Continents of planet Earth: names, brief description. Continent and mainland - two big differences Different continents

They differ in geographical location, size and shape, which affects the characteristics of their nature.

Geographical location and size of continents

Continents are distributed unevenly on the Earth's surface. In the Northern Hemisphere they occupy 39% of the surface, and in the Southern Hemisphere they occupy only 19%. For this reason, the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth is called continental, and the Southern Hemisphere is called oceanic.

Based on their position relative to the equator, continents are divided into a group of southern and a group of northern continents.

Since the continents are located at different latitudes, they receive unequal amounts of light and heat from the Sun. In shaping the nature of a continent, its area plays an important role: the larger the continent, the more areas it contains that are remote from the oceans and not affected by them. The relative position of the continents is of great geographical importance.

Geographical location and size of the oceans

The continents that separate them differ from each other in size, water properties, current systems, and features of the organic world.

And they have a similar geographical location: they stretch from the Arctic Circle to. almost entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. It has a special geographical location - it is located around the North Pole within the Arctic Circle, covered with sea ice and isolated from other oceans.

The border between continents and oceans runs along the coastline. It can be straight or rugged, that is, having many protrusions. The rugged coastlines have many seas and bays. Protruding deep into the land, they have a significant impact on the nature of the continents.

Interaction of continents and oceans

Land and water have different properties, but they are constantly in close interaction. The oceans greatly influence the natural processes on the continents, but the continents also take part in shaping the characteristics of the nature of the oceans.

The continents of the Earth are huge areas of land where people live and flora and fauna develop. They have the same structure from a geological point of view, but in all other respects they are fundamentally different from each other. It is thanks to these parts of the world that our planet got its name - Earth.


We can say with complete confidence that the continents of the Earth are a haven for all living things (with the exception of fish and sea animals). They are huge areas of land that are surrounded on all sides by the waters of the World Ocean. These can be bays, seas, as well as the oceans themselves. Continents contain reservoirs of a different kind, which are filled with fresh water. These are rivers, lakes, swamps, etc. All continents have different climates, natural features, including fauna and flora, as well as populations that make up the unity and individuality of each part of the world. Among the continents today there are six: Eurasia, Africa, Northern Australia and Antarctica. Eurasia is divided into Europe and Asia - these are two parts of the world.

Origin and history

The word “continent” itself comes from the Latin continere, which means “to stick together.” Such a strange name for land areas separated from each other by hundreds of miles was chosen for a reason. Geologists have found that in prehistoric periods (which could last billions of years, replacing each other), all the land of the Earth was one. There were no divisions into continents; water washed one large part of the world. The first continents of the Earth were formed as a result of global catastrophes that humanity did not experience in its lifetime. Also in the world of scientists, there are frequent disputes that the location of the continents in ancient times and in the Middle Ages was different from today. This is associated with maps that were compiled by travelers of that time. However, this fact is not properly confirmed, since it is believed that people could have made a mistake due to the fact that they did not have the opportunity to see the structure of the planet from space.

America and its features

South and North America are distinguished as two different continents. The inhabitants of this region themselves unite them into one whole. This may be due to the fact that large areas of land that are located in were discovered and developed by Europeans at the same time. Therefore, America is a multicultural, diverse and very interesting continent. In the west of our planet there is both a very cold climate and an extremely hot one. In the north of Canada there are eternal glaciers, and in the areas of Colombia and Brazil no one has ever seen snow. Almost all of America is a haven for tourists and travel lovers. There are a lot of interesting places, entertainment and much more.

More details about the west of our planet

Represented by two countries: Canada and the United States of America. Both are characterized by a continental climate, which only in the south becomes subtropical. Most of the continent is covered with greenery: in the north there are coniferous reserves, in the south there are deciduous trees and palm trees. People constantly come to these countries both as tourists and for permanent residence. There are many beautiful cities and natural assets.

South America is more colorful in its cultural heritage and population. The vast majority of countries are Spanish-speaking; Portuguese, Creole, and French are less common. The continent is part of ethnic Latin America, which also includes the states of the central part of the continent. All of America is washed from the east, the Pacific Ocean from the west and the Caribbean Sea, located near the equator.

The mystery of our planet - Antarctica

The sixth part of the world was discovered in 1820, after many hypotheses began to repeat about its existence. From then until the present day, these lands have been uninhabited. There are no cities or countries, not even rivers or plants, since the entire continent is covered with a thick layer of eternal ice. Thanks to ice, Antarctica is the highest continent on Earth, with an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level. However, these measurements were made taking into account glaciers, but in fact the land that lies beneath them is below sea level. Due to the fact that these places have long been uninhabited, scientists constantly conduct their experiments here. In the Antarctic, the peculiarities of the local climate are being studied, the relief is being studied, and new hypotheses are being built about the lands that are located at inaccessible depths.

Australia is small and remote

If you look at the continents of the Earth on a map, you will undoubtedly see Australia, which is located between the Indian and Pacific oceans, among the islands and straits. To the north of it is Eurasia, to the south is Antarctica. Australia itself, as well as the islands that are surrounded by it, are united in the Commonwealth of Australia and are very developed and progressive states. Nowadays, both descendants of local aborigines and immigrants from Northern Europe live in these territories. In Australia, everyone speaks English; here the culture and customs are familiar to European people. The local nature and terrain are sometimes breathtaking. Due to the fact that volcanoes have erupted here for a long time, there are many desert fields, canyons and mountains.

Europe and Asia - the center of the world

The largest landmass in the world is Eurasia. Most of this huge continent is occupied by Russia, with other states to the south, west and east of it. Part of the world is located between four oceans: the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian and Arctic. Many different Mongoloid, Semitic and others live here. The climate and natural features are also varied. Eurasia has many resorts, museum cities, recreation and entertainment areas for every taste. Each country deserves special attention and is characterized by its own history, traditions and characteristics.

A continent is a huge piece of land, where most of it is land. In addition to the land, it includes its outskirts, the shelf and the islands located there. Concepts Continents And Continents in Russian they are synonyms.

A continent is a single, undivided part of land. The largest continent is considered Eurasia, which has two parts of the world: Asia and Europe. Next in size are North America, then South America, after Africa, Australia And Antarctica.

Continents on Earth - 6

Some countries have a different number of continents:

  • In China they are sure that there are seven of them, since Asia and Europe are separated into separate parts there.
  • In Portugal and Greece, six continents are also distinguished, but instead of uniting Europe and Asia, they unite North and South America.
  • The Olympic Committee defines continents as only the inhabited parts of the Earth, excluding Antarctica from this list. That's why there are five continents and the same number of Olympic rings.

If we combine not only Europe and Asia, but also North and South America, we get four continents. Therefore, the dispute over the number of continents has not yet been resolved; scientists from different countries put forward their theory and stubbornly prove it. But so far the majority are from six continents on planet Earth.

History of the continents

However, there were not always such a number of continents on Earth. Scientists identify several hypothetical continents that existed on Earth in different time periods.

  1. Kenorland– a supercontinent that existed during the Neoarchean period (2.75 billion years ago).
  2. Nuna- a supercontinent whose existence is considered to be the Paleproterozoic era (1.8-1.5 billion years ago).
  3. Rodinia– supercontinent of the Proterozoic-Precambrian epoch. The continent appeared 1.1 billion years ago and broke up 750 million years ago.
  4. Pangea- a supercontinent that arose in the Paleozoic (Permian period) and disappeared in the Triassic era (200-210 million years ago).
  5. Euramerica (or Laurussia)- supercontinent of the Paleozoic era. The continent broke up in the Paleogene era.
  6. Gondwana- a supercontinent that appeared 750-530 million years ago and broke up 70-80 million years ago.

This is not the entire list of predecessors of modern continents. Moreover, some scientists claim that in the future, earthlings will form another supercontinent. Presumably future events will develop as follows:

  • First, Africa will merge with Eurasia.
  • In about 60 million years, Australia will connect with eastern Asia, resulting in the appearance of the continent of Australia-Afro-Eurasia.
  • In 130 million years, Antarctica will join southern Australia or Asia, and the continent of Australia-Antarctica-Afro-Eurasia will appear.
  • In 250-400 million years, the inhabitants of the planet will expect the appearance of the supercontinents Pangea Ultima (200-300 million years, all current continents will merge), Amasia (50-200 million years, the center of the continent will be at the North Pole), Novopangea (re-emergence of the supercontinent past - Pangea).

The information presented is only part of scientists' assumptions about the future of the Earth. And today, erudite and educated people answer the question “How many continents are there on Earth?” They confidently answer – exactly 6.


A continent is a large land surface that is washed on all sides by oceans or seas.

How many continents are there on Earth and their names

The Earth is a very large planet, but despite this, a significant area of ​​it is water - more than 70%. And only about 30% is occupied by continents and islands of various sizes.

One of the largest is Eurasia, it occupies more than 54 million square meters. It contains the 2 largest parts of the world - Europe and Asia. Eurasia is the only continent that is washed on all sides by oceans. On its shores you can see a large number of large and small bays, islands of varying sizes. Eurasia is located on 6 tectonic platforms, which is why its relief is so diverse.

The highest mountains are located in Eurasia, as well as Baikal, the deepest lake. The population of this part of the world makes up almost a third of the entire planet, living in 108 countries.

Africa occupies more than 30 million square meters. The names of all the continents on the planet are studied in detail in the school curriculum, but some people do not know their number even as adults. This may be due to the fact that in geography lessons continents are often called continents. These two names have significant differences. The main difference is that the continent has no land border.

Africa is the hottest among all others. The main part of its surface is made up of plains and mountains. Hot Africa is home to the longest river on Earth, the Nile, as well as the Sahara desert.

Africa is divided into 5 regions: South, North, West, East, and Central. There are 62 countries on this part of the Earth.

The name of all continents includes North America. It is washed on all sides by the Pacific, Arctic, and Atlantic oceans. The coast of North America is uneven; a large number of large and small bays, islands of various sizes, straits and bays have formed along it. In the central part there is a huge plain.

North America

The local inhabitants of the mainland are Eskimos or Indians. In total, there are 23 states in this part of the Earth, among them: Mexico, the USA and Canada.

South America ranks on the surface of the planet there are more than 17 million square meters. It is washed by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, and also has the longest mountain system. The rest of the surface is predominantly plateau or plains. Among all parts, South America is the rainiest. Its indigenous inhabitants are Indians living in 12 states.

South America

The number of continents on planet Earth includes Antarctica, its area is more than 14 million square meters. Its entire surface is covered with blocks of ice, the average thickness of this layer is about 1500 meters. Scientists have calculated that if this ice were to completely melt, the water level on Earth would rise by about 60 meters!


Its main area is a desert of ice, the population lives only on the shores. Antarctica is the lowest temperature surface of the planet, the average air temperature is from −20 to −90 degrees.

Australia- occupied area of ​​more than 7 million square meters. This is the only continent with only 1 state. Plains and mountains occupy the main area; they are located along the entire coast. Australia is home to the largest number of large and small wild animals and birds, and it also has the greatest diversity of vegetation. The indigenous people are the Aborigines and Bushmen.


How many continents on Earth are there 6 or 7?

There is an opinion that their number is not 6, but 7. The area located around the South Pole is made up of huge blocks of ice. Currently, many scientists call it another continent on planet Earth. But there is no life at this South Pole, only penguins live.

To the question: “ How many continents are there on planet Earth?", you can accurately answer - 6.


There are only 4 continents on Earth:

  1. America.
  2. Antarctica.
  3. Australia.
  4. Afro-Eurasia.

But each country has its own opinion about their number. For example, in India, as well as residents of China, they believe that their total number is 7; residents of these countries call Asia and Europe separate continents. The Spaniards, when they mention the continents, name all the surfaces of the world associated with America. And the residents of Greece say that there are only 5 continents on the planet, because only people live on them.

What is the difference between an island and the mainland

Both definitions are a larger or smaller area of ​​land, washed on all sides by water. At the same time, there are certain, significant differences between them.

  1. Dimensions. One of the smallest is Australia; it occupies a much larger area than Greenland, one of the largest islands.
  2. History of education. Each island is formed in a special way. There are continents that arose as a result of ancient fragments of lithospheric plates. Others were created due to volcanic eruptions. There are also those species that emerged from polyps, they are also called “coral islands”.
  3. Its habitability. There is life on absolutely all six continents, even on the coldest one - Antarctica. But most of the islands remain uninhabited to this day. But on them you can meet animals and birds of a wide variety of species, and see plants hitherto unknown to man.

On the ground? This is best seen when viewed from space. However, not everyone has such an opportunity, so we will limit ourselves to a model of the planet - a globe. If you look at it carefully, you will see that only a third of the Earth is covered by land, and the rest is water. The landmass is divided into several territories called continents. Previously it was believed that there were only five of them: America, Australia, Africa, Europe, Asia.

But today scientists have a different opinion. Firstly, during construction, America was divided into two continents - the Northern and Southern parts. Secondly, Antarctica. Previously, it was believed that the areas around the South Pole were simply huge blocks of ice, but now it is known for certain that this is another continent. True, only penguins live on it, but that doesn’t stop it from being dry land. So we got the answer to the question of how many continents there are on Earth. It turns out there are seven of them.

What are they?

Looking at a map or globe, we can see all the continents that exist on our planet. Let's talk about what they are. Having found out how many continents there are on Earth, let’s clarify - what is it? Continents are huge areas of land washed by oceans and seas.

In scientific terms, a continent (continens) is a large massif, most of which is located above the level of the world ocean and is called land, and the smaller part is located below the designated level and is called peripheral. This concept also includes islands located on the shelf zone of the mainland.

Opinions still differ about how many continents there are on Earth. Their number varies in different interpretations. For example, Europe and Asia - sometimes they are combined into one continent and called Eurasia. As for America, the opposite is true: many consider it one continent, despite the fact that it is divided by a canal into North and South. Based on this, it turns out that everyone has their own approach. That is why scientists have not yet decided how many continents there are on Earth - six or seven.

Now let's look at what each of them is. Asia is the largest continent on Earth. It has an area of ​​43 million square kilometers. The next huge areas of land are America and Africa. Their areas are respectively 42 and 30 million square meters. km.

But the continent of Australia is the smallest on our planet. It occupies only 8 million sq. km.

It is also very difficult to call Antarctica land, since it is under ice armor. However, despite everything, it is the highest continent on the planet, its height is 2040 meters above sea level. And although there is no permanent population in Antarctica, there are constantly more than 40 research stations from various countries engaged in its study.

According to legend, in ancient times there was another continent - Atlantis. However, scientists have not been able to prove this. It is believed that she was located between America and Europe, but sank as a result of a powerful earthquake. That's how many continents there are on the planet, and each of them has its own climatic conditions, flora and fauna and, of course, population.

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