Tarot of Marseilles meanings of the arcana according to Khodorkovsky. What do we know about the Marseille tarot? The meaning of the Major Arcana

The Marseille Tarot is, first of all, not a specific deck, but an ancient system that has existed for six centuries. It is not known for certain who is the author and founder of this complex.

Tarot de Marseille is very popular in France

However, there is evidence of the involvement of Marsilio Ficino, an Italian philosopher, humanist and astrologer, who became one of the key figures of the Renaissance, in its creation. The Marseille Tarot also gained wide popularity in France, where, as throughout Europe, it was usually called “Italian” due to the specific design and symbols.

History of the Tarot of Marseille

The term “Marseille Tarot” was first used by the French occultist, freemason and magician Gerard Anaclet Vincent Encausse, known as Papus, in his book “The Gypsy Tarot,” which dates back to the end of the 19th century. However, in European countries this deck was known before - it was usually called “Italian” due to its typically Italian graphic design, symbolism and origin. The Marseille Tarot deck has been produced in various cities in France since the 17th century.

The deck became known by this name due to the fact that there were publishing houses in Marseille capable of printing such cards. However, it is known that one of the first series of the Marseille Tarot publishing house was produced in the capital of France in 1650. Ultimately, this name was established thanks to Paul Marteau, who published the Ancient Marseille Tarot deck in 1930, after which, already in 1949, he published a book about the deck, in which he described all the cards.

Gallery of the Marseille Tarot deck

Tarot cards usually consist of 78 units, the Marseille Tarot deck is no exception. However, it is characteristic that in this case the Jester, or Fool, does not belong to either the Major Arcana or the Minor Arcana. The Tarot of Marseilles has another notable feature due to its occult significance: the Minor Arcana are closely related to the natural elements. Thus, Pentacles correspond to the earth element, Wands to fire, Cups to water, and Swords to air.

It is very significant that for beginners who want to master the Marseille Tarot, the meaning of the Minor Arcana cards may initially be very difficult to discover, since they are not drawn and do not carry any visual plot.

So, the gallery of the Marseille Tarot is as follows:

Jester or Fool

In the upright position, it indicates new beginnings with the presence of inspiration and an optimistic mood. During the course of an event, unexpected circumstances may be discovered. It can also talk about the mystery of a person.

In the reverse position, the card makes it clear that a person is acting carelessly, thoughtlessly, taking unnecessary risks and wasting his energy.


In the upright position, the card speaks of human enthusiasm and desire to act. Moreover, he is gifted with good dexterity, skills and craftsmanship.

In reverse, it indicates indecision, doubt, and neglect of one’s skills.

High Priestess

In the upright position, the card speaks of a person’s creative potential and strong instincts.

In the reverse position, the High Priestess symbolizes the lack of intuition, lack of understanding of the opposite sex. The card can speak of a person’s meager knowledge, vanity and possible danger.


In an upright position, it indicates material wealth, as well as achievements in creative activities.

The Empress card in an upright position indicates material wealth

In the reverse position, the card speaks of a creative crisis, material difficulties, and useless waste of energy. May indicate the overthrow of a tyrant or revenge.


In the upright position, the card speaks of a mature person - a person who tirelessly fights for the truth and wins.

In the reverse position, the Emperor symbolizes neglect of duty, lack of authority, weakness in the face of one’s own vices. May mean submission to a tyrant.

High Priest, or Pope

In the upright position, it indicates the need for knowledge about one’s will. The Pope symbolizes morality and wisdom. May foretell marriage, new friendships or good deeds.

In the reverse position, the card speaks of shame, disgrace, slander. Events are not subject to man; he can only wait for better times.


In the upright position, the card symbolizes a person’s wise choice between two equivalent intentions. May indicate the beginning of a new relationship, partnership, love.

In reverse, lovers talk about a wrong, stupid choice. This may be accompanied by a conflict with another person or a break in relationships.


In the upright position, the card symbolizes triumph, achieving goals, overcoming barriers. It can also talk about revenge, help received at the right moment, victory over inconsistencies

The reverse situation speaks of a conflict or confrontation in which a person turns out to be weak and loses.


When upright, the card indicates a fair and balanced judgment based on honesty and lack of prejudice.

In reverse, Justice speaks of slander and false accusations, imbalances provoked by prejudice and bigotry.


In the upright position, the Hermit speaks of a person’s prudence, his balanced decisions and deep thoughts. In some cases, it may indicate regression, withdrawal, and loneliness.

In the reverse position, the card indicates stupid actions and carelessness. It can also talk about postponing things due to excessive reasoning about the subject or about failure due to thoughtlessness. The mind is not properly balanced.

Wheel of Fortune

In the upright position, the card predicts previously unforeseen success or luck. New opportunities and prospects are opening up.

In the reverse position, the Wheel of Fortune symbolizes failure, failure, and fall.


In the upright position, the card speaks of a person’s strength - not only physical, but also the ability to endure life’s trials, courage and willingness to challenge.

The “Strength” card in an inverted position speaks of powerlessness

In the reverse position, it symbolizes powerlessness, a tendency to temptation or abuse of power and force.


In the upright position, the Hanged Man testifies to sacrifice, self-detachment, and a strong change in outlook on life or certain aspects of it after the test.

In the reverse position, the card speaks of a person’s selfishness, a vain or petty sacrifice that will not bear fruit, unfulfilled vows.


In the upright position, the card symbolizes transformation, during which the old “I” dies under the pressure of new circumstances. However, it can also indicate serious illness or physical death.

In the reverse position, the card speaks of immobility and stagnation, successful salvation from death. May indicate apathy or resignation.


In the upright position it speaks of moderation, the ability to endure due to self-control. Usually also implies association and merger, mutually beneficial partnership.

In the reverse position, Abstinence symbolizes conflict, the inability to interact correctly with other people for the common good, and the inability to find a common language.


In the upright position, the card speaks of an excessive thirst for material wealth, which will tempt a person. Usually the Devil is also associated with destruction, violence, addictions, and misfortune.

In reverse position it symbolizes abuse of the need for power, self-affirmation through violence, strong concentration on one’s own material goals.


In the upright position it symbolizes destruction, war, fall, collapse. This can equally apply to both the questioner’s material resources and his worldview, which will change dramatically during the predicted event.

In the reverse position, the card also speaks of losses, but in a smaller equivalent. A man manages to escape from a falling tower. May predict or indicate imprisonment.


In the upright position, the Star symbolizes hope, new opportunities and prospects, the favorable influence of the constellations on fate, reward for deeds, pleasure and good luck.

In the reverse position, the card speaks of a hopeless situation, limitations, imbalance, disappointments. A person runs the risk of being robbed.


In the upright position, the card indicates lies, fog and twilight, in which a person cannot recognize the truth, insincerity and disappointment. A person runs the risk of being used in the interests of others and betrayed by friends.

In its reverse position, the Moon predicts similar phenomena, but on a smaller scale. It is possible to have time to recognize deception and overcome destructive temptations.


In the upright position, the card portends achievements and success in various activities, warmth, satisfaction, positive relationships with other people, gratitude. There is a possibility of making a new friend.

In the reverse position, the Sun does not speak of negative aspects, but a person will have to make more efforts to achieve goals, wait and be patient. Success will make itself felt, but with a slight delay.


In the upright position, the card testifies to the necessity and inevitability of redemption. A person needs to forgive and be forgiven. If the questioner was offended, there is a possibility that the enemy will pay for it in the future.

In reverse, the Court speaks of a person’s slowness, excessive caution and delays, which can lead to failure. New opportunities open up before him, which he must tirelessly grab and move on.


In the upright position, the card symbolizes completion of affairs, a successful end and a long-awaited reward.

The “World” card in an upright position can predict the imminent receipt of a long-awaited reward

In the reverse position, the World speaks of failures and failure due to stagnation, disorientation or certain barriers.

Tarot spreads

When working with Tarot, layouts of several cards that complement each other have special meaning.

Thus, the Jester next to the following cards testifies:

  • talks with the High Priest about returning to the right path;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - improved health;
  • with the Devil - unsuccessful love relationships;
  • with the Court - unexpected help;
  • with the World – improvements in all aspects.
  • with the High Priest - irrational leadership over affairs, inspiration and intuition are higher than prudence;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - favorable changes;
  • with the Devil - irresponsible decisions;
  • with the Court - a happy ending;
  • with the World - acquiring goods in an easy way;
  • with the Jester - the inevitability of mistakes.

High Priestess:

  • with the High Priest - achieving what you want, getting rid of an illness;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - good luck in all areas;
  • with the Devil - inevitability, lack of influence on fate;
  • with the Court - a change of decision due to new interesting discoveries;
  • with the World – successful overcoming of barriers;
  • with the Jester - a missed opportunity.


  • with the High Priest - perseverance;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - fair acquisition of wealth;
  • with the Devil - conflicts and jealousy;
  • with the Court - unexpected reward;
  • with the World - acquiring the desired relationship, can also speak of the birth of a boy;
  • with the Jester - extravagance and neglect.


  • with the High Priest - a successful solution to the conflict;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - a reward that requires great effort;
  • with the Devil - a person must endure temptations and vicissitudes;
  • with the Court - help in the form of advice, strong intuition;
  • with Peace - convenience and absence of danger;
  • with the Jester - fear of the future, fatigue.

High priest:

  • with the Wheel of Fortune - profitable stagnation, ultimately bringing joy;
  • with the Devil - the inevitability of making decisions that will make you regret;
  • with the Court - material wealth;
  • with Peace - victory over evil;
  • with the Jester - help that could not be expected.

The High Priest in combination with the Jester foretells the arrival of help that you are not expecting


  • with the High Priest - evil will pass, a foreshadowing of a speedy recovery;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - deterioration in health, failure in love relationships;
  • with the Devil - uncertain friendship, problems with material wealth;
  • with the Court - triumph over vices and temptations, achievement of success;
  • with the World - inspiration and glorification;
  • with the Jester - deception, failure, wastefulness.


  • with the High Priest - success in various endeavors;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - a change of heart, a wasted journey;
  • with the Devil - violence and selfish love;
  • with the Court - the birth of new ideas and discoveries;
  • with the World - the beginning of a relationship or its transition to a new favorable stage;
  • with the Jester - the risk of getting into a disaster.


  • with the High Priest - an easy triumph;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - difficult changes;
  • with the Devil - a conflict that will end favorably;
  • with the Court - changes after death, new discoveries;
  • with Peace - longevity, fearlessness;
  • with the Jester - imbalance due to neglect of dangers.


  • with the High Priest – immunity;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - a predisposition to melancholy;
  • with the Devil - nervous disorder;
  • with the Court - victory over difficulties;
  • with Peace - determination, the return of the right person;
  • with the Jester - it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Wheel of Fortune:

  • with the High Priest - you need to stay at home for a while;
  • with the Devil - it is recommended to be careful in financial matters;
  • with the Court - monetary success, development;
  • with the World - auspicious travel, career growth;
  • with the Jester there is a certain danger.
  • with the High Priest - inspiration, marriage is possible;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - abandonment, difficult journey;
  • with the Devil – negative and excessive concentration on material goods;
  • with the Court - change of job for a better one;
  • with the World - improvement in all respects;
  • with the Jester - danger due to carelessness.


  • with the High Priest - success;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - failure;
  • with the Devil - vain expectation and hope;
  • with the Court - unexpected help that helps solve the problem;
  • with the World - good patronage;
  • with the Jester - a decline in well-being.
  • with the High Priest - patronage;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - fatal outcome;
  • with the Devil - fatigue;
  • with the Court - unexpected success;
  • with the World - annulment of the negative value of the XIII Arcana;
  • with the Jester - misfortune.


  • with the High Priest - voluptuousness, especially regarding the female sex;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - implementation of plans;
  • with the Devil - a blow to vanity, anger;
  • with the Court - successful avoidance of failures;
  • with the World – error compensation;
  • with the Jester - disappointment.

“Abstinence” card with the Jester - a prediction of disappointment

  • with the High Priest - wise judgments;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - alternation of “white” and “black” stripes in life;
  • with the Court - it is recommended to use common sense;
  • with the World - meeting an influential person;
  • with the Jester - deception in financial matters.
  • with the High Priest - self-discipline;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - boring acquaintances;
  • with the Devil - it is recommended not to abuse hopes, they will not come true;
  • with the Court - there is a reason for a positive outlook on life;
  • with Peace - there is hope;
  • with the Jester - difficulties and annoyance.
  • with the High Priest - determination;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - an unfinished plan or unsuccessful organization of the work process;
  • with the Devil - refusal of a request;
  • with the Court - there are new opportunities, but a person risks neglecting them;
  • with the World - success;
  • with the Jester - fear, errors in preferences.
  • with the High Priest – immunity and recovery;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - victory over failures;
  • with the Devil - problems with the reproductive system;
  • with the Court - freedom;
  • with the World - portends a quick solution to difficulties;
  • with the Jester - pain.
  • with the High Priest - a predisposition to longevity;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - a favorable journey;
  • with the Devil - disregard for morality, enthusiasm;
  • with the Court - productivity, mutual sympathy;
  • with the World - new incentives;
  • with the Jester - mental misfortune, fall.
  • with the High Priest - success;
  • with the Wheel of Fortune - a key life-changing ride;
  • with the Devil - children bring experiences, humility is necessary;
  • with the World – preference is given to warm relationships with people;


To begin with, it is completely unclear what is considered the “Marseille Tarot”. Wikipedia suggests taking as a sample maps published in 1930 by Paul Marteau and subsequently republished by Grimaud.

Tarot of Marseilles by Nicolas Convert 1963

Ancien Tarot de Marseille (Grimaud, 1980, 1981)

Paul Marto's deck is, in fact, a remake of Nicolas Convert's deck (first edition approximately 1760).

Ancient Tarot of Marseilles – Nicholas Conver 1761, LS

This is what Nicolas Conver's deck looks like according to Lo Scarabeo. It should be noted that the deck was printed over a period of 120 years, from 1760 to 1880. Naturally, the stamps, the paint composition, and the paper were updated several times. Plus, the inexorable passage of time affects the change in the color of the cards - for example, all light green elements today have turned into dark green.

Nicolas Convert's deck, known as Marcel type II, has served as the foundation for many modern "restored authentic Marseille tarots", such as the Camoen-Jodorowsky deck.

Personally, I like Marteau's red and blue cards better than Jodorowsky's acid ones.

Tarot de Marseille (Camoin-Jodorowsky)

The Marseille Tarot does not appear out of nowhere. It is preceded by the Visconti-Sforza Tarot.

Visconti Sforza Tarot

Not a 100% coincidence, but the roots can certainly be traced.

Since we mentioned Marseille type II, it is obvious that there must also be a Tarot Marseille type I.
These are considered to be the decks of Jean Dodal and Jean Noblet, created between 1650 and 1701.

Tarot de Marseille (Jean Noblet, 1650) reprint 2007

Tarot de Marseille Jean Dodal c.1701, modern reconstruction

Of course, one cannot ignore the amazing deck of Jacques Vieville with paradoxical drawings of the major arcana.

Tarot Jacques Vieville

There is also a very interesting Tarot de Paris deck that, in my opinion, deserves attention.

In addition to the decks already mentioned, there are many successful and not so successful reprints.

Tarot of Marseille (C. Burdel, 1751, Lo Scarabeo)

Tarot de Marseille (Piatnik)

Epinal Tarot – Tarot d'Epinal 1830

The question arises: why do we need so many almost identical decks? What's the point?

The fact is that they are not the same.

There are no meanings as such in the Tarot of Marseilles. Each card is nothing more than an arabesque, a patterned script, the meaning of which remains to be unraveled. The Marseille Tarot can rightfully claim the title of the alphabet of the “language of birds”. And here every detail, every curl can have meaning, suggesting or concealing certain meanings, nuances, subtleties.

The presence or absence of a flower between the coins, the shape and color of the leaves are all telling signs. Therefore, the question of “true-Marseille” seems very important for the authors; they sometimes spend half a book proving why this or that deck has the right to claim the title of “true and authentic” (and by implication, the only true and authentic) Tarot of Marseilles.

Marseille design was popular not only in France.

Ancient Italian Tarot 1880

Surprisingly, both the exceptionally raunchy version of the Tarot and the beautiful Tarot by Giovanni Vaccetta were created in Italy, the color version of which was reissued as the Master's Tarot.

Tarot of the Master

Variations on the theme of the Marseille Tarot can be found among the Swiss 1JJ Swiss Tarot and the Flemings Tarot Flamand.

Sometimes not.

Some non-canon in the depiction of the minor arcana did not at all prevent Nordic from claiming that she has the real Tarot of Marseilles, only slightly updated.

And this brings us to the question - what makes the Tarot Marseilles? Leaves or lack of plot design? Or lack of values?

Starting from the end of the 18th century, decks began to have authors not only of drawings, but also of text. And the first of them is Etteila.

Several variants of Etteilla decks are known.

Etteilla Tarots – Grand Etteilla (Grimaud, 1910, type I)

The Book Of Thoth (Etteilla Tarot)

Etteilla Tarots – Jeu de la Princesse – and we meet the same deck under the name Cartomanzia Italiana. Con Tarocchi del 19° Sec TAROT

The term “Marseille Tarot” was first used by Papus, but his deck is a clone of Etteilla’s deck.

Papus Tarot (Tarot of the Gypsies)

And the modern Tarot of Papus in its style is very reminiscent of the Tarot of the Brotherhood of Light, which, in turn, genetically goes back to the Egyptian Tarot of Saint Germain.

What does Etteilla have to do with all this? Papus in the minor arcana relies on its meanings. Actually, he does not bring his own, completely borrowing the meanings of Etteilla.

And he is not the only one who does this.

So you won’t immediately understand whether it’s Marseille Etteilla or Etteilla Marseille. Design - from the world by thread. The text on the card is Etteilla in the younger ones, Etteilla + Christian in the older ones.

And Wirth? Formally, it fully corresponds to all the characteristics of the Tarot of Marseilles.

It is curious that when Wirth's deck was reissued by Lo Scarabeo, the original minor arcana seemed too boring, and they were redrawn based on Yude Picard. I came across such a solution to the minor arcana in the El Gran Tarot Esoterico deck.

And, oddly enough, Lo Scarabeo doesn’t stop there.

Mystical Tarot of the Assumption

If you decide to do fortune telling with cards, then the Marseille Tarot is perfect. It is used by both beginning fortune tellers and more experienced ones, and all thanks to its simplicity in interpretation and layout. In total, the deck contains 78 cards (22 major and 56 minor arcana). To make interpretation easier, we provide a description of each Tarot card (Marseilles).


So, let's start looking at the meanings. The Marseille Tarot begins its numbering not from 1, but from zero - an unnumbered card. She is the “Jester” (or “Fool”). When positioned upright, it symbolizes movement for the better. Its appearance indicates that the person is on the right path and is striving for positive changes. In an inverted position, "Jester" means stagnation and refusal to change. A person in such a state does not seek to change anything in his usual life, even if the changes will benefit him.

Major Arcana (1-9)

Now let's move on to the numbered positions that the Tarot of Marseilles can give to a person. The major arcana are the most important in readings and always play a decisive role.

  1. "Mage." Its appearance suggests that a person is the master of his destiny and everything he does leads to success. This is a card of truly strong-willed people. In an inverted position, it symbolizes missed opportunities and vices associated with performance.
  2. "The High Priestess" Affects knowledge and learning. The opposite meaning is unresolved problems, indecision and hypocrisy.
  3. "Empress". It promises good luck in negotiations and dialogues, but if you are unlucky to pull it out upside down, then be prepared to lose.
  4. "Emperor". Symbolizes everything related to power. Otherwise, he crosses out everything, turning positive features into disadvantages.
  5. "High priest". Guarantees the protection and favor of higher powers in any matter. In an inverted position, it promises failure.
  6. "Lovers". They symbolize the choice of path in any position. In one case it is easy and voluntary, in the other it is forced and painful.
  7. "Chariot". Speaks of progress and triumph in a person's life. In a negative sense, it is also failure and depression.
  8. "Justice". The name speaks for itself. Negative consequences include theft or loss of control.
  9. "Hermit". Wisdom of loneliness, reflections. The opposite is stagnation and passivity.

Major Arcana (10-22)

Now it’s the turn of the second ten major arcana, which the Tarot of Marseille contains. This is not to say that they are less important than their predecessors, but they still have less influence on a person’s fate.

  1. The "Wheel of Fortune" is a card of movement, and in a positive direction. If it comes out upside down, it means helplessness.
  2. "Force". The meaning of the card is in the name. Its “reflection” will be impulsiveness and tyranny.
  3. "The Hanged Man" symbolizes sacrifice and the need to follow one's path, even if it is difficult. Everything should calm down on its own. When reversed, it indicates a series of failures and a moral breakdown.
  4. "Nameless". Revival and transformation. In a negative sense - loss of goals and despondency.
  5. "Moderation". Guarantees good health and peace. By denying this card, a person must prepare for chaos in his life.
  6. "Devil". When inverted, it is a source of energy. In the original - absorbs all the best in a person.
  7. "Tower" is a symbol of testing. And only when turned upside down, the card warns of danger, but is still negative in nature.
  8. "Star". Peacefulness, success. Reversed Star - failure and isolation.
  9. "Moon" symbolizes madness and loneliness. Upside down - speaks of daydreaming and unconsciousness.
  10. “Sun” is the exact opposite of “Moon” and is interpreted in the same way.
  11. “Court” gives protection and success, in an inverted state - failure and refusal.
  12. "The World" is the best thing that can come out when using the Tarot of Marseilles. Guarantees success in any endeavor. Its reverse meaning also promises victory, but much slower.


The Marseille Tarot deck contains 56 minor arcana cards. They, in turn, are divided into four equal suits. The first of them is “Chalice”. The value of the suit is determined by its predominance in the layout and does not in any way affect the interpretation of a particular lasso. "Chalices" are a symbol of love, fertility and prosperity. Hereinafter, we will use the letter R (reverse) to denote an inverted card.

  • "King" - kindness, blond man. R - an influential man with “dirty” hands, duplicity, suspicion.
  • "Lady" is blonde. Luck, happiness, luck. R is an influential woman who puts a spoke in your wheels.
  • "Knight" - a meeting, the end of the journey. R - mistrust, ill will, deception.
  • "Jack" - young blond, sober mind, patience. R - suck-up, deception.
  • "10" - place of residence, influence. R - conflict and confrontation of the parties.
  • “9” - achieving goals, successful completion of affairs, overcoming. R - vices, shortcomings, conflicts.
  • "8" - young blonde, unification, love, affection. R - holiday, happiness.
  • "7" - insight, ideas. R - summary, conclusion, conclusions.
  • "6" - former, past. R - near future.
  • "5" - wedding, engagement, close union. R - sudden news, guests, events.
  • "4" - melancholy, discomfort, anxiety. R - meeting, omen, intuition.
  • "3" - successful completion of affairs. R - business trip, rapid development of planned events.
  • "2" - strong ties, love. R - conflict of interest, battle.
  • "Ace" - triumph. R - changes, transformations.


This is the next suit that can be encountered if you use the Marseille Tarot spread. Its predominance on the table warns of grief and sad news.

  • The "King" is responsible for education and knowledge in general. R is a good but tough person who can give wise advice.
  • "Lady" - greed and greed. Loans. R is a kind and good woman, but at the same time stingy and economical.
  • "Knight" symbolizes separation, departure. R - warns of quarrels and disagreements.
  • "Jack" brings good news and satisfaction. R is the messenger of problems and grief.
  • "10" gives protection and confidence in the future. R - reports betrayal and duplicity.
  • “9” speaks of peace and orderliness, serenity. R - trials and obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • "8". The person will show you the way and make sure everything works out for you. R - illness, relationship problems.
  • "7". You will achieve success and be able to realize all possibilities. R - doubts and indecision.
  • "6" - hopes for the future, attempts at change. R - betrayal, stab in the back.
  • "5" - financial success, acquisition, income. R - problems with the law, court.
  • "4" - agreement, association, union. R - stability, success, prosperity.
  • "3" - business, trade relations, entrepreneurship. R - breakthrough, aspiration, dreams.
  • "2" - financial victories, abundance. R - sudden news or events.
  • "Ace" - start, beginning, birth. R - danger, persecution, anger, envy, suppression.


The third suit in the Marseille Tarot is associated with finance in all its manifestations - money, securities, documents. If there are too many “coins” in the layout, it means that everything that the arcana promises will relate to issues of work and business.


The last suit is responsible for both the military component and relationships with children. This is the most difficult part when deciphering the layout, since it is responsible for very contradictory things. If necessary, use special books for the Marseille Tarot.

  • "King" - a man of law, pressure, restrictions. R - immoral person, tragedy, anxiety.
  • "Lady" - a lonely woman, loss, deprivation, bereavement. R is a wayward, obsessed woman with a bad character, “a barrel of honey with a fly in the ointment.”
  • "Knight" - military, professionalism, skill, talent. R - artlessness, inertia, directness.
  • "Jack" - observer, tracker. R - control, help.
  • "10" - trouble, tragedy. R - temporary luck, minor success.
  • "9" - monk, saint, clergyman. R - duplicity, doubt, ambiguity.
  • "8" - insult, lie, setup. R - negative events in the past.
  • "7" - the desire for dreams and desires. R - intelligence, knowledge, excellent advice or recommendation.
  • "6" - messenger, long journey. R - opening, proposal, agreement.
  • "5" - sadness, melancholy, sadness.
  • "4" - loneliness, isolation. R - self-interest, savings, financial calculation.
  • "3" - nun, conflict, separation. R - chaos, collapse, disorder.
  • "2" - mutual assistance, feat. R - betrayal, stab in the back.
  • "Ace" - procreation, flourishing, fertility. R - obstacles, vain love.

Taking out the cards

In addition to the meaning, it is also important to place the decks correctly on the table, and to choose the decks that are suitable for a particular situation. If you are concerned about future affairs, then the Marseille cards are ideal for you. Tarot readings can be done using a variety of methods. Starting with the usual pulling out a couple of cards from the deck and ending with the same “Celtic cross”.

If you want to use an easier method, you can simply choose two cards from the inverted deck. Another one is usually pulled out by a fortune teller. are interpreted independently of each other. In this scenario, only the major arcana are used.

Celtic cross

This method can also be used to read the Tarot of Marseilles. In this case, all cards are used. You can see the opening order in the figure above. The meanings of the arcana must be interpreted in accordance with the order of disclosure and layout on the table.

  1. The essence of the problem.
  2. Current circumstances.
  3. The real reasons for the current situation.
  4. Past.
  5. Impact on a problem in your life.
  6. Future.
  7. Human personality.
  8. Relationships with others.
  9. Your hopes and fears.
  10. Result, result.

The Marseille Tarot has a very ancient history and a memorable appearance. The deck as a whole and any of the cards individually carry a special esoteric meaning. All drawings contain a huge amount of information and you need to be able to interpret it correctly.

It is necessary to understand that the Marseille Tarot provides for special work with each card. This kind of fortune telling is called occult and it has serious differences from other Tarots:

  • Special graphic design.
  • Unique numbering.
  • Each card has a special name.
  • Special order in the deck.

Fortune telling by the Marseille Tarot has a special specificity; the main and significant events are interpreted on the basis of the fallen Major Arcana, they show the most important aspects of our life. The Major Arcana will indicate what psychological state you are in and predict the most important events in life.

During fortune telling, the Minor Arcana are necessary to obtain details; from them you will learn information about the emotional plane of fortune telling. The Marseille Tarot will show the real picture of the future only with the correct interpretation of the meanings.

Meaning of the 22 Major Arcana

To get started with the Marseille Tarot deck, you first need to become familiar with the meaning of the Major Arcana. You need to know that if an inverted card falls out, then during interpretation it has the opposite meaning. Interpretation of the Major Arcana:

  • Magician means action, developing your plans and the stage of starting completely new things.
  • Priestess - the desire for good deeds and self-improvement.
  • The housewife is an active, but nervous nature, she strives to get everything done as quickly as possible and moves towards great achievements.
  • The owner who pulls out this card has a chance to become a serious boss and achieve success in any business.
  • Papa means a reclusive lifestyle and that a person has religious beliefs.
  • Lovers - means passion and the fact that changes are coming in life.
  • Chariot - indicates that the action started will end positively in the near future.
  • Justice means that a person faces a difficult life choice and must make it correctly; if a mistake is made, problems will arise.
  • Hermit - indicates future reflection in the face of impending financial difficulties.
  • Wheel of Fortune - indicates movement forward and the need to stick to this course; this is a great time for this.
  • Strength means that a person makes the right plans and will carry them out without any problems.
  • Hanged Man - indicates that in the near future the questioner will achieve balance in the material plane and in the spiritual.
  • Death - the old human personality will die and the worldview will change. This card can also indicate physical death.
  • Moderation - a person will rethink his priorities, come to harmony and gain material, and with it spiritual balance.
  • The devil says that a person has an inherent aggressiveness and love of power, which will play a cruel joke on him.
  • Destroyable tower - this card is interpreted in two ways; it indicates both triumph and serious defeat in business.
  • Star - indicates that inspiration will come to a person and he will fully reveal his hidden talents.
  • Moon - says that the questioner will be able to regain his balance in mental affairs only with the help of family or close friends.
  • The sun - speaks of an imminent successful event in life and great luck.
  • Court - you need to abandon any affairs and start taking care of yourself, use the last chance without reserve to resolve issues in your personal life and improve your health.
  • Peace - symbolizes success in future affairs and on the personal front.
  • A jester without a number confirms a person’s opinion that he is like everyone else, no better and no worse than others. She is beyond fortune telling and games of fate.

There are dozens of methods for reading the Marseille Tarot, but usually the fortuneteller over time gets used to one, and sometimes several methods, and he considers them the best.


Be sure that the cards will give you detailed advice, you just have to delve into it and understand it correctly. After this, you will begin to anticipate events awaiting you in the future and thanks to this, you will overcome any problems. You can also tell your fortune online on our website and find out the result now.

The name “Marseille Tarot” itself is a very conventional and general name for the cards, since the original design of the deck had all the signs of Italian origin, and the deck was produced not only in Marseille, but also in many cities in France.

So the Ancient Tarot of Marseilles has primarily Italian roots. And it acquired the name “Marseille” due to the fact that it was in Marseille at that time that publishing houses capable of printing maps were located. But still, one of the first serial decks of the Marseille Tarot was released by Jean Noblet and Jacques Vieville in 1650 in Paris. It is from this moment that the official history of the Ancient Marseille Tarot begins. The very term “Ancient Marseille Tarot” was first used by Paul Marteau in 1930, and he also created the deck of cards of the same name.

Deck structure

But let's move away from the official story. Since ancient times, the Marseille Tarot has been overgrown with myths and legends, and this is not without reason, because these cards contain deep meaning and events of bygone days. According to many experts, the history of the creation of the Ancient Marseille Tarot goes back to the distant times of Moses, who, according to legend, brought 22 cards from Egypt to Palestine. The cards themselves were created in the Temple of Thoth. It had 22 rooms in which the priests learned the secrets of the other world. Thus, the Major Arcana of this deck were based on images redrawn from the walls of the temple rooms. They represented the diversity of aspects of our lives. The ancient Marseille Tarot is closely associated with the teachings of Kabbalah and mystical occultism. The meanings and meanings of the card images were constantly refined as they traveled through time space. That is why the Marseille cards contain secret knowledge associated not only with the occult sciences, but also with alchemy, astrology and psychology. The ancient Marseille Tarot consists of two decks: the older and the younger. The senior deck has 21 Arcana, and the junior deck has 56. In addition, the deck contains a card without a number - the Jester card, which does not belong to either the senior or junior deck. In the Ancient Marseille Tarot, there is a clear identification of the suits of the deck with the elements of our planet: Pentacles - earth, Cups - water, Wands - fire, Swords - air. Another feature of the Marseille Tarot is that the cards of the Minor Arcana are not drawn situationally; they do not carry the visual information that, for example, is reflected in the Rider-Waite system. In fact, the Ancient Marseille Tarot contains practically no plots. Therefore, working with the deck can be difficult for beginners. Another feature of the Ancient Marseille Tarot is that the suit of swords and the suit of wands are depicted almost identically, in the form of sticks. The only difference between them is that the wands are straight sticks, and the swords have a curved shape. All these factors create the conditions for a rather complex perception of this deck, so even an experienced tarot reader will not be able to master it in one day. After all, when working with the Ancient Marseille Tarot, it is necessary to take into account literally everything - from the sequence of cards and their relationships to the position of the cards in the layout, which can be not only straight, but also inverted. Therefore, a clear understanding of the structure and basic meanings of the Marseille maps will be decisive in working with them.

Principles of working with a deck

Considering the age and history of the creation of the deck, it will be at least frivolous with trivial everyday questions. After all, this deck has gone through a long and very thorny path, so it definitely has the right to respect. The ancient Tarot of Marseilles can be used to find answers to “simple” questions, but do not overload the deck with them. It is better for her to ask deeper questions: about personal growth, about fulfillment in the future, about the formation of new qualities in herself, about the realization of specific intentions and clear desires, etc.

Celtic Cross layout

One of the most common layouts in Tarot is the Celtic Cross. In my opinion, it is ideal for working with the Ancient Tarot of Marseilles. There are several variations of this layout, but their essence boils down to one thing - getting the final result and seeing the whole picture of what is happening. And the whole point is that, despite its simplicity, this alignment combines both psychological and event levels of what is happening. Which allows it to be classified as universal. After all, he adequately and comprehensively answers almost any questions. So, let's move on to the schedule. To work with the Celtic Cross it is not necessary to choose a significator. Usually the layout is done without such conventions, but if the situation requires it, the significator can be used to set the tone for the layout. But in general this is not important, especially since cards (especially those with “character”) “love” some freedom of action. There is no specific sequence in the layout of the cards for the Celtic Cross, because the meaning of the layout lies in their position, and not in the sequence or correspondence to each other. But it will be better if the layout is done from the first position to the last in order of priority. This will make it possible to capture the entire chain of events and predict their further development on the fly. Meaning of card positions: 1. This is the querent’s attitude towards his problem. In other words, this is the atmosphere in which the whole situation is immersed. This is the basis on which the existing problem currently stands or is based. 2. This position shows obstacles and various external influences that limit the development of the issue of interest. The map lies across for a reason - thus, it visually indicates counteractions and restrictions.
3. This is the basis, or the past, from which the essence of the problem follows. This position can determine the time period of the problem's existence. 4. In this position, the card will indicate the events and actions of the querent in the recent past, which determine his present. That is, what led the querent to his current state and thanks to which he found himself in the situation of interest to him. This is the root cause of what is happening, which can show experiences and thoughts from something previously experienced. 5. In this position, the card will show what is about to change or happen in the querent's life. These are the changes that are already ripe and, to some extent, logically defined. In a word, those events that can no longer be avoided are about to enter a person’s life. 6. Here the map will show the future result and the final development of the situation that is happening now. However, this is not a predetermined outcome of what is happening, because it will depend on the actions and decisions of the querent. 7. This position shows fears and apprehensions, that is, possible events that cause anxiety in the querent. These worries can either help or hinder the querent from achieving what he wants. This fear is probably the root cause of his plans, aspirations and actions. 8. This position will reflect the events and people surrounding the person being asked. The card may indicate people's attitude towards the querent. Here the questioner needs to pay attention to those points or opinions that he needs or will have to take into account. Perhaps the querent should listen to someone's advice. 9. This card will show the hopes, dreams and desires of the querent. This is what he would like to have, see, meet, etc. This position may also reflect an exaggeration of one’s own capabilities. 10. This is the final card of the layout, which will indicate the most likely outcome of the situation. This is the querent’s attitude towards the achieved results, which he will ultimately develop. This card will show the likely outcome based on the current state of affairs.
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