What to expect from the year according to the signs. What will be the New Year of the Fire Rooster? Chamomile or medicinal

Prepared for Aries a rich selection of new opportunities - and in a variety of areas. Enterprising Mercury will help you easily make the right contacts and start successful projects without unnecessary complications and long preparations. You will be surprised: fresh ideas will arise as if by themselves, and after them there will be simple solutions. Trust your own intuition: your sensitivity will help you make the best choice.

Taurus (April 21 - May 20)

What will bring you good luck: decisive offensive

The powerful union of the Sun and Mars in 2017 is preparing a very dynamic development for your sign. Do not think that you will be able to sit quietly somewhere in the corner - the stars directly push you to a decisive offensive on all fronts and provide the necessary opportunities for this. Your efforts will surely bear fruit: you will finally be able to get rid of long-standing obligations that prevented you from living joyfully, with a light soul. Feel free to go on the attack - and having won, enjoy dolce vita.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)

What will bring you luck: communication and creativity

Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)

What will bring you good luck: old dreams

Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)

What will bring you good luck: hidden potential

For the coming year, the stars have prepared for you a visual presentation of your talents and hitherto hidden opportunities. New doors will open for you one after another - you just need to devote a little time to appreciate each chance and take it. Such an analysis will help you discover new resources in yourself - often very unexpected for others. Set the bar as high as possible and you will surprise yourself and others.

Aquarius (January 21 - February 20)

What will bring you good luck: the principle of acceleration

2017 will give energy to what is happening in all areas of your life. Communication, relationships with people or practical tasks - everything will be solved much faster and more efficiently than before. You have been taught a few lessons in patience by authority figures like Neptune and Saturn over the past few months, and now your perseverance is starting to pay off. You can be confident in yourself and those around you - and boldly build up speed.

Pisces (February 21 - March 20)

What will bring you good luck: parting with the past

The coming year promises to dispel many clouds and clear horizons. Decisive Mars fills you with inner energy, which is necessary to resolve the accumulated issues and thereby unlock many "suspended" life situations. Your creativity grows, you are able to find a way out of any impasse and are not afraid to act contrary to the "usual". Feel free to share your feelings with other people: others will love your new, open image.

The upcoming 2019, according to Chinese traditions, will be held under the auspices of the yellow Pig, which will be considered the full hostess of the year. Astrologers are sure that many joyful events, hard work and, of course, some troubles await people, because it is impossible to imagine the world without them. However, I really want to know for which signs of the zodiac the most successful 2019 will be, because the Pig can be full of surprises, so you should not count on the fact that he will distribute his favor to everyone in a row.

The pig is considered a symbol of the Sun, because it is with his morning singing that each day of the day usually begins, and in eastern countries it is generally the personification of sunlight and energy, so it should be assumed that the year that will pass under his leadership will be filled with light, warmth and definitely good luck. It is also worth saying that the Chinese, who created the Chinese horoscope, see in this animal such qualities as courage, kindness and dignity, so the prediction for 2019 for all zodiac signs contains information that just such feelings need to be cultivated in oneself.

In general, the year will be quite sincere, as his symbol always speaks of what is on his mind, without caring about the feelings of others and how his words may affect them. It is hard to say how bad or good this is, because in some conditions sincerity can be mistaken for tactlessness, because sometimes it is the truth that people perceive “with hostility” and cause suffering to many (however, you will have to come to terms with this). In this regard, it is worth saying that the main advice will be to restrain emotions as much as possible. No one forces you to tell a lie, but sometimes, for the sake of maintaining peace and well-being, you just need to remain silent.

Signa, who will “command” over the years, loves to control everything, so if there is a person in the family born under this sign, then you will have to listen to him, because otherwise he may start to take offense. The proud pig loves to be in front of everyone, and extremely likes to take the first places, so when discussing which signs of the zodiac will be successful in 2019, you can not be afraid and assume that those calves, rams, cancers and so on will be lucky further, who were born under his patronage. By the way, experts are sure that next year luck will always accompany those who know how to stand out from the crowd, and you don’t need to invent anything special for this. You can dress unusually (red colors will be especially valuable), or you can give preference to unusual music or some kind of creative art (most likely, there will be quite a lot of exhibitions of contemporary art).

Horoscope for all zodiac signs

To understand what the year 2019 will be like for all the signs of the zodiac, it is necessary to consider each representative of the zodiac horoscope separately, otherwise it will not be possible to obtain accurate information on this matter.

Aries. In the lives of people born under this sign, everything will finally be relatively calm, although they lived in constant struggle for the previous two years. Today they will simply enjoy the fruits of their hard work and the success for which they have fought for so long, but you can’t just lie down and lie down, because, as was said, the owner of the year does not like this. In general, it is better to spend the first half of the year in work, albeit more calm, and devote the second half to rest and to yourself.

Taurus. Taurus is also waiting for relative calm, but due to the fact that their character is not at all simple, it is worth preparing for constant skirmishes with others, because the Pig will only increase this factor. Naturally, it is recommended to restrain your temper, because others do not like it, it is better to take up a new business and give all your energy to it.

Twins. Speaking about what awaits the signs of the zodiac in 2019, special attention should be paid to Gemini, because they will receive an impetus for the development of the future. Astrologers advise them to trust their intuition, which will be especially sharpened, but at the same time it is not necessary to make decisions without carefully considering everything, because the risk of failure is present in any business. By the way, it is the representatives of this sign that a lot of love awaits in 2019, although others are predicted to be lonely, so you need to be “friends” with them.

Cancer. People born under the sign of Cancer are waiting for changes, and no one can say anything about what they will be like. Perhaps life will be full of failures at first, but you should not give up, because perseverance and the desire to change something for the better is always rewarded. It is especially worth emphasizing new acquaintances that can have a direct impact on fate, but you should also take into account the fact that you may have to say goodbye to one of your friends.

A lion. Lions are waiting for a struggle, almost the same that Aries have been waging for the past few years. Astrologers advise preparing for such a development of events in advance, because before they got everything relatively easily. At first, some representatives of this sign will not understand why everything is happening this way, but then they “catch the wave” and the rhythm of life returns to normal.

Virgo. Virgo is also waiting for a period of hard work, and when discussing the forecast for 2019 for all signs of the zodiac, astrologers pay special attention to the fact that they should not shirk it. It will be possible to achieve success only with the help of persistent movement forward, therefore, those who prefer to simply accept the prevailing circumstances as a given will have a hard time.

Scales. Already by the name it becomes clear that the main mission of all representatives of this sign is to balance the forces, but during the "reign" of the Pig, it is worth showing yourself a little and trying to take fate into your own hands. This period will give Libra the opportunity to change themselves for the better. You just need to learn how to solve certain problems and that's it.

Scorpion. It is in their lives that the changes will be most destructive, and the meaning of this destruction will not be clear to everyone. They will divide the life of Scorpios into "before" and "after" and it is quite possible that some new person will become the impetus for change.

Sagittarius. Discussing then What will 2019 be like for the signs of the zodiac?, one cannot help but say that Sagittarius is just waiting for a grand success, because the stars predict that their life will be filled with some kind of special energy. Many new acquaintances await them, most of which will be useful for the future, as well as love, which will be distinguished by sincerity (the stars will contribute to everything).

Capricorn. It will be a little difficult for Capricorns, because, according to the predictions, there are simply a huge number of obstacles on the way. You need to correctly formulate your goals and desires, and pay attention to important things, because otherwise you can “fizzle out” without reaching the finish line.

Aquarius. Aquarius is destined for success, because for some reason the stars favor this sign very much. Representatives of the sign are encouraged to take on any new job and take on any difficulties, because the mistress of the year will help to cope with them.

Fish. Pisces are very similar in character to Aquarius, so it is likely that they will also have a good year ahead. Their main character trait - silence, will play into the hands in achieving success, because not everyone can be silent "where necessary", but Pisces cope with such tasks without any problems. The stars will constantly send them positive energy, you just need to direct it in the right direction.

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Sunny, bright and memorable for many signs of the zodiac will be 2017. The rightful owner of this year is the fiery Rooster. The rooster is a rather energetic, bold and proud bird. The horoscope for 2017 promises a thirst for life and vivid impressions for most constellations. Both men and women will feel a surge of strength and energy that they want to throw out into their careers or personal lives. The stars will equally favor both single constellations and those who are paired. However, the celestial bodies warn that signs in love should not abuse the location of the Rooster and constantly try to test their soulmate for strength.

2017 can bring good luck to each Sign of the Zodiac, but only those who know what to fear the most will succeed in catching it by the tail. Even courageous people should be endowed with caution, for success is a combination of courage and luck, backed up by prudence. 2017 year of the Fire Rooster promises to be extremely provocative and unusual, so at such a time, caution will not hurt anyone.

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The Year of the Rooster begins with the sunrise after the first new moon in the sign of Aquarius. In 2017, this date falls on January 28 - it is from this day that the year of the Rooster comes into its own.


In the year of the Rooster, the representatives of the sign will be as active as possible, which will entail many changes in all areas of life. The year will be fateful due to the persistence of Aries, however, close people may not interpret some of the actions of Aries in this way, doubting its adequacy. Communication skills will help to solve any problems with friends and family. Aries in 2017 will be passionate. There will be bets and disputes will flare up - the representative of the sign will want to prove his superiority with all his might. The year will be favorable for creativity. Even the most risky projects of creative people will be recognized. In 2017, Aries will be able to find strength in themselves not only for a career, but also for a family. Both of these areas of life will exist in harmony.

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This year has a lot of surprises in store for Taurus. Moreover, pleasant and not very pleasant events will alternate like stripes on the skin of a zebra. The main thing is to hide the rose-colored glasses away. Perseverance, perseverance and a real look at everything that happens is a guarantee that Taurus will emerge victorious from all the troubles. Proven and reliable friends will become the backbone in these survival races. They will not let you fall into despondency and depression. In the year of the Rooster, everything will be possible for Taurus: long and interesting trips, new acquaintances, promotion. The only condition is to remain calm and self-confident. Even if things do not go as planned, do not indulge your own emotions, especially negative ones. Grit your teeth, see the goal, go towards it with a bright head and a calm heart. However, someone, and representatives of this sign, do not need to be taught this, they know how to do this better than many others.


For freedom-loving Gemini, the coming year will be a time of trials and important decisions. By the end of the year, representatives of this sign will grow strongly emotionally and spiritually. Outwardly, the Gemini will practically not change and everyone will also radiate smiles, getting to know the first person they meet, but in their hearts there will be a deep rethinking of values ​​and attitudes. In the first half of the year, wanting to earn money and show off in front of the environment, the representatives of the Gemini will rush to the embrasure, taking any, even the most black and difficult, work for themselves. Over time, the fulfillment of duties will turn into a joyless routine, and those born under the sign of Gemini will think about the fidelity of the chosen tactics. The companion of the representatives of this sign will be constant mood swings, emotional breakdowns and depression are possible. In order not to lose loved ones, learn to be more silent and listen. Be yourself and direct your sociability in the right direction. In 2017, there will always be chances to succeed, but only the most patient and attentive Gemini is able to discern and nurture them.


2017 is going to be quite an unstable year. Feeling some uncertainty, Cancers will try to avoid it, and therefore will go headlong into work. Vigorous work activity will be able to compensate for the feeling of eternal anxiety. However, in 2017 Cancers will seek support from friends or other reliable persons. But no one can help them in finding inner harmony except those born under this sign. In the event of an incomprehensible situation, the right move will be its detailed analysis and identification of disturbing circumstances. Only in this way can progress be made. In 2017, Cancers will have an idea to improve their financial situation. Excessive obsession with these thoughts in some cases can cause serious quarrels with a loved one and even a step towards the destruction of the family. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully consider all the possible consequences of the plans that are planned for implementation in practice. Some Cancers, due to difficult times, will be forced to change either their place of work or place of residence. Both that, and another decision will be given with the big work. The situation may even turn into a hospital bed due to a nervous breakdown. In the middle of summer, Cancers will get tired of locking themselves up, and they will be ready to commit daring deeds. Of particular danger to the health of those born under this sign will be the roads on which extreme caution must be exercised.

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But the new year not only provides new opportunities to achieve something, but also provides a chance to correct the mistakes of the past. If there are moments in your life that you would like to fix, try to do it during 2017. Intuition will be the main adviser in finding the answer to complex questions, so you need to listen to yourself more carefully than ever, because, no matter how it sounds, all the answers are inside you. Leo will have no obstacles on the way to what he wants, but this does not mean that it is necessary to show the desire of the locomotive and rush ahead to the goal, sweeping away everything in its path. Be nice, kind and tactful with others, show the art of diplomacy, take care of the impression you make on others, because ignoring this aspect of life can bring discord in relationships and misunderstandings.


According to the Stars, Virgos should develop spiritually this year. The dreams of representatives of this sign often impede the successful development of their affairs, so they should fly less in the clouds. In 2017, Virgos will have to critically evaluate themselves and change something in their attitude to life, for example, to comprehend whether their views and values ​​are relevant at the moment. It is during this period that it will be necessary to think about whether the moment has come to reveal one's remarkable abilities. In the coming year of the Virgo Rooster, great surprises can await: career growth, a pleasant journey, a desired child. One has only to open one's heart to change! Most importantly, do not get lost and fall out of the rhythm of life. The work will take a lot of time this year. The whole year will be like one bright holiday: new acquaintances, travel, recognition and, perhaps, even love! Don't be afraid to show what you can do. Toward the end of the year, you may want to relax and be alone with yourself.


2017 will not bring any global changes in the life of Libra. And, despite this, the year will be rich in events and dizzying impressions. Events and people with enchanting speed will replace each other. This will bring some confusion to the life of Libra and even deprive them of balance. Sometimes confusing who is friend and who is foe, Libra will lose confidence in their decisions. The feeling that they made a mistake and made a wrong decision will manifest itself both in their personal lives and at work. Despite this, 2017 is a unique year for Libra. This is the time to solve all existing problems, and the opportunity to think about plans for the future. This is a preparatory stage, a kind of springboard for 2018, in which Libra will be able to prove himself from the best side. Make time for family and home. It is possible to do repairs or update the interior, change furniture. It is worth arranging a family holiday and inviting relatives and friends. There will be an unexpected opportunity to take a trip that will significantly restore mental strength and balance to Libra. The Year of the Rooster can please with an unexpected meeting with good old friends, or it can upset the appearance of a new acquaintance, whose prejudice and envy will greatly complicate Libra's progress towards the goal. By listening to their intuition, which has never failed, Libra will be able to avoid communicating with ill-wishers.


Scorpios will feel a great boost of energy and a surge of inspiration. Their inner strength will gush, the flight of ideas will infect friends, colleagues and loved ones. 2017 will give Scorpios a great chance to realize their gift of persuasion and the ability to manage financial affairs, to shine with eloquence. But, be careful - your aggressive reaction to the miscalculations of others can cause conflicts. So be patient. Your irresistible envy, zealous attitude to the success of business partners and friends will not lead to good either. Do not plot, otherwise the negative energy emanating from you will definitely return to you like a boomerang. In order not to lose a positive attitude, the trust of others, and not to be completely alone, try to control your feelings and actions. Scorpions are waiting for a year of active sexuality, which they will successfully use. The year can also be marked as the year of love, new acquaintances and rebirth, renewal of marital feelings and relationships. 2017 for Scorpions is a year of ups and downs, explosions of emotions and sensations, conquering new heights.

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The Year of the Rooster, and 2017 has such a name, promises Sagittarius drastic changes in life. But representatives of this sign are unlikely to be afraid of global life changes, because 2016 was just as stormy and eventful for them. Taking into account the experience of the last year, Sagittarius will become even stronger in their positions and views and will easily solve the difficulties that arise. The stars warn that in 2017, any problems should be solved only after carefully considering them, weighing them and even making a detailed written plan. If this advice is not heeded, then a new business or an old problem may turn out to be incomplete or insoluble. The Year of the Rooster will present Sagittarius with some great opportunities to improve their lives. You just need to hear and see these signs and carefully plan all the things to realize the opportunities presented. Sagittarius this year can be recommended not to be afraid of experiments, but at the same time to have a “cold head” on their shoulders. Any new business must begin with a detailed analysis of the available opportunities and a step-by-step plan for the implementation of the plan. The Year of the Sheep will please Sagittarians with new experiences, travels and meetings with interesting people. Also, the year is very favorable for solving family problems, whether it is an existing family or only serious intentions to create it. What the stars warn about is the state of health. It is in 2017 that it can let us down and they will have to deal with it very seriously. But if this is treated in a balanced and competent way, then this problem can be solved quite successfully.


At the beginning of the year, Capricorn will give all his time to work. This desire to constantly work will be dictated by the desire of Capricorn to achieve material well-being and further increase their cash reserves. Work and increase in income will so prevail over the representatives of this sign that they will have almost no time and energy left for their family, as well as for their soulmate. On this basis, disputes with a chosen one or chosen one, and even serious conflicts in the family, may arise. Capricorns will hear a lot of reproaches of callousness and selfishness against them, which will subsequently lead them to a prolonged depression, which may be accompanied by insomnia, irritability and slight dizziness. In the middle of summer, law-abiding Capricorns can expect a lawsuit related to legal problems. Many will try to help you, but don't be fooled. Among those whom you sincerely consider friends, there may be your enemies. Therefore, be vigilant and take a closer look at those around you. The one who harbored evil is able to deal a serious blow not only to your affairs, but also to people close to you. Things will get better at the end of the year. Active Capricorns will be able to overcome all obstacles and thus earn great prestige among friends and colleagues. Inspired by success, representatives of the Capricorn sign will be able to show their best side in all aspects of their activities. In addition, the unexpected help of the patron during this period will give Capricorn confidence and there will be an opportunity to improve their affairs.


The beginning of 2017 promises well-being to Aquarius, any of their undertakings will be crowned with success. But it is recommended to devote a significant part of your time to relatives and close people. Work will bring confidence to the representatives of this sign in the future. But, despite this, many Aquarians will have a desire to take a break from work and go on a trip, spend time reading their favorite book or dig in the beds of their backyard. At the beginning of the year, there is a big risk of getting colds provoked by infections, after which a lot of energy will be spent on restoring the body. And the very fact of poor health will violate the spiritual harmony of the feelings of Aquarius. In the middle of 2017, Aquarius, as if trying to catch up, will fully devote themselves to work. A serious purchase, planned for the second half of the year, will require significant cash investments. Fruitful work and perseverance will ensure the guaranteed implementation of the previously planned. But, unfortunately, not all Aquarians will be lucky and prosperous, but only those who can soberly assess their strengths and focus on the most important goals to achieve. And at the end of the year, astrologers predict active rest for Aquarius and long-awaited travels, so beloved by Aquarius, due to which they will receive a remarkable surge of vivacity and freshness. It will be better if Aquarius spends the end of 2017 in the family circle, surrounded by people who love them.


Thanks to the ability to listen and help others, Pisces will make many new friends in the new year. In 2017, their knowledge in psychology will manifest itself like never before. But due to the fact that most people are not able to reciprocate the help of Pisces, representatives of this sign will be even more immersed in their world, which is fraught with constant depression. At the beginning of the year, Pisces will travel a lot, not only nearby, but also go to far abroad countries. They will want to visit their old friends, relatives, take a break from everyone. This period of the year will pass in search, and attempts to comprehend one's life. In the middle of the year there will be a lull in new endeavors, problems may arise at work and in the family. There will also be a crisis of ideas and inspiration in creativity, which will certainly affect the morale of Pisces, they can fall into a blues. The end of the year promises to be successful for new beginnings in work, creativity, which will bring some stability in business. They will almost get closer to their goal or dream that they planned at the beginning of the year.

Horoscopes of the peoples of the world

Rooster - insightful, pedantic, self-confident, but loving to show off and pull the blanket over himself. This is very symbolic for 2017. The fiery character that will be inherent in this year will leave vivid impressions in everyone's life. It must be remembered that in addition to noisy holidays and stormy disputes, it requires a high level of diligence and responsibility for the commitments made. Therefore, you should not postpone anything for later, you need to do everything in a timely manner. Then the year will be rich in excellent results.

During this period, Aries are waiting for numerous acquaintances, which is why he sometimes wants to escape to cozy and quiet places. They are waiting for changes for the better on both the personal and business fronts. It is imperative to take the opportunity to invest, as this will give a good result. Large acquisitions will be favorable.

Numerous activities will require additional sources of energy. From the very beginning of the year, those born under this constellation should learn relaxation techniques, as well as learn how to properly prioritize.

There is no need to once again demonstrate your fiery disposition, this can lead to conflicts that take time and energy. At the end of the year, Aries will be able to responsibly declare that 2017 was a success!

During the entire period, Taurus will need the ability to delegate authority, as well as a focus on results. If you correctly build work in a team, you will be able to successfully combine different types of activities. It is useful to learn rational planning, because there are a lot of things to do.

The family will become the main focus of Taurus, but at the same time there will be an opportunity to change jobs or implement a new project. The fiery symbol of the year will make it possible to see how important it is to have loved ones nearby.

This year will be favorable for Taurus, who will create their own families or acquire little ones.

Updates in the image will also be useful. All this will give a powerful impetus to the development of positive events in the life of representatives of this zodiac sign.


Gemini, who love the stormy course of life, 2017 will bring many pleasant surprises. There will be everything that inspires the representatives of this sign to exploits: love, new acquaintances, career advancement and successful resolution of financial issues.

In 2017, conflicts should be avoided, which is hard for impulsive Gemini. But the ability to negotiate with the leader, partners or your soulmate will allow you to achieve all your goals.

This year will present convenient cases for making quick money. The ability to navigate the situation and make the right decision is in the blood of Gemini. By realizing the opportunities, they will raise their own self-esteem.

This does not mean that money can be easily spent. It is best to identify the main tasks and distribute the money according to the designated priorities. You should not limit yourself only in the desire to give joy to loved ones, because the selfish nature of Gemini so rarely manifests itself in this way.


It is not worth going back in 2017 to Cancers. On the contrary, having gathered strength, remembering stubbornness, they should slowly move forward. It will be useful to master new activities or undergo training. This will allow you to expand your own horizons and outline the further path of your development.

Dating interesting people can overtake them in the most unexpected places. If you get job offers, don't turn them down. Changes will also occur in the love sphere, where the main task will be the ability to restrain one's negative emotions.

The discovery of the year for Cancers can be participation in sports events focused on a team game. It must be remembered that it is more convenient to fight on any front together with someone. Having adopted this simple rule, Cancers will begin to unwind the tangle of life's difficulties much faster.

a lion

Reasons to praise yourself for the skillful solution of issues in 2017 will give a lot. The lions will have to accept the fact that the fiery Rooster decided to test their strength. In order to have enough energy for everything, it is worth giving yourself a break, doing more sports or even just walking. The horoscope does not recommend abusing drugs that can relieve fatigue.

In 2017, the interest of others in the extraordinary and bright personalities of Lviv will not fade for a minute. This will increase the requirements for self-organization, the ability to plan and prioritize.

Despite the fact that current affairs will be of more interest to Lviv than personal relationships, you should not forget about the latter at all. Jealousy is best left aside.

The biggest deal is scheduled for the end of the year, but we need to prepare for it. Stars are not advised to invest existing savings in one project. Yes, and the interests of Lions can vary greatly, so you should resort to diversification.


Unlike many, Virgos do not like excessive fuss. That is why they will be surprised and not quite accustomed to the amount of attention that will fall on them from the beginning of the year. The stars are strongly advised not to give up undertakings if the Virgos accept the proposals that come. Despite the fact that they will have to do everything at once, they should demonstrate their natural diplomacy, pedantry, so that the fiery Rooster will generously reward them.

A lot of events during this period will be connected with long distances. Trips will be successful, foreign internships or connections with partners from distant countries can be successful. Do not be afraid of big changes, because all of them will benefit Virgos and their loved ones.

Libra Horoscope

Libra should take advantage of everything that 2017 will reward them with. To do this, do not think long over the proposals received. It is important to tune in correctly, as well as mobilize all your resources.

The love of introspection may reawaken. This is very useful, but you should not devote all your attention to this. It is better to take a balanced approach to assessing your capabilities and undergo additional training.

Unlike many, Libra will be able to successfully use natural intuition. The alignment of the stars during this period indicates the need to adapt to circumstances and be more flexible. If Libra wants to force someone to perform the desired actions, then they will get nothing but a negative result. Be consistent, and then the rewards for labor will please.


Scorpios by nature love to work with information. The upcoming year of the Rooster encourages them to use their skills more often, as well as broaden their horizons and update existing knowledge. The tendency to self-development will come in handy both in the career and in the personal field.

Offers that will come in 2017 should be carefully considered and not rejected immediately. Remember that from the outside, irrepressible Scorpios who achieve high results can annoy those around them with their success. You will have to play good relations so as not to provoke envy flows.

The stars also predict a lot of "hello" from the past. But it doesn't always have to be real. However, among the newly emerging acquaintances on the horizon, there may be future spouses and excellent business partners.

The financial issue will no longer be an edge, so Scorpios can enjoy the results of their work and recuperate somewhere on the Cote d'Azur.


The year of love, romance and tenderness - this is how 2017 can be called the year for Sagittarius. The attention of the opposite sex will be very flattering, and sometimes even interfere. After all, it distracts from work and other important matters, which will be many.

Stars demonstrate excellent opportunities in acquiring new knowledge or professional skills. The funds invested in this area will quickly pay off, and with interest.

Business acquaintances need to be turned into strong useful connections. But do not confuse partnerships and personal relationships.

Sagittarians who work in the IT field should be especially attentive to incoming offers. 2017 gives a great chance to prove yourself. You can't miss it.

Capricorns in 2017 are waiting for an active and eventful life. The more movement required, the more comfortable they feel. This will be the Year of the Rooster.

In order to have enough strength for everything, you need to accumulate them, and also be able to recover quickly, in which close people will help.

Do not leave unfinished projects started earlier. The best period for their completion will be the second half of the year.

Being carried away by professional and other projects, one should not forget about those who are nearby. After all, loved ones, children, and older relatives require attention. It is recommended that the whole family gather more often to give each other the opportunity to communicate and express their opinions. This will strengthen existing relationships, even if before it seemed that Capricorns were estranged from family members or friends.


“No need to reinvent the wheel” is the main advice of the stars to representatives of this zodiac sign. The ability to use ready-made templates for decision-making or for organizing processes is expensive.

If something is promised, then it must be fulfilled so as not to spoil the reputation. The love of communication can lead to active movement up the career ladder.

The placement of the stars also shows that there will be an opportunity to find personal happiness for those who are still single. But here you have to make some efforts. The family will become a good rear, which will be appreciated by Aquarius.

The situation at work and at home will become much better if Aquarius does not forget to apologize to those whom he even unwittingly offended. Moreover, 2017 will provide an opportunity to apologize even to people from the distant past.

An excellent period in order to apply your skills and knowledge will give the year of the Rooster. Pisces have long been waiting for an opportunity to say goodbye to the accumulated fatigue, boredom from the daily routine. The burden of the recent past will be successfully lifted.

The feeling of happiness will be transmitted even to those around you. They will definitely note how updated Pisces will become in 2017.

Pleasant acquaintances, travel, interesting work projects will fill the whole year.

Neither finances, nor family, nor health will greatly disturb the representatives of this sign, which will make it possible to realize all their plans faster and better.


The energy of Ophiuchus will fill any space wherever he appears. Many will want to be there to get a little bit of the air that the representatives of this sign breathe.

Their wisdom and a little cunning will serve you well and will allow you to realize all the plans for 2017. In return, the year of the Rooster will give a lot of nice bonuses.

Large expenses, a job change, a pleasant and promising acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex - all this will be in the life of Ophiuchus. The horoscope confidently demonstrates an excellent period for all accomplishments.

You deserve someone who looks at you and understands you. Maybe it won't happen before the end of the year. But don't lose hope that it will work for you.


You are lucky to find love in your life. The one who seems rude really loves you with all his heart. You have to ask yourself, what are you ready for? Will these months show how you will live your life with this person?


Half of your heart wants to let go of the person you love, the other half of you cannot. When you look at how long you've been in it, you must be disappointed with yourself. Just remember what you deserve and everything will turn out for the best.


How did you get through what seems like the worst thing in your life so far? But everything will be better. Just hold on.

a lion

You run away from relationships and attachments of any kind. Acquaintance. You hate them. Relations. You don't want to have anything to do with them. 2017 is just a blur of uncertainty and you wonder how you did the same thing every day and didn't go crazy or kill someone. Wait and love will come into being.


You have taken a huge step in your career. As far as love is concerned, you have sacrificed a lot for this person. Remember your worth, and the rest of the year will seem worth living.


Maybe you are a little confused lately. You don't know the right way. It's okay to be confused and insecure. Follow this uncertainty. But don't be afraid of failure. The next four months of your life will not be the best.


For most of 2017, your life has been a bit rocky. Career is changing. Relationship changes. Life changes that you were too afraid to make. All of these choices, as scary as they are, will pay off for you. And you may not find a relationship, but you will find yourself again.


In the next few months until the end of the year, your past will come back to haunt you. And although you have changed, grown and matured, they look at you and think about all the things you have done wrong. Don't let the opinions of others allow the past to dictate the present to you.


You are finally about to let go of the past and find the love that deserves you. But be careful when that happens, because when people start seeing you happy and successful, they either try to bring you down or every ghost tries to come back from your past.


There is a wound in you, but there is time in these months to heal it. It's only when you think you've made progress that you fall a few steps back. It's okay to feel the world so heavy.


You are the one who has always been wise. You see things differently than anyone your age. You have always been a lone wolf and focused on your goals. But soon you will be crossing paths with someone else who will appear in your life.

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