How to close all background iOS applications at the same time. How to close running and minimized apps on iPhone and iPad How to close minimized apps on iphone 5s

When you double click on the button

Press and hold your finger on an app icon until it wiggles and you can tap the red minus sign to close one or more of these background apps. If the specific application is not running, this action will simply remove the entry from the multitasking bar.

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How to close all background apps at once

If you want to close all applications running in the background at once, use the Process Killer app for iPhone and iPad that can help you. You don't even have to jailbreak.

Launch the app and then shake your iPhone/iPad to stop programs that may be running in the background. In addition, you can simply hold and release your finger on the process list to close all applications running in the background at once.

Close problem apps

Usually, users always have applications, especially games, that stop responding (freezing) and force quitting is the only way to get them to work again. The Process Killer app mentioned above can be useful in such a situation, in case you don't have to worry about apps being suspended in the background.

Do I need to close background apps manually?

If you're using Windows or Mac, you can always close apps you're not using to free up more memory (RAM) that's available to running apps. However, many do not see performance improvement by closing background iOS apps.

Here is an excerpt from the Engadget Q&A questions posed to Steve Jobs:

Engadget: How to close applications running in multitasking mode?
Jobs: In multitasking mode, if you see a task manager, forget about it. Users never have to think about it.

John Gruber explains why closing background apps is not required:

The iOS multitasking bar is not like the app switcher tab on Mac or Windows. This is not a list of currently running applications. This is just a list of recently used applications, whether they are running in the background or completely inactive, there is no consumption of memory resources.

Additional materials:

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  • Want to transfer files between two Windows devices? Try a new way to do it with the Air Transfery app for Windows 10 devices. Air Transfery is available for free in the Windows Store, and…
  • Sometimes it happens that you use an application that you like, has excellent features and instant response times. But every time you want to open it, you encounter an ugly icon. It is interesting that…
  • 3D Touch is simply amazing technology in terms of ergonomics, engineering and user friendliness. The 3D Touch system is integrated by Apple into the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus. 3D Touch technology reads…

If you are a user of a recently purchased iPhone, then surely one of the first questions immediately became: “How to close games and applications?”. And it is quite logical, because the implementation of this is not similar to other devices.

Let's figure out how to exit programs on any iOS. I will tell you everything as simply as possible so that you can comfortably use this function.

How to close programs on iPhone?

Perhaps I'll start with the fact that Apple has always approached standard questions in a completely different way than other smartphone manufacturers.

For example, when using Windows or Android, we are used to always exiting applications using the "Exit" key or a similar name.

As soon as we launch any game or program on an iPhone or iPad, such keys are simply absent and buyers are often lost and do not know what to do.

To begin with, it is worth saying that multitasking is used to close applications. This is a feature that allows you to use many programs at the same time.

This means that the following algorithm of actions is done to exit the application:

  1. go to the desired application;
  2. press the button twice Home;
  3. multitasking will appear and we simply remove the desired program.

In each iOS, it looks a little different, but the essence remains the same. While using the game or anything, just press the Home button and go to the desktop.

It collapses into multitasking and, if necessary, you can go back into it from there and start with what was before the exit. Or just close it so that your RAM is not used.


Using this feature is very simple, because Apple has made sure that you do not think much about how exactly you can close an open application on your iPhone.

The most difficult is the first week of use. Then you realize that before this, you did not keep a device that could be easier to use.

There will be a new multitasking in the firmware of your iPhone or iPad, it looks even more magical, although personally it seems to me that something is missing in it, perhaps shadows and volume. But today's post is not about a flat interface, but about working with applications in multitasking mode. We will learn how to close programs in an iPhone (or iPad tablet) with iOS 7 firmware, and we will also consider the features of the new multitasking.

iOS 7 multitasking on iPhone and iPad

When the iPhone first appeared, there was no full-fledged multitasking in it, with the advent of iOS 4, the situation has improved. It was enough to press the Home button twice (in the tablet you could use a 4-finger gesture up), as a dock with applications running in memory was opened at the bottom of the iPhone and iPad (see screenshot No. 1). This dock served until the release of the 7th firmware, with the help of which it was possible to navigate between applications and open a special panel with a music widget and display rotation settings.

Multitasking for iPhone - landscape mode. Firmware iOS 7.0

In iOS 7 firmware, multitasking has acquired a new interface (screenshot No. 2), which is launched by the same double-click of the Home button. Now not only icons are lined up, but also the application windows themselves. In multitasking mode, you can no longer use the music widget, the additional panel has moved to . A maximum of three running applications can fit on the iPhone display, but scrolling through the display you can see other programs stored in memory.

Close apps on iPhone and iPad with iOS 7

Starting from iOS 4 to 6, it was possible to close iPhone or iPad programs in multitasking mode as follows:

Close the app on the Apple iPad. Firmware iOS 6

In the lower dock, you just had to touch and hold any program or game icon, as soon as the icons began to move, we pressed the red circle in the upper left corner and exited the application.

With iOS 7, it's even easier and faster to close apps on iPads and iPhones. Now everything is done with a flick of the wrist.

Closing apps on iPhone just got easier with iOS 7

By pressing double Home, we get into multitasking mode, where we end the work of any game or program with a swipe up, we need to pull not for the icons, but for the running windows of the applications themselves. Now you know how to close iPhone and iPad apps, but that's not all. You can close programs in iOS 7 in batches, grab three applications at once with your fingers and pull up - that's it, applications are closed and no longer hang out in memory.

I remember when I had the first iPhone, it was possible to execute in it, this feature was useful in case of a particular application freezing. We tried this sequence of actions in iOS 7 installed on an iPhone 5. As a result, the application was not forced to close, it just restarted. Therefore, you can use a Power hold followed by a Home hold only to restart a single application, not to shut it down.

All sorts of techno-myths and prejudices have firmly entered the daily life of a modern user. And it's not about tapping on wood, even if your smartphone is a Motorola X with a wooden cover. The vestiges of the past, inherited from systems like Symbian or Windows Mobile, still haunt the "users", however, if for the same Android some of them may be relevant due to the architecture, then the system copes with troublemakers itself. And - quite successfully.

To write this material, which may seem obvious or even repetitive to many, the author was inspired by the almost daily observation of the same picture: working with, or the user double-clicks on the Home button and “swipes away” applications before blocking his gadget. The problem is that this activity is usually a waste of time, and let's see why.

- a concept, pardon the verbal pun, multitasking in itself. Last week, this sonorous word was called a new mode of working with the iPad, in which several windows are comfortably placed on the screen. However, for most of us, the mention of this term in a computer context is associated with several tasks simultaneously performed by one or another gadget. The implementation of this feature varies from platform to platform, but in general it all comes down to the same thing: you can work with one application while another is running in the background (“minimized”). The principles of operation of mobile systems of the past and personal computers greatly influenced the audience of users of modern technology accustomed to the latest, giving rise to many speculations and misconceptions. One of these stereotypes is the need to “remove” applications from the switching panel on iOS. What's the matter?

The allocation of resources in the iOS system is automatic, and five states are available to each program:

  • Actively: The application is running.
  • Not active: The app is running and in the background, but is not logging events (for example, if the device is put to sleep from the app screen).
  • Background mode: The application is removed from the screen, but continues to run minimized.
  • Stopped: The application is in memory but not running.
  • Not started: The application has been removed from the active list or is simply not running.

When you press the Home button from the application screen, the latter changes from the "active" state to the "background" state. Here he is given a short period of time (maximum 10 minutes on special request) to complete the current tasks. After that, most applications are assigned the status "stopped". This allows you to quickly open a program without having to reload its data into RAM. No computing or battery resources are involved in this case. Essentially, deleting an app from RAM lengthens the startup process, and although it can be ignored in most cases, this leads us to two main points: a) removing app icons from the multitasking bar at least does not increase battery life or device speed, and b) the panel itself displays not currently running, but only recently used programs. In the event of a lack of memory, the system will simply transfer unnecessary applications to the “not running” mode.

However, there are exceptions to any rule, and some categories of applications may be active after being minimized. These include, for example, programs for recording and playing sound (voice recorders, audio players, etc.), navigation and other software that determines the location of the device in the background, as well as various VoIP solutions that wait for incoming events - messages, calls and so on. Some standard iOS components, such as the Mail email client or the Promotions app, do not follow the general rules. For supported programs, you can also enable the background data update option, which appeared in the seventh version of the "apple" system. This will automatically check for new information, download updates, or download updated content in the background when push notifications are received. But even this behavior, if we are not talking about a working navigation or a “playing” music player, is unlikely to affect the operation of the device in a serious way, since such application activity is regulated by iOS itself. In the two exceptions mentioned (navigation and music), it is indicated by a geolocation icon in the status bar (near the battery indicator) and playback on in Control Center or on the lock screen. Crashes are quite rare, even among third-party programs. Especially in this field, the branded Facebook client was once distinguished, configured in such a way that, with a significant change in the position of the device and geolocation services turned on, it requested the location automatically, which could reduce the battery life of the gadget. However, such shortcomings are rare today, and the problem itself was easily solved: in the geolocation settings on iOS 8, you can set the application to access GPS only while using it.

Well, it's time to formulate the main idea. Of course, some of our dear readers may disagree based on subjective observations, but in most cases the conclusion is simple: no need to close apps in iOS. And may everyone be happy.

Closing the desired application in the iOS 9 mobile operating system is easy. Although the multitasking screen now looks a little different, the process is the same as in previous versions of the OS.

Using this method, you can close one application or several at the same time. It's worth noting that if you close an app this way, you're closing it completely, not just stopping it for a while, which is what happens when you leave an app on iOS.

How to Completely Close an App in iOS 9 on iPhone 6, iPad, and iPod Touch

The video below demonstrates the process of closing apps in iOS 9, which will work great in future versions such as iOS 10:

You can close multiple applications at once using the multi-touch capabilities.

Keep in mind, there are not many reasons to close unused apps on iOS anymore, as the mobile operating system manages resources and memory automatically by stopping apps in the background. However, quitting apps and closing them can be useful in some cases. For example, this is a reliable way to fix application crashes.

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