hair. During pregnancy, most women note that their hair condition has improved. By week 10, they fall out noticeably less and acquire a vibrant shine. This may be due to the fact that expectant mothers refuse chemicals - paints, varnishes, styling products. Due to changes in hormonal levels, the skin becomes more beautiful. Rashes and local inflammation on the face go away, eyebrows become thicker, and a healthy glow appears on the cheeks.

Libido. At the beginning of the first trimester, expectant mothers often refuse intimate relationships. Their libido decreases due to high progesterone levels. By week 10 this problem goes away. The spouse may note that the woman has become more affectionate and she more often has a desire for intimacy. It is worth noting that this side is individual for each woman. Therefore, some women may be indifferent to sex throughout the entire gestational period.

Body change. By the tenth week, a dark stripe may appear in the abdomen of the expectant mother. It runs from the pubic bone to the navel, and at a later date rises higher. Do not be afraid of these changes, since after childbirth they go away on their own. Also, due to hormonal changes, light fluff appears in the chest area and around the navel. Vegetation increases in intimate areas - armpits, legs and groin area.

Condition of internal organs. At ten weeks, the volume of circulating blood continues to increase. The load on blood vessels and the heart increases. Expectant mothers note that their heart rate has increased and their blood pressure has decreased. The reason is the redistribution of blood flow in the vessels. The load on the kidneys increases. This leads to an increased urge to urinate. Reduced intestinal activity, which was noted in the first weeks, gradually returns to normal.

Chronic diseases. Most expectant mothers have some kind of chronic disease. In the early stages, they rarely worsen, since there is no serious load on the body. By 10 weeks, the load on internal organs increases. This often leads to exacerbation of genitourinary infections, vascular diseases, pathologies of the respiratory system, allergic reactions and other chronic ailments.

Feeling like a child. At 10 weeks, some women say that they feel the movement of the unborn child. These sensations are compared to the swimming of a fish or the bursting of bubbles. However, in most cases they are far-fetched. Women confuse increased intestinal activity and gas formation at 10 weeks with the movement of the baby. Despite the fact that the baby is already moving in the mother’s womb, its size does not yet allow the expectant mother to feel this.

The 10th obstetric week is the 8th week from conception - the embryonic period of pregnancy, as well as the 10th week from the beginning of the last menstruation. The delay in menstruation is 6 weeks. The eighth week of embryo development is the last week of the embryogenesis period, during which it has everything to be considered a fetus. By the end of this week, the laying of all of your baby’s organs will be complete.

Embryo dimensions

What happens to the embryo

At the tenth week of pregnancy, the formation of all organs ends, and now they will continue to improve until birth, and some even after. At this stage, the placenta is almost formed, which is already beginning to fulfill its function. Important internal organs: liver, kidneys, intestines, brain and lungs are already fully formed and functioning, and the brain is actively developing. Therefore, most of the advice for this week of pregnancy boils down to one thing - to lead an exceptionally healthy lifestyle so that the baby’s nervous system is formed normally. The baby moves his arms and legs with all his might, and every day he learns something new. The marigolds grow, the body is covered with vellus hairs.

What does an embryo look like?

Your baby has already acquired a completely human appearance. In size it can be compared to a grape, a strawberry, a small apricot or a walnut!

Now the head is half the length of the body. The forehead is convex and high, but over time the head will change and become more like a child's head.

At this stage, the baby is already behaving quite actively, opening his mouth, swallowing and spitting out amniotic fluid, waving his arms.

His arms, legs, elbow joints, and fingers are already fully formed. The interdigital membranes disappeared, which separated the fingers. The muscles and skeleton of the unborn child are intensively formed. The fruit began to look like a small man, its tail and gills disappeared, its eyes acquired an optimal shape, an upper lip appeared, the oral cavity was fully formed, and the rudiments of teeth appeared. At the same time, taste receptors begin to form. If you could see your baby now, you would easily distinguish the spine and the nerves extending from the spinal cord. The fetus has increased significantly in size and weight, which indicates normal progressive overall development. The fruit is still transparent, but fluff is already developing.

The baby is comfortable and cozy in the amniotic sac. At 10 weeks of pregnancy, the amount of fluid in the bladder is almost 20 ml. When faced with the wall of the uterus, the baby pushes away from it, but you do not yet feel these shocks.

Embryo development

Its development is progressing by leaps and bounds. The baby is already quite active and agile, you just don’t suspect it yet. The small heart works at full capacity, producing approximately 160 beats per minute. The bile ducts, intestines and rectum complete their development, and the liver continues its active development. The immune and lymphatic systems are formed, and the diaphragm appears. The baby swims in the amniotic fluid and sometimes moves its limbs. The cerebellum, which is responsible for coordinating movements, is not yet developed enough to make movements less chaotic. For now these are spontaneous shocks and waves that you do not yet feel.

  • It is already possible to determine the blood type, Rh factor and gender of the baby.

  • Active development of the brain, beginning of differentiation of the cortex.

  • Separation of the hemispheres from the midbrain and medulla oblongata. Complete division of the nervous system into peripheral and central parts.

  • The head is disproportionately large, but already has a rounded shape.

  • Head diameter is about 1 cm.

  • Body length is about 4 cm.

  • The child has already formed a four-chambered heart. The hole between the ventricles closes at 8 weeks, but the hole between the atria remains until birth.

  • In the eighth week from conception, the thymus gland is formed, which is necessary for the differentiation of T-lymphocytes (special cells of the immune system).

  • The eyes are completely covered with eyelids.

  • The child's kidneys begin to produce urine, which, accumulating in the bladder, is excreted.

  • In boys, testosterone, the male hormone, is already produced in the testicles.

  • Baby teeth are actively developing.

  • The baby’s blood supply reaches a different level, the corpus luteum of pregnancy in the ovary fades, and the number of hormones synthesized by the placenta increases.

  • At this time, the placenta begins to function. The thickness of the placenta is approximately 1–1.5 cm.

Good to know
The baby, the size of a walnut, has an actively working brain that produces up to 250,000 neurons per minute!

It is worth talking in more detail about the role of the placenta. This is a unique organ that ensures the exchange of nutrients between the fetus and mother, and also protects the fetus from toxic substances, infectious agents, and immune factors. The pregnant woman and the fetus may have different blood groups, but the placenta has such a structure that they do not mix and thus prevent immune conflict. The functions of the placenta do not end there - it produces a huge number of hormones, among which specific pregnancy hormones play a particularly important role - human placental lactogen (PLL) and human chorionic gonadotropin ().

What happens in a woman's body

Although the uterus at the 10th week of pregnancy already has dimensions comparable to the dimensions of a large apple or grapefruit, your tummy is still invisible to others. The hormones that are now produced in large quantities - relaxin and progesterone, cause your muscles to become more relaxed, fat deposits in the abdominal area increase, and intestinal contraction slows down, which leads to bloating and a slightly blurry figure.

The weight of the expectant mother may increase by 1–1.5 kg. Weight gain occurs mainly due to an increase in the size of the uterus and blood volume, as well as engorgement of the mammary glands. However, your waist is already starting to round, and soon it will be time to think about changing your wardrobe. The uterus no longer fits in the pelvic cavity, so it rises above the pubic joint, and soon you will be able to touch it with your hands. It feels like something hard in the lower abdomen. Gradually it will rise higher and higher.

Urination becomes noticeably more frequent.

Some expectant mothers may notice a pigment stripe on their belly - this is a consequence of increased melanin synthesis in your body. It is also possible for age spots to appear on the face.

In the area of ​​the areola of the mammary glands, nodules the size of a small grain may appear. These are enlarged sweat glands, or the so-called “Montgomery nodes” - one of the typical changes in your body during pregnancy.

The tenth week of pregnancy is a time when many women usually breathe a sigh of relief, hormonal storms subside, mood improves, and symptoms of toxicosis weaken. Often pregnant women notice the appearance or increase in appetite.

Some women complain of insomnia, but those who do sleep at night have light and superficial sleep, and the next morning they talk about extremely vivid and often frightening dreams. All these are the consequences of the activation of a zone of the cerebral cortex called “ dominant pregnancy”, and which, even at night, produces vivid pictures associated with pregnancy and the subsequent birth of a child.

The uterus begins to compress the main blood vessels. This, in turn, causes varicose veins in the rectum. As a result, hemorrhoids appear. To combat this problem, it is necessary to monitor the regularity of bowel movements.


As a rule, your tummy is not yet noticeable to others.


If your appetite has noticeably increased and you want to eat as often as possible, try not to give in to temptation. After all, overeating increases weight, increases the load on the heart, lungs and other organs, all of which can result in pregnancy complications.

The weight gain should not be significant - from the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother should gain no more than 1.3–1.5 kg by this period.

Good to know

Monitor your weight with our pregnancy diary. You can record your weight there and compare it with the weight gain chart (at the top of the pregnancy calendar page).

If a young mother has gained more than the permissible increase, she should reconsider her diet right now so that rapid weight gain does not provoke a number of serious pregnancy complications.

If your feet get tired and swollen in the evenings, lie down for a while, throwing them on a pillow, ask someone close to you to give you a light massage of your feet and legs. If your legs swell daily, consult a phlebologist.

If you experience increased anxiety, start taking calming herbal teas. If it doesn’t help, contact a psychologist and share your fears and worries with him. Try giving up caffeine, try drinking herbal teas. Make sure the tea you choose is safe for pregnant women. Add honey and lemon to hot water. You might like this drink. Try to drink about eight glasses of liquid every day. Tea, coffee and carbonated drinks should not be counted.

To avoid overwork and eliminate the “drowsiness effect” due to lack of sleep, a pregnant woman needs to learn to fully relax: swimming in the pool, yoga, long and leisurely walks can come to the rescue.

As a last resort, after consulting with your doctor, you can temporarily take motherwort infusion.

Clothes should not squeeze the rounded tummy. Avoid tight skirts and trousers, as well as tight belts and corsets. Choose comfortable clothes, preferably from natural fabrics.

It is necessary to carefully monitor timely bowel movements. The rectum, when full, puts pressure on the uterus, which is completely undesirable. If constipation does occur, you can eliminate it with the help of natural, fiber-rich vegetables and fruits, black bread, drinking raw (preferably “live” spring) water on an empty stomach in the morning, and kefir drunk before bed. Enemas are not recommended. Your helpers are foods rich in fiber. Dried fruits and fresh fruits are useful for pregnant women, vegetables, cereals (especially whole grains), as well as everything “green” (vegetables, herbs, kiwi, which, by the way, has a very decent laxative effect). Of course, you shouldn’t rely on purified fiber. White rice, pasta, white bread and baked goods can only make the situation worse. To avoid hemorrhoids, you should eat more prunes and foods containing fiber, sleep mostly on your side (to relieve tension in the anus) and do gymnastics.

At this time, no one is forcing you to give up having sex. The main thing is to avoid positions where the woman is on her stomach and the man has the opportunity to penetrate deeply. There is still a risk of spontaneous interruption, so treat sex with caution, remember that now you are not alone and everything should be gentle and safe. True, if there have been previous miscarriages, gynecologists usually recommend sexual rest.


There is still a threat of miscarriage

If you are bothered by pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region, if the pain is cramping, cutting, if it is accompanied by brown or even bloody discharge, call an ambulance immediately. Most likely this is a threat of termination of pregnancy. Delay may cost your baby's life.

Most often, women at 10 weeks complain of pain in the abdominal area. It is important to understand the nature of the pain and its location. If you have pain in the upper abdomen, then most likely your stomach hurts. Proper nutrition and small portions can solve your problem, however, if the pain continues, then you should visit a gastroenterologist. You should also learn to recognize abdominal pain as a result of bloating.


As before, at this time you may notice some discharge from the genital tract. Yellowish or white masses without a strong unpleasant odor are normal and do not require treatment. But bloody, brown discharge is dangerous. Itchy, greenish, foul-smelling or crumbly white discharge may be signs of trouble and should be consulted by a doctor.

During pregnancy, the natural defenses of the expectant mother's body are significantly weakened. Therefore, the development of genital infections during this period is not at all uncommon. The “leading” position among diseases is occupied by thrush, or candidiasis, however, changes in discharge may be associated with infection with chlamydia, trichomonas, gonococci and other pathogenic microorganisms. Regardless of the nature of the disease, it must be treated, otherwise the possibility of intrauterine infection of the fetus, disruption of its development due to infection, and even death cannot be excluded.

Ectopic pregnancy

Also, bleeding at 10 weeks can occur with an ectopic pregnancy. Such a pregnancy is a very dangerous pathology that occurs when the egg is implanted not in the uterus (but most often in the fallopian tube). You can suspect an ectopic pregnancy by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, accompanied by bloody discharge. If an ectopic pregnancy is not detected in time, then there is a huge risk of rupture of the fallopian tube, because the fertilized egg is constantly growing. Often, a rupture of the fallopian tube occurs precisely in the tenth week of pregnancy, and you will feel sharp pain and find heavy bleeding. This is very dangerous, we are talking about saving a woman, and hospitalization and immediate surgery are simply necessary!

Colds and fever

Due to decreased immunity due to pregnancy, a woman is much more susceptible to various viral diseases during this period. The body of a pregnant woman adapts to new conditions and therefore ARVI at the 10th week of pregnancy is not a rare occurrence.

According to experts, ARVI at the 10th week of pregnancy is no longer as dangerous as before - the critical period has already passed. However, you should not leave everything to chance; it is necessary to treat a cold by consulting a doctor.

Give up alcohol!

Alcohol is undoubtedly a highly toxic substance. It is very dangerous for the fetus, which is rapidly developing in the female body. Although the main organs and systems of the child have already been formed, the fetal brain at the 10th week of pregnancy continues its active development. And no one can guarantee that alcohol will not deal a crushing blow to the baby’s brain, which will make him crippled even before birth. Most authoritative organizations such as WHO, institutes of pediatrics and gynecology require complete abstinence from alcohol during pregnancy. Believe me, a glass of wine or champagne is not as important as the health of your baby! And the consequences of this glass can be disastrous.


At this stage, doctors pay great attention to blood sugar levels, this is especially important for women over 25 years of age, as well as for pregnant women who are overweight or have relatives with diabetes. Also, a blood test will show the level of testosterone in a pregnant woman’s body, which usually increases slightly.

If you don’t know yet, now is the time to find out the blood type and Rh factor of yours and the father of the child. After all, there is a risk of Rh conflict. Most often this happens when the mother's Rh factor is negative and the child's father is positive. If you find yourself in such a situation, you will be monitored more closely. You will have to periodically donate blood for antibodies that are produced due to Rh conflict. If your child receives the “father’s” blood, that is, the Rh factor is positive, then the body may consider the fetus a foreign body and begin rejection. To prevent this from happening, doctors should especially monitor you and, if something happens, take measures. At the same time, a couple of weeks before and after giving birth, you should receive an injection of immunoglobulin, otherwise you will increase the risk of developing a miscarriage in your next pregnancy.

If you have not yet registered with your doctor, hurry up. It's long overdue. You can read about the examinations required by this date by looking at the previous pages of our calendar.


While the mother is pregnant, the baby develops and grows rapidly. The only method that allows you to evaluate how he lives in his mother’s belly at the 10th week of pregnancy is an ultrasound.

This study makes it possible to show the child on the monitor, to see how his skeleton, systems and organs are developing, and whether the waters and placenta are in order. Ultrasound is absolutely harmless for both mother and child, so it can be used as often as necessary.

The research is carried out according to a certain scheme. An ultrasound is performed on every pregnant woman. This is the only way to identify or exclude congenital developmental anomalies in a child.

Main stages of the study

  • Determining the location of pregnancy in the uterus and excluding ectopic pregnancy.

  • Determination of the number of embryos. If the doctor identifies several embryos, a guess is made as to whether they will be identical twins or fraternal twins.

  • Determination of a child's viability.

  • Determining the gestational age by measuring the maximum distance from the crown of the child to his tailbone, from which the gestational age is automatically calculated.

  • Consideration of the anatomical structure of the fetus.

  • Determination of the thickness of the skin fold on the fetal neck. Normally it should be no more than 2 mm.

  • Determining the location of the placenta in the uterus and its structure, as well as the tone of the uterus, i.e. the doctor must understand whether there is a threat of miscarriage.

Although the genitals become more visible, it is still difficult to determine whether you are having a boy or a girl with an ultrasound.

Good to know

From an embryo at 10 weeks, the child transforms into a full-fledged fetus with fully formed joints and bones. An ultrasound allows you to see that the baby has changed its position and lies comfortably inside the bladder with amniotic fluid.

At 10 weeks, the egg has a diameter of up to 4 cm, the embryo increases to 3–4 cm, its internal organs can already be partially distinguished. At 10 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat is heard. Heart rate is now 160-170 beats per minute.

An ultrasound scan of the fetus at 10 weeks of pregnancy can reveal some pathological situations, so if you have not yet had an ultrasound scan during pregnancy, there is a need to have it done in the near future. The presence of developmental anomalies such as the absence of a limb, acrania (absence of the head), the possibility of fading pregnancy, the threat of miscarriage, and the correspondence of the rate of fetal development to the period of menstruation are excluded.

Obstetric 10th week of pregnancy is a kind of transitional period. At this stage, the baby enters the period of fetal development. Previously, it was called simply an embryo, but now it has become a full-fledged fruit.

The necessary systems and organs have already been established and have begun to actively develop, but they still need to go through the full “maturation” phase, which will last for all nine months. Well, the expectant mother needs to help ensure that this process is correct and that the pregnancy proceeds without problems.


During this period, the baby’s brain begins to actively develop, a small heart already exists and beats, and the skeleton and limbs with which it moves are formed. At the tenth week, the modification of the placenta ends and it begins to fully interact with the mother’s body, supplying the unborn baby with all the substances it needs.

The corpus luteum, which has been with the child since conception, has already fulfilled its purpose and is beginning to decrease in size. The baby takes on the features of a little person and enters a phase of active development.

If the expectant mother has a positive attitude and begins to follow all the doctor’s instructions, then no problems will arise, and the 10th week of pregnancy will be for her one of the happiest of all the nine months that have yet to be overcome.

10th week of pregnancy: What happens

What happens to the female body at 10 weeks of pregnancy? First of all, menstruation stops completely. During the nine months of bearing the baby, they will be completely absent. At this stage, the activity of metabolic processes in the body increases, since a very large load is placed on it, despite the fact that the size of the baby is still very small.

Symptoms and sensations

The 10th week of pregnancy for a woman is marked by a lot of unpleasant symptoms, including the following:

  • Since the vessels in the pelvis begin to expand, blood flows to other organs in much smaller quantities, resulting in oxygen starvation, weakness and dizziness. Often, such symptoms at the 10th week of pregnancy worry those mothers who had low hemoglobin before conception.
  • Toxicosis at 10 weeks of pregnancy remains the same as before. It will begin to decrease only after another two weeks, so the woman will suffer from morning sickness, and possibly vomiting. To reduce these unpleasant manifestations, you need to eat small portions, walk more in the fresh air and relax.
  • Due to hormonal imbalance, a pregnant woman may become irritable, whiny and prone to emotional instability. You will have to put up with this condition until the hormonal storm subsides.
  • Heaviness in the abdomen at 10 weeks of pregnancy, plus a frequent urge to urinate, is caused by an enlarged uterus and pressure on the bladder. These sensations will remain throughout pregnancy and will disappear after the baby is born.
  • Due to hormonal changes, a woman may experience insomnia. You can overcome this unpleasant problem by having a positive psychological attitude, walking and listening to calm music before going to bed. You should also change your sleeping position during pregnancy. Now you need to sleep not on your back or stomach, but on your side.
  • The belly at this stage is not yet visible or has increased quite a bit. A pregnant woman may gain about a kilogram in weight. However, after a couple of weeks, the expectant mother will already need to start thinking about changing her wardrobe to more comfortable things for pregnant women. Although in the presence of severe toxicosis, weight gain will not be observed until the second trimester.

Vaginal discharge at 10 weeks of pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman should monitor the nature of the discharge. They should not undergo significant changes; the only thing that can happen is an increase in their volume. Normal discharge at 10 weeks of pregnancy is light or milky in color and uniform.

If they become curdled, you should consult a doctor immediately. Thrush often develops in pregnant women as a result of a decrease in the body's defenses. But if the secretion has turned yellow and green, then most likely pathogenic bacteria have entered the body, which can harm the baby and cause miscarriage if not treated in a timely manner.

Discharge mixed with blood is a sign of a threatened miscarriage. In addition to bloody discharge, the expectant mother will feel pain in the abdominal area, which is similar to smooth muscle spasms during menstruation. When such signs appear, the woman is hospitalized and undergoes urgent therapy to maintain the pregnancy.

It should be noted that discharge mixed with blood may appear after an examination by a gynecologist or as a result of sexual intercourse. This problem often arises if the expectant mother has untreated erosion.

External changes during the 10th week of pregnancy

Despite the fact that very little has passed since the implantation of the embryo, the child grows and develops. At this stage, the belly is almost invisible. Some women have a dark stripe on their abdomen, starting from the navel and ending in the pubic area. Its appearance occurs as a result of the active production of melanin.

Although the belly at the 10th week of pregnancy has not yet changed its size, the pregnant woman’s weight is already beginning to increase. It appears as a result of the uterus growing, blood volume increasing, and swelling of the mammary glands. At ten weeks, the uterus increases to 12 centimeters and moves slightly. If you palpate the abdominal area, you can feel it. The placenta, located inside the baby’s “house,” also grows and develops.

Since hormones are now at their peak, a woman may notice that her hair is actively beginning to grow, pigmentation and rashes appear on the skin. This also provokes the appearance of nausea at the 10th week of pregnancy, weakness and emotional instability.

You can also find out what external changes occur during the 11th week of pregnancy, as well as how the fetus develops, what symptoms and sensations accompany this process, and much more. You can find all this information in this article.

Fetal development at the 10th obstetric week of pregnancy

This period of “interesting situation” is characterized by active growth and development of the baby’s future. He is no longer an embryo, but a full-fledged fruit. The internal organs and systems of a small organism are already laid out. The baby’s brain is divided into two hemispheres and continues to actively form, the heart works and saturates the body with blood, the skeleton and limbs are developing, which the baby is already actively moving.

The size of the fetus at the 10th week of pregnancy resembles a large strawberry and weighs 5 grams. The head is still larger than the body, and the skin is so transparent that the vessels are visible through it.

Previously, the skeleton consisted of soft and fragile cartilage tissue. Now it is beginning to harden and turn into bone. During this period, the child needs calcium to form the skeleton. It is a building material that is consumed from the mother’s body, which means she will need to include more products containing this element in her menu.

At ten weeks, the placenta has already formed and begins to transfer the substances it needs from the mother’s body to the fetus and protect it from negative influences from the outside, which means the critical period in development is left behind.

Risks at 10 weeks of pregnancy - in each trimester and in each week of gestation, there are various risks that can cause miscarriage and intrauterine abnormalities.

10th week of pregnancy: Pain in the abdominal area

Many expectant mothers experience discomfort in the lower abdomen. Nagging pain in the abdominal area is caused by an enlarged uterus and tension in its ligaments. However, in any case, pain analysis should be carried out.

If algia occurs in the upper abdomen, then its cause is most likely the stomach. To eliminate it, you should review your diet and consult a doctor.

The most dangerous pain is that which is accompanied by spotting in the 10th week - they are the harbinger of the threat of miscarriage. If they appear, you must immediately contact an antenatal clinic to prevent a breakdown.

The 10th week of pregnancy is the time when the expectant mother should be especially careful. She needs to rest more, not overwork too much and spend more time outdoors. If a woman’s health is normal, she can perform exercises created specifically for expectant mothers.

With strong physical exertion, the uterus can become toned, which will provoke nagging pain in the abdominal region and lower back. If they are pronounced, you should inform your gynecologist about this to prevent possible problems.

Bleeding at 10 weeks of pregnancy

In the initial stages of gestation, bleeding in gynecological practice is quite common. In one third of patients they occur with a certain frequency, are normal and disappear in the second half of pregnancy. However, severe bleeding at this stage is a serious pathology.

It can be caused by:

  • Threatened abortion - miscarriage at 10 weeks of pregnancy manifests itself in pink, red or brown spotting. They are accompanied by pain in the abdominal region and lumbar region.
  • Ectopic pregnancy - this problem arises when the fertilized egg is implanted not in the uterus, but in the fallopian tube. An ectopic pregnancy is often confused with a normal one. However, it differs from normal in the presence of bloody discharge and severe pain in the abdominal area. If the pathology is not diagnosed on time, the grown fetus will rupture the fallopian tube and cause severe bleeding, which can be fatal.

Diagnosis of this dangerous condition is carried out by screening hCG levels and performing an ultrasound examination. To localize the pathology, the woman is admitted to a hospital and the embryo is surgically removed.

Diseases of viral etiology

Gynecologists note that ARVI in the 10th week of pregnancy poses a serious threat to the fetus, while in later stages, colds are tolerated normally. To avoid illness, you should strengthen your immune system, which only works halfway during pregnancy; this should only be done under the strict supervision of a specialist. Since many medications negatively affect the fetus and are not allowed for expectant mothers, it is better to be treated with traditional medicine.

During the flu, a pregnant woman should lie down more and drink herbal teas, tea with lemon and warm milk with butter. Salt water with added iodine, used as a rinse and drops in the nose, will help relieve a stuffy nose and sore throat. At elevated temperatures, antipyretics should only be prescribed by a doctor.

Tests at 10 weeks of pregnancy

At this stage of gestation, the woman should already be registered at the antenatal clinic. When registering, a specialist confirms the presence of an “interesting situation” by conducting an hCG analysis at the 10th week of pregnancy, the level of which ranges from 46,509 to 186,977 mU/ml. It will also be necessary to undergo screening tests presented by:

  • General analysis of urine and blood;
  • Determination of Rh factor and blood group;
  • Screening for sexually transmitted infections, hepatitis, syphilis and HIV;
  • Blood serum analysis for sugar;
  • Vaginal smear for cytology.

If there are indications, the expectant mother may be referred for an ultrasound examination and blood serum testing for hormones. If a fetus is suspected of having Down syndrome, amniotic fluid is collected, fetoscopy and chorionic villi biopsy are performed. Such diagnostics make it possible to identify genetic abnormalities and, once they are identified, to perform a minimally invasive abortion for medical reasons.

Ultrasound at 10 weeks of pregnancy

When performing an ultrasound at 10 weeks of pregnancy, you can already clearly see the baby. The monitor clearly shows how he bends his limbs and moves them. A detailed examination of the fetus reveals ears, lips and nail plates on the phalanges of the fingers. You can also see the spinal column, nervous and vascular network in the baby’s body.

At ten weeks, the baby develops a powerful, protruding forehead. This structure of the cranium is necessary for active brain development. These imbalances should not frighten a woman, since for this period this type of fetus is absolutely normal.

Usually, in the antenatal clinic, after examining the expectant mother, the doctor gives her recommendations at the 10th week of pregnancy, following which the woman can avoid many of the threats characteristic of this period.

  • If severe pain occurs in the abdominal area you should immediately contact a specialist, as they are evidence of uterine tone, which can provoke abortion of the fetus.
  • When there is a change in the nature of vaginal discharge, its consistency, color and smell , it is necessary to be examined to identify the cause of the problem and eliminate it. If the discharge is bloody, but weak and spotting, this is a symptom of cervical erosion, which can be healed only after childbirth, and at the time of contacting a specialist, maintenance therapy will be prescribed, which is completely safe for the baby.
  • If heartburn occurs, you should also not panic; this is a normal condition for pregnant women. caused by hormonal changes. You can get rid of it by revising your diet and consuming food in doses.
  • When nausea occurs You can drink mint tea and suck menthol lozenges.
  • You should drink at least liters of liquid per day, walk and rest more .

And of course, the expectant mother should not forget about a positive attitude and avoiding stress.

Nutrition at 10 weeks of pregnancy

Questions regarding nutrition at this time are quite relevant. A pregnant woman's menu should be varied, but at the same time balanced and healthy, so as to provide the mother's body and the baby's body with the necessary substances.

Diet at 10 weeks of pregnancy should be rich in meat, vegetables, dairy products, grains, fish and fruits. Coffee and tea should be avoided, as well as spicy, pickled, fried, salty and sweet foods, because they lead to an increase in glycemic levels. Pasta and bread made from white flour should be replaced with products made from wholemeal flour or bran.

You should eat small portions six times a day. It is better to cook food in a double boiler or bake it. Dinner should be no later than 6 pm, as eating late can cause severe nausea in the morning. Alcohol should be completely avoided during the 10th week of pregnancy.

Sex at 10 weeks pregnant

If there are no contraindications, you should not refuse intimate life. It is not only possible to have sex, but also necessary. It will allow you to harmonize relationships in the family, improve the mood of the expectant mother and relieve her of the unpleasant symptoms that bother her at this stage.

However, you should not get too involved in intimacy, since frequent lovemaking can provoke uterine tone and miscarriage.


The 10th week of pregnancy is an important period during which the baby’s organogenesis is completed. The most important event of this week – registration at the antenatal clinic and testing. Having done everything necessary for this period, you can enjoy this pleasant time and prepare for the birth of your baby.

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