Why are they making fun of Panin? Panin's open letter about the dog scandal. cafe "Penkino", Nizhny Novgorod region

Alexey Vyacheslavovich Panin was born in Moscow on September 10, 1977. The actor's father was an engineer at a defense institute, and his mother worked as an editor in a publishing house. Therefore, we can say that he grew up in an intelligent family. However, as a child, Lesha was not a good boy at all. He was kicked out of two schools, and had to change three more due to constant moving. This situation was not conducive to the boy’s education, although he did not show much interest in studying.

Lesha loved sports, was a candidate for master of water polo and didn’t even think about becoming an actor. But his mother was confident that her son would act in films. According to her, he had all the qualities to master this profession. But while the mother was dreaming about her son’s stellar future, the 90s came, and Alexey went out onto the street to become, as they said then, an “authority.” Fortunately, Panin did not have time to do anything stupid and left the criminal path in time.

On the advice of his mother, Alexey entered GITIS - the first time and without particularly straining. The guy really had talent, but his character became a real obstacle to his studies. Panin was expelled from the university twice, and both times were associated with his filming in films, which was strictly forbidden to students. Later, the actor admitted that he made stupid mistakes, but still does not regret anything. According to him, if he had not done this, it is unknown how his life would have turned out.

The first time Alexey was expelled from GITIS was because he played in an episode of the film “The Romanovs. The Crowned Family” (2000). Apart from filming as an extra, this work became his film debut. And almost immediately other offers arrived: the role of Pysa in the cult comedy "DMB" (2000) and private Zhigulin in the television series "Border. Taiga Romance" (2000). These works were a great success, and Panin received his first fame in Russia.

Gaining popularity

In 2001, the charismatic actor was literally bombarded with offers. He starred in ten films at once, which was a big step in his career. Moreover, Alexey looked impressive even in episodic roles. For example, in the image of driver Boriskin in the film “In August 44” or Ippolit in the film “Down House”. Having seen Panin once, it was impossible to forget him.

The first big success in Alexei Panin’s career was the role of Sergeant Mamochkin in the military drama “Star” (2002). The actor finally received recognition from critics, who found his performance in the film talented and believable. In 2003, for this role he was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation, which was a great honor. After this, Panin starred in episodic roles for several years, which he always liked. According to the actor, sometimes they bring him more pleasure than big roles.

In 2005, Panin loudly declared himself again, playing the bandit Sergei in the black comedy “Zhmurki” directed by Alexei Balabanov. At first he was wary of this film, but when he learned that his idol Nikita Mikhalkov would star in it, he immediately agreed. And as it turned out, not in vain. Balabanov's film became a real hit, putting Panin on a par with the best Russian actors.

Alexey Panin starred in about twenty films and television projects, but there were practically no big, memorable roles in his career. The only exception is the humorous series “Soldiers” (2006-2007), where the actor played Captain Dubin. And although Alexey does not like to act on television, it is worth admitting that this character was a success for him.

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However, as well as a number of episodic roles in which he looked inimitable. Just look at his boxer Leopold in the comedy "Tumbler" (2007), the pimp Kostya in the comedy "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines" (2010) or the sapper in the satirical film "Rzhevsky against Napoleon" (2012). Panin can be called a true master of the episodic role.

Scandalous fame

Alexey Panin gained fame not only as a talented actor, but also as a great brawler. He repeatedly appeared in court for his hooligan antics, not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the former USSR. For example, in August 2013, a criminal case was opened against the actor in Ukraine for bodily injuries he inflicted on a resident of Crimea. In September of the same year he was detained in the city of Vyazniki, Vladimir Region, and in October in Blagoveshchensk.

An incident in January 2015 received even more publicity when Panin, demanding a meeting with his daughter, besieged the apartment of his ex-wife Yulia Yudintseva for several days. Until 2008, they lived in a civil marriage and since they separated, they have waged a real war for their daughter. The actor was detained for resisting the police and taken to the police station. The court sentenced him to ten days of administrative arrest and ordered him to pay a fine of 30 thousand rubles.

It is noteworthy that during the siege of the apartment, Panin said that in order to meet his daughter he canceled the tour and even had a fight with the producers. The actor said that if Nikita Mikhalkov himself now invites him to filming or all the film studios break off relations with him, he still won’t budge. According to Alexei, this is why it is impossible to defeat him.

In addition to hooligan actions, Panin more than once stunned the public with his scandalous statements. For example, in 2013, on the air of the “Invisible Man” program, the actor admitted that he was bisexual. Previously, he had repeatedly criticized society for homophobia and said that he was tolerant of the LGBT community. According to Alexey, society needs to get rid of stereotypes and prejudices. Every adult has the right to do what he wants. The main thing is not to harm each other.

It is clear that this position turned many fans away from the actor, but, by and large, he doesn’t care. Panin never pursued fame, and he does not care how this will affect his career. At the same time, gaining fame as a scandalous actor was also not part of his plans. He has always been such a person - principled, hot-tempered, explosive and completely unpredictable.

Alexey Panin continues to act in episodic roles, but he still manages to remain visible. Any other actor in his place would have been forgotten long ago. But not the charismatic Panin. After all, as he himself said, it is impossible to defeat him.

fhgj 17.03.2018 02:15:17

It is not that simple. Panin is a degenerate. The KGB police force relies on such scum to rule the country. For the first time in history, power in the country belongs to brutes, pederasts, degenerates, degenerates. The Chekist bastard is leading the country to destruction. Panin's daughter inherited the degeneration gene and therefore stayed with her father

It would seem that Alexei Panin has nothing to surprise us with: the actor has a lot of high-profile scandals to his name, and some more! Either he will destroy a restaurant, then he will punch someone in the face, or he will start a drunken brawl.

The country watched with bated breath as the “Zhmurok” star shared his daughter with his ex-wife, a fashion model, sincerely feeling sorry for the baby who found herself between two fires. However, this time Alexey managed to truly shock the audience by openly talking on television about what others prefer to keep quiet about. During the filming of the Ukrainian TV show “Lie Detector,” Panin admitted that he had sex with a man. Moreover, the actor really liked the homosexual experience, and now he regularly repeats it. The piquancy of the situation was added by the fact that the artist’s common-law wife Lyudmila was present in the studio at that moment.

The program “Lie Detector” (analogous to the American project “The Moment of Truth”) was once successfully broadcast on Channel One. In Ukraine, this is not the first season that it has been broadcast by the STB channel: The stars sitting in the “chair of truth” answer the host’s questions as openly as possible. After a lie detector test, a voiceover announces whether it is true or not, and the subject explains the reasons for his actions. The hero of the latest issue of “Lie Detector” was Alexey Panin.

In the midst of the program, the host asked the actor an unexpected question: “Have you had sex with men?”

There was a pause in the studio filled with spectators. And in deathly silence Lyosha, not at all embarrassed, answered:

This is true,” the lie detector immediately confirmed.

Having recovered from the first shock, the presenter was able to squeeze out the usual line:

- Well, tell me!

“I’ll tell you everything quickly now, and we won’t deign it for long,” Panin responded readily. - If you look closely at my face, you will notice a lot of scars on it, and probably few people can accuse me of being unmasculine or of not being a man. And male actions are still not always sex, no matter who has sex with whom. I don't court men, I don't date them, I don't go on dates, I don't give them flowers.

-Are you just having sex with them?– the presenter clarified. - No, I don't have sex with them all the time. But in the same swinger companies, during group sex, I had sex with a man. But this does not mean that I love men and follow them with flowers. It was just sexual diversity and experience. The studio's reaction was clear: the audience shook their heads, not believing their own ears. “Every person is in many ways half a man and a woman, he struggles with all this from birth, some more, some less,” the artist continued, “Probably, at some point something won over me.” more.

- Tell me, did everything just happen there by accident, or was it intentional? – the presenter spoke up.

Well, it probably happened by accident, and then it happened on purpose. - So this is as a sexual experiment?- Yes, quite good. - Would you repeat it?- I repeat it! – Panin answered without any complexes.

“Animal porn turns me on. But I haven’t tried it myself.”

The presenter hastened to change the topic and asked the following question: - Do you like it when women ask you to wear stockings?- Yes! – Alexey answered frankly again. “It’s true,” the detector confirmed dispassionately. “You might get the impression that I run around women every day and ask them to put stockings on me,” the artist explained. “No!” But if a woman wanted to do it during some game, I like it. During the conversation, it turned out that his wife Lyusya had never asked the artist to show off in stockings - Alexey embodied these sexual fantasies with others. A noticeable shadow fell on Lyudmila’s face.

- Do you like the image of your husband in stockings?– the presenter asked. “Well... I like it,” the girl answered, noticeably embarrassed. But the next question turned out to be not so harmless: - Is it true that you took part in an orgy where there were about eighty partners? And again Panin answered with a decisive “yes.” - Well, what difference does it make - ten, twenty, eighty! – Lyosha shrugged.

- What are you looking for in this?- I’m not looking for anything, I’m just having sex! Sometimes I want two people, sometimes ten people. Sometimes I want with a boy, sometimes I want with a girl. What problems! Everything is cool - life is wonderful!

- I don’t even know how to ask you about this...- the presenter hesitated, - What about animals?“I haven’t had this happen to animals yet,” Lyosha chuckled, apparently taking note of this point. – I actually know people who have sex with. - Well, is this normal?- If adults like it, then that's normal! Have you ever seen animal porn? – Panin suddenly asked. And, having received the answer “no,” he continued: “And I saw it.” Sometimes it's interesting. On a subconscious level you become aroused, and many people are aroused by this. Few people are ready to do this, but they enjoy watching it. - Is there some line beyond which you will not step?- This is pedophilia. It is a crime.


Alexey Panin: I will comment only for money!

Alexey Panin: “All journalists pay me money for interviews!”

- Alexey, everyone was very surprised by your statements on the “Lie Detector” program in Ukraine.

This was two months ago...

- Now this recording has become very popular on YouTube. Were you kidding?

Please! I won't give any comments. You'll get it all wrong anyway! I'm busy, I'm not going to give anyone any comments!

- So is this true or not?

My comments cost money. Please, give me a high five, then I will comment on some words. Pass it on to your management. All journalists pay me money for interviews. Channel One just paid me 350 thousand! If it’s a small comment, well, I’ll give it to you for three rubles.

- Where to send?

I will return to Moscow, for three thousand dollars I will give you an interview. Sorry, I'm busy!

36-year-old Alexey Panin, known for his scandalous antics, does not pretend to be a moralizer. He has repeatedly admitted his tolerant attitude towards homosexuals, condemning homophobia and transphobia. Lesha is infuriated that blue and pink people have been introduced to non-traditional sexual orientation: “Which is traditional? What is tradition? - he exclaims. And he openly demonstrates his sexual omnivory, campaigning for sexual freedom.

Many of us are embarrassed to say out loud about our fantasies, our deepest desires, because society is so used to it, because there are, as it were, generally accepted moral frameworks, says Alexey Panin. - Gentlemen! Let's not do bad things to each other, let's raise our children well, and we, adults, will do what we want. In general, in terms of sex, I will never judge anyone in my life.

The artist does not tolerate hypocrisy in others and openly expresses his point of view: - Among the actors and show business figures there are many people with a radiant image. So I’m more honest than all of them combined. “I say what I think,” Alexey assures. - I always act in accordance with the impulse of my soul. If I offend someone, be it a waitress or a janitor, consciously or unconsciously, I immediately begin to eat myself - and go to apologize.


In the filmography of Alexei Panin there is the role of a homosexual - in the series “Kamenskaya -3”. In the episode “Stylist”, the actor played a gay man - one of the kidnapped guys who are kept in the basement at the dacha.


He has gotten away with all the adventures of the 36-year-old actor so far. Just this year, the Tuapse police opened a criminal case under the article “intentional damage to someone else’s property” for a pogrom in a local hotel bar.

2009, restaurant “Pushkin”, Moscow

In one of the pretentious establishments of the capital, the actor got so full that he fell asleep at the table. Requests to find another place to stay had no effect on him. When he tried to answer the guards, he was rudely thrown out into the street.

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Restaurant brawls by Alexei Panin. The actor shows his temperament in public places with enviable regularity Ruslan RAKHMANGULOV

2010, filming of a TV show, Kyiv

In response to a remark from the director of the Ukrainian TV Smena Gorov, the artist began to tear down the scenery. The director tried to stop the star, but he took this as a reason for a fight. Gorov turned out to be quicker, hitting Panin first.

2011, cafe "Penkino", Nizhny Novgorod region

In a cafe on the Moscow-Nizhny Novgorod highway, Alexey wanted to buy mineral water. The demand to immediately serve the “Russian cinema star” was refused. Then, in front of his parents, he beat the saleswoman. And a fan who asked for an autograph at the wrong time.

2012, restaurant “Basta Pasta”, Kirov

The actor was going to eat pasta, but it wasn’t on the menu. He burst into the kitchen and very obscenely explained to the cook the recipe for making Carbanara.

2013, Caravella Hotel, Tuapse

Alexey was so happy to arrive that he treated everyone to the hotel bar. But, having received a bill for 10 thousand rubles in the morning, he considered himself deceived and destroyed everything that came to hand.

2013, restaurant “Vyazniki” in the city of the same name.

Panin and his fellow actors came to Vyazniki with the play “A Guide for Those Who Want to Get Married.” And before the game, Panin decided to eat at a restaurant. The actor didn't like the food. He demanded a cook. And when he arrived, he scolded him for his poor work, began swearing and throwing dishes from the table on the floor.

Alexey Panin is an eccentric, pretentious, but talented theater and film actor. Alexey’s persona is very popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. Recklessness and love of alcoholic beverages often become the reason for public condemnation of the star’s antics. Several times the actor was brought to administrative and criminal liability.

Alexey Panin in childhood

Alexey Panin was born into an intelligent and decent family. My father worked at a defense company as an engineer. The artist’s mother is a famous Soviet journalist, editor of the magazine “Science”. From an early age, the parents taught their son order and punished him for the slightest offenses. At school, the future actor was quiet and calm.

Alexey Panin in his youth

Young Panin spent his free time in the swimming pool. He was seriously involved in water polo. At one time he wanted to devote his life to professional sports, but Alexei was tired of the strict regime and moral teachings of the coach. And so his sports career ended.

Returning home from school, Panin accidentally saw an advertisement for recruitment to Spesivtsev’s theater studio. Without much enthusiasm, he learned the poem and went to the audition. To the surprise of the actor himself, he was accepted immediately.

Due to his parents' frequent business trips, Alexey often changed educational institutions. Moving from one city to another exhausted him. This period coincided with the heyday of banditry, and Panin seriously thought about starting racketeering activities. Thanks to the timely intervention of his mother, the artist did not join a criminal gang.

Unexpectedly for everyone, Alexey entered VGIK. The future artist went to the exams reluctantly, just so as not to upset his mother. The applicant's self-irony and cheerful mood charmed the stern members of the admissions committee. So, Panin became a student at a theater university.

Expulsion from GITIS led to leading roles in films

First-year students are prohibited from acting in films, but this is not about the temperamental Alexei Panin. The crime film “Who If Not Us”, the historical drama “The Romanovs. The Crowned Family” were Panin’s first significant works, which became the reason for his expulsion from the theater university.

For his role in the film “Who If Not Us,” Alexei Panin was expelled from GITIS

Over time, Alexey resumed his studies, but not for long. A supporting role in an unknown film deprived the future star of his diploma. The resilient artist was not upset, but, on the contrary, began to actively star in various films. The episodic role of a soldier in the comedy “DMB” found its audience; Panin began to be recognized on the street.

Alexey Panin as Private Pysa in the film "DMB"

Alexey Panin in the film "Star"

Alexey Panin and Dmitry Dyuzhev in the film "Dead Man's Bluff"

Then there were comedic roles in films such as Down House and Don't Even Think about it. Panin received the first prize for his role in the film “Star”. The well-known and often invited artist continued to expand his creative list of cinematic works.

Scandalous and extravagant actor Alexey Panin

Among them: “Four Tankmen and a Dog”, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, “Tumbler”, “Sacred Cause”, as well as the role of Captain Dubinin in the cult “Soldiers”.

Alexey Panin prefers naturalness in everything

Alexey Panin again disgraced himself in public

In addition to comedic roles, Alexey Panin successfully played dramatic roles. These were the films “The Flock”, “Mirage”, “Spy”. Despite his violent nature, working on the same site with Alexey is comfortable and interesting. His stage colleagues were Mikhail Galustyan, Elizaveta Boyarskaya, Dmitry Dyuzhev and many other famous movie stars.

The scandalous and confusing personal life of Alexei Panin

Lovelace Panin is famous for his love affairs and indiscriminate sexual relations. To this day, the first official wife, Yulia Yudintseva, cannot erase the artist from her life. In their marriage, they had a daughter, Nyusya. The relationship did not stand the test of time and fell apart very quickly. The divorce of the scandalous couple became publicized in the press and lasted more than six years.

Alexey Panin and Yulia Yudintseva

Yulia won the court case, according to which their daughter Anna had to live with her. But Alexey did not agree with the court’s decision and kidnapped his own daughter. Yudintseva did not see the girl for a whole month. Today, Nyusya lives with her father, and judging by the photographs on social networks, she is quite comfortable with Panin.

Alexey Panin and Tatyana Savina

The next victim and part-time wife was Yulia Savina, with whom Panin has another daughter. The relationship lasted about three years, but the excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and a riotous lifestyle put an end to their life together.

Alexey Panin and Lyudmila Grigorieva

Lyudmila Grigorieva, Panin’s third official wife, drove the artist to attempt suicide. Alexey swallowed phenobarbital, but the doctors put him down. After his divorce from Lyudmila, the actor got a tattoo on his hand that read “Lucy and Alexey forever together.” His close friend Lyudmila took up the baton of marriage with Panin. But, according to established tradition, the marriage soon broke up.

Alexey Panin with his daughter

Panin’s sexual potential has subsided over the years, and he began to appear much less frequently in various film projects. Alexey’s inappropriate actions became the reason for the directors’ refusal to cooperate with him.

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The notorious video was shown on October 24 on NTV in the talk show “We Talk and Show.” After the release of the program, social activists began to demand that Panin be deprived of parental rights.

We contacted Alexey Panin. The usually sharp-spoken actor seemed lost and embarrassed this time.

Panin told us that it was not him in the video, but a dummy character. Or is it just editing.

- Do you have any ideas about who could have presented this tape to journalists?

I can't blame anyone specifically, I don't have evidence. I can only speculate on this topic. But it is a fact that the video did not appear by chance.

The fact is that now I am going to court regarding my daughter (Alexey Panin is suing his common-law wife Yulia Yudintseva to determine the place of residence of their common daughter. - Auto.). And all this dirt came out just before the trial. Coincidence? I doubt.

There is another option - recently they called me from television and invited me to go on air. I refused. Some freaks began to threaten, saying that I would regret my refusal. But nevertheless, it is unlikely that this video was put together by the journalists themselves. I think the guys performed in their repertoire - they seized on a scandalous topic, which gave them a rating.

- What was your reaction when you saw this?

My name is associated with a lot of scandals, gossip, some kind of dirt, and dirt. I agree that in many situations I behaved incorrectly, emotionally, too harshly.

But not all situations that are attributed to me were provoked by me. To be honest, I provoked few scandals myself. Often he simply responded to rudeness. Now I agree that it was wrong to answer in such a way. It was necessary to resolve the situation more calmly. But be that as it may, in any case, everything that was possible was always attributed to me.

In the same program with the dog, the TV crew showed a video of me masturbating in front of the police. But no one explained what kind of video this was, why I behaved this way, no one told the background to this story. For some reason, the journalists decided that any dirt could be attributed to Panin for all his past “merits”?

Now I’m talking to you, but it turns out that I’m making excuses. And I have nothing to make excuses for. I generally comment on this horror with the dog only because I was covered in mud from head to toe, and I - for a minute - have a daughter, close people, and work. And what should I do with all this now? Stand and flow around?

“Over the past three days I have smoked more than a block of cigarettes and eaten almost nothing.”

- Alexey, do you have any enemies? Who benefited from this transfer?

This is probably beneficial to those who want to take my child away from me, who want to mix me with dirt and denigrate me. I was surprised that on the program, people completely unknown to me said some things about me that they could not know. I don't mean the video with the dog, I'm talking about more harmless things now.

Why did some woman, whom I saw for the first time in my life, claim that I had an epileptic attack on the set? Nothing like this has ever happened in my life. This is an absolute lie.

- They also discussed the size of your manhood.

Well, many people may know about this detail. My nude photos are on the Internet. By the way, again, I wasn’t the one who dumped them there.

It’s actually strange to me that they discussed this topic with a dog on the federal channel. Experts and doctors sat there talking nonsense and asking strange questions. And the question had to be asked to all of them: “Are you all stunned?”

What was shown on central television is beyond good and evil. This is not just discrediting a person. I'm getting a lot of comments now from people I don't know. And the people are shocked. They're not shocked by me - they don't believe what they accused me of, they're shocked by the crap they were fed. How much do you have to disrespect your viewer to sink so low in pursuit of ratings?

You know, I once communicated normally with the host of this talk show, Leonid Zakoshansky, we had friendly relations. One day we were sitting together in a restaurant. Lenya then drank whiskey and laughed at the audience, laughed at the mental development of the people who watch his programs. He caricatured the characters and made faces while drinking whiskey. It's low. For what?

Before the release of the program, journalists came to my home in Vladimir, where my mother and daughter live. I have a normal civilized house there in the village, and next to it on the plot there is an old hut, about a hundred years old, no one lives in it. We didn’t demolish it, we left it as a memory. We have a warehouse there. So the journalists got in there, filmed that dirty, dilapidated house and an ancient toy - a teddy bear, which had been preserved since 1953. And they concluded that Panin’s daughter lives in terrible conditions, and her only toy is this bear. What kind of rudeness?

My daughter has more toys than in Children's World. And then, what difference does it make who has how many toys? The main thing is that the person is loved. But that’s just me, by the way.

This is not the first time I’ve communicated with you, I’ve heard you in different states, but I don’t remember you like this. It feels like you are confused. Apparently, this situation has really knocked you down?

I'm not confused, I'm wildly tired. Over the past three days I have smoked more than a block of cigarettes. I have never spent so much time on the Internet in my life, because it is important for me to know what they write and say about me now. There were 200 friends on my social network page. In two days, about 3,000 thousand were added to my account. I feel like a blogger. I need to get some sleep now.

On Wednesday I met with lawyers from Moscow, now I am returning back to the village to visit my daughter. And in this situation, I don’t quite understand how to talk about this topic. I don't understand what I should say.

I take it you deny your involvement in the scenes with the dog? But you can’t deny that the person who starred in this video is very similar to you?

I’ll say more: that man is like two peas in a pod like me. But there are nuances that are not noticeable to the average viewer, but are obvious to me and my loved ones. For example, the back flashed for a second in the frame. I took a screenshot of the episode. There are no tattoos on the back.

The fact is that I got a tattoo on my chest recently, but on my back a long time ago - I have three tattoos there. All the drawings on the body were done at different times, and I remember when they were done. If someone says that the video is old, when I still had a clean back, then where did the gray hair on my head come from? When you look at that man from the side, gray hair is clearly visible on the back of his head and around the side. I'm so gray now. Ten years ago, when I got my first tattoo, I didn't have gray hair yet. So it doesn't fit.

If there is gray hair, then all tattoos should be there. And if there are no tattoos, then there should be no gray hair.

There is one more detail, a trifle, many will find it ridiculous, but nevertheless I will tell you about it. Few people know that I am absolutely crazy when it comes to haircuts. Only very close people and hairdresser Lena, who has been cutting my hair for many years, know about this problem.

After I get my hair cut, I pick up the trimmer myself and, almost using a ruler, I cut my temples - I shave a little downwards along the oblique. I don’t just level the temples, I check everything with millimeter precision.

I'm obsessed with my own appearance. I shave every day. I can only go unshaven in my village, and then very rarely. I usually go to the hairdresser every two days, even when my haircut doesn’t require it, just to trim my temples with a trimmer. So my temples always look perfectly even. In the screenshot, I took a closer look at the main character of the home video - that man and his dog have their temples mediocrely beveled and thrown up. I've never let my head go like this. It is clear that this is not an argument at all in this case. But I know this moment about myself - I cannot have such temples.

- And the lady in the video is not familiar to you at all?

How do I know who this lady is?

“I have not yet been publicly accused of pedophilia”

- Do you manage to cope in such a situation?

I'm very tired. Honestly. I've lost a lot of weight in recent days. I just returned from tour, and then this happens to me. I thought I’d come back from tour and have a blast. I have an eternal struggle - I lose weight on tour. I come and eat off. I don't want to show up in public with a face like that. In the last few days I have eaten twice. Constantly on the phone. We must somehow resolve this conflict.

- You said that the trials regarding your daughter are ongoing. What is it about? After all, the child was awarded to the mother?

The court long ago took the side of my daughter’s mother. What, should I bring up the topic of the child again? It's very long. The fact is that we reopened the case. And now not only I, but also my daughter communicate with investigators. She, of course, has not yet reached the age when she can make a decision, but her opinion is already being taken into account. She tells things that cannot be taught to a child. In a word, the daughter wants to live with her dad.

- But nevertheless, there is a court order according to which the girl must live with her mother. And for some reason he lives with you.

I'm not going to prove anything to anyone anymore. The Investigative Committee and the bailiffs have hour-long videos of conversations with my daughter, where she tells everything. Psychologists talked to my daughter. Everyone unanimously says that she is telling the truth. This cannot be taught. And when adults hear this truth, they fall into a stupor from her stories.

It’s strange to me why her mother, Yulia Yudintseva, does not want to agree to a settlement and leave the child alone, let her study in peace. It only gets on her nerves. He writes terrible text messages to her about some kind of pedophilia or something else. I haven’t been publicly accused of pedophilia yet, but she’s writing this to her daughter! What normal mother would do this? She absolutely does not care about the psychological state of the child. Thank God that my daughter is mentally healthy. There's nothing you can do about her.

- Does your daughter see her mother?

Julia came to us in the spring. I tried to rush into school. To which her daughter told her: “Mom, I don’t want to go with you, I want to stay with dad.” But her mother did not hear her. And then my daughter added: “Until my mother learns to listen to me, I will not talk to her.” In turn, I’m trying to get my daughter on the right wavelength, convincing her that she needs to communicate with her mother early, she needs to somehow sort out the current situation. In this regard, my daughter and I speak the same language. Like adults.

- Does your daughter live with her grandmother in Vladimir? Why not in Moscow?

I have an apartment in Moscow, but I am registered and live in a village in the Vladimir region. My theatrical schedule is structured in such a way that 12–15 touring performances are released per month. I specifically agreed to 15, no more, so that I could spend the remaining two weeks next to my daughter.

And when I’m at home, every day I accompany my daughter to school, wait for her near the school, and meet her. Teachers and schoolchildren see me as I sit in the car from 8 a.m. to noon. I'm away two weeks a month. But guys, excuse me, please, this is my profession. Actors are often on the road.

When I’m not on difficult tours, I take my daughter with me. She went with me last spring break. She enjoys communicating with girl actresses. Why am I telling this? People don't care what I say anyway. Not everyone wants to delve into my family situation. But I know: the truth is on my side. And who does Yulia Yudintseva want to hurt by taking my daughter away from me? First of all, to herself.

I don't forbid them to communicate. How can I stop my mother? I'm just trying to find a compromise. For God's sake, Julia, become a friend to the child. I was once already persuaded to give my daughter to my mother. I agreed, made concessions, shoved my ambitions into one place, took my daughter to St. Petersburg, to her mother. I decided that I would live in two cities. And an hour and a half later the child called me and started shouting into the phone: “Dad, take me, she’s drunk.”

Let's put this topic with dogs aside for now. Guys, I always tell the truth, whether it's stories about nudist beaches or something else. Tell me, who cares what I do with my life? I don't bother anyone, I don't hurt anyone. My life shouldn't concern anyone. We are all adults.

It is clear that it is better for you to close the topic with the dog and forget it, but on the basis of this particular video you can be deprived of parental rights?

To hell with this video, but what to do if a child does not want to live with his own mother? I turn to Yulia - if you are such a good mother, why did your daughter run away from you? My daughter doesn’t see anything wrong with her dad, she loves me madly.

I also want to address these human rights freaks. Do you think that you didn’t traumatize my daughter when the video with the dog was discussed all over the country? Why did you show this? Why did they put it on public display? Have you thought that my baby might have seen this? That a child can be bullied at school? Who in this case causes more trauma to the child - me or you? This is no longer a fight for a child. This is a war with me.

- Is it true that your alimony debt amounted to more than a million rubles?

What are you talking about? What kind of alimony can there be if the child has been living with me almost since birth. My daughter laughs about this herself: “Dad, why do you have to pay child support? I live with you?” But Yudintseva managed to file a claim for alimony when she took the child to St. Petersburg for a year.

It was a terrible year for me. I wasn't working then. I lived in St. Petersburg with friends and spent the night in a car. Why did they count me a million rubles in alimony? Where did this figure come from?

- Are the next hearings on the case due to take place one of these days?

There have already been hearings. Yudintseva did not come. She is either sick or unable for some reason. Maybe this time he will come.

“While I’m raking up this dirt, I can lose a lot. For example, work"

Excuse me, but I'll go back to that video again. How did your friends react to this adult film?

My friends and I are laughing at this situation. Well, of course, this whole story is unpleasant for us. She is truly disgusting, terrible. But I have no problems with those close to me. Another thing worries me - what will happen to my work?

- It turns out that such incriminating evidence can affect your career?

Of course it can. I’m sure I’ll get out of this mud, but while I’m cleaning it up, I could lose a lot. I mean work.

If you can laugh at the situation with your friends, then you can’t explain to strangers that the video is not me and the dog is not mine...

It will just take much longer to explain. I’ll tell you more, now complete strangers write to me on social networks. They all believe me. And when I took my daughter to school the next day after that broadcast, on the way women with strollers came up to me, who saw all this and had previously taken pictures with me, so they supported me, said that they didn’t believe anything, and that I was wonderful .

-Are you going to sue the TV channel?

I don’t know anything yet, I’m afraid to say something unnecessary. I'm not a lawyer. Specialists will now weigh everything, prepare it, and sort it out. And after some clarity appears, a statement of claim will be formulated.

- How much do you estimate your moral damage?

I haven’t started losing money yet, so there’s no talk of any financial compensation. But if I lose my job, it will be a different story. If I were the journalists, I would at least apologize now. It would be decent of them. It's not about money here, understand. It's a matter of action.

At my core, I am a decent person. Therefore, all this is unpleasant for me. And if I was offended, but then apologized, met me halfway, I always forgive. It’s not that I forget grievances, I just push aside unpleasant moments and move on with my life. I never hold a grudge against anyone. This time a terrible story came out. It is clear that she is not going anywhere. But I don't need money for insults. In this situation, what is more important to me is how my daughter feels - and I care about my reputation.

- Maybe after this story you will stop shocking the public?

What do you understand by the word “shocking”?

-You expose yourself too often in public.

Stop. What shocks you about this? Millions of people on the planet love to swim naked. The world is full of nudist beaches, there are special hotels. And in some countries women bathe only in closed clothes. This doesn't bother you, does it?

- Personally, nothing bothers me at all.

I'm not talking about you specifically. I just don’t understand what people see as shocking? I know freaks who deliberately create a shocking image. For example, Seryozha Zverev, with all due respect to him. He is a great guy, smart, far from stupid, but people perceive him as a freak. Seryozha can be called shocking. And I'm not shocking. And I never sought to be shocking.

And when I say that I am not ashamed to swim naked, I am simply expressing my opinion. And in response I hear that the scandalous actor Alexei Panin did this and that. Guys, who creates these scandals? Am I creating them? The media does this. Journalists make stories out of nothing.

- So, you want to say that they usually provoke you into scandals?

There are things that I provoked. But there are very few of them. Nevertheless, I believe that I was right in almost all situations that were attributed to me. And in almost all scandals, I am 90 percent wrong about how I got out of this situation. It was necessary to go out differently, with dignity, like a man, proudly. But I couldn't. I blame myself for this. He wanted to prove the truth to someone, which no one fucking needs.

After each of my scandals, I later took part in a TV show not for PR, but to convey the truth to people. And only now it dawned on me that no one needs my truth. People listen to my truth, ignore it, and then continue to prattle on: Alexey Panin is this, Alexey Panin is that. I'm afraid that the story with the dog will also backfire on me. Who will listen to a person for whom the media has created such a scandalous reputation?

Yulia Yudintseva: “I have no doubt that my ex-husband starred in the film”

The scandalous story is still far from ending. Experts will have to find out who starred in the erotic video - Panin or his double. We contacted the actor’s former common-law wife, Yulia Yudintseva, with the question of whether she identified the father of her child in the video.

- Did you recognize your ex in the video?

In the video, of course, is Panin. Obviously. Personally, I have no doubt about this.

-Can you guess where this film came from?

I have no idea. I don't know where the film came from, but I know it shows him. If some other worthy artist with a good reputation had been framed like this, I would have believed that it was a double... But here... Where it’s thin, that’s where it breaks. Man has proven with his entire lifestyle that he is capable of this.

- But you once loved this man. Did you have a child with him?

I was mistaken. Now I'm paying for my own mistakes. But I will fight to the last for my daughter. She should not live with a person who can have group sex in front of her - the child’s testimony is recorded, he sleeps naked in the same bed with her. All Panin's girls became my daughter's best friends. This needs to be stopped. I will take the girl from him and will do everything possible to ensure that this man never comes near us again. After everything, the child will need full, long-term rehabilitation and work with child psychologists.

- Do you think that if the authenticity of the film is proven, Panin may be deprived of parental rights?

I hope that this situation, like a broken abscess, will help us - and the situation will change.

The actor's prank was the last straw.

Alexey Panin has always been a shocking personality. His name has been repeatedly involved in scandals involving drunken brawls, fights and emotional proceedings. For what it's worth, the video was demonstrated during the “We Talk and Show” broadcast on the NTV channel, where Panin and his mistress have sex, and after a while a dog joins them. It would seem that this is already the limit, but Alexey Panin can still surprise. Recently, a video appeared on the Internet in which the actor was walking along the street of Ulyanovsk in women’s underwear, and then began to masturbate and swear. A woman’s laughter can be heard behind the camera; apparently, the girl was filming a video with Panin’s participation. The material was published on the YouTube channel, but the video was soon removed due to obscenity.

This behavior of the actor not only aroused public interest, but also provoked a storm of indignation regarding his person. Some netizens did not even believe that Panin himself was filmed in the footage. However, the actor did not deny the obvious and commented on the incident. According to him, this video was filmed several years ago under the influence of alcohol. Panin and his girlfriend decided to have fun and filmed a home video. No one intended to spread this on the Internet. The actor commented on everything on his page on the social network, adding that now he is disgusted to look at it. In one of his interviews, Panin made a request: “Please leave me alone. I have already forgotten about all this and am living a completely different life. You are the one cooking in a pot of mud. I moved on a long time ago." The actor claims that this happened at 5 o’clock in the morning, so no one saw him. But Panin himself is more upset by his own physical condition in which he was at the time the video was filmed. “I should take it off now. It wouldn’t be so offensive now.”

However, this did not reassure the public, and a huge number of “photographs” of his antics in the style of “porn actress of the year” and “real bandit” appeared on the Internet. Although jokes are perhaps the most harmless thing that was said about Panin. Many netizens left comments in the style of “genetic garbage”, “ewww” and “drugs work wonders”.

Another video has stirred up the Internet, this time addressed to someone who “kicks the actor hard.” In return, the author of the video promised to give him a rifle. The video was filmed against the backdrop of a gun store window, where a voice-over said that he wanted “this animal to go into another world.” Panin himself does not worry about his life and considers this message to be the thoughts of “sick people.”

Numerous blogs and communities began to actively discuss the topic of how safe it was for his little daughter to be with Panin. The actor was clearly touched by the appeal to his paternity, which he could not leave without his word: “We do not do anything bad to anyone, and this has nothing to do with raising children. My Nyusya is happy!” However, the actor is afraid that his daughter will see this video. Panin assures that now he leads a different lifestyle. Since he previously had serious problems with alcohol, the actor has also repeatedly stated that he is bisexual. His orientation was confirmed by a video in which Panin had oral sex with a girl and a man. The actor has been repeatedly accused of bestiality. Panin was not afraid to talk about his passions and “skeletons in the closet” in front of hundreds of thousands of spectators, starring in the Ukrainian program “Lie Detector.” The celebrity was outraged that a video with his participation appeared on the network on the day of the great Christian holiday - Trinity Sunday. According to the actor, at that time he and his daughter were in church.

The celebrity does not understand who the people who “leaked” this incriminating evidence online wanted to do worse to: Panina or his daughter.

Another topic for public reflection was the desire to send the actor to a mental hospital, saying that his antisocial antics are an indicator of mental problems. “Based on his behavior, I think that Panin is a deeply ill patient with a complete breakdown of personality, which also happens when using heavy synthetics. The impression is that the patient was given a lobotomy,” users write online.

Once again, responding to harsh criticism against him, Panin published a video with the participation of his daughter, signing it as follows: “We are fine! Good luck to everyone and do you like flowers? The actor added that adult life is an adult life that does not concern his child. The photo shows the actor with his daughter, the father and girl are smiling and looking happy.

The actor himself asked not to interfere in his house and bed, since he does not interfere in someone else’s abode.

According to Panin, it would be better for the public to pay attention to drunken parents who “beat each other’s faces” and “spit on their own children.” According to the actor himself and many domestic publications, Panin was able to overcome his addictions and now leads a normal life. Psychiatric clinics helped him with this, where he put himself in order. However, the past reminds itself of itself, such antics aggressively set the public against the actor, and although Panin himself is not afraid of threats against himself, thanking those who treated this “booth” with humor. On his social network page, he personally responds to subscribers’ comments on this issue. So far the scandal has not subsided.

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