Fortune telling without cards. Fortune telling without cards If you have been very tense and stressed for a long time, then sudden relaxation will cause a whole bunch of purification diseases. Not everyone can handle this! Purging can be deadly

Favorable fortitude.

Power in your toes. - Hike - unfortunately, have the truth.
Fortitude is fortunate.
An insignificant person will have to be powerful; the noble man will have to perish. - Perseverance is dangerous. When a goat butts a fence, its horns get stuck.
Fortitude is fortunate. Repentance will disappear. The fence is broken, you won’t get stuck in it. Power is in the axles of the great chariot.
You will lose a goat (even) in easy (circumstances). - There will be no repentance.
The goat butts the fence - it cannot retreat, it cannot advance. - Nothing favorable. (But if it is) difficult, then (there will be) happiness.


Da-zhuang (Power of the Great): yes - big, noble, important; able to protect others; will aimed at achieving a goal; the ability to manage your life; yang energy; zhuang - to inspire, encourage, strengthen; strong, prosperous, robust; mature, in the prime of life; also: damage, injury, unlimited use of force. The hieroglyph depicts a healthy person, strong and strong, like a tree.

Figurative series

Great power and energy are manifested in the outer world. Focus this power around the main idea. Beware of injuring others by excessive use of force. Get out of the shadows and get active. Powerful creative energy excites things and gives them movement. Stick with it and don't lose sight of your goal. Resist one-sidedness and inertia in yourself and those around you. A great idea and steady adherence to your chosen path will allow you to reach the heart of Earth and Heaven.

Outer and Inner worlds

Thunder and Sky

Great creative power is expressed directly through active action in the outer world.

The concentration of great power contains the hidden possibility of clear and decisive action.


You can't completely escape the world. Realizing this allows you to use the power of the great.


The power of the great means greatness manifested.


a ram butting a fence.


curvature at the beginning and smoothness at the end.

Thunder rumbles across the sky. The power of the great.

A noble person does not do without laws and does not break them anywhere.

Hexagram lines

First nine

Power in your toes.
Hiking is unlucky. This will be true.

Contain your impulses and accumulate energy. Don't revel in your power and don't try to control other people. The situation is favorable, but it will take some time to develop.

Nine second

Fortitude is fortunate.

Act in accordance with your plan. Everything is favorable for you. This time could be the beginning of great abundance.

Nine three

An insignificant person will have to be powerful.
The noble man will have to die.
Durability is terrible.
When a goat butts a fence, its horns get stuck in it.

You cannot count on the support of others. Trying to impose your will on them will only get you confused about the consequences of your actions. Don't persist. The situation is already changing.

Nine fourth

The fence is broken, you won't get stuck in it.
Power is in the axles of the great chariot.
Fortitude is fortunate.
Repentance will disappear.

The obstacle disappears, the path is open. Use your power to do great things. Striving for perseverance implies that you are right.

Six fifth

You will lose a goat even in easy circumstances.
There will be no repentance.

Goat - A symbol of unbridled power that rushes into an attack out of proportion to the obstacle. Don't rush ahead, but move with the flow. You won't regret it.

There's a six at the top

The goat butts the fence and cannot retreat.
But he can’t move forward either.
Nothing favorable.
But if it is difficult, then there will be happiness.

You are driving yourself into a hopeless situation. Don't repeat yourself, change your method of action. Persistent efforts will lead to favorable results only if they are applied in the right direction.

Associative interpretation

  1. The Big Dipper is visible. This is a sign of distress.
  2. The deity is holding a sword. This is also a bad sign.
  3. The official knelt. It means "to pray for blessing."
  4. Monkey, hare and dog mean that the hours, days, months and years of these animals are unfavorable.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Wen-wan.

Great power. The Burden of Being Persistent.

  1. This is the February hexagram. She is bad in the spring, evil in the winter.
  2. The four yang yaos advance from below and push the two yin yaos up, which means greater internal strength.
  3. You needed money to renovate your house. Things are going well now. You impulsively decide to spend money on other things as well, but then realize that this will lead to dissipation of funds, and you return to the original plan.

Explanation of individual yao according to Zhou Gong.

First Yao.

  1. Starting nine. Your strength is in your toes. If you continue, failure is inevitable.
  2. You meet an old enemy and find him in extreme distress. It would have been easy to hit him. But he doesn't do anything wrong and you leave.
  3. You have too little strength to do what you want.
  4. At this critical moment one cannot march forward fearlessly.

Second Yao.

Nine second. Perseverance brings good luck.

  1. You work for hours but cannot solve the problem. Finally, already completely tired, you receive enlightenment and see the answer. You think about pushing yourself and finishing the job right now, but you realize that you are too tired and it can wait until tomorrow, since you now know the way out.
  2. Everyone is jealous of your luck.
  3. Although you always have luck, if you decide to try your luck at the gambling table, you will undoubtedly meet with failure.

Third Yao.

Nine three. The lower man thinks only about strength and power, the higher man does not think about it. To continue like this is unfortunate. The goat butts the fence and ends up hopelessly entangled in it with its horns.

  1. Your friend develops his physical strength with the help of barbells, etc., but not for any useful purposes, but simply to show off in front of people. The doctor examines him and discovers that he has overexerted his vital organs and is in a dangerous condition.
  2. Tai Chi Zuan theory prescribes: “Use the inner consciousness, not the outer forms.” If you practice Tai Chi Chuan, then you know what this Yao Chi means.
  3. You were able to show strength in solving a difficult problem. You rejoice and feel that the time has come for great achievements. But you realize that your work is more mundane in nature, so you restrain your impulses and continue to work.

Fourth Yao.

Nine fourth. Persistence brings success, there is no remorse. The dense hedge opens up, so you won’t get stuck. Your strength depends on the spokes in the Big Cart wheel.

  1. You have a strong desire to succeed, but circumstances are against you. So you grab every little opportunity, use it flawlessly, and move on to the next without ever overextending yourself. Then, when there is a clearing, your powerful aspirations can come to the surface.
  2. It's exactly what you hope for.
  3. Your promotion will be gradual or continuous.

Fifth Yao.

Six five. You lose the goat easily. No misfortune.

  1. You were ready to fight for the truth with the scoundrels and give it your all. Now you see that they have corrected themselves, and you can forget about everything and relax.
  2. A determined man conquers nature.
  3. You will enjoy happiness and prosperity for the rest of your life.

Sixth Yao.

Top six. The goat is butting the fence. Can't move back, can't go forward. Nothing is moving forward. If you remember this, you will be lucky.

  1. Your car is stuck in the snow. You accelerate, but only sink deeper into the snow. Then you stop because you remember that you have a shovel in the trunk.
  2. If you go too far, you will come to a dead end from which there is no way forward or back. Any actions only aggravate the problem. The best thing to do right now is to calm down, think about the situation and “take it back.”
  3. You are making unrealistic plans.

General interpretation according to Yu. Shutsky

During the previous period, a person can develop all the forces that he needs for further activities. The whole point of this temporary delay in the activity that was outlined in the previous one is precisely to calmly develop, perhaps, greater strength necessary for some major undertaking that can be carried out in the future. During this calm, great power is generated, which is the theme of this situation, but it must always be borne in mind that great power can only be when a person does not rely solely on himself, but acts together with the collective. In this regard, you need to maintain your connections with the people around you with full steadfastness. Therefore, a very short text says: The power of the great. Favorable fortitude.

In general, we have already indicated durability. Here, for further consideration, it is necessary to take into account that fortitude (zheng) is constantly interpreted as being right. And it is precisely this meaning of rightness, loyalty that has to be taken into account. To understand the image of this trait, it is necessary to remember what was said in the 32nd hexagram regarding the symbolism of the body in the “Book of Changes”. At the first moment of manifestation of the great power that this situation speaks of, first of all, it is necessary to take into account that steadfastness (aka rightness) must be understood as objective rightness, as one that is confirmed by everyone around a person. For if, on the contrary, a person counted on perseverance as his own quality, he would fall into error, just as he would fall into error if he reassured himself that his power was great. Therefore, any advance to activity here cannot yet be favorable, because at this stage, the stage of the first moment of the situation of the great power, it is only necessary to gather strength to develop this situation through further stages. Therefore, the text of the “Book of Changes” says here: In the beginning is a strong line. Power in your toes. Hiking is unlucky. This will be true!

Persistence, understood as rightness, is in this situation the true internal quality of the person occupying it. It is in the second position that we always find the maximum expression of internal qualities. Therefore, the laconic text here only reminds: The strong trait comes in second place. Fortitude is fortunate.

The third position, as a position of crisis, is characterized by the fact that a person takes on an activity without having sufficient strength. Although here, in a situation of the power of the great, the presence of great forces is assumed, a person can have truly great forces only if he relies on his environment, i.e. if he is ethically connected with other people and their activities. Since the third feature represents withdrawal into oneself as the opposite of going outside, a person here will not be able to count on the support of the people around him. If he nevertheless began to act contrary to the normal situation, then he would show himself as a person devoid of ethical qualities, i.e. ignoble person. And yet, if such a person began to act, his persistence in this action would be terrible. And the “Book of Changes” expresses this in an image full of humor: A strong trait comes in third place. An insignificant person will have to be powerful. The noble man will have to die. Durability is terrible. When a goat butts a fence, its horns will get stuck in it.

In order to understand the aphorism of this trait, it is necessary to remember what this hexagram consists of. There is “creativity” at the bottom, i.e. creative forces with which the inner life of a person is full: outwardly the trigram “lightning”, i.e. the most active activity. Creativity itself, since it is only internal, can be understood as creativity in a potential state. The upper trigram of action characterizes the manifestation of this creative power outside. Therefore, the lower line of the upper trigram, i.e. the first exit outside is conditioned by the situation itself, expressed here in the image of a broken fence, which can only be understood by comparing it with the image of the previous aphorism. This refers to access to large-scale activities. Such activities can cover large areas. Therefore, the image of a chariot as a means of transportation appears here. And in this desire for external action, complete steadfastness must be observed, which in this context is also understood as the correctness of this action. In the text we read here: The strong trait is in fourth place. The fence is broken. You won't get stuck in it. Power is in the axles of the great chariot. Fortitude is fortunate. Repentance will disappear.

In the third position I came across the image of a goat butting a fence. This goat is a symbol of unbridled force, which rushes towards external activity, out of proportion to the obstacle. Since the fifth position represents the most harmonious external manifestation of the qualities symbolized by this goat, they should be reflected here. Moreover, they must move away from the person so much and be replaced by their opposite that there must be a correction of previously committed mistakes. That's why the text says here: The weak point is in fifth place. You will lose a goat even in easy circumstances. There will be no repentance.

In parallel with the power that was spoken of in this hexagram, it spoke of the desire to demonstrate this power. At the moment of overdevelopment, which is symbolized by the top line, a positive quality, i.e. power recedes into the background, and a rash act, and the desire to manifest outside without sufficient strength act as a characteristic of this moment. But if in the third position, which represents only a transition to external activity, this has already led to unfavorable results, then here this quality can lead to a completely hopeless situation. Nothing favorable can be expected here. But if a person in these most unfavorable conditions is provoked by them to strain his forces, and thereby to develop them, then, in the end, he can find a favorable way out of the current situation. This idea is expressed in the text with the following images: There is a weak line at the top. The goat butts the fence and cannot retreat, nor can it advance. Nothing favorable. But if it is difficult, there will be happiness.

The previous symbol indicated to us that a person must accumulate a lot of strength in his active pause in life for further work and major undertakings.

Hexagram 34 is an interpretation of that very collected great power that appears during persistent contact of an individual with the outside world and sets it in motion. According to the Chinese book, the trigrams of the sign indicate stimulation of the external environment (without drastic changes) due to the creative impulse.

Hexagram 34, Da Zhuang, The Power of the Great (Great Power).


Favorable durability.

The confrontation between the inner world and others very often leads to opposite outcomes. Thus, insignificant people in such a situation show incredible power, and the pictogram predicts the need for death for noble individuals.

The energy that swirls in the external environment must be used by a person to realize the main idea. You don't need to use your power too often and hurt other people. Hexagram 34, Da Zhuang, the Power of the Great tells the individual that the time is coming to emerge from the darkness, the time of active activity. Now you can excite any things with your creativity and give them acceleration.

In such a situation, it is important to hold on to the accumulated strength and not lose the main goal or idea. The Chinese book warns that it is also necessary to eradicate inertia and one-sidedness. Only following the long-planned path will allow you to come to the heart of Heaven and Earth.

Characteristics of Yao according to Zhou Gong

  • Nine first. The power lies in the toes. The reserve of strength is still too small, so you can’t do everything on your own. There is no need to fearlessly move forward in a moment of crisis. Also, you should not deal a serious blow to an old enemy if he is poor and does not do bad things.
  • Second nine. Luck makes you jealous. If you try your luck in a casino, you will experience a streak of bad luck. Long hours of work will not solve the problem, but enlightenment will soon come. Things can wait in the wings if a solution is found, but fatigue will not allow you to achieve instant success.
  • Nine three. The I Ching, the book of changes, is interpreted by Yao in the image of a goat entangled in a fence with its horns. The superior person does not think about power and strength, unlike the inferior one. The time has come to use the inner consciousness without resorting to external forms. There is no need to overexert yourself to achieve useless goals, because this leads to a dangerous state. Restrain any impulses and work in a peaceful manner.
  • Fourth nine. The narrow fence gradually widens, eliminating the possibility of getting stuck. The fulfillment of hopes begins, progress is either slow or without interruptions at all. The desire for success goes against the circumstances, but you need to take advantage of every opportunity. Soon the light will come, and all the power will reveal itself.
  • Six fifth. The meaning of hexagram 34 in this Yao is an easy loss of a goat. One must overcome the nature of circumstances with determination and then enjoy true happiness and long-term prosperity. There is no need to fight with scoundrels, because they correct themselves, which means you can relax.
  • Six on top. There is no progress in either direction. The vehicle gets stuck in a deep layer of snow, but you can use a shovel. A person makes extraordinary plans, but movement will lead to a dead end and an aggravation of the problem. You need to think about the situation and calm down.

Detailed meaning of the hexagram

  1. According to the book of the I Ching, perseverance is called Zheng and is also understood as fidelity or rightness. When great power makes itself felt, it is implied as objective, approved by the subject’s environment. There is no point in counting on resilience as an individual quality at this moment. You should also avoid at this stage reassuring yourself that a person’s power is great enough. It’s too early to start activities, so you just need to gather your strength.
  2. Now resilience is a real inner quality of a person. In the second position there is a strong trait, which means that the achievement of happiness is close. You can already implement everything you plan, showing determination and courage.
  3. This trait is always perceived as an expression of crisis - a person’s struggle for activity without sufficient power. The multidimensional perception of this hexagram says that the individual has very great powers, but they will not manifest themselves without the person’s support for the outside world. In other words, the ethical aspect of the subject is closely related to the activities of other people. On the third line you cannot count on outside support, so you cannot be persistent. Otherwise, you can be considered an ignoble person.
  4. The creativity of the inner world within the framework of one of the trigrams is understood as the potential of a creative impulse. But the upper trigram says that creative power is already manifesting itself in the external environment. It is at this moment that large-scale activities begin to take place—the fence is broken through. Demonstrating perseverance and rightness in the pursuit of activity leads to happiness, no repentance is expected.
  5. As the Book of Changes shows, the 34th pictogram is associated with many images, and one of them is a goat that butts a fence. This is an expression of unbridled forces that did not calculate the magnitude of the obstacle and rushed to the external environment. The fifth line refers us to the harmony of all qualities exhibited by that same goat. However, you need to move away from these skills, replace them with the opposite ones, and only then will it be possible to correct all the mistakes.
  6. A period of redevelopment is coming. Power itself fades into the background, and the desire to manifest it without sufficient strength becomes more important. We are talking about rash actions that drag a person into an absolutely hopeless situation. The only favorable outcome is possible if a person strains his strength, works hard and develops it in unfavorable circumstances.

Expanded interpretation of the sign

Excessive assertiveness and activity in the desire to get ahead turns out to be unnecessary in the current life situation and causes harm. Now a person needs to think that happiness is not built on the failures of other people, so he should pay attention to his environment, and not sacrifice it for the sake of his own ambition. Decoding the sign suggests that now we need to find a middle ground in modesty and tactful behavior. Then the fulfillment of desire will come.

To put it differently, the symbol indicates the danger of assertiveness and perseverance. A person has only three months before overconfidence suffers serious negative consequences. Conflicts are completely unnecessary right now, so don’t put pressure on family and friends, otherwise you could create long-term resentments.

Of course, the period of necessary retreat has already come to an end, but enterprise should not be abrupt and unprepared. Now all the conditions are still very unreliable and fragile, so there is no need to give up the strong will and patience that were the results of the previous situation according to the hexagrams.

As the I Ching book shows, the interpretation of a new stage of life rejects haste and requires rethinking. We need to raise funds and find like-minded people to move forward. Analyze mistakes in time and learn to predict future obstacles.

The hexagram advises breaking stereotypes in an individual’s behavior towards others. Taking responsibility for relationships and becoming a person of duty is useful for those who have always shied away from caring for other people. But if the subject, on the contrary, has always been engaged in self-sacrifice, now it is worth attracting those around them to a more serious approach.

In the current situation, success will not come to you just like that. You need to work and harden yourself. A person is clearly not one of fate’s favorites, but if he is noble, Heaven will show respect and protect him from harm. These recommendations even apply to your personal life, so you should show calm and slowness there too. There is no need to restore the harmony of relationships abruptly and aggressively.

The meaning of the Da Zhuang hexagram also relates to professional growth, so any new project at work will require the support of colleagues and friends. It is necessary to seek advice from others as often as possible and ask their opinions, while maintaining confidence in the correctness of your own actions. Both words of praise and comments must be perceived objectively.

You should also be prepared to change things, since you will have to adapt to life’s ups and downs, and sometimes even abandon your ideas altogether. Don't try to do only those things that require a lot of energy and take a lot of time. A person is not yet ready for them, since experience and knowledge are not enough.

There is no need to despair over unfulfilled plans. After a certain period it will be possible to return to the original path again. Perseverance in solving difficult problems brings results.

Associative reading of the hexagram

  1. The manifestation of the constellation Ursa Major, according to the book of destinies, is a sign of disaster.
  2. The official, kneeling, expresses a prayer for future blessings.
  3. A sword in the hands of a deity refers to a bad mark.
  4. Several specific animals represent complete defeat in the hours, days, months and years of the Hare, Dog and Monkey.
  5. The central symbol is the initial curvature combined with the final smoothness.
  6. The main image is a ram butting a fence.

Wen-wan's interpretation of the sign

  • A period of perseverance and great strength begins.
  • According to the Book of Changes, the hexagram of February is unfavorable in the spring and even dangerous in the winter.
  • The Yang Yao from below advance and push in a pair of Yin Yao. It expresses deep inner power.
  • A person needs money to renovate his home, but while things are going well, he spends everything too impulsively and for other purposes. As a result, the money begins to disappear, which requires a return to the original goal.

How to interpret a symbol for fortune telling

  1. In the political sphere, success is only possible after trusting and respectful negotiations. In achieving public recognition, mistakes are possible, but they should not be hushed up; it is better to admit them at the very beginning.
  2. Partnerships don't work in business. This is due to the wrong approach to emerging problems. The Chinese Book of Changes reduces the meaning of this sign to the scale of activity, so there is no need to get hung up on the little things.
  3. Love relationships are going through great times. In a relationship there is a mutual desire to grow and strengthen contact, and passion and thirst for communication. Interpersonal contacts with family ties develop in the same way. The main thing is not to resort to forceful methods of solving problems.
  4. In terms of health, problems with the cardiovascular system are observed, and spleen diseases are also likely.

Hexagram 34 - interpretation of a new period in life after a long wait for active steps. Now there is sufficient strength for activity, but you need to restrain yourself in order to avoid serious mistakes. This is a time to educate the spirit and body, develop your own prudence and wisdom.

The power of the great. Great power

Great power. Favorable fortune telling.


1. Starting nine.

Strength in your toes. Going on a hike is unlucky. Showing persistence.

2. Nine second.

Happy fortune telling.

3. Nine three.

The base man uses force, the noble man is confused. Unlucky fortune-telling: the ram ran into a fence, and neither forward nor back - its horns got stuck.

4. Nine fourth.

Happy fortune telling. Repentance will disappear. I broke through the fence and didn't get entangled. The power is in the back of the wagon.

5. Six fifth.

If you lose a lamb in the market, you will not regret it.

6. Top six.

The ram has run into a fence: it can neither retreat nor move forward. Adversely. If you overcome difficulty, you will find happiness.


1. Starting nine.

Despite the general positive prediction of the hexagram, this trait warns of possible dangers and troubles. Postpone new plans and trips. Be patient and resilient. Your success is just beginning, don't rush.

2. Nine second.

Take action, now is the right time to implement your plans. Be brave and decisive.

3. Nine three.

One has to be surprised at human stupidity and immorality. Now the power belongs to the “low” people. Don't be like a ram breaking through a fence; circumstances are beyond you. Maintain courage and nobility. Rely only on yourself, you may be let down and left alone with your problems.

4. Nine fourth.

Success is on the doorstep, you are coming to your senses after troubles and obstacles. They are already able to actively fight for their rights. But the situation is not ideal, obstacles arise again. They are not fatal, as in the third trait, but require flexibility and deny stubbornness and rudeness.

5. Six fifth.

Any losses will not affect your destiny in any way. Don't regret anything. It is useful to part with the burden and worries that prevent you from living. All goes to good.

6. Top six.

If you continue to be stubborn, you will not be able to get out of difficulties. Here we are talking about a serious change in character and habits. The causes of problems are in you, so you shouldn’t run away from difficulties, you won’t run away from yourself. Will and internal changes will successfully resolve external difficulties.


After a period of forced retreat and humility, the time of recovery comes, you are resurrected for activity and enterprise. The hexagram describes the stages of development of strength or, as Chinese sages also call it, power. At the first stage, the situation is very fragile and unreliable; you still need to show will and patience. This is exactly what a person had to learn in the previous hexagram. You can’t rush, think through each step, calculate it, collect funds, reliable people, useful information. The more of this, the more decisively and successfully you will move on.

To cultivate positive character qualities that correspond to the general cosmic harmony of the world, one or two difficult life situations are not enough. A person needs at least half his life to realize his unreasonable behavior and understand where he is wrong. Therefore, again and again the hexagram describes the stubbornness and willfulness of human nature, which again and again lead it into a dead end. Analyze more often whether you are repeating the same steps and, accordingly, mistakes; Are the same situations not being played out over and over again, and you yourself can predict in advance how it will all end. Aren't you stepping on the same rake? It is necessary to break stereotypes in your behavior and the behavior of those around you. If everyone is accustomed to your responsibility and self-sacrifice, everything lies on your shoulders - change this radically, attract those around you to take them seriously. In the opposite case, when you tried to avoid worries, go towards responsibility and duty.

Success will not come to you on its own, you must work, strengthen your character, everything depends only on you, so we read: “If you overcome difficulty, you will find happiness.”

Now you are not the darling of fate, but Heaven respects and protects workers and “noble” people.

Slowly and calmly spin the flywheel of your activity, carefully monitor your weak points. This method of restoring harmony is also mandatory for your personal life. They look at you carefully, but warily, so avoid harshness, intolerance and aggression. Force will not help matters. Excessive pressure on your partner and impatience will help end the relationship. But you don’t need such a course of events. Therefore, behave accordingly.

The process of interpreting the book of changes cannot be considered a simple matter, as it seems to some at first glance. To correctly define it, sometimes you have to decipher the meaning for more than a day. And this is necessary for fortune telling to bring the expected result, that is, the person receives answers. Let’s try to explain further what awaits the one who gets hexagram 34.

Description of hexagram 34 Da Zhuang Power of the Great

Hexagram 34 suggests the presence of great power, which arises in those who contact the world around them and make it move. The trigrams of this symbol, according to the Chinese book, indicate the excitement of the outside world through a creative impulse. However, no fundamental changes occur.

Hexagram meaning

According to steadfastness, the name is Zheng; its meaning is also understood as fidelity (rightness). At that moment when power reminds itself,

Nowadays, resilience is a real human quality. In the background there is a strong line, which means happiness is just around the corner. Therefore, you can safely implement everything that is planned into reality. The main thing is to show appropriate courage and determination.

The meaning of the symbol is always associated with a crisis, namely, the individual’s struggle for activity that occurs without the necessary power. A comprehensive perception of the hexagram indicates that a person has great powers, but they will not be able to manifest themselves if he does not have support for the outside world.

As the Book of Changes says, hexagram 34 and includes a lot of images. So, one of them is a goat that butts the fence. This means that forces are unbridled at a moment when there is no correct calculation of the scale of the obstacle.

Now there is a period of so-called overdevelopment. At this time, power becomes secondary, and what is important is the desire to manifest it without using the necessary force. It is said that rash actions drag a person into despair.

Attention! a favorable outcome is quite likely if an individual tries to gather all his strengths together and is able to develop them at a sufficient level under unfavorable circumstances.

The creativity of the inner world is interpreted as the possibility of a creative impulse. However, if we talk about creative power, its manifestation can already be found in the external environment. Right now we can see the approach to large-scale activity, when the fence is broken through. The main thing is to show persistence and correctness in your desire for activity, which will inevitably lead a person to happiness.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Excessive pressure and activity in your desire to achieve primacy in a given life situation is not entirely appropriate, and in the end can only cause harm. Now the individual needs to reflect on the fact that happiness cannot be built on the misfortune of others, so it is worth paying close attention to those around you. Give up the idea of ​​making sacrifices for your own good. The interpretation speaks of the need to find a middle ground, and it is also worth behaving modestly. Only such behavior can lead to happiness.

In other words, the hexagram warns that if you are assertive now, this will inevitably lead to dangerous events. A person has 3 months left before the negative consequences of his own self-confidence occur. At this stage, conflicts are not desirable, so you should not put pressure on your environment. Otherwise, the result may be long-term grievances.


Despite such a promising name, the meaning of the hexagram is not so significant. Firstly, now more than ever you should exercise restraint in everything. The object of the question has power that he is not yet able to control. Perhaps the similarity of the 34th with the trigram “Blow” - “Lake”, indicating the presence of some kind of wrong, a flaw, does not allow it to be used. Secondly, in the previous hexagram you asked “What to do?” , the question “What not to do?” would be appropriate here. And one last thing. The power of the great has far-reaching consequences. You will have to face them more than once in the future.


Oddly enough, the static form of this hexagram is a rare phenomenon. The absence of changeable lines already warns, not informs.

"Rejuvenated" hexagram

Even if you are deceived, nothing really bad is foreseen.

Bottom line.

Perhaps after a while, but not now.

Second line.

You have potential for growth. This is facilitated by the desire to act and the absence of visible obstacles.

Third line.

Relying only on yourself, you will have to make enormous efforts to contain the chaos. In a team, your ego “...will have to die.” By ignoring this requirement, you will become like a “goat butting a fence.”

Fourth line.

There are no actions, but there is preparation for them. The more responsible you are about the motives of your actions, the faster you will achieve results.

Fifth line.

To improve the situation to an ideal one, you have to correct some mistakes made in the past.

Top line.

As a rule, the upper lines bring the main meaning of the hexagram to the point of absurdity. You don't know what to do with what you have, and you won't learn it anytime soon. So you are about to have a completely different kind of experience.

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Favorable fortitude. Power in your toes. - Campaign - unfortunately, have the truth. Fortitude - fortunately. An insignificant person will have to...

The Marseille Tarot is, first of all, not a specific deck, but an ancient system that has existed for six centuries. For sure...

Tahuti (Ibis) Tahuti, or Thoth, is the god of wisdom. He is depicted as a baboon or ibis - a small black and white bird...

If you characterize the woman the Queen of Cups is talking about, then from the best side. She perfectly combines wisdom and virtue...
Studying Tarot cards is an immersion in a world filled with magical symbols and secret messages. To understand the deck's prediction, it is important...
9th Arcana - The Hermit Before you is the 9th card of the Major Arcana of the Tarot - “The Hermit” (aka “Prophet of Eternity”, “Seeker”). What is reflected in...
Some of you, dear readers, believe in fortune telling, others consider them to be remnants of pagan culture, or simply do not recognize fortune telling as...
SHARED Despite the fact that the deck that we will consider today - Tarot of the Dwarves, is structured exactly like the Tarot (Elders and...
The meaning of the Seven of Wands in the upright position Struggle, recognition, achieving great goals. You will triumph over the vicissitudes of fate....