Who is the best friend statuses. Secrets of friendship: who is the best friend? Touching phrases for best friends

Statuses about best friend. Would you trust her with your life?

We are like black and white chocolate - we are sweet, but bitter. Like missing pieces of one whole. We are just best friends!

My girlfriend knows so much about me that I'll either have to kill her or be friends to death with her.

The best friend is like a husband, the only and beloved. This is the one with whom conversations do not bother. This is the one whose pain is like your own. This is the one who can cheer you up when you want to cry...

The best friend will never ask - why? She just goes to the store, buys, brings, opens and pours.

A true friend won't let you do stupid things alone!

Correspondence with my best friend - compromising evidence about my whole life

Your best and only friend is your own reflection in the mirror..

Losing a girlfriend is worse than losing a boyfriend. Because there can be many guys, and the best friend is the one with whom she has been with her all her life.

The best friend is a person who will tell you everything that infuriates her about you, and tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!

I'm not looking for another girlfriend, You're the best on the whole planet, You're a ray of sunshine when I'm sad. How subtly we feel each other, One soul.

It is very difficult to find a best friend - after all, the best is already mine.

Statuses about a girlfriend - The best friend is a person who doesn’t need to tell anything, she can see in her eyes what you have done, an idiot ...

The jealousy of the best friend for our mutual friend is the most terrible jealousy.

If your husband runs away with your best friend, you will miss her very much.

It's great to have a real girlfriend. When you get tired of betrayal, of another pain, of the whole world, you can simply come to her without words, fall on the bed and silently close your eyes.

A best friend only happens once in a lifetime. Though sometimes she infuriates you and you want to kill her. But you understand that apart from her, you will not love anyone like that.

I will give my girlfriend only to those hands that will love her more than me.

A normal girl has one best friend, not a million

The best friend is the one who will understand in any situation, even if you are talking nonsense.

With your best friend, there is something to be silent about!

The best friend is the one you call and she's busy. And you freak out terribly, but it turns out that she called you

A best friend only happens once in a lifetime. Even though she pisses you off and you want to kill her. But you understand that apart from her, you will not love anyone like that.

Best friends will never quarrel for life, and even if this happens, they will make up again after a while.

Sometimes evil does not look like evil at all, but like a cute, kind, friendly hamster.

No one needs fake "friends". They will not rush to support if this fucker left you, they won’t listen and don’t share good advice. And only with a true friend you will never be bored and feel lonely. Want to find out if your girlfriend is "fake"? Here are 10 signs by which you can determine this.


You listen to her complaints about her parents, boyfriend and boss at work for an hour, give advice and generally support her in every possible way. But as soon as you try to say at least something about yourself, she immediately has urgent business. Or she seemed to have listened attentively to everything and nodded her head in a friendly way, but after a day she forgot everything. A fake friend doesn't care about your problems and stories, but she is always ready to cry into your vest.


A true friend will never give you the wrong advice - at least consciously. On the contrary, he will try to help you become better. "Fake" will try to destroy you. Let's explain with an example. We hope you've read War and Peace. As you remember, Pierre often went on a spree with young Kuragin. He knew about the fragile soul of Pierre and his weaknesses - and deliberately led him astray, over and over again involving him in unpleasant stories. But Bolkonsky, on the contrary, asked to stop hanging out with Anatole, because he understood how detrimental it was for a friend.


She enjoys hanging out with you at parties, visiting guests and talking about her own news in a cafe. But as soon as you become "problematic", she will lose interest in you. Seriously, if you feel bad, then she will simply hang up or close the door in front of your nose. "Fakes" will immediately betray you as soon as something goes wrong.


A true friend always rejoices in your successes and achievements, even if you are competitors in some way. A fake friend will not even try to be proud of the fact that you are so well done, and will definitely find something to complain about. She will not rejoice at your success, but, on the contrary, will try to surpass you.


She's on call when she needs to borrow a purse or money, when there's no one to hang out with, or when she urgently wants to tell which guy just asked her out on a date. If she doesn't want anything from you, she's not interested in you. Everything is very simple.


Your point of view, like yourself, is not interesting to her. For her, there is only herself and no one else. She will be friends with you if you agree with her in everything. Draw conclusions.


Agree, it is not very pleasant when we are being manipulated. She will guide you on the path that is beneficial to her. As soon as she feels resistance, she will certainly throw you.


She expects that as soon as she calls you, you will immediately throw everything, even if you are very busy. Because she is, of course, the most important person in your life. It cannot be otherwise. At the same time, we remind you that she herself will definitely not strain for the sake of it.

On this page we have tried to collect the most interesting quotes about girlfriends. In addition to the fact that quotes about a girlfriend can be read with great enthusiasm, they can open your relationship to you from a new perspective. Appreciate these relationships and read about them with pleasure.

It is true that the best friends can make you crazy, but without them, our life is not so rich.
Gossip Girl

If you want to know the shortcomings of a girl, praise her in front of her friends.
Benjamin Franklin

When you can't talk about it with your best friend, it's not terrible - it's a total fucking ass!

Of course, it's good to have a loved one, but sometimes it's so nice to go to the movies with your girlfriend.
Sex and the City

This was another great quote about a girlfriend.

How can I choose only one friend?
- Throw them into the lake and choose the one that floats the fastest.

I am ready to quarrel with my beloved friend all my life and listen to injustice and reproaches from her for my own softness, laziness and ostentation - but I knew and know that she has the right to do so. We'll kill each other for an idea, but we'll never be trite and absurdly pulling each other's hair over a guy or raising a high for a stupid hundred bucks debt. And if we ever quarrel forever, it will be just the case when best friends stop being friends, but remain the best. And I will think about her brightly, and speak proudly, as soon as the speech comes up - N? Yes, we once were not spill-water - and all our lives grow and achieve heights to prove to her that I was worthy of her.
Vera Polozkova

Such is the fate of a friend: to rejoice when another ends an unmarried life, even if it promises you loneliness.

This is not all aphorisms about girlfriends.

She sometimes imagined a world without men, but she could not imagine a world without these two friends of hers. They were "always" in her life. And although, or maybe because all three of them were completely different, it seemed to her that without them the world would have lost one dimension. It would be flat.
Janusz Leon Wisniewski. Loneliness on the Web

You know that I hate secrets. Friends don't lie. Are we friends?!
Gossip Girl

A woman is ready to dress up out of sheer love for her worst friend.
Moritz Gottlieb (Moses) Safir

The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who doesn't have a close friend.
George Santayana

I am your best friend, I love you, that's why I am with you and I feel bad that I could not support you. Never think that you cannot come to me for any reason. I will always be there.
One Tree Hill

It's the first time I see you insecure.
So we become real friends.
Mark Levy. Seven Days of Creation

It's good that you are my friend. Because every time I have some kind of crap in my life, it is worth looking at yours, and you understand that everything is not so bad.
With love, Rosie (Love, Rosie)

Who is the best friend - adviser, assistant, listener, companion? Finding a definition is not easy. And can there be more than one best friend? And how to decide which friend is the best?

The most true statement is that best friends (yes, in the plural) surround us all our lives. Many will argue, they will say that there can only be one best friend. Yes, one at each certain stage of our life, that is, for a lifetime - several friends.

We have our first best friend in high school. One desk, one company, difficult lessons, first loves - all this unites. Then the institute, lectures, notes, exams, tests, and all this is ready to be shared with us by a completely different person. Then work, where a colleague becomes a friend to us, a fitness club and friendship with a girl from a nearby path, or maybe a young mother, with whom you roll strollers along the paths of an overgrown park.

There is no unambiguous definition of the term “best friend”, but in any case, this is the person who, in spite of everything, is ready to share difficulties with you, rejoice at your successes, to whom you can tell about any secret. She knows as much about you as no one else knows, she knows how to support and find the words you need. You can still choose definitions, but the main thing is to determine what a real girlfriend should be, what qualities she should have.

  1. A real friend will never lie to you. Of course, that's the way it should be. In any friendship there should be no lies. Naturally, there are cases when a lie is needed, the so-called white lie, but this is rather an exception.
  2. She will always support you. In any situation, you must be sure that your girlfriend will be a “mountain” for you. Even if you are wrong, she must defend you, and then, taking her to the side by the elbow, explain when and what you made a mistake and did wrong.
  3. You are never burdened by her company. Going to the cinema, eating pizza on the couch, walking through the forest, queuing at the store - you are always comfortable together, you have a lot of different common themes, stories and secrets.
  4. Your best friend is coming to you. If you have bad habits (for example, being 15 minutes late for a cafe), she understands you, does not get angry and accepts it with indulgence.
  5. Meeting you for best friend is a priority. She will never refuse you a heart-to-heart talk, a meeting, if you really need it. Will change his plans, move the shift, change the schedule, refuse to book a manicure. Just do not forget that this should not be abused.
  6. Your best friend will never have a crush on your boyfriend. If she flirts with him - this is not the best friend, but what is there - this is not a friend at all.
  7. It is not so difficult to empathize with someone, it is much more difficult to be happy for someone and together with someone. Did you get promoted, did you buy a phone, did your lover propose? She will be able to rejoice for you sincerely and with all her heart.

What to do if you are unlucky - you have not met your best friend. Make friends with those around you, don't try to make this friendship special, just be friends. First, look around, it is better to find friends with similar interests. Are you looking forward to your next yoga class after work? Then take a closer look at those who are engaged on the next rug. Or are you a young mother? Look at those who walk with strollers on your playground. English courses? Knitting? Rock climbing? Any interests can unite and become the basis of strong friendship in the future.

The main thing, finding a best friend is not to lose friendly balance. You should not constantly hang your problems on her, “load” her with your worries and anxieties, whine, complain, cry, tear her away from work and ask for constant attention. Just as you should not constantly talk about your successes if she has a series of troubles. It won't strengthen your friendship, it will only push you away.

The best friend is an important and necessary person in our life. Just never forget that in order for friendship to last a single year, respect it, support and forgive insults. Friendship for life is rare, but you might be the lucky one!

Does not exist. However, any representative of the fair half will say that it is important to have a soulmate with whom you can share the most cherished and frank. It is not always possible to try on the role of a friend for a husband or mother. I would like to have a friend with whom we went through fire, water and copper pipes. But questions often arise. What is friendship between women? Is she sincere? Who is a real friend? How is she different from the rest? Is a friend forever?

Every woman has her own idea of ​​relationships. For some, friendship means even more than family ties. For some, a friend is just an acquaintance who can cry into her vest. Someone will say that a friend is a person who can be relied upon both in sorrow and in joy. And he will add that the reliability of such relationships is tested by time and means a lot.

Women's friends are different. You can't say they are good or bad. The fact is that everyone has their own idea of ​​​​friendship. Nevertheless, there are typical situations when the relationship between women can be considered positive, bearing positive. In contrast to such friends, there is a type of girlfriends, interaction with which does not carry creativity. Now about everything in more detail.

Examples of good friends

  • Childhood friend. Relationships that are carried through life are considered the strongest and indestructible. Such a friend knows all the nuances of your character, everything about your life from school, and maybe even from kindergarten. Such friendship was born back in that carefree time, when there were no claims, envy and struggle for male attention. Relations between friends have stood the test of time and have the ability to turn into something more than just communication.
  • Interest friend. Friendship often arises against the background of common hobbies. If friends have the same views on some things, similarly prioritized, then a reliable relationship can be. Friendship, which is built on common hobbies, exists and is considered one of the most long-term and successful.
  • A friend for communication. It is extremely important for the female gender to constantly share their experiences, discuss the events of the day, or just chat “about nothing”. Even spending time in the company is already great! Communication in a women's circle is a kind of meditation. And it has a beneficial effect on the mental state of the girl.
  • Friend-listener and adviser. In addition to ordinary friends, a woman needs to have a listener who she wants to trust, with whom she can share the most intimate. To be such a friend means to bear a serious responsibility for other people's secrets. It is necessary not only to listen, but also to give practical advice, support, help in a difficult situation. Such a friendship will be fruitful and strong if there is trust, honesty and a desire to listen and support on both sides.
  • A friend to spend time with. Often a woman lacks a person with whom she can discuss the latest fashion trends, arrange shopping, go to a cafe, go on vacation together. Such a girlfriend is like a good companion who is always there and brightens up the gray everyday life.
  • Friend by coincidence. Often people are brought together by work or visiting one place. It can even be a kindergarten, where both take their kids. This is how another kind of friendship is born - according to circumstances. There may not be hidden secrets here. Such friendship is built on simple female communication, discussion of common topics, inviting each other to visit.

Examples of Negative Communication

As mentioned above, there is a type of girlfriend that you should stay away from.

  • Cheating friend. Not always a girlfriend is a positive character. Probably, every woman has come across a similar phenomenon, when in public people smile at each other, and then they say unpleasant words and spread rumors. The reason for this can be envy, rivalry, low self-esteem and many other aspects. Does it mean that such a friend will stay for a long time? If people are forced to communicate in any situation, then yes. With such "friends" it is worth being on the alert or minimizing communication.
  • Admirer friend. Sometimes women make friends on the basis of "I would like to be like her." In this case, one friend is superior to the second in appearance or success. Such relationships often lead to overt envy and do not become long-term.

Women's friendship can be characterized from different sides - positive and negative. The main thing is that the friends should be comfortable with each other. Real happiness is to have a faithful friend who will always find time for you, listen and support, say nice words and not give rise to rumors.

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