The hermit tarot card has meaning in a person’s personality. Hermit Tarot: upright and inverted meaning in the reading. General state of finances and trends of changes

9th Arcana - Hermit

Before you is the 9th card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot - “The Hermit” (aka “Prophet of Eternity”, “Seeker”).

What is reflected on this map and what aspects of life can it reveal to an inquisitive person?

Look at the image: an old man is walking through a desert area with a staff in one hand and a lantern in the other. His step is unhurried, and his concentrated gaze speaks of the important goal towards which this wanderer is striving.

In the Tarot deck, this card indicates caution and detachment from the bustle of life. It is also a sign of victory over one’s own passions and the desire to comprehend the inner nature of all events that occur.

What does the 9th Arcana mean in fortune telling? If he met you in a personal scenario, you do not have to be afraid of any vicissitudes of fate. After all, the appearance of the Arcanum “The Hermit” indicates the presence in your character of such positive qualities as prudence, the ability to pull yourself together in time, the ability to manage your emotions - which, in turn, allows you not only to determine your future, but also to actively influence on the people around you.

However, accompanied by negative Minor Arcana or in an inverted form, “The Hermit” is a reason to think: are you too isolated in your own little world, so that it is almost impossible to “reach out” to you? Beware of persisting in your behavior: after all, later, when you decide to come out of your “shell,” you really risk finding yourself alone.

This card can tell a lot to a person who has decided to use fortune telling to find out how this or that life situation will develop. The appearance of the Arcana “Hermit” clearly hints that you should be very careful in your actions - otherwise the situation threatens to turn sideways for you.

Take a closer look at the accompanying Minor Arcana. It is possible that they will indicate what exactly you should be wary of in the future.

8th Arcana - Justice | >>

Hermit + Jester (IX + 0)
To lose yourself.
Withdrawal from reality threatens with insanity.
Leaving the world.

Hermit + Mage (IX + I)
Wise magician.
Understand themselves.
Find hidden talent.
It's time to get down to business.
Do what you do best.

Hermit + High Priestess (IX + II)
Single woman.
Another woman, betrayal, a secret connected with her.
Childlessness or single mother.
Wisdom in solitude.
Isolation period. Denial of pleasures.
Voluntary exile.
Closedness. Unsociability.
Understanding yourself.
Devote yourself to studying secret knowledge.
Intuitive path.
Spiritual service to people.
Spiritual purity.
Monitor your health.

Hermit + Empress (IX + III)
Wise woman. She is her own boss.
Works alone. Hidden business.
There is no need to rush things, even if something doesn’t suit you, everything will go on as usual.
Time to think.
Irresponsibility of feelings.
Health requires examination.

Hermit + Emperor (IX + IV)
Gaining power over yourself.
The person has experience, knowledge and conducts business without advice or tips.
Wise power, one-man.
An elderly lonely man.

Hermit + Hierophant (IX + V)
A wise, lonely person, with extensive life experience, capable of giving valuable advice.
Sage, old man, experienced person, elder of the family. Spiritual teacher.
Pay attention to spiritual life.
The chosen method of action will lead to success.
Search for your own value system.
Contact your doctors.

Hermit + Lovers (IX + VI)
The emergence of connections and relationships.
Finding a partner.
The emergence of sexual relations, sometimes against a person’s wishes.

Hermit + Chariot (IX + VII)
Traveling to your destination alone.
Thoughts before the road.
Loneliness is broken.

Hermit + Strength (IX + VIII)
Achieving your goal depends on your willpower. She wakes up inside you.
Personality strives to flourish and requires new options for its development.

Hermit + Wheel (IX + X)
The feeling of loneliness gradually passes. Coming out of isolation.
Thirst for change.
It's time to hit the road to see the world and expand your horizons.
Going to doctors. Examination.

Hermit + Justice (IX + XI)
Wise and experienced judge.
Find justice.
Take on the role of referee.
A fair decision in court is being delayed.
Delay in the development of something.
Getting married.

Hermit + Hanged Man (IX + XII)
Forced loneliness or confinement.
Danger of losing freedom.
Betrayal. Treason. Disease.
No money left. They don't understand at work. No support.
You do not tolerate loneliness well and are in dire need of communication.
Go for a gynecological examination.

Hermit + Death (IX + XIII)
The slow transformation of loneliness.
Painful loneliness.
But if before there was one, then vice versa.
Twilight of the soul.
Leaving the world. From worldly affairs.
State of mourning. A loss.

Hermit + Temperance (IX + XIV)
The end of loneliness. Rush.
Life was in motion.
Time is the best healer.
Healing the wound after loss.

Hermit + Devil (IX + XV)
The trap of loneliness.
It's the wrong god to pray to.
The struggle of motives. The temptation to act contrary to oneself, to do something contrary to one’s nature.
Belief in evil, in vice. Temptation by material goods.
Obsession. Extreme degree of cynicism. Attacks of pride and irritation.
Alone masochism.
He can date anyone. Not for the better.

Hermit + Tower (IX + XVI)
Scandal. A break up.
There was no way to hide.
Not reasonable actions.
You can be creatively successful, but still be self-destructive.
You have an excess of energy and may get carried away.
Better pull yourself together.

Hermit + Star (IX + XVII)
Mission Complete.
The wait has been long and now your reward awaits.
Hope to shed light on your purpose.
The man is a loner.
It's unlikely to be married.
There may be a marriage abroad.

Hermit + Moon (IX + XVIII)
Long loneliness. Self-test.
There will be belated changes in life.
Late success if creative.
Late savings in life. Doesn't share with anyone.
If a person drinks, goes on a long binge.
Fear of loneliness. Not the best solution for the psyche.
Hidden disease.

Hermit + Sun (IX + XIX)
A chance to change something in life.
Find the truth that I have been looking for for a long time.
Resumption of activity is expected after a fairly long break.
Work hard and luck will smile on you.
Disclosure of betrayal, secrets.

Hermit + Court (IX + XX)
Events will happen that will make you think.
Changes to be accepted. They are for the better.
It's time to put an end to it.
You were waiting for fate's verdict.
It's passed - and not too bad.
Get down to business, difficulties can be overcome, don’t waste time!
Only you will have to answer.
Wrong court (from an ancient interpreter).
Receiving important news.
A big event, the beginning of a new period of life.

Hermit + World (IX + XXI)
A success that took a long time to arrive.
Everything is paid for.
The roads are open. Your abilities have finally come to fruition.
Personality integration.
The idea and its implementation.
The need to change places, travel in order to become wiser.
Wisdom brought you to Olympus.
Reducing isolation, getting involved in the flow of events.

With the Ace of Wands card - find the light within yourself.
With the Two of Wands card - indecision.
With the Three of Wands card - find something valuable in yourself.
With the Four of Wands card - find shelter.
With the Five of Wands card there are conflicting feelings.
With the Six of Wands card - take responsibility.
With the Seven of Wands card - “collect stones.”
With the Eight of Wands card - inner illumination.
With the Nine of Wands card - learn a lesson.
With the Ten of Wands card - bear your cross.
With the “Page of Wands” card - look younger.
With the Knight of Wands card - let off steam.
With the “Queen of Wands” card - thaw, bloom; come out of your shell.
With the “King of Wands” card - increase authority.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Hermit upright with the Major Arcana

Mage - Highest Wisdom
Mage (trans) - Danger
Priestess - Woman - scientist of high rank (S. Kovalevskaya or M. Sklodowska-Curie)
Priestess (trans) - Errors in calculations
Empress - Scientific discovery at the Nobel Prize level
Empress (trans) - Loss of offspring (any)
Emperor - Palace intrigues. Intrigue
Emperor (transl.) - Quiet Madness
Priest - Marriage sanctified by the church. Marriage
Priest (trans) - Disorder of Plans
Lovers - Despite all doubts, the right choice will be made, the right step.
Lovers (trans) - Voluptuousness
Chariot - Wise ruler. Solomon's decision, wisdom
Chariot (trans) - Rout (any)
Justice - Righteous court. Court of conscience. Confinement in a cell alone
Justice (trans) - Justice Restored
Wheel of Fortune - Hidden abilities at the subconscious level
Wheel of Fortune (trans) - Finding the Lost
Strength - Espionage in favor of one's country (like Stirlitz)
Strength (trans) - Danger from Zeus (lightning, thunder, thunderstorm, hail)
Hanged Man - Reinsurance. Sabotage
The Hanged Man (trans) - Death by Religious Fans
Death - Taking into custody. Avoiding danger
Death (trans) - Loss of sense of reality
Moderation - Teaching. Moral Lessons
Moderation (trans) - Slowing down danger
Devil - Marijuana. Light drugs
Devil (trans) - Redemption. Father Sergius
Tower - Networks. Tricks. Traps. Hunting. Checkboxes
Tower (trans) - Epilepsy. Storm in a teacup
Star - Success with securities
Star (trans) - Clarification of confusing circumstances
Moon - Avoiding danger
Moon (trans) - Secret ill-wishers. "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing"
Sun - Cunning, being caught red-handed while committing socially dangerous actions. Deceit and love
The Sun (trans) - Happiness in material terms
Trial - Solitary confinement
Court (trans) - Insurmountable difficulties
Peace - Wise politician (Yasser Arafat)
Peace (trans.) - Truce is impossible. "Axe of War"
Jester - Escaping danger at the last minute
Jester (transl.) - Jokes that went far

Hermit upright with the Minor Arcana

The Hermit in upright and inverted positions is identical in combination with the minor arcana

2 of Wands - Secret machinations of enemies
2 of Wands (trans) - Loss of favor
2 Cups - "Black cash" (shady business)
2 of Cups (trans) - Confrontation, defense of faith
2 of Swords - Entering a monastery
2 of Swords (trans) - Trickery, superficial view
2 of Pentacles - Calming the soul in prayer
2 of Pentacles (trans) - Manic passion

3 of Wands - Awareness of negativity. Awakening from hibernation
3 of Wands (trans) - Dissolution of the union
3 of Cups - Hidden truth, noble deceiver
3 Cups (per) - Lack of support
3 of Swords - Escapism
3 of Swords (trans) - Shortsightedness, fallacy
3 of Pentacles - Quirk, playmaker
3 of Pentacles (trans.) - Conventional wisdom, unprofessionalism

4 of Wands - Formation of a new union
4 of Wands (trans) - Does not change the meaning in an inverted position
4 of Cups - Boundless Faith
4 of Cups (trans) - New approaches to religion. Bible
4 of Swords - Hermitage, wanderings. Skeet
4 of Swords (trans) - Success on the spiritual path
4 of Pentacles - Spiritual loneliness
4 of Pentacles (trans) - Closedness, fencing oneself off from the truth of life

5 of Wands - Success in banking
5 of Wands (trans) - Slow-flowing troubles
5 of Cups - “Gothic” in Christian Hermeticism, cutting off the superfluous
5 of Cups (per) - Like-minded people in faith and convictions
5 of Swords - Overcoming earthly things, cleansing from filth. CONFESSION.
5 of Swords (trans.) - Lack of conviction in religious dogma
5 of Pentacles - Inequality of states, incl. and spiritual
5 of Pentacles (trans) - Spiritual emptiness, rejection of God

6 of Wands - Fear of change, even successful ones
6 of Wands (trans) - Lack of trust
6 of Cups - Path to holiness, observance of vows of chastity, obedience, poverty
6 of Cups (trans) - Revival of former beliefs
6 of Swords - Mecca, pilgrims
6 of Swords (trans) - Apostleship
6 of Pentacles - Path to God
6 of Pentacles (trans) - Frustration, breakup, lack of fulfillment

7 of Wands - Ambush Strike
7 of Wands (transl.) - The unbearable heaviness of existence
7 of Cups - Contemplative lack of initiative
7 of Cups (trans.) - Failed intentions, betrayal
7 of Swords - Spiteful critics, secret enemies
7 of Swords (trans.) - Inability to persuade, lack of knowledge
7 of Pentacles - Unexpected big profits
7 of Pentacles (trans) - The treachery of a congenial person

8 of Wands - Innocent fun
8 of Wands (trans) - Maturity exam failed
8 of Cups - A chaste young girl, innocent and pure as a dove
8 of Cups (trans) - Lethargy of thoughts, feelings
8 of Swords - Making verdicts
8 of Swords (trans) - Accidents in Spiritual Places
8 of Pentacles - Platonic love
8 of Pentacles (trans) - Sacrifice

9 of Wands - Going underground from troubles
9 of Wands (trans) - Caution, slowing things down
9 of Cups - Wandering monk, pilgrim. Privacy
9 of Cups (trans.) - Sectarianism, zeal, sphericity
9 of Swords - Love Recluse
9 of Swords (trans) - Unholy thoughts, death, funeral of a religious figure
9 of Pentacles - Escape, refuge
9 of Pentacles (trans) - The paradox of the situation

10 of Wands - Stopping along the way for fear of getting into an unpleasant situation.
10 of Wands (trans) - Zeal encounters obstacles. Defeat in equestrian sport
10 of Cups - Test of spiritual maturity
10 of Cups (trans) - Overthrow from religious heights, removal from spiritual office
10 of Swords - Sophisticated tests. Chains. Job
10 of Swords (trans) - Strife on a spiritual basis
10 of Pentacles - Stinginess
10 of Pentacles (trans) - Amateur (maybe yes, I suppose)

Ace of Wands - Bankruptcy through your own fault
Ace of Wands (trans) - Death of Affairs
Ace of Cups - Spirituality, life position
Ace of Cups (trans) - Inconsistency in religious beliefs
Ace of Swords - Religiosity
Ace of Swords (trans) - Artificial insemination. Cloning. Loneliness, hatred
Ace of Pentacles - Happiness lies in mercy and kindness. Mother Teresa.
Ace of Pentacles (trans) - Success in spiritual career

Page of Wands - Wise young man, assistant. Spiritual growth
Page of Wands (trans) - Warns of danger, bad news
Page of Cups - Seminary student, exhausted from studying
Page of Cups (trans.) - Khoma Brut. Gogol, "Viy"
Page of Swords - Monk Abel
Page of Swords (trans) - Failed Personality
Page of Pentacles - A person who reveres knowledge
Page of Pentacles (trans) - The Man with His Head in the Clouds

Knight of Wands - Removal from business affairs
Knight of Wands (transl.) - Brawler, brawler
Knight of Cups - Peacemaker Abbot. Abbey
Knight of Cups (trans) - Lack of energy to fight, cowardice
Knight of Swords - Mercenary Soldier
Knight of Swords (trans) - A man with criminal tendencies
Knight of Pentacles - A man who knows his worth
Knight of Pentacles (trans) - Limitation in capabilities

Queen of Wands - Success in the economy. Mistress
Queen of Wands (transl.) - Courtesy, “a good face for a bad game”
Queen of Cups - Gift of foresight, wonderful mother, wife
Queen of Cups (transl.) - Mourners, confessions against you
Queen of Swords - Abbess of the monastery. Lonely nun. Kel
Queen of Swords (trans) - Evil woman. Atheism
Queen of Pentacles - Freedom of belief, public sermons
Queen of Pentacles (trans) - Fluctuating moods, trends

King of Wands - Success in politics, politically savvy boss
King of Wands (trans) - Cleric
King of Cups - Man of Art or Science
King of Cups (trans) - Drawing life lessons from the situation
King of Swords - Holy Order, peacemaker in general
King of Swords (trans) - Apostasy, religious fanaticism
King of Pentacles - Opportunity
King of Pentacles (trans) - A premature attempt to resolve the situation

Hermit Reversed with Major Arcana

Mage - Failure of plans. CONSPIRACY. Bad sign of fate
Magician (trans) - Mental problems, the real danger is not so great
Priestess - Evasion, danger
Priestess (transl.) - A fixable matter
Empress - Uncertainty of position
Empress (trans) - Loss of daughters. Karma along the female line
Emperor - Adultery. Civil marriage
Emperor (trans) - Loss of sons. Karma along the male line
Priest - Lack of obligations of the parties. Flirting
Priest (trans) - The collapse of relationships in principle
Lovers - Wrong Step
Lovers (trans) - Danger on the Road
Chariot - Neglect of advantages
The Chariot (transl.) - "Pyrrhic Victory"
Justice - A high-profile criminal case was lost “miserably”
Justice (trans) - The quest for justice
Wheel of Fortune - Forgery
Wheel of Fortune (trans) - Restoring the previous status
Strength - Resident error. Resident failure
Strength (trans) - Avoidance of retribution
Hanged Man - Debunked idol. Idolatry
The Hanged Man (trans) - Vain sacrifices
Death - Turning things around 180°
Death (transl.) - Escape from Retribution
Moderation - Worship of false values
Temperance (trans) - Facing the Past
The Devil is Heroin. Strong synthetic drugs
The Devil (transl.) - Bad bunch of drug addicts
Tower - Lifebuoy. Avoiding danger
The Tower (trans) - Finding Lost Faith
Star - Loss of financial support
Star (trans) - Hurricane. Tornado
Moon - Danger of water
Moon (trans) - A flood of enormous force. World Flood or other water hazard
The Sun - Crime Solving
The Sun (trans) - Blinded by jealousy
Court - Unfair trial
Judgment (transl.) - “Gifts” of Saturn. Sword. Sword of Damocles
Peace - Carelessness
The World (transl.) - “Saturn is almost invisible”
Jester - "Icarus"
Jester (trans) - Contempt for crime

The Hermit Reversed with the Minor Arcana

10 of Cups (trans.) - Fall from the heights


The talisman of the 9th Arcana in the form of a Lantern is a symbol of the Teacher-Mentor. A talisman in the form of a staff with 3 knots provides support in three planes of existence.

Description of the meaning of Arcana
The energy of this Arcana is connected with the Consciousness of the Ascended Masters. Magicians of the third level, conducting the energy of the 9th Arcana, are outside the physical world. These beings, whose consciousnesses reflect the whole world, are on a different energy level. This energy allows the human consciousness to contain the whole world and all the processes occurring in it. By changing the picture of the world in his mind, the Magician can change the real processes occurring in the world. This energy allows you to control events occurring in the world.

Description of the Angel Arcana
The angel of the ninth Arcana is the Wanderer. This is a hermit and ascetic traveling alone. The Angel's attributes are the Wanderer's staff and the Master's lamp. The Angel's face is hidden by the Cloak of Namelessness.

Action of Arcanum on the Body
This Arcanum tunes the Magician to conduct energy, which increases the frequency of the body and puts it into a special mode of functioning. Most microorganisms die in this mode. The body's immunity increases many times over. The body in this mode does not need material food, but is highly dependent on the information environment. To heal the body in this mode, the correct verbal formula is enough.

The effect of the Arcanum on the Situation
To change any situation with the help of the energies of the 9th Arcana, it is enough to imagine the necessary scenario for the development of future events. The Magician’s consciousness is able to change the life trajectory of any objects whose frequency is below the 9th Arcana. Here we are faced with the principle of Hierarchy: the consciousness of the Highest determines the existence of the lower ones.

Arcana Ritual
The Angel of Arcana meets the applicant on the Road and carries him along. The key to this ritual is the Path. The angel carries the adept along with him and hands him the Traveler's staff, the Master's Lamp and the cloak of the Unknown.

Siddha Arcana
The magician who conducts this energy has self-sufficiency and power over the world. Being outside of any events, he can control them. A magician who has this Siddha is outside the events of this world, but has power over them.

Using the energy of this Arcana
The energy of this Arcana is used to change the level of consciousness. This is the energy of Ascension.


Arcanum IX is a teaching about the affirmation and knowledge by man on the path of his existence of his individuality, about the independence and isolation of his manifested being.

Divine world - Absolute wisdom.
Mental plane. Highest Patronage. Mental Initiation as joining the Universal Man. Patronage and help of the Savior. The idea and image of the Patron Geniuses. Super-ego. Mental self-determination. Wisdom. Caution, forethought (initiation into the world of facts).
Astral plane. Astral Initiation. World Astral Man (Personality) as an Initiator. Initiation as a process of evolutionary work. Self-dedication is finding the Patron in oneself. Astral self-knowledge. Superstitions. Prejudice. Conventions. Mental harmony.
Physical plan. Initiation in the physical body. Nature as Initiator.

Arcanum IX is depicted as an old man walking, leaning on a staff, and carrying in front of him a lit lantern, half hidden by him under his cloak. This old man personifies the experience acquired through working life. The lit lantern expresses the light of the mind, which should spread to the past, present and future. The cloak covering the lantern signifies caution, and the staff symbolizes the support given by prudence and caution to a person who does not want to divulge his thoughts.
“Remember, son of the Earth, that prudence is the weapon of the wise man. Prudence gives him the opportunity to avoid pitfalls and abysses and anticipate betrayal. Let prudence be your guide in all your actions, even the most insignificant ones. Nothing in the world should be indifferent: a pebble can set in motion the chariot of the ruler of the world. Remember that if the word is silver, then silence is golden.”

“When you see snow and flowers randomly falling from the Sky (flying snowflakes and dancing flowers) and the time has come to leave the Physical Body, then let the thought of leaving arise and direct it to the Great Emptiness.”
In this “Emptiness” a person finds himself alone and there is nothing around him. Here he will understand that he has his own Light, his own energy and that here he relies on his experience, on a huge amount of Knowledge. A person feels that he has his own World and can exist in it - this is SELF-SUFFICIENCY.

“EMPTY” is a barrier to our self-sufficiency, our loneliness, which keeps others at the distance necessary for our personality to live a free and fulfilling life. Everyone in the “Emptiness” is a self-absorbed, independent and completely unobtrusive individual. He expands to the edges of the horizon, and finds out that he himself is the container of everything, as if the entire Universe is contained inside him. A man inside himself discovers an interlocutor - his Teacher, who introduces him to the World of Zatomis. The first thing a person will be able to see is violet and gold energy, and will hear the sound of melodic bells - “crimson ringing”. Visual sensations may appear: tropical twilight; the river along which the lunar path runs; bamboo thickets and walking celestials.

QUINTENSENCE- perfect substance, ideal matter of the Space between the 3rd and 4th dimensions, this is the first matter that arose when the Divine Fire of the Mind breathed life into the previously reigning Chaos. This is the “Great Emptiness”, AMENTI - “Womb of the Earth”. Amenti is located at a depth of 1832 km, below the surface of the earth.
"Everyone must enter into his mother, who is the prima materia, in order to gain eternity." “Visit the depths of the earth and, having purified yourself, you will find the secret Stone.”

PRIMAMATER contains all possible properties and qualities; it contains the potentiality of all things and phenomena. It remains unchanged under any circumstances. Primary matter is a natural substance containing sulfur, mercury and philosophic salt (symbolic elements); all substances are composed of them, but in different proportions, which is why some bodies are more perfect than others. This matter potentially possesses all the qualities and properties of elementary things; it contains within itself the material beginning and end of everything, the quintessence called the “bird of Hermes.” This is the germ of all things, the original moisture. Materia Prima in the state of distant matter is called the Raw Material of the Sages. She is a rough mineral extracted from the mine; becoming an object of alchemical transformations, an object of Work, it becomes nearby matter.
“If Nature had made better use of this matter in the “Womb of the Earth” and if she had not mixed it with dirt, then she would have been the Holy Sun and the Moon.”
That part of the Lower Manas which retains its purity forms the AntahKarana. After death, the higher Light (AntahKarana), which carries the impressions and memory of all good and noble aspirations, is assimilated by the Higher EGO, while the bad is separated in the Space of the Lower Astral and returns in the form of bad Karma, awaiting the person in the next incarnation. The purpose of Lower Manas is to dissipate the properties of the material form in the Astral. The lower EGO has the power to drive away sins and increase good deeds through the AntahKarana.

The following senses or qualities of mind are required to enter the Star Gate:

Truth, Beauty,
Trust, Harmony, Peace,
Reverence for God

The meaning of the number Nine

Lotus Temple

As for the symbolism, it is based mainly on the Greatest Name of God. Islam says that God has many names, one of which is the Greatest, and it is hidden from humanity. Baha'u'llah revealed this name to us - Baha (emphasis on the second "a"). Translated from Arabic (which became the language of the last three Divine Revelations) this means “glory”, “greatness”, “splendor”, “brilliance”, “radiance”, “beauty”.
In Arabic (as in many others), each letter has a numerical correspondence; therefore, each word also corresponds to a certain number. For the word "Baha" this is the number 9, which is why it is considered sacred by the Baha'is, and one of the symbols of the Baha'i Faith is a nine-pointed star (and therefore temples have a nine-sided plan). See Baha'i Faith.


Nine-pointed star- symbol of the Creator God (Higher Civilization). Man is the fifth element of the biosphere. Here the basis of the design is a five-pointed star. But “And God said: Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness...” (Gen. ch. 1 v. 26). Here the five-rayed star is, as it were, superimposed on the second star (twice human), however, it is not simply superimposed by summation, forming a ten-rayed star, but organically enters into it, forming a single whole - a nine-rayed star. The number "nine" is a symbol of God the Creator. And here this number (star) is placed in the circle of the biosphere - the star (God) is alive.

Ten intersecting nine-pointed stars

The number nine in the alchemical process denotes absolute Truth (3x3), - here the Lord descends to people (Descent - Avatarati), unites with them and shows them the path of Ascension.

9. Theories and symbols of alchemy. Great Work. Albert Poisson and others K. “New Acropolis”. 1995.
12. Daniil Andreev. Rose of the world. M. 2001.
16.Drunvalo Melchizedek. The ancient secret of the Flower of Life. Volume 1 and Volume 2. Kyiv. 2002.
25. Tao. Harmony of the world. "Exmo-PRESS". M. 2000.


I am Nine, the incomprehensible, the most powerful of all numbers. I am intangible, I like to hide and prefer to avoid energies that want to give me form in accordance with their laws. I have my own laws, and I do not allow myself to be criticized.
I am stronger than the Eight, who believes that she can afford everything, and wiser than the Six, whose promiscuity I can remind. I carry within me a premonition of Chaos, but I do not succumb to it. I prefer to act secretly, I love solitude, from where I coolly observe the bustle of others. I use their energies and control them. Anyone who wants to get to know me should come to me. Anyone who wants to understand me must learn to see what is hidden from view.
I often hear the One complaining about Chaos, from which she herself comes, and I know that she does this because incomprehensibility does not allow herself to be controlled and eludes her power claims. The unit does not understand anything, because it wants to receive and hold. I know that nothing remains as it is now. Movement turns into stagnation, dominance into slavery, understanding into amazement.
Chaos poses countless riddles for everyone. I solve them and thereby bring relief from thirst. I am a teacher for everyone. I teach a Unit of tolerance, a Two - independence, a Three - renunciation, a Four - ease, a Five - looseness, a Six - modesty, a Seven - secrecy, and an Eight - love. Although I share much with the Three and the Six, I have to carry out my work alone, fully aware that upon completion it must return to where it came from: into Chaos.
I know very well that all numbers, some to a greater extent, some to a lesser extent, have distrust towards me, since they probably feel that I am forced to feed on their energy, not being able to independently generate my own. But in reality, I only manage this modest, often against the will, mite transferred to me, so that one day - when the end of the world comes and they have all exhausted their energies - by paying back what they lent, I will give them the opportunity to return to where they come from: to Chaos. But until then, I will demand my share from everyone who approaches me, not to rob, but to ensure that the quintessence is preserved and the memory is not dispelled.

I control ideas and forms.

Positive traits:
Impressive, intuitive, imaginative, impulsive, artistic, idealistic, willing to sacrifice oneself for others.
Negative qualities:
Distancing, prone to mania, grumpy, unpredictable, hypocritical, unable to navigate.

Birth number 9

The gift of understanding and empathy associated with the "nine" allows you to lead the cosmic parade of vibrations. The number “9” is the number of metaphysics and philosophy, and you, obeying your nature, will turn to the occult sciences more than once in your life. You may even have experiences of an unusual nature that will take you to the level of supersensible perception. One way or another, you will find yourself in the grip of mysticism. The knowledge gained from your experiences and the study of the subject will make you wiser, and you will be able to find an explanation for any vicissitudes of life. You need to travel just like you need to breathe. But if a temporary change from your usual home environment is enough for someone, you need more. Change shapes your character and broadens your horizons, so that you gain the ability to understand the traditions of all countries and peoples, and learn the empathy and tolerance necessary to be a peacemaker.


NINE - formal harmony with hidden antagonism; internal crisis, preparation for a development leap; spiritual profanation, ritual.

A comment.
9 = 32 - the second level of embodiment of the harmonious three, now not at the (first) level of ideas, but in partially spiritualized living matter. Nine is a sign of an upcoming crisis and a qualitative leap before the completion of the third level, expressed in ten by the emergence of self-awareness of the spirit (for example, a religious person). Nine is cosmic harmony, formed in spiritualized matter, not prepared for this, and therefore containing within itself an unresolved antagonistic conflict. This conflict is resolved only in the ten, and by the nine it is perceived as insoluble, but is carefully camouflaged by its external harmony. Nine appears to be absolutely self-sufficient, harmonious and passive, although in reality it represents the idea of ​​transition, crisis and a leap in development. The symbol of nine is a self-sufficient, self-absorbed pregnancy. The internal reason for the hidden conflicts of the nine is that it is the second highest level of manifestation of the harmony of the three, in which each of the three elements that make up the three gave birth to two more, which immediately entered into antagonism (see figure). Nine, like eight, is deprived of a direct channel into the subtle plane and represents the maximum achievable harmony of the world, which has indirect connections with a higher plane, but is trying to build its own harmony without them. This is the ideal of formal methods (eg materialistic science), while the figure of eight is the reality of formal methods. Thus, the internal antagonism of the nine is due to the impossibility of an adequate harmonious embodiment of the spirit (at this, that is, the third, level of its manifestation), being at the same time an attempt to ignore this circumstance and build the harmony of partially spiritualized matter, so to speak, by the means available. However, the internal contradictions of the nine are not at all obvious; it claims to be perfect as it is, and pretends that these contradictions are nothing more than simply the forces contained within it, which can be turned to further development and improvement. This, however, is not the case. Firstly, the nine symbolizes (as if) the harmony that has already been achieved, and she does not want to develop anywhere and, in her opinion, is not necessary, and secondly, her internal contradictions are antagonistic, that is, she cannot reconcile them, and they sting painfully her from the inside. This is, therefore, a pregnant woman, completely closed in on herself and completely comfortable with herself; she absolutely does not want to give birth to a child, and she pretends that she is not going to do this, at the same time feeling the temporary nature of her situation and feeling the internal harbingers of the inevitably coming crisis, that is, childbirth: uncontrollable mood swings, toxicosis, etc.

9=8+1 - having received perfect tools that model subtle ones, but still deprived of a direct spiritualizing channel into the subtle plane, nine builds harmony in the primarily spiritualized world, ignoring this spirituality. Therefore, it builds precisely formal harmony, which is fraught with destruction or a breakthrough upward. Image: a musician polishing his technique, ignoring the plane of spiritual love, that is, working on Vishuddha in addition to Anahata.
9=7+2 - polarization of the vertical channel into a more subtle plane gives large shifts at the horizontal level, but leads to the emergence of internal contradictions that are insoluble at this level.
9=6+3 - perfect forms of life, clothed in harmony on the plane of spirituality, acquire strong internal contradictions, but retain external isolation.
9=5+4 - materialization of life at the primary spiritual level gives it forms that are formally harmonious, but lack the possibility of direct development. 9=4+5 - life transforms inert forms into perfect ones, but still only potentially spiritual.
9=3+6 - perfect life, rising on a harmonious basis, acquires contradictions and retains only external harmony, since now it lacks a direct spiritual channel.
9=2+7 - the spiritual channel materializes the idea of ​​confrontation, creating a perfect primary spiritual substance that preserves antagonism within itself - a religious or magical rite. Nine is outwardly harmonious and self-sufficient, it seems to itself and many others an unattainable ideal, but it is absolutely passive, immersed in itself and there it is torn apart by contradictions that are poorly understood by it. Claims to be complete spirituality, while at the same time strictly profaning all its real manifestations in others.

© Absalom Underwater

Number 9 in the psychomatrix

The number 9 in the psychomatrix is ​​responsible for the mind, memory and clairvoyance of a person. Why this particular number? It follows the number 8, and its characteristic must be related to the meaning of this number. Eight is responsible for duty towards loved ones, especially parents. Naturally, people experience the death of their parents, and it is for this case that the number 9 is intended. After the death of parents, the duty passes into a new quality; it is necessary to remember them, and therefore the number 9 is responsible for memory. When we talk about a person, about his abilities, then, as a rule, assessing his memory, we make a conclusion about the strength of his mind: “He knows so much (we mean: remembers), which means he is an intelligent person.” It’s worth arguing about this, because it was not for nothing that our great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov said: “Omniscience does not teach intelligence.”
Many (See) nines appeared in the psychomatrix. This means that the characteristic of memory must give way to a new quality for which nines are responsible - clairvoyance. Let's try to figure out the process of clairvoyance itself. Two types of clairvoyance can be distinguished. Firstly, if a person has strong energy (22 or more), then he can join the information field. It is accessible to him due to his strong memory, since the quantity of information remembered must turn into quality. Information accumulated over many generations must be organized, but it must not disappear from the information field. That is why entry into it is allowed only to those who have a strong memory and energy.
If a person has many nines in the psychomatrix, but weak energy (no more than one two), then we can talk about comparative clairvoyance, when he selects a similar situation from his memory and makes an assumption about the completion of the present event. Such clairvoyance does not have much reliability.
Clairvoyance dispels a person’s memory, sometimes tearing him away from reality. Clairvoyants entering the information field may be mistaken in their predictions, since they are able to see (or realize) the outline of an event, its vague silhouette. Sometimes they cannot determine the end time, but they know how the situation will end.
Clairvoyance is more strongly represented by the signs "9999 or 99999". In this case, they talk about the sign of the prophet, when almost all of a person’s predictions come true with a high degree of accuracy.
If your child has this sign, then know that you have a huge responsibility for revealing the clairvoyant. How can such a disclosure be made?
The main thing is that it is necessary to highlight the range of his interests and direct him to his own improvement in this area. As soon as his potential in mastering this area of ​​knowledge reaches a sufficiently high level, a qualitative change in the situation will occur, the person will gain access to the information field where information from all people with a similar interest has been accumulated. As soon as a person first receives information, in a dream or vision, it is necessary to begin to compile his dictionary of symbols that will appear in the dreams or visions. Very often, a strong clairvoyant or prophet suffers from the fact that he cannot understand the meaning of the information that appears in a dream - the information is encoded in symbols or images. You should not resort to the help of various dream interpreters; it is best to create your own dream book, which more accurately reflects the essence of possible events. The main thing is to learn to believe and trust your own premonitions, dreams, visions, sensations. If a child has these qualities, then trust him, he knows a lot.

Based on materials from the site

Ninth House

The ninth house represents the third phase of the development of the self: its ideal, that is, what a person would like to be. The question of the ideal of the ninth house (conscious and subconscious) is far from simple, in particular because it must be oriented towards the reality existing around a person, and a person often cannot answer the question: “How will my ideal behave in this situation?” give no answer other than the bitter confession: “He should never hit it.” Thus, the ideal of the “I” of the ninth house is a practical ideal, that is, an image designed to exist in the very reality in which a person lives.
However, a person tends to repress the most unpleasant moments of his life, especially when forming his ideal, so the latter often lives in a more cultured and pure environment than the person himself, and this is wrong, since one should constantly correct one’s behavior by turning to the ideal, and especially in those moments when you least want it - so that the lower principle, released into freedom, does not so openly celebrate its existence.

Copyright © 2015 Unconditional love

I continue publishing about the major arcana of the Tarot. Today I will touch on the Hermit card - 9 lasso. To correctly understand the meaning of this card, you must first look at the image. I'll use the Rider-Waite deck as a basis. Let's take a deeper look at the map. She is depicted on a blue background, like the High Priestess. Therefore, the main tool in interpretation will be our subconscious. The name of the 9th Arcana of the Tarot speaks of its meaning.

The 9th lasso depicts an old man. He is alone, there is no support or support. The Hermit Tarot says that you have to rely only on yourself. Don't expect help from other people. The old man's gaze is directed downward, which deprives him of confidence. Some people give this card pride, but if you look at it, you will immediately understand that this is not so. He wears a gray robe with a hood. Tarot Hermit holds a staff in his left hand, which symbolizes support, core, regime. Perhaps, under the influence of difficult circumstances, the staff will help the old man not to fall to the ground.

In the right hand, 9 lassos hold a lantern, which illuminates their path. We usually walk with a flashlight where it is dark or we don’t know the right path, we walk slowly and carefully. In a reading, the ninth lasso of the Tarot always speaks of limitations and caution. More importantly, there is a star hidden in the lantern - a symbol of good luck and fortune in Tarot cards. It's like she's behind bars. Most likely, the old man deliberately imprisoned the star. This means giving up luck, fun and joy. or at this moment luck and happy time turned away from the person. He should stop relying on them.

The old man stands on the snow, which symbolizes the cold. Coldness in the soul, refusal of warmth. Stagnation in business and actions. In astrology, the 9th Arcana of the Tarot can be associated with or with. At this moment, a person limits Himself and tries to get rid of temptations. He is watching and waiting for something. In astrological practice, this card is close in character to the planet Saturn. The hermit symbolizes time.

Tarot Hermit - direct meaning.

In the reading, the main meaning of the 9th Arcana of the Tarot is limitation and stagnation. You shouldn’t take active steps at this moment, strive for something, or wait for the help of friends. You just need to not think about it. Everything has its time.

The Hermit is favorable when working on himself. At this time, it is worth engaging in self-development and studying actual goals. This card can bring good luck to those who do not believe in it, but will work hard every day according to plan, without being distracted by meaningless things. Perhaps to succeed you will have to give up something, bad habits, certain people, your beliefs. Better understand yourself.

Like other cards, the Hermit in the layout can indicate a wise, but inhibited person. He won't do anything himself. But he can give good advice. If you have a guru or mentor, this card symbolizes him. But the best adviser when the 9th lasso falls out in a layout is your subconscious. Ask Yourself: “What do I really need? Answering may require time and privacy.

In personal relationships, the 9th lasso of the Tarot Hermit means loneliness or coldness in feelings. You should think about choosing a partner. The ninth lasso means concentrating on yourself and your feelings, and not on your partner and his problems. When this card falls on a man in a scenario, at best, it’s worth waiting. In the worst case, this Tarot card means separation, breakup. Your partner has no time for you right now. It’s better to take a break at this time, understand how important relationships are for a person, and understand yourself. Tarot Hermit is an egoist, he does not strive for partnership. On the other hand, there is no need to rush into a relationship. The ninth lasso of the Tarot does not like to rush.

In a profession scenario, the Hermit card will show stagnation in work and advancement. This is a bad period for business and activism. Success takes time. This card often shows cooling relationships with colleagues

This card is endowed with karmic meaning. When planning for the future, the 9th lasso means an unfavorable period, imprisonment. It's worth the wait. This is a great time for esotericism and self-development.

9 lasso - inverted position.

A hermit in an inverted position means forced isolation from the world. The man did not find the answer to the question he found out. The subconscious didn't help either. All expenses and restrictions were in vain. Loneliness did not give the desired results. The ninth lasso of the Tarot is in this position and does not provide a clear dialogue with the subconscious. It's a waste of time. Selfishness will not lead to anything good. Be simpler and people will be drawn to you.

Combination with other cards

The Hermit Tarot, when combined with other cards, shows an area in which there will be stagnation and cooling. An area where you should moderate your ardor. With a card or 9 Arcana Tarot increases the value of intuition in the layout. It is not very compatible with swords, because negativity increases.

You can get an answer to your question

Tarot Hermit - the meaning of this card is necessary if you use the classic Tarot, the Rider Waite Tarot and any other decks made in the Waite tradition for fortune telling. This interpretation also applies in cases where, when creating a unique deck, the author indicated that the classic meaning has not been changed.

In the article:

Tarot Hermit - meaning

The Hermit Tarot card has several meanings that are opposite to each other. If the goal of fortune telling is to reveal the spiritual potential of a person and the paths of his development, then the Hermit card drawn in the layout is a real treasure.

She says that a person has the opportunity to rethink his entire life, withdraw into himself for a while, make an important decision, focus on important problems and receive emotional healing. Such work on oneself will help not only to return to the true path, but to find harmony with nature.

In addition, in the upright position the Hermit says that the person is ready to get away from problems and will not suffer from loneliness. In most cases, a person does not allow anyone to approach him, not only because he needs time to be alone and rethink his life values, but also because of his pride.

In this case, the person is in his own shell, from which he does not want to leave. Often the Hermit card is identified with a fairly mature person, most often with an old man, since it is believed that it is during this period of a person’s life that he is able to accumulate sufficient experience in order to rethink his own life and draw the necessary conclusions.

The map focuses on the need for a deep analysis of what is happening. Such a person must have an iron core so that he has the courage to leave petty troubles, worries, and entertainment in order to think about the development of his soul. This is not just a break or rest, it is a real need to prepare yourself to start life with a clean slate.

The appearance of such a card speaks of a person who is trying to protect himself from negative influence from the outside. It is useless to rush this person or push him to do something. At this stage, the person is really busy rethinking life and determining his position.

The Hermit card suggests that a person is in search of the hidden, the truth. At this moment, you need to find a good leader, teacher and mentor who will help direct your energy in the right direction.

Inverted position

The Hermit reversed in the Tarot is a symbol of humility. This suggests that a person is, in principle, ready to do business and communicate with others, even if they irritate him. In general, a person is ready to come out of his shell and even go to work and communicate with other people.

But deep down, he doesn’t care whether to stay alone or run away into his fantasy world. Such a person often does not do what he wants, he is constantly forced to communicate with relatives who are disgusting to him, to work in a place for which he does not have a soul. At the same time, a person will always try to find a place where he will be appreciated.

It is possible to meet some distant acquaintance who will help you perk up. The scope of employment may change. If the calculation was made on the likelihood of reconciliation between people, then the answer is yes, but such a peace will not last long.

Work and finance

The Hermit Tarot card says that a person does not care at all how much he earns, but he is focused on some more global goal. Such a person may be a freelancer who does not want to constantly work for one person and is unable to find a common language with colleagues.

It is useless to force the Hermit to work in a team, as this will really be traumatic for him. He brings great benefit by working independently. In order for your employment to bring you pleasure, you should connect your life with some kind of search and research.

You have the opportunity not only to develop spiritually, but also to receive advanced training, expand your knowledge base, and hone your skills independently or under someone’s guidance. The card is unfavorable for businessmen, as it is a symbol of lack of profit and profitable partnerships.

Sometimes the lasso suggests that a person needs to pass on the knowledge he has acquired to another or retire. Regarding the financial and housing situation, the Hermit points to a person who does not get what he deserves. This may indicate a reduced salary or unappreciated talent. The main purpose of the card is to make a person understand that money is not the most important thing in life.

Hermit Tarot - meaning in relationships

As in most cases with the Hermit, in fortune telling about relationships the card is very twofold. It is quite possible that she says that a person feels lonely even with someone. Most often, in his subconscious, he flies away to another universe, where people do not bother him. If fortune telling is performed on two specific people (a man and a woman), the Hermit is a good sign.

If partners have been married for a long time, real feelings are revealed, people abandon youthful maximalism, selfishness, and are ready to do anything to preserve the union. If we are talking about a couple in which one of the partners is much older than the other, then the relationship will mainly be tolerance, the transfer of knowledge from a more experienced person to the other.

At the same time, the card speaks of a lack of love, coldness in the relationship, one of the partners is disgusted by the presence of the other. Pay attention to which cards surround the Hermit.

If they are positive, then the lasso speaks of the presence of warmth in relationships, joint problem solving, and harmonious coexistence. Otherwise, the interpretation will be negative, symbolizing fatigue from each other and alienation.

Health status

The Hermit Tarot card is far from the most favorable in health readings. The meaning of this card is loss of strength, lack of energy, fading of vital functions. The classical meaning speaks of completely normal natural processes of aging of the body.

The main interpretation is insomnia, melancholy, depression, hormonal imbalance, joint problems, menopause, problems with the gastrointestinal tract. A person has many negative habits that negatively affect his health.

But at the same time, the individual tries to support himself with physical exercise. When divining on a man, an inverted Hermit can indicate problems with the spine.

The Hermit in combination with other Tarot cards

If you want to find out as accurately as possible what is encrypted in the layout, you need to concentrate not on each individual card, but rely on the combination with others. Depending on which cards are located next to the Hermit, its usual meaning may change. In combination with the major arcana:

  • Jester - search for one's own Self;
  • Magician - an attempt to hide his abilities;
  • High Priestess - one should devote one’s life to studying the mysteries;
  • Empress - the search will bear fruit;
  • Emperor - harmony with oneself;
  • Hierophant - search for a mentor;
  • Lovers - the emergence of strong relationships;
  • Chariot - they prevent you from being alone;
  • Strength - compliance with established rules;
  • Wheel of Fortune - freedom from boundaries;
  • Justice - you will have to take on the role of a judge;
  • Hanged Man - the need for solitude;
  • Death is a feeling of emptiness;
  • Moderation is the torment of the soul;
  • Tower - search for truth;
  • Star - finding your destiny;
  • Moon - diseases;
  • Sun - your search will be successful;
  • Court - gaining experience;
  • The world is the unity of personality.

Paired with wands:

  • Ace - you can find all the answers within yourself;
  • Two - inability to make a decision;
  • Three - search for meaning in life;
  • Four - the need to find your corner;
  • Five - contradictions in the soul;
  • Six - the ability to be responsible for one's actions;
  • Seven is deception;
  • Eight - epiphany;
  • Nine - gaining experience;
  • Ten - you are carrying your cross;
  • Page - a person becomes younger in soul;
  • Knight - the aggressive mood will soon pass;
  • Queen - an opportunity to be reborn spiritually;
  • The king is an authority among his subordinates.

Hermit in combination with Tarot bowls:

  • Ace - test of maturity;
  • Two is a negative combination;
  • Three is a deception for good;
  • Four - blind faith;
  • Five - search for like-minded people;
  • Six - rebirth, obedience;
  • Seven - lack of initiative;
  • Eight - chastity, innocence;
  • Nine - pilgrimage;
  • Ten - instability of religious views;
  • Page - fatigue after long work;
  • The knight is a peacemaker;
  • The Queen is clairvoyant;
  • King - gaining life experience.

Paired with swords:

  • Ace is a very religious person;
  • Two - superficiality, an attempt to escape reality;
  • Three - the need to get support;
  • Four - wanderings;
  • Five - confession, cleansing from sins;
  • Six - pilgrimage;
  • Seven - you have a lot of enemies;
  • Eight is a sentence;
  • Nine - obsession;
  • Ten is a test of faith;
  • Page is a failed personality;
  • Knight - fraud, crime;
  • Queen - loneliness;
  • The king is a fanatic, a peacemaker.
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