What does the 6 of cups card mean in tarot. Six of Cups tarot meaning. Tarot Cups in reverse position

Studying Tarot cards is an immersion in a world filled with magical symbols and secret messages. To understand the deck's prediction, it is important to understand not only the major arcana, but also the interpretation of the minor ones. For example, the meaning of 6 Cups in Tarot. This symbol must be interpreted not only depending on the theme of the layout, but also in accordance with the position of the lasso itself.

Description of the suit of Cups

The Tarot deck has a group of trump cards called the major arcana, as well as a “minor secret deck” consisting of four suits. Each of them has its own responsibility in prediction and concerns a specific area.

For example, the suit of Cups, which is often called Cups, refers to the immaterial world. It reflects emotions and experiences, thoughts and feelings.

In astrology, the Cups correspond to the element of Water and completely personify it. Like the water itself, the Cups reflect everything that happens around them, moving like a surface of water. A person cannot remain indifferent to the world, since he is a part of it. All events around the questioner leave an imprint on his consciousness. Tarot Cups help you understand these reactions.

Bowls - the personification of emotions. Not surprisingly, among the cards of the suit there are both positive and negative symbols. After all, a person’s feelings are not always crystal clear and noble. The Cups have arcana that describe anger, fear, resentment and anger.

There are also symbols among them, the meaning of which depends entirely on the position of the card in the layout. For example, the lasso 6 of Cups of the Tarot, the meaning of which is ambiguous.

Symbolism of the minor arcana

The Arcanum Six of Cups is a story captured on the card canvas. Tarot readers call this symbol “The Good Old Days.” The meaning of the card can be read by the image on it.

The picture shows children playing in the garden of an old house. This is a boy and a girl dressed in home clothes. They feel safe in the garden of their home. Their parents are standing behind.

A boy is gardening, growing flowers in golden cups. The girl, watching him, unexpectedly receives a gift - one of the flowering bowls. The guy, smiling, hands his girlfriend a bouquet. Behind him are five more filled cups.

In some versions of the deck, the kids are watched by an embraced elderly couple. This is a symbol of kinship and integrity of generations.

The picture captures the tranquility of a cozy environment. These are familiar walls, where everything is familiar. Children play, sharing joy and emotions. The flowers given to the girl show a natural presentation of warm feelings. This is sincere love between family and friends.

Tarot encourages not to save tenderness, showing that there are still many blooming “cups” in stock. The Arcanum Six of Cups advises protecting your loved ones from worries, but giving them pleasant moments.

The Six of Cups is a little happiness. Without risk, losses and rapid ups. This is a small but pleasant profit. The meaning of the correct position is favorable for people at home. The prediction carries an alarming warning only for adventurous and risky characters.

The meaning of the correct Six

Card in the correct position The Six of Cups has a favorable interpretation. This is harmony and peace in the circle of loved ones. All adversities remained in the previous card, since the meaning of five in the Tarot is interpreted as uncertainty.

Brief description of the Six of Cups:

The correct arcanum Six of Cups speaks of the completion of a difficult stage in a relationship. Problems have receded and conflicts have been resolved. Perhaps, after a long quarrel, the long-awaited reconciliation has come.

The feeling of peace is not associated with the beginning of a new life. On the contrary, this is the completion of a certain chapter, when all the dots are in place and they satisfy the querent.

Inverted map orientation

In the wrong position, the lasso gives a completely different interpretation. This is an escape from the previous state with the goal of “burning bridges.” The card's prediction is unfavorable, but is more directed to the past than to the future.

Basic meanings of a reversed card:

  • The situation will not change soon;
  • Immersion in the past;
  • Inability to receive a reward;
  • Worry about younger family members;
  • Inheritance expected in the future;
  • An important event is coming;
  • Some incident will happen earlier than expected.

In an inverted position, the card speaks of a person’s desire to break with his past. He is dissatisfied with the part of his life he has lived and strives to enter a new chapter. However, he will need the experience of these years, so it should not be dismissed.

Often the lasso describes the desire of a young person to get rid of parental care. This is also an escape from responsibilities. Sometimes the card indicates a person’s desire to forget a dysfunctional childhood and the unpleasant emotions associated with it.

Professional sphere and finance

Cards of Cups represent the sensual and emotional sphere, but often these symbols appear in fortune telling about careers and finances. The nature of the prediction depends entirely on the position of the lasso in the layout.

Positive interpretation

In job divination, the Six of Cups symbolizes satisfaction from work. For the questioner, this is not just a way to make money, but also a calling. A person who receives such a lasso is endowed with extraordinary talent and will be able to demonstrate his potential.

At the situational level, the card speaks of a promising project, an interesting task. This is something that requires a creative approach. Often these things are related to relationships and carry a noble idea.

If the question concerned the field of activity, then Tarot advises doing charity work and helping those in need. Strengthens the meaning of the Star lasso next to the Six. The Emperor's card predicts total dedication to a cause.

Tarot deck warning

The Six of Cups received in the wrong orientation speaks of a negative work experience that left its mark on the querent. This is a desire to get rid of bad fame or forget mistakes made. The problems described by the cards are significant, although to the questioner they may seem trivial.

In addition, the lasso indicates innovative methods of work and a reluctance to follow beaten paths. Conservatism in a team is unacceptable, so the team will have to make its own way through difficulties.

Neighboring arcana will help interpret the Six of Cups. The Chariot speaks of the past, which literally haunts the questioner. Fairness - absence of prejudices and labels towards employees. The Moon card speaks of inexperience and youthful maximalism in work.

Fortune telling for love relationships

The 6 of Cups Tarot card has a curious interpretation in a love reading. Its meaning in a relationship is favorable if the querent is lucky enough to receive it in the right orientation.

Auspicious prophecy for a couple

In a relationship reading, the Six of Cups card describes a situation where the past interferes with the present. And this intervention brings positive changes. This could be a fateful meeting with an old friend or the love of your youth. The event will stir up all the deepest feelings and may even renew lost relationships. The Six of Cups is a karmic return to long-forgotten sensations.

For an established couple, the prediction is of the same positive nature. Most likely, in addition to physical attraction, the union contains kinship of souls and complete mutual understanding. There is also sexual compatibility of partners.

Some combinations of cards will be no less eloquent. For example, the Wheel of Fortune symbolizes the true soul mate sent to a person by fate. Arcanum Moon is proof of strong feelings that are not afraid of disagreements or problems.

Hidden prospects of love

In the wrong orientation, the card indicates a renewal of feelings. The past is left behind, and the questioner himself steps on a new road, regardless of who becomes his traveling companion.

However, getting rid of the shadows of the past is not so easy. The 6 of Cups card (reversed) reminds you that the problem is much more serious than it seems. Strengthens the interpretation of the Arcana of Death in the layout.

An attempt to forget the sins of the past is also visible in the combination of the Six and the Devil. This kind of fortune-telling demonstrates running away from oneself.

Health analysis

In a health reading, the position of the card is not of fundamental importance. The symbol has a fixed interpretation and gives a favorable prediction.

The map describes the positive dynamics of recovery. When determining a disease, the deck indicates relapses of diseases suffered in childhood. Infectious diseases and ailments of the cardiovascular system are also possible.

Forecast for the coming day

The Day of the Six of Cups is a time of remembrance. On this day, it is recommended to remember your old dreams and indulge in memories of cloudless times. A look into the cozy past will help you achieve what you want today.

This day is a clue. It will help you find a lost item or resume lost contacts.

It is advised to spend time with loved ones and give them joy. Small gifts and viewing old photo albums are welcome. The only thing you shouldn’t do is argue about the past and delve into unpleasant memories.

Combination with trump symbols

Any fortune telling is a sacrament in which many cards are combined into one story. They should be read in combinations. The Six of Cups Tarot arcan is no exception, the meaning of which changes in the light of other symbols.

Combination of the Six of Cups with the Major Arcana:

Human life is full of surprises. What they will be is unknown. Tarot cards only help to find out how the life of the questioner will turn out if he follows his destiny.

If you decide to read Tarot cards, you need to not only trust them, but also properly prepare to communicate with them. Cards are very capricious and do not tolerate the smell of tobacco, alcohol, they will not tell the truth if you ate heavily before fortune telling or feel sarcasm about them.

It is advisable to tell fortunes in a dark room with candles or a lamp; you can light incense there before the process - this will help you get in the right mood.

Before fortune telling, you need to do the following:

  • If you are wondering for yourself, it is good to drink herbal tea, if for another - coffee.
  • Sit in a room where no one will disturb you, turn off your phone.
  • Tune in energy cards, look at the pictures on them, hold them in your hands.
  • Throw out of your head all the thoughts that distract you, ask the cards a question.
  • During the fortune telling process, step back from everything and try not to experience emotions.

If you do everything as expected, higher powers will give you an answer through the cards, and you will be able to understand both the situation and its causes, origins and inner meaning. There are many simple layouts for love, relationships, work and so on.

The main thing is to correctly interpret what has befallen you. To do this, you need to carefully look at each card, study what is drawn on it, turn on your imagination and intuition, and, of course, read about the meaning of the Arcanum.

If you received the Six of Cups, familiarize yourself with its inner meaning and meaning and, based on this, draw conclusions about what you wanted tell you Tarot.

Definition of the Six of Cups

Many decks feature this card with children surrounded by cups full of flowers. This card has a positive meaning, it speaks of prosperity and success.

The lasso symbolizes generosity, love, generosity and harmony, uplift and joy of life. if this card is the last one in the layout, it usually says that your cherished dream, which you have even forgotten about, will soon come true.

But sometimes Six of Cups it means nostalgia, a return to the past, thoughts about those people who are no longer in our lives. it awakens forgotten dreams, reminds us of plans that once existed, but were never realized. This card is associated with karmic memory. She says that the best does not come to us, but returns - you feel not just good, but good, like in childhood.

This card says that something - an event or a person - will make you open your eyes again and notice all the good things that are happening around you. Sadness from the present leads to nostalgia for the past, makes us remember the love that once was.

But then this is transformed into the knowledge that happiness exists at all, that you have already experienced it, which means you can do it again . Arkan says that the questioner will soon be able to be happy again, if other cards in the layout do not refute this. Something from the past - energy, experience - will help change the present.

The Six of Cups can symbolize a home, and not the one in which the questioner lives, but the one in his heart - perhaps this is the place where he spent his childhood, the Motherland. In some cases, the card suggests that the questioner’s life is now influenced by problems from childhood, complexes and fears of the past.

If in the scenario Six of Swords present, this definitely speaks about generic problems. The Six of Cups can predict family gatherings or meetings with childhood friends or distant relatives.

This card often suggests that everything that is happening now is somehow connected with the past, perhaps this is a reckoning or a reward, or maybe you are doing this because of problems that you experienced before. Cards with bad meaning around Six of Cups they talk about childhood traumas or, in general, unhealed wounds from the past.

But if the alignment was made for the future, this Arcanum predicts a good completion of affairs, the achievement of a goal, and sometimes symbolizes that real happiness will come into your life. Sometimes he predicts a trip to your homeland, to those places that you associate with childhood and joy.

Meaning in relationships

In a relational scenario this card has two polar different meanings. One of them is flirting, easy relationships without obligations, coquetry. Second, mature and strong relationships built on a solid foundation. If there are cards of Judgment or the Wheel of Fortune nearby in the layout, this indicates that you and your partner are connected karmically.

The connection of the card with the past in this case is transformed into the foundation and strong base that was laid in the past. The interpretation will help to describe the situation more specifically the rest of the Arcana in the schedule.

Sometimes this card speaks of nostalgia for past relationships, predicting the return of someone from the past, perhaps an ex-partner, or maybe an old friend with whom you had a fight. This could be the revival of a relationship that seemed hopeless.

Something will come to you from the past that will play a big role in the future, nostalgia can fuel and support you in the present.

Sometimes Arkan says about fateful, karmic connections, energy exchange. Perhaps you will meet a person whom you forgot to think about, but then, in the past, you met him precisely so that he would play a role in your future.

The card has a positive meaning; it speaks of sincere feelings and direct intentions, about the experience of the past that was experienced together and now unites. People feel good and calm together, they know each other, their connection is strong, they can trust each other. Perhaps it there will be reconciliation with somebody.

The card speaks of tenderness, sexual attraction, kindness and playfulness. It will be easy and good for you with someone who comes to you from the past.

Sixes of any suit usually speak positively about relationships; they symbolize blossoming. This card speaks of beautiful relationships, tenderness and trepidation. There is no vulgar jealousy, cynicism or admixtures of something black and negative in them. This is a space of warmth, peace and trust.

The card predicts fulfillment of desires, one of its meanings is wedding, creating a family. She will make you happy if you dream of a family idyll and are tired of a noisy and passion-filled life. She promises home, warmth and comfort, love and naturalness, tenderness and kindness.

Six of Cups can also mean courtship, the bouquet-candy period in a relationship, generosity and gifts brought from the bottom of the heart. Sometimes the card symbolizes an old friend whom you know completely and with whom it is easy to communicate.

If you have been wondering about your relationship with your loved one, this card is a very good sign. She says that all your aspirations will come true, you will achieve what you dream of, and the relationship will only become stronger.

Sometimes the card says about good relationships with relatives - both your own and your partner's, that you will have a large family, and there will be mutual understanding between generations. Or perhaps you already have it in your life and need to appreciate it.

Sometimes Arkan says that some kind of family connection will be restored, perhaps you will find a long-lost relative. Maybe your family will grow, you or your relatives will have a child. In some cases, the card speaks of adoption. If there are bad Arcana around her, she describes bad relationships with family, quarrels with parents and teenage rebellions.

In love

Upright the card says that kindness and warmth awaits you from your loved one, that his feelings are sincere, and you should trust him. She can talk about falling in love, which will happen, or about memories of what once was.

This Arcana is very poetic, it contains the sweetness of genuine feelings and the tenderness of first love. You will be happy, and your relationships with loved ones will only get stronger. You may have an affair with someone from your past.

Upside down the card predicts peace after a quarrel with someone, although experience and sober reason will advise you not to put up with this person. He has already brought a lot of grief and, perhaps, will cause no less trouble in the future. If you were wondering about a new love, the reversed Six of Cups says that, alas, this is a hopeless relationship.

In progress

Arcanum means pure thoughts and cooperation built on trust. You can rest assured that your partners are honest. It symbolizes creativity, great abilities, work from which you will enjoy.

Perhaps this will be work related to helping people or with children or the elderly. This could also be a profession that has a connection with history - an architect, historian, museum worker.

If the layout was made for some projects, then profit possible, but not very big, but without risk. Old projects will be resumed, you will return to what you have already discussed earlier.

The card speaks of the return of debts or a reminder of some past responsibilities. She talks about recovery from the crisis and about cooperation in which everything will be fair and equal.

The card predicts good prospects for novice businessmen, it speaks of security and success. It is favorable for resolving issues related to the purchase of housing, and says that you will improve your standard of living.


The card may indicate children or the elderly. She talks about insufficient strength, about the return of past illnesses. In the upright position, it portends recovery, but may illnesses appear from childhood, maybe complications associated with them.

In an inverted position in health scenarios, it directly warns of relapses and return past pains. May indicate diseases of the cardiovascular system and infections.

Yes or no

Traditionally, in Tarot card reading, which asks a question that can only be answered positively or negatively, the card in the upright position means the answer is “yes”, and inverted - “no”.

But in the case of the Six of Cups, the meaning is more interesting: in the reversed position, it says that something coming from the past will prevent you from achieving your goal, perhaps complexes or fears, and maybe even old enemies.

In a straight position the card says that the past, on the contrary, will take on a positive meaning for you. Previous knowledge, people you were once friends with, or past experience can help you. Maybe you can recover something you thought you lost, or maybe your long-time dream will come true.

Tarot cards are a mantic tool that has been proven over many centuries, with the help of which it becomes possible to make a forecast of future events, as well as choose one of the possible options. In this article we invite you to familiarize yourself with the meaning of the 6 Tarot Cups.

General value

It's time for a person to show mercy and generosity.


The fortuneteller can expect a warm, stable relationship. A couple can build a strong family. However, there is no passion between the partners.


There are no health problems, but childhood pathologies may remind of themselves.


A favorable period is coming. The fortuneteller expects a stable income. Help from former colleagues or comrades is possible.

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✚ For the future

The card is quite neutral, so it is difficult to determine what impact it will have on a person’s future. Everything is considered exclusively individually depending on the situation. This card is about nostalgia for the past, which is bright for some and sad for others. It all depends on your personal past, so try to think only about good things in the near future, then this stage of life will only benefit you. You will be able to immerse yourself in the time of the bright past. Everyone has a past, it is important to remember only the good for your wonderful future.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

The Six of Cups is a symbol of tenderness; this can be found at the very beginning of a relationship, during the period of acquaintance and getting to know each other better. For those who are now single, the card means good changes in the future, that is, a person has a great opportunity to experience these emotions of the candy-bouquet period. If the relationship has a long history, then probably one of the partners will want to restore the old connection, a fresh look will appear, which will be the impetus for a new round.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Generosity, prosperity and generosity. Stable, albeit small, income; genuine enjoyment of work and the return of old friends. The card promises complications of old injuries and pathologies. It is also possible to renew old relationships and make new acquaintances, smoothly flowing into love, built on the sincerity of feelings. You are a romantic and dreamy person who feels pleasant nostalgia. Seek support from your friends and don’t make the past too perfect!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

A card of games and fun, most often means a large company. Rest, friendly advice, mutual understanding with someone is strengthened in a sincere conversation.

Perhaps the questioner is expecting a pleasure trip to a club, a trip to the countryside, some kind of active recreation in the company of pleasant people.

In the professional sphere, the card means well-coordinated teamwork, enjoying the work process, the working day will pass in a frivolous, light atmosphere.

In terms of love relationships, the card can mean a date, a walk, a trip to the cinema or other entertainment. It may also indicate that the relationship between the questioner and his loved one is more friendly than deep.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

Have you stopped hoping that you will meet a real person who will win your heart and create a positive mood for a long time? Soon you will meet again a person who once in the past meant a lot in your life. You will be able to renew your relationship with him and feel that these years have not passed without changes. This person managed to change for the better, but at the same time maintain his positive character traits. Now the relationship between you will develop brightly, interestingly and seriously. In the future, you will have a wedding and the birth of a child with this person.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On request

Be prepared for the onset of a dark streak. You are a person who strives for harmony, but it will have to be sacrificed to your desire. Some event that happened in the past will make itself felt. You'll have to fix this. At this time, your loved ones will play a significant role; be sure to listen to their advice. Old, almost forgotten skills will come in handy. Look to the future and get rid of unnecessary guardianship.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

It's time to do good for others. Interaction with old acquaintances and unexpected meetings influence fate. There is a search for protection from others, immersion in memories and dreams. On the other hand, this is a profitable period. Help from others and support from loved ones is likely.

Infantilism, idealization of the past, and excessive romanticism can interfere.

A positive resolution of the situation lies ahead, but without grandiose victories. Prepare to be as patient as possible. Get away from the hustle and bustle and watch events from the outside.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

Creating a happy future from the shadow of the past is what this card promises you. Perhaps you will meet an old acquaintance, feelings for whom have either just appeared or have not yet faded away. However, if your heart is already occupied, then pleasant memories will awaken warm feelings that will create comfort in the relationship. Get ready to feel maximum comfort and satisfaction from what is happening. After all, the wedding is already on the doorstep!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

You are happy because everything planned was completed successfully. Enjoy the result, make plans and get ready for new achievements.

You understand the value of what you have achieved, so you are filled with feelings of joy and happiness. The Guardian Angel says that it is not time to rest on your laurels - continue to move forward towards your highest goals, the support of higher powers awaits you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

It is quite possible that you will meet your old love in the near future. Memories of youth will come flooding back with renewed vigor. Children or close relatives will help you get into the habitual rut. It is not advisable for your chosen one to fully reveal your little secrets, which will soon remain just pleasant memories. Such an adventure will help you bring freshness into your family life and look at your spouse in a new way.

A full description of the map is available at

“Eternal Femininity leads us forward!”


This card is considered one of the most enjoyable in the deck. The minor arcan Tarot card Six of Cups (of Cups) is an innocent situation, success in a favorable environment, without making any effort. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Six of Cups is a card of nostalgia, memories of the past, including love feelings.

Description of the map

The Six of Cups depicts a flower seller, more like a jester, who, with a smile on his face, gives a flower to a young lady. The tablecloth of the counter is lined with St. Andrew's Cross of Sympathy. The work of a salesman denotes the origins of Scorpio - a passionate desire for wealth. However, white flowers symbolize the return of the emotional state to primary sources.

In this way, the purified emotions are presented in the form of a flower to the child who is in great need of it, and the dangerous nature of Scorpio is transformed into love and understanding. The jester's clothes are interpreted as a certain image of the game that the seller created for himself, but this does not prevent him from showing feelings of love and compassion for people.

Another symbol depicted on the card - “the enchanting garden of family joys” - has a traditional interpretation: an imminent marriage.

General meaning of the Six of Cups card

The card expresses generosity, respect and love, joy of life and inner harmonious state, as well as prosperity and emotional uplift. If the Six of Cups Tarot appears as a result card, it means the embodiment of some long-forgotten dream into reality.

This Arcanum serves as a vector going into the Past. It points to bygone events that we have almost completely forgotten, people who have left our social circle, forgotten habits and things. Everything that was considered lost among Fives has been regained among Sixes.

With its presence in the layout, the Six of Cups brings about the awakening of forgotten desires, plans and aspirations. Perhaps some event will remind you of people, places, meetings from the past. In addition to the usual one, which does not go beyond one life, this card also contains karmic memory.

Six of Cups Tarot, the meaning of the card according to ancient interpreters: “that which has not disappeared,” however, it cannot disappear.

The return of better times, and not their immediate onset. The presence of a card in a reading guarantees that someone or something will make you believe in good things. This card complements the Five of Cups. Difficulties in life, problems, longing for lost happiness and lost love give reason to think that there were once happy times.

And the most significant thing that the Six of Cups gives is the feeling inside that there will definitely be happy times, and perhaps they have already come, just as you were already happy once, which means it may well happen again. If successful, the card guarantees that the person will find happiness again.

The card evokes a feeling of spirituality, a desire for new stages and achievements. The experience of the past provides a reliable foundation for realizing your main goals, and the knowledge gained from experience gives you the strength to change your life for the better.

The Six of Cups can show, just like the Ten of Cups, the home of the questioner, or rather, not so much the place of residence itself, as his homeland, ancestors and origin. If the Six of Cups appears in the same scenario as the Six of Swords, it may indicate the cause of problems that are associated with childhood or serious situations that left a deep impression. This card also speaks of the proximity of special events, holidays, anniversaries, and possibly a meeting with old acquaintances.

Definitely, the appearance of the Six of Cups in the scenario informs the questioner that the current situation has developed due to some circumstances that occurred earlier. However, the vast majority of interpretations of this card agree that the appearance of this card in the layout foreshadows good times, the fulfillment of desires, quick happiness and love.

Personal Description

Six of Cups, the meaning of the card is interpreted as the image of an innocent child with all the qualities inherent at this early age, devoid of the internal problems and anxieties of a mature person. As we become adults, we lose our naivety and infantilism, and the Six of Cups certainly returns us to this state. The traditional interpretation indicates a person’s return to his Self - the inner child.

There is also a completely opposite meaning - an internal state inherent in people in their declining years. This is associated with nostalgic feelings for my youth, with notes of sentimental memories. Sometimes the card indicates a person for whom the past plays a big role and is still inextricably linked with the present, since enormous experience has been gained from past events.

In most cases, the past refers to impressions and experiences received in childhood, which can relate to psychoanalysis according to Freud. But one way or another, the main meaning of the card is the sentimental mood of a person who is ready to live in the past. For him, memories have value, which do not allow him to live peacefully in the present, but returns him in romantic dreams to past events.

Positive features

When favorable cards appear in a layout, the Six of Cups describes a person’s being in harmony, finding inner balance and tranquility. A person is filled with vitality, ready to work and help other people. This card personifies an internally calm person, devoid of empty worries, worries and worries, keeping all his actions and emotions under control.

On a deeper level

The Six of Cups refers to karmic knots created in past incarnations. The description of the card emphasizes the fullness of harmony and tranquility of inner strength. The card characterizes a person who is able to renew his inner “I” by returning to his original authentic state. Crowley associates this ability with the ability to find one's center, to find a creative source. The Six of Cups links emotional desires and creative power, as one emerging from the other.

Other Tarot experts (for example, Banzhaf and Akron) believe that the Six of Cups directly indicates a connection with the feminine principle and, in a narrower sense, with motherhood. From this arises the following interpretation: the presence of Scorpio in the second decade makes it possible to realize the hidden processes of the collective unconscious.

Thus, a person, by studying the mechanisms of life and understanding their essence, is able to control his actions, which gives him great advantages over others. The Sun, which rules this decade, controls both the heart and self-awareness of a person.

In some cases, Uranus or Neptune take the leading positions, which means the predominance of reason over feelings. But the main essence lies not in immersion in past lives, but in the ability to enjoy the present, using both a reasonable attitude and the attitude of your inner child.

The meaning of the Six of Cups in various layouts

For career and work

The Six of Cups expresses a favorable conclusion of clean transactions, successful cooperation. The map also suggests the emergence of situations in which you want to return to the original goals outlined in the development of your career.

The person of this card is endowed with creative abilities and is also characterized by hard work. This person's work usually involves helping people, such as therapy with the elderly or children. Perhaps it is something related to studying or teaching history.

For finances and property

Six of Cups, the meaning of the card reminds of overdue payments that will certainly be paid. If there was a period of unstable financial situation, then normal conditions will be restored in the near future. In work, when making transactions, collective cooperation, all obligations, as well as material wealth, are divided equally. A stable, honest, but not large income is guaranteed; the card favors novice entrepreneurs.

Regarding your housing situation, the Six of Cups is a good sign for improving the quality of life, repairing or updating your home. Her sphere of responsibility is the protection and peace of the whole family, a retro-style house, a family nest.

For love and relationships

Six of Cups, the meaning in relationships can be twofold. The first is associated with innocent flirting, playful relationships that are not serious. The second meaning is not just a serious relationship, but one that has been tested over the years and the vicissitudes of fate.

The Six of Cups is light coming from the past.

The loss of this card may also indicate the appearance in life of a person from the past with whom you had a close love relationship and with whom you never hoped to meet. It could also be a reunion after a period of stagnation in a relationship. The card gives hope for finding quick happiness and sincere love, stable and long-term relationships built on past feelings and experiences.

The Six of Cups presupposes the reunification of partners according to the karmic principle, the acquisition of complete emotional excitement and feelings, and an intimate desire for each other. There is complete harmony, mutual understanding in the relationship, communication is rich in the exchange of sexual and mental energy.

Past experience on which relationships are now built brings trust, empathy, mutual understanding and real sincere feelings full of love and tenderness for each other. Partners enjoy wonderful moments that they relive together and learn to love each other again.

Thus, the Six of Cups (especially in the scenario with Twos and Tens) creates a harmonious, creative atmosphere in relationships, imbued with sincerity and good intentions. Which is significantly different from the meaning of Fours, Sevens and Nines, which speak of the destruction of relationships and the onset of loneliness.

Often this card shows first love - very tender and reverent feelings, without any secret intentions. In such relationships there is absolutely no violence, malice, tyranny, jealousy, and only complete mutual understanding, trust and respect reign.

Many Tarot experts associate the Six of Cups with the fulfillment of one's deepest desires, as it is rich in manifestations of love and generosity. The most terrible and bad events fade into the background, allowing you to fully taste all the delights of real life.

To a greater extent, the card indicates a family hearth, peace and familiar life, namely a union of people tired of the hustle and bustle and striving for a quiet life. Only at home can such a person fully reveal himself and his emotions, give free rein to his feelings and enjoy every moment of the years he has lived.

The Six of Cups also speaks of the onset of the “candy-bouquet period” in romantic relationships, upcoming dates, and perhaps indecisiveness of both partners in expressing mutual feelings.

The appearance of this card in a scenario promises not only the fulfillment of intended goals, but also the development of relationships. The absence of negative cards will only emphasize the formation of trusting relationships with relatives, mutual assistance between generations, and respect for family structures and values.

The Six of Cups symbolizes the resumption of lost contacts with distant relatives and family reunification. Possible birth of a child, guardianship or adoption. Some interpreters would point to the mystical component of the card: a kind of reincarnation of relatives of older generations who have passed into another world in a newly born child.

The presence of negative cards surrounded by the Six of Cups indicates the emergence of unpleasant situations, problems with children, difficult relationships with parents, and dependence on the opinions of elders in the family.

For health status

Childhood or Old Age, fading. One way or another, a person is limited in conducting business because of his age.

It is necessary to carry out the planned tasks with confidence, to realize past ideas. Draw conclusions from the experience gained, think about the results obtained, remember your original desires and compare with what has come true in the present.

Enjoy life with every corner of your soul. It is possible to imagine yourself as a child, to descend into his inner state when there were no worries and problems. Pay attention to your loved ones, pay them more attention, remind them of how dear they are. Do not forget that sincerity in the expression of feelings is more valuable than any wealth.

There is no need to go deep into the past, to let it crowd out the present, since you need to enjoy what you have now, and not what once was. Stop worrying about what you can’t get back. Also, you should not burden yourself with attachment to traditional ways, as this will significantly interfere with the necessary changes along the path of life.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Six of Cups reversed speaks of events in the near future. These could be new goals, aspirations, dreams, very significant events in life. A person expands his worldview, horizons, grows and develops, gaining new knowledge and new people in his environment.

Metaphorically, when a person lets go of the past, he moves away from past problems and empty worries that previously seemed significant. This could be a banal getting rid of old junk in the house, unnecessary old things, which symbolizes the onset of new good times.

Ancient interpreters give additional meaning that in the near future it is necessary to think about the current state of affairs and correct the “right course”. Therefore, the reversed Six of Cups is not at all as harmless as it seems at first glance.

Surrounded by unfavorable cards, its meaning is associated with events that occurred in the parental home in childhood: rude treatment of children, use of violence.

There is another meaning for the inverted card - it is the receipt of an inheritance, small, although a more significant one was expected. Some experts talk about the reluctance to live in the parental home, to observe family responsibilities, which entails running away from home or leaving the family.

A person tries to forget the problems of childhood, devotes himself completely to future events, aspirations and plans. The past seems completely alien to him. Perhaps this is due to strict upbringing, excessive influence on the child, and violent actions. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to understand the mistakes of the past, accept them, understand their reasons and prevent them from happening in the future.

Combined with other cards

How is the Six of Cups interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Devil - to perform some action again, to enter the same river twice. May indicate offenses related to hiding criminals or corrupt activities.
  • With the Star - a favorable combination, good will, love, participation;
  • With the Moon - the greatest manifestation of love feelings;
  • With the Nine of Wands – negative relationships, a pessimistic mindset;
  • With the Five of Swords – a cynical and hostile relationship. Indicates problems in raising children. Possible use of violence, tyranny in relationships.
  • With the Seven of Swords - playing on the feelings of other people;
  • With the Nine of Cups - satisfaction, generosity;
  • With the Ten of Cups - inner peace;
  • With the Five of Pentacles - manifestation of childish qualities, naivety.


The Moon in Pisces as a symbol of aching, nostalgic memories, or the Moon in Cancer as a symbol of romantic reverie.

Straight position:

Six of Cups: The appearance of this card in a reading may mean that the situation will require true spirituality, tolerance and elevation above vanity from you. This is mercy, help, kindness. It also symbolizes memories, past infatuation, faded images.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: new opportunities opening up, expanding one’s worldview, foreseeing the future. Perhaps your plans will require adjustments in the near future.

Six of Cups

Card name: Lord of Happiness.

Correspondences – water of water, letter Heh, sephira Beauty.

Explanation (general meaning): memories, nostalgia, transience.

Event: Unexpectedly found old friends, intersections with people with whom something connected in the past (such as classmates, classmates). A small nice gift. Something fleeting.

1. Help, support that came from old friends (acquaintances). The beginning of stability and good profits, recovery. Trade in old things (antiques).

2. Overall good. Not very serious illnesses. Complications after childhood illnesses suffered in childhood.

3. Long-term relationships (since school, or even kindergarten); tender love and friendship. A very strong marriage, but not too passionate. Pleasant meetings with old friends. It may say that the person with whom the relationship will develop is an old acquaintance.

4. Infantility, flirtatiousness, a pure outlook on life. Unlike the Jester, who learns nothing, this is a person who gives off a feeling of childhood. He knows how to hide behind other people who like to protect him.

5. Advice: Ask friends for help (even those you haven’t seen for a long time). Dig into the past, rely on memories.

Caution: Do not go into memories, do not idealize the past.

6. The answer is yes. We'll have to look into the past.


Explanation (general meaning): Exaggerated childishness, lapsing into childhood.

Event: irresponsible attitude towards everyone, frivolity.

1. Good income. Trade in old things (junk, second-hand)

2. Childhood diseases in adulthood

3. Whims, inflated claims to partners (I’m cooler than everyone else, no matter what you care about me). Spinster. A person living in past or imagined relationships: he does not need rapprochement; in his dreams he is more comfortable and calm.

4. Infantile to the point of absurdity, young aunts (uncles).

5. Advice: delve into the past (unlike directly, not in search of pleasant memories, but just think about your past).

A word of caution: don't pretend to be a child, don't try to be younger than you are.

6.Everything will be as before.

General value:

This map takes us to the land of memories. It shows that the past is still alive in us, that we return to it in romantic dreams or in painfully nostalgic experiences. Such a detached and sentimental view of things can either clarify and brighten the picture of the world, or cloud and darken it. And, since the card is, in one way or another, connected with the past, if asked appropriately, it can point to some episodes or impressions of our childhood.


The Six of Cups suggests that we perceive our work more romantically than pragmatically, and it is its ideal idea of ​​it that captivates us, and not the everyday routine. In creative professions this is even a plus, however, where accuracy and organization are required, this approach only hinders both us and those who work with us. If we are in danger of losing our jobs, orders, or retraining, then this card indicates a return to childhood desires, when we wanted to become this and that when we grow up. And, depending on how much of our childhood desires have come true, it personifies either sadness and hopelessness, or joy and a surge of new strength. If we are simply having difficulties at work or at work, then it may mean that we want to return to those times (or to that job) when we succeeded in everything.


We look back, most often to childhood, or indulge in “mind wandering,” as Buddhists say, that is, we often (and usually bitterly) think about something. The images that appear in this case can be embodied in poems, paintings and other works of art. But they can also cause a desire to escape from reality, and simply demonstrative tomfoolery. Here's how Philip Metman writes about it: “The one who tries to fulfill his childhood hopes in adulthood will never reach maturity. However, the one who suppresses them, preventing them from being realized or acquiring a new quality, immediately becomes an old man.”

Personal relationships:

Here, this card most often means warmth and kindness, characteristic of the period of fairy-tale love. Sometimes - memories of such a period. It is in this area that the dreamy, sometimes sweetly sentimental side of this card is most strongly expressed, although there is poetry and genuine romance in it.

Six of Cups combined with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - show concern for children.

With the “Magician” card, begin to implement long-forgotten plans.

With the card “High Priestess” - the secret of the past.

With the "Empress" card - profit thanks to investments in the past.

With the Emperor card - taking care of family or work.

With the “Hierophant” card - values ​​instilled in childhood.

With the “Lovers” card, a relationship with a person from the past or a long-standing passion flared up with renewed vigor.

With the Chariot card - do not let the past be crossed out.

With the “Strength” card - improve.

With the Hermit card - dwell on the past.

With the “Wheel of Fortune” card, it’s back to square one.

With the “Justice” card - get rid of idealism.

With the Hanged Man card - the past has turned upside down today.

With the “Death” card - say goodbye to the past.

With the “Moderation” card - growing up.

With the “Devil” card - childhood fears; a shadow of the past; sins of youth.

With the “Tower” card - a shock experienced in childhood.

With the “Star” card - hope that a childhood dream will come true.

With the Moon card - the delusions of youth.

With the “Sun” card - a happy future.

With the “Judgment” card - closing karma; help from the past.

With the World card, there is a clear picture of how the past affects the future.


With the “Ace of Wands” card - a chance to make an old dream come true.

With the “Two of Wands” card - a difficult stage of growing up; choosing the path of the future.

With the Three of Wands card there is a long-standing relationship that has a successful continuation.

With the Four of Wands card - graduation from school or college.

With the Five of Wands card there is an old conflict; a conflict rooted in the past.

With the Six of Wands card - final exam; wedding.

With the Seven of Wands card there are problems that have been accumulating for years.

With the Eight of Wands card - news from a childhood friend.

With the Nine of Wands card - past grievances that haunt you.

With the Ten of Wands card - parting; bury long-cherished plans.

With the “Page of Wands” card - a childhood hobby; hobby.

With the card “Knight of Wands” - moving.

With the Queen of Wands card, a key member of the family with yin qualities.

With the "King of Wands" card - a key family member with yang qualities.

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