Cranberry dishes recipes. What to do with cranberries: recipes, ideas, tips. Kissel from frozen cranberries

Cranberries are one of the healthiest wild berries.

This week, according to the folk calendar, there is a Crane Assembly. Since ancient times, it is believed that cranes, having gained strength before a long flight, gather together and hold advice on how to fly south, when is the best time to hit the road. And at this time, cranberries ripen - one of the most useful wild berries. In this material you can find recipes for several delicious and interesting cranberry dishes.

Cranberry juice

To prepare it, the berries are washed in boiled water and the juice is squeezed into porcelain or glassware. The pomace is poured with cold water at the rate of 3-4 liters per 100 g, boiled and filtered. Squeezed juice and sugar (to taste) are added to the resulting broth. Stored in the refrigerator. It is useful to consume fruit drinks 2-3 glasses a day, warming to room temperature.

Kissel cranberry

Take 100 g of berries, 3-4 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. starch and 3 cups of water. Rinse the berries with cold water and rub them with a wooden pestle. Separate the berry juice and put it separately. Place the rest of the crushed berries in a saucepan and cover with hot water. Bring the broth to a boil and cook for five minutes. Strain it through a sieve. Add granulated sugar to the broth, heat to a boil and remove the foam from the surface.

Dissolve starch separately in a small amount of cold water. Pour the starch into the boiling compote in a thin stream, stirring it continuously. Bring the jelly to a boil. If you want to get a thicker jelly, the amount of starch needs to be increased. At the very end, you need to add the previously squeezed cranberry juice to the jelly. Pour the finished jelly into glasses.

The drink is ready! Kissel is a very nutritious, high-calorie dish due to its starch content, it retains many vitamins.

Cranberry Sauce

Take a pound of fresh or frozen cranberries. Place it in a small enamel saucepan, add 50 ml of water, 200 g of sugar, a pinch of ground allspice and about a third of a teaspoon of chopped nutmeg. The resulting mixture must be brought to a boil over very low heat (10-15 minutes), and then cook the sauce for another 5-7 minutes, stirring continuously. Remove the pan from the heat when you see that the berries have become soft and began to intensively secrete juice. Then set the pot aside to cool.

Peel the orange and squeeze the juice out of it, which is poured into the cooled cranberry mixture, mix everything thoroughly and put the sauce back on the fire, bring it to a boil and cook for at least five minutes. You can add a couple of teaspoons of crushed orange zest to enhance the taste. Throw another five minutes of cooking on top of the zest.

It remains to cool the sauce slightly and beat with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Pass the sauce through a sieve. In finished form, it should have the consistency of sour cream. Butter-fried chicken breasts, baked rabbit, pork chops, stewed fish - the sauce goes with everything.

Cranberry-apple chutney (spicy sauce for baked pork, turkey)

You will need onion, finely chopped (0.5 cup), garlic, minced (1 clove), ginger, grated (1.5 tablespoons mixed with garlic), apple cider vinegar (1 cup), apples, peeled and chopped (3 cups), red bell pepper, seeded and chopped (1 pc.), Brown sugar (1 cup), mustard seeds (1 tbsp), allspice (0.5 tsp), cayenne pepper (0.5 tsp), dried cranberries (200 g) and salt (0.5 tsp).

Blend the onion, garlic, and ginger with 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar in a blender. In a large saucepan over medium heat, simmer all ingredients except the cranberries until the mixture thickens. Throw the cranberries into the saucepan and simmer for another 15 minutes.

Chutneys can be refrigerated in sterilized jars and sealed with lids. This kind of sauce can be eaten simply by putting it on dried bread, and as an addition to cold meat, poultry. A complete and very tasty meal.

Chicken breast stuffed with cranberries with cranberry sauce

You will need: 3 chicken fillets, 0.5 cups of cranberries, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. with a slide of ground crackers, 2 tsp. butter, salt, egg, flour, ground crackers for breading. For sauce: 1 tbsp. l. starch, 0.5 cup cranberries, 2 tbsp. l. honey

Beat the fillet into a large pancake (beat off, wrapping it in a film so that the fillet does not tear).
Salt, pepper, put 1 tablespoon of the following filling: mix softened butter with cranberries, breadcrumbs and honey.

Roll the fillet in the form of a Kiev cutlet. Breaded in flour, egg, ground breadcrumbs.
Fry quickly on both sides, until golden brown. Place in the oven and bake at +220 degrees for 20 minutes.

Make the sauce: put the cranberries in a saucepan, put on the fire, ceiling a little, stirring, boil, add honey. Dilute starch in 100 ml of water and pour over cranberries. Stir. When it boils, remove from the stove, cool. Add salt and pepper to taste.

Soaked cranberries (storage method)

Sort and wash the berries, discard the crushed and damaged ones, pour them into clean jars and fill with cold boiled water. Put oppression on top of a wooden circle and put it in a cool place. With this method of storage, vitamins are not destroyed.

Cranberries soaked in sugar syrup

Boil the syrup from sugar, salt and water (for 1 liter of water, 4 tablespoons of sugar and 0.5 tsp of salt). Cranberries are prepared in the same way as in the recipe for ordinary pickled cranberries. Fill jars and fill with chilled syrup.

If desired, you can put some Antonov apples in cranberries, as well as spices - cinnamon, cloves and allspice.

Cranberries prepared in this way are used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, and are also added to vinaigrettes and salads.

Cranberry jelly

The sorted and washed cranberries are kneaded with a wooden pusher in a non-oxidizing bowl. Squeeze out the juice and put it in the refrigerator. The pulp is poured with hot water and boiled in a sealed container at a low boil for 5-10 minutes. Sugar and soaked gelatin are added to the strained broth, the mixture is stirred until it is completely dissolved and brought to a boil (but do not boil!). Squeezed juice is poured into this sugar-gelatin syrup, then the mixture is filtered, cooled to 15-20 degrees and poured into molds. For 150 g of cranberries - 150 g of sugar, 30 g of gelatin. For syrup: for 100 g of sugar 50 g of cranberries.

Cranberry tincture ("Cranberry")

Vodka - 0.5 l; sugar - 1 glass; cranberries - 1.5 cups.

Crush cranberries with sugar and place in a jar (1l), then pour the mixture with vodka. Close the lid (you can use polyethylene) and hide in a dark place where room temperature is maintained for two weeks. Shake the liquid once every two days.

After 14 days, hide the jar for one night in the refrigerator. After the settling process, strain the resulting drink through a four-layer gauze, carefully squeeze the cranberries.

This version of "Klyukovka" is perfect for men, and a light version is recommended for ladies. Make syrup from 2 cups water and 2 cups sugar. Pour the cooled syrup into the "male" version, slightly diluting the strong drink. It is not necessary to pour all the syrup at once. Add it little by little and taste the drink.

Consume Klukovka carefully, as the high alcohol content is practically not felt on the palate, and the tincture is drunk like a rich fruit drink. Don't get carried away.

Cottage cheese cranberry ice cream

You will need: cranberries (225 g), sugar (225 g), 5% cottage cheese (450 g), 35% whipping cream (400 ml), honey (2 tablespoons), chopped almonds or chopped walnuts ( 3 tablespoons).

Rinse cranberries, dry on a towel. Add half the sugar. Crush the berries with sugar into a soft pulp. Add the second half of the sugar to the cottage cheese, beat with a mixer until creamy. Combine cranberries and cottage cheese with sugar. Mix well. Whip the cream into a thick foam. Stir in cranberry curd cream.

Take a pudding mold (with high sides) and grease the entire inner surface of the mold with honey. Sprinkle with chopped almond crumbs (peeled and planed "petals" of almonds) or walnut crumbs. Pour the cranberry cream into the mold.
Cover with cling film and place in the freezer for 4-5 hours.

Before serving, immerse the form for a few seconds in hot water and turn the contents onto a dish. You can decorate with whipped cream and berries.

What will come out? Such ... Such ... In general, such things are never forgotten.

A beautiful undersized shrub grows, which in early autumn flares up with hundreds of small rubies. This is a cranberry - a berry rich in all kinds of vitamins and microelements, healthy and just very tasty. The "internal vitamin" world of this berry is incredibly diverse: ascorbic and benzoic acid, citric and quinic, ursolic and malic, vitamin PP, B (the whole group), K, pectins and glycosides, sugars and much more.


Perhaps, it was this rich combination of vitamins and organic substances that allowed cranberries to take a leading place among garden and wild berries. It was her beneficial properties that allowed her to take a pedestal and be known as a natural natural cure for many diseases. For weakened and sick organisms, this berry is simply irreplaceable, obligatory and indicated for all recipes.

However, for an ordinary healthy person, cranberries will not be superfluous in the diet. It boosts immunity, removes harmful substances from the body, helps fight colds and prevent more dangerous diseases. But few housewives know what can be done with cranberries in order to stock up on medicinal berries for the winter and preserve the benefits hidden by nature inside it. Today we will tell you how to properly harvest this berry and what reserves from it can be preserved for the winter.

Storage without conservation

First, let's figure out what can be done with fresh cranberries, in addition to canning. Our ancestors kept cranberries simply in a cold cellar, carefully sorting and removing rotten berries and drying the good ones. It is recommended to scatter the berry in a loose layer so that it is well ventilated. Previously, the berry was stored in the senets, scattering right on the floor. But in urban housing, of course, this option is not suitable. And in this case, you will not have to wait for long-term storage. Cranberries with this method tend to wither and dry, which is completely undesirable.


What can be done with cranberries if there is a large freezer? Of course, subject the berry to a deep freeze. This is the second, but the most popular way to preserve all the benefits that nature has in this berry. For storage in the freezer, it is better to choose those berries that have already been exposed to frost in natural conditions. As a rule, experienced gardeners wait until the first light frost grabs the cranberries, only after that the berries are picked.

Before freezing, it is recommended to sort out the cranberries, carefully examine them for rotten spoiled berries. Then rinse, lay out on a clean kitchen towel in a thin layer and allow to dry naturally. After that, we pack the clean and dry berries in bags and store them in the freezer for storage. If you have a very ripe berry, then for freezing it is better to choose not plastic bags, but a plastic container with a lid.

Frozen berry jam

What can be done with frozen cranberries? There are a lot of options: compotes, juices, fruit drinks, jams and mashed potatoes. But today we will prepare an amazingly tasty and incredibly healthy cranberry jam. It will not contain any unnecessary ingredients. Sugar and berries - that's the whole secret of making tender, melting in your mouth and amazingly fragrant jam.

The proportions of the products in this recipe are 1 * 1, that is, per kilogram of sugar you will need to take the same mass of berries. Frozen berries should be allowed time to thaw on their own. No microwaves!

In a large container with a thick bottom and stacks (it is best to take a cauldron for pilaf), we place the berry and pour the right amount of granulated sugar. Immerse the blender in the mass and grind until a homogeneous consistency. Next, we dissolve the sugar by placing the pan on the stove and letting the berry mass simmer over low heat for five to seven minutes.

It remains to remove the container from the fire and, gently shifting with a spoon, grind the hot berry through a sieve. We no longer need the peel and seeds of cranberries. As a result, you should get a translucent cranberry jam. When it hardens, it will resemble a pliable fragrant jelly.

Cranberries soaked

If you have large stocks of healthy berries, then you can not only dry or freeze them, but also soak them. Since ancient times, people have known what can be made from lingonberries and cranberries. The berries were sorted out, poured into large ones and filled to the top with ice-cold well water. Some heavy load was placed on top and the berry was left alone for a month or two.

At present, of course, no one uses tubs and barrels to store berries, but the method of urinating cranberries still exists today. For storage, ordinary glass jars with a capacity of three liters are used. The berry is moved, washed and poured into a jar. Water or a special syrup is poured (1 liter of water, a pinch of salt, a spoonful of sugar, 2 cloves, a pinch of cinnamon).

dried berry

What else can you do with fresh cranberries? A very popular option is drying. The process is carried out using a special kitchen unit for drying berries, vegetables and mushrooms or in the old fashioned way - in the oven. To dry the berries in the oven, you must first rinse it, and then boil it for a couple of minutes in boiling water. Next, spread foil on a baking sheet, scatter the berry and send it to the oven for 4-5 hours. Remember that the layer should not be very thick. Every 30-40 minutes, the berry must be monitored by turning it over.

When drying is over, do not dare to remove the berry. At room temperature, it should cool down and “reach” for another 1-2 hours. And after all these manipulations, we put the cranberries in glass jars for storage.

Cranberry compote

If you are a conservation lover and are wondering what can be done with cranberries for the winter, then you will like the option of making compotes. The case is simple, fast and does not require special costs.

The classic recipe for cranberry compote is characterized by the following set of products:

  • Berry - one kilogram.
  • Sugar sand - 550-650 grams.
  • Water - 1.5 liters.


As in the case of other storage methods, it is recommended to carefully sort out cranberries before cooking compote, removing bad berries. Rinse them under running water with a colander. Now we put the berries in a saucepan, fill it with water, pour sugar and do not turn on the fire, but let it stand. Ten minutes is enough for the cranberries to swell. Now you can turn on the fire and cook the berry for compote. It will quickly give away all the useful juice contained inside and, consequently, useful substances and vitamins.

As soon as the water begins to boil, we detect five minutes. Then turn off the gas, let the compote cool down a bit. During this time, you can prepare the banks. They are recommended to be thoroughly washed with soda, sterilized. If you like berries in compotes, then you can leave them. If not, then we take out the cranberries with a slotted spoon, and pour healthy water into jars and roll up the lids.

What can be done with cranberries if you are a lover of compotes? There are a lot of options and combinations:


What can be done with cranberries for the winter if you are a lover of sweet preparations? Of course, jam. We suggest you prepare a very healthy and fortified jam from berries, walnuts and apples. It can be served on the table with pancakes, pancakes, used as a filling for pies, pies, bagels, croissants, sweet pizza, etc.

Required Ingredients

  • Cranberries - 1kg.
  • Two glasses of water.
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.
  • One large green apple.
  • A handful of chopped walnuts.

How to cook

As in the case of making jam, jam berries need to be clean, processed, free from rotten or unripe "brothers". In order for cranberries to be soft and give out healthy juice faster, they should be blanched in hot water for ten minutes.

While the berry will "rest" in boiling water, prepare the syrup. Pour two glasses of water into a deep saucepan, add sugar and put on medium heat. Bring to a boil, wait for the sugar to dissolve. Remove the heat and add the berries to the pot. Cook over low heat for about ten minutes. This will be enough for the jam to harden later, and the berry does not lose its beneficial qualities due to exposure to high temperatures. At the last stage of cooking, you can add a few apple slices and a handful of chopped walnuts. Also, lemon zest or even a whole fruit, cut into large pieces, will go great in such a jam.

What can be made from twisted cranberries?

A very popular recipe is grated or ground cranberries with sugar. Such a blank will be perfectly stored for a long time, and the berry will not lose its useful qualities, since it will not be subjected to heat treatment at all.

The recipe will require one kilogram of granulated sugar and the same amount of washed and dried berries. Cranberries should be mashed. A meat grinder, food processor or blender can help in this process. Twisted cranberries are covered with sugar and left for two hours at room temperature. All that remains is to decompose it into jars and store it in the refrigerator or cellar.

What can be done from cranberries. Preparations for the fight against colds

We have already told a lot about what can be made from cranberries. There are still a lot of recipes left. A very quick and healthy preparation is made from cranberries and honey. A jar of such a natural medicine will be just a lifesaver during the period of colds. Two or three spoons of cranberries with honey for breakfast with tea, and your immunity will say no to flu and SARS.

The cooking process in this case is very similar to the previous one, only instead of sugar, honey is added to the twisted cranberries in a 1/1 ratio. You can grind the berry with a blender, gradually adding honey. So the mass will be more homogeneous. We pour it into jars. We store in the cold.


Another option for harvesting cranberries for the winter is juicing. The berries must be thoroughly washed. It is recommended to sort them out, rejecting bad cranberries. For cooking, two kilograms of berries and 0.5 liters of water are taken. Pour the berry into the water and, bringing to a boil, immediately turn it off. This is done so that the cranberries soften, and it is more convenient and faster to squeeze the juice from it.

Press the juice with ordinary gauze. She will quickly separate the cake. Bring the resulting healthy liquid to a boil again, cook with sugar (to taste) for three to five minutes. Pour the resulting juice into sterilized jars and roll up with metal lids using a key.


In conclusion, I would like to offer you a healthy and very tasty drink, which is obtained from cranberries by fermentation. This is the answer for those who do not know what to do with cranberries, for those who do not like sweet jams or jams.

The liqueur is prepared from 750 g of sugar, a liter of water and a kilogram of berries. The fruits should be mashed with a spoon or crush, put into a bottle with a narrow neck, pour water and add granulated sugar.

We mix the ingredients in a bottle, wrap it with gauze. We leave the drink for a few days. After 48 hours, making sure that the fermentation process has begun, we put a medical glove on the neck. We make several holes in it that will allow air to escape. In this state, the liqueur “rests” for another 40-45 days. Next, we filter the liquid, removing the berry cake, and pour it into storage containers.

Now you know what preparations can be made from cranberries for the winter. If there is an opportunity to buy this most useful berry in the market or pick up this most useful berry in the nearest forest, then do not neglect this opportunity. It will take you a minimum of time to cook, and the benefits will be enormous.

Seeing a red berry on sale, the housewives begin to wonder, is it worth buying it? What can be prepared from cranberries and is it worth spending money and time to process and prepare a berry?

Cranberries are not only a mini-pharmacy on the table, but also the basis for preparing various dishes and drinks. For example, the hostess can please her loved ones with fruit drinks and compotes, kissels and teas, kvass and freshly made juice.

As a preparation for the winter, fresh cranberries grated with sugar or honey are good. From the northern beauty, you can cook not only an independent dish that rolls into jars and fits in the refrigerator for storage. There are many recipes that mix cranberries with healthy fruits like apples, oranges and lemons. And this blank also has a huge healing effect, in addition to the fact that the taste and aroma of the mixture is amazing and unusual.

Cranberry preserves and jams are a good alternative to the usual recipes for sweet preparations and an excellent help in the fight against various viral diseases in the winter. You can please your loved ones with other desserts, such as sugared cranberries, cranberry jelly, milk and fruit shakes, and smoothies.

Cranberries are used as a filling for pies and casseroles, such as cottage cheese. It is also used in baking cookies and muffins. In this case, you can take both fresh and frozen berries, as well as pureed cranberries with sugar and jam.

Cranberries act as an additive to various vegetable and meat dishes. Sauerkraut and cranberry salads, pork and beef with cranberries, turkey and duck combined with northern beauty - it turns out that housewives have such a great choice to use cranberries in the family menu. Do not forget about cranberry sauces, which will be a worthy "decoration" of any meat dish.

Cranberries in sugar

Cranberries in sugar - a delicious dessert and an unusual dessert. This delicacy is prepared as follows:

Ingredients: cranberries - half a kilogram, powdered sugar - half a kilogram, egg white - one piece.


  • first, the cranberries are sorted to select the most whole, ripe and large berries;
  • then the cranberries are washed and dried on a paper towel;
  • after which it is necessary to separate the protein from the yolk;
  • the protein is knocked down a little and poured into a bowl prepared in advance, after which you need to put cranberries there and mix everything well so that the protein evenly covers each berry;
  • then the cranberries are poured onto a sieve to allow excess protein to drain;
  • after which a dry cutting board is taken, sugar cranberries are poured onto it and evenly distributed over the entire surface;
  • some of the berries are laid out on a board and they begin to roll each berry with their fingers so that they are evenly covered with powder anyway;
  • the same procedure must be done with all the berries, and then put them in bowls or bowls;
  • Dessert is stored in the refrigerator.

Pie with cranberries

If you want to treat your family to some simple but unusual pastries, cranberry pie is a suitable candidate for a family dinner. There are several recipes for this delicious pie. Let's take a look at some of them.

Recipe number 1.


  • butter or margarine - one pack (one hundred and eighty - two hundred grams),
  • eggs - three pieces,
  • flour - two glasses,
  • fresh or frozen cranberries - three hundred grams,
  • sugar - three glasses,
  • starch - one or two tablespoons.


  • a pack of butter or margarine is cut into small pieces,
  • then we take the eggs, and separate the yolks from the proteins, hide the proteins in the refrigerator,
  • beat the yolks together with sugar in the amount of two tablespoons,
  • then the yolks are mixed with butter (or margarine) and flour is added to the mixture,
  • after which everything is thoroughly mixed and a lump is formed,
  • grease the baking dish with oil and put a lump of dough in it,
  • the dough is distributed along the bottom with your fingers and a small side is made along the edge, pierced in two or three places and put in the oven,
  • for the filling you need to take cranberries and knead it with a crush,
  • after which two glasses of sugar are added to the berry mass and everything is thoroughly mixed,
  • in order for the filling to be thicker, starch is added to it,
  • after the dough has acquired a pleasant yellow color, after about twenty to twenty-five minutes, it must be pulled out of the oven,
  • then the filling is laid out on it,
  • proteins are taken out of the refrigerator and whipped with one glass of sugar until the consistency of "snow",
  • then the cranberries are covered with proteins, and the cake is put in the oven for five minutes until the protein acquires a color called “coffee with milk”.

Recipe number 2.


  • cranberries - two glasses,
  • chopped walnuts - half a glass,
  • sugar - one glass,
  • eggs - two pieces,
  • softened butter - one hundred grams,
  • flour - one glass.


  • a baking dish is taken and greased with butter,
  • after which the oven heats up to one hundred and eighty degrees,
  • cranberries and nuts are superimposed in the form, which are sprinkled with sugar in the amount of half a glass,
  • then flour, remaining sugar, butter and eggs are mixed in a bowl,
  • the dough is poured over cranberries and placed in the oven,
  • the duration of baking the pie is from forty to fifty minutes.

Pie with cranberries and sour cream

There is another way to make cranberry pie - using sour cream. Pie with cranberries and sour cream is a simple pastry made from shortcrust pastry, which, at the same time, is very tasty.

Pie recipe with cranberries and sour cream.


  • butter - one hundred and fifty grams,
  • sugar - one hundred and fifty grams,
  • flour - three hundred and fifty grams,
  • eggs - two pieces,
  • sour cream with low fat content - five hundred milliliters,
  • potato starch - one tablespoon,
  • fresh cranberries - three hundred grams,
  • soda - one teaspoon.


  • cranberries are washed and dried;
  • flour is sifted and left for a while;
  • the cooked amount of butter softens;
  • the oven heats up to a temperature of one hundred and sixty degrees;
  • after which the oil is pounded to a homogeneous mass along with 50 grams of sugar;
  • eggs are added to the mixture, then soda is poured;
  • at the very end, flour is poured into the mass, and a homogeneous shortbread dough is kneaded;
  • the baking dish is greased with oil;
  • after which shortcrust pastry is applied there and distributed in an even layer along the bottom of the mold, it is also necessary to make sides;
  • prepared cranberries are laid out on the dough;
  • after which the berries are sprinkled with 50 grams of sugar;
  • sour cream is mixed with the sugar that remains, as well as starch to a homogeneous consistency;
  • the sour cream mixture is laid out on the cranberries, and the form is placed in the oven;
  • the cake is baked for approximately twenty to twenty-five minutes.

Cranberries with apples

Cranberries with apples are a delicious and healthy dessert. And at the same time, this delicacy is simple to prepare and easy to store.

We take one part of cranberries, one part of apples and two parts of granulated sugar. For example, if there are half a kilogram of cranberries, then there should be the same number of apples. Together berry - fruit ingredients will be one kilogram. Sugar for cooked fruits you need to take two kilograms.

Apples need to be peeled and grated with a fine grater. Cranberries must be crushed with a wooden pusher and rubbed through a colander (or sieve) in order to separate the skin from the pulp. The peel of the berries should not be thrown away, it can later be used as a component of a vitamin drink with rosehip infusion and honey.

Cranberries are mixed with apples, and sugar is added to the resulting mass. Everything is thoroughly mixed with a wooden spoon and left for a while in a warm place to allow the sugar to dissolve. After that, the vitamin mixture is laid out in small glass jars and stored in the refrigerator.

Cranberry jam

In the winter cold and frost, you want to treat yourself to something tasty, but at the same time, useful. To strengthen the immune system and not catch a cold. Cranberry jam will come to the rescue, which has an interesting taste and a lot of advantages, like a medicine.

So, the recipe is simple and quick to make jam. This technology is borrowed from Swedish chefs. It has a lot of advantages:

  1. The berries are first boiled by themselves, letting the juice out, without any admixture of sugar, for about twenty minutes. After that, sugar is added to the cranberry "brew".
  1. Due to the fact that sugar is added at the end, it is required much less than with the usual technology for making cranberry jam. Approximately sixty percent of the weight of cranberries, and if the berry is very sour, then eighty.

To make jam, you need to get a pan with a thick bottom and a fairly wide diameter. An important reminder is that the berries must be placed in a dish with a layer of no more than three centimeters. In this case, the cranberry mass will be properly saturated with its own juice and prepared for storage.


  • fresh or frozen cranberries - one kilogram,
  • sugar - six hundred grams.


  • cranberries are moved and washed,
  • berries are stacked in a cooked pan and put on a big fire,
  • as a result, juice will begin to stand out from the cranberries, and when it boils, the fire must be reduced to low (which is close to medium),
  • the pan is covered with a lid and left for ten minutes (you need to note the time),
  • after a specified period of time, the cranberry mass is mixed and left under the lid for another five to ten minutes,
  • then the pan is removed from the heat, and sugar is gradually poured into it, which interferes with the cranberry mass with a wooden spoon,
  • mixing must be carried out until the sugar is completely dissolved; at the same time, you need to carefully monitor so as not to violate the integrity of the berries,
  • cranberry jam is cooled to room temperature, poured into jars and covered with plastic lids,
  • jam can be stored outside the refrigerator; if there is not much of it, then you can quickly eat a sweet dessert, and then prepare a new portion of the cranberry mass,
  • if the jam is prepared for the future, it must be poured into sterilized jars, covered with a lid and stored in the refrigerator.

Cranberries with honey

Cranberry with honey is not only a healthy, but also a delicious dish. Grated cranberries mixed with honey help to cope with colds, coughs, bronchitis, increase immunity and improve metabolism in the body.

Cranberry with honey is a winter preparation that can be stored throughout the year, practically without losing its healing properties. Grated cranberries with honey are prepared simply and quickly. The berries are washed and dried, and then twisted with a meat grinder or chopped with a blender. Cranberry puree is combined with honey in a one to one ratio. This drug is taken one to two tablespoons two hours after eating. To strengthen the body, this procedure should be carried out five to six times a day for a month.

Cookies with cranberries

Cookies with cranberries are a perfect dessert for a family tea party or gatherings with friends. Of the ingredients for making cookies, you need to stock up on 300 grams of wheat flour, 150 corn flour, two eggs, 150 grams of sugar, 70 grams of dried cranberries, 150 grams of butter, one orange, five grams of vanilla sugar, five grams of baking powder, a pinch of salt.

In the prepared container, wheat and corn flour, salt and baking powder are mixed. Soft butter and sugar are whipped in a separate bowl, moreover, for at least four minutes. After that, the whipped mixture is thoroughly mixed, and eggs are introduced there. After the introduction of each egg, the butter mixture is beaten with a mixer, and another egg is added there.

After that, the mixtures from the two containers must be combined and thoroughly mixed. The zest from one orange and cranberries are introduced into the dough, and then the mass is thoroughly mixed. The dough must be given a cylindrical shape and wrapped in cellophane, then the cylinder is hidden in the freezer for one hour. After the specified period, the dough is taken out of the freezer, the cellophane is unfolded, and the workpiece is cut into circles. The circles should be approximately one centimeter in diameter.

The baking sheet is covered with parchment paper and blanks for cookies are placed on it. The oven is heated to one hundred and eighty degrees, where a baking sheet is then placed. The cookies are baked for fourteen minutes so that their color turns golden. After that, the baking sheet is removed from the oven, the cookies cool on it for about five minutes, and then transferred to the wire rack and finally cool there.

Cupcake with cranberries

To prepare a delicious cranberry cake for six people, you need to take two hundred grams of flour, one hundred and twenty grams of sugar, one hundred and twenty grams of butter, three eggs, one hundred and fifty grams of cranberries, fifteen grams of vanilla sugar, two apples and five grams of baking powder.

The butter is left on the table until soft, after which it is whipped to a fluffy consistency. Then sugar is added to the butter and everything is beaten well again.

One egg is driven into the oil mixture and the mass is mixed. The remaining eggs need to separate the whites from the yolks and add to the dough blank. Flour and baking powder are also added there, and the dough must be thoroughly mixed until smooth.

Cranberries are washed and dried, and then added to the dough bowl. This time the dough must be mixed with care so that the berries remain intact. The baking dish is greased with butter and the dough is laid out there. Apples are peeled and cut into slices, and then rolled in vanilla sugar. Cooked fruit slices are laid out on a cake, and the remaining sugar is poured on top of the apple slices.

The oven heats up to one hundred and eighty degrees. The cake is placed in the oven and baked until golden brown. This happens about an hour after the start of baking.

Cranberry jelly

Cranberry jelly can be made as an autumn dessert that can be served immediately with tea. It is good to use jelly as a winter preparation to pamper yourself and loved ones with something tasty in the winter cold.

To prepare jelly, you need half a kilogram of cranberries, two hundred and fifty grams of water and two glasses of sugar. The berries are sorted and washed, after which they are placed in an enamel saucepan and filled with water. The container is closed with a lid, put on fire and boiled until the berries become soft. After that, the water is drained, and the juice from the berries is squeezed out. Sugar is added to the liquid, after which everything must be thoroughly mixed. The saucepan is put on a small fire, and the contents of the dishes must be constantly stirred until the whole mixture reaches a jelly state. Then the prepared hot jelly must be poured into sterilized jars and rolled up with boiled lids. Banks are cooled at room temperature and stored in the pantry.

Muffins with cranberries

Muffins are a kind of round or oval-shaped pastries in which various fillings are placed. In our culture, muffins are cupcakes that can be filled with chocolate chips, various berries and fruits, pumpkin and carrots, nuts and cinnamon.

To prepare muffins, you will need two hundred grams of wheat flour, one teaspoon of baking powder, half a glass of oatmeal, eighty grams of brown sugar, a pinch of salt, two hundred ml of milk, two chicken eggs, sixty-five grams of butter, fifty grams of natural yogurt, two hundred grams of frozen cranberries , two teaspoons of lemon zest, half a glass of crushed walnuts, a little spice - ginger, cloves and nutmeg, four tablespoons of lemon juice, two tablespoons of honey, two tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Cranberries are defrosted, and the resulting juice is drained. The butter is melted using a water bath. Mix flour, oatmeal, sugar and salt. In another bowl, eggs are beaten together with milk, yogurt and melted butter are added there. After that, the mixtures from the two containers must be combined together. Cranberries, lemon zest, nuts and spices are carefully mixed into the resulting mass. The dough is poured into molds for cupcakes (or muffins), they need to be filled by two thirds. Muffins are baked at an oven temperature preheated to one hundred and ninety degrees. Baking time is twenty-five minutes.

After the muffins are removed from the oven and left to cool, you need to prepare the glaze. To do this, lemon juice and honey are mixed, everything is heated and powdered sugar is poured into it. The mixture is brought to a boil, cooled slightly, and then the cooled muffins are smeared with it.

Cranberry with orange

Among homemade preparations that housewives can please their loved ones, there is such a recipe as cranberries with orange. This is an original and tasty dish that has an unforgettable aroma and unusual color.

This delicacy is full of vitamins that can support immunity in the cold winter months. Preparing cranberries with orange is simple, and the pleasure is unthinkable. A good preparation is also used as a jam, which can be used to grease a bun, and as an additive to tea, and as a filler for sweet porridge. You can also use cranberries with orange as an ingredient in any dessert.

Cranberry with orange recipe. Fresh cranberries are taken - two kilograms eight hundred grams, oranges - five pieces, lemons - three pieces, sugar - three and a half or four kilograms.

Oranges and lemons are washed and cut along with the zest. The pieces should be large enough. The bones must be removed, and the fruit must be ground in a meat grinder. Cranberries are washed and dried, after which they are mixed with a mass of citrus fruits. After that, everything is again passed through a meat grinder, moreover, twice.

Then sugar is added to the fruit and berry mixture in a one-to-one ratio. Then everything is well mixed, laid out in sterile jars and covered with lids. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator.

Curd with cranberries

Sometimes you want to treat yourself to cottage cheese, but not in a simple combination: cottage cheese - sugar - sour cream, but with something unusual. Cottage cheese with cranberries will be the original sour-milk dish that gourmets will like.

Curd with cranberries is very easy to make. The required amount of sugar (to taste) and sour cream are added to a serving of cottage cheese. Everything is thoroughly mixed, you can even beat the mass in a blender. Then you get a delicious curd dessert. At the very end of cooking, cranberries are added to the mixture, which must first be washed and sorted out.

There is another recipe for using cranberries with cottage cheese - this is a cottage cheese casserole. This delicious dish is prepared as follows.

Cottage cheese casserole recipe

Half a kilogram of cottage cheese, three eggs, three tablespoons of sugar, five tablespoons of semolina, one teaspoon of vanillin and one tablespoon of cranberries are taken.

To prepare the casserole, the egg whites are separated from the yolks. After that, the proteins are knocked together with salt with a mixer until a good density. Yolks, cottage cheese, sugar, semolina and vanillin are ground together to a thick, homogeneous mass.

Cranberries are washed and dried, and then added to the curd mixture. After that, whipped proteins are carefully introduced into the dough. Then the dough is laid out in a baking dish, which was previously greased with butter. The form is placed in the oven, which was heated to a temperature of one hundred and eighty degrees and left there for forty-five minutes until the casserole is fully cooked.

cranberry jam

In the autumn-winter period, there is so little sun, heat and vitamins! A small joy at this time will be bright in color and tasty cranberry jam.

In order to prepare a healthy dessert, you need to stock up on glass jars with lids. It is better that they are small in size, for example, half a liter. Before making jam, the containers are washed and sterilized.

Cranberry jam recipe.


  • fresh or frozen cranberries - three and a half glasses,
  • granulated sugar - one glass,
  • freshly squeezed orange juice - half a glass,
  • water - one glass,
  • cinnamon - a pinch.


  • berries are washed and cleaned of impurities,
  • all jam components are placed in a saucepan or saucepan with a thick bottom,
  • put the dishes on the stove and bring to a boil,
  • after which the mixture must be extinguished over high heat for twenty minutes,
  • then the strength of the fire is reduced to a small one and the container is covered with a lid, after which the cranberry jam is stewed for an hour,
  • after which the jam is removed from the fire and placed in a blender, in which it is whipped to a puree state,
  • at the very end, the jam is poured into a prepared jar,
  • from the recommended amount of ingredients, approximately three hundred milliliters of dessert is obtained.

Salad with cranberries

There are a sufficient number of recipes for salads with cranberries: both vegetable and fruit. Cranberry salad is always an unusual dish with an interesting taste. Here is one recipe for vegetable and fruit salad with the addition of northern berries.

Recipe number 1 - a salad of pumpkin, cranberries and seaweed.

To prepare the salad, you will need one hundred and ten grams of cranberries, two hundred and forty grams of seaweed, one hundred and seventy-five grams of pumpkin, a little dill, salt and spices to taste.

The pumpkin is cut into cubes, the seaweed is chopped, the dill is torn into small pieces. The berries are kneaded with a mortar. All ingredients are mixed, spices and salt are added to them, if necessary. The salad is chilled before serving.

Recipe number 2 - fruit and berry salad.

You will need to take two and a half tablespoons of cranberries, four hundred and twenty-five grams of apricots, half a glass of walnuts, two tablespoons of orange peel, sugar, a third of a glass of cranberry juice.

Apricots must be washed, dried, pitted and cut into slices. Nuts are ground in a blender, like orange zest. Cranberry juice is mixed with sugar. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with sweet cranberry juice.

cabbage with cranberries

Such a traditional Slavic dish as sauerkraut is in constant demand in the autumn-winter period. You can diversify the preparation of this dish with various unusual ingredients, for example, cranberries.

Cabbage with cranberries is not only healthy, but also delicious. Here is a simple recipe for making sauerkraut with cranberries, which will undoubtedly please housewives and their families.

You will need to take two kilograms of cabbage, one larger carrot, one hundred and fifty grams of cranberries, four tablespoons of salt, two tablespoons of sugar, three bay leaves.

Cranberries are washed and dried, cabbage is chopped, and carrots are grated. Shredded cabbage is mixed with grated carrots and pressed a little so that the vegetables release the juice. Sugar and salt are also added there.

A third of all cabbage is laid out in an enameled pan, rammed, one bay leaf and a third of berries are laid out on top. After that, two layers are repeated in this way. A plate is placed on the prepared cabbage, and oppression is placed on it, for example, a three-liter jar of water. The container is left in the kitchen at room temperature for five to six days. When foam appears on top of the cabbage, it is necessary to pierce it to the bottom with a wooden stick in several places.

cranberry sauce

Cranberry sauce is a dressing for meat and confectionery dishes, which has a sweet and sour taste. In North American countries, cranberry sauce is used as a component of turkey dishes, and in British traditions - with poultry dishes, such as chicken. The cuisine of some countries uses cranberry sauce as an accompaniment to curd and cheese dishes.

cranberry sauce recipe

You need to stock up on three glasses of cranberries, the zest of one orange, a glass of sugar, half a glass of orange juice (freshly made), half a glass of wine.

All components are added to a deep saucepan, covered with enamel, and mixed. After that, the mixture is put on fire and brought to a boil. Then the fire must be reduced so that the liquid boils with minimal bubbling. In this state, cranberries are boiled until the berries burst. When the juice from the berries appeared, and the liquid itself became thick, the fire must be turned off and the container removed from the stove. The sauce cools a little and mixes thoroughly with a blender. At the end of cooking, the sauce is poured into a glass container, which, when cooled, is placed in the refrigerator. Cranberry sauce can be used for a long time, since this preparation perfectly withstands long storage.

To protect yourself and your family from viruses and flu, it is imperative to prepare cranberries for the winter. Small red berries will not only strengthen the immune system, lower the temperature and help fight infections and bacteria, help eliminate toxins from the body, and improve blood circulation.

And yet, having prepared sweet and sour fruits for the winter, you can enjoy delicious jam, compote or add a handful of cranberries to the filling at any time. But in order for the preparation of cranberries to turn into an exciting activity, it takes a minimum of time, effort, ingredients, we present the best recipes for preparing healthy berries for the winter.

Freezing berries for the winter

Freezing is one of the most gentle ways of harvesting berries for the winter, because before freezing cranberries in the refrigerator, they are not subjected to heat treatment, retaining all the beneficial properties.

Attention! You need to pick berries before the onset of cold weather. If the berries have had time to freeze, you need to carefully remove them and subject them to a quick freeze. In winter, it is convenient to use such a blank in tea or a healing decoction.

The product freezing process consists of several successive stages:

  1. Sort through the berries, removing the spoiled ones.
  2. Pour into a colander and rinse with running water.
  3. Dry well by spreading on towels.
  4. Arrange the fruits on a tray wrapped in cling film in one layer. From above, close the workpiece with cling film and put another row of berries. Cover everything with a plastic bag and put in the freezer for 1.5-2 hours.

Attention! For the winter, you can also prepare sweet frozen berries by mixing dried fruits with sugar in a 2: 1 ratio.

  1. Pack frozen cranberries in small bags, tie, releasing air from each. You can also use containers with airtight lids or special zippered freezer bags to store berries.

Attention! The size of one piece should be equal to the amount of cranberries needed to prepare one dish.

Store the product at -18 degrees for a year.

Drying cranberries for the winter

Another way to prepare cranberries for the winter will also allow you to save the vitamins and minerals that make up the berry, and is notable for the simplicity of the process itself. At the same time, you can dry cranberries:

  • in the microwave;
  • in the oven;
  • in an electric dryer;
  • on air.

Before drying the fruits you need:

  1. Select whole, intact, ripe berries. Remove twigs, leaves, spoiled berries.
  2. Rinse cranberries with running water.
  3. Blanch the fruits in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, transfer to cold water and cool.
  4. To make the preparation not so sour, soak the berries for 4 hours in syrup (per 1 kg of cranberries and 0.5 kg of sugar), then drain in a colander and dry.

Drying in the microwave

Dry in the microwave in the following way:

  1. Cover the dielectric grate of the oven with a cloth, sprinkle berries over it in an even layer.
  2. Place the rack in the microwave.
  3. Turn on the device at maximum power for 3 minutes.
  4. After that, open the microwave door for 2 minutes, mix the berries. Repeat the process 4-5 more times until the fruit is completely dry.

Drying in the oven

To dry the berries in the oven, you need to pour the prepared cranberries in one layer on a baking sheet and put in an oven heated to 70 degrees. Dry the fruits for 7-8 hours, leaving the oven door ajar to let the moisture out.

Drying in an electric dryer

The berries are dried in an electric dryer at 55 degrees, packaged on pallets. Periodically, pallets are interchanged for uniform drying of all berries.

Drying naturally

Drying the fruit can be done very simply by cutting it in half and laying it out in a layer on a tray or wire rack. Then transfer the workpiece to a ventilated balcony, attic and leave until completely dry, periodically stirring the cranberries.

Store the dried blank, scattering it in cloth bags, or placing it in glass jars, in a dry, cool room. You can pour dried fruits into containers, close with lids and put in the freezer.

soaked cranberries

Cranberries soaked in water for the winter is one of the long-known ways to prepare berries for the winter without freezing or canning. Previously, the berries were poured into barrels, filled with spring water, a load was placed on top and left in a cold room. The technology for harvesting berries has remained unchanged to this day, but instead of oak tubs, you can take sterile glass jars, enameled, ceramic pots washed with soda.


  • Cranberry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp
  • Carnation inflorescences - 2 pcs.
  • Cinnamon - 0.5 tsp
  • Allspice peas - 2 pcs.

  1. Wash cranberries before harvesting, dry and arrange in clean containers.
  2. Boil water in a separate container with the addition of sugar, salt, spices. Boil the syrup for 2 minutes and cool.
  3. Fill the berries with water to the top of the container. Close the container with a lid and transfer to the cold for later storage.

Cranberries with sugar

Harvesting berries for the winter with granulated sugar without cooking will keep the product fresh.

Would need:

  • Cranberry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg

The procurement process is as follows:

  1. Rinse prepared berries without twigs and debris with water, dry and sort.
  2. Using a blender, grind the ingredient into gruel.
  3. Mix cranberry puree with sugar.
  4. In clean jars, decompose the resulting mass. Close the container with parchment or nylon lids. Remove stock from freezer.

Cranberry sugar candies

You can prepare cranberries with sugar for the winter in another way. To do this, take:

  • Cranberries - 0.5 kg
  • Sugar - 0.5 kg
  • Water - 1 l.

Berries are harvested as follows:

  1. Prepare syrup by boiling water with sugar, and cool the liquid to room temperature.
  2. Washed berries are pierced with a toothpick, placed in a saucepan and poured with syrup. Transfer the pan to the cold and leave overnight.
  3. After the time has elapsed, the berries are removed from the syrup, dried and rolled in granulated sugar.
  4. Store the workpiece in the refrigerator, decomposed into small jars.

cranberry jam


  • Cranberry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 2 kg
  • Lemon -1 pc.
  • Vanilla - to taste.
  • Water - 2 tbsp.

Algorithm for making cranberry treats:

  1. Pour prepared berries into a saucepan and pour in water.
  2. Boil the fruits over low heat until soft.
  3. Pour granulated sugar, finely chopped lemon zest and vanilla into the pan. Cook the mass for another 20 minutes, stirring.
  4. Arrange the finished product in sterile jars and cork with lids.
  5. After cooling the seaming under a blanket, transfer to a pantry or cellar for storage.

Cranberry juice without sugar

The most useful are cranberry blanks prepared for the winter without sugar. One of the options for such a blockage is natural cranberry juice.


  • Cranberries - 3 kg
  • Water - 450 ml

How to make cranberry juice:

  1. Grind the washed and dried berries in a meat grinder.
  2. Transfer the cranberry puree to an enamel pan and warm up to 60-70 degrees, adding water.
  3. Grind the resulting mass through a sieve or squeeze with gauze to remove the cake.
  4. Heat the juice to a temperature of 75-78 degrees.
  5. Filter the drink again and boil. 2 minutes after boiling, pour the juice into sterilized jars, cork with lids. Cool the seaming, throwing it upside down, under a warm blanket at room temperature.

Store preservation in a cool dark place.

Cranberry syrup

Among the recipes for cranberry preparations for the winter, berry syrup attracts special attention of housewives. You can use the syrup to impregnate biscuits, add it to tea or prepare berry compote based on it.


  • Sugar sand - 1.5 tbsp.
  • Cranberry juice - 1 tbsp.

Drink preparation algorithm:

  1. Squeeze the juice from the washed, dried and sorted berries on a juicer.

Attention! The remaining cake can be used to make compotes or jelly, as well as frozen for later use.

  1. Add sugar to the resulting drink and stir.
  2. Boil the berry juice in a saucepan, boil for 2-3 minutes over low heat.
  3. Pour the syrup into sterile jars, cork with lids, cool and transfer to storage in a cool room.

Cranberry compote

Another option for what can be done with cranberries is to prepare compote for the winter, which will benefit the body due to its vitamin composition and remove thirst.


  • Cranberry - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 0.6 kg
  • Water - 1 l.


  1. Sort the prepared berries and arrange them in sterile jars.
  2. Boil sugar syrup, cool.
  3. Pour the warm syrup into the cranberry jars, filling the jar to the top.
  4. Sterilize the workpiece for 15 minutes in a water bath.
  5. Close jars with compote with lids, cool the seaming and transfer to a cool place.

On store shelves, cranberries are most often found in winter. It is at this time of the year that it ripens, collecting the highest concentration of nutrients. In season, the price of this berry is low and everyone can buy it. There are many recipes for making cranberries at home. Fruit drinks, compotes, jelly, juice, sweets are prepared from it, it is canned and eaten fresh.

Methods for preparing cranberries

The berries are harvested from September until the first frosts, as well as in early spring. Cranberries can be frozen in the freezer or stored in 3 liter jars filled with water. Spring fruits retain their healing properties for a very long time. There are many recipes that can be prepared from cranberries - everyone will choose the desired dish to their taste.

Berry in sugar

Delicious dessert, which is a berry in the glaze of powdered sugar and protein. Can be purchased at the store and

whether to cook by yourself. Cooked in a dryer or oven. For cooking, you will need the following components:

  • 0.4 kg of fresh berries;
  • protein of one egg;
  • 0.2 kg of powdered sugar.

Wash the berries, sort and dry on a paper towel. Pour powdered sugar onto a tray, smooth the layer. Then beat the protein separately, dip each berry in it, which then roll in powder. Leave the resulting balls in a room to dry for several hours, then put in an oven with a temperature of no more than 50 degrees and leave with the door open. You can use an electric dryer.

Kissel, compote or fruit drink - this is what to cook from cranberries at home. For cooking jelly, fresh and frozen fruits are suitable. You will need components:

  • 0.45 kg of berries;
  • 3 liters of water and two glasses for starch;
  • 0.2 kg of sugar;
  • 120 g starch.

Sugar can be replaced with honey. Puree the washed berries with a blender, put the juice in the refrigerator, and put the cake filled with water in a saucepan. Boil, stir, filter and bring back to a boil. Then add decoction, sugar. All this stir and boil. After three minutes, turn off the fire, leave for 30 minutes. Then pour in the juice. The resulting drink will perfectly quench your thirst.

Variety of drinks

Sort the washed berries, add water, bring to a boil and cook for another twenty minutes along with cinnamon. Then take out the cinnamon stick, strain the drink, remove the berries, and boil the compote. Let stand with the lid closed.

healthy juice

You can make juice from cranberries. The recipe is simple, and the drink is very healthy, strengthens the immune system and fights viruses. Cooking method:

  • 4 kg of cranberries;
  • sugar;
  • 0.8 l of water.

Grind the berries to a puree, pour the juice into a container, bring to a boil. Boil water in another container, cool and pour into heated juice. Then put sugar, dissolve it and boil. Then pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

Cranberry recipes are used to make tinctures. Prepared with vodka or alcohol from fresh or frozen berries. Ingredients needed for cooking:

Grind the washed berry and put it in a bottle. Pour in vodka, shake and seal. Store in the dark for 14 days. Then open the bottle, filter a couple of times, first through gauze, then through cotton pads.

If the drink is sour, then you can sugar (add a couple of tablespoons of sugar). After that, the tincture is ready for use.

Jam and jam

Cranberry jam is prepared with apples. For cooking you need:

  • 400 g cranberries;
  • 1 kg of apples and sugar;
  • lemon or orange peel.

Grind the cranberries, finely chop the apples, add sugar and mix. Cook the resulting mass over low heat until the apples soften, stirring constantly. After that, remove from heat, cool and grind with a blender. Then boil the mass again until thickened. Stir constantly. At the end, add the zest, stir and arrange in jars.

Also, Pyatiminutka jam is prepared from cranberries. To prepare it you will need:

  • two glasses of water;
  • 0.8 kg of sugar;
  • 1 kg of berries.

Combine water with sugar and prepare a syrup, which, after boiling, is cooked for five minutes. Then add cranberries and boil again. Then leave for 30 minutes, and then bring to a boil again and cook for seven minutes. Then pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

Having learned cranberry recipes and what can be cooked, any culinary specialist can cope with cooking and choose special dishes from this berry for his family. It will please not only with taste, but also with its useful characteristics.

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