Seven of wands tarot meaning in relationships. Seven of Wands in Tarot, description and characteristics of the card. Interpretation of the inverted position

Meaning of the Seven of Wands in the upright position

Struggle, recognition, achieving great goals. You will triumph over the vicissitudes of fate.

Problems, quarrels, petty squabbles. We need to find a common language and come to mutual understanding. The problems are actually not that serious.

  • meeting with a difficult situation, disputes
  • confrontation, conflict, rivalry, opposition that must be fought
  • testing times, courage, long-term successes

The Seven of Wands tarot warns of major conflicts and challenges, either directly in the form of an element or as a serious personal confrontation with co-workers or relatives. The Seven of Wands tarot also speaks of courage, honesty and perseverance. Resolution of the problems will probably not come soon, but if the Client stands firm in his position in the face of challenges, he has a good chance of success.

The Seven of Wands tarot card promises financial gain and success. One important part of your enterprise is completed. There will be competition and struggle, but if you stand firmly on your feet, you can crush the enemy. Even if it seems like a superior force is attacking, you have an advantage.

Interpretation of the Seven of Wands in reversed position

The meaning of the card is almost the same as in the upright position. It also describes the struggle from which you will emerge victorious. But if there you are already determined to fight, your will is strong and unyielding, then in an inverted position the card describes a complete breakdown and apathy. You absolutely don't want to do anything. But this is a fundamentally wrong position. You have all the strength to overcome the difficulties that arise. It's time to act, you will succeed!

  • confrontation goes away, the conflict gradually fades away
  • unclear circumstances, anxiety, lack of courage

Meaning of the reversed Tarot Seven: When faced with trials, misadventures and attacks on his position, the Client lacks courage and withdraws from confrontation. This is an unsuccessful solution, because... his position is stronger than he believes, and his lack of self-confidence leads to the loss of favorable opportunities.

Consider the reversed Seven of Wands tarot card as a call to cast aside hesitation. Make a decision and take action. You are at a loss, you don’t know what action to take, but the situation is such that even wrong actions with proper determination are better than their absence. This is not the time for uncertainty and indecision.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The Seven of Wands Tarot predicts success achieved through courage and determination. There are indications of profit and benefit. In some interpretations, this card is called a “symbol of treasures.” You will stop competing and emerge victorious. If the Seven of Wands tarot card is the answer to a question, it may indicate the right time for a risky game, a game for money.

If we are talking about the card 7 of Wands of the Tarot, the meaning promises a struggle, but not in all layouts for the fortuneteller this struggle will promise serious danger. This is a warning card that can suggest the right course of action in the highly competitive environment that awaits you.

In the article:

7 of Wands Tarot - card meaning in layouts

The 7 of Wands card depicts a man with a staff, who is ready to defend himself from enemies armed with the same staffs. However, the enemies are either in a deep ravine or in a hole. They cannot get out and harm a person. Despite their numerical superiority, the enemies are not able to win.

The meaning of the 7 of Wands of the Tarot indicates that where the fortuneteller sees danger, there is nothing that can cause damage. There is likely some danger present. But you can safely act, because nothing threatens you. You may not yet know what your advantage is, but it definitely exists or will exist.

Despite the relative safety, you will most likely have to fight the enemy. In this matter, you must rely on your resources, internal reserves, and physical strength. The result of the battle will depend on confidence, courage and perseverance. Often this card warns of fierce competition, rivalry, and the need to beat the other person.

Most likely, your opponent will be stronger, or there will be more enemies than people on your side. But your position is more advantageous, and even alone you have good chances. The Seven of Wands Tarot is a warning card, you should be aware of the impending battle. Be vigilant so as not to lose your advantageous position. Rarely does this card warn of a physical attack or scandal; most likely, the situation will involve an attempt to interfere in business or personal life, prevent one from achieving a goal, or deprive one of something valuable and important.

Inverted The 7 of Wands Tarot gives an unfavorable prognosis. The danger is also present, it is quite real, but the threat to the fortuneteller is present, and it cannot be avoided. It is better to abandon the upcoming fight. If the question concerns not just one fortuneteller, but a whole group of people, the card can warn of injuries and even victims - these will be the consequences of the matter you are asking about. There will be few of them, compared to the total number of people in the group, but it will not be possible to avoid tragedy.

In addition, the meaning of the 7 Tarot Staffs upside down warns the fortuneteller against the threat of exploitation by other people. Indecision will ruin you and your reputation. Remain patient, because the other side of the coin in the form of an overly violent reaction will also not be beneficial.

The role of the 7 of Wands Tarot card in self-development

The meaning of the Seven of Wands Tarot indicates the danger of exploitation by friends, acquaintances, colleagues or relatives. Indecision will be detrimental to you. You must stick to your beliefs no matter what.

Your beliefs will be criticized, and you will most likely have to participate in a major debate on this topic. It is possible to extract some interesting beliefs and other useful things from it. But, in general, the dispute will not be aimed at finding the truth. He will have a desire to silence you or change his mind, to humiliate you or your beliefs.

Willingness to communicate or a desire to learn something from another person will not help here, rather the opposite. Be firm in your convictions, do not change your mind if you do not want to. There is no need to give your enemies such pleasure. Trust your creative inspiration, it will not let you down. Intuition is also trustworthy. In a difficult situation, she will show you the way.

Seven of Wands Tarot - meaning for fortune telling for work and affairs

The meaning of the Seven of Wands Tarot is mainly about fierce competition. In business, you can’t do without this, but within a work team, the emergence of rivalry can become a new phenomenon. It is highly likely that you will have to penetrate a market where there is competition; perhaps the competition for a new position will be difficult.

In addition, the meaning of the Seven Wands of the Tarot indicates the appearance of an envious person who wants to take your place. This person may make attacks, try to set you up, and also question your qualifications in order to make his qualities more profitable for the company.

In any case, your position in the market or in the enterprise is stable and stable, you have a positive reputation and everything else that may be useful in order to win the competitive battle. Be careful and vigilant, don’t trust just anyone, and all troubles will pass you by.

7 of Wands Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in relationships of the 7 of Wands Tarot warns of the need to resolve specific issues and problems. Even if you are the leader in this union, these problems are a constant occurrence, and you will have to deal with them. Find a compromise, find out your partner’s point of view about these difficulties.

The meaning of the 7 of Wands will also warn of a threat in this case. Perhaps it’s a conflict that you already know about, but most often this card warns of the appearance of a third party who is trying to influence the couple’s relationship.

If you are seeking the attention of a specific person, the 7 of Wands draws your attention to the existence of a rival or rival. Perhaps your chosen one is interested in another person or is in a relationship. This rivalry needs to be taken seriously. Don't underestimate your enemy. Only if you approach the fight against him wisely will you win.

What people and places does the Seven of Wands Tarot represent?

It's no secret that Tarot cards can mean not only situations or emotions of the fortuneteller. If you do not need a prediction of the future or information about the feelings of your chosen one, but exact knowledge about the person who caused the problems or, on the contrary, can help solve them, this part of the interpretation will help. Regarding the place where what you are looking for is located - this is a market, a large store, a place of trade on a large scale.

The Seven of Wands indicates that in front of you is a person who has certain advantages. This person is used to defending his point of view, not giving in to his enemies and fighting until he wins. In addition, the card can mean a dark-haired child.

Inverted The Seven of Wands signifies a desperate coward. This is a person who is afraid to fight. It is easier for him to go with the flow than to swim against it. Such people often lose if they have to fight.

7 Tarot Staffs - meaning in combination with other cards

Often, complementary cards completely change the meaning of the main one. So, for example, the combination of the Seven of Staves with speaks of a stable financial situation and immutability in financial matters. The combination with the Ten of Pentacles promises stability in family relationships and personal life in general.

If this card appears next to , it promises progress in the matter about which you are asking the Tarot deck a question. The presence of the Queen of Pentacles in this layout indicates the need for a competent approach to financing. If it turns out instead, it indicates the solidity of your position, and you should not lose this advantage over the enemy.

The first thing that attracts attention is that the character 7 Staves has different shoes on his feet. Marcus Katz and Tali Goodwin suggest that the design of the card was based on a scene from Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew, when Petruchio appears at his own wedding, dressed in the strangest way.

“Well, of course! Petruchio rides in a new hat and an old jacket, in old,
triple-faced pants; his boots served as candle boxes - one
fastened with a buckle, the other tied with a lace; old rusty sword from the city
an arsenal with a broken handle, a broken tip and no scabbard.”

Mysteriously, Goodwin and Katz connect the battle scene with Petruchio's monologue, where he shows his wife her place. But I think this is too much of a stretch.
While studying the history of military costume, at one time I came across a fact that surprised me: in the Middle Ages, the Irish, Welsh, and Scots were often depicted wearing the same stocking and the same shoe. I have not found any reasonable explanation for this fact. However, there are a great many similar miniatures.

The 7 of Staves character stands in a very typical swordsman's stance with a long pole. Pole fencing was very popular in England. A description of such a fight can be read in Walter Scott's novel Ivanhoe. I found an image of a fighter armed with a polearm, whose pose is virtually identical to the pose of the card character.

In one of the books on Tarot, I read an interpretation of the 7 Staves that shocked me. According to the authors, the hero of the card cultivates a field and thinks about helping other people. Okay, cultivating the field. But how they were able to read his thoughts is a mystery to me.


  • Battle
  • Call
  • Confrontation
  • Collision
  • Discussion
  • Surrounded by enemies

Key Ideas

  • One against all
  • With maximum voltage
  • Not so much to win as not to lose
  • Overcoming yourself, overcoming difficulties

Basic meaning

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Describing the meaning of Tarot card 7 (Seven) of Wands (Staves), Arthur Waite gives different options for confrontation and battle. Indicating that since the character is at the top, the chances of winning are quite high. I don’t know if Arthur fought as a child, but with a ratio of forces of one to six, winning is a very difficult task.

7 Posokhov indicates an upcoming or ongoing battle. Moreover, the forces are extremely unequal. The battle can take place on any level - physical, intellectual, emotional... It could be a trade war or an ideological clash. Or even a banal fight in a restaurant. And the main task in this map is not so much to win as not to lose, to resist, not to break, not to let yourself be knocked down. 7 Posokhov warns: it won’t be easy. Enemies choose the place and time to attack.

Meaning in relationships

The meaning of Tarot 7 (Seven) of Staves (Wands) in a relationship is a difficult, unpleasant conflict situation. The “pack against one” scenario is played out. Example: a husband with his brother’s mother and a new mistress are trying to get their wife out of a house built with her money.

An important aspect of the 7 of Staves is that a person has the right to crush his enemies. The truth is on his side.

Open - hole card

The Seven of Staves is an open card, but this is exactly the case when a person was happy to cover it. Enemies invade territory without permission, and it takes a lot of work to drive them back home.

Relationship intensity

The card indicates a very intense relationship. Intensity can manifest itself in two ways. As an internal process, when a person is maximally concentrated on confrontation, anticipation of troubles, and maximum control of the surrounding space. And as an external process, when he fights with enemies or circumstances without sparing himself and without sparing his strength.

Map as a scenario for relationships: love, family, relatives, work

The map plays out the scenario “One warrior in the field” and its mirror image “Flock against one”. Almost always it indicates a conflict, the need to defend oneself. It is important that the card emphasizes: the truth is not on the side of the pack, but on the side of one. The character has every right to crush all enemies using any methods available to him.

Patience has reached its limit. The pressure that has lasted for years has reached a critical level and a person who has patiently endured ridicule and blows suddenly begins to act without thinking about the consequences.

Let's consider the meaning of Tarot card 7 (Seven) of Staves (Wands) in love and love relationships.

It makes no difference whether we are talking about a love or work relationship. A sluggish conflict suddenly escalates into a bloody massacre.

In combination with the Major Arcana

  • s: Battle rage, adrenaline junkie.
  • s: A conflict that has dragged on for a very long time.
  • with: Fighting won't achieve anything. The issue must be resolved in court.

Psychological condition

The first option is an adrenaline rush. A person’s restraints are torn off, and he beats with a stick those who are right and those who are guilty.

The second option is prudent and cold-blooded behavior in battle. When a person sets the task not so much to win, which is extremely difficult due to the large number of enemies, but rather not to lose. 7 Posokhov focuses on the second model. But "battle rage" should also be taken into account.

The emphasis on external or internal is reflected in the emotional state. Or a person falls into a combat rage, experiences an adrenaline storm, and turns into a berserker. He grabs a club and beats everyone indiscriminately, not paying attention to who is in front of him, his own or others. Or a person demonstrates cold rage, calculating and cold-blooded behavior in battle. But at the same time, his goal is not so much his own victory; it is extremely difficult to win in the seven of staves, but rather inflicting the maximum possible damage on the enemy. And one’s own survival and salvation in this situation is not considered a priority.

This may be associated with revenge, with maintaining a sense of dignity in battle against superior enemy forces. But sometimes the map also indicates a desperate struggle with windmills.

In combination with the suit of Staves

  • with map: In order to stop fighting, you need to rise higher.
  • with card: The combination of cards indicates enormous internal tension, self-isolation and paranoia.
  • with map: Increased conflict.

Importance in health matters

The card may indicate injuries, including gunshot and knife wounds. Extreme physical and mental stress. Severe physical condition, hope that the strongest medicines can help. The desire to defeat the disease at any cost.

In combination with the suit of Cups

  • with card: Conflict between relatives, intrafamily conflict. But at the same time, the possibility of reconciliation.
  • with a map: Increased suspiciousness, the desire to see threats where there are none.
  • with card: Friendly Brawl.

Business and finance, in professional activities

Hard, unclear, unpleasant work. Extra effort to achieve the goal. Tough competition. Very economical use of limited resources.

7 Posokhov emphasizes that in this situation a person must resolutely defend his rights, without being afraid to go into confrontation with anyone: competitors, bandits, representatives of the law.

Stability, controllability, controllability

The map of the struggle, the map of the battle, when one is against all. This situation can hardly be called stable or sustainable, but it can be controlled and managed. Through incredible efforts, it is possible to keep the situation in balance, preventing it from worsening. There is no talk of improvement at all.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

The only way to stay afloat is to resist external conditions to the limit of the possible, through “I can’t.” The map requires maximum concentration. You need to define a goal and achieve it regardless of any obstacles. You need to step over yourself, do work that you don’t like, that is uninteresting or unpleasant.

Moreover, you need to gather all your strength to withstand prolonged stress.

General state of finances and trends of changes

In matters of work, the Tarot value 7 (Seven) of Wands (Posokhov) card indicates a very difficult situation. Finances are limited. There are no reserves and there never will be.

In the future, a person will have to spend more than a modest reserve of funds very economically, evaluating every step, counting every penny. And this despite the fact that the forecast is disappointing: it will hardly be possible to maintain the minimum that exists, and making a profit is not even considered.

The meaning of the Tarot 7 of Wands is a struggle, competition, competition with a specific person, situation or the whole world. This card, depending on the context, can have both positive and negative meanings. In most cases, this card becomes a warning to a person.

The main meaning of the card is a warning about possible obstacles and troubles that can be overcome with courage and determination.

In general, this card can be called favorable - it says that the fortuneteller will face a battle with enemies who are not destined to defeat him, but for this it is necessary to show courage and courage. The Seven of Wands seems to be trying to push the fortuneteller to take decisive action, guaranteeing him success in business.

In the Thoth Tarot, seven indicates some kind of threat, risk, and struggle with difficulties. But in another deck, “78 Doors,” this card has a slightly different meaning - it is will, courage, physical strength.

The card encourages you to defend your interests, to protect what is dear and loved. The presence of envious people and rivals encourages you to fight them, because they are attracted by the success of the fortuneteller and his potential.

Seven of Wands speaks of creative excitement, inspiration, obtaining the necessary knowledge. This card can also indicate a small financial profit.

In the reverse position, the card speaks of uncertainty, excessive carelessness of the fortuneteller, that he cannot withstand difficulties and solve his problems. The person is in confusion, everything is falling out of his hands, and the losses will continue.

Seven indicates that the fortuneteller is simply wasting his energy, money and talents, and also that he is haunted by failures everywhere. The card speaks of needless confrontations, conflicts of interest, and quarrels.

Another interpretation of an inverted card is unpleasant meeting, awkward situation, inability to protect oneself from slander and attacks from others.

Health is seriously tested, but life is not in danger. Most likely, the disease is associated with reduced immunity, problems in the endocrine system, and hormonal disorders. The card can also speak of psychological disorders, nervous and emotional exhaustion.

The Seven of Wands indicates that a difficult period is coming in a love relationship. The card warns a person that his ambitions and possessive impulses can negatively affect relationships.

The fortuneteller will have to solve problems and seek compromises with his partner. Perhaps he will have to fight for his love with rivals and envious people. The card can also mean that the fortuneteller’s lover could become infatuated with another person or even decide to cheat.

In order to save a relationship, you need to decide on a bold, unexpected act.. At the same time, you should not resort to deception or cunning, but be as honest and straightforward as possible.

For lonely people, the dropped Seven of Wands indicates that they are isolating themselves, deliberately not getting close to other people. How good the chosen position is can be shown by other cards in the layout, but it clearly indicates that the fortuneteller is a loner who does not need the company of others and is not looking for love. He deliberately pushes away potential partners, considering them either unworthy or dangerous.

In an inverted position, the card indicates the possibility of a break in the relationship., divorce (if we are talking about marriage), betrayal of a partner, loss of the “spark” in a relationship.

The card speaks of a threat to the success of the business, difficulties that will be difficult to overcome. Most often, this indicates that close people are trying to manipulate a person - friends, family, lovers - and thereby imposing their will on him.

The fortuneteller loses not because the circumstances were unfortunate, but because he falls under the influence of others and cannot show the strength of his character. There is a serious danger of turning away from your true path and taking on a dubious business.

The card patronizes freelancers, creative people and entrepreneurs - all those people who are their own employers. But for people working in a workforce, it foretells problems at work or an unpleasant showdown with colleagues.

The card speaks of competition, the ability to overcome difficulties on one’s own, and non-trivial ways to solve problems. As a vocational orientation, this indicates creative professions (especially artistic and literary arts), show business, journalists, event organizers and representatives of adventurous professions (travelers, explorers, etc.).

If the fortuneteller is looking for a place of work, then the card warns that finding it will not be easy. To do this, you need to improve your skills or take additional courses. The Arcanum can also warn that a person is not doing what he was meant to do and it’s time for him to change his profession.

A card can change its meaning in combination with other cards.

  • Jester- a collision with an unexpected incident, the revival of an old love.
  • Mage– search for an optimal solution.
  • High Priestess- a truce with enemies.
  • Empress– victory, dominant position.
  • Emperor- leader, master of the situation.
  • Hierophant- fighting for other people's dreams.
  • Lovers– the battle for your love, “the third wheel.”
  • Chariot– career growth, using other people for one’s own purposes.
  • Force– willpower and character, winning position.
  • Hermit– lack of support and perspective.
  • Fortune- catch luck by the tail.
  • Justice– an honest answer, an official statement.
  • Hanged– an awkward situation, exposing yourself to ridicule.
  • Death– health problems, an unpleasant solution to the problem.
  • Moderation– ability to make compromises.
  • Devil– vulnerable, dependent position.
  • Tower- disappointment in one's ideals.
  • Star– winning, fame, achieving goals.
  • Moon– doubts, irreconcilable contradictions.
  • Sun– open, honest intentions, joy from work.
  • Court– building tactics, answering to people.
  • World- the fight for justice, the righteous path.
  • Ace of Wands– the peaceful resolution of the case is postponed indefinitely.
  • Deuce– unknown.
  • Troika- determination, bold step.
  • Four– financial benefit.
  • Five– a major quarrel, a tense psychological state.
  • Six- recognition of correctness, revenge.
  • Eight- change of tactics.
  • Nine– distrust, fear of difficulties.
  • Ten– internal struggle, subordination to circumstances.
  • Page of Wands- an adventure, an interesting adventure.
  • Knight of Wands– danger, unfulfilled desires.
  • Queen of Wands– composure, a certain position.
  • King of Wands– confident position, leadership.
  • Ace of Cups– many options, deep feelings.
  • Deuce- establishing peace.
  • Troika— celebrating a victory, company of friends.
  • Four- inability to make a decision.
  • Five- resentment, the matter cannot move forward.
  • Six– defense of one’s principles, help from an old friend.
  • Seven- inability to distinguish reality from fantasy.
  • Eight- withdrawal into oneself, retreat.
  • Nine– prospects, competition.
  • Ten- pleasure, family happiness.
  • Page of Cups- frivolity, the beginning of the journey.
  • Knight of Cups– the position of a sage and advisor.
  • Queen of Cups– understanding, intuitive perception.
  • King of Cups- take the situation into your own hands.

  • Ace of Swords– search for truth, fight for justice, duel.
  • Deuce– non-disclosure of secrets, hopeless situation.
  • Troika– broken dreams, betrayal.
  • Four– destruction, respite before a new step.
  • Five– open confrontation, irreconcilability with reality, psychological personality disorders.
  • Six– forced change of plans.
  • Seven- cunning, uncertain position.
  • Eight- injustice, imprisonment.
  • Nine– grief, loss of a loved one.
  • Ten– loss, serious health problems (even death).
  • Page of Swords- dominance of feelings over reason.
  • Knight of Swords– noble risk, emotional instability.
  • Queen of Swords– a strong single woman, a widow or a domineering mother.
  • King of Swords– bloody losses, a strong enemy.
  • Ace of Pentacles– new opportunities and prospects.
  • Deuce– unstable position, walking on the edge.
  • Troika– business negotiations, struggle for a profitable position.
  • Four- well-deserved rest.
  • Five– loss of everything, bankruptcy, serious illness.
  • Six– help from a high-ranking person, a generous gift.
  • Seven– search for a solution, long thoughts.
  • Eight- following the rules, doing your job.
  • Nine– prosperity, dream woman.
  • Ten– an unsolved mystery, a happy marriage.
  • Page of Pentacles- a fortunate position, sudden enrichment.
  • Knight of Pentacles– stable progress of the business.
  • Queen of Pentacles– preservation of traditions.
  • King of Pentacles- high post.

There is a high probability of failure and awkward and unpleasant situations. Many problems will suddenly fall on the fortuneteller’s head; enemies and envious people will try to trip him up as much as possible. The card encourages you not to sit idly by, but to act, take initiative, and take matters into your own hands.

There is also a chance of getting into an accident, so it is better to be careful on the road on this day and do not undertake any long journeys.

It must be remembered that the Seven of Wands card is, first of all, a warning of troubles, which can be avoided with active actions. The card calls not to wait, but to act, because luck favors brave, valiant people.

The Seven of Wands Tarot is a card of struggle, recognition, and achievement of great ideas. Having seen such a card in a layout, it is important to interpret it as accurately as possible, taking into account all the details and themes of fortune telling. The Seven of Wands often speaks of victory in the fight against adversity and problems. What other interpretations exist for this powerful Tarot card?

The 7 of Wands card brings favorable changes

Traditional meaning of the straight card

Mostly, the card brings favorable changes, despite the fact that it is associated with encounters with troubles and ill-wishers. Even if the Seven of Wands is not a symbol of cloudless prosperity, it assures that success can be achieved with the help of courage and determination. You will be surrounded by difficult situations, disputes, conflicts, rivalries and confrontations, but such testing times will end, and long-term success is guaranteed to you. Other general interpretations of the map may include other descriptions.

  1. Some unpleasant person will interfere in your personal affairs or comfort zone and try to interfere with your happiness. He can “force” you to be in constant defense of positions and territory. Mostly, such a person turns out to be a real envious person, an offended enemy or a flatterer. The Seven of Staves, as the fortune teller’s card is called, signals to a person that the situation may worsen, opponents or competitors will introduce difficulties into your life, and by dealing with them, you will gain victory.
  2. The emergence of competitors can be associated not only with a career, but also with the sphere of personal life. Be careful, as love troubles are expected. Try to learn to express your sincere feelings, defend the relationship, do not betray, no matter what.
  3. Persistence in unpleasant situations, patience, firmness, courage, overcoming obstacles - interpretations of the 7 Wands of the Tarot. The meaning of the card is sometimes associated with a deep hole, liberation from which depends solely on the applied forces. The map warns of the presence of a real danger, which, although it exists, does not threaten your life globally.
  4. Disputes, scandals, debates, discussions, gossip, slander - all this is the sphere of “activity” of the card. But don’t rush to get upset, because the seven guarantees you victory in any verbal battle. Strong arguments and an advantageous position elevate you over your opponent, helping you achieve your goals and realize your plans.
  5. Having positive cards in the layout, be sure that you can benefit from any situation. The Seven of Wands, predominantly, speaks not so much about the problem as about the resource of the fortuneteller. You have determination that doubts and fear prevent you from applying. When you see the map, you know it's time to move forward.
  6. The questioner's health was subject to tests, but they ended successfully. The immune system is in perfect order and the body is healthy.

The Seven of Wands is a card of difficulties that will end without attracting additional problems. Despite the fact that your life will be filled with troubles, such changes will only lead to an improvement in your situation and color your everyday life with new emotions.

The meaning of a reversed card

Mostly, the Seven of Wands inverted is similar in interpretation to the upright card. However, the opinions of experts are divided, because some of them are confident that the interpretation of the card is extremely negative, while others believe that the time has come for decisive action. You can choose the appropriate interpretation based on the question asked and the nearby cards. In addition to traditional meanings, there are various options:

  • Subsidence of conflicts of interest and confrontation - the card may advise calming an aggressive temperament.
  • An unwanted meeting accompanied by harassment, betrayal by a new acquaintance.
  • You are insecure, incompetent, suspicious and full of doubts and hesitations - such feelings can lead to love, financial losses: you are accompanied by confusion and confusion in everything, you have lost faith and courage, being under the protection of others.
  • You are carefree and do not want to focus on any problems: being in a state of ease, hesitation, or thinking will not be fruitful.
  • The time has come to get out of a shaky, uncertain situation, and choose a different strategy, start living by different rules: you lack “breakthrough” qualities and self-confidence - even if there is no inspiration, you are endowed with talents that urgently need to be realized.
  • Think about your health - hormonal and endocrine disorders are possible.

The Seven of Wands inverted is similar in interpretation to the upright card

The inverted Seven should be considered as a sign, a hint from fate. Your life has been in a measured rhythm for too long - bring efficiency into it.

What do you need to know about the Seven of Wands person?

The Scepter card characterizes a person who differs from others in his courage, determination, and character. He is always right and never adapts to the outside world: be it competitions, work clashes, dates, incidents at school. You can recognize a Seven of Wands person by constant competition with someone, perseverance, and self-control in any situation. It is distinguished from the main mass:

  • a feeling of one’s own mental, physical, financial, professional superiority - sometimes such a person seeks to be surrounded by people with a low level of intelligence in order to clearly surpass him;
  • denial of spiritual values;
  • increased dexterity, ingenuity, and combat skills;
  • inhuman tenacity: such a person is ready to sweep away any obstacles on the way, he cannot be intimidated or subjected to pressure;
  • heroism, dedication, certainty, stubbornness.

Courage and the presence of one’s own opinion give a person with such traits special attractiveness and value. The card advises such individuals to never give up, maintaining their own point of view. It is enough to forget about doubts and hesitations, and even a hopeless business will turn out to be successful. You should not deviate from the chosen landmarks. Work hard on yourself, forgetting about doubts and fears, disappointments and obstacles. The trials that fate has prepared for you are not as terrible as they seem.

On the other hand, the strongest representative of the Tarot card, the Seven of Wands, warns of the inappropriate time for creating quarrels, conflicts, and litigation. There is no more inappropriate moment to demonstrate heroism and grievances - you will simply waste important energy and strength. Make sure that your favorite feeling of superiority is not deceptive.

Love interpretation

The Seventh Wand card is associated with the beginning of a difficult period in a relationship, the struggle for the happiness of partners. The fortuneteller senses the approach of trouble, rupture, danger. Mostly, a person is ready to fight for love that is under threat. All strength, perseverance, and perseverance will be used for this. Be prepared to protect your interests and rights. You will have to endure a period of high stress.

Take a closer look at your couple - who wishes you harm? Often the card speaks of an “attack” from envious people, parents, rivals, rivals, friends. Despite the fact that you will be able to repel the attacks, quite a lot of energy will be spent. You need to get used to the defensive attack position. Your enemies will have a hard time - you are unyielding, stubborn and extremely persistent. Often the partner does not like such traits.

If the fortuneteller does not have a soulmate, then the Seven of Wands reminds him that it is time to stop cutting off any contacts, to protect himself from feelings and happiness. Try to open up to something new - you are the “smith of your own happiness.” You can consider such an interpretation from the perspective of life by looking at nearby cards. Mostly, leading a selfish lifestyle does not promise dramatic changes in love. The beginning of a new stage in life after a revision of individual views.

The Seven of Wands in love can describe a once-offended, vulnerable person. In such cases, the fact of his constant resistance is not surprising. Not only single people can resist, but also people who have a serious relationship but do not want to get married. For spouses, the card promises the emergence of various temptations, with which one should be as careful as possible. In the absence of such influences, the card means a lack of sincerity and feelings.

Activities and career

Eternal workaholics, having seen the Seven of Staffs, can open champagne - a promotion and a huge leap upward in their career is approaching. You will have to fight for your “place in the sun,” but with enough effort, you will emerge victorious from any situation. You will have to defend your reputation, refute gossip and rumors, and not give reasons for unnecessary speculation. The card promises success and strength for passing tests, olympiads, exams and competitions.

Seven is a profitable and beneficial card for trade, business, and commerce.

Seven is a profitable and beneficial card for trade, business, and commerce. There is an opinion that, having found the Seven Scepters in the reading, it is time to begin preparing to search for treasure and treasures. However, for full financial security you will have to work hard. Any individual projects or work with a small group will end in success. Participation in creative activities, art, and show business will reward the questioner with a lot of positive emotions and energy. The fortuneteller will face intense work, difficult decisions, and restrictions that will result in success in any endeavor.

Compatibility with other cards

The Seven of Wands in combination with different cards is interpreted individually:

  • when near the Priestess – aggression;
  • with the Hierophant - marriage and matchmaking;
  • with the Hanged Man - rude, sloppy behavior;
  • with the Moon - lies, secrecy;
  • with the Two of Pentacles - conflicts, scandals, discord.

In general, the Seven of Wands card is a favorable messenger. Changes in your life depend on the correct interpretation and understanding of the meaning - do not miss the opportunity to turn it in the right direction.

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