Review of the "dwarf" tarot and full gallery. Card fortune telling for money The magic of gnome tarot numbers


Despite the fact that the deck that we will consider today - Tarot of the Dwarves, is structured exactly like Tarot (Major and Minor Arcana, Court cards), I still consider it more of an oracle-type deck, since the traditional archetypes here are significantly changed, and the deck itself has a pronounced household orientation. But, nevertheless, the world of funny little people created by Antonio Lupatelli appealed to many tarot readers. Let's take a closer look at these cards.

History of the deck

The Dwarf Tarot has been in production for the second decade. The first appearance of the deck of this mythical people occurred in 2000 - although at that time it contained only the Major Arcana and the cards themselves were not yet called the Tarot of the Dwarves, but “The Smallest Tarot in the World.” Further, the deck, already in full format, was republished in 2002, 2005, 2008 and 2010 - already under its name known today. Essentially, the idea of ​​the deck is to show the journey of a gnome named Siken (or Sichen according to some translators) through the gnome kingdom. On his way he meets different characters, he finds himself in different situations, and gains experience. Of course, there is no philosophical subtext here, as in many other decks, but all the meanings of the Dwarven Tarot cards are simple and understandable at an everyday level.

Key features of the deck

With the exception of a specific theme, the deck is quite traditional: 78 cards, divided into Major and Minor Arcana, classic suits - Wands (Maces), Swords, Pentacles and Cups. The numbering corresponds to the Marseille tradition: Jester - 0, Strength - 11, Justice - 8. The inscriptions on the cards are multilingual: Arcana are signed in English, German, French and Italian. The Minor Arcana are plotted.

Deck symbolism

Of course, the main symbolism of the Dwarven Tarot is the gnomes themselves and their lives present in the Arcana, so to understand the cards you need to understand at least a little about what kind of creatures they are and how they live. Many people think that these little people are kind and funny people, whose lives are like a fairy tale, but in fact, they, just like you and me, are capable of experiencing different emotions. Tragedies also happen to them, they sometimes suffer from loneliness, succumb to laziness or greed, and also, like people, they work, make friends, fall in love, organize holidays, and sometimes do not act very well towards their fellow tribesmen. As Svetlana Samsonova said in her book about this deck, “Their world is similar to our Middle Ages.”

Major Arcana

Now let's take a look at the Dwarven Tarot gallery and take a closer look at several Major Arcana. The names of the Trumps repeat the traditional ones, but at the same time the images themselves, of course, are more down-to-earth and less philosophical.

The fool is the gnome Siken himself, who begins his journey. Judging by the image, he is a good-natured, cheerful fellow, completely carefree, sometimes lazy, but at the same time dreamy. He dances in the clearing in one shoe. Apparently, he lost the second one somewhere, but this does not at all prevent him from enjoying life (clown cap) and making some romantic plans (rose behind his back).

A magician is not a sorcerer at all, but a simple shoemaker. He skillfully knows how to sew, patch, prepare shoes for sale, and he does all this himself, without anyone’s help. We can immediately say that in the Dwarf Tarot reading, the card will indicate independence, manual labor, knowledge of the process, work in production or on oneself. The differences from the classics are obvious, aren’t they?

The Emperor and Empress seem to have switched roles in this deck. The Empress is the warlike queen of the dwarves Gimlar, while the Emperor is her husband Detlev, who has a softer character. Here, it would probably be appropriate to recall the legend about these cards. The stern Gimlar threatened to execute Siken if he failed to heal her daughter. But her husband softened the threats, promising instead of death only to punish our traveler. Essentially, these two Dwarf Tarot cards represent strength, but the Empress is strength that comes from health and the ability to creatively transform reality, and the Emperor is strength from the mind.

The Arcana of Death is interesting: here she is represented in the form of Mishem - this is the mistress of the kingdom of Death. Please note that there are treasures on the map, which allows us to draw a certain conclusion: the “death” of money lies in its folding and accumulation. I even see a reference here to: you need to be able to manage what you own, you need to be able to use your capital, your property, and not just save for the sake of saving.

The Tarot of the Dwarves also traces the story of Siken's love for Princess Ur. She first appears on the Arcana of Lovers. Ur was engaged, so the meaning of the card does not contradict the traditional one - there is also a question of choice here. The theme of the relationship with Ur is further manifested: on the Arcana of Justice, the blind seer Helga is represented, who predicted that Ur would die. On the Arcana of the Star we see an Angel, whom Ur summoned with her love to give Siken hope.

In general, of course, for a deeper understanding of the deck, it is worth reading the full story of Siken's journey.

Minor Arcana

If in the Major Arcana of the Dwarven Tarot there is still a connection with traditional archetypes, then the Minor Arcana still belong to the oracle type, so their meanings differ from the classical interpretations. Wands (Maces) are associated with hard work, Cups - with abundance, Swords - with issues of law and justice, Coins - with material success. Let's look at one card of each suit as an example.

From the Wands we take the Seven. In the illustration we see a woman lurking behind a door with a club, waiting for a man who is trying to pass unnoticed. The scene is reminiscent of a husband returning from a party, when his wife is awake at home and is waiting for him, ready to immediately interrogate the husband with passion. Arkan says that our desires do not always coincide with reality: I wanted to sneak in unnoticed, but unexpectedly received a club to the forehead.

From the suit of Cups of the Dwarven Tarot, I propose to analyze the Two. A joyful dwarf woman carries a huge bunch of grapes on her head. It is immediately clear that here we are not talking about love, partnership and mutual exchange, as in the classics, but about the harvest and the right moment to collect it.

On the Four of Swords, a dwarf girl divides a watermelon in half. The Arcanum communicates about justice: what is too much must be divided into equal parts. The card speaks of the ability and desire to share, honesty, a business in which everyone will receive their share.

Three of Coins shows a gnome throwing a coin into the slot of a large wooden piggy bank. Apparently, he is not going to use his accumulated finances in the near future, which means the main meaning of the card is economy, frugality, prudence, but on the other hand, if we look at the hero’s clothes, we will see that he is actually quite rich, so in this context, the card can also be read as stinginess, reluctance to invest finances somewhere, lack of ideas for increasing one’s wealth. Although who knows - maybe in this way this wealthy gentleman makes a donation to someone, albeit not a particularly generous one? In general, the meaning of the card is quite multifaceted.

Court cards

Now let's move on to looking at the Court cards. I wouldn’t say that the artist turned out these images to be very “talking” - they, on the one hand, are very close to the classics, but on the other, I didn’t have any bright ideas for interpretation at first glance. So, for example, the meaning of the Queen of Wands of the Dwarven Tarot from the MBK is encouragement, inspiration. But somehow the image itself doesn’t fit with my particular enthusiasm, to be honest - I’m missing some details. The only thing that can be said by the pose of the heroine, who stands with her hands akimbo, is that she is thinking about something, but somehow I don’t see any real inspiration and “burning with an idea” here.

Features of card interpretation

In general, according to tradition, the Dwarf Tarot cards are interpreted both upright and inverted - at least in the MBK and all the books that I have read about the deck, they are proposed to be considered this way. I agree that, in fact, each Arcana can be read in its shadow aspect, which significantly expands the semantic field of each card and turns the interpretation of the Dwarven Tarot into a very exciting activity.

What questions is the deck suitable for addressing?

Fortune telling using the Dwarven Tarot most often relates to the everyday area. With these cards, in my opinion, it is quite difficult to deal with some philosophical issues, consider deep psychological processes, and look for answers related to the subconscious, self-knowledge, and spirituality. The deck is ideal for considering everyday situations and issues of work, business, and money. By the way, many tarot readers use it exclusively to analyze the material sphere. I wouldn’t be able to talk about high feelings using these cards; for the love sphere, for me, the only and irreplaceable assistant remains.

Who is the card data suitable for?

  • For those who are looking for a simple, understandable deck for considering everyday situations, professional issues and business issues
  • Tarot readers who are ready to work with an oracle-type deck that does not repeat classical meanings
  • For those who simply like these funny, short people and who want to delve deeper into their varied lives

The meanings of the Dwarven Tarot cards, although rather briefly, are still described in the IBC, so the accompanying brochure may be useful. In general, to expand your understanding of cards, it’s worth buying a full-fledged book; fortunately, quite a lot of them have been published on this deck:

  • Svetlana Samsonova “Interpretations of the Dwarven Tarot. Tarot for fortune telling on material issues"
  • A. Lobanov and T. Borodina “Tarot of the Dwarves. Business answers" in two volumes
  • Alena Polyn “Tarot of the Dwarves”

Also, brief interpretations of all the cards in the deck can be found in A. Klyuev’s book “Tarot. Book of layouts." It will be easy to find a lot of developments on the Arcana on the Internet.

You can tell your fortune for a business online for free in different ways. But somehow it has always been the custom that Tarot cards are most suitable for fortune telling, which clarifies financial issues. And not just any Tarot, but the Tarot of the Dwarves. After all, the Dwarf is a creature who, like no one else in This and even the Next World, loves gold and money so much. However, he can work properly.

Thanks to Antonio Lupatelli and Pietro Alligo, we have an excellent opportunity not only to tell fortunes using the Dwarven Tarot cards, but also to enjoy beautiful magical stories, receiving aesthetic pleasure from interacting with this deck of cards. Tarot of the Dwarves is perhaps one of the most beautiful and magical decks. Every Dwarf is like an old friend from a fairy tale. But the deck seems fabulous only at first glance. In fact, it has the most powerful energy. After all, thanks to her, we can find answers to a number of questions that worry us every now and then.

For example:

  1. - Should I change jobs now?
  2. - Should I take out a loan now?
  3. - Should I invest money in the project?
  4. - Should I borrow money?
  5. - Will they pay me back?

Agree that knowing the answers to these questions in advance, you begin to feel much calmer and more confident. And as a result, you make fewer mistakes.

Before you start reading Tarot cards, you need to get to know the Dwarf family at least a little. Each of them has its own name and its own story. All Dwarves, one way or another, are connected to each other. The main character is the Dwarf Siken. It was he who went on a long journey, full of adventures and all kinds of dangers. It is he who will have to solve difficult problems and interact with his relatives, some of whom will help him, and the other part will triple new challenges.

Tarot of the Dwarves is not only a great opportunity to find answers to exciting questions, but also your chance to touch real magic!

This deck is considered to be down to earth in nature. Unlike philosophically inclined classical decks, it answers everyday and ordinary family questions. On the one hand, this violates the concept of the Tarot itself. But on the other hand, most situations in our lives are not vital. Sometimes the thought arises that it is a shame to bother the Great Tarot over such trifles. Tarot of the Dwarves is just for such cases. All his arcana look practical and often there is no need to attract the mystical.

For example, SA Strength. This card is far from the high spirituality displayed in other decks. Sicentupo also shows his strength physically.

Or SA Sun. It's not like winning an Oscar or completing a life's work successfully. We worked and slept. Labor refers to physical labor. A person doesn't need much. He lives here and now. The goals are not far off.

And one also gets the impression that these hardworking people work because they have to. They would happily relax and have fun around the clock. Many cards show enterprise and practical acumen; these people will not miss theirs. They try for the sake of profit, although profit in most cases does not promise great wealth. It's just that mentality. On the other hand, they also easily let go of what they have acquired.

The features of the deck allow you to view any practical and everyday questions on it. Today we propose to look at the work of the deck on layouts related to the professional sphere.

In our collection of layouts you can find layouts on the topic

Example of the "PROFESSIONAL LIFE FORECAST" layout

This alignment is used to analyze the current professional situation, take a closer look at emerging and impending problems, as well as the development of the situation in the future. It can also be expanded in the case when the questioner wants to find out whether the chosen profession is suitable for him and whether it will allow him to realize his creative potential. The layout was made by Igolka for one of the forum members.

S - Significator. Ace of Coins You are beginning a new stage in your life, which should lead you to prosperity.

OS: a new stage, yes. As for well-being - I hope so!

1 - profession; King of Wands, I think you live up to your profession and have achieved very good results. You are doing well and you really like your profession. I think you are completely absorbed in it and are putting a lot of effort into it.

OS: I like it, I'm engrossed, the results are nothing like that for a beginner. A lot of effort. But it could be more.

2 - another possibility; 9 of Wands another is not suitable for you, because it will require great mental expenditure and headaches from you. This is not yours and you will not be comfortable.

OS: I think so too

3 - what I think consciously; Ace of Cups That you like your job, but you have not yet reached a certain level and want to improve, for which you have all the capabilities and desires.

OS: absolutely right! I have everything I need, and even time!
And desire.

4 - how are things really going? Strength Perhaps not everything is easy for you and you are trying to turn the situation around. You are in a constant struggle for existence and so far you have succeeded.

OS: this hasn’t brought me a penny of money yet and I had to start a ledger of expenses.

5 - what I feel subconsciously; Lovers, you love your work and enjoy it. But you want something else and you are faced with the problem of choice. Maybe you want to expand your capabilities and improve your skills, or leave it as it is.

OS: I'm considering another field of activity...

6 - the future awaiting in this profession; 3 of Wands There is no end to the work and it is quite hard, but nothing will go to waste. The groundwork you make today will be useful to you in the future; nothing will go to waste.

OS: I really count on it.

7 - is satisfaction possible? 2 Cups yes you will receive complete satisfaction as the result will be excellent.

OS: I want it!

8 - will your dreams be realized? 2 Coins and dreams will be realized when interacting with someone specifically, or with some organization that agrees to cooperate with you.

OS: This is great!

Example of the “CAREER GUIDANCE” layout

A. Klyuev’s layout, which helps to determine a person’s creative abilities, to find out which field of activity he is most capable of. Each position has its own ruler card. if it is SHE that appears in it, it means that in this area the person has OUTSTANDING abilities. The layout was made by Igolka for one of the forum members.

1 The sphere of material production (ruler - the Chariot): how does this sphere affect a person? 2 Cups no, this is not his sphere - to consume yes - to produce no.

OS: Yes, there is no desire to make anything.

2 - HIS attitude towards this area (ability to tinker, solder, tin, interest in technology, bake pies, sew boots, etc.) 10 of Wands no interest in working with his hands.

OS: Yes, he is not an expert at doing anything with his hands.

3. Organizational sphere (Manager - Emperor) Sun I suppose he could, but he doesn’t really strive for this, as if there is no interest.

OS: He says that he could, but so far he apparently has little life experience and doesn’t quite imagine what it’s like in life.

4 - HIS attitude to this area (management, trade organization, government, politics, etc.) Death Obviously, he understands that once in this sphere you must abandon your worldview and be able to transform yourself, here you can rise, but you can also fall, having lost everything, there are a lot of temptations.

OS: They suggested going to law school, but after some thought I ended up going. The man is too young, and what you wrote is rather my position. Perhaps I imposed it unconsciously, I will correct myself, I will try not to put pressure on me with my life experience. They suggested it and dissuaded me.

5. The sphere of “human reproduction” (High Priest). How does it affect a person? The hermit will assume that he can try this area; obviously, he loves to think and loves to learn, and he has his own point of view which he adheres to.

OS: He loves to think and learn, he has his own point of view. I still have a vague idea of ​​what kind of sphere this is.

6. HIS attitude to this area (doctor, teacher, educator, priest....) ability to empathize, keep distance, express group, collective interests. Wheel of Fortune I think it makes sense to try this area, it should work out.

OS: There was an impulse to become a doctor, I don’t seem to mind teaching, the low earnings stop me, but we’ll think about it. The main thing is to “find yourself in the profession.” Empathize, keep your distance, support the interests of the team - this is all his.

7. Sphere of information. Its influence on humans (MAG) 10 of Cups is not interesting to him; he perceives it only as information and entertainment.

OS: Yes, that's right.

8 HIS attitude towards this area. The capacity for creativity, for individual and independent activity, for science, for the production of information or symbols. 5 of Wands no talent in this area and he avoids it.

OS: That's right, he avoids it.

9. Growth Prospects (World) The level a person can achieve in career or professional Excellence. Ace of Wands is probably difficult to talk about the growth prospects for now, the main thing is that he chooses the right direction.

OS: He has potential and desire, he is smart, and if the work suits his liking and abilities, everything will be fine.

10. The level to which a person can reach independently - as an individual, entrepreneur, businessman, etc. (Wheel of Fortune) Tower He cannot work independently and will not become a businessman, but in a good team he can work normally and achieve some success.

OS: He himself talks about this, but I understand that an individual business is a dead-end option for him, he needs to go to government agencies, at least for a start, to gain experience.
In general, I settled on the choice of subjects - English and history, this year I took the Unified State Exam in them, which was not bad. Foreign languages ​​are good, there is a desire to learn them. We think that the work will be related to linguistics, diplomacy, something from this perspective. It’s a pity that you changed your mind about going to the doctor. There is still time to choose, I realized that the main thing is not to put pressure on him, I hope that he will do everything right.

Reprinting of the material or part of it is possible only with indication of the authorIgolkaand links to the site or directly to the article itself.

Tarot, incredibly beautiful amrahi cards that tell a fairy tale story with a funny plot and pictures, do such things really exist? Can such cards be used as a strong magical attribute?

The Dwarven Tarot is suitable for both beginners and experienced tarot readers.

The Tarot deck of the Dwarves, despite all their external frivolity, is perfect for fortune telling and performing magical rituals. They can be used by novice fortune tellers and experienced tarot readers. The Dwarven Tarot gives accurate answers to everyday and financial questions, and helps to understand complicated family situations.

History of the Dwarven Tarot deck

The idea of ​​​​creating a Dwarven deck came to the minds of the Italians Pietro Alligo and Antonio Lupatelli. They also developed other unusual cards - the Tarot of the Elves and the Tarot of the Fairies. These are young Tarots. They became available to the general public only at the beginning of the 21st century.

The peculiarity of the Tarot in the Dwarf deck is a solid plot. The cards are based on the old story about the gnome Siken, who walked throughout the Land of Dwarves, met love and turned from a simple-minded slacker into a hero. Each map depicts the inhabitants of a fairy-tale (or maybe not fairy-tale) country; you can observe the metamorphoses of the main character.

Why the mythical creatures Dwarfs?

Tarot cards from the Dwarf deck are not shrouded in mysticism and fear; they were created for novice magicians and are well suited for fortune telling on everyday topics. Dwarves were not chosen as characters by chance, because these creatures are the closest to everyday life.

Some information about gnomes that are known from the epic:

  1. They can be gloomy and grumpy, but at heart they are extremely kind and cheerful creatures.
  2. Very hardworking if the work brings results.
  3. They love gold and precious stones. They do not share their wealth with anyone. There are many stories about how the gnomes could not divide underground treasures among themselves.
  4. Dwarf men fall in love and marry very rarely. They are jealous of their wives.
  5. Dwarves were popularized as folk heroes by the alchemist Paracelsus. He described them in one of his works. In occultism, gnomes were considered the Spirits of the Earth.

The use of images of gnomes in magic cards has a serious basis.

Description of cards. Arcana Tarot deck of Dwarves

The Dwarven Tarot deck consists of 78 cards and was created according to all the rules

The Tarot cards in the Dwarven deck are very far from tradition, although all the rules are followed in them. The deck is divided into Major and Minor Arcana, the number of cards is 78. The Minor Arcana are divided into four suits. The cards depict the inhabitants of the Dwarven World, each of which corresponds to the symbols of the canonical Tarot.

Major Arcana

Gallery of the Major Arcana and a brief history of the characters.

The first ten amrahs

  • 0. Siken (in the classic Tarot the Fool) - the main character, a merry fellow, a slacker. The card opens the deck.
  • I.Alepos (Mage) - a shoemaker without boots. A poor but wise gnome, a master of his craft. He explained the concept of will to the main character, explained that it is important to have a strong position and strive for one’s goal.
  • II.Beteil (High Priestess) – queen of the fairies. She appeared to Siken in delirium. He couldn't figure out whether it was reality or just his imagination. Beteel revealed to the hero some of the secrets of existence.
  • III.Jimlar (Empress) – queen of the dwarves. She ordered Siken to cure her daughter, threatening to execute him if he failed.
  • IV.Detlev (Emperor) – king of the dwarves. He softened his wife and promised Siken not to kill him if the treatment failed, but to soften the punishment.
  • V.Enil (High Priest) is a priest in the Land of Dwarves. Told Siken to use his natural abilities wisely.
  • VI.Ur (Lovers) – princess. She fell in love with Siken, although she was engaged to someone else. Shields the beloved from the sword with which the groom wanted to defeat him.
  • VII.Tsank (Chariot) – general. He saved the Land of Dwarves from the conquerors. His main drawback is his inability to control his rage and anger.
  • VIII.Helga (Justice) – blind priestess. She was called to determine the necessity of the death of Princess Ur.
  • IX.Tekla (Hermit) - a lonely gnome. He received Siken and showed him the right path that will help him return to life after the death of his beloved.

Second ten amrakhs

  • X.Yaudim (Wheel) – ritual wheel of the dwarves.
  • XI.Kaitovranos (Strength) – the map depicts a scene of Siken’s fight with a monster. The hero won.
  • XII.Lambda (Hangman) – the hill of trials. On this hill Siken was hung by the leg so that he would confess to all his sins.
  • XIII.Meacham (Death) – guardian of the Kingdom of the Dead.
  • XIV.Nain (Moderation) – the spirit of Siken’s mother. The mother appeared to the hero in difficult times and helped with advice.
  • XV.Xemel (Devil) – a demon with twisted horns. I tried to lead Siken into temptation, to fool him. But the demon did not succeed.
  • XVI.Oyun (Tower) – wooden tower. The demon became very angry when he failed to deceive Siken. In anger, he destroyed the tower.
  • XVII.Feyar (Star) – angel, spirit of princess Ur. An angel saved Siken from a tower destroyed by the wrath of a demon. This happens in the hero's imagination.
  • XVIII.Tsadi (Moon) – moonlight. Siken and Ur embraced under the light of the moon.
  • XIX.Quin (Sun) – rays of the sun. The sun awakened Siken from his fabulous sleep.

The last two cards are Old Amrakhs

  • XX.Ruash (Last Judgment) – messenger of heaven. He announces to all those suffering on earth that another soul has atoned for all its sins.
  • XXI.Ezir (Peace) – the whole world achieves integrity. Siken reached Ezir and completed his journey. We see him wearing the Sage's cap.

Minor Arcana

The gallery of the Minor Arcana is traditionally represented by four suits. Each suit depicts a family of Dwarves, who are the masters of the elements.

  • Bowls (Cups) – Living Water.
  • Maces (Wands) – Immortal Fire.
  • Denarii (Coins, Pentacles) – Mother Earth.
  • Swords – Eternal Wind.

Each card has a plot that is very easy to interpret.

Interpretation of the Major Arcana

It is very easy to find out the meaning of Tarot cards in the Dwarf deck if you carefully study all the characters and their role in the development of the plot.

The first ten Major Arcana. Name and interpretation of cards

  • Siken (Jester). Ambiguous card. The beginning of a new path, no one knows where it will lead. If the alignment gives a jester, this means that you need to mobilize all your strength so as not to miss new opportunities, concentrate your thoughts so that absent-mindedness does not interfere with the path to the goal.
  • Alepos (Mage). The card symbolizes humility, willpower, wisdom, and high skill in one’s craft. Despite the fact that Alepos is very poor in the plot, the dropped card can mean quick financial success. But it is achieved not by chance, but by hard work.
  • Beteel (High Priestess). Symbolizes reality, which is difficult to distinguish from a dream, dream or obsession. If a card appears in a reading, this may mean that a person doubts the correctness of his actions and thoughts and needs the advice of a wise person. The card is female, so a wise woman will help resolve the situation.
  • Jimlar (Empress). Symbolizes the power of spiritual impulse. This means that all the creative aspirations of your heart must be translated into reality.
  • Detlev (Emperor). Symbolizes the power of a cold mind. In all matters, you need to be able to take responsibility, make firm decisions and carefully consider every step.
  • Enil (High Priest). Symbolizes wisdom. In a reading, the card can mean that a person will soon learn about an important event, understand a difficult situation, and get to know himself.
  • Ur (Lovers). Traditionally this is a card of love and emotional affection, but in the Dwarf Tarot it means that a choice must be made. In business readings, Ur can report new prospects.
  • Tsank (Chariot). In the Dwarven Tarot, this card means violence, uncontrolled aggression. Another meaning of the card is a long road, the beginning of something new. It all depends on what card Tsank appears in combination with. If the card is negative, then you need to start monitoring your emotions, controlling anger and malice. You also need to pay attention to others in order to protect yourself from negative manifestations.
  • Helga (Justice). The card suggests that it is time to take responsibility for your actions or become a judge for others. It signals the need to put all matters in order and act according to the law.
  • Thekla (Hermit). Symbolizes solitude, self-knowledge and spiritual development. Negative meaning: selfishness and isolation.

The Hermit card is a symbol of spiritual development

The second ten of the Major Arcana. Name and interpretation of cards

  • Yaudim (Wheel). If Yaudim appears in the reading, a kaleidoscope of events will soon begin to spin, which will be difficult to keep track of. Dramatic changes are coming in life.
  • Kaitovranos (Strength). Symbolizes courage, self-confidence, strength of mind and body. Kaitovranos in the scenario means that by being persistent, you can defend yourself and achieve success in any business.
  • Lambda (Hangman). Symbolizes testing, a test of strength awaits soon.
  • Meacham (Death). In the Dwarven Tarot, the Death card does not mean death, it symbolizes transformation - radical changes in views, a change in type of activity, etc.
  • Nain (Moderation). Symbolizes care. Positive card. Any contacts with people will be beneficial, work will be a joy, new strength and desire to create will appear.
  • Xemel (Devil). Symbolizes deception. If the alignment gave the Xemel card, you need to pay attention to those around you. There is a chance to become a puppet in the wrong hands.
  • Oyun (Tower). Map of destruction. In life, serious material losses await (dismissal from work, bankruptcy).
  • Feyar (Star). Map of hope. Feyar in the scenario promises help in all endeavors, the fulfillment of a cherished dream.
  • Tsadi (Moon). Symbolizes feelings. The interpretation of the card is ambiguous, on the one hand it is positive - it expects emotional unity with colleagues, friends, family. But you can give everything over to the power of feelings and drown in them, and it’s hard to expect anything good from this.
  • Quinn (Sun). Map of awakening from illusions. The gnome Tarot layout in which Quinn fell speaks of imminent material profit and future wealth. But you need to be careful with wealth, do not put yourself above others and always help those in need, otherwise you can lose everything.

Two of the old Arcana. Name and interpretation of cards

  • Ruash (Last Judgment). Symbolizes redemption. The card makes it clear that it is time to admit all the wrong actions, return to matters that were postponed until the right moment, and abandon prejudices and stereotypical thinking.
  • Ezir (World). Map of integrity and harmony. The set goal will soon be achieved.

Interpretation of the Minor Arcana

Suit of Maces

The maces depict gnomes from the family of guardians of the Immortal Fire. Cards of the Mace suit are responsible for the business sphere. Gallery and meaning of cards:

  • Ace – work, the beginning of a new business.
  • Two – diligence, you need to work enthusiastically and persistently, otherwise you will not achieve results.
  • Three - you can’t get down to business without preparation.
  • Four means restlessness; difficulties await you in your work, but they will not last long.
  • Five – growth, even the smallest problems cannot be neglected, they will quickly grow and lead to serious consequences.
  • Six - in life you cannot rely only on luck.
  • Seven – disagreements; sometimes in reality it is difficult to achieve what you want.
  • Eight - incidents, something unusual will happen, some kind of trouble.
  • Nine - there is a solution to any complex problem, a way out of any situation.
  • Ten is a quarrel, you need to think before you say something, otherwise the consequences cannot be avoided.
  • Page is an addiction, you can’t get too immersed in work, otherwise you’ll quickly get bored with it.
  • The Knight is a career card; business ambitions will definitely lead to the desired result.
  • The lady is an inspiration; any business needs a creative impulse and desire.
  • The king is power, it cannot be given into the wrong hands, but it is also impossible to abuse power for one’s own purposes.

Card King of the Bulav suit - you cannot abuse power for your own purposes

Suit of Cups or Cups

The cards of the Cups depict gnomes - the guardians of the Living Water. The cup is a symbol of abundance, so the cards are responsible for prosperity.

Interpretation of suit:

  • Ace is pleasure, you need to enjoy life and enjoy its gifts.
  • Two - it's time to reap the fruits of your labors.
  • Three - you need to work hard and persistently, only then will there be a result.
  • Four is a tradition; it is not so much the form that is important as its content.
  • Five is experience; only the accumulation of knowledge and skills will lead to great success.
  • Six is ​​a joyful event, a wedding.
  • Seven - it’s true, you can’t rely only on other people’s words, you need to think about everything and consider different points of view.
  • Eight - life in society, loneliness is not always a joy, you need to expand your circle of acquaintances.
  • Nine – drunkenness, problems with alcohol.
  • Ten - proper rest is not a place, but a state.
  • The page is an inspiring love that exalts to the top.
  • Knight - seduction; in order to conquer a lover or lady of your heart, you need to show all your best qualities and boldly admit your feelings.
  • Lady - the birth of a new life, pregnancy.
  • The king is family, it cannot be neglected.

Suit of Denarii

Denarii are symbols of the earthly elements. For gnomes, the Earth is the most important thing; it gives them home and prosperity. Denarius cards are responsible for prudence and success.

  • Ace is the first capital; something big always starts with small things.
  • Two is an association, a friendly or business alliance that will bring a common goal closer.
  • Three - you need to not only take, but also give, this applies to debts.
  • Four - in the bustle of life, you cannot miss moments of joy and happiness.
  • Five - failures await you in business, but you need to continue to fight.
  • Six – distrust, an enemy has appeared in the close environment, control of the situation is important.
  • Seven - you need to take care of your treasures, it’s not just about money or gold.
  • Eight – poverty; in a difficult situation you can count on the help of friends.
  • Nine – stinginess, fear of being left with nothing.
  • Ten – lies and theft.
  • Page – borrow money; you don’t always have enough of your own strength to create something new.
  • Knight - helping another is always beneficial.
  • Lady - prudence will save you from the consequences of rash actions.
  • The king is success, it's time to bask in the glory and reap the fruits of hard work.

Suit of Swords

The arcana of the swords depict gnomes guarding the Eternal Wind. The suit is responsible for the law. Gallery of swords and card meanings:

  • Ace is strength, it will always come to the rescue.
  • Two is evil that comes back like a boomerang.
  • Three – mercy, helping one’s neighbor.
  • Four – justice of words and deeds.
  • Five – freedom from prejudices, stereotypes and addictions.
  • Six – idealization of the outside world and the actions of other people.
  • Seven is captivity; you cannot limit yourself and lock your talents inside.
  • Eight is practice, it is needed in any business.
  • Nine is a duel, only one can win.
  • Ten is a betrayal; you can only trust pure and open people.
  • Page - curiosity and fanaticism, you should not meddle in other people's affairs.
  • A knight has the power of words, diplomacy is better than war.
  • The lady is the triumph of justice.
  • The king is awareness, only it allows you to judge others.

Tarot in the Dwarven deck is suitable for everyday fortune-telling, business and family relationships. These cards contain wisdom. They will help a novice magician learn the basics of Tarot magic and move on to something more complex, shrouded in secrets and mysticism.

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