Queen of Cups meaning in love. Queen of cups tarot card meaning. ✚ On request

If you characterize the woman the Queen of Cups is talking about, then from the best side. She perfectly combines wisdom and virtue, personal and universal, with the ability to love and be loved. She loves to indulge in dreams; you can often hear certain prophecies from her, which are almost always destined to come true. She has mature judgments that completely smooth out her irrepressible fantasies. Her advice is extremely accurate and correct.

In the case when the person who came to find out about his fate is a man, then the Queen of Cups in his scenario personifies the wife one can only dream of. She is loyal and sincere. She has devotion and dedication. If there is no wife yet, then you can be sure that she will appear soon, and the girl vying for this main role in a man’s life is already on the way. If a man's heart is closed to love, then the Queen of Cups warns that not a single castle can keep him from impending love.

When a woman asks the cards for advice, the Queen of Cups can mean both her confidante and her rival. From the cards that surround the Queen of Cups, you can easily determine in what form this time the figure in question appears. If a confidante, then a devotee. If a rival, then an honest and fair one, playing the game according to the rules.

In some cases, the card does not indicate a specific person, but characterizes the situation in which you find yourself. This situation can be characterized in a few words – protection and security. You are under reliable protection and can feel calm. You can be sure that there is no intruder waiting for you around the corner, and there are no hidden traps for you at work. The environment in which you live is friendly towards you and requires the same from you. This is a favorable situation in all respects, calm and balanced.

In a Tarot card reading, the Queen of Cups represents an intelligent and loving mother, or the situation you are in is safe and beneficial.

When the Queen of Cups is in its standard position, the card represents a woman with white or blond hair. She is honest and welcoming. She has a lot of kindness and affection. She is virtuous and perspicacious. This is a woman who has realized herself and achieved some success. Her heart is open to love. She often acts as a fortuneteller and clairvoyant.

The main meaning of the card in the upright position is a selfless mother, loving and reasonable. This could be a life partner or friend, less often a relative, ready to come at the first call. A faithful wife, affectionate and loving.
In the case where the card does not represent a person, it characterizes a situation that is calm and carefree. In it you are emotionally protected. Happiness, prosperity, success and luck. The right choice in your personal life.

If the Queen of Cups has turned the opposite side to you, upside down, then it is better to bypass the woman she represents by the tenth side. Pleasant appearance and insinuating voice confuse people; under the mask of false virtue hides a greedy and unreliable person. Her character quickly changes depending on the situation, and there is no limit to her treachery and cunning.

Problems in her life arise one after another, and instead of solving them, she “sticks her head in the sand” like an ostrich, not wanting to change anything in her life. Most often this woman is vicious. In a certain sense, this woman has the character traits of the Queen of Cups in the right position, but she cannot be trusted, since in most cases her whims and inconstancy of character are more likely to add trouble to the person who comes into contact with her. And her vanity and pride do not allow her to draw the right conclusions and change.

The alignment in which the Queen of Cups fell in an inverted position can be called alarming, warning about a woman with whom you should not get involved, otherwise you will not end up with trouble. You risk plunging into a world of dishonor and vice, licentiousness and permissiveness.

The desire to create a scandalous situation and then help you get out of it is the most innocent thing you can expect from such a woman. Her desire to interfere in other people's lives and affairs can be compared to a mountain avalanche rushing down at breakneck speed. She can't be stopped.

Description: a woman sits on a concrete throne near a river, in her hands is a closed goblet, which she is looking at.

Basic meanings of the card in the upright position:

  1. brilliant intuition, clairvoyance;
  2. success of the planned business;
  3. lost in dreams;
  4. rely on imagination rather than common sense;
  5. educated thinking;
  6. readiness for self-sacrifice;
  7. control the forces of the soul;
  8. rest period;
  9. subtle and sensual intimacy with a partner or the need for a loved one;
  10. emotionality, sensitivity;
  11. not of this world;
  12. imagination;
  13. restraint;
  14. introspection;
  15. help;
  16. wise choice.

Basic meanings of a card in an inverted position:

  1. illusion, wishful thinking;
  2. self-will, bitterness;
  3. tendency to exaggerate;
  4. misuse of one's intelligence;
  5. disrespect for the law;
  6. misconception, sarcasm;
  7. intolerance;
  8. complaints, betrayal;
  9. manipulation;
  10. resentment, pettiness;
  11. limited thinking, gossip;
  12. prejudice, condemnation;
  13. bad news;
  14. loneliness, tears;
  15. high society woman;
  16. vice, debauchery, scandal.

She is also the Sibyl, the Lady or the Lady of Cups.

This is a person whose expectations and hopes come true. He has not yet realized this, he is not sure of success, but feelings overtake consciousness, and he feels harmony with the world around him, the fullness of being. The true meaning of the concepts of “love” and “happiness” is revealed to him.

In the upright position it can mean brilliant intuition, reaching clairvoyance, hence the success of the planned business.

In an inverted position - illusion, wishful thinking.

(E. Kolesov “The ABC of Tarot”)

DESCRIPTION: A beautiful woman, the Queen of the Water Thrones, intuitively tries to determine the contents of a closed goblet, the handles of which are made in the shape of angels. The lid of the goblet conceals its contents, indicating that many of the Queen's creative impulses are unconscious. Her throne is decorated with water nymphs and rests on a seashore covered with pebbles. Elements: Water-Water.

EXPLANATION: The Queen is lost in daydreams and relies more on her imagination than her common sense. Pulling this card indicates that emotions are currently playing an important role in your life and perhaps the degree of your personal relationships is very high. You are a loving, gentle person. Your experience is useful to others and your opinion is valued. However, you often get lost in your thoughts.

MEANING OF THE REVERSED CARD: You are willful, bitter and prone to exaggeration. If you are called upon to help others, you will not be very reliable or level-headed enough.

SELF-DEVELOPMENT LESSON: Insight comes from within, and it is important to remain open to receiving inspiration from a deeper source. However, you should be discerning so that you are not distracted by unrealistic desires.

(N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step guide to learning")

The Queen of Cups, personifying the feminine aspect of the element of water, means subtlety of feelings, empathy, imaginative thinking and readiness for self-sacrifice, symbolizes healing, strengthening power, as well as a look inside oneself. Thus, she controls the unconscious forces of the soul. This is a fairy and wise sorceress who lives inside us, a soothsayer who interprets our dreams, a clairvoyant who helps us find our way in the fog. It is sometimes called the “dark map” because the origins of its wisdom are hidden and cannot be known through rational thinking.

JOB: Here this card means a period of peace, waiting, when we listen to ourselves in order to grasp the further direction of professional development. Or turning our talent to think in images into a profession: cinema, television, radio, writing, journalism, sometimes esotericism, occultism, quite often art, mainly music.

CONSCIOUSNESS: Our consciousness is tuned to perceive images of the subconscious, reflecting both our desires and premonitions, as well as our fears and nightmares. These images can become a source of inspiration, much needed in artistic creativity. On a deeper level, the card may indicate that we are approaching the restoration of the integrity of our “dark side”, which is described by C. G. Jung in his famous book “Dream Symbols in the Process of Individuation.”

PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS: A period of subtle, mysterious and sensual intimacy, complete mutual trust and attention to each other. Or - an indication of our need for this, the need for a loved one.

Queen in Tarot

The Queen can represent either a real woman in your life or various aspects of your personality. Queens represent mothers and often symbolize mature women with some authority or personal power. Queens can also denote men who have characteristic feminine traits, including love of nature, caring, love of children, etc. Queens are much less likely to denote situations than Pages and Kings. In a reading, Queens can also represent a new level of understanding or awareness. Two or more Queens in one reading predict an important meeting between several women.

Queen of Cups upright

Key words and phrases:

Situation and advice: The Queen of Cups implies the opportunity to look into your soul and think about what feelings a given event evokes. Your intuition and premonitions will be your faithful helpers. Pay special attention to dreams and the signals your subconscious sends. A loving friend can help you, or you yourself will have the opportunity to show your concern. Perhaps your mother or the woman who replaces her will play a significant role in future events.

People: Someone's mother. A person endowed with deep feelings. Someone who understands only his own feelings. An artistic, emotional, caring woman, endowed with a good imagination and the ability to visualize. Devoted wife and mother. Nurse. Assistant. Good listener. Social worker. An understanding, caring woman, ready to help. Animal lover. A woman endowed with the gift of foresight. A woman deeply immersed in her own world, with her head in the clouds. A very receptive woman with well-developed intuition. A deeply emotional, passionate and faithful woman. Cups always represent people who are easily influenced by others.

Queen of Cups reversed

Key words and phrases: Misuse of your intelligence and vocabulary. Disrespect for the law. Misconception. Sarcasm. Intimidation. Intolerance. Fanaticism. Complaints. Betrayal. Retribution. Manipulation. Resentment. Emotional blackmail. Unreliability. Severity. Lack of scrupulousness. Pettiness. Lack of prospects. Excessive intellectuality. Limited thinking. Gossip. A vicious lie. Prejudice. Condemnation. Deception. Cunning. Gossip. Bad news. Vengefulness. Cruelty. A loss. Cold. Insincerity. Grief. Misfortune. Complaints. Loneliness. Tears. When trouble comes, open the gate. “My little mirror, tell me, who is the cutest in the world?”

Situation and advice: Perhaps a domineering and vindictive woman is secretly trying to discredit you, preventing you from taking the position you deserve. Difficult times should not make you bitter and deprive you of positive emotions. Perhaps someone who disrespects your feelings is trying to force you to do as they please. Perhaps you have suffered the wrath of a woman whom you once neglected or treated dishonestly.

People: An angry woman who feels deceived or neglected. Evil gossip. Opposing you (often secretly) is an insidious, vengeful woman, prone to behind-the-scenes intrigue. A woman who has become bitter and embittered as a result of difficult experiences or emotional losses. A woman who has some kind of prejudice, spreads gossip, undermines authority. People who let others down and cannot be trusted. People who distort facts in their favor. Those who feel outside the law. A smart, eloquent secret enemy who never engages in open battle.

The meaning and inner meaning of the Queen of Cups lasso

Direct interpretation:

  • Blonde woman.
  • Honest woman, Virtue, Prudence, Honesty.

Other meanings of the Queen of Cups tarot in the upright position:

  • kind, welcoming woman, blond woman, virtue, prudence, honesty
  • sensitive woman in adulthood, fair, devoted woman, intuition
  • creative self-realization, the gift of love and clairvoyance

The Queen of Cups Tarot represents a sensitive, affectionate and attentive woman. Compared to the personalities of other court cards of this suit, the Queen of Cups has a more passive character. But she is characterized by inner sensuality and tact, therefore, if necessary, she shows great insight, intuition and willpower. If this Queen of Cups falls on a man, it serves as a gentle reminder that one should not suppress the feminine aspects of one’s personality, but rather embrace the full range of human feelings.

The Queen of Cups Tarot card is a mother woman who evokes feelings of affection and love. An honest, devoted friend or relative who will provide a service to the Questioner. Good mother, wonderful wife. If it's not a specific person, then it's a situation in which you feel emotionally secure. Success, happiness, pleasure. A wise choice, especially in your personal life.

Interpretation in an inverted position:

  • High society woman.
  • Vice, Shamelessness, Debauchery, Dissipation, Depravity, Scandal.

Other meanings of the reversed Queen of Cups tarot:

  • the card indicates a dangerous woman, she cannot be relied upon, she does not inspire trust
  • woman of high society, unreliable woman, fickleness of character, symbol of treachery and cunning
  • a lady with an unstable psyche, running from her problems into an illusory world
  • vice, dishonor

The woman represented by the reversed Queen of Cups tarot card has many of the qualities of the Queen of Cups in the correct position. However, in reality, she is more often fickle, vain, unreliable and capricious. In this case, she can create big problems for someone in whom she gains confidence.

The reversed Queen of Tarot Cups is a woman who is untrustworthy or capricious. Vice, dishonesty, promiscuity, the desire to interfere in other people's affairs.

Inner meaning

The Queen of Tarot Cups should give the impression of a kind and generous woman who has maternal feelings for the Questioner. If this is not your mother, then a woman who is ready to help you, give advice, cherish you. This is a woman for whom you feel affection, even love, and next to whom you feel comfortable and emotionally safe. The Queen of Tarot Cups is a loving wife, a good mother and a devoted friend. She is educated and well-mannered; she knows how to love wisely, and can give (and will give, if asked) wise advice in matters of the heart of the Questioner.

Her characteristics are loving intelligence, wisdom and personal virtue. She may be somewhat dreamy and prone to prophecy, but her fantasies are balanced by mature judgment, and the advice she gives is likely to be accurate.

If the Questioner is a man, the Queen of Cups tarot card represents an honest and devoted wife or present or future sincere love.

If the prediction is made for a woman, then the Queen of Cups is either her confidante or her rival in love (the surrounding cards will tell you); but even if she is a rival, she is fair and ready to play honestly.

If the Queen of Tarot Cups does not represent a specific person, then this is a situation in which the Questioner can feel safe and even protected. This card describes a situation in which there are no hidden traps or unexpected enemies; you are among people you can trust or in a situation where you can feel at home.


  1. N. Drewry “Tarot. Step-by-step guide to learning"
  2. E. Kolesov "The ABC of Tarot"
  3. Unknown author "Initial information for reading tarot cards"
  4. H. Banzhaf "Tarot Tutorial"
  5. Anthony Lewis “Tarot is simple and clear”

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Queen of Cups Tarot card - meaning: a caring and loving woman with the gift of divination.

In the article:

Queen of Cups Tarot - meaning in readings

Upright The Queen of Cups Tarot denotes powerful intuition, to the level of clairvoyance. The sixth sense helps the querent achieve success. Shows a penchant for empathy, altruism and healing. The card predicts prophetic dreams, represents a wise sorceress who lives in the questioner. The source of wisdom is hidden from the querent.

The card in the layout shows that fantasies prevail over common sense. The Queen of Cups signifies a new level of understanding of the situation.

Emotions play a big role, especially if the question is about personal relationships. The querent is a loving person with a pleasant character and good reputation, whose opinions and experience are valued and whose decisions are trusted. Sometimes the querent, immersed in dreams, does not notice the real state of affairs.

The Queen of Cups advises looking into the soul more often, looking for answers in the subconscious and intuition. Pay special attention.

Queen of Cups Tarot Meaning upside down different from usual. The card speaks of self-deception, living in an illusory world and the tendency to often wishful thinking. The meaning of the Queen of Tarot Cups in an inverted position: bitterness, willfulness, a tendency to exaggerate the assessment of events. If you ask the querent for help, the person will notice imbalance and irritability.

Inverted The Queen of Cups speaks of contempt for traditions and laws, of the incorrect use of knowledge and the mind of the questioner. Sometimes it predicts manipulation of emotions, playing on feelings, betrayal, gossip, condemnation by society. The news will be bad.

The querent will be left alone with his problems. The cause of the troubles is the revenge of a woman who was offended in the past. The lady secretly interferes with all her might and ruins plans. The inverted card reminds the fortuneteller that difficulties should not change the character and opinion about important phenomena.

What personalities does the Queen of Cups Tarot represent?

The meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot is a woman whose expectations and ideas live up to expectations. The individual feels harmony between the components of the world, fullness of being, and confidence in success. A woman is happy, loved, has the gift of foreshadowing events, and is often right in her beliefs. The lady is always ready to help and listen. Blonde.

Queens in the Tarot rarely reflect the situations and emotions of the fortuneteller, more often than people. Often the Queen of Cups represents the querent's mother or guardian in a fortune-telling: a mature woman, not a girl. Sometimes this is a man with feminine character traits (love of children and nature, etc.).

Inverted The Queen of Cups is a woman in anger, betrayed or hurt by the past: a deceived lover, an ex-wife, rejected in favor of another girl. The lady spreads gossip, but it is unlikely that revenge is limited only to empty talk.

Inverted the card indicates communication with a woman who is embittered due to difficult events in life. This is not revenge - it’s about the difficult character of the rival. The lady feels like an outlaw, the woman is condemned in the community: there will be no open hostility. The opinions of others and belonging to an elite club are important for the woman symbolizing the lasso.

Queen of Cups Tarot - meaning in readings for work and business

The meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot card is to remain in a state of peace. The querent waits, remembering to listen to the voice of reason and keep events under control in order to feel the future path for developing himself as a professional.

The Queen of Cups indicates a talent for imaginative thinking. It's time to make it part of the profession. Sometimes a creative hobby becomes a source of income. The querent will have a career as a writer, artist, singer, actor, radio host or musician.

Sometimes this is a harbinger of a career as an esotericist or clairvoyant. Perhaps the gift has been developed to a level that allows it to help people. If the questioner is confident in his own abilities, they begin to provide magical services.

Queen of Cups Tarot - meaning in relationships

The meaning in the relationship chart for the Queen of Cups is intimacy with the aroma of mystery and bright sensuality, the possibility of a connection fascinates the questioner. The card denotes trust between partners and attentiveness to the needs of the other.

The Queen of Cups Tarot card predicts that a pleasant period awaits in the relationship: rapprochement, increased trust in the partner, mutual feelings.

If a lonely person is wondering how the situation will change on the personal front, the Queen of Cups alone will not show the future. The meaning of the lasso reflects the dreams, desires and expectations from the partner whom the querent would like to meet.

Queen of Cups Tarot - meaning at the level of consciousness

The Queen of Cups of the Tarot reminds us that insight comes from the depths of the subconscious. For inspiration, they look deep into the source. The querent should remain discerning so that he is not overwhelmed by unfulfilled desires and unrealizable ideas.

The card hints that the human consciousness is tuned to the perception of images that the subconscious sends. Desires, premonitions of various kinds, fears, dreams appear in the soul. The images will become sources of inspiration for creative activity. Even if creativity remains a hobby, it still promises a lot of benefits.

The Lady of Cups shows that the fortuneteller is close to restoring the overall integrity of the shadow part of the soul.

Queen of Cups and combinations in the Tarot system

Knowledge of the interpretations of card combinations allows you to receive clear predictions. The Queen of Cups evokes strong intuition and clairvoyant abilities. The combination with shows an alliance with a practicing magician who studies esotericism or psychology.

The combination of the Queen of Cups indicates a pregnant state. This is not pregnancy: a fortuneteller is carrying a fortune-telling child, project or idea. If the card appears next to the Emperor lasso, the prediction concerns the creation of a family.


Queen of Cups combined with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - be upset with the child.
With the “Magic” card - play on the feelings of others.
With the “High Priestess” card - tarot reader, psychologist, esotericist.
With the “Empress” card - to be “pregnant” with a project, a child.
With the “Emperor” card - create a family.
With the “Hierophant” card - cleanse yourself.
With the “Lovers” card - give love.
With the Chariot card there is confusion in feelings.
With the “Strength” card - draw strength from feelings.
With the Hermit card - hide feelings within yourself.
With the “Wheel of Fortune” card - renew your feelings.
With the “Justice” card - seek the truth.
With the Hanged Man card - be betrayed.
With the “Death” card - be sad.
With the “Moderation” card - come to your senses.
With the “Devil” card - to be tempted and lose yourself.
With the “Tower” card - broken feelings.
With the “Star” card - revival.
With the Moon card - to be deceived.
With the “Sun” card - creative flourishing; conception.
With the “Court” card - reflect.
With the “Peace” card - heal; come to terms with your feelings.

With the Ace of Wands card - love; excitement
With the Two of Wands card there are conflicting feelings.
With the Three of Wands card - emotional upsurge.
With the Four of Wands card - emotional pleasure.
With the Five of Wands card - lack of emotional intimacy; misunderstanding.
With the Six of Wands card - honor; respect; love adventure.
With the Seven of Wands card there is a conflict in matters of the heart.
With the Eight of Wands card - a heartfelt message; confession.
With the Nine of Wands card - disappointment.
With the Ten of Wands card - trampled feelings.
With the “Page of Wands” card - tremulous feelings.
With the card “Knight of Wands” - emotional intensity; overwhelming feelings; incontinence.
With the Queen of Wands card - optimism and faith in love.
With the “King of Wands” card - good luck in love; pairing.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Queen of Cups (cups) in upright position with Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - A woman too spoiled by male attention
Priestess - Desecrated Virtue
Empress - Pregnant woman
Emperor - Spiritualized personality, joy of communication
Priest - Good friend (this does not depend on gender)
Lovers - Opening the “third” eye, the need for support
Chariot - Success in journalism, music
Justice - Strengthening Power of Healing, Professional Achievements
Hermit pr i per - Enjoyment of the arts, beautiful
Wheel of Fortune - The need for intimacy, sympathy, tenderness
Strength - Jealous Lover
The Hanged Man - Using his wife for base purposes
Death - That kindness that no one needs
Moderation - Lady in office, chief accountant or economist
Devil - Temptations
Tower - Circe, who turned men into pigs
Star - Award, quite honorable (Taffy level)
Luna - Love for a mature lady
Sun - Help that will come immediately. Help and very fast
Court - Imaginative thinking
Peace - Feelings for a mature partner
Jester - Memory loss, amnesia, forgetfulness

Queen of Cups (cups) in an upright position with the Minor Arcana

2 of Cups - Quick love for a man; maybe later marriage
Ace of Cups - Meeting your loved one at a party
Ace of Swords - Imminent trouble, sadness, grief.

This card is a good sign. The meaning of the Queen of Cups Tarot is wisdom, self-sufficiency, independence and intuition. The lasso confirms the correctness of your intentions and speaks of the feeling of security you experience.


To understand more clearly what this Tarot card wants to say, it is necessary to consider it in the position in which it lay in fortune-telling.


The Queen is the predominance of feelings and emotions over the mind. If the lasso appears in fortune telling, it means the questioner feels safe and comfortable. The questioner knows exactly what he wants from life, makes long-term plans, strives to understand himself and the world around him.

In the Tarot, the Thoth card means receptivity, deep feelings, loyalty, inspiration.

The card represents a wise, attentive and caring woman. This could be a relative, lover, mother or faithful friend. If the Queen lies down in an upright position, there is no need to be afraid of her, since she plays a key role in the life of the questioner and can help him.

What else can mean this lasso in fortune telling:

  • Creative self-realization.
  • Clairvoyance, developed intuition.
  • Love, dedication, passion.
  • Honesty, justice, kindness.


If the card appears in an inverted position, it speaks of danger, deception and the struggle between evil and good. It indicates instability, deceit, hypocrisy, disruption of plans, and broken promises.

The reversed Queen of Cups is something that cannot be relied upon. She is very capricious, treacherous and cunning. The card can also indicate that the questioner is in an illusory world and his inability to sensibly assess the situation.

Basic meanings of the lasso:

  • Dishonor, betrayal, vices.
  • Escape from problems, inability to think clearly.
  • Unreliable individual.
  • A loss trust.

Value in layouts

What significance does the Queen of Cups card have in readings for love, relationships, health, career and situation?


The presence of the Lady of Cups in health divination is a sign of emotional instability, depression and stress. The card predicts the occurrence of serious physical illnesses, the source of which can be energy exhaustion and nervousness.

At a deeper level, the card suggests that the questioner is endowed with special energetic sensitivity, due to which he can attract illnesses of the people around him.

The lasso also says about the following ailments:

  • fainting
  • poisoning
  • swelling, imbalance of water balance in the body
  • kidney problems and urinary system dysfunction
  • disruption of the nervous system

Love and relationships

If it falls in an upright position, it speaks of the depth of feelings between partners, mutual understanding and common goals. Feelings and family values ​​come first for lovers.

The Queen of Cups, which fell to a man in fortune telling, symbolizes longing for love and affection. If the lasso falls on a woman, then it shows that men value your attractiveness and ability to win over you.

In general, the upright position of the card symbolizes relationships, in which feelings, trust and sincerity are important.

Reversed Queen of Cups indicates problems between partners. This is a case where one manipulates another for personal gain. In such a relationship, both are unhappy, but there is no talk of separation.

The Queen of Cups, also reversed, often represents an angry woman. The card shows that she feels deceived, so she longs for revenge and justice.


The position you are in at the moment requires turning to your inner feelings. In this situation, the Queen of Cups recommends trusting your own intuition and listening to your inner voice.

It is also important to pay attention to your dreams and signs that you encounter every day in everyday life.. All this together will help you make the right decision and avoid mistakes.


Interest in the profession, the desire to fulfill one’s duties with full responsibility, the desire for gradual, unhurried growth up the career ladder - all this is symbolized by the Queen of Cups, which falls in the scenario at work.

Its main meaning is the desire to receive from professional activity not only material benefits, but also experience, pleasure, new acquaintances and opportunities.

Reversed cups indicate lack of prospects. She also often personifies an envious person, a rival and a gossip who will do anything to achieve her goal.

Combination with other Tarot

How does the Queen of Cups manifest itself in combination with other Tarot symbols? Let's consider this card in interaction with the major and minor arcana.

With the major arcana:

  • Jester– travel, upset about the child’s behavior or behavior.
  • Mage– manipulation, the desire to achieve one’s goals at any cost.
  • Priestess– manifestation of clairvoyance, intuitive thinking.
  • Empress– pregnancy, the birth of a new idea, hatching a plan.
  • Emperor– marriage, wedding, changes.
  • Hierophant– repentance, cleansing, starting life from scratch.
  • Lovers– the desire to do good and give love.
  • Chariot– uncertainty, doubts.
  • Force– full of emotions, charged with energy from your feelings.
  • Hermit– closedness, reluctance to make contact.
  • Wheel of Fortune– search for new emotions and impressions.
  • Justice– search for your purpose, desire to find out the truth.
  • Hanged- treason, betrayal, lies.
  • Death- melancholy, sorrow.
  • Moderation– awareness, the ability to think clearly.
  • Devil– temptation, choosing the wrong path.
  • Tower- broken heart.
  • Star- the beginning of a new path.
  • Moon– deception, wrong decision, dashed hopes.
  • Sun– creativity, unlocking potential.
  • Court– analysis of one’s actions, self-flagellation.
  • World– healing, self-acceptance.

With wands:

  • Ace- sincere feelings, love.
  • 2 wands- the need to sort out your feelings.
  • 3 of wands- inspiration.
  • 4 wands– enjoying your relationships and feelings.
  • 5 of wands– lack of understanding between people.
  • 6 wands- increasing authority, recognition, glory.
  • 7 of wands- quarrel, separation.
  • 8 wands– openness of feelings, beginning of a relationship.
  • 9 of wands- frustration, self-deception.
  • 10 wands- reaching the peak of your patience.
  • Page- tenderness, attentiveness.
  • Knight– passion, inability to control oneself.
  • Queen of Wands– optimistic attitude, openness.
  • King– the beginning of a relationship, on the love front.

With swords:

  • Ace- bad news.
  • 2 swords– rivalry.
  • 3 swords– your feelings will be hurt.
  • 4 swords– closed heart, reluctance to make contact.
  • 5 swords- follow your own feelings.
  • 6 swords- compassion, caring.
  • 7 swords– conflict.
  • 8 swords- awareness of one’s uselessness.
  • 9 swords– temptation.
  • 10 swords– the ability to forgive.
  • Page– frivolous intentions.
  • Knight- a manifestation of kindness and nobility.
  • Queen– doubts about the chosen path.
  • King- help, good advice.

With cups:

  • Ace- premonition, dream.
  • 2 cups- intimate talk.
  • 3 cups- the desire to be heard.
  • 4 cups- full of dreams.
  • 5 cups- manifestation of wisdom.
  • 6 cups– family, love, marriage.
  • 7 cups- discovery of a secret, desire to know the truth.
  • 8 cups– the desire to get to know the people around you.
  • 9 cups- joy, .
  • 10 cups– inability to think clearly.
  • Page- manifestation of cordiality and warmth.
  • Knight- help from a loved one.
  • King– harmony, love and respect.

With pentacles:

  • Ace- disappointment.
  • 2 of pentacles– lack of mutual understanding.
  • 3 of pentacles- the intention to do everything your own way.
  • 4 of pentacles- mental fog.
  • 5 of pentacles- quarrel over property.
  • 6 of pentacles- help and compassion.
  • 7 of pentacles- the struggle between the material and spiritual principles.
  • 8 of pentacles- a clash of two different opinions.
  • 9 of pentacles– lack of openness and trust.
  • 10 of pentacles- the beginning of new things.
  • Page– empathy.
  • Knight– struggle, competition.
  • Queen– anger, aggression, lack of support.
  • King- power, ambition.

Listen to your inner voice and do as your heart tells you. Do not reject the help of your mother or friend. The woman personified by the Queen of Cups will play a key role in the development of the situation. It is very important not to lose your individuality. She will help you conquer any heights.

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